path: root/src/
diff options
authorJacob <>2013-07-28 09:54:54 +0100
committerJacob <>2013-07-28 09:54:54 +0100
commitf343459d6198352964dbb6779f15c352fe2d5794 (patch)
tree07d50c9a8269e3892ccea8f5680b3e2bac984fce /src/
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff2abdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
+from nltk.stem.snowball import GermanStemmer
+import os
+import re
+import util
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+class IdStemmer:
+ def stem(self, word):
+ return word
+class Extractor:
+ NP_WEIGHT = 50
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.config = config
+ if config.stem:
+ if config.lang == 'en':
+ self.stemmer = PorterStemmer()
+ elif config.lang == 'de':
+ self.stemmer = GermanStemmer()
+ else:
+ self.stemmer = IdStemmer()
+ def run(self):
+ if self.config.corpus == 'geo':
+ self.run_geo()
+ elif self.config.corpus == 'robo':
+ self.run_robo()
+ elif self.config.corpus == 'atis':
+ self.run_atis()
+ else:
+ assert False
+ def run_atis(self):
+ train_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_nl_lm = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_nl_np = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_mrl = open('%s/train.mrl' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_mrl_lm = open('%s/train.mrl.lm' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_mrl_np = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_fun = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ tune_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ tune_mrl = open('%s/tune.mrl' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ test_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ test_mrl = open('%s/test.mrl' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ test_fun = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ if == 'debug':
+ with open('%s/atis-train.sem' % self.config.data_dir) as data_file:
+ counter = 0
+ for line in data_file:
+ nl, slot = line.split('<=>', 1)
+ nl = self.preprocess_nl(nl)
+ slot = self.replace_specials(slot)
+ fun = self.slot_to_fun(slot)
+ mrl = util.fun_to_mrl(fun, True)
+ if counter % 4 in (0,1):
+ print >>train_nl, nl
+ print >>train_mrl, mrl
+ print >>train_fun, fun
+ print >>train_nl_np, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_np, mrl
+ print >>train_nl_lm, '<s>', nl, '</s>'
+ print >>train_mrl_lm, '<s>', mrl, '</s>'
+ elif counter % 4 == 2:
+ print >>tune_nl, nl
+ print >>tune_mrl, mrl
+ else:
+ print >>test_nl, nl
+ print >>test_mrl, mrl
+ print >>test_fun, fun
+ counter += 1
+ else:
+ train_path = '%s/atis-train.sem' % self.config.data_dir
+ if == 'dev':
+ tune_path = train_path
+ test_path = '%s/atis-dev.sem' % self.config.data_dir
+ elif == 'test':
+ tune_path = '%s/atis-dev.sem' % self.config.data_dir
+ test_path = '%s/atis-test.sem' % self.config.data_dir
+ with open(train_path) as train_file:
+ for line in train_file:
+ nl, slot = line.split('<=>', 1)
+ nl = self.preprocess_nl(nl)
+ slot = self.replace_specials(slot)
+ fun = self.slot_to_fun(slot)
+ mrl = util.fun_to_mrl(fun, True)
+ print >>train_nl, nl
+ print >>train_mrl, mrl
+ print >>train_fun, fun
+ print >>train_nl_np, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_np, mrl
+ print >>train_nl_lm, '<s>', nl, '</s>'
+ print >>train_mrl_lm, '<s>', mrl, '</s>'
+ with open(tune_path) as tune_file:
+ for line in tune_file:
+ nl, slot = line.split('<=>', 1)
+ nl = self.preprocess_nl(nl)
+ slot = self.replace_specials(slot)
+ fun = self.slot_to_fun(slot)
+ mrl = util.fun_to_mrl(fun, True)
+ print >>tune_nl, nl
+ print >>tune_mrl, mrl
+ with open(test_path) as test_file:
+ for line in test_file:
+ nl, slot = line.split('<=>', 1)
+ nl = self.preprocess_nl(nl)
+ slot = self.replace_specials(slot)
+ fun = self.slot_to_fun(slot)
+ mrl = util.fun_to_mrl(fun, True)
+ print >>test_nl, nl
+ print >>test_mrl, mrl
+ print >>test_fun, fun
+ for np_name in os.listdir('%s/db' % self.config.data_dir):
+ np_path = '%s/db/%s' % (self.config.data_dir, np_name)
+ with open(np_path) as np_file:
+ for line in np_file:
+ names = re.findall(r'"([^"]+)"', line)
+ for name in names:
+ nl = name
+ mrl = "%s" % self.replace_specials(name)
+ mrl = mrl.replace(' ', '_')
+ mrl = mrl + '@s'
+ print >>train_nl_np, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_np, mrl
+ print >>train_nl_lm, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_lm, mrl
+ train_nl.close()
+ train_nl_lm.close()
+ train_mrl.close()
+ train_mrl_lm.close()
+ train_fun.close()
+ test_nl.close()
+ test_mrl.close()
+ test_fun.close()
+ tune_nl.close()
+ tune_mrl.close()
+ def run_robo(self):
+ train_ids, tune_ids, test_ids = self.get_folds()
+ tune_ids = test_ids
+ train_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_nl_lm = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_nl_np = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_mrl = open('%s/train.mrl' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_mrl_lm = open('%s/train.mrl.lm' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_mrl_np = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_fun = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ tune_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ tune_mrl = open('%s/tune.mrl' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ test_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ test_mrl = open('%s/test.mrl' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ test_fun = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ corpus = ET.parse('%s/corpus.xml' % self.config.data_dir)
+ corpus_root = corpus.getroot()
+ for node in corpus_root.findall('example'):
+ nl = node.find("nl[@lang='%s']" % self.config.lang).text
+ nl = self.preprocess_nl(nl)
+ clang = node.find("mrl[@lang='robocup-clang']").text
+ clang = self.replace_specials(clang)
+ fun = self.clang_to_fun(clang)
+ #print fun
+ mrl = util.fun_to_mrl(fun)
+ eid = int(node.attrib['id'])
+ if eid in tune_ids:
+ print >>tune_nl, nl
+ print >>tune_mrl, mrl
+ elif eid in train_ids:
+ print >>train_nl, nl
+ print >>train_mrl, mrl
+ print >>train_fun, fun
+ print >>train_nl_np, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_np, mrl
+ print >>train_nl_lm, '<s>', nl, '</s>'
+ print >>train_mrl_lm, '<s>', mrl, '</s>'
+ if eid in test_ids:
+ #elif eid in test_ids:
+ print >>test_nl, nl
+ print >>test_mrl, mrl
+ print >>test_fun, fun
+ nps_file = open('%s/names' % self.config.data_dir)
+ while True:
+ line = nps_file.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ nl = nps_file.readline().strip()[3:]
+ nl = self.preprocess_nl(nl)
+ nps_file.readline()
+ nps_file.readline()
+ while True:
+ line = nps_file.readline().strip()
+ if line == '':
+ break
+ m = re.match('^\*n:(Num|Unum|Ident) -> \(\{ (\S+) \}\)$', line)
+ mrl = + '@0'
+ for i in range(self.NP_WEIGHT):
+ print >>train_nl_np, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_np, mrl
+ print >>train_nl_lm, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_lm, mrl
+ train_nl.close()
+ train_nl_lm.close()
+ train_mrl.close()
+ train_mrl_lm.close()
+ train_fun.close()
+ test_nl.close()
+ test_mrl.close()
+ test_fun.close()
+ tune_nl.close()
+ tune_mrl.close()
+ def run_geo(self):
+ train_ids, tune_ids, test_ids = self.get_folds()
+ train_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_nl_lm = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_nl_np = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_mrl = open('%s/train.mrl' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_mrl_lm = open('%s/train.mrl.lm' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_mrl_np = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ train_fun = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ unlabeled_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ tune_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ tune_mrl = open('%s/tune.mrl' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ test_nl = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ test_mrl = open('%s/test.mrl' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ test_fun = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w')
+ corpus = ET.parse('%s/corpus-true.xml' % self.config.data_dir)
+ corpus_root = corpus.getroot()
+ counter = 0
+ #stop_labeling = False
+ for node in corpus_root.findall('example'):
+ nl = node.find("nl[@lang='%s']" % self.config.lang).text
+ nl = self.preprocess_nl(nl)
+ fun = node.find("mrl[@lang='geo-funql']").text
+ fun = self.preprocess_fun(fun)
+ #fun = self.replace_specials(fun)
+ mrl = util.fun_to_mrl(fun)
+ eid = int(node.attrib['id'])
+ unlabel_this = (counter >= 10 * self.config.lfrac)
+ counter += 1
+ counter %= 10
+ if eid in tune_ids:
+ print >>tune_nl, nl
+ print >>tune_mrl, mrl
+ elif eid in train_ids and not unlabel_this:
+ print >>train_nl, nl
+ print >>train_mrl, mrl
+ print >>train_fun, fun
+ print >>train_nl_np, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_np, mrl
+ print >>train_nl_lm, '<s>', nl, '</s>'
+ print >>train_mrl_lm, '<s>', mrl, '</s>'
+ elif eid in train_ids and unlabel_this:
+ print >>unlabeled_nl, nl
+ elif eid in test_ids:
+ print >>test_nl, nl
+ print >>test_mrl, mrl
+ print >>test_fun, fun
+ nplist = ET.parse('%s/nps-true.xml' % self.config.data_dir)
+ nplist_root = nplist.getroot()
+ for node in nplist_root.findall('example'):
+ fun = node.find("mrl[@lang='geo-funql']").text
+ fun = self.preprocess_fun(fun)
+ #fun = self.replace_specials(fun)
+ mrl = util.fun_to_mrl(fun)
+ big_np = len(mrl.split()) > 1
+ if (self.config.np_type == 'big' and not big_np) or \
+ (self.config.np_type == 'small' and big_np):
+ continue
+ for nl_node in node.findall("nl[@lang='%s']" % self.config.lang):
+ nl = nl_node.text
+ nl = self.preprocess_nl(nl)
+ for i in range(self.NP_WEIGHT):
+ print >>train_nl_np, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_np, mrl
+ print >>train_nl_lm, nl
+ print >>train_mrl_lm, mrl
+ train_nl.close()
+ train_nl_lm.close()
+ train_mrl.close()
+ train_mrl_lm.close()
+ train_fun.close()
+ test_nl.close()
+ test_mrl.close()
+ test_fun.close()
+ tune_nl.close()
+ tune_mrl.close()
+ def get_folds(self):
+ if self.config.corpus == 'geo':
+ if in ('debug', 'dev'):
+ train_ids_file = '%s/folds600/fold-%d-train.ids' \
+ % (self.config.data_dir, self.config.fold)
+ tune_ids_file = None
+ test_ids_file = '%s/folds600/fold-%d-test.ids' \
+ % (self.config.data_dir, self.config.fold)
+ elif == 'test':
+ train_ids_file = '%s/split880/fold-0-train.ids' % self.config.data_dir
+ tune_ids_file = '%s/split880/fold-0-tune.ids' % self.config.data_dir
+ test_ids_file = '%s/split880/fold-0-test.ids' % self.config.data_dir
+ elif self.config.corpus == 'robo':
+ if in ('debug', 'dev'):
+ train_ids_file = '%s/split-300/run-0/fold-%d/train-N270' \
+ % (self.config.data_dir, self.config.fold)
+ tune_ids_file = None
+ test_ids_file = '%s/split-300/run-0/fold-%d/test' \
+ % (self.config.data_dir, self.config.fold)
+ else:
+ assert False
+ train_ids = set()
+ tune_ids = set()
+ test_ids = set()
+ with open(train_ids_file) as fold_file:
+ for line in fold_file.readlines():
+ train_ids.add(int(line))
+ if tune_ids_file:
+ with open(tune_ids_file) as fold_file:
+ for line in fold_file.readlines():
+ tune_ids.add(int(line))
+ with open(test_ids_file) as fold_file:
+ for line in fold_file.readlines():
+ test_ids.add(int(line))
+ return train_ids, tune_ids, test_ids
+ def preprocess_nl(self, nl):
+ nl = nl.strip().lower()
+ if self.config.stem and self.config.lang == 'de':
+ # German stemmer can't handle UTF-8
+ nl = nl.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
+ else:
+ nl = nl.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
+ if nl[-2:] == ' .' or nl[-2:] == ' ?':
+ nl = nl[:-2]
+ if self.config.stem:
+ nl = ' '.join([self.stemmer.stem(tok) for tok in nl.split()])
+ return nl
+ def preprocess_fun(self, fun):
+ return fun.strip()
+ def replace_specials(self, mrl):
+ mrl = mrl.replace('.', 'xxd')
+ mrl = mrl.replace("'", 'xxq')
+ mrl = mrl.replace('/', 'xxs')
+ #mrl = re.sub(r"(' *[^'()]*)\'([^'()]* *')", r'\1_q_\2', mrl)
+ #mrl = re.sub(r"(' *[^'()]*)\.([^'()]* *')", r'\1_dot_\2', mrl)
+ #mrl = re.sub(r"(' *[^'()]*)\/([^'()]* *')", r'\1_slash_\2', mrl)
+ return mrl
+ def clang_to_fun(self, clang):
+ clang = clang.strip()
+ clang = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', clang)
+ clang = re.sub(r'\{([\d|X]+( [\d|X]+)*)\}', r'(set \1)', clang)
+ clang = re.sub(r'\(([\w.-]+) ?', r'\1(', clang)
+ clang = self.strip_bare_parens(clang)
+ clang = clang.replace('()', '')
+ clang = clang.replace(' ', ',')
+ clang = clang.replace('"', '')
+ clang = re.sub(r'definerule\([^,]+,[^,]+,', r'definerule(', clang)
+ return clang
+ def strip_bare_parens(self, clang):
+ try:
+ start = clang.index(' (')+1
+ except ValueError:
+ return clang
+ end = start+1
+ pcounter = 0
+ while pcounter >= 0:
+ c = clang[end:end+1]
+ if c == '(':
+ pcounter += 1
+ elif c == ')':
+ pcounter -= 1
+ end += 1
+ end -= 1
+ r = clang[:start] + clang[start+1:end] + clang[end+1:]
+ return r
+ def slot_to_fun(self, slot):
+ slot = slot.strip()
+ slot = slot.replace('value', '"value"')
+ slot = slot.replace('="', "('")
+ slot = slot.replace('",', "'),")
+ slot = slot.replace('")', "'))")
+ slot = slot.replace("'value'", 'value')
+ return slot