path: root/javascripts/ui.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'javascripts/ui.js')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/javascripts/ui.js b/javascripts/ui.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a3cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascripts/ui.js
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+ * UI
+ * functions, intialization
+ */
+// initialization of ui
+$(function() {
+ // #alphabet
+ $('#alphabet').html(ALPHABET.substr(0,ALPHABET.length-1));
+ // #regex
+ $('#regex').change(function() { checkLength(this, "#parseButton"); });
+ $('#regex').keypress(function(event) { return getKey(event, ALPHABETS); });
+ $('#regex').mouseout(function() { checkLength(this, "#parseButton"); });
+ // #parseButton
+ $('#parseButton').click(function() {
+ uiParse();
+ alphabetEditable=false;
+ });
+ // #word
+ $('#word').change(function() { checkLength(this, "#checkButton"); });
+ $('#word').keypress(function(event) { return graphMoveByInput(event, ALPHABET); });
+ $('#word').mouseout(function() { checkLength(this, "#checkButton"); });
+ // #checkButton
+ $('#checkButton').click(function() { uiSimulate(); });
+ // #graphit
+ $('#graphit').change(function() { graphit = this.checked; });
+ // #reloadButton
+ $('#reloadButton').click(function() { window.location.reload(); });
+ // #descButton
+ $('#descButton').click(function() { $('#desc').toggle(); });
+ // in place edit of alphabet
+ $('body').click(function() {
+ if (alphabetEdit) {
+ ALPHABET = $('#alphabetInput').attr('value').replace(/\s/g,'').replace(/%/g, '').replace(/\*/g, '');
+ ALPHABET = ALPHABET.replace(/\(/g, '').replace(/\)/g, '').replace(/\|/g, '')+STOPSYMBOL;
+ $('#alphabetInput').remove();
+ $('#alphabet').html('<strong class="grayc">'+ALPHABET.substr(0, ALPHABET.length-1)+'</strong>');
+ alphabetEdit = false;
+ }
+ });
+ $('#alphabet').dblclick(function() {
+ if (alphabetEditable) {
+ alphabetEdit = true;
+ $(this).html('<input id="alphabetInput" type="text" value="'+ALPHABET.substr(0,ALPHABET.length-1)+'" />');
+ $('#alphabetInput').click(function(event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ // tooltips
+ $('*.help').tooltip({showBody: " - "});
+// Enable/disable if input length is > 0.
+function checkLength(el, bId) {
+ if (graphit && ( == 'word')) return;
+ if(el.value.length > 0) {
+ enable(bId);
+ } else {
+ disable(bId);
+ };
+// Enable/disable a enabled/disabled form item.
+function enable(id) { $(id).removeAttr("disabled"); };
+function disable(id) { $(id).attr("disabled","disabled"); };
+// UI messages.
+function graph_inprogress() {
+ $('#checkMessage').html('...');
+ $('#checkMessage').removeClass('success');
+ $('#checkMessage').removeClass('failure');
+ $('#word').removeClass('success');
+ $('#word').removeClass('failure');
+ $('#word').addClass('inprogress');
+ window.g.mover.attr({fill: 'yellow'});//'#ffff88'});
+function graph_success() {
+ $('#checkMessage').html('Word accepted');
+ $('#checkMessage').removeClass('failure');
+ $('#checkMessage').addClass('success');
+ $('#word').removeClass('failure');
+ $('#word').removeClass('inprogress');
+ $('#word').addClass('success');
+ $('#checkMessage').effect("highlight", {}, 1000);
+ if(graphit) {
+ window.g.mover.attr({fill: 'green'});//'#cdeb8b'});
+ }
+function graph_failure() {
+ $('#checkMessage').html('Word not accepted');
+ $('#checkMessage').removeClass('success');
+ $('#checkMessage').addClass('failure');
+ $('#word').removeClass('success');
+ $('#word').removeClass('inprogress');
+ $('#word').addClass('failure');
+ $('#checkMessage').effect("highlight", {}, 1000);
+ window.g.mover.animate({fill: 'red'});//'#b02b2c'}, 250);
+// Call of RegexParser.parse() from UI.
+function uiParse() {
+ var regex = $('#regex').attr('value');
+ if (regex.match(/\*(\(|\))*\*/)) {
+ alert("Supernumerous * symbol(s), please correct regular expression.");
+ return;
+ }
+ disable('#graphit');
+ var parser = new RegexParser();
+ nfa = parser.parse($('#regex').attr('value'));
+ $('#parseMessage').html('Parse: '+parser.getErrorMessage());
+ if (parser.getErrorMessage() != 'Ok') {
+ $('#parseMessage').removeClass('success');
+ $('#parseMessage').addClass('failure');
+ $('#regex').addClass('failure');
+ } else {
+ $('#parseMessage').removeClass('failure');
+ $('#regex').removeClass('failure');
+ $('#parseMessage').addClass('success');
+ $('#regex').addClass('success');
+ enable('#word');
+ var dfa = new Nfa2Dfa(nfa);
+ var ttable =;
+ disable('#regex');
+ disable('#parseButton');
+ if(!graphit) return;
+ window.g = graph();
+ disable('#checkButton');
+ };
+ $('#parseMessage').effect("highlight", {}, 1000);
+ // preparing graph movements
+ window.gCurrentState = g.nodes[0];
+ window.gPrevStates = [];
+ gPrevStates.push(gCurrentState);
+ window.inSameState = [];
+ window.failedInputs = [];
+ window.gPrevState = gCurrentState;
+ g.mover =
+ gCurrentState.node[1][0].cx.baseVal.value,
+ gCurrentState.node[1][0].cy.baseVal.value, 30
+ ).attr({fill:'#ffff88', stroke: '#ccc', 'stroke-width': 4, opacity: 0.5});
+ graph_inprogress();
+// Call of NfaSimulator.simulate() from UI.
+function uiSimulate() {
+ var simulator = new NfaSimulator(nfa);
+ var check = simulator.simulate($('#word').attr('value'));
+ if (!check) {
+ graph_failure();
+ } else {
+ graph_success();
+ };
+// Filter input.
+function getKey(e, set) {
+ var key = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
+ if (e.which == 13) return true;
+ if (set.indexOf(key) >= 0 || e.which == 8) {
+ return true;
+ };
+ return false;
+// Moving inside the graph by input symbols.
+function graphMoveByInput(e) {
+ if (lock) {
+ if (failedInputs) {
+ lock = false;
+ } else {
+ //var w = $('#word').attr('value');
+ //$('#word').attr('value', w.substr(0, w.length-1));
+ lock = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ lock = true;
+ }
+ // no graph
+ if(!graphit) return;
+ // we are at the beginning
+ if (!gCurrentState || !gPrevState) {
+ gPrevStates.push(g.nodes[0]);
+ gPrevState = g.nodes[0];
+ gCurrentState = g.nodes[0];
+ };
+ // backspace
+ if (e.which == 8) {
+ // step over failed inputs.
+ if (window.failedInputs.length > 0) {
+ if(window.failedInputs.length == 1) {
+ if (ttable[].isFinal) {
+ graph_success();
+ } else {
+ graph_inprogress();
+ };
+ };
+ window.failedInputs.pop();
+ return;
+ }
+ // no state change
+ if (window.inSameState.length > 0) {
+ var mx = g.mover.attr('cx');
+ var my = g.mover.attr('cy');
+ var ll = g.paper.path('M'+mx+','+my+' '+mx+','+(my-25)+'Z').attr({stroke: 0});
+ window.setTimeout(function() { g.mover.animateAlong(ll, 250, "bounce"); }, 250);
+ window.inSameState.pop();
+ if (ttable[].isFinal) {
+ graph_success();
+ } else {
+ graph_inprogress();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // go back one state
+ window.gPrevState = gPrevStates.pop();
+ if (!window.gPrevState) return; // none of word left
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ if (!window.gPrevState) return; // none of word left
+ g.mover.animate({cx:gPrevState.node[1][0].cx.baseVal.value, cy:gPrevState.node[1][0].cy.baseVal.value}, 250);
+ lock = false;
+ }, 250);
+ window.gCurrentState = gPrevState;
+ if (ttable[].isFinal) {
+ graph_success();
+ } else {
+ graph_inprogress();
+ };
+ return;
+ };
+ // getting input
+ var key = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
+ var gNextState = g.graphNodeByName[window.ttable[][key]];
+ graph_inprogress();
+ // --> failure
+ if (!gNextState) {
+ window.failedInputs.push(true);
+ graph_failure();
+ return;
+ };
+ // no state change
+ if( == {
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ g.mover.animateAlong(gCurrentState.node[4], 350);lock = false;
+ }, 125);
+ window.inSameState.push(true);
+ if (ttable[].isFinal) {
+ graph_success();
+ } else {
+ graph_inprogress();
+ };
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // state change
+ var theConn;
+ for (var c in g.connections) {
+ if (( == g.connections[c].name1) && ( == g.connections[c].name2)) {
+ theConn = g.connections[c];
+ break;
+ };
+ };
+ var x = gCurrentState.node[1][0].cx.baseVal.value;
+ var y = gCurrentState.node[1][0].cy.baseVal.value;
+ line = g.paper.path(
+ 'M'+x+gCurrentState.node[1][0].r.baseVal.value+','+y+' '+theConn.line.attr('path').toString().substring(1)
+ +'L'+(gNextState.node[1][0].cx.baseVal.value)+','+gNextState.node[1][0].cy.baseVal.value
+ ).attr({stroke:'none'});
+ (function(g, line) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ g.mover.animateAlong(line, 250);
+ lock = false;
+ return line;
+ }, 250);
+ })(g, line);
+ };
+ window.gPrevStates.push(gCurrentState);
+ window.gPrevState = gCurrentState;
+ window.gCurrentState = gNextState;
+ if (ttable[].isFinal) {
+ graph_success();
+ };