path: root/rampfion.rb
diff options
authorPatrick Simianer <>2014-01-08 18:11:48 +0100
committerPatrick Simianer <>2014-01-08 18:11:48 +0100
commit8f3b6a8889bc1b8a18f14e947360e0a8bee808b7 (patch)
tree11038cd228b65f0384969aa3d70c425217409c13 /rampfion.rb
parentcb1042dd0d7d292d343b2c89f02a174f013de9c5 (diff)
too much to say
Diffstat (limited to 'rampfion.rb')
1 files changed, 657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rampfion.rb b/rampfion.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ce40917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rampfion.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'trollop'
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'open3'
+require 'memcached'
+require 'timeout'
+SMT_SEMPARSE = 'python /workspace/grounded/smt-semparse-cp/ /workspace/grounded/smt-semparse-cp/working/full_dataset 2>/dev/null'
+EVAL_PL = '/workspace/grounded/wasp-1.0/data/geo-funql/eval/'
+CDEC = "/toolbox/cdec-dtrain/bin/cdec"
+$cache ="localhost:11211")
+# the semantic parser hangs sometimes
+def spawn_with_timeout cmd, t=4, debug=false
+ puts cmd if debug
+ pipe_in, pipe_out = IO.pipe
+ pid = Process.spawn(cmd, :out => pipe_out)
+ begin
+ Timeout.timeout(t) { Process.wait pid }
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ return ""
+ # accept the zombies
+ #Process.kill('TERM', pid)
+ end
+ pipe_out.close
+ return
+# execute
+def exec natural_language_string, reference_output, no_output=false
+ func = nil
+ output = nil
+ feedback = nil
+ key_prefix = natural_language_string.encode("ASCII", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "?").gsub(/ /,'_')
+ begin
+ func = $cache.get key_prefix+"__FUNC"
+ output = $cache.get key_prefix+"__OUTPUT"
+ feedback = $cache.get key_prefix+"__FEEDBACK"
+ rescue Memcached::NotFound
+ func = spawn_with_timeout("#{SMT_SEMPARSE} \"#{natural_language_string}\"").strip
+ output = spawn_with_timeout("echo \"execute_funql_query(#{func}, X).\" | swipl -s #{EVAL_PL} 2>&1 | grep \"X =\"").strip.split('X = ')[1]
+ feedback = output==reference_output
+ begin
+ $cache.set key_prefix+"__FUNC", func
+ $cache.set key_prefix+"__OUTPUT", output
+ $cache.set key_prefix+"__FEEDBACK", feedback
+ rescue SystemExit, Interrupt
+ $cache.delete key_prefix+"__FUNC"
+ $cache.delete key_prefix+"__OUTPUT"
+ $cache.delete key_prefix+"__FEEDBACK"
+ end
+ end
+ puts " nrl: #{natural_language_string}" if !no_output
+ puts " mrl: #{func}" if !no_output
+ puts " output: #{output}" if !no_output
+ puts " correct?: #{feedback}" if !no_output
+ return feedback, func, output
+# decoder interaction/translations
+class Translation
+ attr_accessor :s, :f, :rank, :model, :score
+ def initialize kbest_line, rank=-1
+ a = kbest_line.split ' ||| '
+ @s = a[1].strip
+ h = {}
+ a[2].split.each { |i|
+ name, value = i.split '='
+ value = value.to_f
+ h[name] = value
+ }
+ @f = h
+ @rank = rank
+ @model = a[3].to_f
+ @score = -1.0
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#{@rank} ||| #{@s} ||| #{@model} ||| #{@score} ||| #{@f.to_s}"
+ end
+def predict_translation s, k, ini, w
+ o, s = Open3.capture2 "echo \"#{s}\" | #{CDEC} -c #{ini} -r -k #{k} -w #{w} 2>/dev/null"
+ j = -1
+ return o.split("\n").map{|i| j+=1;, j)}
+# scoring (per-sentence BLEU)
+def ngrams_it(s, n, fix=false)
+ a = s.strip.split
+ a.each_with_index { |tok, i|
+ tok.strip!
+ 0.upto([n-1, a.size-i-1].min) { |m|
+ yield a[i..i+m] if !(fix||(a[i..i+m].size>n))
+ }
+ }
+def brevity_penalty hypothesis, reference
+ a = hypothesis.split; b = reference.split
+ return 1.0 if a.size>b.size
+ return Math.exp(1.0 - b.size.to_f/a.size);
+def per_sentence_bleu hypothesis, reference, n=4
+ h_ng = {}; r_ng = {}
+ (1).upto(n) {|i| h_ng[i] = []; r_ng[i] = []}
+ ngrams_it(hypothesis, n) {|i| h_ng[i.size] << i}
+ ngrams_it(reference, n) {|i| r_ng[i.size] << i}
+ m = [n, reference.split.size].min
+ weight = 1.0/m
+ add = 0.0
+ sum = 0
+ (1).upto(m) { |i|
+ counts_clipped = 0
+ counts_sum = h_ng[i].size
+ h_ng[i].uniq.each {|j| counts_clipped += r_ng[i].count(j)}
+ add = 1.0 if i >= 2
+ sum += weight * Math.log((counts_clipped + add)/(counts_sum + add));
+ }
+ return brevity_penalty(hypothesis, reference) * Math.exp(sum)
+def score_translations list_of_translations, reference
+ list_of_translations.each { |i| i.score = per_sentence_bleu i.s, reference}
+# hope and fear
+def hope_and_fear kbest, action
+ max = -1.0/0
+ max_idx = -1
+ kbest.each_with_index { |i,j|
+ if action=='hope' && i.model + i.score > max
+ max_idx = j; max = i.model + i.score
+ end
+ if action=='fear' && i.model - i.score > max
+ max_idx = j; max = i.model - i.score
+ end
+ }
+ return kbest[max_idx]
+# update
+def update w, hope, fear, eta
+ diff = hope.f - fear.f
+ diff *= eta
+ w += diff
+ return w
+# weights
+class NamedSparseVector
+ attr_accessor :h
+ def initialize init=nil
+ @h = {}
+ @h = init if init
+ @h.default = 0.0
+ end
+ def + other
+ new_h =
+ new_h.update @h
+ ret = new_h
+ other.each_pair { |k,v| ret[k]+=v }
+ return ret
+ end
+ def from_file fn
+ f =, 'r')
+ while line = f.gets
+ name, value = line.strip.split
+ value = value.to_f
+ @h[name] = value
+ end
+ end
+ def to_file
+ s = []
+ @h.each_pair { |k,v| s << "#{k} #{v}" }
+ s.join("\n")+"\n"
+ end
+ def - other
+ new_h =
+ new_h.update @h
+ ret = new_h
+ other.each_pair { |k,v| ret[k]-=v }
+ return ret
+ end
+ def * scalar
+ raise ArgumentError, "Arg is not numeric #{scalar}" unless scalar.is_a? Numeric
+ ret =
+ @h.keys.each { |k| ret[k] = @h[k]*scalar }
+ return ret
+ end
+ def dot other
+ sum = 0.0
+ @h.each_pair { |k,v|
+ sum += v * other[k]
+ }
+ return sum
+ end
+ def [] k
+ @h[k]
+ end
+ def []= k, v
+ @h[k] = v
+ end
+ def each_pair
+ @h.each_pair { |k,v| yield k,v }
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @h.to_s
+ end
+ def length
+ Math.sqrt({|i|i*i}.inject(:+))
+ end
+ def normalize!
+ l = length
+ @h.each_pair { |k,v|
+ @h[k] = v/l
+ }
+ end
+ def size
+ @h.keys.size
+ end
+# map models score to [0,1]
+def adj_model kbest, factor
+ min ={|i|i.model}.min
+ max ={|i|i.model}.max
+ kbest.each {|i| i.model = factor*((i.model-min)/(max-min))}
+class Stats
+ def initialize name
+ @name = name
+ @with_parse = 0.0
+ @with_output = 0.0
+ @correct_output = 0.0
+ end
+ def update feedback, func, output
+ @with_parse +=1 if func!="None"&&func!=''
+ @with_output +=1 if output!="null"&&output!=''
+ @correct_output += 1 if feedback==true
+ end
+ def print total
+ without_parse = total-@with_parse
+ [#{@name}]
+ #{@name} with parse #{((@with_parse/total)*100).round 2} abs:#{@with_parse}
+ #{@name} with output #{((@with_output/total)*100).round 2} abs:#{@with_output}
+#{@name} with correct output #{((@correct_output/total)*100).round 2} adj:#{((@correct_output/(total-without_parse))*100).round 2} abs:#{@correct_output}
+ end
+def _print rank, string, model, score
+ puts "rank=#{rank} string='#{string}' model=#{model} score=#{score}"
+def bag_of_words s, stopwords=[]
+ s.split.uniq.sort.reject{|v| stopwords.include? v}
+def gethopefear_standard kbest, feedback
+ hope = fear = nil
+ type1 = type2 = false
+ if feedback == true
+ hope = kbest[0]
+ type1 = true
+ else
+ hope = hope_and_fear(kbest, 'hope')
+ type2 = true
+ end
+ fear = hope_and_fear(kbest, 'fear')
+ return hope, fear, false, type1, type2
+def gethopefear_fear_no_exec kbest, feedback, gold, max
+ hope = fear = nil
+ type1 = type2 = false
+ if feedback == true
+ hope = kbest[0]
+ type1 = true
+ else
+ hope = hope_and_fear(kbest, 'hope')
+ type2 = true
+ end
+ kbest.sort{|x,y|(y.model+y.score)<=>(x.model+x.score)}.each_with_index { |k,i|
+ break if i==max
+ if !exec(k.s, gold, true)[0]
+ fear = k
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ skip=true if !fear
+ return hope, fear, skip, type1, type2
+def gethopefear_fear_no_exec_skip kbest, feedback, gold
+ hope = fear = nil
+ type1 = type2 = false
+ if feedback == true
+ hope = kbest[0]
+ type1 = true
+ else
+ hope = hope_and_fear(kbest, 'hope')
+ type2 = true
+ end
+ fear = hope_and_fear(kbest, 'fear')
+ skip = exec(fear.s, gold, true)[0]
+ return hope, fear, skip, type1, type2
+def gethopefear_fear_no_exec_hope_exec kbest, feedback, gold, max
+ hope = fear = nil; hope_idx = 0
+ type1 = type2 = false
+ sorted_kbest = kbest.sort{|x,y|(y.model+y.score)<=>(x.model+x.score)}
+ if feedback == true
+ hope = kbest[0]
+ type1 = true
+ else
+ sorted_kbest.each_with_index { |k,i|
+ next if i==0
+ break if i==max
+ if exec(k.s, gold, true)[0]
+ hope_idx = i
+ hope = k
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ type2 = true
+ end
+ sorted_kbest.each_with_index { |k,i|
+ break if i>(kbest.size-(hope_idx+1))||i==max
+ if !exec(k.s, gold, true)[0]
+ fear = k
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ skip = true if !hope||!fear
+ return hope, fear, skip, type1, type2
+def gethopefear_only_exec kbest, feedback, gold, max, own_reference=nil
+ hope = fear = nil; hope_idx = 0; new_reference = nil
+ type1 = type2 = false
+ if feedback == true
+ hope = kbest[0]
+ new_reference = hope
+ type1 = true
+ elsif own_reference
+ hope = own_reference
+ type1 = true
+ else
+ kbest.each_with_index { |k,i|
+ next if i==0
+ break if i==max
+ if exec(k.s, gold, true)[0]
+ hope_idx = i
+ hope = k
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ type2 = true
+ end
+ kbest.each_with_index { |k,i|
+ next if i==0||i==hope_idx
+ break if i==max
+ if !exec(k.s, gold, true)[0]
+ fear = k
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ skip = true if !hope||!fear
+ return hope, fear, skip, type1, type2, new_reference
+def gethopefear_only_exec_simple kbest, feedback, gold, max, own_reference=nil
+ hope = fear = nil; hope_idx = 0; new_reference = nil
+ type1 = type2 = false
+ if feedback == true
+ hope = kbest[0]
+ new_reference = hope
+ type1 = true
+ elsif own_reference
+ hope = own_reference
+ type1 = true
+ else
+ kbest.each_with_index { |k,i|
+ next if i==0
+ break if i==max
+ if exec(k.s, gold, true)[0]
+ hope_idx = i
+ hope = k
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ type2 = true
+ end
+ kbest.each_with_index { |k,i|
+ next if i==0||i==hope_idx
+ break if i==max
+ if !exec(k.s, gold, true)[0]
+ fear = k
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ skip = true if !hope||!fear
+ return hope, fear, skip, type1, type2, new_reference
+def gethopefear_rampion kbest, reference
+ hope = fear = nil
+ type1 = type2 = false
+ if kbest[0].s == reference
+ hope = kbest[0]
+ fear = hope_and_fear(kbest, 'fear')
+ type1 = true
+ else
+ hope = hope_and_fear(kbest, 'hope')
+ fear = kbest[0]
+ type2 = true
+ end
+ return hope, fear, false, type1, type2
+def main
+ opts = Trollop::options do
+ # data
+ opt :k, "k", :type => :int, :default => 10000
+ opt :hope_fear_max, "asdf", :type => :int, :default => 32, :short => '-q'
+ opt :input, "'foreign' input", :type => :string, :required => true
+ opt :references, "(parseable) references", :type => :string, :required => true
+ opt :gold, "gold output", :type => :string, :require => true
+ opt :gold_mrl, "gold parse", :type => :string, :short => '-h', :require => true
+ opt :init_weights, "initial weights", :type => :string, :required => true, :short => '-w'
+ opt :cdec_ini, "cdec config file", :type => :string, :default => './cdec.ini'
+ # output
+ opt :debug, "debug output", :type => :bool, :default => false
+ opt :output_weights, "output file for final weights", :type => :string, :required => true
+ opt :stop_after, "stop after x examples", :type => :int, :default => -1
+ opt :print_kbests, "print full kbest lists", :type => :bool, :default => false, :short => '-l'
+ # important parameters
+ opt :eta, "learning rate", :type => :float, :default => 0.01
+ opt :iterate, "iteration X epochs", :type => :int, :default => 1, :short => '-j'
+ opt :variant, "standard, rampion, fear_no_exec, fear_no_exec_skip, fear_no_exec_hope_exec, only_exec", :default => 'standard'
+ # misc parameters
+ opt :scale_model, "scale model score by this factor", :type => :float, :default => 1.0, :short => '-m'
+ opt :normalize, "normalize weights after each update", :type => :bool, :default => false, :short => '-n'
+ opt :skip_on_no_proper_gold, "skip if the reference didn't produce a proper gold output", :default => false, :short => '-x'
+ opt :no_update, "don't update weights", :type => :bool, :default => false, :short => '-y'
+ end
+ # output configuration
+ puts "cfg"
+ opts.each_pair {|k,v| puts "#{k}=#{v}"}
+ puts
+ # read files
+ input = File.readlines(opts[:input], :encoding=>'utf-8').map{|i|i.strip}
+ references = File.readlines(opts[:references], :encoding=>'utf-8').map{|i|i.strip}
+ gold = File.readlines(opts[:gold], :encoding=>'utf-8').map{|i|i.strip}
+ gold_mrl = File.readlines(opts[:gold_mrl], :encoding=>'utf-8').map{|i|i.strip}
+ stopwords = File.readlines('d/stopwords.en', :encoding=>'utf-8').map{|i|i.strip}
+ # only_exec: new refs
+ own_references = nil
+ own_references ={|i|nil} if opts[:variant]== 'only_exec'
+ # init weights
+ w =
+ w.from_file opts[:init_weights]
+ last_wf = ''
+# iterate
+opts[:iterate].times { |iter|
+ # numerous counters
+ without_translations = 0
+ no_proper_gold_output = 0
+ count = 0
+ top1_stats = 'top1'
+ hope_stats = 'hope'
+ fear_stats = 'fear'
+ refs_stats = 'refs'
+ type1_updates = 0
+ type2_updates = 0
+ top1_hit = 0
+ top1_variant = 0
+ top1_real_variant = 0
+ hope_hit = 0
+ hope_variant = 0
+ hope_real_variant = 0
+ kbest_sz = 0
+ # for each example
+ input.each_with_index { |i,j|
+ count += 1
+ # write current weights to file
+ tmp_file ='rampion')
+ tmp_file_path = tmp_file.path
+ last_wf = tmp_file.path
+ tmp_file.write w.to_file
+ tmp_file.close
+ # get kbest list for current input
+ kbest = predict_translation i, opts[:k], opts[:cdec_ini], tmp_file_path
+ kbest_sz += kbest.size
+ # output
+ puts "EXAMPLE #{j}"
+ puts "GOLD MRL: #{gold_mrl[j]}"
+ puts "GOLD OUTPUT #{gold[j]}"
+ # skip if no translation could be produced
+ if kbest.size == 0
+ without_translations += 1
+ puts "NO MT OUTPUT, skipping example\n\n"
+ next
+ end
+ # no proper gold
+ if gold[j] == '[]' || gold[j] == '[...]' || gold[j] == '[].'
+ no_proper_gold_output += 1
+ if opts[:skip_on_no_proper_gold]
+ puts "NO PROPER GOLD OUTPUT, skipping example\n\n"
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ # score kbest list
+ score_translations kbest, references[j]
+ # print kbest list
+ if opts[:print_kbests]
+ puts "<<<KBEST"
+ kbest.each_with_index { |k,l|
+ _print l, k.s, k.model, k.score
+ }
+ puts ">>>"
+ end
+ # adjust model scores to fit in [0,1]
+ adj_model kbest, opts[:scale_model]
+ # top1
+ puts "---top1"
+ puts "TOP1 TRANSLATION: #{kbest[0].s}" if iter+1==opts[:iterate]
+ _print 0, kbest[0].s, kbest[0].model, kbest[0].score
+ feedback, func, output = exec kbest[0].s, gold[j]
+ top1_stats.update feedback, func, output
+ # reference as bag of words
+ ref_words = bag_of_words references[j], stopwords
+ # hope and fear
+ hope = fear = new_reference = nil
+ type1 = type2 = skip = false
+ if opts[:variant] == 'standard'
+ hope, fear, skip, type1, type2 = gethopefear_standard kbest, feedback
+ elsif opts[:variant] == 'rampion'
+ hope, fear, skip, type1, type2 = gethopefear_rampion kbest, references[j]
+ elsif opts[:variant] == 'fear_no_exec_skip'
+ hope, fear, skip, type1, type2 = gethopefear_fear_no_exec_skip kbest, feedback, gold[j]
+ elsif opts[:variant] == 'fear_no_exec'
+ hope, fear, skip, type1, type2 = gethopefear_fear_no_exec kbest, feedback, gold[j], opts[:hope_fear_max]
+ elsif opts[:variant] == 'fear_no_exec_hope_exec'
+ hope, fear, skip, type1, type2 = gethopefear_fear_no_exec_hope_exec kbest, feedback, gold[j], opts[:hope_fear_max]
+ elsif opts[:variant] == 'only_exec'
+ hope, fear, skip, type1, type2, new_reference = gethopefear_only_exec kbest, feedback, gold[j], opts[:hope_fear_max], own_references[j]
+ else
+ puts "no such hope/fear variant"
+ exit 1
+ end
+ # new reference (only_exec)
+ if new_reference
+ own_references[j] = new_reference
+ end
+ # type1/type2
+ type1_updates+=1 if type1
+ type2_updates+=1 if type2
+ # top1/hope hit
+ if kbest[0].s == references[j]
+ top1_hit += 1
+ else
+ top1_variant += 1
+ top1_real_variant += 1 if bag_of_words(kbest[0].s,stopwords)!=ref_words
+ end
+ if hope&&hope.s == references[j]
+ hope_hit += 1
+ elsif hope
+ hope_variant += 1
+ hope_real_variant += 1 if bag_of_words(hope.s,stopwords)!=ref_words
+ end
+ # output info for current example
+ puts "---hope"
+ if hope
+ _print hope.rank, hope.s, hope.model, hope.score
+ feedback, func, output = exec hope.s, gold[j]
+ hope_stats.update feedback, func, output
+ end
+ puts "---fear"
+ if fear
+ _print fear.rank, fear.s, fear.model, fear.score
+ feedback, func, output = exec fear.s, gold[j]
+ fear_stats.update feedback, func, output
+ end
+ puts "---reference"
+ _print 'x', references[j], 'x', 1.0
+ feedback, func, output = exec references[j], gold[j]
+ refs_stats.update feedback, func, output
+ # skip example?
+ if skip||!hope||!fear
+ puts "NO GOOD FEAR/HOPE, skipping example\n\n"
+ next
+ end
+ puts
+ # update
+ w = update w, hope, fear, opts[:eta] if !opts[:no_update]
+ # normalize weight vector to length 1
+ w.normalize! if opts[:normalize]
+ # stopx after x examples
+ break if opts[:stop_after]>0 && (j+1)==opts[:stop_after]
+ }
+ # keep weight files for each iteration
+ if opts[:iterate] > 1
+ FileUtils::cp(last_wf, "#{opts[:output_weights]}.#{iter}")
+ else
+ FileUtils::cp(last_wf, opts[:output_weights])
+ end
+ # output stats
+ puts "iteration ##{iter+1}/#{opts[:iterate]}"
+ puts "#{count} examples"
+ puts " type1 updates: #{type1_updates}"
+ puts " type2 updates: #{type2_updates}"
+ puts " top1 hits: #{top1_hit}"
+ puts " top1 variant: #{top1_variant}"
+ puts "top1 real variant: #{top1_real_variant}"
+ puts " hope hits: #{hope_hit}"
+ puts " hope variant: #{hope_variant}"
+ puts "hope real variant: #{hope_real_variant}"
+ puts " kbest size: #{(kbest_sz/count).round 2}"
+ puts "#{((without_translations.to_f/count)*100).round 2}% without translations (abs: #{without_translations})"
+ puts "#{((no_proper_gold_output.to_f/count)*100).round 2}% no good gold output (abs: #{no_proper_gold_output})"
+ puts top1_stats.print count
+ puts hope_stats.print count
+ puts fear_stats.print count
+ puts refs_stats.print count