diff options
4 files changed, 125 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/decoder/ b/decoder/
index f9c94ec3..c958f7c4 100755
--- a/decoder/
+++ b/decoder/
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ struct ItemP {
struct Chart {
//Agenda<Item> a;
- //typedef HASH_MAP(Item,ItemP,boost::hash<Item>) Items;
+ //typedef HASH_MAP<Item,ItemP,boost::hash<Item> > Items;
//typedef Items::iterator FindItem;
//typedef std::pair<FindItem,bool> InsertItem;
// Items items;
diff --git a/utils/agenda.h b/utils/agenda.h
index 8198f077..639f35a9 100755
--- a/utils/agenda.h
+++ b/utils/agenda.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#include "best.h"
-#include "hash.h"
+#include "intern_pool.h"
#include "d_ary_heap.h"
#include "lvalue_pmap.h"
#include <vector>
@@ -76,18 +76,24 @@ PMAP_MEMBER_INDIRECT(LocationMap,unsigned,location)
// LocMap and PrioMap are boost property maps put(locmap,key,size_t), Better(get(priomap,k1),get(priomap,k2)) means k1 should be above k2 (be popped first). Locmap and PrioMap may have state; the rest are assumed stateless functors
-template <class Item,class Hash=boost::hash<Item>,class Equal=std::equal_to<Item>,class Better=std::less<Item> >
-struct Agenda {
+template <class Item,class Better=std::less<Item>, /* intern_pool args */ class KeyF=get_key<Item>,class HashKey=boost::hash<typename KeyF::return_type>,class EqKey=std::equal_to<typename KeyF::return_type>, class Pool=boost::object_pool<Item> >
+struct Agenda : intern_pool<Item,KeyF,EqKey,Pool> {
/* this is less generic than it could be, because I want to use a single hash mapping to intern to canonical mutable object pointers, where the property maps are just lvalue accessors */
+ typedef intern_pool<Item,KeyF,EqKey,Pool> Intern; // inherited because I want to use construct()
+ typedef Item * Handle;
+ typedef LocationMap<Handle> LocMap;
+ typedef PriorityMap<Handle> PrioMap;
+ LocMap locmap;
+ PrioMap priomap;
+ //NOT NEEDED: initialize function object state (there is none)
typedef Item *CanonItem;
static const std::size_t heap_arity=4; // might be fastest possible (depends on key size probably - cache locality is bad w/ arity=2)
typedef std::vector<CanonItem> HeapStorage;
typedef boost::detail::d_ary_heap_indirect<Key,heap_arity,LocMap,PrioMap,Better,HeapStorage> Heap;
HASH_SET<Key,Hash,Equal> queued;
- typedef LocationMap<ItemP>
- LocMap locmap;
- PrioMap priomap;
Agenda(LocMap const& lm=LocMap(),PrioMap const& pm=PrioMap()) : locmap(lm), priomap(pm) { }
diff --git a/utils/hash.h b/utils/hash.h
index e9584dd5..17f150ff 100755
--- a/utils/hash.h
+++ b/utils/hash.h
@@ -8,12 +8,14 @@
#include "config.h"
# include <google/dense_hash_map>
+# include <google/dense_hash_set>
# define HASH_MAP google::dense_hash_map
# define HASH_SET google::dense_hash_set
# define HASH_MAP_RESERVED(h,empty,deleted) do { h.set_empty_key(empty); h.set_deleted_key(deleted); } while(0)
# define HASH_MAP_EMPTY(h,empty) do { h.set_empty_key(empty); } while(0)
# include <tr1/unordered_map>
+# include <tr1/unordered_set>
# define HASH_MAP std::tr1::unordered_map
# define HASH_SET std::tr1::unordered_set
# define HASH_MAP_RESERVED(h,empty,deleted)
diff --git a/utils/intern_pool.h b/utils/intern_pool.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c85c9881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/intern_pool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#ifndef INTERN_POOL_H
+#define INTERN_POOL_H
+#define DEBUG_INTERN_POOL(x) x
+/* to "intern" a string in lisp is to make a symbol from it (a pointer to a canonical copy whose pointer can be equality-compared/hashed directly with other interned things). we take an Item that has a key part and some mutable parts (that aren't in its identity), and we hash-by-value the key part to map to a canonical on-heap Item - and we use a boost object pool to allocate them */
+//FIXME: actually store function object state (assumed stateless so far)
+#include <boost/pool/object_pool.hpp>
+#include "hash.h"
+//#include "null_traits.h"
+#include <functional>
+template <class I>
+struct get_key { // default accessor for I = like pair<key,val>
+ typedef typename I::first_type const& return_type;
+ typedef I const& argument_type;
+ return_type operator()(I const& i) const {
+ return i.first;
+ }
+template <class KeyF,class F,class Arg=typename KeyF::argument_type>
+struct compose_indirect {
+ typedef Arg *argument_type; // also Arg
+ KeyF kf;
+ F f;
+ typedef typename F::return_type return_type;
+ return_type operator()(Arg p) const {
+ return f(kf(p));
+ }
+ template <class V>
+ return_type operator()(Arg *p) const {
+ return f(kf(*p));
+ }
+template <class F>
+struct indirect_function {
+ F f;
+ explicit indirect_function(F const& f=F()) : f(f) {}
+ typedef typename F::return_type return_type;
+ template <class V>
+ return_type operator()(V *p) const {
+ return f(*p);
+ }
+template <class Item,class KeyF=get_key<Item>,class HashKey=boost::hash<typename KeyF::return_type>,class EqKey=std::equal_to<typename KeyF::return_type>, class Pool=boost::object_pool<Item> >
+struct intern_pool : Pool {
+ KeyF key;
+ typedef typename KeyF::return_type Key;
+ typedef Item *Handle;
+ typedef compose_indirect<KeyF,HashKey,Handle> HashDeep;
+ typedef compose_indirect<KeyF,EqKey,Handle> EqDeep;
+ typedef HASH_SET<Handle,HashDeep,EqDeep> Canonical;
+ typedef typename Canonical::iterator CFind;
+ typedef std::pair<CFind,bool> CInsert;
+ Canonical canonical;
+ void interneq(Handle &i) {
+ i=intern(i);
+ }
+// inherited: Handle construct(...)
+ Handle construct_fresh() { return Pool::construct(); }
+ Handle intern(Handle i) { // (maybe invalidating i, returning a valid canonical handle (pointer)
+ CInsert i_new=canonical.insert(i);
+ if (i_new.second)
+ return i;
+ else {
+ free(i);
+ return *i_new->first;
+ }
+ }
+ void destroy_interned(Handle i) {
+ DEBUG_INTERN_POOL(assert(canonical.find(i)!=canonical.end()));
+ canonical.erase(i);
+ destroy(i);
+ }
+ bool destroy_fresh(Handle i) {
+ DEBUG_INTERN_POOL(assert(canonical.find(i)!=canonical.end()||*canonical.find(i)!=i)); // i is a constructed item not yet interned.
+ destroy(i);
+ }
+ void destroy_both(Handle i) { // i must have come from this pool. may be interned, or not. destroy both the noninterned and interned.
+ if (!destroy_if_interned(i)) destroy(i);
+ }
+ // destroy intern(i) if it exists. return true if it existed AND its address was i. otherwise return false (whether or not a value-equal item existed and was destroyed)
+ bool destroy_if_interned(Handle i) {
+ CFind f=canonical.find(i);
+ if (f!=canonical.end()) {
+ Handle interned=*f;
+ canonical.erase(f);
+ destroy(f);
+ if (f==i) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ intern_pool() {
+ HASH_MAP_EMPTY(canonical,(Handle)0);
+ }