path: root/rampion_with_feedback.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rampion_with_feedback.rb')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rampion_with_feedback.rb b/rampion_with_feedback.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5c1e4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rampion_with_feedback.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby20
+require 'trollop'
+require 'open3'
+# execute TODO
+EVAL_PL = ''
+def exec natural_language_string, reference_output
+ return false
+ # parse...
+ #r = `echo "execute_funql_query(#{natural_language_string}, X)." | swipl -s #{EVAL_PL} 2>&1 | grep "X ="`
+ #return r==reference_output
+# decoder interaction/translations
+class Translation
+ attr_accessor :s, :f, :rank, :model, :score
+ def initialize kbest_line, rank=-1
+ a = kbest_line.split ' ||| '
+ @s = a[1].strip
+ h = {}
+ a[2].split.each { |i|
+ name, value = i.split
+ value = value.to_f
+ h[name] = value
+ }
+ @f = h
+ @rank = rank
+ @model = a[3].to_f
+ @score = -1.0
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#{@rank} ||| #{@s} ||| #{@model} ||| #{@score} ||| #{@f.to_s}"
+ end
+CDEC = "~/src/cdec-dtrain/decoder/cdec -r"
+def predict_translation s, k, ini, w
+ cmd = " echo \"#{s}\" | #{CDEC} -c #{ini} -k #{k} -w #{w} 2>/dev/null"
+ o, s = Open3.capture2(cmd)
+ j = -1
+ return o.split("\n").map{|i| j+=1;, j)}
+# scoring (per-sentence BLEU)
+def ngrams_it(s, n, fix=false)
+ a = s.strip.split
+ a.each_with_index { |tok, i|
+ tok.strip!
+ 0.upto([n-1, a.size-i-1].min) { |m|
+ yield a[i..i+m] if !(fix||(a[i..i+m].size>n))
+ }
+ }
+def brevity_penalty h, r
+ a = h.split
+ b = r.split
+ return 1.0 if a.size>b.size
+ return Math.exp(1.0 - b.size.to_f/a.size);
+def per_sentence_bleu h, r, n=4
+ h_ng = {}
+ r_ng = {}
+ (1).upto(n) { |i| h_ng[i] = []; r_ng[i] = [] }
+ ngrams_it(h, n) { |i| h_ng[i.size] << i }
+ ngrams_it(r, n) { |i| r_ng[i.size] << i }
+ m = [n,r.split.size].min
+ weight = 1.0/m
+ add = 0.0
+ sum = 0
+ (1).upto(m) { |i|
+ counts_clipped = 0
+ counts_sum = h_ng[i].size
+ h_ng[i].uniq.each { |j| counts_clipped += r_ng[i].count(j) }
+ add = 1.0 if i >= 2
+ sum += weight * Math.log((counts_clipped + add)/(counts_sum + add));
+ }
+ return brevity_penalty(h,r) * Math.exp(sum)
+def score_translations a, reference
+ a.each_with_index { |i,j|
+ i.score = per_sentence_bleu i.s, reference
+ }
+### /scoring
+### hope and fear
+def hope_and_fear a, act='hope'
+ max = -1.0/0
+ max_idx = -1
+ a.each_with_index { |i,j|
+ if act=='hope' && i.model + i.score > max
+ max_idx = j; max = i.model + i.score
+ end
+ if act=='fear' && i.model - i.score > max
+ max_idx = j; max = i.model - i.score
+ end
+ }
+ return a[max_idx]
+### /hope and fear
+### update
+def update w, hope, fear
+ w = w + (hope.f - fear.f)
+ return w
+### /update
+### weights
+class NamedSparseVector
+ attr_accessor :h
+ def initialize init=nil
+ @h = {}
+ @h = init if init
+ @h.default = 0.0
+ end
+ def + other
+ new_h =
+ new_h.update @h
+ ret = new_h
+ other.each_pair { |k,v| ret[k]+=v }
+ return ret
+ end
+ def from_file fn
+ f =, 'r')
+ while line = f.gets
+ name, value = line.strip.split
+ value = value.to_f
+ @h[name] = value
+ end
+ end
+ def to_file
+ s = []
+ @h.each_pair { |k,v| s << "#{k} #{v}" }
+ s.join "\n"
+ end
+ def - other
+ new_h =
+ new_h.update @h
+ ret = new_h
+ other.each_pair { |k,v| ret[k]-=v }
+ return ret
+ end
+ def * scalar
+ raise ArgumentError, "Arg is not numeric #{scalar}" unless scalar.is_a? Numeric
+ ret =
+ @h.keys.each { |k| ret[k] = @h[k]*scalar }
+ return ret
+ end
+ def dot other
+ sum = 0.0
+ @h.each_pair { |k,v|
+ sum += v * other[k]
+ }
+ return sum
+ end
+ def [] k
+ @h[k]
+ end
+ def []= k, v
+ @h[k] = v
+ end
+ def each_pair
+ @h.each_pair { |k,v| yield k,v }
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @h.to_s
+ end
+ def size
+ @h.keys.size
+ end
+### /weights
+def test opts
+ w =
+ w.from_file opts[:init_weights]
+ input =[:input], 'r'){|i|i.strip}
+ references =[:references], 'r'){|i|i.strip}
+ f ='weights.tmp', 'w+')
+ f.write w.to_file
+ f.close
+ kbest = predict_translation input[0], opts[:k], 'weights.tmp'
+ score_translations kbest, references[0]
+ kbest.each_with_index { |i,j|
+ puts "#{i.rank} #{i.s} #{i.model} #{i.score}"
+ }
+ puts
+ puts "hope"
+ hope = hope_and_fear kbest, 'hope'
+ puts "#{hope.rank} #{hope.s} #{hope.model} #{hope.score}"
+ puts "fear"
+ fear = hope_and_fear kbest, 'fear'
+ puts "#{fear.rank} #{fear.s} #{fear.model} #{fear.score}"
+def adj_model a
+ x = 0.0
+ a.each {|i| x += i.model }
+ a.each {|i| i.model = i.model/x }
+def main
+ opts = Trollop::options do
+ opt :k, "k", :type => :int, :required => true
+ opt :input, "'foreign' input", :type => :string, :required => true
+ opt :references, "(parseable) references", :type => :string, :required => true
+ opt :init_weights, "initial weights", :type => :string, :required => true, :short => '-w'
+ opt :cdec_ini, "cdec config file", :type => :string, :default => './cdec.ini'
+ end
+ input =[:input], 'r'){|i|i.strip}
+ references =[:references], 'r'){|i|i.strip}
+ # init weights
+ w =
+ w.from_file opts[:init_weights]
+ input.each_with_index { |i,j|
+ # write current weights to file
+ f ='weights.tmp', 'w+')
+ f.write w.to_file
+ f.close
+ # get kbest list for current input
+ kbest = predict_translation i, opts[:k], opts[:cdec_ini], 'weights.tmp'
+ score_translations kbest, references[j]
+ adj_model kbest
+ # get feedback
+ feedback = exec kbest[0].s, nil #TODO
+ hope = ''; fear = ''
+ if feedback == true
+ references[i] = kbest[0].s
+ hope = kbest[0].s
+ else
+ hope = hope_and_fear kbest, 'hope'
+ end
+ fear = hope_and_fear kbest, 'fear'
+ puts "hope: #{hope.rank} #{hope.s} #{hope.model} #{hope.score}"
+ puts "fear: #{fear.rank} #{fear.s} #{fear.model} #{fear.score}"
+ puts
+ w = update w, hope, fear
+ }