path: root/data/geoquery
diff options
authorPatrick Simianer <>2014-03-04 21:41:48 +0100
committerPatrick Simianer <>2014-03-04 21:41:48 +0100
commit13c9f64b23f2610a233eb1ea778fda05329e9237 (patch)
tree12cb52303758de9507bf6311a7027ebe44975d67 /data/geoquery
parent38bbcbd52cfd6dd6d7d20148e7fa0a760af90f0a (diff)
data and scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'data/geoquery')
31 files changed, 42475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/geoquery/README b/data/geoquery/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d952f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/README
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+corpus.xml : corpus-true.xml of Jacob Andreas, without non-printable chars
+delete.ids : references that give empty answers although they shouldn't : modified eval script from wasp-1.0
+folds600 : splits for cross-validation : slightly corrected German part
+geoquery.en : English part
+geoquery.funql : geoquery functional query language : gold output, script modified to output full answers
+geoquery.prolog : prolog mrl
+README : this file
+split880.test.ids : 880 train/test split test ids
+split880.train.ids : 880 train/test split train ids
diff --git a/data/geoquery/corpus.xml b/data/geoquery/corpus.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fcb083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/corpus.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30772 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE examples [
+<!ELEMENT examples (example*)>
+<!ELEMENT example (nl*,syn*,augsyn*,mrl*,mrl-parse?,parse*)>
+<!ELEMENT augsyn (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT mrl-parse (node*)>
+<!ELEMENT node (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT parse (#PCDATA)>
+<example id='0'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the cities in Virginia .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Virginia))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[City:1] cities-[City:1] in-[City:2] Virginia-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' virginia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>gebe mir die stadte in virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου τις πόλεις στην virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ เมือง ใน รัฐ เวอร์จิเนีย มา ให้ หมด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>告诉 我 在 弗吉尼亚 州 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='1'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the high points of states surrounding Mississippi ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son los puntos altos de los estados rodeando a mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi no mawari ni aru shuu no takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi yi saran eyaletlerin yuksek noktalari nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ high) (NNS points)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (VP (VBG surrounding) (NP (NNP Mississippi))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son los puntos altos de los estados rodeando a mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi no mawari ni aru shuu no takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi yi saran eyaletlerin yuksek noktalari nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] high-[Place:1] points-[Place:1] of-[Place:1] states-[State:2] surrounding-[State:3] Mississippi-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ high_point_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die hoechsten punkte der an mississippi grenzenden staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα ψηλά σημεία των πολιτειών που περιβάλλουν τον mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง หา จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ ล้อมรอบ รัฐ มิสซิสซิปปี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 是 密西西比 州 周边 的 州 的 高点</nl>
+<example id='2'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name the rivers in Arkansas .
+<nl lang='es'>
+nombra los rios en arkansas .
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aakansaa no kawa wo agete kudasai .
+<nl lang='tr'>
+arkansas daki nehirlerin isimlerini ver .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Arkansas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S nombra los rios en arkansas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aakansaa no kawa wo agete kudasai)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S arkansas daki nehirlerin isimlerini ver)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] the-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] in-[River:2] Arkansas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arkansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne die fluesse in arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε τα ποτάμια στο arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ แม่น้ำ ใน รัฐ อาร์คันซอ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>说出 在 阿肯色 州 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='3'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name all the rivers in Colorado .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] all-[River:1] the-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] in-[River:2] Colorado-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne alle flüsse in colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε όλα τα ποτάμια του colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ของ รัฐ โคโลราโด มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列出 在 科罗拉多 州 所有 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='4'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Can you tell me the capital of Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (MD Can) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB tell) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Can-[Query:0] you-[Query:0] tell-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind grosse staedte in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>μπορείς να μου πεις την πρωτεύουσα του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>你 能 告诉 我 得克萨斯 州 的 省会 吗</nl>
+<example id='5'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Could you tell me what is the highest point in the state of Oregon ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (MD Could) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB tell) (NP (PRP me)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Oregon))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Could-[Query:0] you-[Query:0] tell-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] what-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] of-[State:4] Oregon-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' oregon ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>koenntest du mir sagen welches der hoechstgelegene punkt im staate oregon ist</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>μπορείς να μου πεις ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην πολιτεία του oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ไหน บอก ซิ ว่า จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ โอเรกอน อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>你 能 告诉 我 俄勒冈 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='6'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Count the states which have elevations lower than what Alabama has .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Count) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS elevations)) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR lower)) (PP (IN than) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (NP (NNP Alabama)) (VP (VBZ has)))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Count-[Num:1] the-[State:2] states-[State:2] which-[State:3] have-[State:3] elevations-[State:3] lower-[Place:4] than-[Place:4] what-[Place:5] Alabama-[StateName:7] has-[Place:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ low_point_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ lower_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ low_point_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>zahle die staaten welche erhebungen haben die niedriger liegen als jene in alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>μέτρα τις πολιτείες που έχουν υψόμετρα χαμηλότερα από αυτό που έχει η alabama </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง นับ จำนวน รัฐ ที่ มี ที่สูง ต่ำ กว่า ที่สูง ของ รัฐ อลาบามา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>数一数 拥有 比 美国 阿拉巴马 州 的 海拔 低 的 州 有 多少</nl>
+<example id='7'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me all the states of USA .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS states)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] all-[State:1] the-[State:1] states-[State:1] of-[State:2] USA-[CountryName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne all staaten der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου όλες τις πολιτείες των ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>บอก รัฐ ทั้งหมด ของ อเมริกา มา หน่อย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>给 我 美国 所有 的 州</nl>
+<example id='8'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the cities in Texas .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[City:1] cities-[City:1] in-[City:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>sag mir welche staedte in texas sind</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου τις πόλεις στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ เมือง ที่ อยู่ ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส มา ให้ หมด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>给 我 在 得克萨斯 州 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='9'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the cities in USA .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[City:1] cities-[City:1] in-[City:2] USA-[CountryName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne die staedte der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου τις πόλεις στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>บอก ชื่อ เมือง ทั้งหมด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา มา หน่อย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>给 我 在 美国 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='10'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the cities in Virginia .
+<nl lang='es'>
+dame las ciudades en virginia .
+<nl lang='ja'>
+baajinia no toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+virginia daki sehirlerin isimlerini ver .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Virginia))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S dame las ciudades en virginia)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S baajinia no toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S virginia daki sehirlerin isimlerini ver)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[City:1] cities-[City:1] in-[City:2] Virginia-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' virginia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne mir die staedte in virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου τις πόλεις της virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ เมือง ใน รัฐ เวอร์จิเนีย มา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>给 我 在 弗吉尼亚 州 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='11'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the cities which are in Texas .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cities)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[City:1] cities-[City:1] which-[City:2] are-[City:2] in-[City:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne mir staedte in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου τις πόλεις που υπάρχουν στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก รายชื่อ เมือง ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส มา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>给 我 在 德克萨斯 州 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='12'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the lakes in California .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS lakes)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lakes-[Place:1] in-[Place:2] California-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lake ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne mir die seen in california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου τις λίμνες στην california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ ทะเลสาบ ใน รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>给 我 在 加利福尼亚 州 的 湖泊</nl>
+<example id='13'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the largest state .
+<nl lang='es'>
+dame el estado mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo ookii shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en genis eyaletin ismini ver .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S dame el estado mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo ookii shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en genis eyaletin ismini ver)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher stadt ist der groesste</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου τη μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>给 我 最大 的 州</nl>
+<example id='14'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the longest river that passes through the US .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ passes) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (NNP US)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] that-[River:3] passes-[River:3] through-[River:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne mir den laengsten fluss welcher durch die usa fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου το μακρύτερο ποτάμι που διασχίζει τις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>给 我 流经 美国 的 最长 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='15'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the number of rivers in California .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] number-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] in-[River:3] California-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne mir die anzahl der fluesse in california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου τον αριθμό των ποταμιών στην california </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก จำนวน แม่น้ำ ใน รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>告诉 我 在 加利福尼亚 州 有 多少 条 河流</nl>
+<example id='16'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Give me the states that border Utah .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Give) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VB border) (NP (NNP Utah))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Give-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] the-[State:1] states-[State:1] that-[State:1] border-[State:2] Utah-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' utah ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne mir die staaten welche an utah grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δώσε μου τις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με τη utah </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ยูทาห์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>告诉我 与 犹他 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='17'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How big is Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ big)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Alaska))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] big-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] Alaska-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλη είναι η alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ อลาสกา มี ขนาด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='18'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How big is Massachusetts ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ big)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Massachusetts))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] big-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] Massachusetts-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' massachusetts ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist massachusetts</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλη είναι η massachusetts</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แมสซาชูเซ็ต มี ขนาด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>马萨诸塞 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='19'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How big is New Mexico ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ big)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] big-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] New-[StateName:3] Mexico-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(size(stateid('new mexico')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(size(B,A),const(B,stateid('new mexico'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλο είναι το new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新墨西哥 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='20'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How big is North Dakota ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ big)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP North) (NNP Dakota))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] big-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] North-[StateName:3] Dakota-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(size(stateid('north dakota')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(size(B,A),const(B,stateid('north dakota'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' north dakota ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist north dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλη είναι η north dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นอร์ธดาโกต้า มี ขนาด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>北达科他 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='21'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How big is Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tamano esta texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no ookisa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas en kadar buyuktur ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ big)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Texas))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tamano esta texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no ookisa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas en kadar buyuktur)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] big-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλο είναι το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ขนาด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='22'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How big is the city of New York ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ big)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] big-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[City:2] city-[City:2] of-[City:2] New-[CityName:4] York-[CityName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(size(city(cityid('new york', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(size(B,A),const(B,cityid('new york',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die stadt new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόση μεγάλη είναι η πόλη της new york</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง นิวยอร์ค มี ขนาด เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>纽约 市 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='23'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high are the highest points of all the states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NNS points)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS states))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] are-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] points-[Place:3] of-[Place:4] all-[State:5] the-[State:5] states-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch sind hoechsten erhebungen aller staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλά είναι τα ψηλότερα σημεία σε όλες τις πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ใน แต่ ละ รัฐ มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>所有 州 的 最高 点 是 多高</nl>
+<example id='24'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high is Guadalupe Peak ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Guadalupe) (NNP Peak))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] Guadalupe-[PlaceName:3] Peak-[PlaceName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('guadalupe peak')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(elevation(B,A),const(B,placeid('guadalupe peak'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ placeid ( *n:PlaceName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:PlaceName -> ({ ' guadalupe peak ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch liegt guadalupe peak</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλή είναι η κορυφή guadalupe</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ยอดเขา กวาดาลูเป มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>瓜峰 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='25'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high is Mount McKinley ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Mount) (NNP McKinley))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] Mount-[PlaceName:3] McKinley-[PlaceName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('mount mckinley')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(elevation(B,A),const(B,placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ placeid ( *n:PlaceName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:PlaceName -> ({ ' mount mckinley ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist mount mckinley</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλό είναι το όρος mckinley </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ยอดเขา แมคคินลีย์ มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>麦金利 山 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='26'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high is the highest point in America ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan alto esta el punto mas alto en america ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+amerika no mottomo takai chiten no takasa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+amerika daki en yuksek nokta ne kadar yuksektir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP America))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan alto esta el punto mas alto en america)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S amerika no mottomo takai chiten no takasa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S amerika daki en yuksek nokta ne kadar yuksektir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] in-[Place:4] America-[CountryName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch liegt der hoechste punkt in amerika</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλό είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην αμερική</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ที่ สูง ที่สุด ของ สหรัฐอเมริกา มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 最高 点 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='27'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high is the highest point in Montana ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan alto esta el punto mas alto en montana ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+montana no mottomo takai chiten no takasa wa desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+montana daki en yuksek nokta ne kadar yuksektir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Montana))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan alto esta el punto mas alto en montana)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S montana no mottomo takai chiten no takasa wa desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S montana daki en yuksek nokta ne kadar yuksektir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] in-[Place:4] Montana-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist der hoechste punkt in montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλό είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στη montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ มอนตานา สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>蒙大拿 州 的 最高 点 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='28'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high is the highest point in the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] in-[Place:4] the-[State:5] largest-[State:5] state-[State:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch liegt der hoechste punkt des groessten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλό είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στη μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 州 的 最高 点 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='29'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high is the highest point of Alabama ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Alabama))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] of-[Place:4] Alabama-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch liegt der hoechste punkt in alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλό είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην alabama </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ อลาบามา มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉巴马 州 的 最高 点 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='30'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high is the highest point of Delaware ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Delaware))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] of-[Place:4] Delaware-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' delaware ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hcho liegt der hoechste punkt von delaware</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλά είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στο delaware</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ เดลาแวร์ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>特拉华 州 的 最高 点 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='31'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high is the highest point of Florida ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Florida))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] of-[Place:4] Florida-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch liegt der hoechste punkt floridas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλό είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο της florida</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ที่ สูง ที่สุด ใน ฟลอริด้า มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佛罗里达 州 的 最高 点 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='32'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How high is the highest point of Louisiana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ high)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Louisiana))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] high-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] of-[Place:4] Louisiana-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' louisiana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch liegt der hoechste punkt von louisiana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στη louisiana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ หลุยเซียนา มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>路易斯安那 州 的 最高 点 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='33'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How large is Alaska ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan grande esta alaska ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arasuka no ookisa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+alaska ne kadar genisliktedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ large)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Alaska))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan grande esta alaska)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arasuka no ookisa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S alaska ne kadar genisliktedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] large-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] Alaska-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλη είναι η alaska </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ อลาสกา มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='34'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How large is Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan grande esta texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no ookisa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas ne kadar genistir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ large)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Texas))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan grande esta texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no ookisa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas ne kadar genistir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] large-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλο είναι το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='35'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How large is the largest city in Alaska ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan grande esta la ciudad mas grande en alaska ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arasuka no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+alaska daki en genis sehirin genisligi ne kadardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ large)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan grande esta la ciudad mas grande en alaska)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arasuka no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S alaska daki en genis sehirin genisligi ne kadardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] large-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[City:2] largest-[City:2] city-[City:3] in-[City:4] Alaska-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die groesste stadt in alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλη είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στην alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ อลาสก้า มี ขนาด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 州 最大 的 城市 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='36'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is Rio Grande ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Rio) (NNP Grande))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] Rio-[RiverName:3] Grande-[RiverName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(len(riverid('rio grande')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(len(B,A),const(B,riverid('rio grande'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' rio grande ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lange ist rio grande</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύ είναι το rio grande</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ริโอแกรนด์ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>格兰德 河 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='37'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the Colorado river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan largo esta el rio colorado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kororado kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+colorado nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Colorado) (NN river))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan largo esta el rio colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kororado kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S colorado nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] Colorado-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der colorado fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύς είναι ο ποταμός colorado </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 河 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='38'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the Delaware river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan largo esta el rio delaware ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+derawaru kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+delaware nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Delaware) (NN river))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan largo esta el rio delaware)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S derawaru kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S delaware nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] Delaware-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' delaware ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der delaware river</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύς είναι ο ποταμός delaware </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ เดลาแวร์ มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>特拉华 河 是 多长</nl>
+<example id='39'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the longest river in California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] longest-[River:2] river-[River:3] in-[River:4] California-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der laengste fluss kaliforniens</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύ είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στην california </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 加利福尼亚 州 最长 的 河流 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='40'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the longest river in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] longest-[River:2] river-[River:3] in-[River:4] the-[CountryName:6] USA-[CountryName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lange ist der laengste fluss der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλος είναι ο μακρύτερος ποταμός στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最长 的 河流 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='41'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the Mississippi ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tiene de largo el rio mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tiene de largo el rio mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[RiverName:3] Mississippi-[RiverName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der mississippi fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύς είναι ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='42'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the Mississippi river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tiene de largo el rio mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tiene de largo el rio mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] Mississippi-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lange is der mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύς είναι ο ποταμός mississippi </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ยาว กี่ ไมล์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='43'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the Mississippi river in miles ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNS miles)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] Mississippi-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2] in-[Num:1] miles-[Num:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lange in meilen ist der mississippi fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλος είναι ο mississippi ποταμός σε μίλια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 有 多少 英里 长</nl>
+<example id='44'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the Missouri river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan largo esta el rio missouri ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mizuuri kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+missouri nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Missouri) (NN river))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan largo esta el rio missouri)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mizuuri kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S missouri nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] Missouri-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der fluss missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύς είναι ο ποταμός missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซูรี ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密苏里 河 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='45'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the North Platte river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan largo esta el rio north platte ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+noosu puratte kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+north platte nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP North) (NNP Platte) (NN river))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan largo esta el rio north_platte)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S noosu_puratte kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S north_platte nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] North-[RiverName:4] Platte-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(len(river(riverid('north platte'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(len(B,A),const(B,riverid('north platte')),river(B)))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' north platte ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lange ist der north platte fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μεγάλος είναι ο βόρειος platte ποταμός</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ นอร์ธเพลต มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>北普拉特 河 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='46'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the Ohio river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tan largo esta el rio ohio ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ohaio kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+ohio nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Ohio) (NN river))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tan largo esta el rio ohio)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ohaio kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S ohio nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] Ohio-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der fluss ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύς είναι ο ποταμός ohio </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ โอไฮโฮ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄亥俄 河 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='47'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the Rio Grande river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuanto tiene de largo el rio rio grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+rio gurande kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+rio grande nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Rio) (NNP Grande) (NN river))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuanto tiene de largo el rio rio_grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S rio_gurande kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S rio_grande nehrinin uzunlugu ne kadardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] Rio-[RiverName:4] Grande-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(len(river(riverid('rio grande'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(len(B,A),const(B,riverid('rio grande')),river(B)))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' rio grande ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie land ist der rio grande fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύς είναι ο ποταμός rio grande</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ริโอแกรนด์ ยาว แค่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>里奥格兰德 河 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='48'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How long is the shortest river in the USA ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuanto tiene de largo el rio mas corto en los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+amerika no mottomo mijikai kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa deki en kisa nehirin uzunlugu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB How) (RB long)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuanto tiene de largo el rio mas corto en los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S amerika no mottomo mijikai kawa no nagasa wa dore gurai desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa deki en kisa nehirin uzunlugu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] long-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[River:2] shortest-[River:2] river-[River:3] in-[River:4] the-[CountryName:6] USA-[CountryName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der kuerzeste fluss in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο μακρύ είναι το μικρότερο ποτάμι στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ สั้น ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最短 的 河流 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='49'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many big cities are in Pennsylvania ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ big) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Pennsylvania))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] big-[City:2] cities-[City:3] are-[City:4] in-[City:4] Pennsylvania-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' pennsylvania ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele grosse staedte gibt es in pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες μεγάλες πόλεις υπάρχουν στην pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เพ็นซิลเวเนีย คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 宾夕法尼亚 州 有 多少 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='50'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many capitals does Rhode Island have ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS capitals)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP Rhode) (NNP Island)) (VP (VB have))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] capitals-[City:2] does-[City:3] Rhode-[StateName:5] Island-[StateName:5] have-[City:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(capital(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,count(B,(capital(B),const(C,stateid('rhode island')),loc(B,C)),A))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' rhode island ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele grosse staedte gibt es in rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πρωτεύουσες έχει το rhode island </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โรดไอแลนด์ มี เมืองหลวง กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>罗德岛 有 多少 省会 城市 呢</nl>
+<example id='51'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many cities are in Louisiana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Louisiana))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] cities-[City:2] are-[City:3] in-[City:3] Louisiana-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' louisiana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staedte sind in louisiana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλλες είναι στη louisiana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ หลุยเซียนา มี เมือง อยู่ กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 路易斯安那 州 有 多少 城市</nl>
+<example id='52'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many cities are in Montana ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas ciudades hay en montana ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+montana ni wa toshi ga ikutsu arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+montana da kac tane sehir vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Montana))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas ciudades hay en montana)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S montana ni wa toshi ga ikutsu arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S montana da kac tane sehir vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] cities-[City:2] are-[City:3] in-[City:3] Montana-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staede sind in montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλεις υπάρχουν στη montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ มอนตานา มี เมือง อยู่ กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 蒙大拿 州 有 多少 城市</nl>
+<example id='53'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many cities are there in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] cities-[City:2] are-[City:3] there-[City:3] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staedte gibt es in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλεις υπάρχουν στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>สหรัฐอเมริกา มี เมือง ทั้ง สิ้น กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 城市</nl>
+<example id='54'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many cities are there in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas ciudades hay en los us ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku ni wa toshi ga ikutsu arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+us de kac tane sehir vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas ciudades hay en los us)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku ni wa toshi ga ikutsu arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S us de kac tane sehir vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] cities-[City:2] are-[City:3] there-[City:3] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staedte hat die usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλεις υπάρχουν στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประเทศ สหรัฐอเมริกา มี เมือง อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 城市</nl>
+<example id='55'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many cities are there in US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] cities-[City:2] are-[City:3] there-[City:3] in-[City:3] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staedte gibt es in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλεις υπάρχουν στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>สหรัฐ มี เมือง ทั้งหมด กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 城市</nl>
+<example id='56'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many cities are there in USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] cities-[City:2] are-[City:3] there-[City:3] in-[City:3] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staedte gibt es in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλεις υπάρχουν στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน สหรัฐ มี เมือง ทั้งสิ้น กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 城市</nl>
+<example id='57'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many cities does Texas have ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP Texas)) (VP (VB have))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] cities-[City:2] does-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5] have-[City:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staedte hat texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλεις έχει το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี เมือง กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 有 多少 城市 呢</nl>
+<example id='58'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many cities does the USA have ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA)) (VP (VB have))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] cities-[City:2] does-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5] have-[City:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staedte gibt es in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλεις έχουν οι ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประเทศ สหรัฐอเมริกา มี เมือง อยู่ ทั้งหมด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 城市 呢</nl>
+<example id='59'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many cities named Austin are there in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Austin)))) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] cities-[City:3] named-[City:3] Austin-[CityName:5] are-[City:6] there-[City:6] in-[City:6] the-[CountryName:8] USA-[CountryName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(intersection(city(cityid('austin', _)), loc_2(countryid('usa')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ intersection ( *n:City , *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wieviele staedte mit dem namen austin gibt es in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλεις με το όνομα austin υπάρχουν στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา มี กี่ เมือง บ้าง ที่ ชื่อ ว่า ออสติน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 城市 以 奥斯汀 为名</nl>
+<example id='60'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many citizens does the biggest city have in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS citizens)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (VP (VB have) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] citizens-[Num:1] does-[Num:1] the-[City:2] biggest-[City:2] city-[City:3] have-[City:2] in-[City:2] the-[City:2] USA-[City:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner hat die groesste stadt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσους κατοίκους έχει η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最大 的 城市 有 多少 市民</nl>
+<example id='61'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many citizens in Alabama ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos ciudadanos en alabama ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arabama ni wa nannin no shuumin ga imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+alabama da kac tane vatandas vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS citizens)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alabama))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos ciudadanos en alabama)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arabama ni wa nannin no shuumin ga imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S alabama da kac tane vatandas vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] citizens-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Alabama-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele bewohner hat alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι πολίτες στην alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ อลาบามา มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 阿拉巴马 州 有 多少 公民</nl>
+<example id='62'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many citizens in Boulder ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS citizens)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Boulder))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] citizens-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Boulder-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boulder ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>anzahl leute in boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι πολίτες στο boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง โบลเดอร์ มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 博尔德 有 多少 人</nl>
+<example id='63'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many citizens live in California ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos ciudadanos viven en california ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+karifuorunia ni wa nannin no shuumin ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+california da ne kadar vatandas yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS citizens)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos ciudadanos viven en california)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S karifuorunia ni wa nannin no shuumin ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S california da ne kadar vatandas yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] citizens-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] California-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staatsbuerger wohnen in california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι πολίτες ζουν στην california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 加利福尼亚 州 住 了 多少 公民</nl>
+<example id='64'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many Colorado rivers are there ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNP Colorado) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] Colorado-[RiverName:4] rivers-[River:2] are-[Num:1] there-[Num:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse mit dem namen colorado gibt es</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι ποταμοί colorado υπάρχουν</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด อยู่ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>被 称为 科罗拉多 的 河流 有 多少 呢</nl>
+<example id='65'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many inhabitants does Montgomery have ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ inhabitants)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP Montgomery)) (VP (VB have))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] inhabitants-[Num:1] does-[Num:1] Montgomery-[CityName:3] have-[Num:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('montgomery', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' montgomery ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wieviele einwohner hat montgomery</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσους κατοίκους έχει το montgomery</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง มอนต์โกเมอรี มี ผู้อยู่อาศัย จำนวน เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>蒙哥马利 市 有 多少 居民 呢</nl>
+<example id='66'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many major cities are in Arizona ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Arizona))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] are-[City:4] in-[City:4] Arizona-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arizona ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele grosse staedte gibt es in arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πόλεις υπάρχουν στην arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี เมือง เอก กี่ เมือง ใน รัฐ แอริโซนา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 亚利桑那 州 的 主要 城市 有 多少</nl>
+<example id='67'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many major cities are in Florida ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas ciudades mayores hay en florida ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+furorida no ookina toshi wa nankasho desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+florida da baslica kac tane sehir vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Florida))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas ciudades mayores hay en florida)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S furorida no ookina toshi wa nankasho desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S florida da baslica kac tane sehir vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] are-[City:4] in-[City:4] Florida-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele wichtige staedte gibt es in florida</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες κύριες πόλεις υπάρχουν στη florida</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี เมือง เอก กี่ เมือง ใน รัฐ ฟลอริดา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 佛罗里达 州 的 主要 城市 有 多少</nl>
+<example id='68'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many major cities are in states bordering Nebraska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Nebraska))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] are-[City:4] in-[City:4] states-[State:5] bordering-[State:6] Nebraska-[StateName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' nebraska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele wichtige staedte gibt es in den staaten welche an nebraska grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες κύριες πόλεις υπάρχουν σε πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με τη nebraska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เนบราสกา มี เมือง เอก อยู่ กี่ เมือง บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 与 内布拉斯加 接壤 的 州 里 有 多少 主要 城市 呢</nl>
+<example id='69'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many major cities are in states bordering Utah ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Utah))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] are-[City:4] in-[City:4] states-[State:5] bordering-[State:6] Utah-[StateName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' utah ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele groessere stadte sind in staaten die an utah angrenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες κύριες πόλεις είναι σε πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με την utah</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี เมือง เอก อยู่ กี่ เมือง ใน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ยูทาห์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 与 犹他 州 接壤 的 州 里 有 多少 主要 城市 呢</nl>
+<example id='70'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many major cities are in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] are-[City:4] in-[City:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele wichtige staedte gibt es in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες κύριες πόλεις υπάρχουν στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี เมือง เอก กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 有 多少 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='71'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many major cities are there ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] are-[Num:1] there-[Num:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele groessere staedte gibt es</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες κύριες πόλεις υπάρχουν</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก มี อยู่ ทั้งหมด กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 个 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='72'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many major cities are there in Oregon ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Oregon))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] are-[City:4] there-[City:4] in-[City:4] Oregon-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' oregon ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viel wichtige staedte gibt es in oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες κύριες πόλεις υπάρχουν στο oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โอเรกอน มี เมือง เอก อยู่ กี่ เมือง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 俄勒冈 州 有 多少 个 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='73'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many major rivers cross Ohio ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos rios mayores cruzan ohio ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+okina kawa wa ohaio wo oodan ikutsu shimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+kac tane baslica nehir ohio dan gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ major) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP cross) (NP (NNP Ohio)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos rios mayores cruzan ohio)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S okina kawa wa ohaio wo oodan ikutsu shimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S kac tane baslica nehir ohio dan gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] major-[River:2] rivers-[River:3] cross-[River:4] Ohio-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele groessere fluesse durchqueren ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα κύρια ποτάμια διασχίζουν το ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี แม่น้ำ หลัก กี่ สาย ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ โอไฮโอ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 主要 河流 贯穿 俄亥俄 州</nl>
+<example id='74'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people are in the state of Nevada ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Nevada))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] are-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] of-[State:2] Nevada-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' nevada ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner hat nevada</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι υπάρχουν στην πολιτεία της nevada</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เนวาดา มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 内华达 州 有 多少 人</nl>
+<example id='75'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people are there in Iowa ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Iowa))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] are-[Num:1] there-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Iowa-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute gibt es in iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι υπάρχουν στην iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไอโอวา มี ประชากร เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 爱荷华 州 有 多少 人</nl>
+<example id='76'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people are there in New York ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] are-[Num:1] there-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] New-[StateName:3] York-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('new york')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute gibt es in new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι είναι στη new york</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นิวยอร์ค มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 纽约 有 多少 人</nl>
+<example id='77'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people in Boulder ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Boulder))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Boulder-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boulder ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>anzahl staatsbuerger in boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι στο boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประชากร ใน เมือง โบลเดอร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>博尔德 市 有 多少 人口</nl>
+<example id='78'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Austin ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en austin ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ausuchin ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+austin da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Austin))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en austin)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ausuchin ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S austin da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Austin-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele menschen leben in austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο austin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ออสติน มี ประชากร เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 居住 在 奥斯汀</nl>
+<example id='79'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Austin Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Austin)) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Austin-[CityName:3] Texas-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', 'tx')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' tx ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute leben in austin texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο austin texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ออสติน รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 得克萨斯 州 的 奥斯汀</nl>
+<example id='80'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in California ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en california ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+karifuorunia ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+california da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en california)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S karifuorunia ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S california da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] California-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner hat kalifornien</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στην california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี พลเมือง อาศัย อยู่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 生活 在 加利福尼亚</nl>
+<example id='81'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Chicago ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Chicago))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Chicago-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('chicago', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' chicago ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in chicago</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο chicago</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ชิคาโก มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 生活 在 芝加哥</nl>
+<example id='82'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Detroit ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Detroit))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Detroit-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('detroit', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' detroit ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele menschen leben in detroit</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο detroit </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ดีทรอยท์ มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 生活 在 底特律</nl>
+<example id='83'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Hawaii ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en hawaii ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+hawai ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hawaii da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Hawaii))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en hawaii)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S hawai ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hawaii da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Hawaii-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist die bevoelkerung von hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στην hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ ใน รัฐ ฮาวาย เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 生活 在 夏威夷</nl>
+<example id='84'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Houston ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Houston))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Houston-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('houston', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' houston ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele menschen leben in houston</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο houston</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ฮุสตัน มี พลเมือง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 生活 在 休斯敦</nl>
+<example id='85'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Kalamazoo ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en kalamazoo ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+karamazuu ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+kalamazoo da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Kalamazoo))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en kalamazoo)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S karamazuu ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S kalamazoo da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Kalamazoo-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('kalamazoo', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' kalamazoo ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele menschen leben in kalamazoo</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο kalamazoo</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง คาลามาซู มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 居住 在 卡拉马祖</nl>
+<example id='86'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Kansas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Kansas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Kansas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แคนซัส มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 生活 在 堪萨斯 州</nl>
+<example id='87'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Minneapolis Minnesota ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en minneapolis minnesota ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+minesota no mineaporisu ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+minneapolis minnesota da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Minneapolis)) (NP (NNP Minnesota)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en minneapolis minnesota)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S minesota no mineaporisu ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S minneapolis minnesota da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Minneapolis-[CityName:3] Minnesota-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('minneapolis', 'mn')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' minneapolis ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' mn ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute leben in minneapolis minnesota</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στη minneapolis minnesota</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี ประชากร กี่ คน อาศัย อยู่ ใน เมือง มินเนอาโพลิส รัฐ มินเนโซตา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 生活 在 明尼苏达 州 的 明尼阿波利斯 市</nl>
+<example id='88'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Mississippi ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Mississippi))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Mississippi-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute leben in mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ มิสซิสซิปปี มี พลเมือง อาศัย อยู่ เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 密西西比 州</nl>
+<example id='89'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Montana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Montana))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Montana-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι μένουν στη montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ มอนตานา มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 蒙大拿 州</nl>
+<example id='90'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in New Hampshire ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Hampshire))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] New-[StateName:3] Hampshire-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('new hampshire')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('new hampshire'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new hampshire ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in new hampshire</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι κατοικούν στο new hampshire</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี ประชากร กี่ คน อาศัย อยู่ ใน รัฐ นิวแฮมพ์เชียร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 生活 在 新罕布什尔 州</nl>
+<example id='91'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in New Mexico ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] New-[StateName:3] Mexico-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('new mexico')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('new mexico'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die einwohnerzahl von neu mexiko</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี ประชากร กี่ คน อาศัย อยู่ ใน รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 新墨西哥 州</nl>
+<example id='92'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in New York ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en new york ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu yooku ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new york da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en new_york)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_yooku ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_york da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] New-[StateName:3] York-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('new york')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner hat new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στη new york</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นิวยอร์ค มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 纽约</nl>
+<example id='93'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Rhode Island ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en rhode island ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+roodoairando ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+rhode island da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Rhode) (NNP Island))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en rhode_island)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S roodoairando ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S rhode_island da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Rhode-[StateName:3] Island-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('rhode island')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('rhode island'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' rhode island ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute leben in rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι κατοικούν στο rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โรดไอแลนด์ มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 罗得岛</nl>
+<example id='94'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Riverside ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en riverside ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ribaasaido ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+riverside da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Riverside))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en riverside)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ribaasaido ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S riverside da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Riverside-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('riverside', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' riverside ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in riverside</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στην όχθη ποταμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ริเวอร์ไซด์ มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 里弗赛德斯塔特 市</nl>
+<example id='95'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in San Francisco ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP San) (NNP Francisco))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] San-[CityName:3] Francisco-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('san francisco', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,cityid('san francisco',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' san francisco ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in san francisco</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο san francisco</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ซานฟรานซิสโก มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 生活 在 旧金山</nl>
+<example id='96'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in South Dakota ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP South) (NNP Dakota))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] South-[StateName:3] Dakota-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('south dakota')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('south dakota'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' south dakota ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in sud dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στη νότια dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เซาท์ดาโกตา มี ประชากร ทั้งหมด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 南达科他 州</nl>
+<example id='97'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Spokane Washington ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en spokane washington ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+washinton no supoken ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+spokane washington da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Spokane)) (NP (NNP Washington)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en spokane washington)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S washinton no supoken ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S spokane washington da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Spokane-[CityName:3] Washington-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('spokane', 'wa')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' spokane ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' wa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in spokane washington</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο spokane washington</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี ประชากร กี่ คน ใน เมือง สโปเกน รัฐ วอชิงตัน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 华盛顿 州 的 斯波坎 市</nl>
+<example id='98'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 得克萨斯 州</nl>
+<example id='99'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in the biggest city in New York state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York) (NN state))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[City:2] biggest-[City:2] city-[City:3] in-[City:4] New-[StateName:7] York-[StateName:7] state-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(largest(city(loc_2(state(stateid('new york')))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),largest(B,(city(B),loc(B,C),const(C,stateid('new york')),state(C)))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie wieviele menschen leben in der groessten stadt von new york state</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στη μεγαλύτερη πόλη στην πολιτεία της new york </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ของ รัฐ นิวยอร์ค มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 居住 在 纽约 州 最大 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='100'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in the capital of Georgia ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Georgia))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[City:2] capital-[City:2] of-[City:3] Georgia-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' georgia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in der hauptstadt georgias</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στην πρωτεύουσα της georgia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ จอร์เจีย มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 居住 在 佐治亚 州 的 省府</nl>
+<example id='101'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in the capital of Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en la capital de texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no shuto ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas in baskentinde ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en la capital de texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no shuto ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas in baskentinde ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[City:2] capital-[City:2] of-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute leben in der hauptstadt von texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στην πρωτεύουσα του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 得克萨斯 州 的 首府</nl>
+<example id='102'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in the smallest state bordering Wyoming ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Wyoming))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[State:2] State:2-[State:2] state-[State:3] bordering-[State:4] Wyoming-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wyoming ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie veile leute leben in dem kleinsten staat welcher an wyoming grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στη μικρότερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ไวโอมิง มี ประชากร จำนวน เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 与 怀俄明 州 接壤 的 最小 的 州 里</nl>
+<example id='103'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in the state with the largest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population) (NN density))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:2] the-[State:2] largest-[State:2] population-[State:2] density-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die bevoelkerung des staat mit der hoechsten bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στην πολιτεία με την μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร หนาแน่น ที่สุด มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 居住 在 人口 密度 最大 的 州 里</nl>
+<example id='104'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[CountryName:3] United-[CountryName:3] States-[CountryName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele menschen leben in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี พลเมือง จำนวน เท่าไหร่ อาศัย อยู่ ใน ประเทศ สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 美国</nl>
+<example id='105'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Washington ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantas personas viven en washington ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+washinton ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+washington da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Washington))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantas personas viven en washington)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S washinton ni wa nannin no hito ga sumimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S washington da ne kadar insan yasamaktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Washington-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' washington ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die einwohnerzahl von washington</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στην washington</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี ประชากร กี่ คน อาศัย อยู่ ใน รัฐ วอชิงตัน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 华盛顿</nl>
+<example id='106'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people live in Washington DC ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Washington)) (NP (NNP DC)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Washington-[CityName:3] DC-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('washington', 'dc')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' washington ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' dc ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner hat washington dc</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στην washington dc</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี พลเมือง กี่ คน อาศัย อยู่ ใน เมือง วอชิงตัน ดีซี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 华盛顿 特区</nl>
+<example id='107'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people lived in Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBD lived) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Austin))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] lived-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Austin-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute leben in austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι ζουν στο austin </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ออสติน มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 奥斯汀</nl>
+<example id='108'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people reside in Utah ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP reside) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Utah))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] reside-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Utah-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' utah ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele menschen leben in utah</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι κατοικούν στη utah </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี ผู้คน อาศัย อยู่ ใน รัฐ ยูทาห์ มากน้อย แค่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 居住 在 犹他 州</nl>
+<example id='109'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many people stay in Utah ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS people)) (SQ (VP (VBP stay) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Utah))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] stay-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Utah-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' utah ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die bevoelkerungszahl von utah</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι άνθρωποι μένουν στη utah</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี ประชากร กี่ คน อาศัย อยู่ ใน รัฐ ยูทาห์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 人 住 在 犹他 州</nl>
+<example id='110'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many residents live in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS residents)) (SQ (VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] residents-[Num:1] live-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner leben in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσοι κάτοικοι ζουν στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 居民 居住 在 得克萨斯</nl>
+<example id='111'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are called Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN called) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:2] called-[River:2] Colorado-[RiverName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse heissen colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια ονομάζονται colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ชื่อ ว่า โคโลราโด มี กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 河流 被 称为 科罗拉多</nl>
+<example id='112'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are found in Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN found) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Colorado)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] found-[River:3] in-[River:3] Colorado-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es in colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια βρίσκονται στο colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โคโลราโด มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 科罗拉多 州 被 发现 有 多少 河流</nl>
+<example id='113'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are in Colorado ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos rios hay en colorado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kororado ni wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+colorado da kac tane nehir vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos rios hay en colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kororado ni wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S colorado da kac tane nehir vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] in-[River:3] Colorado-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse sind in colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στο colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย ใน รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 科罗拉多 州 有 多少 河流</nl>
+<example id='114'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are in Iowa ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Iowa))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] in-[River:3] Iowa-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es in iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στην iowa </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไอโอวา มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 艾奥瓦 州 有 多少 条 河流</nl>
+<example id='115'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are in Missouri ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Missouri))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] in-[River:3] Missouri-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es in missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στο missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใน รัฐ มิสซูรี มี กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 密苏里 州 有 多少 条 河流</nl>
+<example id='116'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are in New York ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos rios hay en new york ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu yooku ni wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new york da kac tane nehir vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos rios hay en new_york)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_yooku ni wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_york da kac tane nehir vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] in-[River:3] New-[StateName:5] York-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(river(loc_2(stateid('new york')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,count(B,(river(B),loc(B,C),const(C,stateid('new york'))),A))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es in new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στη new york</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นิวยอร์ค มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 纽约 州 有 多少 条 河流</nl>
+<example id='117'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are in the state that has the most rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS rivers))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] in-[River:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] that-[State:6] has-[State:6] the-[State:4] most-[State:4] rivers-[River:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele flüsse gibt es im staat mit den meisten flüssen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στη πολιτεία που έχει τα περισσότερα ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี แม่น้ำ อยู่ มาก ที่สุด มี แม่น้ำ อยู่ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 河流 数 最多 的 州 里 有 多少 条 河流</nl>
+<example id='118'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are in the state with the highest point ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] in-[River:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] the-[Place:6] highest-[Place:6] point-[Place:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es im staat mit dem hoechsten punkt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στην πολιτεία με το ψηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี แม่น้ำ ทั้งสิ้น กี่ สาย ใน รัฐ ที่ มี จุด สูง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 国家 最高 点 的 所在 州 有 多少 条 河流</nl>
+<example id='119'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are in the state with the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] in-[River:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:4] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] population-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse sind in dem staat mit der groessten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στην πολιτεία με τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 人口 最多 的 州 里 有 多少 条 河流</nl>
+<example id='120'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are there in Idaho ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos rios hay en idaho ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aidahou ni wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+idaho da kac tane nehir vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Idaho))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos rios hay en idaho)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aidahou ni wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S idaho da kac tane nehir vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] there-[River:3] in-[River:3] Idaho-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' idaho ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es in idaho</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στο idaho</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไอดาโฮ มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 河流 在 爱达荷 州</nl>
+<example id='121'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are there in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] there-[River:3] in-[River:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse laufen durch texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 河流 贯穿 得克萨斯 州</nl>
+<example id='122'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers are there in US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] are-[River:3] there-[River:3] in-[River:3] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>อเมริกา มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 河流</nl>
+<example id='123'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers do not traverse the state with the capital Albany ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP do) (RB not) (VP (VB traverse) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (NP (NNP Albany))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:3] do-[River:2] not-[River:2] traverse-[River:4] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:6] the-[City:7] capital-[City:7] Albany-[CityName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('albany', _))))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ exclude ( *n:River , *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' albany ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse verlaufen nicht durch den staat mit der hauptstadt albany</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια δεν διασχίζουν την πολιτεία με πρωτεύουσα το albany</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย บ้าง ที่ ไม่ ได้ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ อัลบานี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 河流 没有 穿越 奥尔巴尼 首府 的 所在 州</nl>
+<example id='124'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers does Alaska have ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos rios tiene alaska ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arasuka wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+alaska nun kac tane nehri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP Alaska)) (VP (VB have))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos rios tiene alaska)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arasuka wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S alaska nun kac tane nehri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] does-[River:3] Alaska-[StateName:5] have-[River:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wieviele fluesse gibt es in alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια έχει η alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ อลาสก้า มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 州 有 多少 河流 呢</nl>
+<example id='125'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers does Colorado have ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos rios tiene colorado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kororado wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+colorado nun kac tane nehri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP Colorado)) (VP (VB have))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos rios tiene colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kororado wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S colorado nun kac tane nehri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] does-[River:3] Colorado-[StateName:5] have-[River:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es in colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια έχει το colorado </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โคโลราโด มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 州 有 多少 条 河流 呢</nl>
+<example id='126'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers in Texas are longer than the Red ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas)))) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR longer)) (PP (IN than) (NP (DT the) (NNP Red)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:3] in-[River:4] Texas-[StateName:6] are-[River:7] longer-[River:7] than-[River:7] the-[RiverName:9] Red-[RiverName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(intersection(river(loc_2(stateid('texas'))), longer(riverid('red')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ intersection ( *n:River , *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:River -> ({ longer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' red ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse in texas sind laenger als der red</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια στο texas είναι μακρύτερα από το red</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส ที่ ยาว กว่า แม่น้ำ เรด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 有 多少 条 河流 比 红 河 长</nl>
+<example id='127'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers in Washington ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos rios en washington ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+washinton ni wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+washington da kac tane nehir vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Washington))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos rios en washington)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S washinton ni wa kawa ga ikutsu arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S washington da kac tane nehir vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] in-[River:3] Washington-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' washington ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es in washington</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια στη washington</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ วอชิงตัน มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 华盛顿 有 多少 条 河流</nl>
+<example id='128'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers run through Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] run-[River:3] through-[River:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse gibt es in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια διασχίζουν το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 有 多少 河流</nl>
+<example id='129'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many rivers run through the states bordering Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] rivers-[River:2] run-[River:3] through-[River:3] the-[State:4] states-[State:4] bordering-[State:5] Colorado-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse fliessen durch die staaten die colorado angrenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια διατρέχουν τις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με το colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 河流 流经 与 科罗拉多 接壤 的 州 呢</nl>
+<example id='130'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many square kilometers in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuantos kilometros cuadrados en los us ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku ni wa heihou kiromeetaa wa ikutsu arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+us kac kilometrekaredir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (JJ square) (NNS kilometers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuantos kilometros cuadrados en los us)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku ni wa heihou kiromeetaa wa ikutsu arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S us kac kilometrekaredir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] square-[Num:1] kilometers-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[CountryName:3] US-[CountryName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele quadratkilometer umfasst die usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα τετραγωνικά χιλιόμετρα είναι οι ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>อเมริกา มี พื้นที่ กี่ ตาราง กิโลเมตร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 有 多少 平方公里 呢</nl>
+<example id='131'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states are in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] are-[State:3] in-[State:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten gibt es in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες είναι στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประเทศ สหรัฐอเมริกา มี รัฐ ทั้งหมด กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 州</nl>
+<example id='132'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states are in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] are-[State:3] in-[State:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten gibt es in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες υπάρχουν στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>สหรัฐอเมริกา มี รัฐ ทั้งหมด กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 州</nl>
+<example id='133'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states are next to major rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ next) (PP (TO to) (NP (JJ major) (NNS rivers)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] are-[State:3] next-[State:3] to-[State:3] major-[River:4] rivers-[River:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten liegen neben wichtigten fluessen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες είναι δίπλα σε κύρια ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก มี กี่ รัฐ </nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 个 州 是 临近 主要 河流 的</nl>
+<example id='134'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states are there ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] are-[Num:1] there-[Num:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten gibt es</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες υπάρχουν</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี รัฐ อยู่ ทั้งหมด กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 个 州</nl>
+<example id='135'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states are there in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] are-[State:3] there-[State:3] in-[State:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten hat die usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες υπάρχουν στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>อเมริกา มี รัฐ ทั้งหมด กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 州</nl>
+<example id='136'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states are there in United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] are-[State:3] there-[State:3] in-[State:3] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten gibt es in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες υπάρχουν στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>สหรัฐอเมริกา มี รัฐ ทั้งหมด กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 州</nl>
+<example id='137'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Alaska)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] Alaska-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อลาสก้า</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 阿拉斯加 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='138'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border at least one other state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (QP (IN at) (JJS least) (CD one)) (JJ other) (NN state)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] at-[State:4] least-[State:4] one-[State:4] other-[State:4] state-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an zumindest einen anderen staat an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τουλάχιστον άλλη μια πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น อย่างน้อย 1 รัฐ มี จำนวน ทั้งสิ้น กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>至少 与 两个 以上 其它 州 接壤 的 州 有 多少</nl>
+<example id='139'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border Colorado and border New Mexico ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Colorado))) (CC and) (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:4] Colorado-[StateName:6] and-[State:3] border-[State:7] New-[StateName:9] Mexico-[StateName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(state(intersection(next_to_2(stateid('colorado')), next_to_2(stateid('new mexico'))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,count(B,(state(B),next_to(B,C),const(C,stateid(colorado)),next_to(B,D),const(D,stateid('new mexico'))),A))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ intersection ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an colorado und new mexico an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το colarado και συνορεύουν με το new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ โคโลราโด และ นิวเม็กซิโก มี กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 科罗拉多 州 和 新墨西哥 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='140'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border Hawaii ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Hawaii)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] Hawaii-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τη hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ฮาวาย มี กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 夏威夷 接壤</nl>
+<example id='141'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border Iowa ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Iowa)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] Iowa-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne die anzahl der staaten welche an iowa grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก จำนวน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ไอโอวา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 艾奥瓦 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='142'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border on the state whose capital is Boston ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP$ whose) (NN capital)) (S (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Boston)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] on-[State:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] whose-[State:5] capital-[City:6] is-[City:6] Boston-[CityName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(state(next_to_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('boston', _))))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boston ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an den staat dessen hauptstadt boston ist</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία της οποίας πρωτεύουσα είναι η boston</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ บอสตัน มี กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 波士顿 首府 的 所在 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='143'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border Tennessee ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Tennessee)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] Tennessee-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' tennessee ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an tennessee an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το tennessee</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี รัฐ กี่ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เทนเนสซี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 田纳西 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='144'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an texas an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี รัฐ กี่ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 得克萨斯 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='145'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] state-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wieviele staaten grenzen an dem groessten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τη μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มี กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 最大 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='146'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border the Mississippi river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] the-[River:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an den mississippi fluss an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν τον mississippi ποταμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 密西西比 河 接壤</nl>
+<example id='147'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border the state that borders the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] that-[State:6] borders-[State:6] the-[State:4] most-[State:4] states-[State:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an den staat mit den meisten nachbarstaaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία την οποία συνορεύουν οι περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ บ้าง ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่นๆ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 和 最多 的 州 接壤 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='148'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states border the state with the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:4] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] population-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an den staat mit der groessten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν την πολιτεία με το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ บ้าง ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 人口 最多 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='149'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states do not have rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBP do) (RB not) (VP (VB have) (NP (NNS rivers)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:3] do-[State:2] not-[State:2] have-[State:4] rivers-[River:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(exclude(state(all), loc_1(river(all)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ exclude ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten haben keine fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες δεν έχουν ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ ที่ ไม่มี แม่น้ำ เลย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 没有 河流</nl>
+<example id='150'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states does Iowa border ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP Iowa)) (VP (VB border))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] does-[State:3] Iowa-[StateName:5] border-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>iowa grenzt an wie viele staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>με πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύει η iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ บ้าง ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ไอโอวา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 艾奥瓦 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='151'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states does Missouri border ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP Missouri)) (VP (VB border))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] does-[State:3] Missouri-[StateName:5] border-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>an wieviele staaten grenzt missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ มิสซูรี อยู่ ติด กับ กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 密苏里 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='152'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states does Tennessee border ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP Tennessee)) (VP (VB border))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] does-[State:3] Tennessee-[StateName:5] border-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' tennessee ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>an wie viele staaten grenzt tennessee</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>με πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύει το tennessee</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เทนเนสซี อยู่ ติด กับ กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 与 田纳西 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='153'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states does the Colorado river flow through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Colorado) (NN river)) (VP (VB flow) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] does-[State:3] the-[River:4] Colorado-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4] flow-[State:3] through-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch wie viele staaten fliesst der fluss colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ανάμεσα σε πόσες πολιτείες κυλά ο ποταμός colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด ไหล ผ่าน มี กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 河 流经 多少 州</nl>
+<example id='154'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states does the Colorado river run through ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+por cuantos estados corre el rio colorado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kororado kawa wa ikutsu no shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+colorado nehri kac eyaletin icinden gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Colorado) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S por cuantos estados corre el rio colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kororado kawa wa ikutsu no shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S colorado nehri kac eyaletin icinden gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] does-[State:3] the-[River:4] Colorado-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4] run-[State:3] through-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch wie viele staaten fliesst der fluss colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 河 贯穿 多少 州</nl>
+<example id='155'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states does the Mississippi river run through ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+por cuantos estados corre el rio mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi kawa wa ikutsu no shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi nehri kac tane eyaletten gecmektedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S por cuantos estados corre el rio mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi kawa wa ikutsu no shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi nehri kac tane eyaletten gecmektedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] does-[State:3] the-[River:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4] run-[State:3] through-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch wie viele staaten fliesst der mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 多少 州</nl>
+<example id='156'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states does the Mississippi run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] does-[State:3] the-[RiverName:5] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] run-[State:3] through-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch wie viele staaten fliesst der fluss mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 被 密西西比 河 贯穿</nl>
+<example id='157'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states does the Missouri river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Missouri) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] does-[State:3] the-[River:4] Missouri-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4] run-[State:3] through-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch wie viele staaten laeuft der fluss missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซูรี่ ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 被 密苏里 河 贯穿 呢</nl>
+<example id='158'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states does USA have ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP USA)) (VP (VB have))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] does-[State:3] USA-[CountryName:5] have-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten sind in den vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες έχουν οι usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประเทศ อเมริกา มี รัฐ กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 有 多少 州 呢</nl>
+<example id='159'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states have a city called Rochester ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN city)) (VP (VBN called) (NP (NNP Rochester)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] have-[State:3] a-[City:4] city-[City:4] called-[City:4] Rochester-[CityName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('rochester', _))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' rochester ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in wie vielen staaten gibt es eine stadt mit dem namen rochester</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες έχουν μια πόλη που λέγεται rochester</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ บ้าง ที่ มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า โรเชสเตอร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 含有 一个 叫 罗切斯特 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='160'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states have a city named Springfield ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN city)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Springfield)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] have-[State:3] a-[City:4] city-[City:4] named-[City:4] Springfield-[CityName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' springfield ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in wie vielen staaten gibt es eine stadt namens springfield</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες έχουν μια πόλη που ονομάζεται springfield</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี รัฐ กี่ รัฐ ที่ มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า สปริงฟิลด์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 州 含有 一个 名为 斯普林菲尔德 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='161'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states have a higher point than the highest point of the state with the largest capital city in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJR higher) (NN point)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN capital) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US)))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] have-[State:3] a-[Place:4] higher-[Place:5] point-[Place:4] than-[Place:5] the-[Place:6] highest-[Place:6] point-[Place:7] of-[Place:8] the-[State:9] state-[State:9] with-[State:10] the-[City:11] largest-[City:11] capital-[City:12] city-[City:13] in-[City:14] the-[CountryName:16] US-[CountryName:16])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ higher_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='10'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='11'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='12'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='13'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='14'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='15'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='16'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten haben einen hoeher gelegenen punkt als der hoechstgelegene punkt des staates mit der groessten hauptstadt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες έχουν ψηλότερο σημείο από το ψηλότερο σημείο της πολιτείας με το τη μεγαλύτερη πρωτεύουσα πόλη στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ มี จุด สูง กว่า จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 多少 州 有 比 首府 城市 最大 的 州 的 最高 点 高 的 地区</nl>
+<example id='162'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states have cities named Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Austin)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] have-[State:3] cities-[City:4] named-[City:4] Austin-[CityName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten habe staedte die austin heissen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες έχουν όνομα austin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า ออสติน มี กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>含有 名为 奥斯汀 的 城市 的 州 有 多少</nl>
+<example id='163'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states have cities or towns named Springfield ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities) (CC or) (NNS towns)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Springfield)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] have-[State:3] cities-[City:4] or-[City:4] towns-[City:4] named-[City:4] Springfield-[CityName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' springfield ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten haben staedte welche nach springfield benannt sind</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες έχουν πόλεις ή κωμοπόλεις που ονομάζονται springfield</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี รัฐ ทั้งหมด กี่ รัฐ ที่ มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า สปริงฟิลด์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>含有 名为 斯普林菲尔德 的 城市 或 小镇 的 州 有 多少</nl>
+<example id='164'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states have major rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (JJ major) (NNS rivers)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2] have-[State:3] major-[River:4] rivers-[River:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten haben wichtige fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες έχουν κύρια ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ ที่ มี แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 多少 个 州 有 主要 河流</nl>
+<example id='165'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How many states in the US does the shortest river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WRB How) (JJ many) (NNS states)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US)))) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:3] in-[State:4] the-[CountryName:6] US-[CountryName:6] does-[State:7] the-[River:8] shortest-[River:8] river-[River:9] run-[State:7] through-[State:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(count(intersection(state(loc_2(countryid('usa'))), traverse_1(shortest(river(all))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ intersection ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch wieviele staaten der usa fliesst der kuerzeste fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες των ηπα διασχίζει το κοντύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี กี่ รัฐ บ้าง ใน อเมริกา ที่ มี แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ สั้น ที่สุด ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最短 的 河流 贯穿 美国 多少 州</nl>
+<example id='166'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How much population does Texas have ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WRB How) (RB much) (NN population)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NNP Texas)) (VP (VB have))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] much-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] does-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3] have-[Num:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο πληθυσμό έχει το texas </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 有 多少 人口 呢</nl>
+<example id='167'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How tall is Mount McKinley ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ tall)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Mount) (NNP McKinley))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] tall-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] Mount-[PlaceName:3] McKinley-[PlaceName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('mount mckinley')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(elevation(B,A),const(B,placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ placeid ( *n:PlaceName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:PlaceName -> ({ ' mount mckinley ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist mount mckinley</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλό είναι το όρος mckinley </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา แมคคินลีย์ มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>麦金利 山 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='168'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+How tall is the highest point in Montana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADJP (WRB How) (JJ tall)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Montana))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S How-[Num:1] tall-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] in-[Place:4] Montana-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist der hoechste punkt in montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο ψηλό είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στη montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ มอนตานา มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>蒙大拿 州 的 最高 点 有 多高</nl>
+<example id='169'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+In what state is Mount McKinley ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHPP (IN In) (WHNP (WDT what) (NN state))) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Mount) (NNP McKinley))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S In-[State:2] what-[Query:0] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Mount-[PlaceName:4] McKinley-[PlaceName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),state(A),const(B,placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ placeid ( *n:PlaceName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:PlaceName -> ({ ' mount mckinley ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat befindet sich der mount mckinley</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία είναι το όρος mckinley</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา แม็คคินลีย์ อยู่ ใน รัฐ ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>麦金利 山 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='170'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+In which state does the highest point in USA exist ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHPP (IN In) (WHNP (WDT which) (NN state))) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP USA)))) (VP (VB exist))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S In-[State:2] which-[Query:0] state-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[Place:3] highest-[Place:3] point-[Place:4] in-[Place:5] USA-[CountryName:7] exist-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der staat mit der hoechsten hoehe in den vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία υπάρχει το ψηλότερο σημείο στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จุด สูง สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 包含 美国 的 最高 点 呢</nl>
+<example id='171'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+In which state is Rochester ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHPP (IN In) (WHNP (WDT which) (NN state))) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Rochester))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S In-[State:2] which-[Query:0] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Rochester-[CityName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('rochester', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' rochester ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt rochester</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία είναι το rochester</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง โรเชสเตอร์ อยู่ ใน รัฐ ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>罗切斯特 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='172'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Iowa borders how many states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NNP Iowa)) (VP (VBZ borders) (WHNP (WRB how) (JJ many) (NNS states))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Iowa-[StateName:5] borders-[State:3] how-[Num:1] many-[Num:1] states-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>an wie viele staaten grenzt iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>η iowa συνορεύει με πόσες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไอโอวา อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ทั้งหมด กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>艾奥瓦 州 和 多少 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='173'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+List the states .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB List) (NP (DT the) (NNS states))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S List-[Query:0] the-[State:1] states-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>liste alle staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σύνταξε κατάλογο των πολιτειών</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง ไล่ รัฐ ทั้งหมด มา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列举 出 州</nl>
+<example id='174'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name all the lakes of US .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS lakes)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] all-[Place:1] the-[Place:1] lakes-[Place:1] of-[Place:2] US-[CountryName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lake ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>oegregib alle seen in den usa aus</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε όλες τις λίμνες των ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ ทะเลสาบ ทั้งหมด ของ สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列举 出 美国 所有 湖泊</nl>
+<example id='175'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name all the rivers in Colorado .
+<nl lang='es'>
+nombra todos los rios en colorado .
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kororado no kawa wo zenbu agete kudasai .
+<nl lang='tr'>
+colorado daki butun nehirlerin isimlerini ver .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S nombra todos los rios en colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kororado no kawa wo zenbu agete kudasai)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S colorado daki butun nehirlerin isimlerini ver)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] all-[River:1] the-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] in-[River:2] Colorado-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse fliessen durch colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε όλα τα ποτάμια στο colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列出 在 科罗拉多 州 所有 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='176'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name the 50 capitals in the USA .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (NP (DT the) (CD 50) (NNS capitals)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] the-[City:1] 50-[City:1] capitals-[City:1] in-[City:2] the-[CountryName:4] USA-[CountryName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne die 50 hauptstaedte in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε τις 50 πρωτεύουσες των usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ เมืองหลวง ของ สหรัฐอเมริกา มา 50 ชื่อ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>说出 美国 的 50 个 首府 名</nl>
+<example id='177'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name the longest river in US .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP US)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der laengste fluss in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='178'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name the major lakes in Michigan .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS lakes)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Michigan))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] major-[Place:1] lakes-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Michigan-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ major ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ lake ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' michigan ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne die groessten seen in michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε τις κύριες λίμνες στο michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ ทะเลสาบ หลัก ของ รัฐ มิชิแกน มา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列出 在 密歇根 州 的 主要 湖泊</nl>
+<example id='179'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name the major rivers in Florida .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Florida))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] the-[River:1] major-[River:1] rivers-[River:2] in-[River:3] Florida-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne die wichtigsten fluesse in florida</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε τα κύρια ποτάμια στη florida</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก ใน รัฐ ฟลอริดา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>说出 在 佛罗里达 州 的 主要 河流</nl>
+<example id='180'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name the rivers in Arkansas .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Arkansas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] the-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] in-[River:2] Arkansas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arkansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne die fluesse in arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε τα ποτάμια στο arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ แม่น้ำ ทั้งหมด ใน รัฐ อาร์คันซอ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列出 阿肯色 州 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='181'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Name the states which have no surrounding states .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Name) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBP have) (NP (DT no) (VBG surrounding) (NNS states))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Name-[Query:0] the-[State:2] states-[State:2] which-[State:1] have-[State:1] no-[State:1] surrounding-[State:3] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(state(all))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ exclude ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne die staaten an die keine anderen staaten angrenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε τις πολιτείες που δεν έχουν περιβάλλουσες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด ไม่ ติด กับ รัฐ ใด เลย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列出 所有 不跟 其它 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='182'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Number of citizens in Boulder ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NP (NN Number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS citizens)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Boulder)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Number-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] citizens-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Boulder-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boulder ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staatsbuerger in boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ο αριθμός των πολιτών στο boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง โบลเดอร์ มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 博尔德 有 多少 公民</nl>
+<example id='183'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Number of people in Boulder ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NP (NN Number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS people)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Boulder)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Number-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] people-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Boulder-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boulder ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute in boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>αριθμός των ανθρώπων στο boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จำนวน ประชากร ใน เมือง โบลเดอร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>博尔德 市 有 多少 人</nl>
+<example id='184'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Number of states bordering Iowa ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NP (NN Number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Iowa)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Number-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] states-[State:2] bordering-[State:3] Iowa-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>αριθμός πολιτειών που συνορεύουν με την iowa </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี รัฐ ติด อยู่ กับ รัฐ ไอโอวา อยู่ กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 艾奥瓦 州 接壤 的 州 有 多少</nl>
+<example id='185'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Of the states washed by the Mississippi river which has the lowest point ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (PP (IN Of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (VP (VBN washed) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)))))) (WHNP (WDT which)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Of-[State:6] the-[State:6] states-[State:6] washed-[State:7] by-[State:7] the-[River:8] Mississippi-[RiverName:10] river-[River:8] which-[Query:0] has-[State:2] the-[Place:3] lowest-[Place:3] point-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='10'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die niedrigste erhebung in den staaten durch welche der mississippi fluss verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>από τις πολιτείες που βρέχονται από το ποταμό mississippi ποια έχει το χαμηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>พื้นที่ ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ ใด จะ ถูก แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ท่วม</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 密西西比 河 流经 的 州 里 哪 一个 州 有 最低 点</nl>
+<example id='186'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+People in Boulder ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NP (NNS People)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Boulder)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S People-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Boulder-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boulder ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist die bevoelkerung von boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>άνθρωποι στο boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จำนวน ประชากร ใน เมือง โบลเดอร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>博尔德 市 有 多少 人</nl>
+<example id='187'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Population of Boulder ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NP (NN Population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Boulder)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Boulder-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boulder ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>leute in boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πληθυσμός του boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง โบลเดอร์ มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>博尔德 市 的 居民 人数 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='188'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Rivers in New York ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+rios en new york ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu yooku no kawa ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new york taki nehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NP (NNS Rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S rios en new_york)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_yooku no kawa ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_york taki nehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Rivers-[River:1] in-[River:2] New-[StateName:4] York-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(river(loc_2(stateid('new york'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(river(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele fluesse verlaufen durch new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποτάμια στη new york </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ นิวยอร์ค</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列出 所有 纽约 州 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='189'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Sacramento is the capital of which state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NNP Sacramento)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (WHNP (WDT which) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Sacramento-[CityName:5] is-[City:3] the-[City:3] capital-[City:3] of-[State:2] which-[Query:0] state-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('sacramento', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' sacramento ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>sacramento ist die hauptstadt welcher staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>το sacramento είναι πρωτεύουσα ποιας πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ซาคราเม็นโต เป็น เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>萨克拉门托 是 哪个 州 的 首府</nl>
+<example id='190'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+San Antonio is in what state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NNP San) (NNP Antonio)) (VP (VBZ is) (PP (IN in) (WHNP (WDT what) (NN state)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S San-[CityName:4] Antonio-[CityName:4] is-[State:2] in-[State:2] what-[Query:0] state-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('san antonio', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(const(B,cityid('san antonio',_)),loc(B,A),state(A)))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' san antonio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt san antonio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>το san antonio είναι σε ποια πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ซานอันโตนิโอ อยู่ ใน รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>圣安东尼奥 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='191'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Show major cities in Colorado .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Show) (NP (NP (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Show-[Query:0] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Colorado-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>zeige mir die wichtigsten staedte in colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>εμφάνισε κύριες πόλεις στο colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง แสดง เมือง หลัก ของ รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列出 在 科罗拉多 州 的 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='192'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Show me all the major lakes in the US .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Show) (NP (PRP me)) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS lakes)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Show-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] all-[Place:1] the-[Place:1] major-[Place:1] lakes-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ major ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ lake ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>zeige mir alle groesseren seen in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>δείξε μου όλες τις κύριες λίμνες στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก มา ว่า มี ทะเลสาบ หลัก อยู่ ทั้งหมด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>告诉 我 在 美国 所有 的 主要 湖泊</nl>
+<example id='193'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+State the state with the largest area .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB State) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN area))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S State-[Query:0] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] with-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] area-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne den staat mit der groessten flaeche</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ονόμασε την πολιτεία με τη μεγαλύτερη επιφάνεια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>说出 面积 最大 的 州</nl>
+<example id='194'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+States bordering Iowa ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SQ (NP (NP (NNS States)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Iowa)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S States-[State:1] bordering-[State:2] Iowa-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>staaten iowa angrenzend</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με την iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ไอโอวา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>列出 与 艾奥瓦 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='195'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Tell me what cities are in Texas .
+<syn lang='en'>
+(S (VP (VB Tell) (NP (PRP me)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT what) (NNS cities)) (S (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Tell-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] what-[Query:0] cities-[City:1] are-[City:2] in-[City:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne mir die staedte in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πες μου ποιες πόλεις είναι στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ เมือง ที่ อยู่ ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>告诉 我 在 得克萨斯 州 有 哪些 城市</nl>
+<example id='196'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Through which states does the longest river in Texas run ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHPP (IN Through) (WHNP (WDT which) (NNS states))) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas)))) (VP (VB run))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Through-[Query:0] which-[Query:0] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] longest-[River:3] river-[River:4] in-[River:5] Texas-[StateName:7] run-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der laengste fluss in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες διασχίζει το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στο texas </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 德克萨斯 州 的 最长 的 河流 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='197'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Through which states does the Mississippi flow ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHPP (IN Through) (WHNP (WDT which) (NNS states))) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VB flow))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Through-[Query:0] which-[Query:0] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[RiverName:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:4] flow-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten verlaueft der mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 流经 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='198'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Through which states does the Mississippi run ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+por cuales estados corre el mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi hangi eyaletlerden gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHPP (IN Through) (WHNP (WDT which) (NNS states))) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VB run))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S por cuales estados corre el mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi hangi eyaletlerden gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Through-[Query:0] which-[Query:0] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[RiverName:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:4] run-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='199'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are all the rivers in Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son todos los rios en texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no kawa wa nani zenbu desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas daki nehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son todos los rios en texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no kawa wa nani zenbu desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas daki nehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] all-[River:1] the-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] in-[River:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse gibt es in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι όλα τα ποτάμια στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 德克萨斯 州 所有 的 河流 是 哪些</nl>
+<example id='200'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are major rivers in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (JJ major) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] major-[River:1] rivers-[River:2] in-[River:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche wichtigen fleusse gibt es in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα κύρια ποτάμια στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 的 主要 河流 是 哪些</nl>
+<example id='201'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the biggest rivers in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[River:1] biggest-[River:1] rivers-[River:2] in-[River:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die groessten fluesse in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα μεγαλύτερα ποτάμια στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 最大 的 河流 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='202'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the capital cities of the states which border Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] cities-[City:2] of-[City:3] the-[State:4] states-[State:4] which-[State:5] border-[State:5] Texas-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die hauptstaedte der staaten welche an texas grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πρωτεύουσες πόλεις των πολιτειών που συνορεύουν με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州 的 首府 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='203'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital city in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hauptstadt des staates texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα πόλη του texas </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 的 首府 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='204'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the capitals of states that border Missouri ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS capitals)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Missouri))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capitals-[City:1] of-[City:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] Missouri-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die hauptstaedte der staaten welche an missouri grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πρωτεύουσες των πολιτειών που συνορεύουν με το missouri </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ล้อมรอบ รัฐ มิสซูรี มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 密苏里 接壤 的 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='205'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the capitals of the states that border Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS capitals)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capitals-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die hauptstaedte der an texas angrenzenden staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πρωτεύουσες των πολιτειών που συνορεύουν με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ ล้อมรอบ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='206'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the cities in California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] cities-[City:1] in-[City:2] California-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was sind die staedte in california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πόλεις στην california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี เมือง อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 加 州 有 什么 城市</nl>
+<example id='207'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the cities in states through which the Mississippi runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] cities-[City:1] in-[City:2] states-[State:3] through-[State:4] which-[State:4] the-[RiverName:6] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] runs-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die staedte in den staaten durch welchder mississippi fluss verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πόλεις στις πολιτείες τις οποίες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี เมือง อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 所 贯穿 的 州 的 城市 有 哪些</nl>
+<example id='208'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the cities of the state with the highest point ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] cities-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:4] the-[Place:5] highest-[Place:5] point-[Place:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die staedte des staates mit der hoechsten erhebung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πόλεις της πολιτείας με το ψηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี จุด สูง สุด มี เมือง อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最高 点 所在 州 有 什么 城市</nl>
+<example id='209'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the highest points of all the states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NNS points)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS states))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] points-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] all-[State:4] the-[State:4] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die hoechsten punkte aller staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα ψηλότερα σημεία όλων των πολιτειών</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ แต่ละ รัฐ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>所有 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='210'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the highest points of states surrounding Mississippi ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NNS points)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (VP (VBG surrounding) (NP (NNP Mississippi))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] points-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] states-[State:4] surrounding-[State:5] Mississippi-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die hoechsten punkte der staaten welche mississippi umgeben</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα ψηλότερα σημεία των πολιτειών που περιβάλλουν τον mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ มิสซิสซิปปี มี จุด สูง สุด อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 是 密西西比 州 的 周边 的 州 的 最高 点</nl>
+<example id='211'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the lakes in states bordering Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS lakes)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lakes-[Place:1] in-[Place:2] states-[State:3] bordering-[State:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lake ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die namen der seen der staaten welche an texas grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι λίμνες στις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี ทะเลสาบ อะไร บ้าง ที่ อยู่ ใน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 湖泊 在 与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='212'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the largest cities in the states that border the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[State:4] states-[State:4] that-[State:5] border-[State:5] the-[State:6] largest-[State:6] state-[State:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die groessten staedte in an den groessten staat angrenzende staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι μεγαλύτερες πόλεις στις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με τη μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน บรรดา รัฐ ต่างๆ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด รัฐ เหล่านั้น มี เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 最大 的 州 接壤 的 州 的 最大 的 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='213'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Alabama ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alabama))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Alabama-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die grossen staedte in alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στην alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง หลัก ของ รัฐ อลาบามา มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉巴马 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='214'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Alaska ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las ciudades mayores en alaska ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arasuka ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+alaska daki baslica sehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las ciudades mayores en alaska)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arasuka ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S alaska daki baslica sehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Alaska-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten staedte in alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στην alaska </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง หลัก ของ รัฐ อลาสกา มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='215'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in California ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las ciudades mayores en california ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+karifuorunia no ookina toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+california daki baslica sehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las ciudades mayores en california)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S karifuorunia no ookina toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S california daki baslica sehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] California-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten fluesse in dem staat california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στην california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加利福尼亚 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='216'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Delaware ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Delaware))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Delaware-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' delaware ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind grosse staedte in delaware</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πολιτείες στο delaware</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ เดลาแวร์ มี อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>特拉华 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='217'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Kansas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las ciudades mayores en kansas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kanzasu no ookina toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+kansas daki baslica sehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Kansas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las ciudades mayores en kansas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kanzasu no ookina toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S kansas daki baslica sehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Kansas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche grossen staedte gibt es in kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στο kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ แคนซัส มี อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>堪萨斯 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='218'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Missouri ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Missouri))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Missouri-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche sind die groessten staedte in missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στο missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ มิสซูรี มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密苏里 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='219'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in New Mexico ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] New-[StateName:5] Mexico-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('new mexico')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(major(A),city(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new mexico'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche sind die groesseren staedte in new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στο new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新墨西哥 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='220'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in New York ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] New-[StateName:5] York-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('new york')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(major(A),city(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind grosse staedte in new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στη new york </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นิวยอร์ค มี เมือง เอก อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>纽约 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='221'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in North Carolina ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP North) (NNP Carolina))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] North-[StateName:5] Carolina-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('north carolina')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(major(A),city(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('north carolina'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' north carolina ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die wesentlichen staedte north carolinas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στη north carolina</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ นอร์ธแคโรไลนา มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>北卡罗来纳 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='222'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Ohio ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las ciudades mayores en ohio ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ohaio ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+ohio daki baslica sehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Ohio))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las ciudades mayores en ohio)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ohaio ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S ohio daki baslica sehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Ohio-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten staedte in ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πολιτείες στο ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ โอไฮโอ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄亥俄 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='223'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Oklahoma ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las ciudades mayores en oklahoma ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+okurahoma ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+oklahoma daki baslica sehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Oklahoma))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las ciudades mayores en oklahoma)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S okurahoma ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S oklahoma daki baslica sehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Oklahoma-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' oklahoma ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche sind die groesste staedte in oklahoma</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στην oklahoma</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง หลัก ของ รัฐ โอกลาโฮมา มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄克拉荷马 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='224'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Rhode Island ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las ciudades mayores en rhode island ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+roodoairando ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+rhode island daki baslica sehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Rhode) (NNP Island))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las ciudades mayores en rhode_island)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S roodoairando ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S rhode_island daki baslica sehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Rhode-[StateName:5] Island-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(major(A),city(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('rhode island'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' rhode island ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten staedte in rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στο rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ โรดไอแลนด์ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>罗德岛 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='225'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in states through which the Mississippi runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] states-[State:4] through-[State:5] which-[State:5] the-[RiverName:7] Mississippi-[RiverName:7] runs-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind grosse staedte in den staaten durch die der mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στις πολιτείεςτις οποίες διατρέχει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ต่างๆ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี เมือง หลัก อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 的 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='226'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las ciudades mayores en texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas daki baslica sehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las ciudades mayores en texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas daki baslica sehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche sind die groessten staedte in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='227'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] state-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was sind die groessten stadte in dem groessten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στη μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มี เมือง เอก อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='228'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in the smallest state in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[State:4] smallest-[State:4] state-[State:5] in-[State:6] the-[CountryName:8] US-[CountryName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die groessten staedte im kleinsten staat der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στη μικρότερη πολιτεία στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ของ สหรัฐอเมริกา มี อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 最小 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='229'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in the state of California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP California))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] of-[State:4] California-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten staedte in california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στην πολιτεία της california </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 加利福尼亚 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='230'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in the states through which the major river in Virginia runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Virginia)))) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[State:4] states-[State:4] through-[State:5] which-[State:5] the-[River:6] major-[River:6] river-[River:7] in-[River:8] Virginia-[StateName:10] runs-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='10'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' virginia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten staedte in den vereinigten staaten durch welche der wichtigste fluss in virginia verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στις πολιτείες τις οποίες διασχίζει το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στη virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก ใน รัฐ เวอร์จิเนีย ไหล ผ่าน มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>弗吉尼亚 州 的 主要 河流 贯穿 的 州 的 主要 城市 有 哪些</nl>
+<example id='231'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigen staedte der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ อเมริกา มี อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 什么 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='232'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Vermont ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Vermont))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Vermont-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' vermont ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind grosse staedte in vermont</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στο vermont</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลัก ของ รัฐ เวอร์มอนต์ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佛蒙特 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='233'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities in Wyoming ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las ciudades mayores en wyoming ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+waiomingu ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+wyoming daki baslica sehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Wyoming))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las ciudades mayores en wyoming)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S waiomingu ni wa donna daitoshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S wyoming daki baslica sehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Wyoming-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wyoming ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten stadte in wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στο wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ ไวโอมิง มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>怀俄明 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='234'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities of Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las ciudades mayores de texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no ookina toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas in baslica sehirleri nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las ciudades mayores de texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no ookina toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas in baslica sehirleri nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] of-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die wesentlichen staedte in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='235'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities of the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] of-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die groessten staedte der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ สหรัฐ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 有 哪些 主要 城市 呢</nl>
+<example id='236'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major cities of the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] of-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten staedte der vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις των ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ อเมริกา มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='237'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major lakes in United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS lakes)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] major-[Place:1] lakes-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ major ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ lake ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten seen in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες λίμνες στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ทะเลสาบ หลัก ของ สหรัฐอเมริกา มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 有 哪些 主要 湖泊 呢</nl>
+<example id='238'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major rivers in Ohio ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son los rios mayores en ohio ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ohaio no ookina kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+ohio daki baslica nehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Ohio))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son los rios mayores en ohio)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ohaio no ookina kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S ohio daki baslica nehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[River:1] major-[River:1] rivers-[River:2] in-[River:3] Ohio-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die wichtigsten fluesse in ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα κύρια ποτάμια του ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก ใน รัฐ โอไฮโอ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 俄亥俄 州 有 哪些 主要 河流</nl>
+<example id='239'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the major rivers in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[River:1] major-[River:1] rivers-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die haupt-fluesse in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα κύρια ποτάμια στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก ของ อเมริกา มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 哪些 主要 河流 呢</nl>
+<example id='240'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the names of the major cities in Illinois ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS names)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Illinois))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Query:0] names-[Query:0] of-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Illinois-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' illinois ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die namen grosser staedte in illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα ονόματα των κύριων πόλεων στο illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ อิลลินอยส์ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 伊利诺伊 州 主要 城市 的 名称 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='241'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the neighboring states for Michigan ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (VBG neighboring) (NNS states)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Michigan))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[State:2] neighboring-[State:2] states-[State:1] for-[State:2] Michigan-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' michigan ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die nachbarstaaten von michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι γειτονικές πολιτείες για το michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ มิชิแกน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 是 和 密歇根 州 相邻 的 州</nl>
+<example id='242'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the population densities of each US state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NNS densities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT each) (NNP US) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] densities-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] each-[State:2] US-[State:2] state-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die bevoelkerungsdichten der us staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πυκνότητες πληθυσμού καθεμίας από τις πολιτείες των ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แต่ละ รัฐ มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 各 州 的 人口 密度 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='243'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Mississippi ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Mississippi))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Mississippi-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die einwohnerzahl von mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ มิสซิสซิปปี มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='244'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of all the major cities in Montana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Montana))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] all-[City:2] the-[City:2] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] in-[City:4] Montana-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross sind die bevoelkerungen aller wichtigen staedte in montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμοί από όλες τις κύριες πόλεις στη montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แต่ละ เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ มอนตานา มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 蒙大拿 州 所有 主要 城市 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='245'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of states through which the Mississippi river runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] states-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[River:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist die bevoelkerung der staaten durch welche der mississippi fluss verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμοί των πολιτειών τις οποίες διασχίζει ο ποταμός mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี ประชากร กี่ คน บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 所 贯穿 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='246'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of states through which the Mississippi river runs ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que son las poblaciones de los estados por cual corre el rio mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi kawa ga nagareru shuu no jinkou wa ikura desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi nehrinin icinden gectigi eyaletlerin nufuslari nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que son las poblaciones de los estados por cual corre el rio mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi kawa ga nagareru shuu no jinkou wa ikura desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi nehrinin icinden gectigi eyaletlerin nufuslari nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] states-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[River:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was sind die bevoelkerungen der staaten durch denen die mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμού των πολιτειών από τις οποίες περνά ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แต่ละ รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 所 贯穿 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='247'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of states through which the Mississippi runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] states-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[RiverName:5] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was sind die bevoelkerungen der staaten durch deren den mississippi fluss fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμού των πολιτειών τις οποίες διασχίζει ο mississippi </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี ประชากร เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 所 贯穿 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='248'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of states through which the Mississippi runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] states-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[RiverName:5] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was sind die bevoelkerungen der staaten durch deren den mississippi fluss fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμοί των πολιτειών τις οποίες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แต่ละ รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>被 密西西比 河 所 贯穿 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='249'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of states which border Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] states-[State:2] which-[State:3] border-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross sind die bevoelkerungen der staaten welche an texas grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμοί των πολιτειών που συνορεύουν με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 德 州 接壤 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='250'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of the major cities of Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[City:2] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] of-[City:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die einwohnerzahlen der grossen staedte in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμοί των κύριων πόλεων του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง หลัก ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร เท่าไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 的 主要 城市 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='251'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of the states through which the Mississippi river runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] states-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[River:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerungszahl der staaten durch die der mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμοί των πολιτειών τις οποίες διασχίζει ο ποταμός mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แต่ละ รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี ประชากร เท่าใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 所 贯穿 的 州 有 多少 人</nl>
+<example id='252'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of the states through which the Mississippi river runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] states-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[River:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross sind die bevoelkerungen der staaten durch welche der mississippi verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμοί των πολιτειών τις οποίες διασχίζει ο ποταμός mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก จำนวน ประชากร ของ รัฐ ต่างๆ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 所 贯穿 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='253'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of the states through which the Mississippi runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] states-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[RiverName:5] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross sind die bevoelkerungen der staaten durch die der mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμοί των πολιτειών τις οποίες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ต่างๆ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 所 贯穿 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='254'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the populations of the states through which the Mississippi runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS populations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] populations-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] states-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[RiverName:5] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross sind die bevoelkerungen in den staaten durch welche der mississippi fluss verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι είναι οι πληθυσμοί των πολιτειών τους οποίους διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แต่ ละ รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>被 密西西比 河 贯穿 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='255'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the rivers in Alaska ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales son los rios en alaska ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arasuka no kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+alaska daki nehirler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales son los rios en alaska)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arasuka no kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S alaska daki nehirler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] in-[River:2] Alaska-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die flüsse in alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα ποτάμια στην alaska </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ อลาสกา มี แม่น้ำ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 州 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='256'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the rivers in the state of Indiana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Indiana))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] in-[River:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] of-[State:3] Indiana-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' indiana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die fluesse im staate indiana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα ποτάμια στην πολιτεία της indiana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน รัฐ อินเดียนา มี แม่น้ำ อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>印第安纳 州 的 河流 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='257'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the rivers in the state of Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] in-[River:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] of-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse gibt es in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα ποτάμια στην πολιτεία του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี แม่น้ำ อยู่ กี่ สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 有 哪些 河流</nl>
+<example id='258'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the rivers of Montana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Montana))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] of-[River:2] Montana-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche sind die fluesse montanas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι τα ποτάμια στη montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใน รัฐ มอนตานา มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>蒙大拿 州 的 河流 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='259'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (DT the) (NNS states))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[State:1] states-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten gibt es</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>สหรัฐ มี รัฐ อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='260'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the states that border the state with the greatest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS greatest) (NN population))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[State:1] states-[State:1] that-[State:2] border-[State:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:3] the-[State:3] greatest-[State:3] population-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an den hoechstbevoelkertsten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πολιτείες που συνορεύουν την πολιτεία με το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 哪些 州 与 人口 最多 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='261'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the states that the Potomac runs through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Potomac)) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[State:1] states-[State:1] that-[State:2] the-[RiverName:4] Potomac-[RiverName:4] runs-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' potomac ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die staaten durch die der potomac fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι πολιτείες που διασχίζει ο potomac</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ โปโตแมค ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>波托马克 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='262'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What are the states through which the longest river runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] are-[Query:0] the-[State:1] states-[State:1] through-[State:2] which-[State:2] the-[River:3] longest-[River:3] river-[River:4] runs-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten durchquert der laenste fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι πολιτείες τις οποίες διασχίζει ο μακρύτερος ποταμός</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最长 的 河流 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='263'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What can you tell me about the population of Missouri ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (MD can) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VB tell) (NP (PRP me)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Missouri))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] can-[Query:0] you-[Query:0] tell-[Query:0] me-[Query:0] about-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Missouri-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was koennen sie mir zur bevoelkerung missouris sagen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>τι μπορείς να μου πεις για τον πληθυσμό του missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>บอก ข้อมูล เกี่ยวกับ ประชากร ของ รัฐ มิสซูรี มา หน่อย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>你 能 告诉 我 密苏里 州 的 人口 是 多少 吗</nl>
+<example id='264'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What capital has the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN capital)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:2] capital-[City:2] has-[City:1] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die groesste hauptstadt nach bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 首府 的 人口 最多</nl>
+<example id='265'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What capital is the largest in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que capital es la mas grande en los us ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo ookii shuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+us deki en genis baskent hangisidir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN capital)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que capital es la mas grande en los us)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo ookii shuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S us deki en genis baskent hangisidir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:2] capital-[City:2] is-[City:1] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche hauptstadt ist die groesse in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πρωτεύουσα είναι η μεγαλύτερη στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 哪个 首府 最大</nl>
+<example id='266'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What cities are located in Pennsylvania ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VBP are) (VP (VBN located) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Pennsylvania))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:1] cities-[City:1] are-[City:2] located-[City:2] in-[City:2] Pennsylvania-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' pennsylvania ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staedte befinden sich in pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πόλεις βρίσκονται στην pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด บ้าง ที่ ตั้งอยู่ ใน รัฐ เพ็นซิลเวเนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 城市 是 位于 宾夕法尼亚 州 的</nl>
+<example id='267'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What cities in California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:1] cities-[City:1] in-[City:2] California-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staedte in california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πόλεις στην california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี เมือง อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加 州 有 什么 城市</nl>
+<example id='268'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What cities in Texas have the highest number of citizens ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas)))) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS citizens)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:2] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5] have-[City:1] the-[City:1] highest-[City:1] number-[City:1] of-[City:1] citizens-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staedte in texas die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πόλεις στο texas έχουν τον μεγαλύτερο αριθμό πολιτών</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ มี ประชากร สูง สุด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 哪个 城市 的 市民 人数 最多</nl>
+<example id='269'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What cities in Texas have the highest populations ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas)))) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NNS populations)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:2] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5] have-[City:1] the-[City:1] highest-[City:1] populations-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche stadt in texas hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πόλεις στο texas έχουν τους μεγαλύτερους πληθυσμούς</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร จำนวน มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 人口 最多 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='270'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What city has the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN city)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:2] city-[City:2] has-[City:1] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche stadt hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πόλη έχει το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 城市 拥有 人口 最多</nl>
+<example id='271'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What city has the least population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN city)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS least) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:2] city-[City:2] has-[City:1] the-[City:1] least-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche stadt hat die kleinste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πόλη έχει το λιγότερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด มี จำนวน ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 城市 的 人口 最少</nl>
+<example id='272'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What city has the most people ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que ciudad tiene mas personas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+hotondo no hito ga iru toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi sehir en cok insana sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN city)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS people)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que ciudad tiene mas personas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S hotondo no hito ga iru toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi sehir en cok insana sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:2] city-[City:2] has-[City:1] the-[City:1] most-[City:1] people-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche stadt hat die meisten leute</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πόλη έχει τους περισσότερους κατοίκους</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 城市 拥有 最多 的 人</nl>
+<example id='273'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What city in the United States has the highest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States)))) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:2] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5] has-[City:1] the-[City:1] highest-[City:1] population-[City:1] density-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche us stadt hat ide hoechste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πόλη στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες έχει τη μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร สูง สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 什么 城市 拥有 最高 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='274'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is capital of Iowa ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Iowa))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Iowa-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ไอโอวา คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>艾奥瓦 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='275'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is capital of the state with the lowest point ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:4] the-[Place:5] lowest-[Place:5] point-[Place:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt des staates mit dem tiefstgelegenen punkt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας με το χαμηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ มี จุด ต่ำ สุด ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最低 点 所在 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='276'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is largest capital ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (JJS largest) (NN capital))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] largest-[City:1] capital-[City:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste hauptstadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πρωτεύουσα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 首府 是 哪里 </nl>
+<example id='277'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the adjacent state of California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ adjacent) (NN state)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:2] adjacent-[State:2] state-[State:1] of-[State:2] California-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt an kalifornien</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η γειτονική πολιτεία της california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กัน กับ รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย คือ รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 加 州 相邻 的 是 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='278'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of Alaska ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la area de alaska ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arasuka no chiiki wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+alaska nin yuzolcumu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la area de alaska)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arasuka no chiiki wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S alaska nin yuzolcumu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Alaska-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die flaechenausdehnung von alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό της alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ อลาสก้า มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='279'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of all the states combined ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS states)) (VP (VBN combined)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:2] area-[Num:2] of-[Num:2] all-[State:3] the-[State:3] states-[State:3] combined-[Num:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ sum ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die gesamte bevoelkerung aller 50 staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό όλων των πολιτειών συνολικά</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ถ้า เอา ทุก รัฐ มา รวม กัน จะ มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>所有 州 的 面积 总和 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='280'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] California-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche flaechenausdehnung hat kalifornien</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό της california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='281'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of Florida ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Florida))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Florida-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die flaeche von florida</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό της florida </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ฟลอริดา มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佛罗里达 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='282'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of Idaho ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la area de idaho ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aidahou no chiiki wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+idaho nin yuzolcumu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Idaho))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la area de idaho)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aidahou no chiiki wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S idaho nin yuzolcumu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Idaho-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' idaho ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche flaeche hat idaho</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό του idaho</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไอดาโฮ มี พื้นที่ เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>爱达荷 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='283'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of Maine ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la area de maine ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+meen no chiiki wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+maine nin yuzolcumu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Maine))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la area de maine)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S meen no chiiki wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S maine nin yuzolcumu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Maine-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maine ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die flaeche von maine</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό του maine</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เมน มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>缅因 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='284'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of Maryland in square kilometers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Maryland)))) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ square) (NNS kilometers))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Maryland-[StateName:3] in-[Num:1] square-[Num:1] kilometers-[Num:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maryland ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die flaeche von maryland in quadratkilometer</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό του maryland σε τετραγωνικά χιλιόμετρα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แมรีแลนด์ มี พื้นที่ กี่ ตาราง กิโลเมตร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>马里兰 州 的 面积 是 多少 平方公里</nl>
+<example id='285'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of New Mexico ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] New-[StateName:3] Mexico-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(area_1(stateid('new mexico')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(area(B,A),const(B,stateid('new mexico'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die flaeche new mexicos</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η επιφάνεια του new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก มี พื้นที่ เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新墨西哥 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='286'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of Ohio ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Ohio))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Ohio-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die flaechenausdehnung von ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η επιφάνεια του ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โอไฮโฮ มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄亥俄 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='287'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of Seattle ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Seattle))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Seattle-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(area_1(cityid('seattle', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' seattle ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die flaeche seattles</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η επιφάνεια του seattle</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ซีแอตเทิล มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>西雅图 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='288'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of South Carolina ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la area de south carolina ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+sausu karoraina no chiiki wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+south carolina nin yuzolcumu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP South) (NNP Carolina))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la area de south_carolina)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S sausu_karoraina no chiiki wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S south_carolina nin yuzolcumu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] South-[StateName:3] Carolina-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(area_1(stateid('south carolina')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(area(B,A),const(B,stateid('south carolina'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' south carolina ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die flaeche von south carolina</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο είναι το εμβαδό της south carolina</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เซาท์แคโรไลนา มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>南卡罗来纳 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='289'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die flaeche von texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='290'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of the largest state ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la area de el estado mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo ookii shuu no chiiki wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en genis eyaletin yuzolcumu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la area de el estado mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo ookii shuu no chiiki wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en genis eyaletin yuzolcumu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] largest-[State:2] state-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die flaeche des groessten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό της μεγαλύτερης πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มี พื้นที่ เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='291'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of the smallest state ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la area de el estado mas pequeno ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo chiisai shuu no chiiki wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en kucuk eyaletin yuzolcumu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la area de el estado mas pequeno)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo chiisai shuu no chiiki wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en kucuk eyaletin yuzolcumu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] smallest-[State:2] state-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die flaeche des kleinsten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η επιφάνεια της μικρότερης πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด มี พื้นที่ เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最小 的 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='292'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of the state with the capital Albany ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (NP (NNP Albany)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] with-[State:3] the-[City:4] capital-[City:4] Albany-[CityName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(area_1(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('albany', _))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' albany ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die flaeche des staates mit der hauptstadt albany</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό της πολιτείας με πρωτεύουσα το albany</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง หา พื้นที่ ของ รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ ว่า อัลบานี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>奥尔巴尼 首府 的 所在 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='293'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of the state with the smallest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population) (NN density))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:2] the-[State:2] smallest-[State:2] population-[State:2] density-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die flaeche von dem staat mit der niedrigsten bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό της πολιτείας με τη χαμηλότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร ต่ำ ที่สุด มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 密度 最小 的 州 的 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='294'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of the states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS states))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] states-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die gesamte flaeche der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το εμβαδό των πολιτειών</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประเทศ สหรัฐ มี พื้นที่ ทั้งหมด เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='295'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of the Texas state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Texas) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] Texas-[StateName:4] state-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die flaeche der staates texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η επιφάνεια της πολιτείας του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='296'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the area of Wisconsin ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la area de wisconsin ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+uisukonshin no chiiki wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+wisconsin nin yuzolcumu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Wisconsin))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la area de wisconsin)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S uisukonshin no chiiki wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S wisconsin nin yuzolcumu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Wisconsin-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wisconsin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die flaeche von wisconsin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η επιφάνεια του wisconsin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ วิสคอนซิน มี พื้นที่ เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>威斯康星 州 的 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='297'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the average population of the US by state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ average) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP US)))) (PP (IN by) (NP (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] average-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[CountryName:3] US-[CountryName:3] by-[Num:1] state-[Num:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die durchschnittliche bevoelkerung fuer die usa pro staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο μέσος πληθυσμό των us ανά πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จำนวน ประชากร เฉลี่ย ต่อ รัฐ ของ สหรัฐ เป็น เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 各 州 的 平均 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='298'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the average population per square km in Pennsylvania ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ average) (NN population)) (PP (IN per) (NP (JJ square) (NN km)))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Pennsylvania))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] average-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] per-[Num:1] square-[Num:1] km-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Pennsylvania-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' pennsylvania ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die durchschnittliche bevoelkerungsdichte in pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο μέσος πληθυσμός ανά τετραγωνικό χμ στη pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เพ็นซิลเวเนีย มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เฉลี่ย ต่อ ตาราง กิโลเมตร เป็น เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 宾夕法尼亚 州 每 平方公里 的 平均 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='299'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the average population per square km in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ average) (NN population)) (PP (IN per) (NP (JJ square) (NN km)))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] average-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] per-[Num:1] square-[Num:1] km-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[CountryName:3] US-[CountryName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die durchschnittliche bevoelkerung pro quadratkilometer in den vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο μέσος πληθυσμός ανά τετραγωνικό χλμ, στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>สหรัฐอเมริกา มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เฉลี่ย ต่อ ตาราง กิโลเมตร เป็น เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 每 平方公里 的 平均 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='300'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest American city in a state with a river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (JJ American) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (NN river))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] American-[City:2] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] a-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] a-[River:6] river-[River:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste amerikanische stadt in einem staat mit einem fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη αμερικανική πόλη σε πολιτεία με ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ที่ มี แม่น้ำ ด้วย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 所有 有 河流 的 州 里 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='301'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest capital city in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN capital) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] capital-[City:2] city-[City:3] in-[City:4] the-[CountryName:6] US-[CountryName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste hauptstadt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πρωτεύουσα πόλη στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด เป็น เมืองหลวง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最大 的 首府 城市 是 哪个 呢</nl>
+<example id='302'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in Arizona ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en arizona ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arizona no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+arizona daki en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Arizona))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en arizona)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arizona no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S arizona daki en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Arizona-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arizona ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste stadt in arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στην arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ แอริโซนา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>亚利桑那 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='303'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in Georgia ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en georgia ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+joojaa no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+georgia daki en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Georgia))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en georgia)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S joojaa no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S georgia daki en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Georgia-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' georgia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die groesste stadt georgias</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στην georgia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ สุด ใน รัฐ จอร์เจีย ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佐治亚 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='304'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in Kansas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Kansas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Kansas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste stadt von kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ของ รัฐ แคนซัส คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>堪萨斯 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='305'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in Louisiana ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en louisiana ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ruijiana no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+louisiana daki en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Louisiana))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en louisiana)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ruijiana no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S louisiana daki en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Louisiana-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' louisiana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt in louisiana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στη louisiana </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ หลุยเซียนา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>路易斯安那 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='306'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in Nebraska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Nebraska))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Nebraska-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' nebraska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt in nebraska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στη nebraska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เนบราสก้า</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>内布拉斯加 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='307'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in Oregon ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en oregon ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+oregon no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+oregon daki en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Oregon))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en oregon)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S oregon no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S oregon daki en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Oregon-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' oregon ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt in oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ โอเรกอน คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 俄勒冈 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='308'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas daki en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas daki en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste stadt in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 德克萨斯 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='309'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in the smallest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[State:4] smallest-[State:4] state-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die groesste stadt in dem kleinsten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στη μικρότερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด มี เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 最小 的 州 中 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='310'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+amerika no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa deki en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S amerika no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa deki en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ของ สหรัฐ คือ เมือง ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 是 美国 最大 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='311'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in the USA ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+amerika no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa deki en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S amerika no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa deki en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die groesste stadt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 是 美国 最大 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='312'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher ist die groesste stadt der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='313'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest city in Wyoming ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en wyoming ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+waiomingu no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+wyoming daki en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Wyoming))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en wyoming)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S waiomingu no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S wyoming daki en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] biggest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Wyoming-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wyoming ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt in wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ของ รัฐ ไวโอมิง คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 怀俄明 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='314'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest river in Illinois ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas grande en illinois ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+irinoi no mottomo ookii kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+illinois deki en buyuk nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Illinois))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas grande en illinois)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S irinoi no mottomo ookii kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S illinois deki en buyuk nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] biggest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Illinois-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' illinois ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der groesste fluss in illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στο illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ใน รัฐ อิลลินอยส์ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>伊利诺伊 州 最大 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='315'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN state))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] biggest-[State:1] state-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der groesste staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='316'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest state in continental US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ continental) (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] biggest-[State:1] state-[State:2] in-[State:3] continental-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der groesste staat auf dem us -festland</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία στις ηπειρωτικές ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='317'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the biggest state in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] biggest-[State:1] state-[State:2] in-[State:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der groesste staat in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='318'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital city of the largest state in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] city-[City:2] of-[City:3] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] state-[State:5] in-[State:6] the-[CountryName:8] US-[CountryName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt des groessten staates in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα πόλη της μεγαλύτερης πολιτείας στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最大 的 州 的 首府 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='319'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] California-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της california </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加利福尼亚 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='320'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Colorado-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt von colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του colorado </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โคโลราโด มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='321'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Georgia ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de georgia ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+joojaa no shuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+georgia in baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Georgia))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de georgia)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S joojaa no shuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S georgia in baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Georgia-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' georgia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hauptstadt georgias</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της georgia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ จอร์เจีย ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佐治亚 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='322'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Hawaii ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Hawaii))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Hawaii-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt von hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ฮาวาย ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>夏威夷 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='323'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Illinois ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Illinois))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Illinois-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' illinois ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του illinois </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ อิลลินอยส์ ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>伊利诺伊 州 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='324'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Indiana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Indiana))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Indiana-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' indiana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hauptstadt von indiana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της indiana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ อินเดียน่า ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>印第安纳 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='325'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Iowa ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de iowa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aiowa no chuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+iowa in baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Iowa))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de iowa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aiowa no chuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S iowa in baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Iowa-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt von iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της iowa </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง หลวง ของ รัฐ ไอโอวา ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>艾奥瓦 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='326'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Maine ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de maine ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+meen no chuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+maine in baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Maine))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de maine)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S meen no chuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S maine in baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Maine-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maine ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie heisst die hauptstadt von maine</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του maine</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ เมน ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>缅因 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='327'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Maryland ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Maryland))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Maryland-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maryland ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von maryland</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του maryland</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ แมรีแลนด์ ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>马里兰 州 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='328'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Massachusetts ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Massachusetts))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Massachusetts-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' massachusetts ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von massachusetts</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της massachusetts </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ แมสซาชูเซ็ตต์ ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>马萨诸塞 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='329'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Michigan ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Michigan))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Michigan-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' michigan ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt von michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ มิชิแกน ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密歇根 州 的 首都 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='330'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of New Hampshire ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de new hampshire ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu hanpushaa no chuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new hampshire in baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Hampshire))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de new_hampshire)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_hanpushaa no chuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_hampshire in baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] New-[StateName:4] Hampshire-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('new hampshire'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(capital(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new hampshire'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new hampshire ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von new hampshire</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του new hampshire</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ นิวแฮมพ์เชียร์ ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新罕布什尔 州 的 首都 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='331'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of New Jersey ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de new jersey ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu jaajii no chuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new jersey in baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Jersey))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de new_jersey)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_jaajii no chuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_jersey in baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] New-[StateName:4] Jersey-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('new jersey'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(capital(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new jersey'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new jersey ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von new jersey</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του new jersey </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ นิวเจอร์ซี ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新泽西 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='332'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of New York ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] New-[StateName:4] York-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('new york'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(capital(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt von new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της new york</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ นิวยอร์ค ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>纽约 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='333'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of North Dakota ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de north dakota ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+noosu dakota no chuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+north dakota in baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP North) (NNP Dakota))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de north_dakota)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S noosu_dakota no chuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S north_dakota in baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] North-[StateName:4] Dakota-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('north dakota'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(capital(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('north dakota'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' north dakota ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von north dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της north dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ นอร์ธดาโกตา ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>北达科他 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='334'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Ohio ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Ohio))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Ohio-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του ohio </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โอไฮโอ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄亥俄 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='335'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Pennsylvania ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Pennsylvania))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Pennsylvania-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' pennsylvania ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt von pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ เพ็นซิลเวเนีย ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>宾夕法尼亚 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='336'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of states that have cities named Durham ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Durham))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] have-[State:4] cities-[City:5] named-[City:5] Durham-[CityName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(capital(loc_2(state(loc_1(city(cityid('durham', _)))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' durham ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lauten die hauptstadte der staaten welche staedte mit dem namen durham haben</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα των πολιτειών που έχουν πόλεις που ονομάζονται durham</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี เมือง ชื่อ เดอแรม มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>含有 城市 名为 达勒姆 的 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='337'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt von texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ช่วย บอก ที ว่า เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='338'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the Alabama state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Alabama) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] Alabama-[StateName:5] state-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt des staates alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας της alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ อลาบามา ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉巴马 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='339'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the Florida state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Florida) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] Florida-[StateName:5] state-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt von florida state</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας florida </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ฟลอริดา ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佛罗里达 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='340'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] largest-[State:3] state-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt des groessten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της μεγαλύτερης πολιτείας </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='341'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the smallest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] smallest-[State:3] state-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt des kleinsten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της μικρότερης πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ขนาด เล็ก ที่สุด มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最小 的 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='342'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the state Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>kannst du mir die hauptstadt von texas nennen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 首府 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='343'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the state that borders the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] that-[State:5] borders-[State:5] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] states-[State:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hauptstadt des staates der die meisten staaten angrenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας που συνορεύει με τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่นๆ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>和 最多 州 接壤 的 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='344'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the state that borders the state that borders Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] that-[State:4] borders-[State:4] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] that-[State:6] borders-[State:6] Texas-[StateName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hauptstadt des staates der an den staat der texas angrenzt angrenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας που συνορεύει με την πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州 接壤 的 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='345'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the state with the highest elevation ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN elevation))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:4] the-[Place:5] highest-[Place:5] elevation-[Place:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hauptstadt des staates mit der groesten hoehe</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας με το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ระดับ ความ สูง มาก ที่สุด มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>海拔 最高 的 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='346'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the state with the highest point ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de el estado con el punto mas alto ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo takai chiten ga aru shuu no shuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en yuksek noktayi iceren eyaletin baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de el estado con el punto mas alto)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo takai chiten ga aru shuu no shuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en yuksek noktayi iceren eyaletin baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:4] the-[Place:5] highest-[Place:5] point-[Place:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt des staats mit der hoechsten erhebung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιά είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας με το ψηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ มี จุด สูง สุด ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最高 点 所在 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='347'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the state with the largest population ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de el estado con la poblacion mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo ookii jinkou ga aru shuu no shuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+nufusu en fazla olan eyaletin baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de el estado con la poblacion mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo ookii jinkou ga aru shuu no shuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S nufusu en fazla olan eyaletin baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:3] the-[State:3] largest-[State:3] population-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt des staat mit den meisten einwohnern</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας με το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 最多 的 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='348'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the state with the largest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population) (NN density))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:3] the-[State:3] largest-[State:3] population-[State:3] density-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt des staat mit dem groessten bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας με την μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร มาก ที่สุด มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 密度 最大 的 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='349'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the state with the longest river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:4] the-[River:5] longest-[River:5] river-[River:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt des staates mit dem laengsten fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας με το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง หลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ มี แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด มี ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最长 的 河流 的 所在 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='350'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of the state with the most inhabitants ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS inhabitants))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:3] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] inhabitants-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hauptstadt des staat mit der groessten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας με τους περισσότερους κατοίκους</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>居民 数 最多 的 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='351'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Utah ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de utah ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+yuutaa no chuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+utah in baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Utah))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de utah)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S yuutaa no chuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S utah in baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Utah-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' utah ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt von utah</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της utah</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ยูทาห์ ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>犹他 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='352'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Vermont ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de vermont ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+baamonto no chuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+vermont in baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Vermont))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de vermont)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S baamonto no chuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S vermont in baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Vermont-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' vermont ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hauptstadt von vermont</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα του vermont</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ เวอร์ม็อนต์ ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佛蒙特 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='353'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the capital of Washington ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de washington ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+washinton no chuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+washington in baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Washington))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de washington)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S washinton no chuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S washington in baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] capital-[City:1] of-[City:2] Washington-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' washington ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hauptstadt von washington</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πρωτεύουσα της washington</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ วอชิงตัน ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>华盛顿 州 的 首府 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='354'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the city in Texas with the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas)))) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:2] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5] with-[City:1] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staedte in texas haben die hoechste einwohnerzahl</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πόλη στο texas με τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 人口 最多 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='355'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the city with the smallest population ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad con la poblacion mas pequena ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo chiisai jinkou ga aru toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en az nufuslu sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad con la poblacion mas pequena)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo chiisai jinkou ga aru toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en az nufuslu sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:2] city-[City:2] with-[City:1] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die stadt mit der kleinsten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πόλη με τον μικρότερη πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด มี ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 最少 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='356'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the combined area of all 50 states ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la area combinada de todos los 50 estados ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+gojuu shuu zenbu no zentai no chiiki wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+50 eyaletin toplam alani nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (VBN combined) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT all) (CD 50) (NNS states))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la area combinada de todos los 50 estados)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S gojuu shuu zenbu no zentai no chiiki wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S 50 eyaletin toplam alani nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] combined-[Num:1] area-[Num:2] of-[Num:2] all-[State:3] 50-[State:3] states-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ sum ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die gesamte flaeche aller staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσο είναι το συνδυαστικό εμβαδό των 50 πολιτειών</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมื่อ นำ รัฐ ทั้ง 50 รัฐ มา รวม กัน จะ มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>所有 50 个 州 的 总 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='357'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the combined population of all 50 states ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion combinada de todos los 50 estados ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+gojuu shuu no zentai no jinkou wa ikura desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+50 eyaletin toplam nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (VBN combined) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT all) (CD 50) (NNS states))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion combinada de todos los 50 estados)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S gojuu shuu no zentai no jinkou wa ikura desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S 50 eyaletin toplam nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] combined-[Num:1] population-[Num:2] of-[Num:2] all-[State:3] 50-[State:3] states-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ sum ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die gesamte bevoelkerung aller 50 staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο συνδυαστικός πληθυσμός όλων των 50 πολιτειών</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ถ้า นำ ประชากร ทั้ง 50 รัฐ มา รวม กัน จะ มี จำนวน ทั้งสิ้น กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>所有 50 个 州 的 总 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='358'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the density of Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ความ หนาแน่น ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='359'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the density of the New York ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[StateName:3] New-[StateName:3] York-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(density_1(stateid('new york')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(density(B,A),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die dichte von new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητας της new york </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นิวยอร์ค มี ความ หนาแน่น ประชากร เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>纽约 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='360'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the elevation of Death Valley ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Death) (NNP Valley))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] elevation-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Death-[PlaceName:3] Valley-[PlaceName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('death valley')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(elevation(B,A),const(B,placeid('death valley'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ placeid ( *n:PlaceName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:PlaceName -> ({ ' death valley ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch liegt death valley</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το υψόμετρο της death valley</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เดธแวลีย์ มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>死亡谷 海拔 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='361'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the elevation of the highest point in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] elevation-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] in-[Place:4] the-[CountryName:6] USA-[CountryName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hoehe des hoechsten punktes in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το υψόμετρο του ψηλότερου σημείου στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ที่ สูง ที่สุด ของ อเมริกา สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最高 点 的 海拔 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='362'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the height of Mount McKinley ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN height)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Mount) (NNP McKinley))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] height-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Mount-[PlaceName:3] McKinley-[PlaceName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('mount mckinley')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(elevation(B,A),const(B,placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ placeid ( *n:PlaceName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:PlaceName -> ({ ' mount mckinley ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hoehe mount mckinleys</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το υψόμετρο του όρους mckinley</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา แมคคินลีย์ มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>麦金利 山 的 高度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='363'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the height of the highest mountain in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN height)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN mountain)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] height-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] mountain-[Place:3] in-[Place:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hoehe des hoechsten berges in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ύψος του ψηλότερου βουνού στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 最高 的 山峰 的 高度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='364'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the height of the highest point in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN height)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] height-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[Place:2] highest-[Place:2] point-[Place:3] in-[Place:4] the-[CountryName:6] USA-[CountryName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ elevation_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hoehe des hoechsten punktes in der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το υψόμετρο του ψηλότερου σημείου στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ใน อเมริกา สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最高 点 的 高度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='365'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the high point of Wyoming ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ high) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Wyoming))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] high-[Place:1] point-[Place:1] of-[Place:1] Wyoming-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ high_point_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wyoming ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλό σημείο του wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ไวโอมิง อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>怀俄明 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='366'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest elevation in New Mexico ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la elevacion mas alta en new mexico ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu mekishiko no mottomo takai kaibatsu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new mexico de en yuksek yukselti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la elevacion mas alta en new_mexico)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_mekishiko no mottomo takai kaibatsu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_mexico de en yuksek yukselti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] elevation-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] New-[StateName:5] Mexico-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('new mexico')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,highest(A,(place(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new mexico')))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher ist der hoechste punkt in new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο στο new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新墨西哥 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='367'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest elevation in South Carolina ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP South) (NNP Carolina))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] elevation-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] South-[StateName:5] Carolina-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('south carolina')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,highest(A,(place(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('south carolina')))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' south carolina ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hoechste erhoehung in south carolina</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο στη south carolina</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ เซาท์แคโรไลนา อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>南卡罗来纳 州 最高 海拔 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='368'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest elevation in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] elevation-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der hoechste punkt in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='369'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest elevation in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] elevation-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hoechste erhebung in den vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ที่ใด จุด สูง ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最高 海拔 是 哪儿</nl>
+<example id='370'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest mountain in Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN mountain)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] mountain-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Alaska-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste berg in alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο βουνό στην alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด ของ รัฐ อลาสก้า ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 州 最高 的 山峰 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='371'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest mountain in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN mountain)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] mountain-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste berg in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο βουνό στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส คือ ภูเขา ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 最高 的 山峰 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='372'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest mountain in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la montana mas alta en los us ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo takai yama wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+us deki en yuksek dag nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN mountain)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la montana mas alta en los us)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo takai yama wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S us deki en yuksek dag nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] mountain-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste berg der vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο βουνό στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา ไหน สูง ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最高 的 山峰 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='373'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest mountain in US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN mountain)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] mountain-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste berg in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο βουνό στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา มี ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最高 的 山峰 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='374'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Colorado ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en colorado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kororado no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+colorado daki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kororado no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S colorado daki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Colorado-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στο colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ โคโลราโด อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='375'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Delaware ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Delaware))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Delaware-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' delaware ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste punkt von delaware</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στο delaware </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ เดลาแวร์ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>特拉华 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='376'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in each state whose lowest point is sea level ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT each) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP$ whose) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (S (VBZ is) (NP (NN sea) (NN level)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] each-[State:4] state-[State:4] whose-[State:5] lowest-[State:5] point-[State:5] is-[State:5] sea-[State:5] level-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Place -> ({ elevation_2 ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:Num -> ({ 0 }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die hoechsten punkte der staaten dessen tiefster punkt auf meeresniveau liegt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο σε κάθε πολιτεία της οποία το χαμηλότερο σημείο είναι στο επίπεδο της θάλασσας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง หา จุด สูง สุด ของ แต่ละ รัฐ ซึ่ง มี จุด ต่ำ สุด อยู่ ที่ ระดับ น้ำ ทะเล</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 各个 最低 点 与 海平面 持平 的 州 里 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='377'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Florida ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Florida))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Florida-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste punkt in florida</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στη florida</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ที่ สูง ที่สุด ของ รัฐ ฟลอริด้า อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佛罗里达 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='378'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Iowa ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en iowa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aiowa no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+iowa daki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Iowa))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en iowa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aiowa no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S iowa daki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Iowa-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην iowa </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไอโอวา มี จุด สูง สุด ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>爱荷华 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='379'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Kansas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en kansas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kanzasu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+kansas daki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Kansas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en kansas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kanzasu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S kansas daki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Kansas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στο kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง ที่สุด ใน รัฐ แคนซัส อยู่ ที่ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>堪萨斯 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='380'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Maine ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Maine))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Maine-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maine ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechstgelegene punkt in maine</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στο maine</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ เมน อยู่ ที่ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>缅因 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='381'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Montana ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en montana ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+montana no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+montana daki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Montana))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en montana)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S montana no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S montana daki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Montana-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στη montana </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ มอนตานา คือ ที่ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>蒙大拿 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='382'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Nevada in meters ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en nevada en metros ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nebaada no mottomo takai chiten wa nan metoru desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+nevada daki en yuksek nokta metre olarak nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Nevada)))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNS meters))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en nevada en metros)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nebaada no mottomo takai chiten wa nan metoru desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S nevada daki en yuksek nokta metre olarak nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Nevada-[StateName:5] in-[Place:1] meters-[Place:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' nevada ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechstgelegene punkt in nevada gemessen in metern</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο της nevada σε μέτρα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ เนวาดา คือ จุด ใด วัด ใน หน่วย เมตร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>内华达 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='383'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in New Mexico ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] New-[StateName:5] Mexico-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('new mexico')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,highest(A,(place(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new mexico')))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die hoechste hoehe in new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο του new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新墨西哥 州 最高 海拔 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='384'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Ohio ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Ohio))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Ohio-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der hoechste punkt in ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στο ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ โอไฮโอ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄亥俄 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='385'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Rhode Island ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en rhode island ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+roodoairando no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+rhode island daki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Rhode) (NNP Island))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en rhode_island)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S roodoairando no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S rhode_island daki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Rhode-[StateName:5] Island-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,highest(A,(place(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('rhode island')))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' rhode island ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechstgelegene punkt in rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στο rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ โรดไอแลนด์ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>罗得岛 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='386'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in states bordering Georgia ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en los estados bordeando a georgia ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+joojaa ni rinsetsu suru shuu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+georgia ya siniri olan eyaletler deki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Georgia))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en los estados bordeando a georgia)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S joojaa ni rinsetsu suru shuu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S georgia ya siniri olan eyaletler deki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] states-[State:4] bordering-[State:5] Georgia-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' georgia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste punkt der an georgia grenzenden staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο σε πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με την georgia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ที่ สูง ที่สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ จอร์เจีย อยู่ ที่ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 佐治亚 州 接壤 的 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='387'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hoechste erhebung in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี จุด สูง สุด คือ จุด ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='388'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the country ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en el pais ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kuni no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+ulke deki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN country))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en el pais)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kuni no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S ulke deki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] country-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην χώρα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ อเมริกา คือ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>这个 国家 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='389'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the smallest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:4] smallest-[State:4] state-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der hoechste punkt im kleinsten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στη μικρότερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด คือ จุด ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最小 的 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='390'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the state with capital Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NN capital)) (NP (NNP Austin)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] capital-[City:6] Austin-[CityName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _))))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in dem staat mit der hauptstadt austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην πολιτεία με πρωτεύουσα το austin </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ ออสติน อยู่ ที่ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>奥斯汀 首府 所在 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='391'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the state with capital Des Moines ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NN capital)) (NP (NNP Des) (NNP Moines)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] capital-[City:6] Des-[CityName:8] Moines-[CityName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('des moines', _))))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,highest(A,(place(A),loc(A,B),state(B),loc(C,B),capital(C),const(C,cityid('des moines',_)))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' des moines ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste punkt im staate mit hauptstadt des moines</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην πολιτεία με πρωτεύουσα το des moines</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ เดส์มวง มี จุด สูง สุด ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德梅因 首府 所在 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='392'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the state with the capital Des Moines ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto de el estado con la capital des moines ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+demoin no shuto ga aru shuu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+baskenti des moines olan eyaletin en yuksek noktasi nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (NP (NNP Des) (NNP Moines)))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto de el estado con la capital des_moines)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S demoin no shuto ga aru shuu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S baskenti des_moines olan eyaletin en yuksek noktasi nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] the-[City:6] capital-[City:6] Des-[CityName:8] Moines-[CityName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('des moines', _))))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,highest(A,(place(A),loc(A,B),state(B),loc(C,B),capital(C),const(C,cityid('des moines',_)))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' des moines ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie heisst der hoechste punkt in dem staat mit der hauptstadt des moines</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην πολιτεία με πρωτεύουσα το des moines</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ เดส์มวง นั้น มี ความ สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德梅因 首府 所在 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='393'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the state with the most rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS rivers))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:6] the-[State:4] most-[State:4] rivers-[River:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der hoechste punkt in dem staat mit den meisten fluessen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην πολιτεία με τα περισσότερα ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี แม่น้ำ มาก ที่สุด มี จุด สูง สุด ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>河流 最多 的 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='394'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the state with the smallest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:4] the-[State:4] smallest-[State:4] population-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in dem staat mit der kleinsten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην πολιτεία με τον μικρότερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด มี จุด สูง สุด อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 最少 的 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='395'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the states bordering Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:4] states-[State:4] bordering-[State:5] Colorado-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in den staaten welche an colorado grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με το colorado </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ โคโลราโด คือ จุด ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 科罗拉多 州 接壤 的 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='396'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der hoechste punkt in den vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ ประเทศ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='397'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa deki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa deki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in dem land</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>พื้นที่ สูง ที่สุด ของ สหรัฐ คือ จุด ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 最高 点 是 什么 呢</nl>
+<example id='398'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in the USA ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa deki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa deki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ อเมริกา อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='399'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Virginia ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Virginia))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Virginia-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' virginia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechstgelegene punkt in virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στη virginia </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ใด เป็น จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ เวอร์จิเนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>弗吉尼亚 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='400'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point in Wyoming ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en wyoming ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+waiomingu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+wyoming daki en yuksek nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Wyoming))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en wyoming)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S waiomingu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S wyoming daki en yuksek nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Wyoming-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wyoming ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechstgelegene punkt von wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στο wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง ของ รัฐ ไวโอมิง มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>怀俄明 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='401'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point of the state with the largest area ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto de el estado con la area mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo ookii chiiki ga aru shuu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en genis alana sahip eyaletin en yuksek noktasi nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN area))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto de el estado con la area mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo ookii chiiki ga aru shuu no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en genis alana sahip eyaletin en yuksek noktasi nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:4] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] area-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste punkt des bezueglich flaeche groessten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο της πολιτείας με το μεγαλύτερο εμβαδό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ กว้าง มาก ที่สุด คือ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>面积 最大 的 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='402'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point of the state with the smallest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population) (NN density))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:4] the-[State:4] smallest-[State:4] population-[State:4] density-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste punkt des staat mit der gerinsten bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο της πολιτείας με τη μικρότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด มี จุด สูง สุด อยู่ ที่ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 密度 最小 的 州 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='403'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the highest point of the USA ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto de los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+amerika no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa nin en yuksek noktasi nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto de los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S amerika no mottomo takai chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa nin en yuksek noktasi nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die hoechste erhebung der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ อเมริกา อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 最高 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='404'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest capital ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN capital))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] capital-[City:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die groesste hauptstadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαύτερη πρωτεύουσα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 首府 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='405'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest capital city in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN capital) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] capital-[City:2] city-[City:3] in-[City:4] the-[CountryName:6] USA-[CountryName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste hauptstadt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πρωτεύουσα πόλη στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最大 的 首府 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='406'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in a state that borders Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] a-[State:4] state-[State:4] that-[State:5] borders-[State:5] Texas-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die groesste stadt in einer staat die texas angrenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη σε μια πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ใหญ่ สุด ใน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州 的 最大 的 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='407'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in Alabama ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alabama))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Alabama-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher ist der groesste stadt in alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στην alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ อลาบามา คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉巴马 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='408'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] California-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste stadt in california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στην california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='409'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in Michigan ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Michigan))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Michigan-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' michigan ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt in michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ของ รัฐ มิชิแกน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密歇根 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='410'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in Minnesota by population ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en minnesota por poblacion ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+jinkou de minesota no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+minnesota da nufus acisindan en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Minnesota)))) (PP (IN by) (NP (NN population))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en minnesota por poblacion)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S jinkou de minesota no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S minnesota da nufus acisindan en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Minnesota-[StateName:5] by-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' minnesota ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die bevoelkerungsreichste stadt in minnesota</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία στη Minnesota βάσει πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ มินเนโซตา เมื่อ เทียบ โดย ประชากร แล้ว</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>明尼苏达 州 人口 最多 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='411'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in Missouri ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Missouri))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Missouri-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste stadt in missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ของ รัฐ มิสซูรี คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密苏里 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='412'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in Rhode Island ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en rhode island ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+roodoairando no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+rhode island aki en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Rhode) (NNP Island))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en rhode_island)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S roodoairando no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S rhode_island aki en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Rhode-[StateName:5] Island-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(largest(city(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,largest(A,(city(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('rhode island')))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' rhode island ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt in rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ โรดไอแลนด์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>罗得岛 州 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='413'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in smallest state through which the Mississippi runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] smallest-[State:4] state-[State:5] through-[State:6] which-[State:6] the-[RiverName:8] Mississippi-[RiverName:8] runs-[State:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt im kleinsten staat durch den der mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στη μικρότερη πολιτεία την οποία διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 的 最小 州 的 最大 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='414'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in states that border California ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en los estados que bordean a california ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+karifuorunia ni rinsetsu suru shuu no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+california ya komsu eyaletler deki en genis sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP California))))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en los estados que bordean a california)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S karifuorunia ni rinsetsu suru shuu no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S california ya komsu eyaletler deki en genis sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] states-[State:4] that-[State:5] border-[State:5] California-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die groesste stadt in staaten die california angrenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη σε πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με την california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 加利福尼亚 州 接壤 的 州 的 最大 的 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='415'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 最大 的 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='416'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in the smallest state in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[State:4] smallest-[State:4] state-[State:5] in-[State:6] the-[CountryName:8] USA-[CountryName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt des kleinsten staates in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στη μικρότερη πολιτεία στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最小 的 州 里 最大 的 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='417'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city in Wisconsin ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande en wisconsin ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+uisukonshin no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+wisconsin deki en genis sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Wisconsin))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande en wisconsin)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S uisukonshin no mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S wisconsin deki en genis sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Wisconsin-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wisconsin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste stadt in wisconsin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο wisconsin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ วิสคอนซิน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>威斯康星 州 最大 的 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='418'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest city of Kansas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Kansas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2] of-[City:3] Kansas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die groesste stadt in kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στο kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ แคนซัส คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>堪萨斯 州 最大 的 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='419'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest of the states that the Rio Grande runs through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Rio) (NNP Grande)) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] of-[State:1] the-[State:2] states-[State:2] that-[State:3] the-[RiverName:5] Rio-[RiverName:5] Grande-[RiverName:5] runs-[State:3] through-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(largest(state(traverse_1(riverid('rio grande')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,largest(A,(state(A),const(B,riverid('rio grande')),traverse(B,A))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' rio grande ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher ist der groesste staat durch den der rio grande fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη από τις πολιτείες που ο rio grande διασχίζει</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ที่ แม่น้ำ ริโอแกรนด์ ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>格兰德 河 贯穿 的 最大 的 州 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='420'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest river in Washington state ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas grande en el estado de washington ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+washinton shuu no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+washington eyaletin deki en genis nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Washington) (NN state))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas grande en el estado de washington)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S washinton shuu no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S washington eyaletin deki en genis nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] largest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Washington-[StateName:6] state-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' washington ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne mir die laenge des laengsten flusses in washington state</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στην πολιτεία washington </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด เป็น แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ วอชิงตัน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>华盛顿 州 最大 的 河流 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='421'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne mir den groessten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='422'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state bordering Arkansas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Arkansas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2] bordering-[State:3] Arkansas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arkansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der groesste an arkansas grenzende staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อาร์คันซอ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 阿肯色 州 接壤 的 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='423'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state bordering Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2] bordering-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der groesste an texas grenzende staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='424'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state capital in population ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la capital de estado mas grande en poblacion ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+jinkou de mottomo ookii shuto wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+nufus bakimindan en buyuk eyalet baskenti nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state) (NN capital)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN population))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la capital de estado mas grande en poblacion)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S jinkou de mottomo ookii shuto wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S nufus bakimindan en buyuk eyalet baskenti nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] state-[State:3] capital-[City:2] in-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche hauptstadt hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πρωτεύουσα πολιτείας σε πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 最多 的 首府 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='425'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2] in-[State:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der groesste staat in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด บน แผ่นดิน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最大 的 州 是 哪个 呢</nl>
+<example id='426'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state in USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2] in-[State:3] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher ist der groesste staat in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา คือ รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='427'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state that borders California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP California))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2] that-[State:3] borders-[State:3] California-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der groesste staat der an california grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει με την california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 加利福尼亚 州 接壤 的 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='428'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state that borders Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2] that-[State:3] borders-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher der an texas grenzenden staaten ist der groesste</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='429'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state that borders the state with the highest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN population))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2] that-[State:3] borders-[State:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:4] the-[State:4] highest-[State:4] population-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was is der groesste staat der den staat mit der groessten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει με την πολιτεία με τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน บรรดา รัฐ ต่างๆ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 人口 最多 的 州 接壤 的 州 最大 的 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='430'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state that borders the state with the lowest point in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2] that-[State:3] borders-[State:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] the-[Place:6] lowest-[Place:6] point-[Place:7] in-[Place:8] the-[CountryName:10] USA-[CountryName:10])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='10'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der groesste staat welcher an den staat grenzt welcher die niedrigste erhebung in den usa hat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει με την πολιτεία με το χαμηλότερο σημείο στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี จุด ต่ำ สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 美国 的 最低 点 所在 州 接壤 的 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='431'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the largest state traversed by the Mississippi river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (VP (VBN traversed) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] state-[State:2] traversed-[State:3] by-[State:3] the-[River:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der groesste staat durch welchen der mississippi fluss verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία που διασχίζει ο ποταμός mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน บรรดา รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 流经 的 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='432'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the least populous state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS least) (JJ populous) (NN state))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] least-[State:1] populous-[State:1] state-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der staat mit der niedrigsten bevoelkerungszahl</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η ολιγοπληθέστερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 最少 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='433'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the length of the Colorado river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuanto tiene de largo el rio colorado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kororado kawa no nagasa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+colorado nehrinin uzunlugu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Colorado) (NN river))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuanto tiene de largo el rio colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kororado kawa no nagasa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S colorado nehrinin uzunlugu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[River:2] Colorado-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der fluss colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μήκος του ποταμού colorado </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 河 的 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='434'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the length of the Colorado river in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Colorado) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[River:5] Colorado-[RiverName:4] river-[River:5] in-[River:6] Texas-[StateName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(len(intersection(riverid('colorado'), river(loc_2(stateid('texas'))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ intersection ( *n:River , *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die laenge des colorado flusses in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μήκος του ποταμού colorado στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด ใน เท็กซัส ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 的 科罗拉多 河 的 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='435'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the length of the longest river in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[River:2] longest-[River:2] river-[River:3] in-[River:4] the-[CountryName:6] USA-[CountryName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der laengste fluss der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μήκος του μακρύτερου ποταμού στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最长 的 河流 的 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='436'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the length of the longest river that runs through Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[River:2] longest-[River:2] river-[River:3] that-[River:4] runs-[River:4] through-[River:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die laenge des lanegsten fluesses der durch texas verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μήκος του μακρύτερου ποταμού που διασχίζει το texas </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>流经 得克萨斯 州 的 最长 的 河流 的 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='437'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the length of the Mississippi river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que tiene de largo el rio mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi kawa no nagasa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi nehrinin uzunlugu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que tiene de largo el rio mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi kawa no nagasa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi nehrinin uzunlugu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[River:2] Mississippi-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μήκος του ποταμού mississippi </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 的 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='438'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the length of the river that flows through the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ flows) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states)))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[River:3] river-[River:3] that-[River:4] flows-[River:4] through-[River:4] the-[River:2] most-[River:2] states-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der fluss welcher durch die misten staaten fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι του ποταμού που διασχίζει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ไหล ผ่าน จำนวน รัฐ มาก ที่สุด มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>流经 最多 州 的 河流 的 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='439'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the length of the river that runs through the most number of states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NN number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS states)))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[River:3] river-[River:3] that-[River:4] runs-[River:4] through-[River:4] the-[River:2] most-[River:2] number-[River:2] of-[River:2] states-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lange ist der fluss welcher durch die groesste anzahl von staaten fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μήκος του ποταμιού που διασχίζει το μεγαλύτερο αριθμό πολιτειών</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ไหล ผ่าน จำนวน รัฐ มาก ที่สุด มี ความ ยาว เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>贯穿 数量 最多 的 州 的 河流 的 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='440'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the length of the river that runs through the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states)))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[River:3] river-[River:3] that-[River:4] runs-[River:4] through-[River:4] the-[River:2] most-[River:2] states-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die laenge des flusses der durch die groessten anzahl staaten fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μήκος του ποταμού που διασχίζει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ไหล ผ่าน จำนวน รัฐ มาก ที่สุด มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>贯穿 最多 州 的 河流 的 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='441'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the length of the river that traverses the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ traverses) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[River:3] river-[River:3] that-[River:4] traverses-[River:4] the-[River:2] most-[River:2] states-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der fluss welcher am meisten staaten durchquert</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μήκος του ποταμού που διασχίζει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ จำนวน มาก ที่สุด มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>流经 最多 州 的 河流 的 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='442'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas largo en los united states ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+birlesik devletler in en uzun nehri nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas largo en los united states)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S birlesik devletler in en uzun nehri nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der laengste fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด มี ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='443'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river flowing through New York ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (VP (VBG flowing) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] flowing-[River:3] through-[River:3] New-[StateName:5] York-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(longest(river(traverse_2(stateid('new york')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,longest(A,(river(A),traverse(A,B),const(B,stateid('new york')))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der laengste fluss new yorks</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι που διασχίζει τη new york</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ นิวยอร์ค คือ แม่น้ำ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>流经 纽约 的 最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='444'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in America ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP America))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] America-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der laengste fluss der vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στην αμερική</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด เป็น แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最长 的 河流 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='445'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] California-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der laengste fluss in california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στην california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย คือ แม่น้ำ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加利福尼亚 州 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='446'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in Florida ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas largo en florida ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+furorida no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+florida daki en uzun nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Florida))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas largo en florida)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S furorida no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S florida daki en uzun nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Florida-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der laengste fluss in florida</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στη florida </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ยาว ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ฟลอริดา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佛罗里达 州 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='447'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in Mississippi ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas largo en mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi de mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi nin en uzun nehri nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Mississippi))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas largo en mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi de mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi nin en uzun nehri nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Mississippi-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der laengste fluss in mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ใน รัฐ มิสซิสซิปปี เป็น แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 州 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='448'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in New York ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] New-[StateName:5] York-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(longest(river(loc_2(stateid('new york')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,longest(A,(river(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new york')))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der laengste fluss in new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στη new york</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ยาว ที่สุด ใน รัฐ นิวยอร์ค</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>纽约 州 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='449'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in Pennsylvania ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Pennsylvania))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Pennsylvania-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' pennsylvania ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der laengste fluss in pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στην pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เพ็นซิลเวเนีย ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>宾夕法尼亚 州 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='450'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas largo en texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas daki en uzun nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas largo en texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas daki en uzun nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der laengste fluss in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ยาว ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='451'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] state-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der laengste fluss im groessten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στη μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด เป็น แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 最大 的 州 最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='452'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in the smallest state in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[State:4] smallest-[State:4] state-[State:5] in-[State:6] the-[CountryName:8] USA-[CountryName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der laengste fluss in dem kleinsten staat in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στη μικρότερη πολιτεία στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ของ สหรัฐอเมริกา มี ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 面积 最小 的 州 里 最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='453'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in the state with the highest point ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] the-[Place:6] highest-[Place:6] point-[Place:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der laenste fluss im staate mit dem hoechstgelegenen punkt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στη πολιτεία με το ψηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด เป็น แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ที่ อยู่ ใน รัฐ ที่ มี จุด สูง สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最高 点 所在 州 的 的 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='454'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in the state with the most major cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (JJ major) (NNS cities))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:6] the-[State:4] most-[State:4] major-[City:7] cities-[City:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der laengste fluss im staat mit der groessten anzahl grosser staedte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στην πολιτεία με τις περισσότερες κύριες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี เมือง หลัก มาก ที่สุด มี แม่น้ำ สาย ยาว ที่สุด ชื่อ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 主要 城市 最多 的 州 里 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='455'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in the states that border Nebraska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Nebraska))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[State:4] states-[State:4] that-[State:5] border-[State:5] Nebraska-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' nebraska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der laengste fluss in den staaten welcher an nebraska grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με τη nebraska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ยาว ที่สุด ใน บรรดา รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เนบราสกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 内布拉斯加 州 接壤 的 最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='456'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in the United States ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas largo en los united states ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+birlesik devletler in en uzun nehri nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas largo en los united states)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S birlesik devletler in en uzun nehri nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der laengste fluss in amerika</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา คือ แม่น้ำ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最长 的 河流 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='457'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas largo en los us ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+us deki en uzun nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas largo en los us)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo nagai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S us deki en uzun nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne den laengsten fluss in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>บอก ที ว่า แม่น้ำ สาย ใด เป็น แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ที่ ไหล ผ่าน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='458'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river that does not run through Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VBZ does) (RB not) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:3] that-[River:2] does-[River:2] not-[River:2] run-[River:4] through-[River:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(longest(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(stateid('texas')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ exclude ( *n:River , *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der laengste fluss der nicht durch texas verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι που δεν διασχίζει το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด สาย ใด ไม่ ได้ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>没有 流经 得克萨斯 州 的 最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='459'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river that flows through a state that borders Indiana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ flows) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Indiana)))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] that-[River:3] flows-[River:3] through-[River:3] a-[State:4] state-[State:4] that-[State:5] borders-[State:5] Indiana-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' indiana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der laengste fluss welcher durch einen staat verlaeuft der an indiana grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι που διασχίζει μια πολιτεία που συνορεύει με την indiana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ อินเดียนา คือ แม่น้ำ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>流经 与 印第安纳 州 接壤 的 州 的 最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='460'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river that flows through Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ flows) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Colorado)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] that-[River:3] flows-[River:3] through-[River:3] Colorado-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der laengste fluss der durch colorado verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι που διασχίζει το colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด เป็น แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>流经 科罗拉多 州 的 最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='461'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river that passes the states that border the state that borders the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ passes) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states))))))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] that-[River:3] passes-[River:3] the-[State:4] states-[State:4] that-[State:5] border-[State:5] the-[State:7] state-[State:7] that-[State:8] borders-[State:8] the-[State:6] most-[State:6] states-[State:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der laengste fluss der durch die staaten verlaeuft welche an den staat grenzen der die meisten nachbar-staaten hat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι που διασχίζει τις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν την πολιτεία που συνορεύει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด เป็น แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่นๆ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>流经 与 最多 州 接壤 的 州 接壤 的 州 的 最长 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='462'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the longest river that runs through a state that borders Tennessee ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Tennessee)))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] that-[River:3] runs-[River:3] through-[River:3] a-[State:4] state-[State:4] that-[State:5] borders-[State:5] Tennessee-[StateName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' tennessee ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welchest ist der laengste fluss der durch einen an tennessee grenzenden staat fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι που διασχίζει μια πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το tennessee</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด สาย ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เทนเนสซี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>贯穿 与 田纳西 州 接壤 的 州 的 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='463'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest elevation in Pennsylvania ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Pennsylvania))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] elevation-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Pennsylvania-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' pennsylvania ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die niedrigste erhoehung in pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο υψόμετρο στην pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>พื้นที่ ใด เป็น จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ เพ็นซิลเวเนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>宾夕法尼亚 州 的 最低 海拔 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='464'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in Arkansas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en arkansas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aakansaa no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+arkansas daki en alcak nokta nerededir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Arkansas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en arkansas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aakansaa no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S arkansas daki en alcak nokta nerededir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Arkansas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arkansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στο arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ อาร์คันซอ คือ จุด ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿肯色 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='465'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in California ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en california ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+karifuorunia no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+california daki en alcak nokta nerededir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en california)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S karifuorunia no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S california daki en alcak nokta nerededir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] California-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in kalifornien</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στην california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย คือ ที่ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加利福尼亚 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='466'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in Louisiana ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en louisiana ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ruijiana no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+louisiana daki en alcak nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Louisiana))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en louisiana)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ruijiana no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S louisiana daki en alcak nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Louisiana-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' louisiana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in louisiana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στη louisiana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ที่ ต่ำ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ หลุยเซียนา อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>路易斯安那 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='467'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in Massachusetts ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en massachusetts ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+masachuusettsu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+massachusetts daki en alcak nokta nerededir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Massachusetts))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en massachusetts)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S masachuusettsu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S massachusetts daki en alcak nokta nerededir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Massachusetts-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' massachusetts ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in massachusetts</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στη massachusetts</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ แมสซาชูเซ็ตต์ อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>马萨诸塞 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='468'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in Mississippi ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Mississippi))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Mississippi-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der tiefste punkt in mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στο mississippi </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ มิสซิสซิปปี อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='469'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in Nebraska in meters ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en nebraska en metros ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+neburasuka no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan metoru desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+nebraska daki en alcak nokta metre olarak nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Nebraska)))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNS meters))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en nebraska en metros)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S neburasuka no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan metoru desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S nebraska daki en alcak nokta metre olarak nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Nebraska-[StateName:5] in-[Place:1] meters-[Place:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' nebraska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist die niedrigste erhebung von nebraska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στη nebraska σε μέτρα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ เนบราสกา คือ จุด ใด เมื่อ วัด ใน หน่วย เมตร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>内布拉斯加 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='470'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in Oregon ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en oregon ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+oregon no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+oregon daki en alcak nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Oregon))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en oregon)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S oregon no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S oregon daki en alcak nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Oregon-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' oregon ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der niedrigste punkt in oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στο oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โอเรกอน มี จุด ต่ำ สุด อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄勒冈 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='471'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas daki en alcak nokta nerededir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas daki en alcak nokta nerededir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德克萨斯 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='472'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in the state of California ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en el estado de california ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+karifuorunia no shuu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+california eyaletinin en alcak noktasi nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP California))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en el estado de california)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S karifuorunia no shuu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S california eyaletinin en alcak noktasi nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] of-[State:4] California-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in dem staat california</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στην πολιτεία της california </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย คือ จุด ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加利福尼亚 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='473'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in the state of Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en el estado de texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no shuu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas eyaletinin en alcak noktasi nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en el estado de texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no shuu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas eyaletinin en alcak noktasi nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] of-[State:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt von texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στην πολιτεία του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='474'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in the United States ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo en los united states ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+birlesik devletler deki en alcak nokta nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo en los united states)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S birlesik devletler deki en alcak nokta nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in den vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ สหรัฐ อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='475'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ที่ ใด เป็น จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ สหรัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='476'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point in Wisconsin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Wisconsin))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Wisconsin-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wisconsin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in wisconsin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στο wisconsin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ที่ ต่ำ ที่สุด ใน รัฐ วิสคอนซิน อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>威斯康星 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='477'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point of all states through which the Colorado river runs through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT all) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Colorado) (NN river)) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] all-[State:4] states-[State:4] through-[State:5] which-[State:5] the-[River:6] Colorado-[RiverName:8] river-[River:6] runs-[State:5] through-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der tiefste punkt aller staaten durch die der fluss colorado fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο όλων των πολιτειών τις οποίες διασχίζει ο ποταμός colorado </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด ไหล ผ่าน มี จุด ต่ำ สุด ที่ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 河 贯穿 的 所有 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='478'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point of Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] Colorado-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο του colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ โคโลราโด อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='479'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point of the state with the largest area ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo de el estado con la area mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo ookii chiiki ga aru shuu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en genis alana sahip eyaletin en alcak noktasi nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN area))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo de el estado con la area mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo ookii chiiki ga aru shuu no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en genis alana sahip eyaletin en alcak noktasi nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:4] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] area-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die tiefste stelle des staates mit der groesste flaeche</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο της πολιτείας με τη μεγαλύτερη επιφάνεια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ มาก ที่สุด ตรงไหน เป็น จุด ต่ำ สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>面积 最大 的 州 的 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='480'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the lowest point of the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas bajo de los us ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+us in en alcak noktasi nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas bajo de los us)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S us in en alcak noktasi nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ใด เป็น จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最低 点 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='481'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the major cities in Montana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Montana))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] in-[City:3] Montana-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was sind die groessere staedte in montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες είναι οι κύριες πόλεις στη montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ มอนตานา มี อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>蒙大拿 州 的 主要 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='482'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the maximum elevation of San Francisco ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN maximum) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP San) (NNP Francisco))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] maximum-[Place:1] elevation-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] San-[CityName:5] Francisco-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(cityid('san francisco', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,highest(A,(place(A),loc(A,B),const(B,cityid('san francisco',_)))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' san francisco ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die maximale erhoehung von san francisco</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο στο san Francisco </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ซานฟรานซิสโก มี สูง สุด ที่ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>旧金山 最高 海拔 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='483'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the most dense state in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ dense)) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] dense-[State:1] state-[State:2] in-[State:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der dichteste staat in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πιο πυκνή πολιτεία στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด ใน อเมริกา ที่ มี ประชากร หนาแน่น ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最 密集 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='484'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the most populated capital in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populated)) (NN capital)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] most-[City:1] populated-[City:1] capital-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche ist die meist bevoelkerte stadt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολυπληθέστερη πρωτεύουσα στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด ใน อเมริกา ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 人口 最多 的 首府 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='485'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the most populated state bordering Oklahoma ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el estado mas poblado bordeando a oklahoma ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+okurahoma ni rinsetsu suru mottomo ookii jinkou ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+oklahoma ya siniri olan en kalabalik eyalet nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populated)) (NN state)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Oklahoma))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el estado mas poblado bordeando a oklahoma)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S okurahoma ni rinsetsu suru mottomo ookii jinkou ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S oklahoma ya siniri olan en kalabalik eyalet nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] populated-[State:1] state-[State:2] bordering-[State:3] Oklahoma-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' oklahoma ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der bevoelkerungsreichste staat der an oklahoma grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολυπληθέστερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει με την oklahoma</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ โอกลาโฮมา และ มี ประชากร สูง สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 俄克拉荷马 州 接壤 的 人口 最多 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='486'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the most populous city ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populous)) (NN city))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] most-[City:1] populous-[City:1] city-[City:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die stadt mit der groessten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πιο πολυπληθής πόλη</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 最多 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='487'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the most populous city in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populous)) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] most-[City:1] populous-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche texanische stadt hat die groesste bevoelkerungszahl</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πιο πολυπληθής πόλη στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส มี จำนวน พลเมือง มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 人口 最多 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='488'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the most populous city in Wyoming ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populous)) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Wyoming))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] most-[City:1] populous-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Wyoming-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wyoming ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die meist bevoelkerte stadt in wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολυπληθέστερη πόλη στην wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ไวโอมิง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 怀俄明 州 人口 最多 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='489'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the most populous state ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el estado mas poblado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo jinkou no ooi shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en kalabalik eyalet nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populous)) (NN state))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el estado mas poblado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo jinkou no ooi shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en kalabalik eyalet nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] populous-[State:1] state-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesse bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολυπληθέστερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ ใน เมือง มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 最多 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='490'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the most populous state in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populous)) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] populous-[State:1] state-[State:2] in-[State:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher ist der meist bevoelkerte staat in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είανι η πολυπληθέστερη πολιτεία στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 人口 最多 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='491'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the most populous state through which the Mississippi runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populous)) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] populous-[State:1] state-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[RiverName:5] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat durch den der mississippi fliesst hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πιο πολυπληθής πολιτεία που διασχίζει ο mississippi </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน และ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 的 人口 最多 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='492'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the name of the state with the lowest point ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN name)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Query:0] name-[Query:0] of-[Query:0] the-[State:1] state-[State:1] with-[State:2] the-[Place:3] lowest-[Place:3] point-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der name des staates mit der geringsten erhebung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το όνομα της πολιτείας με το χαμηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี จุด ต่ำ ที่สุด ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最低 点 所在 州 的 名字 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='493'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the number of neighboring states for Kentucky ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (VBG neighboring) (NNS states)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Kentucky))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] number-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] neighboring-[State:3] states-[State:2] for-[State:3] Kentucky-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kentucky ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an kentucky</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο αριθμός των γειτονικών πολιτειών του kentucky</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เคนตักกี้ มี จำนวน กี่ รัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 肯塔基 州 相邻 的 州 有 多少</nl>
+<example id='494'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population density in the state with capital Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NN density)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NN capital)) (NP (NNP Austin)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] with-[State:3] capital-[City:4] Austin-[CityName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(density_1(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerungsdichte in dem staat mit hauptstadt austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα πληθυσμού στην πολιτεία με πρωτεύουσα το austin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ ออสติน มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>奥斯汀 首府 所在 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='495'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population density of Maine ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la densidad de poblacion de maine ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+meen no jinkou no mitsudo wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+maine in nufus yogunlugu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Maine))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la densidad de poblacion de maine)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S meen no jinkou no mitsudo wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S maine in nufus yogunlugu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Maine-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maine ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die bevoelkerungsdichte von maine</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα πληθυσμού του maine</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เมน มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>缅因 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='496'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population density of South Dakota ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP South) (NNP Dakota))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] South-[StateName:3] Dakota-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(density_1(stateid('south dakota')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(density(B,A),const(B,stateid('south dakota'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' south dakota ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerungsdichte von south dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα του πληθυσμού της south dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เซาท์ดาโกตา มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>南达科他 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='497'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population density of Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la densidad de poblacion de texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no jinkou no mitsudo wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas in nufus yogunlugu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la densidad de poblacion de texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no jinkou no mitsudo wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas in nufus yogunlugu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die bevoelkerungsdichte von texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα πληθυσμού του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='498'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population density of the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] largest-[State:2] state-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die bevoelkerungsdichte des groessten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα πληθυσμού της μεγαλύτερης πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='499'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population density of the smallest state ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la densidad de poblacion de el estado mas pequeno ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo chiisai shuu no jinkou no mitsudo wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en kucuk eyaletin nufus yogunlugu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la densidad de poblacion de el estado mas pequeno)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo chiisai shuu no jinkou no mitsudo wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en kucuk eyaletin nufus yogunlugu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] smallest-[State:2] state-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerungsdichte des kleinsten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα πληθυσμού της μικρότερης πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>面积 最小 的 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='500'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population density of the state with the smallest area ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN area))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:2] the-[State:2] smallest-[State:2] area-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerungsdichte des staates mit der kleinsten groesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα πληθυσμού της πολιτείας με τη μικρότερη επιφάνεια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ เล็ก ที่สุด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>面积 最小 的 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='501'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population density of the state with the smallest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:2] the-[State:2] smallest-[State:2] population-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch die bevoelkerungsdichte des staat mit der kleinsten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα πληθυσμού στην πολιτεία με το μικρότερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 最少 的 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='502'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population density of Wyoming ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la densidad de poblacion de wyoming ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+waiomingu no jinkou no mitsudo wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+wyoming in nufus yogunlugu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Wyoming))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la densidad de poblacion de wyoming)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S waiomingu no jinkou no mitsudo wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S wyoming in nufus yogunlugu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Wyoming-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wyoming ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerungsdichte wyomings ?</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι η πυκνότητα πληθυσμού στο wyoming</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไวโอมิง มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>怀俄明 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='503'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population in Boston ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Boston))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] in-[Num:1] Boston-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('boston', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boston ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von boston</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της boston</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง บอสตัน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>波士顿 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='504'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Alaska-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die bevoelkerungszahl von alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της alaska </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประชากร ของ รัฐ อลาสกา มี เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='505'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Arizona ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de arizona ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arizona no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+arizona nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Arizona))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de arizona)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arizona no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S arizona nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Arizona-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arizona ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประชากร ของ รัฐ แอริโซนา มี เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>亚利桑那 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='506'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Atlanta ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Atlanta))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Atlanta-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('atlanta', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' atlanta ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von atlanta</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της atlanta</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง แอตแลนต้า มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>亚特兰大 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='507'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Atlanta GA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Atlanta) (NNP GA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Atlanta-[CityName:3] GA-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('atlanta', 'ga')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' atlanta ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' ga ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wieviele einwohner hat atlanta ga</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της atlanta ga</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง แอตแลนต้า รัฐ จอร์เจีย มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佐治亚 州 亚特兰大 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='508'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Austin))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Austin-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die einwohnerzahl von austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του austin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ออสติน รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>奥斯汀 市 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='509'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Austin Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Austin)) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Austin-[CityName:3] Texas-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', 'tx')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' tx ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von austin texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του austin texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ออสติน รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 奥斯汀 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='510'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Boston Massachusetts ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de boston massachusetts ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+masachuusettsu no bosuton no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+boston massachusetts in nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Boston)) (NP (NNP Massachusetts)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de boston massachusetts)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S masachuusettsu no bosuton no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S boston massachusetts in nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Boston-[CityName:3] Massachusetts-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('boston', 'ma')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boston ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' ma ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerung von boston massachusetts</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της boston massachusetts</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง บอสตัน รัฐ แมสซาชูเซ็ตต์ มี ประชากร เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>马萨诸塞 州 波士顿 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='511'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Boulder ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Boulder))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Boulder-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boulder ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist die bevoelkerung von boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του boulder</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก จำนวน พลเมือง ใน เมือง โบลเดอร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>博尔德 市 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='512'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] California-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute leben in kalifornien</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加 州 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='513'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Dallas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de dallas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+darasu no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+dallas in nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Dallas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de dallas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S darasu no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S dallas in nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Dallas-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('dallas', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' dallas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner hat dallas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του dallas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ดัลลัส รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>达拉斯 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='514'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Denver ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Denver))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Denver-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('denver', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' denver ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die bevoelkerungszahl von denver</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του denver</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เดนเวอร์ มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>丹佛 市 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='515'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Erie Pennsylvania ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de erie pennsylvania ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+penshirubenia no eri no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+erie pennsylvania in nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Erie)) (NP (NNP Pennsylvania)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de erie pennsylvania)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S penshirubenia no eri no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S erie pennsylvania in nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Erie-[CityName:3] Pennsylvania-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('erie', 'pa')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' erie ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' pa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von erie in pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του erie pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง อีรี รัฐ เพ็นซิลเวเนีย มี ประชากร เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>宾夕法尼亚 州 伊利 市 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='516'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Hawaii ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de hawaii ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+hawai no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hawaii nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Hawaii))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de hawaii)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S hawai no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hawaii nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Hawaii-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wieviel menschen laeben in hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της hawaii </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ฮาวาย มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>夏威夷 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='517'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Houston ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Houston))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Houston-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('houston', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' houston ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie hoch ist die bevoelkerung von houston</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του houston</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ฮุสตัน มี พลเมือง อาศัย อยู่ กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>休斯顿 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='518'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Idaho ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de idaho ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aidahou no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+idaho nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Idaho))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de idaho)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aidahou no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S idaho nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Idaho-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' idaho ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner hat idaho</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του idaho</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไอดาโฮ มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>爱达荷 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='519'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Illinois ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de illinois ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+irinoi no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+illinois nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Illinois))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de illinois)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S irinoi no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S illinois nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Illinois-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' illinois ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerungszahl von illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ อิลลินอยส์ มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>伊利诺伊 州 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='520'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Maine ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Maine))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Maine-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maine ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerung von maine</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του maine</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เมน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>缅因 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='521'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Maryland ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Maryland))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Maryland-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maryland ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von maryland</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του maryland</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แมรีแลนด์ มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>马里兰 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='522'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Minnesota ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Minnesota))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Minnesota-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' minnesota ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von minnesota</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της minnesota</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประชากร ใน รัฐ มินเนโซตา มี เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>明尼苏达 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='523'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Montana ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de montana ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+montana no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+montana in nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Montana))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de montana)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S montana no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S montana in nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Montana-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ มอนตานา มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>蒙大拿 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='524'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of New Mexico ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] New-[StateName:3] Mexico-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('new mexico')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('new mexico'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>vie viele leute wohnen in new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του new mexico </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新墨西哥 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='525'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of New York ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] New-[StateName:3] York-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('new york')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute leben in new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της new york</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>นิวยอร์ค มี คน อยู่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>纽约 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='526'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of New York City ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de la ciudad new york ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu yooku toshi no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new york sehrinin nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York) (NNP City))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de la ciudad new_york)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_yooku toshi no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_york sehrinin nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] New-[CityName:4] York-[CityName:4] City-[City:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(city(cityid('new york', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,cityid('new york',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von new york city</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της new york city</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประชากร ของ เมือง นิวยอร์ค มี เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>纽约 市 的 人口 有 多少</nl>
+<example id='527'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Oregon ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de oregon ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+oregon no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+oregon nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Oregon))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de oregon)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S oregon no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S oregon nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Oregon-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' oregon ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner hat oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โอเรกอน มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄勒冈 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='528'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Portland Maine ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de portland maine ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+meen no porutorando no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+portland maine in nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Portland)) (NP (NNP Maine)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de portland maine)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S meen no porutorando no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S portland maine in nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Portland-[CityName:3] Maine-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('portland', 'me')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' portland ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' me ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerung von portland maine</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του portland maine</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง พอร์ตแลนด์ รัฐ เมน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>缅因 州 波特兰 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='529'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Rhode Island ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Rhode) (NNP Island))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Rhode-[StateName:3] Island-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('rhode island')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('rhode island'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' rhode island ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ โรดไอแลนด์ มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>罗得岛 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='530'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Sacramento ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Sacramento))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Sacramento-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('sacramento', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' sacramento ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross is die bevoelkerungszahl von sacramento</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του sacramento</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ซาคราเม็นโต มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>萨克拉门托 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='531'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of San Antonio ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de san antonio ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+sanantonio no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+san antonio nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP San) (NNP Antonio))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de san_antonio)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S sanantonio no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S san_antonio nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] San-[CityName:3] Antonio-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('san antonio', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,cityid('san antonio',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' san antonio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die bevoelkerung von san antonio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του san antonio </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประชากร ของ เมือง ซานอันโตนิโอ มี เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>圣安东尼奥 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='532'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Seattle ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Seattle))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Seattle-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('seattle', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' seattle ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die bevoelkerung von seattle</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του seattle</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ซีแอตเทิล มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>西雅图 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='533'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Seattle Washington ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de seattle washington ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+washinton no shiatoru no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+seattle washington in nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Seattle)) (NP (NNP Washington)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de seattle washington)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S washinton no shiatoru no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S seattle washington in nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Seattle-[CityName:3] Washington-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('seattle', 'wa')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' seattle ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' wa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von seattle in washington</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του seattle washington</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ประชากร ของ เมือง ซีแอตเติล รัฐ วอชิงตัน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>华盛顿 州 西雅图 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='534'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of South Dakota ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de south dakota ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+sausu dakota no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+south dakota nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP South) (NNP Dakota))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de south_dakota)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S sausu_dakota no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S south_dakota nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] South-[StateName:3] Dakota-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(stateid('south dakota')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(population(B,A),const(B,stateid('south dakota'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' south dakota ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung in south dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της south dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เซาธ์ดาโกตา มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>南达科他 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='535'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Springfield Missouri ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de springfield missouri ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mizuuri no supuringufiirudo no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+springfield missouri in nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Springfield)) (NP (NNP Missouri)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de springfield missouri)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mizuuri no supuringufiirudo no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S springfield missouri in nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Springfield-[CityName:3] Missouri-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('springfield', 'mo')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' springfield ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' mo ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die einwohnerzahl von springfield missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του springfield missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จำนวน ประชากร ของ เมือง สปริงฟิลด์ รัฐ มิสซูรี มี เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 密苏里 州 斯普林菲尔德 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='536'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Springfield South Dakota ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Springfield)) (NP (NNP South) (NNP Dakota)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Springfield-[CityName:3] South-[StateAbbrev:4] Dakota-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('springfield', 'sd')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' springfield ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' sd ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von springfield in south dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του springfield νότια ντακότα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง สปริงฟิลด์ รัฐ เซาท์ดาโกตา มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>南达科他 州 的 斯普林菲尔德 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='537'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Tempe Arizona ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de tempe arizona ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arizona no tenpi no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+tempe arizona in nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Tempe)) (NP (NNP Arizona)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de tempe arizona)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arizona no tenpi no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S tempe arizona in nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Tempe-[CityName:3] Arizona-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('tempe', 'az')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' tempe ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' az ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die bevoelkerungszahl von tempe arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του tempe arizona </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เทมเป้ รัฐ แอริโซนา มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>亚利桑那 州 坦佩 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='538'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung von texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι ο πληθυσμός του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ เท่าไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='539'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the capital of the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[City:2] capital-[City:2] of-[City:3] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] state-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerung der hauptstadt des groessten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της πρωτεύουσας της μεγαλύτερης πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 州 的 首府 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='540'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the capital of the largest state through which the Mississippi runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[City:2] capital-[City:2] of-[City:3] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] state-[State:5] through-[State:6] which-[State:6] the-[RiverName:8] Mississippi-[RiverName:8] runs-[State:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerung der hauptstadt des groessten staates durch den der mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της πρωτεύουσας της μεγαλύτερης πολιτείας την οποία διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ที่ มี แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 流经 的 最大 州 的 首府 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='541'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the capital of the smallest state ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de la capital de el estado mas pequeno ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo chiisai shuu no shuto no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en kucuk eyaletin baskentinin nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de la capital de el estado mas pequeno)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo chiisai shuu no shuto no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en kucuk eyaletin baskentinin nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[City:2] capital-[City:2] of-[City:3] the-[State:4] smallest-[State:4] state-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die einwohnerzahl der hauptstadt des kleinsten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της πρωτεύουσας της μικρότερης πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最小 的 州 的 首府 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='542'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the largest city in the state with the largest area ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN area))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[City:2] largest-[City:2] city-[City:3] in-[City:4] the-[State:6] state-[State:6] with-[State:5] the-[State:5] largest-[State:5] area-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerungszahl der groessten stadt des staates mit der groessten flaechenausdehnung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της μεγαλύτερης πόλης στην πολιτεία με τη μεγαλύτερη επιφάνεια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ของ รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ มาก ที่สุด มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>面积 最大 的 州 的 最大 的 城市 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='543'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] largest-[State:2] state-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist die bevoelkerung in dem groessten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της μεγαλύτερης πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='544'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the largest state that borders Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] largest-[State:2] state-[State:3] that-[State:4] borders-[State:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerung des groessten staates der texas angrenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της μεγαλύτερης πολιτείας που συνορεύει με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 最大 的 州 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='545'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the major cities in Wisconsin ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de las ciudades mayores en wisconsin ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+uisukonshin ni wa ookina toshi no jinkou ga nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+wisconsin deki baslica sehirlerin nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Wisconsin))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de las ciudades mayores en wisconsin)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S uisukonshin ni wa ookina toshi no jinkou ga nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S wisconsin deki baslica sehirlerin nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[City:2] major-[City:2] cities-[City:3] in-[City:4] Wisconsin-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wisconsin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerung der groesseren staedte in wisconsin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός των κύριων πόλεων στο wisconsin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เอก ของ รัฐ วิสคอนซิน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>威斯康星 州 的 主要 城市 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='546'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the smallest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:2] population-[Num:2] of-[Num:2] the-[Num:1] smallest-[Num:1] state-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ smallest ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die einwohnerzahl des kleinsten staates</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της μικρότερης πολιτείας</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最小 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='547'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the state that borders the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] that-[State:4] borders-[State:4] the-[State:2] most-[State:2] states-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die bevoelkerung des staat welche an die meisten staaten grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της πολιτείας που συνορεύει με τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น มาก ที่สุด มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>和 最多 的 州 接壤 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='548'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the state with the highest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN population) (NN density))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:2] the-[State:2] highest-[State:2] population-[State:2] density-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in den staat mit der groessten bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της πολιτείας με την ψηλότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร มาก ที่สุด มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 密度 最高 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='549'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of the state with the largest area ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN area))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:2] the-[State:2] largest-[State:2] area-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die bevoelkerung des staates mit der groessten flaeche</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της πολιτείας με την μεγαλύτερη επιφάνεια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>面积 最大 的 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='550'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Tucson ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de tucson ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tsuuson no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+tucson nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Tucson))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de tucson)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tsuuson no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S tucson nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Tucson-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('tucson', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' tucson ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die einwohnerzahl von tucson</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός του tucson</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ทูซอน มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>图森 市 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='551'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Utah ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la poblacion de utah ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+yuutaa no jinkou wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+utah nun nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Utah))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la poblacion de utah)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S yuutaa no jinkou wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S utah nun nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Utah-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' utah ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner hat utah</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της utah</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ยูทาห์ มี ประชากร กี่ คน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>犹他 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='552'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Washington ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Washington))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Washington-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' washington ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele leute wohnen in washington</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι πληθυσμός της washington </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ วอชิงตัน มี ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>华盛顿 州 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='553'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the population of Washington DC ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Washington)) (NP (NNP DC)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] population-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Washington-[CityName:3] DC-[StateAbbrev:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(population_1(cityid('washington', 'dc')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' washington ' }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' dc ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele einwohner leben in washington dc</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο πληθυσμός της washington dc</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จำนวน ประชากร ของ รัฐ วอชิงตัน ดีซี มี เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>华盛顿 特区 的 人口 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='554'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the river that cross over Ohio ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN river)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP cross) (PP (IN over) (NP (NNP Ohio)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] river-[River:1] that-[River:2] cross-[River:2] over-[River:2] Ohio-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss fliesst durch ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ποτάμι που διασχίζει το ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ โอไฮโอ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>横贯 俄亥俄 州 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='555'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the shortest river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas corto ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo mijikai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en kisa nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas corto)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo mijikai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en kisa nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] shortest-[River:1] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der kuerzeste fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το κοντύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด สั้น ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 是 最短 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='556'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the shortest river in Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] shortest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Alaska-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der kuerzester fluss in alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μικρότερο ποτάμι στην alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ สั้น ที่สุด ใน รัฐ อลาสกา คือ แม่น้ำ สาย ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>阿拉斯加 州 最短 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='557'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the shortest river in Iowa ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas corto en iowa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aiowa no mottomo mijikai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+iowa daki en kisa nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Iowa))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas corto en iowa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aiowa no mottomo mijikai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S iowa daki en kisa nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] shortest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Iowa-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der kuerzeste fluss in iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μικρότερο ποτάμι στην iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ สั้น ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ไอโอวา คือ แม่น้ำ สาย ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>爱荷华 州 最短 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='558'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the shortest river in Nebraska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Nebraska))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] shortest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Nebraska-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' nebraska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der kuerzeste fluss in nebraska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μικρότερο ποτάμι στη nebraska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด สั้น ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เนบราสก้า</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>内布拉斯加 州 最短 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='559'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the shortest river in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] shortest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der kuerzeste fluss in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μικρότερο ποτάμι στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ สั้น ที่สุด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส คือ แม่น้ำ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 最短 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='560'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the shortest river in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] shortest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der kuerzeste fluss der vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το κοντύτερο ποτάμι στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ สั้น ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา คือ แม่น้ำ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最短 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='561'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the shortest river in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas corto en los us ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo mijikai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+us deki en kisa nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas corto en los us)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo mijikai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S us deki en kisa nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] shortest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der kuerzeste fluss in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μικρότερο ποτάμι στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ สั้น ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ คือ แม่น้ำ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最短 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='562'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the shortest river in the USA ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el rio mas corto en los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+amerika no mottomo mijikai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa deki en kisa nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el rio mas corto en los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S amerika no mottomo mijikai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa deki en kisa nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] shortest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist der kuerzeste fluss in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το κοντύτερο ποτάμι στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ สั้น ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา มี ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最短 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='563'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the size of California ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN size)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP California))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] size-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] California-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist kalifornien</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μέγεθος της california</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี ขนาด เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='564'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the size of Florida ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN size)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Florida))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] size-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Florida-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie gross ist florida</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μέγεθος της florida</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ฟลอริดา มี ขนาด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>佛罗里达 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='565'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the size of Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN size)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] size-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] Texas-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche flaeche hat texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μέγεθος του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี พื้นที่ เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='566'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the size of the capital of Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN size)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] size-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[City:2] capital-[City:2] of-[City:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die groesse der hauptstadt texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μέγεθος της πρωτεύουσας του texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ขนาด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 首府 的 有多大</nl>
+<example id='567'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the size of the largest state in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN size)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] size-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] largest-[State:2] state-[State:3] in-[State:4] the-[CountryName:6] USA-[CountryName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ size ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die flaeche des groessten staates in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μέγεθος της μεγαλύτερης πολιτείας στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา มี ขนาด เท่าใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最大 的 州 有 多大</nl>
+<example id='568'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest city in Alaska ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas pequena en alaska ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arasuka no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+alaska daki en kucuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas pequena en alaska)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arasuka no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S alaska daki en kucuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Alaska-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die kleinste stadt in alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πόλη στην αλάσκα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เล็ก ที่สุด ใน รัฐ อลาสกา คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 阿拉斯加 最小 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='569'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest city in Arkansas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Arkansas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Arkansas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arkansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die kleinste stadt in arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πόλη στο arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ใน รัฐ อาร์คันซอ คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 阿肯色 州 最小 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='570'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest city in Hawaii ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas pequena en hawaii ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+hawai no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hawaii deki en kucuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Hawaii))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas pequena en hawaii)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S hawai no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hawaii deki en kucuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Hawaii-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die kleinste stadt in hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πόλη στη hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ของ รัฐ ฮาวาย คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 夏威夷 州 最小 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='571'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest city in the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[State:4] largest-[State:4] state-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die kleinste stadt in dem groessten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πόλη στη μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง เล็ก ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 州 中 最小 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='572'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest city in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas pequena en los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa deki en kucuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas pequena en los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa deki en kucuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die kleinste stadt der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πόλη στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最小 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='573'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest city in the USA ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas pequena en los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa deki en kucuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas pequena en los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa deki en kucuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die kleinste stadt in den us</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πόλη στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最小 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='574'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest city in Washington ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas pequena en washington ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+washinton no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+washington daki en kucuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Washington))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas pequena en washington)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S washinton no mottomo chiisai toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S washington daki en kucuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] Washington-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' washington ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>was ist die kleinste stadt in washington</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πόλη στην washington</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ใน รัฐ วอชิงตัน คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>华盛顿 的 最小 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='575'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest city of the smallest state in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] city-[City:2] of-[City:3] the-[State:4] smallest-[State:4] state-[State:5] in-[State:6] the-[CountryName:8] US-[CountryName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet die kleinste stadt des kleinsten staates in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πόλη στην μικρότερη πολιτεία στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ใน รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最小 的 州 里 最小 的 城市 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='576'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest state bordering Ohio ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Ohio))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] state-[State:2] bordering-[State:3] Ohio-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der kleinste staat welcher an ohio grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ โอไฮโอ รัฐ ใด เล็ก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 俄亥俄 州 接壤 的 最小 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='577'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest state bordering Wyoming ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Wyoming))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] state-[State:2] bordering-[State:3] Wyoming-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wyoming ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der kleinste staat welcher an wyoming grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το wyoming </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ไวโอมิง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 怀俄明 州 接壤 的 最小 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='578'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest state by area ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el estado mas pequeno por area ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+chiiki de mottomo chiisai shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+alan acisindan en kucuk eyalet nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (PP (IN by) (NP (NN area))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el estado mas pequeno por area)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S chiiki de mottomo chiisai shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S alan acisindan en kucuk eyalet nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] state-[State:2] by-[State:1] area-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die kleinste flaechenausdehnung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πολιτεία ανά επιφάνεια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ เล็ก ที่สุด คือ รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>面积 最小 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='579'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest state in the USA ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el estado mas pequeno en los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+amerika no mottomo chiisai shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa deki en kucuk eyalet nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el estado mas pequeno en los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S amerika no mottomo chiisai shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa deki en kucuk eyalet nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] state-[State:2] in-[State:3] the-[CountryName:5] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der kleinste staat der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πολιτεία στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เล็ก ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最小 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='580'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest state that borders Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] state-[State:2] that-[State:3] borders-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der kleinste an texas angrenzende staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 最小 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='581'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest state that borders the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] state-[State:3] that-[State:4] borders-[State:4] the-[State:2] most-[State:2] states-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der kleinste staat der am meisten staaten angrenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πολιτεία που συνορεύει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด และ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 最多 的 州 接壤 而且 面积 最小 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='582'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest state that the Mississippi river runs through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] state-[State:2] that-[State:3] the-[River:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] river-[River:4] runs-[State:3] through-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der kleinste staat durch den der mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πολιτεία την οποία διασχίζει ο ποταμός mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 的 最小 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='583'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the smallest state through which the longest river runs ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (VP (VBZ runs)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] state-[State:2] through-[State:3] which-[State:3] the-[River:4] longest-[River:4] river-[River:5] runs-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der kleinste unter den staaten durch die der laengste fluss laeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πολιτεία που διασχίζει το μακρύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน บรรดา รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>被 最长 的 河流 贯穿 的 最小 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='584'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the state that contains the highest point ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ contains) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] state-[State:1] that-[State:2] contains-[State:2] the-[Place:3] highest-[Place:3] point-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die hoechste erhebung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολιτεία που περιέχει το ψηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี จุด สูง ที่สุด ชื่อ รัฐ อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最高 海拔</nl>
+<example id='585'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the state with the highest elevation in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] state-[State:1] with-[State:2] the-[Place:3] highest-[Place:3] elevation-[Place:4] in-[Place:5] the-[CountryName:7] United-[CountryName:7] States-[CountryName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt die hoechste erhebung in den vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολιτεία με το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี พื้นที่ สูง สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 海拔 最高 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='586'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the state with the largest area ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN area))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] with-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] area-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste flaechenausdehnung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολιτεία με το μεγαλύτερο εμβαδό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี พื้นที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>面积 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='587'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the state with the largest density in USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN density)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP USA))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] with-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] density-[State:1] in-[State:3] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die hoechste dichte in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολιτεία με τη μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น สูง สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 密度 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='588'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the state with the largest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population) (NN density))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] with-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολιτεία με τη μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร สูง สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最高 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='589'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the state with the lowest point ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] state-[State:1] with-[State:2] the-[Place:3] lowest-[Place:3] point-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die niedrigste erhebung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολιτεία με το χαμηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>含有 最低 点 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='590'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the state with the lowest population ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el estado con la poblacion mas baja ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo chiisai jinkou ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en az nufuslu eyalet nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN population))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el estado con la poblacion mas baja)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo chiisai jinkou ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en az nufuslu eyalet nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] with-[State:1] the-[State:1] lowest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die kleinste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολιτεία με το χαμηλότερο πληθυσμό </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 最少 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='591'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the state with the lowest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN population) (NN density))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] with-[State:1] the-[State:1] lowest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben die niedrigste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολιτεία με τη μικρότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี การ กระจายตัว ของ ประชากร ต่ำ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 密度 最低 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='592'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the state with the smallest area ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN area))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] with-[State:1] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] area-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher ist der kleinste staat nach flaeche</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πολιτεία με την μικρότερη επιφάνεια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี พื้นที่ น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最小 的 面积 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='593'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the tallest mountain in America ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS tallest) (NN mountain)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP America))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] tallest-[Place:1] mountain-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] America-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste berg in amerika</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο βουνό στην αμερική</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ คือ ภูเขา ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最高 的 山 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='594'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the tallest mountain in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS tallest) (NN mountain)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] tallest-[Place:1] mountain-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der hoechste berg in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο βουνό στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา ชื่อ ว่า อะไร</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 最高 的 山 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='595'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the total area of the USA ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la area total de los usa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+amerika no zentai no chiiki wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+usa nin toplam yuzolcumu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ total) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la area total de los usa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S amerika no zentai no chiiki wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S usa nin toplam yuzolcumu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] total-[Num:1] area-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[CountryName:3] USA-[CountryName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ area_1 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche flaeche hat die usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το συνολικό εμβαδό των ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>พื้นที่ ทั้งหมด ของ สหรัฐอเมริกา เป็น เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 的 总 面积 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='596'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the total length of all rivers in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ total) (NN length)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT all) (NNS rivers)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] total-[Num:1] length-[Num:2] of-[Num:2] all-[River:3] rivers-[River:3] in-[River:3] the-[River:3] USA-[River:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ sum ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die gesamtlaenge aller flüsse in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το συνολικό μήκος όλων των ποταμών στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ทุก สาย ของ อเมริกา มี ความ ยาว รวม กัน เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 所有 的 河流 的 总 长度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='597'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What is the total population of the states that border Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el total de la poblacion de los estados que bordean a texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu ni rinsetsu suru shuu no zentai no jinkou wa ikura desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+texas a komsu eyaletlerin toplam nufusu nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ total) (NN population)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el total de la poblacion de los estados que bordean a texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu ni rinsetsu suru shuu no zentai no jinkou wa ikura desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S texas a komsu eyaletlerin toplam nufusu nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] total-[Num:1] population-[Num:2] of-[Num:2] the-[State:3] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ sum ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Num -> ({ population_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die summe der bevoelkerungszahlen der an texas grenzenden staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος είναι ο συνολικός πληθυσμός των πολιτειών που συνορεύουν με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ต่างๆ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร รวมกัน ทั้งหมด เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州 的 人口 总数 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='598'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What length is the Mississippi ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuanto tiene de largo el mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi kawa no nagasa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi ni ne kadar uzunluktadir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN length)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuanto tiene de largo el mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi kawa no nagasa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi ni ne kadar uzunluktadir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Num:1] length-[Num:1] is-[Num:1] the-[RiverName:3] Mississippi-[RiverName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ len ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lang ist der mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το μήκος του mississippi </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี มี ความ ยาว เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 有 多长</nl>
+<example id='599'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What major cities are located in Pennsylvania ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (JJ major) (NNS cities)) (SQ (VBP are) (VP (VBN located) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Pennsylvania))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:1] major-[City:1] cities-[City:2] are-[City:3] located-[City:3] in-[City:3] Pennsylvania-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' pennsylvania ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche grossen staedte gibt es in pennsylvania</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες κύριε πόλεις βρίσκονται στην pennsylvania </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี เมือง หลัก ใด บ้าง ที่ ตั้ง อยู่ ใน รัฐ เพนซิลเวเนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>有 哪些 主要 城市 位于 宾夕法尼亚 州</nl>
+<example id='600'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What major rivers run through Illinois ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que rios mayores corren por illinois ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ookina kawa wa irinoi wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+illinois den baslica hangi nehirler gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (JJ major) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Illinois))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que rios mayores corren por illinois)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ookina kawa wa irinoi wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S illinois den baslica hangi nehirler gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] major-[River:1] rivers-[River:2] run-[River:3] through-[River:3] Illinois-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' illinois ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche grossen fluesse fliessen durch illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο κύριο ποτάμι διασχίζει το illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ อิลลินอยส์ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 主要 河流 流经 伊利诺伊 州</nl>
+<example id='601'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What mountains are in Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS mountains)) (SQ (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alaska)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Place:1] mountains-[Place:1] are-[Place:2] in-[Place:2] Alaska-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche berge gibt es in alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια βουνά υπάρχουν στην alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน รัฐ อลาสกา มี ภูเขา อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 阿拉斯加 州 有 什么 山</nl>
+<example id='602'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river flows through Kansas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ flows) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Kansas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] river-[River:1] flows-[River:2] through-[River:2] Kansas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss fliesst durch kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διασχίζει το Kansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ แคนซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 堪萨斯 州</nl>
+<example id='603'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river flows through Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ flows) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] river-[River:1] flows-[River:2] through-[River:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches flüsse gibt es in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διασχίζει το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี แม่น้ำ อะไร บ้าง อยู่ ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 得克萨斯 州</nl>
+<example id='604'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river flows through the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ flows) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:2] river-[River:2] flows-[River:3] through-[River:3] the-[River:1] most-[River:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss fliesst durch die groesste anzahl an staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διασχίζει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ต่างๆ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='605'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river is the longest one in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (CD one)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:2] river-[River:2] is-[River:2] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] one-[River:1] in-[River:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss ist der laengste in den vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι είναι το μακρύτερο στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด เป็น แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最长 的 河流 是 哪条</nl>
+<example id='606'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river runs through Illinois ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Illinois))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] river-[River:1] runs-[River:2] through-[River:2] Illinois-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' illinois ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss durchfliesst illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιος ποταμός διασχίζει το illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ อิลลินอยส์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪条 河流 贯穿 伊利诺伊 州</nl>
+<example id='607'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river runs through the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:2] river-[River:2] runs-[River:3] through-[River:3] the-[River:1] most-[River:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss verlaeuft durch die meisten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διασχίζει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ต่างๆ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪条 河流 贯穿 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='608'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river runs through the state with the most cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS cities))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] river-[River:1] runs-[River:2] through-[River:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] cities-[City:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss fliesst durch den staat mit den meisten staedten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διασχίζει την πολιτεία με τις περισσότερες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด บ้าง ที่ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ มี จำนวน เมือง มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪条 河流 贯穿 城市 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='609'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river runs through Virginia ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Virginia))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] river-[River:1] runs-[River:2] through-[River:2] Virginia-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' virginia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss fliesst durch virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμι διασχίζει τη virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ เวอร์จิเนีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪条 河流 贯穿 弗吉尼亚</nl>
+<example id='610'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river traverses the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ traverses) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:2] river-[River:2] traverses-[River:3] the-[River:1] most-[River:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss durchquert am meisten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διαπερνά τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ต่างๆ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪条 河流 流经 的 州 最多</nl>
+<example id='611'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What river traverses the state which borders the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ traverses) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] river-[River:1] traverses-[River:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] which-[State:5] borders-[State:5] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] states-[State:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss verlaeuft durch den staat welcher an die meisten staaten grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διασχίζει την πολιτεία που συνορεύει με τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 与 最多 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='612'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers are in Nevada ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Nevada)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] are-[River:2] in-[River:2] Nevada-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' nevada ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse gibt es in nevada</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια υπάρχουν στη nevada</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน รัฐ เนวาดา มี แม่น้ำ อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>内华达 州 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='613'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers are in New Mexico ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] are-[River:2] in-[River:2] New-[StateName:4] Mexico-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(river(loc_2(stateid('new mexico'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(river(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new mexico'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse gibt es in new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια υπάρχουν στο new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก มี แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新墨西哥 州 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='614'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers are in Oregon ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Oregon)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] are-[River:2] in-[River:2] Oregon-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' oregon ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fleusse gibt es in oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια είναι στο oregon</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ใน รัฐ โอเรกอน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄勒冈 州 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='615'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers are in states that border Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] are-[River:2] in-[River:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche flüsse gibt es in an texas grenzende staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια είναι στις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με το texas </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส มี แม่น้ำ อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州 里 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='616'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers are in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] are-[River:2] in-[River:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse verlaufen durch texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στο texas </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี แม่น้ำ อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 得克萨斯 州 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='617'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers are in Utah ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que rios estan en utah ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+yuutaa ni wa kawa ga nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+utah da hangi nehirler vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Utah)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que rios estan en utah)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S yuutaa ni wa kawa ga nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S utah da hangi nehirler vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] are-[River:2] in-[River:2] Utah-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' utah ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse gibt es in utah</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια είναι στη utah</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใน รัฐ ยูทาห์ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 犹他 州 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='618'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers are there in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP are) (ADVP (RB there)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] are-[River:2] there-[River:2] in-[River:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse fluesse gibt es in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια υπάρχουν στο texas </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ เท็กซัส มี แม่น้ำ อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 德克萨斯 州 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='619'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers do not run through Tennessee ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que rios no corren por tennessee ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+teneshii wo nagarenai kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi nehirler tennessee den gecmez ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP do) (RB not) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Tennessee))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que rios no corren por tennessee)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S teneshii wo nagarenai kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi nehirler tennessee den gecmez)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:2] rivers-[River:2] do-[River:1] not-[River:1] run-[River:3] through-[River:3] Tennessee-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(stateid('tennessee'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ exclude ( *n:River , *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' tennessee ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse fliessen nicht durch tennessee</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια δεν διασχίζουν το tennessee</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไม่ได้ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ เทนเนสซี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 不 贯穿 田纳西 州</nl>
+<!-- used to be "flow though" -->
+<example id='620'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers flow through Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP flow) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] flow-[River:2] through-[River:2] Colorado-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>nenne alle fluesse in colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν το colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>流经 科罗拉多 州 的 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='621'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers flow through Missouri ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP flow) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Missouri))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] flow-[River:2] through-[River:2] Missouri-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse verlaufen durch missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν το missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ มิสซูรี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>流经 密苏里 州 的 有 什么 河流</nl>
+<example id='622'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers flow through states that Alabama borders ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP flow) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (NNP Alabama)) (VP (VBZ borders)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] flow-[River:2] through-[River:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] Alabama-[StateName:6] borders-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse verlaufen durch staaten welche an alabama grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με την αλαμπάμα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อลาบามา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 与 阿拉巴马 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='623'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers flow through states that border the state with the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP flow) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] flow-[River:2] through-[River:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] the-[State:6] state-[State:6] with-[State:5] the-[State:5] largest-[State:5] population-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>bevoelkerung angrenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία με τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 与 人口 最多 的 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='624'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers flow through the largest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP flow) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN state))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] flow-[River:2] through-[River:2] the-[State:3] largest-[State:3] state-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse verlauften durch den groessten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν τη μεγαλύτερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 最大 的 州</nl>
+<example id='625'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers flow through the state with the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP flow) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] flow-[River:2] through-[River:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:3] the-[State:3] largest-[State:3] population-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse fliessen durch den bevoelkerungsreichsten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν την πολιτεία με το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 人口 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='626'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers run through Arizona ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Arizona))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] Arizona-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arizona ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse fliessen durch arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν την arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ แอริโซนา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 亚利桑那 州</nl>
+<example id='627'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers run through Austin Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (NNP Austin)) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] Austin-[CityName:4] Texas-[StateAbbrev:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(river(traverse_2(cityid('austin', 'tx'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , *n:StateAbbrev ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateAbbrev -> ({ ' tx ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse fliessen durch austin texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιοι ποταμί διαπερνούν το austin texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน เมือง ออสติน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 贯穿 得克萨斯 州 奥斯汀</nl>
+<example id='628'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers run through Colorado ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que rios corren por colorado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono kawa wa kororado wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+colorado dan hangi nehirler gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que rios corren por colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono kawa wa kororado wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S colorado dan hangi nehirler gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] Colorado-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse verlaufen durch colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διασχίζει το colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ แม่น้ำ ทั้งหมด ของ รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 贯穿 科罗拉多 州</nl>
+<example id='629'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers run through Louisiana ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Louisiana))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] Louisiana-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' louisiana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse fliessen durch louisiana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν τη louisiana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ หลุยเซียนา บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 贯穿 路易斯安那 州</nl>
+<example id='630'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers run through Maine ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Maine))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] Maine-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maine ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse verlaufen durch maine</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν το maine</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ เมน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 贯穿 缅因 州</nl>
+<example id='631'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers run through New York ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que rios corren por new york ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono kawa wa nyoo yooku wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new york dan hangi nehirler gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que rios corren por new_york)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono kawa wa nyoo_yooku wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_york dan hangi nehirler gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] New-[StateName:4] York-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(river(traverse_2(stateid('new york'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(river(A),traverse(A,B),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>flüsse in new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν τη new york </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก รายชื่อ แม่น้ำ ใน รัฐ นิวยอร์ค มา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 贯穿 纽约 州</nl>
+<example id='632'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers run through the state with the lowest point in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:4] the-[Place:5] lowest-[Place:5] point-[Place:6] in-[Place:7] the-[CountryName:9] USA-[CountryName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse verlaufen durch den staat mit dem niedrigsten punkt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν την πολιτεία με το χαμηλότερο σημείο στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ มี จุด ต่ำ สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 贯穿 美国 最低 点 的 所在 州</nl>
+<example id='633'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers run through the states that border the state with the capital Atlanta ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que rios corren por los estados que bordean a el estado con la capital atlanta ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ataranta wo shuto ni motsu shuu ni rinsetsu suru shuu wo nagareru kawa wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+baskenti atlanta olan eyalete komsu eyaletlerden gecen nehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (NP (NNP Atlanta)))))))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que rios corren por los estados que bordean a el estado con la capital atlanta)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ataranta wo shuto ni motsu shuu ni rinsetsu suru shuu wo nagareru kawa wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S baskenti atlanta olan eyalete komsu eyaletlerden gecen nehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] the-[State:3] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:6] the-[City:7] capital-[City:7] Atlanta-[CityName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(river(traverse_2(state(next_to_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('atlanta', _)))))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' atlanta ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse verlaufen duch die staaten welche an den staat mit der hauptstadt atlanta grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν τις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν την πολιτεία με πρωτεύουσα την atlanta</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ แอตแลนต้า</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 贯穿 与 首府 亚特兰大 所在 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='634'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers run through West Virginia ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que rios corren por west virginia ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono kawa wa uesuto baajinia wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+west virginia dan hangi nehirler gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP West) (NNP Virginia))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que rios corren por west_virginia)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono kawa wa uesuto_baajinia wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S west_virginia dan hangi nehirler gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] West-[StateName:4] Virginia-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(river(traverse_2(stateid('west virginia'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(river(A),traverse(A,B),const(B,stateid('west virginia'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' west virginia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse fliessen durch west virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια διασχίζουν τη west virginia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ เวสท์เวอร์จิเนีย บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 贯穿 西弗吉尼亚 州</nl>
+<example id='635'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What rivers traverses the state which borders the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBZ traverses) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] traverses-[River:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] which-[State:5] borders-[State:5] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] states-[State:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss verlauft durch den staat welcher an die meisten staaten grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν την πολιτεία που συνορεύει με τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 河流 流经 与 其它 州 接壤 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='636'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state bordering Nevada has the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (VBP state)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Nevada)))) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] bordering-[State:3] Nevada-[StateName:5] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' nevada ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher an nevada grenzende staat hat die groesste bevoelkerungszahl</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία που συνορεύει με τη nevada έχει τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน บรรดา รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เนวาดา รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 内华达 州 接壤 的 哪个 州 具有 最多 的 人口</nl>
+<example id='637'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state borders Michigan ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado bordea a michigan ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishigan ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa dochira desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin michigan ya siniri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Michigan)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado bordea a michigan)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishigan ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa dochira desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin michigan ya siniri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] borders-[State:2] Michigan-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' michigan ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staedte grenzen an michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με το michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ มิชิแกน มี รัฐ เพื่อนบ้าน อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 密歇根 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='638'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state borders most other states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (JJS most) (JJ other) (NNS states)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] borders-[State:3] most-[State:1] other-[State:4] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten nachbarstaaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με τις περισσότερες άλλες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่นๆ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 与 最多 的 其他 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='639'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state borders New York ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] borders-[State:2] New-[StateName:4] York-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new york'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A),next_to(A,B),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an new york</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με τη new york </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>นิวยอร์ค อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 纽约 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='640'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state borders the least states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS least) (NNS states)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] borders-[State:3] the-[State:1] least-[State:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ fewest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt an die wenigsten staaten an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με τις λιγότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 与 其它 州 接壤 最少</nl>
+<example id='641'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state borders the least states excluding Alaska and excluding Hawaii ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS least) (NNS states)) (VP (VP (VBG excluding) (NP (NNP Alaska))) (CC and) (VP (VBG excluding) (NP (NNP Hawaii))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] borders-[State:3] the-[State:1] least-[State:1] states-[State:6] excluding-[State:5] Alaska-[StateName:8] and-[State:4] excluding-[State:4] Hawaii-[StateName:10])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(fewest(state(next_to_2(exclude(exclude(state(all), stateid('alaska')), stateid('hawaii'))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ fewest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ exclude ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ exclude ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='10'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grezt an die wenigsten staaten exclusiv alaska und exclusiv hawaii an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με τις λιγότερες πολιτείες μη συμπεριλαμβανομένης της alaska και μη συμπεριλαμβανομένης της hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น น้อย ที่สุด ยกเว้น รัฐ อลาสกา และ รัฐ ฮาวาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 与 除 阿拉斯加 和 夏威夷 州 之外 的 其它 州 接壤 最少</nl>
+<example id='642'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state borders the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] borders-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt an die meisten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 与 最多 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='643'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state borders the state with the smallest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] borders-[State:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:3] the-[State:3] smallest-[State:3] population-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt an den staat mit der kleinsten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία με τον χαμηλότερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ซึ่ง มี ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 与 人口 最少 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='644'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state contains the highest point in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que estado contiene el punto mas alto en los us ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa beikoku no mottomo takai chiten ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet us deki en yusek noktayi kapsar ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ contains) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que estado contiene el punto mas alto en los us)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa beikoku no mottomo takai chiten ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet us deki en yusek noktayi kapsar)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] contains-[State:2] the-[Place:3] highest-[Place:3] point-[Place:4] in-[Place:5] the-[CountryName:7] US-[CountryName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt der hoechste punkt der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία περιέχει το ψηλότερο σημείο στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ภูเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา อยู่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 包含 美国 的 最高 点 呢</nl>
+<example id='645'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state contains the highest point of those the Colorado river traverses ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ contains) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT those)) (SBAR (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Colorado) (NN river)) (VP (VBZ traverses))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] contains-[State:2] the-[Place:3] highest-[Place:3] point-[Place:4] of-[Place:5] those-[State:6] the-[River:8] Colorado-[RiverName:10] river-[River:8] traverses-[State:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='10'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher der staaten durch die der colorado fliesst hat die hoechste erhebung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία από αυτές που διασχίζει ο ποταμός colorado περιέχει το ψηλότερο σημείο </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ใน บรรดา รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด มี จุด ที่ สูง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 哪个 州 包含 科罗拉多 河 穿越 的 最高 点 呢</nl>
+<example id='646'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has highest elevation ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que estado tiene la elevacion mas alta ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa mottomo takai kaibatsu ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en yuksek yukseltiye sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (JJS highest) (NN elevation)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que estado tiene la elevacion mas alta)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa mottomo takai kaibatsu ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en yuksek yukseltiye sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] highest-[Place:3] elevation-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die hoechste erhebung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ยอดเขา สูง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最高 海拔</nl>
+<example id='647'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has no rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT no) (NNS rivers)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] no-[State:1] rivers-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(exclude(state(all), loc_1(river(all))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ exclude ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat keine fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία δεν έχει ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไหน ไม่ มี แม่น้ำ เลย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 没有 河流</nl>
+<example id='648'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the capital Salem ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que estado tiene la capital salem ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa saremu to iu shuto ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin baskenti salem dir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (NP (NNP Salem))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que estado tiene la capital salem)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa saremu to iu shuto ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin baskenti salem dir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[City:3] capital-[City:3] Salem-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('salem', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' salem ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die hauptstadt salem</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει πρωτεύουσα το salem</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ ว่า ซาเล็ม</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 的 首府 是 塞勒姆 </nl>
+<example id='649'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the city Flint ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que estado tiene la ciudad flint ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa furinto toshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet in flint sehri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (NP (NNP Flint))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que estado tiene la ciudad flint)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa furinto toshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet in flint sehri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[City:3] city-[City:3] Flint-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('flint', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' flint ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt die stadt flint</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει την πόλη flint</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง มี เมือง ชื่อ ฟลินท์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 弗林特 市</nl>
+<example id='650'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the city with the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[City:4] city-[City:4] with-[City:3] the-[City:3] largest-[City:3] population-[City:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat befindet sich die bevoelkerungsreichste stadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει η πόλη με το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 人口 最多 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='651'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the city with the most population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NN population)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[City:4] city-[City:4] with-[City:3] the-[City:3] most-[City:3] population-[City:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die stadt mit der groessten bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει την πόλη με τον περισσότερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด ที่ มี เมือง ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 人口 最多 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='652'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the greatest population density ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que estado tiene la densidad de poblacion mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo ookii jinkou no mitsudo ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en buyuk nufus yogunluguna sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS greatest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que estado tiene la densidad de poblacion mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo ookii jinkou no mitsudo ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en buyuk nufus yogunluguna sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] greatest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste bevoelkerungsidchte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μεγαλύερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร สูง สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最大 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='653'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the highest elevation ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que estado tiene la elevacion mas alta ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa mottomo takai kaibatsu ga arimsua ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en yuksek yukseltiye sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN elevation)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que estado tiene la elevacion mas alta)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa mottomo takai kaibatsu ga arimsua ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en yuksek yukseltiye sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[Place:3] highest-[Place:3] elevation-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die hoechste erhebung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จุด สูง สุด ใน ประเทศ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 的 海拔 最高</nl>
+<example id='654'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the highest population ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene la poblacion mas alta ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa mottomo ookii jinkou ga ariumasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en yuksek nufusa sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN population)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene la poblacion mas alta)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa mottomo ookii jinkou ga ariumasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en yuksek nufusa sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] highest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 人口</nl>
+<example id='655'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the highest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] highest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste dichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร สูง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最大 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='656'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the largest area ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN area)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] area-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der staat mit der groessten flaeche</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μεγαλύτερο εμβαδό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี พื้นที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最大 的 面积</nl>
+<example id='657'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the largest capital ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN capital)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[City:3] largest-[City:3] capital-[City:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste hauptstadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μεγαλύτερη πρωτεύουσα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมืองหลวง ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最大 的 首府</nl>
+<example id='658'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the largest city ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[City:3] largest-[City:3] city-[City:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste stadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μεγαλύτερη πόλη</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最大 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='659'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τον περισσότερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 人口</nl>
+<example id='660'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the largest population density ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que estado tiene la densidad de poblacion mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo ookii jinkou no mitsudo ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en buyuk nufus yogunluguna sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que estado tiene la densidad de poblacion mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo ookii jinkou no mitsudo ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en buyuk nufus yogunluguna sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der staat mit der groessten bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร สูง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最大 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='661'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the largest urban population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (JJ urban) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] urban-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat am meisten einwohner</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μεγαλύτερο αστικό πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 的 城镇 人口</nl>
+<example id='662'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the least population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS least) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] least-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die niedrigste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μικρότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เบาบาง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最小 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='663'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the longest river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[River:3] longest-[River:3] river-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die staaten welche vom laengsten fluss durchflossen werden</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μακρύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด ที่ มี แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最长 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='664'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the lowest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] lowest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die kleinste durchschnittliche urbane bevoelkerungzahl</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μικρότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร ต่ำ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最低 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='665'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the most cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS cities)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] cities-[City:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten staedte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τις περισσότερες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง อยู่ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='666'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the most major cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (JJ major) (NNS cities)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] major-[City:4] cities-[City:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten wichtigsten staedte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τις περισσότερες κύριες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง เอก มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 的 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='667'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the most major rivers running through it ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (JJ major) (NNS rivers)) (VP (VBG running) (PP (IN through) (NP (PRP it))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] major-[River:4] rivers-[River:5] running-[State:3] through-[State:3] it-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία διασχίζουν τα περισσότερα κύρια ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก ไหล ผ่าน มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 流经 它的 最多 主要 河流</nl>
+<example id='668'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the most people ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS people)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] people-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der bevoelkerungsreichste staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει του περισσότερους ανθρώπους</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จำนวน ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最多 人</nl>
+<example id='669'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the most rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS rivers)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] rivers-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τα περισσότερα ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ เยอะ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最多 河流</nl>
+<example id='670'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the most rivers running through it ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS rivers)) (VP (VBG running) (PP (IN through) (NP (PRP it))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] rivers-[River:4] running-[State:3] through-[State:3] it-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία διασχίζουν τα περισσότερα ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ ไหล ผ่าน มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 流经 它的 河流 最多</nl>
+<example id='671'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the shortest river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[River:3] shortest-[River:3] river-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der kuerzeste fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το κοντύτερο ποταμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ สั้น ที่สุด ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最短 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='672'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the smallest area ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN area)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] area-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der staat mit der geringsten flaechenausdehnung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μικρότερο εμβαδό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี พื้นที่ น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 的 面积 最小</nl>
+<example id='673'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the smallest capital ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN capital)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[City:3] smallest-[City:3] capital-[City:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die kleinste hauptstadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μικρότερη πρωτεύουσα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมืองหลวง เล็ก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最小 的 首府</nl>
+<example id='674'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the smallest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die kleinste anzahl urbaner einwohner</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τον μικρότερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด คือ รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最少 的 人口</nl>
+<example id='675'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the smallest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die kleinste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μικρότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เบาบาง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 具有 最小 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='676'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the smallest urban population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (JJ urban) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] urban-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der bevoelkerungsaermste staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μικρότερο αστικό πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร อาศัย อยู่ ใน เมือง น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 具有 最少 的 城镇 人口</nl>
+<example id='677'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state has the sparsest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJ sparsest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] sparsest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die niedrigsten bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει την αραιότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 具有 最 稀少 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='678'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is Austin in ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Austin)) (PP (IN in))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Austin-[CityName:4] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('austin', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat liegt in austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία είναι το austin </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ชื่อ ออสติน อยู่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 奥斯汀</nl>
+<example id='679'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is Austin the capital of ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Austin)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Austin-[CityName:5] the-[City:3] capital-[City:3] of-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>von welchem staat ist austin die hauptstadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιας πολιτείας είναι το austin πρωτεύουσα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ ออสติน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>奥斯汀 是 哪个 州 的 首府</nl>
+<example id='680'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is Boston in ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Boston)) (PP (IN in))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Boston-[CityName:4] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('boston', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' boston ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat ist boston</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία είναι η boston</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง บอสตัน ตั้งอยู่ ใน รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>波士顿 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='681'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is Columbus the capital of ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+de cual estado es columbus la capital ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+koronbaasu wa dono shuu no shuto desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+columbus hangi eyaletin baskentidir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Columbus)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (PP (IN of)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S de cual estado es columbus la capital)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S koronbaasu wa dono shuu no shuto desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S columbus hangi eyaletin baskentidir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Columbus-[CityName:5] the-[City:3] capital-[City:3] of-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('columbus', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' columbus ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat columbus als hauptstadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιας πολιτείας είναι πρωτεύουσα το columbus</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ โคลัมบัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哥伦布 是 哪个 州 的 首府</nl>
+<example id='682'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is Dallas in ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Dallas)) (PP (IN in))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Dallas-[CityName:4] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('dallas', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' dallas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt dallas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία είναι το dallas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ชื่อ ดัลลัส อยู่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>达拉斯 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='683'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is Des Moines located in ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+en que estado se encuentra des moines ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+demoin wa dono shuu ni arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+des moines hangi eyalettedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Des) (NNP Moines)) (VP (VBN located) (PP (IN in)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S en que estado se encuentra des_moines)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S demoin wa dono shuu ni arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S des_moines hangi eyalettedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Des-[CityName:4] Moines-[CityName:4] located-[State:2] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('des moines', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A),const(B,cityid('des moines',_)),loc(B,A)))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' des moines ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat ist des moines</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία βρίσκεται το des moines</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ชื่อ เดส์มวง ตั้ง อยู่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>德梅因 位于 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='684'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is Miami in ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Miami)) (PP (IN in))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Miami-[CityName:4] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('miami', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' miami ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt miami</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία είναι το miami </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ไมอามี อยู่ ใน รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>迈阿密 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='685'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is Pittsburgh in ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Pittsburgh)) (PP (IN in))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Pittsburgh-[CityName:4] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('pittsburgh', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' pittsburgh ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welcher staat ist pittsburgh</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία βρίσκεται το pittsburgh</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง พิทส์เบิร์ก อยู่ ใน รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>匹兹堡 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='686'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is the biggest ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] is-[State:1] the-[State:1] biggest-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher ist der grosste staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία είναι η μεγαλύτερη</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>บอก ชื่อ รัฐ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด มา หน่อย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 最大</nl>
+<example id='687'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is the largest in population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN population))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] is-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] in-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste bevoelkerung in den staedten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία είναι μεγαλύτερη σε πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 的 人口 最多</nl>
+<example id='688'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state is the state with the most rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS rivers))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:1] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:4] the-[State:2] most-[State:2] rivers-[River:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία είναι η πολιτεία με τα περισσότερα ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด ที่ มี แม่น้ำ เยอะ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 是 拥有 河流 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='689'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state that borders Texas has the highest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Texas)))))) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] that-[State:3] borders-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] highest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat der an texas grenzt hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το texas έχει τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州 的 人口 最多</nl>
+<example id='690'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state that borders Texas is the largest ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Texas)))))) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] that-[State:3] borders-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5] is-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der groesste an texas grenzende staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία που συνορεύει με το texas είναι η μεγαλύτερη</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='691'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state which the Mississippi runs through has the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through)))))) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] state-[State:2] which-[State:3] the-[RiverName:5] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] runs-[State:3] through-[State:3] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der meistbevoelkerte staat durch welchen der mississippi fluss verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία την οποία διασχίζει ο mississippi έχει τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 流经 的 哪个 州 有 最多 人口</nl>
+<example id='692'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states are next to Arizona ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ next) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNP Arizona))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] are-[State:2] next-[State:2] to-[State:2] Arizona-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arizona ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten sind neben arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες είναι δίπλα στην arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ แอริโซนา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 亚利桑那 州 相邻</nl>
+<example id='693'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states are next to Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ next) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] are-[State:2] next-[State:2] to-[State:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες είναι δίπλα στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 得克萨斯 州 相邻</nl>
+<example id='694'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states are next to the Mississippi ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ next) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] are-[State:2] next-[State:2] to-[State:2] the-[StateName:4] Mississippi-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες είναι δίπλα στο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ถัด จาก รัฐ มิสซิสซิปปี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 密西西比 州 相邻</nl>
+<example id='695'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Alaska)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Alaska-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ อลาสกา อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 阿拉斯加 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='696'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Arkansas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a arkansas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aakansaa ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+arkansas a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Arkansas)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a arkansas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aakansaa ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S arkansas a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Arkansas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arkansas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν το arkansas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อาร์คันซอ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 阿肯色 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='697'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Delaware ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a delaware ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+derawaru ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+delaware a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Delaware)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a delaware)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S derawaru ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S delaware a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Delaware-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' delaware ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an delaware</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το delaware</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เดลาแวร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 特拉华 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='698'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Florida ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a florida ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+furorida ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+florida a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Florida)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a florida)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S furorida ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S florida a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Florida-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an florida</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τη florida </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ฟลอริดา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 佛罗里达 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='699'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Georgia ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a georgia ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+joojaa ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+georgia a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Georgia)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a georgia)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S joojaa ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S georgia a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Georgia-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' georgia ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an georgia</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τη georgia</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ จอร์เจีย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 佐治亚 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='700'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Hawaii ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a hawaii ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+hawai ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hawaii a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Hawaii)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a hawaii)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S hawai ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hawaii a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Hawaii-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τη hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ฮาวาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 夏威夷 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='701'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Indiana ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a indiana ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+indiana ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+indiana a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Indiana)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a indiana)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S indiana ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S indiana a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Indiana-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' indiana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an indiana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την indiana </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อินเดียนา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 印第安纳 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='702'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Kentucky ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a kentucky ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kentakkii ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+kentucky a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Kentucky)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a kentucky)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kentakkii ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S kentucky a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Kentucky-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kentucky ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an kentucky</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το kentucky</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เคนตักกี้</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 肯塔基 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='703'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Michigan ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Michigan)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Michigan-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' michigan ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ มิชิแกน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 密歇根 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='704'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Missouri ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Missouri)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Missouri-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ มิสซูรี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 密苏里 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='705'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Montana ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a montana ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+montana ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+montana a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Montana)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a montana)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S montana ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S montana a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Montana-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten grenzen an montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τη montana </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ มอนตานา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 蒙大拿 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='706'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border New Hampshire ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a new hampshire ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu hanpushaa ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new hampshire a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Hampshire)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a new_hampshire)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_hanpushaa ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_hampshire a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] New-[StateName:4] Hampshire-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new hampshire'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A),next_to(A,B),const(B,stateid('new hampshire'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new hampshire ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an new hampshire</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το new hampshire</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ นิวแฮมพ์เชียร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 新罕布什尔 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='707'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border New Jersey ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a new jersey ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu jaajii ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new jersey a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Jersey)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a new_jersey)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_jaajii ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_jersey a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] New-[StateName:4] Jersey-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new jersey'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A),next_to(A,B),const(B,stateid('new jersey'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new jersey ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an new jersey</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το new jersey </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ นิวเจอร์ซี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 新泽西 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='708'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Ohio ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a ohio ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ohaio ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+ohio ya siniri bulunan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Ohio)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a ohio)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ohaio ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S ohio ya siniri bulunan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Ohio-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an ohio an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ โอไฮโอ มี อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 俄亥俄 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='709'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Rhode Island ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a rhode island ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+roodoairando ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+rhode island a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Rhode) (NNP Island)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a rhode island)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S roodoairando ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S rhode island a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Rhode-[StateName:4] Island-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('rhode island'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A),next_to(A,B),const(B,stateid('rhode island'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' rhode island ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το rhode island</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ โรดไอแลนด์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 罗得岛 接壤</nl>
+<example id='710'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border states that border Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Colorado)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] Colorado-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an colorado grenzende staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με το colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>和 科罗拉多 接壤 的 州 与 哪些 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='711'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border states that border Mississippi ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Mississippi)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] Mississippi-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an staaten welche an mississippi grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με το mississippi </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ มิสซิสซิปปี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 和 密西西比 州 接壤 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='712'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border states that border states that border Florida ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Florida)))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] states-[State:5] that-[State:6] border-[State:6] Florida-[StateName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an staaten an die an staaten angrenzen die florida angrenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με τη florida</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ ฟลอริดา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 与 佛罗里达 州 接壤 的 州 接壤 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='713'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border states that border states that border states that border Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] states-[State:5] that-[State:6] border-[State:6] states-[State:7] that-[State:8] border-[State:8] Texas-[StateName:10])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='10'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an staaten welche an staaten grenzen welche staaten grenzen die an texas grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州 接壤 的 州 接壤 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='714'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border states that border the state with the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] the-[State:6] state-[State:6] with-[State:5] the-[State:5] largest-[State:5] population-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an staaten welche an den staat mit der groessten bevoelkerung grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία με το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 与 人口 最多 的 州 接壤 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='715'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border states that the Mississippi runs through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] the-[RiverName:6] Mississsippi-[RiverName:6] runs-[State:4] through-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an staaten durch denen die mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με πολιτείες τις οποίες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใดบ้าง ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 密西西比 河 贯穿 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='716'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border states that the Ohio runs through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Ohio)) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] the-[RiverName:6] Ohio-[RiverName:6] runs-[State:4] through-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen staaten durch welche der ohio fluss verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με πολιτείες που διασχίζει ο ohio </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ โอไฮโอ ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 俄亥俄 河 贯穿 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='717'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border states which the Mississippi runs through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] states-[State:3] which-[State:4] the-[RiverName:6] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] runs-[State:4] through-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an staaten an durch denen der mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν πολιτείες τις οποίες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน มี อะไรบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 密西西比 河 贯穿 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='718'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an texas an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 是 什么 州</nl>
+<example id='719'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Texas and have a major river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas))) (CC and) (VP (VBP have) (NP (DT a) (JJ major) (NN river))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5] and-[State:1] have-[State:6] a-[River:7] major-[River:7] river-[River:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(intersection(state(next_to_2(stateid('texas'))), loc_1(major(river(all)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ intersection ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen texas und haben einen wichtigen fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το texas και έχουν κύρια ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส และ มี แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 并 有 主要 河流</nl>
+<example id='720'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border the Mississippi river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[River:3] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an den mississippi fluss an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τον mississippi ποταμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 密西西比 河 接壤</nl>
+<example id='721'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border the most populous state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populous)) (NN state)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] populous-[State:3] state-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an den bevoelkerungsreichsten staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν την πιο πολυπληθή πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 与 人口 最多 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='722'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border the state that borders the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] that-[State:5] borders-[State:5] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] states-[State:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt dem staat welche an die meisten staaten grenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία που συνορεύει με τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 和 与 最多 州 接壤 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='723'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border the state with the most cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS cities)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] cities-[City:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen dem staat mit den meisten staedten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία με τις περισσότερες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี เมือง มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 拥有 最多 城市 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='724'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border the state with the most major cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (JJ major) (NNS cities)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:5] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] major-[City:6] cities-[City:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen dem staat mit den meisten wichtigsten staedten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία με τις περισσότερες κύριες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี เมือง เอก มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 拥有 最多 主要 城市 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='725'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border the state with the smallest area ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN area)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:3] the-[State:3] smallest-[State:3] area-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt an den staat mit der kleinsten flaeche</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία με το μικρότερο εμβαδό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ เล็ก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 面积 最小 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='726'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border the states with the most cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS cities)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[State:4] states-[State:4] with-[State:5] the-[State:3] most-[State:3] cities-[City:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an die staaten mit den meisten staedten an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τις πολιτείες με τις περισσότερες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ กับ รัฐ ที่ มี เมือง มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>什么 州 和 拥有 最多 城市 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='727'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states border Wisconsin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Wisconsin)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Wisconsin-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' wisconsin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an wisconsin an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το wisconsin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ วิสคอนซิน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 威斯康星 州 接壤 的 州 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='728'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state 's capital is Dover ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que estado tiene la capital dover ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+doobaa to iu shuto wa dono shuu desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin baskenti dover dir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NN state) (POS 's)) (NN capital)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Dover))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que estado tiene la capital dover)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S doobaa to iu shuto wa dono shuu desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin baskenti dover dir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] 's-[State:2] capital-[State:2] is-[State:2] Dover-[CityName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(capital_2(cityid('dover', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ capital_2 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' dover ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat dover als hauptstadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιων πολιτειών είναι πρωτεύουσα το dover</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง หลวง ชื่อ โดเวอร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 的 首都 是 多佛 市</nl>
+<example id='729'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states contain at least one major rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP contain) (NP (QP (IN at) (JJS least) (CD one)) (JJ major) (NNS rivers)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] contain-[State:2] at-[River:4] least-[River:4] one-[River:4] major-[River:3] rivers-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst mindestens einer der hauptflüsse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες περιέχουν τουλάχιστον ένα κύριο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก อย่างน้อย หนึ่ง สาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 包含 至少 一个 主要 河流</nl>
+<example id='730'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states does the Colorado river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Colorado) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Colorado-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der fluss colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='731'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states does the Delaware river run through ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+por cuales estados corre el rio delaware ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+derawaru kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+delaware nehri hangi eyaletlerden gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Delaware) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S por cuales estados corre el rio delaware)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S derawaru kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S delaware nehri hangi eyaletlerden gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Delaware-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' delaware ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der delaware</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός delaware </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ เดลาแวร์ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>特拉华 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='732'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states does the Mississippi river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten verlaeuft der mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='733'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states does the Mississippi run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[RiverName:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:4] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='734'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states does the Missouri river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Missouri) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Missouri-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten verlaeuft der missouri fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซูรี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密苏里 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='735'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states does the Missouri run through ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+por cuales estados corre el missouri ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mizuuri kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+missouri hangi eyaletlerin icinden gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Missouri)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S por cuales estados corre el missouri)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mizuuri kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S missouri hangi eyaletlerin icinden gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[RiverName:4] Missouri-[RiverName:4] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der missouri fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο missouri </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซูรี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密苏里 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='736'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states does the Ohio river go through ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+por cuales estados corre el rio ohio ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ohaio kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+ohio nehri hangi eyaletlerin icinden gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Ohio) (NN river)) (VP (VB go) (PP (IN through)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S por cuales estados corre el rio ohio)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ohaio kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S ohio nehri hangi eyaletlerin icinden gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Ohio-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] go-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch \welche staaten verlaeuft der ohio fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ohio ποταμός</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด ที่ มี แม่น้ำ โอไฮโอ ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄亥俄 河 经过 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='737'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states does the Ohio river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Ohio) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Ohio-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' ohio ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der ohio fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός ohio</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ โอไฮโอ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>俄亥俄 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='738'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states does the shortest river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] shortest-[River:3] river-[River:4] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat den kuerzesten fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει το μικρότερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ไหน มี แม่น้ำ ที่ สั้น ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最短 的 河流 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='739'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have a capital that is the highest point in the state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN capital)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN state))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] a-[City:3] capital-[City:3] that-[Place:4] is-[Place:4] the-[Place:4] highest-[Place:4] point-[Place:5] in-[Place:4] the-[Place:4] state-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben eine hauptstadt die der hoechste punkt des staates ist</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν πρωτεύουσα η οποία είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมืองหลวง ที่ เป็น จุด สูงสุด ของ รัฐ นั้น</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 的 首府 是 州 的 最高 点</nl>
+<example id='740'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have a city named Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN city)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Austin)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] a-[City:3] city-[City:3] named-[City:3] Austin-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben staedte mit dem namen austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν μια πόλη που ονομάζεται austin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า ออสติน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 一个 名为 奥斯汀 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='741'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have cities named Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Austin)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] cities-[City:3] named-[City:3] Austin-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben staedte die austin heissen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν πόλεις με όνομα austin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ มี เมือง ชื่อ ออสติน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 名为 奥斯汀 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='742'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have cities named Dallas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados tienen ciudades con el nombre dallas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+darasu to iu toshi ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletlerde dallas sehri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Dallas)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados tienen ciudades con el nombre dallas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S darasu to iu toshi ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletlerde dallas sehri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] cities-[City:3] named-[City:3] Dallas-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('dallas', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' dallas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben staedte mit dem namen dallas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν πόλεις που ονομάζονται dallas </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า ดัลลัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 名为 达拉斯 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='743'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have cities named Plano ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados tienen ciudades con el nombre plano ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+purano to iu toshi ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletlerde plano sehri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Plano)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados tienen ciudades con el nombre plano)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S purano to iu toshi ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletlerde plano sehri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] cities-[City:3] named-[City:3] Plano-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('plano', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' plano ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben staedte mit dem namen plano</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν πόλεις που ονομάζονται plano </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า พลาโน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 城市 名为 普莱诺</nl>
+<example id='744'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have cities named Portland ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Portland)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] cities-[City:3] named-[City:3] Portland-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('portland', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' portland ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben staedte mit dem namen portland</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν πόλεις που ονομάζονται portland </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า พอร์ตแลนด์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 城市 名为 波特兰</nl>
+<example id='745'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have cities named Rochester ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Rochester)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] cities-[City:3] named-[City:3] Rochester-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('rochester', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' rochester ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchen staaten gibt es staedte mit dem namen rochester</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν πόλεις που ονομάζονται rochester </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า โรเชสเตอร์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 名为 罗切斯特 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='746'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have cities named Salt Lake City ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Salt) (NNP Lake) (NNP City)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] cities-[City:3] named-[City:3] Salt-[CityName:5] Lake-[CityName:5] City-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('salt lake city', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A),loc(B,A),city(B),const(B,cityid('salt lake city',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' salt lake city ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben staedte mit dem namen salt lake city</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν πόλεις με το όνομα salt lake city</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า ซอลท์เลคซิตี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 名为 盐湖城 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='747'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have no bordering state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (DT no) (VBG bordering) (NN state)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] states-[State:2] have-[State:1] no-[State:1] bordering-[State:3] state-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(state(all))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ exclude ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben keine angrenzende staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες δεν έχουν συνορεύουσα πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ รัฐ ที่ ไม่ได้ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ใดๆ เลย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 没有 和 其它 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='748'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have rivers named Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS rivers)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Colorado)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] rivers-[River:3] named-[River:3] Colorado-[RiverName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie viele staaten haben fluesse mit dem namen colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν ποτάμια που ονομάζονται colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง มี แม่น้ำ ชื่อ ว่า โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 叫 科罗拉多 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='749'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have rivers running through them ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS rivers)) (VP (VBG running) (PP (IN through) (NP (PRP them))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] rivers-[River:3] running-[State:2] through-[State:2] them-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben einen fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν ποτάμια να τις διασχίζουν</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ ไหล ผ่าน บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 被 河流 贯穿</nl>
+<example id='750'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states have towns named Springfield ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS towns)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Springfield)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] towns-[City:3] named-[City:3] Springfield-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' springfield ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben staedte mit dem namen springfield</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν κωμοπόλεις που ονομάζονται springfield</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง มี เมือง ที่ ชื่อ ว่า สปริงฟิลด์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 名为 斯普林菲尔德 的 小镇</nl>
+<example id='751'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What state 's high point is higher than that of Colorado ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NN state) (POS 's)) (JJ high) (NN point)) (SQ (VBZ is) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR higher)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NP (DT that)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] state-[State:1] 's-[State:2] high-[State:2] point-[State:2] is-[Place:3] higher-[Place:3] than-[Place:3] that-[Place:4] of-[Place:4] Colorado-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ high_point_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ higher_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ high_point_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche hoechstgelegenen punkte eines staates liegen hoeher als derjenige von colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιων πολιτειών το ψηλότερο σημείο είναι ψηλότερο από αυτό του colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ใด ที่ สูง กว่า จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 的 高点 比 科罗拉多 州 的 高点 高</nl>
+<example id='752'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states in the United States have a city of Springfield ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States)))) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Springfield)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:2] states-[State:2] in-[State:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5] have-[State:6] a-[City:7] city-[City:7] of-[City:7] Springfield-[CityName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(intersection(state(loc_2(countryid('usa'))), loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ intersection ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' springfield ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten in den vereinigten staaten habe eine stadt springfield</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες έχουν πόλη springfield</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา ที่ มี เมือง ชื่อ สปริงฟิลด์</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 有 什么 州 有 一个 斯普林菲尔德 市</nl>
+<example id='753'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states neighbor Maine ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP neighbor) (NP (NNP Maine)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] neighbor-[State:2] Maine-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maine ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an maine</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες γειτονεύουν το maine</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น เพื่อนบ้าน กับ รัฐ เมน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 缅因 州 相邻</nl>
+<example id='754'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What states surround Kentucky ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados rodean a kentucky ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+donna shuu ga kentakkii no mawari ni arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+kentucky yi hangi eyaletler cevreler ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP surround) (NP (NNP Kentucky)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados rodean a kentucky)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S donna shuu ga kentakkii no mawari ni arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S kentucky yi hangi eyaletler cevreler)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[State:1] states-[State:1] surround-[State:2] Kentucky-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kentucky ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an kentucky</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες περιβάλλουν το kentucky</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ ล้อมรอบ รัฐ เคนตักกี้</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 环绕 着 肯塔基 州</nl>
+<example id='755'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What Texas city has the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What) (NNP Texas) (NN city)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[City:2] Texas-[StateName:5] city-[City:2] has-[City:1] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die bevoelkerungsreichste stadt von texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία του texas έχει το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด ใน รัฐ เท็กซัส มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>得克萨斯 州 的 什么 城市 的 人口 最多</nl>
+<example id='756'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+What 's the largest city ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es la ciudad mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+en buyuk sehir nedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WP What)) (SQ (VBZ 's) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es la ciudad mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo ookii toshi wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S en buyuk sehir nedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S What-[Query:0] 's-[Query:0] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] city-[City:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die groesste stadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด คือ เมือง ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最大 的 城市 是 什么</nl>
+<example id='757'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where are mountains ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBP are) (NP (NNS mountains))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] are-[State:1] mountains-[Place:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo gibt es berge</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που υπάρχουν βουνά</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา อยู่ ตรงไหน บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>山 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='758'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Austin))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Austin-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το austin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ออสติน อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>奥斯汀 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='759'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Baton Rouge ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Baton) (NNP Rouge))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Baton-[CityName:3] Rouge-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('baton rouge', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('baton rouge',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' baton rouge ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo ist baton rouge</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πού είναι το baton rouge</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>บาทงรูจ อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>巴吞鲁日 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='760'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Dallas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Dallas))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Dallas-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('dallas', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' dallas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt dallas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το dallas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ดัลลัส อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>达拉斯 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='761'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Fort Wayne ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Fort) (NNP Wayne))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Fort-[CityName:3] Wayne-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('fort wayne', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('fort wayne',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' fort wayne ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo is fort wayne</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που το fort wayne</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ฟอร์ต เวยน์ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>韦恩堡 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='762'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Houston ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Houston))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Houston-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('houston', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' houston ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo ist houston</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το houston</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ฮุสตัน อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>休斯顿 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='763'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Indianapolis ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Indianapolis))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Indianapolis-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('indianapolis', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' indianapolis ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo ist indianapolis</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι η indianapolis</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง อินเดียนาโปลิส อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>印第安纳波利斯 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='764'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Massachusetts ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Massachusetts))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[Country:1] is-[Country:1] Massachusetts-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Country -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' massachusetts ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo ist massachusetts</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι η massachusetts</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ แมสซาชูเซ็ต อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪里 是 马萨诸塞 州</nl>
+<example id='765'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Mount Whitney ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Mount) (NNP Whitney))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Mount-[PlaceName:3] Whitney-[PlaceName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(placeid('mount whitney')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),const(B,placeid('mount whitney'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ placeid ( *n:PlaceName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:PlaceName -> ({ ' mount whitney ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo befindet sich mount whitney</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το mount whitney</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา วิทนีย์ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>惠特尼 山 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='766'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Mount Whitney located ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Mount) (NNP Whitney)) (VP (VBN located))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Mount-[PlaceName:3] Whitney-[PlaceName:3] located-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(placeid('mount whitney')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),const(B,placeid('mount whitney'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ placeid ( *n:PlaceName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:PlaceName -> ({ ' mount whitney ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt mount whitney</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που βρίσκεται το όρος whitney</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ยอดเขา วิทนีย์ ตั้งอยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>惠特尼 山 坐落 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='767'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is New Hampshire ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Hampshire))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[Country:1] is-[Country:1] New-[StateName:3] Hampshire-[StateName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(stateid('new hampshire')))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),const(B,stateid('new hampshire'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Country -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new hampshire ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt new hampshire</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το new hampshire</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ นิวแฮมพ์เชียร์ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新罕布什尔 州 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='768'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is New Orleans ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Orleans))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] New-[CityName:3] Orleans-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('new orleans', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('new orleans',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' new orleans ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo ist new orleans</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι η new orleans</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง นิวออร์ลีนส์ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>新奥尔良 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='769'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Portland ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Portland))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Portland-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('portland', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' portland ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt portland</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το portland</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง พอร์ตแลนด์ ตั้ง อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>波特兰 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='770'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is San Diego ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP San) (NNP Diego))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] San-[CityName:3] Diego-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('san diego', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('san diego',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' san diego ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt san diego</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το san diego</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ซานดิอาโก อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>圣地亚哥 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='771'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is San Jose ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP San) (NNP Jose))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] San-[CityName:3] Jose-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('san jose', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('san jose',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' san jose ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt san jose</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το san jose</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ซาน โฮเซ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>圣何塞 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='772'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Scotts Valley ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Scotts) (NNP Valley))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Scotts-[CityName:3] Valley-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('scotts valley', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('scotts valley',_))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' scotts valley ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt scotts valley</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι η scotts valley</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>สก็อตแวลลีย์ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>斯科茨瓦利 市 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='773'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is Springfield ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Springfield))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] Springfield-[CityName:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(loc_1(cityid('springfield', _)))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' springfield ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo ist springfield</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το springfield</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง สปริงฟิลด์ อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>斯普林菲尔德 镇 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='774'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is the Chattahoochee river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJ Chattahoochee) (NN river))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] the-[River:2] Chattahoochee-[RiverName:4] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' chattahoochee ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt der chattahoochee fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι ο chattahoochee ποταμός</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ แช็ตตาฮูชี อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>查塔胡奇 河 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='775'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is the highest mountain of the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN mountain)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] mountain-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] United-[CountryName:5] States-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt der hoechste berg der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το ψηλότερο βουνό στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา ใด เป็น ภูเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>美国 最高 的 山峰 在 哪里</nl>
+<example id='776'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is the highest point in Hawaii ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+que es el punto mas alto en hawaii ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+hawai no mottomo takai chiten wa doko desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hawaii deki en yuksek nokta nerededir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Hawaii))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S que es el punto mas alto en hawaii)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S hawai no mottomo takai chiten wa doko desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hawaii deki en yuksek nokta nerededir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Hawaii-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>woe liegt der hoechste punkt in hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στην hawaii </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ ฮาวาย อยู่ ตรงไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪里 是 夏威夷 的 最高 点</nl>
+<example id='777'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is the highest point in Montana ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+donde esta el punto mas alto en montana ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+montana no mottomo takai chiten wa doko desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+montana daki en yuksek nokta nerededir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Montana))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S donde esta el punto mas alto en montana)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S montana no mottomo takai chiten wa doko desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S montana daki en yuksek nokta nerededir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Montana-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt der hoechste punkt in montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το ψηλότερο σημείο στη montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ มอนตานา สูง เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪里 是 蒙大拿 州 的 最高 点</nl>
+<example id='778'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is the lowest point in Maryland ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Maryland))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Maryland-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' maryland ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in maryland</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στο maryland </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ รัฐ แมรีแลนด์ อยู่ ที่ไหน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪里 是 马里兰 州 的 最低 点</nl>
+<example id='779'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is the lowest point in the US ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+donde esta el punto mas bajo en los us ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+beikoku no mottomo hikui chiten wa doko desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+us deki en alcak nokta nerededir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S donde esta el punto mas bajo en los us)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S beikoku no mottomo hikui chiten wa doko desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S us deki en alcak nokta nerededir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] the-[CountryName:5] US-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo ist der tiefster punkt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πού είναι το μικρότερο σημείο στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ของ สหรัฐ อยู่ ที่ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪里 是 美国 的 最低 点</nl>
+<example id='780'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is the lowest spot in Iowa ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+donde esta el punto mas bajo en iowa ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+aiowa no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+iowa daki en alcak nokta nerededir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN spot)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Iowa))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S donde esta el punto mas bajo en iowa)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S aiowa no mottomo hikui chiten wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S iowa daki en alcak nokta nerededir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] spot-[Place:2] in-[Place:3] Iowa-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo ist der tiefste punkt in iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο στην iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ที่ ต่ำ ที่สุด ของ รัฐ ไอโอวา อยู่ ที่ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪里 是 爱荷华 州 的 最低 点</nl>
+<example id='781'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is the most populated area of New Mexico ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ populated)) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[City:1] most-[City:1] populated-[City:1] area-[City:2] of-[City:3] New-[StateName:5] Mexico-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(largest_one(population_1(city(loc_2(stateid('new mexico'))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,largest(B,(population(A,B),city(A),loc(A,C),const(C,stateid('new mexico')))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt die am meisten bevoelkerte gegend von neu mexiko</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>που είναι η πολυπληθέστερη περιοχή του new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>พื้นที่ ใด เป็น พื้นที่ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด ใน รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪里 是 新墨西哥 州 人口 最多 的 地区</nl>
+<example id='782'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Where is the smallest city ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHADVP (WRB Where)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN city))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Where-[State:1] is-[State:1] the-[City:2] smallest-[City:2] city-[City:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ smallest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wo liegt die kleinste stadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πόλη</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด เป็น เมือง ที่ เล็ก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最小 的 城市 是 哪里</nl>
+<example id='783'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which capitals are in the states that border Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS capitals)) (SQ (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[City:1] capitals-[City:1] are-[City:2] in-[City:2] the-[State:3] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] Texas-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches sind die hauptstaedte der an texas anliegenden staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πρωτεύουσες είναι στις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จง บอก ชื่อ เมืองหลวง ของ รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส มา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 首府 是 在 与 得克萨斯 州 接壤 的 州 里</nl>
+<example id='784'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which capitals are not major cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS capitals)) (SQ (VBP are) (RB not) (NP (JJ major) (NNS cities))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[City:2] capitals-[City:2] are-[City:1] not-[City:1] major-[City:3] cities-[City:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(exclude(capital(all), major(city(all))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ exclude ( *n:City , *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche hauptstaedte gehoeren nicht zu den groessten staedten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πρωτεύουσες δεν είναι κύριες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด บ้าง ที่ ไม่ ใช่ เมือง เอก</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 首府 不是 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='785'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which city in California has the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP California)))) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[City:2] city-[City:2] in-[City:3] California-[StateName:5] has-[City:1] the-[City:1] largest-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' california ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche stadt in california hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πόλη στην california έχει το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด ใน รัฐ แคลิฟอร์เนีย มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>加利福尼亚 州 的 哪个 城市 有 最多 人口</nl>
+<example id='786'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which is the density of the state that the largest river in the United States runs through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN density)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States)))) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Num:1] density-[Num:1] of-[Num:1] the-[State:2] state-[State:2] that-[State:3] the-[River:4] largest-[River:4] river-[River:5] in-[River:6] the-[CountryName:8] United-[CountryName:8] States-[CountryName:8] runs-[State:3] through-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Num -> ({ density_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die dichte des staates durch den der groesste fluss der usa fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η πυκνότητα της πολιτείας την οποία διασχίζει το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา ไหล ผ่าน มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เท่าไหร่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>被 美国 的 最大 河流 贯穿 的 州 的 人口 密度 是 多少</nl>
+<example id='787'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which is the highest peak not in Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN peak)) (RB not) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] highest-[Place:1] peak-[Place:3] not-[Place:2] in-[Place:4] Alaska-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(highest(exclude(mountain(all), loc_2(stateid('alaska')))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ exclude ( *n:Place , *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ mountain ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der hoechste gipfel der nicht in alaska liegt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η ψηλότερη κορυφή εκτός της alaska </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ยอดเขา ใด เป็น ยอดเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด ที่ ไม่ได้ อยู่ ใน รัฐ อลาสกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 是 不 在 阿拉斯加 州 的 最高 山峰</nl>
+<example id='788'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which is the longest river in USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] longest-[River:1] river-[River:2] in-[River:3] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der laengste fluss der usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ยาว ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 是 美国 最长 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='789'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which is the lowest point of the states that the Mississippi runs through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[Place:1] lowest-[Place:1] point-[Place:2] of-[Place:3] the-[State:4] states-[State:4] that-[State:5] the-[RiverName:7] Mississippi-[RiverName:7] runs-[State:5] through-[State:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der niedrigste punkt von den staaten durch die der mississippi verlaeuft</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το χαμηλότερο σημείο των πολιτειών τις οποίες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>จุด ต่ำ สุด ใด ของ สหรัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>被 密西西比 河 贯穿 的 州 的 最低 点 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='790'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which is the shortest river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS shortest) (NN river))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[River:1] shortest-[River:1] river-[River:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ shortest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist der kuerzeste fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο είναι το κοντύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ที่ สั้น ที่สุด คือ แม่น้ำ สาย ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最短 的 河流 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='791'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which is the smallest state ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN state))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[Query:0] is-[Query:0] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] state-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>wie lautet der kleinste staat</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια είναι η μικρότερη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ขนาด เล็ก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 是 最小 的 州</nl>
+<example id='792'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which of the states bordering Pennsylvania has the largest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WDT Which)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS states)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP Pennsylvania)))))) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] of-[State:2] the-[State:2] states-[State:2] bordering-[State:3] Pennsylvania-[StateName:5] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' pennsylvania ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher der staaten welche an pennsylvania grenzt hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια από τις πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με την pennsylvania έχει το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เพ็นซิลเวเนีย รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>与 宾夕法尼亚 州 接壤 的 州 里 哪个 有 最多 人口</nl>
+<example id='793'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which river goes through the most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ goes) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:2] river-[River:2] goes-[River:3] through-[River:3] the-[River:1] most-[River:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss fliesst durch die meisten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι περνάει από τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน จำนวน รัฐ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 河流 流经 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='794'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which river runs through most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (JJS most) (NNS states))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:2] river-[River:2] runs-[River:3] through-[River:3] most-[River:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss fliesst durch die meisten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διατρέχει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 河流 贯穿 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='795'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which river runs through the most states ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual rio corre por mas estados ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+donna kawa ga mottomo ooku no kawa wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi nehir en cok eyaletten gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual rio corre por mas estados)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S donna kawa ga mottomo ooku no kawa wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi nehir en cok eyaletten gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:2] river-[River:2] runs-[River:3] through-[River:3] the-[River:1] most-[River:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss fliesst durch die meisten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διασχίζει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ จำนวน มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 河流 贯穿 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='796'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which river traverses most states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN river)) (SQ (VP (VBZ traverses) (NP (JJS most) (NNS states)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:2] river-[River:2] traverses-[River:3] most-[River:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ most ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss durchquert die meisten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιο ποτάμι διασχίζει τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ จำนวน มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 河流 流经 最多 的 州</nl>
+<example id='797'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which rivers are in Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Alaska)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] are-[River:2] in-[River:2] Alaska-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss verlaeuft durch alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>πόσα ποτάμια υπάρχουν στην alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ อลาสก้า</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 河流 在 阿拉斯加</nl>
+<example id='798'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which rivers do not run through Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP do) (RB not) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Texas))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:2] rivers-[River:2] do-[River:1] not-[River:1] run-[River:3] through-[River:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(stateid('texas'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ exclude ( *n:River , *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche flüsse fliessen nicht durch texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια δεν διασχίζουν το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ไม่ได้ ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 河流 不 贯穿 得克萨斯</nl>
+<example id='799'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which rivers do not run through USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VBP do) (RB not) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP USA))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:2] rivers-[River:2] do-[River:1] not-[River:1] run-[River:3] through-[River:3] USA-[CountryName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(countryid('usa'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ exclude ( *n:River , *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche flüsse fliessen durch die usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια δε διασχίζουν τις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ไม่ได้ ไหล ผ่าน ประเทศ สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 河流 不 贯穿 美国</nl>
+<example id='800'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which rivers flow through Alaska ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales rios corren por alaska ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono kawa wa arasuka wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi nehirler alaska nin icinden akar ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP flow) (PP (IN through) (NP (NNP Alaska))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales rios corren por alaska)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono kawa wa arasuka wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi nehirler alaska nin icinden akar)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] flow-[River:2] through-[River:2] Alaska-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse gibt es in alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν την alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ อลาสกา มี แม่น้ำ อะไร บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 河流 流经 阿拉斯加 州</nl>
+<example id='801'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which rivers run through states bordering New Mexico ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales rios corren por estados bordeando a new mexico ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+donna kawa wa nyuu mekishiko ni rinsetsu suru shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi nehirler new mexico ya siniri olan eyaletlerden gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (VP (VBG bordering) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Mexico))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales rios corren por estados bordeando a new_mexico)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S donna kawa wa nyuu_mekishiko ni rinsetsu suru shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi nehirler new_mexico ya siniri olan eyaletlerden gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] states-[State:3] bordering-[State:4] New-[StateName:6] Mexico-[StateName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(river(traverse_2(state(next_to_2(stateid('new mexico'))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(river(A),traverse(A,B),state(B),next_to(B,C),const(C,stateid('new mexico'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new mexico ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss verlaeuft durch staaten welche an new mexico grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν πολιτείες που συνορεύουν με το new mexico</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด บ้าง ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ ติด กับ รัฐ นิวเม็กซิโก</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 河流 流经 与 新墨西哥 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='802'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which rivers run through states that border the state with the capital Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN capital)) (NP (NNP Austin)))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] states-[State:3] that-[State:4] border-[State:4] the-[State:5] state-[State:5] with-[State:6] the-[City:7] capital-[City:7] Austin-[CityName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(river(traverse_2(state(next_to_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _)))))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher fluss verlaeuft durch staaten welche dem staat mit der hauptstadt austin grenzen</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν την πολιτεία που συνορεύει με την πολιτεία με την πρωτεύουσα austin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี เมืองหลวง ชื่อ ออสติน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 河流 贯穿 与 以 奥斯汀 为 首府 的 州 接壤 的 州</nl>
+<example id='803'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which rivers run through states with fewest cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJS fewest) (NNS cities))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] states-[State:4] with-[State:5] fewest-[State:3] cities-[City:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ fewest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche flüsse gehen durch staaten mit am wenigsten staedten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν πολιτείες με τις λιγότερες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ มี จำนวน เมือง น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 河流 贯穿 拥有 最少 城市 的 州</nl>
+<example id='804'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which rivers run through the state with the largest city in the US ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:4] the-[City:5] largest-[City:5] city-[City:6] in-[City:7] the-[CountryName:9] US-[CountryName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse fliessen durch den staat mit der groesstes stadt in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διατρέχουν την πολιτεία με τη μεγαλύτερη πόλη στις us</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ สาย ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 河流 贯穿 拥有 美国 最大 城市 的 州</nl>
+<example id='805'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which rivers run through the state with the lowest elevation in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS rivers)) (SQ (VP (VBP run) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN elevation)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[River:1] rivers-[River:1] run-[River:2] through-[River:2] the-[State:3] state-[State:3] with-[State:4] the-[Place:5] lowest-[Place:5] elevation-[Place:6] in-[Place:7] the-[CountryName:9] USA-[CountryName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:River -> ({ traverse_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche fluesse verlaufen durch den staat mit der niedrigsten erhebung in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια ποτάμια διασχίζουν την πολιτεία με το χαμηλότερο υψόμετρο στις ηπα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ ใด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ ต่ำ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 河流 贯穿 美国 海拔 最低 的 州</nl>
+<example id='806'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state border Kentucky ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado bordean a kentucky ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kentakkii ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin kentucky ye siniri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Kentucky)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado bordean a kentucky)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kentakkii ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin kentucky ye siniri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] border-[State:2] Kentucky-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kentucky ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an kentucky</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με το kentucky</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เคนตักกี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 肯塔基 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='807'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state borders Florida ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado bordea a florida ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+furorida ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa dochira desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin florida ya siniri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Florida)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado bordea a florida)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S furorida ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa dochira desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin florida ya siniri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] borders-[State:2] Florida-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' florida ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt an florida</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με τη florida</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ฟลอริดา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 与 佛罗里达 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='808'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state borders Hawaii ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado bordea a hawaii ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+hawai ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa dochira desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin hawaii ya siniri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Hawaii)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado bordea a hawaii)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S hawai ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa dochira desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin hawaii ya siniri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] borders-[State:2] Hawaii-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με τη hawaii </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ฮาวาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 与 夏威夷 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='809'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state borders most states ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado bordea a los mas estados ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+donna shuu ga mottomo ooku no shuu ni rinsetsu shite imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin en cok eyalete siniri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (JJS most) (NNS states)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado bordea a los mas estados)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S donna shuu ga mottomo ooku no shuu ni rinsetsu shite imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin en cok eyalete siniri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] borders-[State:3] most-[State:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt hat am meisten nachbarstaaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 与 最多 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='810'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state borders the most states ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado bordea a mas estados ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+donna shuu ga mottomo ooku no shuu ni rinsetsu shite imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin en cok eyalete siniri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS states)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado bordea a mas estados)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S donna shuu ga mottomo ooku no shuu ni rinsetsu shite imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin en cok eyalete siniri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] borders-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt an die meisten anderen staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία συνορεύει με τις περισσότερες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อื่น มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 与 最多 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='811'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state capital has the smallest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state) (NN capital)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[City:2] state-[City:2] capital-[City:2] has-[City:1] the-[City:1] smallest-[City:1] population-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ smallest_one ( population_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ capital ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher hauptstadt hat die kleinste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πρωτεύουσα πολιτείας έχει το μικρότερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมืองหลวง ใด มี ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 首府 有 最少 的 人口</nl>
+<example id='812'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state contains most rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ contains) (NP (JJS most) (NNS rivers)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] contains-[State:3] most-[State:1] rivers-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat am meisten flüsse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία περιέχει τα περισσότερα ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ ไหล ผ่าน มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最多 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='813'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the biggest population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS biggest) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] biggest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จำนวน ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最多 的 人口</nl>
+<example id='814'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the greatest density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS greatest) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] greatest-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร สูง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>人口 密度 最大 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='815'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the greatest population ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene la poblacion mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa mottomo ookii jinkou ga ariumasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en buyuk nufusa sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS greatest) (NN population)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene la poblacion mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa mottomo ookii jinkou ga ariumasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en buyuk nufusa sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] greatest-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten einwohner</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最多 的 人口</nl>
+<example id='816'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the highest elevation ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene la elevacion mas alta ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa mottomo takai kaibatsu ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en yuksek yukseltiye sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN elevation)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene la elevacion mas alta)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa mottomo takai kaibatsu ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en yuksek yukseltiye sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[Place:3] highest-[Place:3] elevation-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A), loc(B,A), highest(B,(place(B)))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staat hat die hoechste erhoehung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μεγαλύτερο υψόμετρο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จุด สูง สุด ของ ประเทศ อยู่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最高 点</nl>
+<example id='817'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the highest peak in the country ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene el pico mas alto en el pais ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa kuni no mottomo takai choujou ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet ulke deki en yuksek zirveye sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN peak)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN country)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene el pico mas alto en el pais)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa kuni no mottomo takai choujou ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet ulke deki en yuksek zirveye sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[Place:3] highest-[Place:3] peak-[Place:4] in-[Place:3] the-[Place:3] country-[Place:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt der hoechste gipfel des landes</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει την ψηλότερη κορυφή στη χώρα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ยอดเขา สูง สุด ใน ประเทศ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 美国 的 最高 峰</nl>
+<example id='818'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the highest point ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene el punto mas alto ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa mottomo takai chiten ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en yuksek noktaya sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene el punto mas alto)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa mottomo takai chiten ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en yuksek noktaya sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[Place:3] highest-[Place:3] point-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat beinhaltet den hoechsten punkt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το ψηλότερο σημείο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ภูเขา ที่ สูง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最高 的 海拔</nl>
+<example id='819'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the highest population density ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene la densidad de poblacion mas alta ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa mottomo ookii jinkou no mitsudo ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en yuksek nufus yogunluguna sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene la densidad de poblacion mas alta)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa mottomo ookii jinkou no mitsudo ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en yuksek nufus yogunluguna sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] highest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste dichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη ψηλότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร สูง สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最高 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='820'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the largest city ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene la ciudad mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa mottomo ookii toshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en buyuk sehre sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene la ciudad mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa mottomo ookii toshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en buyuk sehre sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[City:3] largest-[City:3] city-[City:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste stadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μεγαλύτερη πόλη</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最大 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='821'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the largest density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] largest-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welches ist die hoechste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει την μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร สูง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最大 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='822'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the least population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS least) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] least-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die geringste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μικρότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร เบาบาง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最小 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='823'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the longest river ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene el rio mas largo ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu wa mottomo nagai kawa ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en uzun nehre sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene el rio mas largo)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu wa mottomo nagai kawa ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en uzun nehre sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[River:3] longest-[River:3] river-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat den laengsten fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μακρύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ สาย ยาว ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最长 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='824'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the lowest elevation ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN elevation)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[Place:3] lowest-[Place:3] elevation-[Place:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt der tiefste punkt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το χαμηλότερο υψόμετρο</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ที่สูง ต่ำ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最低 海拔</nl>
+<example id='825'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the lowest point that borders Idaho ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN point)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Idaho)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[Place:3] lowest-[Place:3] point-[Place:4] that-[Place:5] borders-[State:6] Idaho-[StateName:8])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(D,(state(D),loc(B,D),lowest(B,(place(B), state(A), loc(B,A), next_to(A,C),const(C,stateid(idaho))))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ lowest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' idaho ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem stadt liegt der tiefste an idaho grenzende punkt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το χαμηλότερο που συνορεύει με το idaho </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จุด ต่ำ สุด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ไอดาโฮ</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 与 爱达荷 州 接壤 的 最低 点</nl>
+<example id='826'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the lowest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS lowest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] lowest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die kleinste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη χαμηλότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最低 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='827'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the most major cities ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (JJ major) (NNS cities)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] major-[City:4] cities-[City:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten wichtigsten staedte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τις περισσότερες κύριες πόλεις</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง เอก มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 的 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='828'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the most major rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (JJ major) (NNS rivers)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] major-[River:4] rivers-[River:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welchen staat fliessen am meisten grosse flüsse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τα περισσότερα κύρια ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 的 主要 河流</nl>
+<example id='829'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the most major rivers running through it ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (JJ major) (NNS rivers)) (VP (VBG running) (PP (IN through) (NP (PRP it))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] major-[River:4] rivers-[River:5] running-[State:3] through-[State:3] it-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten wichtigen fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τα περισσότερα κύρια ποτάμια που τη διατρέχουν</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ สาย หลัก ไหล ผ่าน มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 的 流经 它的 主要 河流</nl>
+<example id='830'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the most people ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS people)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] people-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die meisten einwohner</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τους περισσότερους ανθρώπους</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 的 人</nl>
+<example id='831'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the most population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ largest_one ( population_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die hoechste bevoelkerung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τον περισσότερο πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ มี ประชากร มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最多 的 人口</nl>
+<example id='832'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the most rivers ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS rivers)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] rivers-[River:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welchen staat fliessen am meisten fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τα περισσότερα ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 的 河流</nl>
+<example id='833'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the most rivers running through it ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS most) (NNS rivers)) (VP (VBG running) (PP (IN through) (NP (PRP it))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:3] the-[State:1] most-[State:1] rivers-[River:4] running-[State:3] through-[State:3] it-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ most ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welchen staat verlaufen die meisten fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία διασχίζουν τα περισσότερα ποτάμια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ ไหล ผ่าน มาก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 拥有 最多 流经 它的 河流</nl>
+<example id='834'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the Red river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJ Red) (NN river)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] has-[State:2] the-[River:3] Red-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' red ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat den red fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τον red ποταμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ มี แม่น้ำ เร็ด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 红 河</nl>
+<example id='835'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the smallest area that borders Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN area)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ borders) (NP (NNP Texas)))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] area-[State:1] that-[State:3] borders-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die kleinste flaeche die texas angrenzt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μικρότερη επιφάνεια που συνορεύει με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี พื้นที่ น้อย ที่สุด และ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>和 德克萨斯 州 接壤 的 面积 最小 的 州 是 哪个</nl>
+<example id='836'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the smallest average urban population ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (JJ average) (JJ urban) (NN population)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] average-[State:1] urban-[State:1] population-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die geringste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει το μικρότερο μέσο αστικό πληθυσμό</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร ต่ำ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最少 的 平均 城市 人口</nl>
+<example id='837'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the smallest population density ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene la densidad de poblacion mas pequena ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo chiisai jinkou no mitsudo ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en kucuk nufus yogunluguna sahiptir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene la densidad de poblacion mas pequena)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo chiisai jinkou no mitsudo ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en kucuk nufus yogunluguna sahiptir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die geringste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει τη μικρότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จำนวน ประชากร เฉลี่ย ใน เมือง น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 有 最小 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id='838'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state has the sparsest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJ sparsest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] has-[State:1] the-[State:1] sparsest-[State:1] population-[State:1] density-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( density_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die niedrigste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία έχει την αραιότερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ประชากร น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 的 人口 密度 最 稀少</nl>
+<example id='839'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state is Kalamazoo in ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+en que estado esta kalamazoo ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu ni wa karamazuu toshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+kalamazoo hangi eyalettedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Kalamazoo)) (PP (IN in))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S en que estado esta kalamazoo)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu ni wa karamazuu toshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S kalamazoo hangi eyalettedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Kalamazoo-[CityName:4] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('kalamazoo', _))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' kalamazoo ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welcher staat ist kalamazoo</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία βρίσκεται το kalamazoo</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง คาลามาซู อยู่ ใน รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>卡拉马祖 是 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='840'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state is Mount McKinley in ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Mount) (NNP McKinley)) (PP (IN in))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] Mount-[PlaceName:4] McKinley-[PlaceName:4] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A),const(B,placeid('mount mckinley')),loc(B,A)))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ placeid ( *n:PlaceName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:PlaceName -> ({ ' mount mckinley ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt mount mckinley</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία είναι το όρος mckinley</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>ภูเขา แมคคินลีย์ อยู่ ใน รัฐ ใด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>麦金利 山 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='841'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state is the city Denver located in ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+en cual estado se encuentra la ciudad denver ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu ni wa denbaru toshi ga arimasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+denver sehri hangi eyalettedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (NP (NNP Denver))) (VP (VBN located) (PP (IN in)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S en cual estado se encuentra la ciudad denver)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu ni wa denbaru toshi ga arimasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S denver sehri hangi eyalettedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] the-[City:3] city-[City:3] Denver-[CityName:5] located-[State:2] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('denver', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' denver ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt denver</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία βρίσκεται η πόλη denver</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง มี เมือง เดนเวอร์ อยู่</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>丹佛 市 位于 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='842'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state is the largest city in Montana in ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN city)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Montana)))) (PP (IN in))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] is-[State:2] the-[City:3] largest-[City:3] city-[City:4] in-[City:5] Montana-[StateName:7] in-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchem staat liegt die groesste stadt in montana</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποια πολιτεία είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη στη montana</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>มี รัฐ ใด อีกบ้าง ที่ มี ชื่อ ซ้ำ กับ เมือง ใหญ่ ที่สุด ของ รัฐ มอนตาน่า</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>蒙大拿 州 最大 的 城市 在 哪个 州</nl>
+<example id='843'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state is the smallest ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado es el mas pequeno ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mottomo chiisai shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyalet en kucuktur ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado es el mas pequeno)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mottomo chiisai shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyalet en kucuktur)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] state-[State:2] is-[State:1] the-[State:1] smallest-[State:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ smallest ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat ist am kleinsten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία είναι η μικρότερη</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด เป็น รัฐ ที่ มี ขนาด เล็ก ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 是 最小 的</nl>
+<example id='844'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states adjoin Alabama ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP adjoin) (NP (NNP Alabama)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] adjoin-[State:2] Alabama-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten benachbaren alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες γειτονεύουν με την alabama </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อลาบามา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 阿拉巴马 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='845'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Alabama ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Alabama)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Alabama-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την alabama</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อลาบามา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 阿拉巴马 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='846'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Alaska ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Alaska)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Alaska-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alaska ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την alaska</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อลาสกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 阿拉斯加 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='847'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Arizona ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a arizona ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+arizona ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+arizona a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Arizona)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a arizona)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S arizona ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S arizona a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Arizona-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arizona ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την arizona</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ถัด จาก รัฐ แอริโซนา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 亚利桑那 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='848'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Colorado ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a colorado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kororado ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+colorado a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Colorado)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kororado ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S colorado a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Colorado-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 科罗拉多 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='849'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Hawaii ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Hawaii)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Hawaii-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' hawaii ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an hawaii an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιές πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τη hawaii</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ฮาวาย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 夏威夷 接壤</nl>
+<example id='850'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Illinois ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Illinois)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Illinois-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' illinois ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το illinois</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ อิลลินอยส์ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 伊利诺伊 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='851'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Iowa ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Iowa)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Iowa-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' iowa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την iowa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ไอโอวา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 艾奥瓦 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='852'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Kentucky ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a kentucky ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kentakkii ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+kentucky a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Kentucky)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a kentucky)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kentakkii ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S kentucky a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Kentucky-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' kentucky ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an kentucky</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το kentucky </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เคนตักกี</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 肯塔基 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='853'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Michigan ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Michigan)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Michigan-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' michigan ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat grenzt an michigan an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν το michigan</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ มิชิแกน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 密歇根 接壤</nl>
+<example id='854'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border New York ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a new york ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+nyuu yooku ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+new york a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a new_york)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S nyuu_yooku ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S new_york a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] New-[StateName:4] York-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new york'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A),next_to(A,B),const(B,stateid('new york'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' new york ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an new york an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τη new york</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ นิวยอร์ค</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 纽约 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='855'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border no other states ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (DT no) (JJ other) (NNS states)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] states-[State:2] border-[State:3] no-[State:1] other-[State:1] states-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(state(all))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ exclude ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an keinen anderen staaten an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες δε συνορεύουν με καμία άλλη πολιτεία</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ ไม่ ติด กับ รัฐ ใด เลย</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 没有 与 其它 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='856'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border South Dakota ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a south dakota ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+sausu dakota ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+south dakota a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP South) (NNP Dakota)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a south_dakota)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S sausu_dakota ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S south_dakota a siniri olan eyaletler nelerdir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] South-[StateName:4] Dakota-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('south dakota'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(A,(state(A),next_to(A,B),const(B,stateid('south dakota'))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' south dakota ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an south dakota an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τη νότια dakota</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เซาธ์ดาโกตา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 南达科他 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='857'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border states through which the Mississippi traverses ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (NNS states)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN through) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VBZ traverses))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] states-[State:3] through-[State:4] which-[State:4] the-[RiverName:6] Mississippi-[RiverName:6] traverses-[State:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an einen staat durch den der mississippi fliesst</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με πολιτείες τις οποίες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 被 密西西比 河 穿越 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='858'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border Texas ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados bordean a texas ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+tekisasu ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin texas ye siniri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NNP Texas)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados bordean a texas)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S tekisasu ni rinsetsu suru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin texas ye siniri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] Texas-[StateName:4])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 得克萨斯 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='859'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border the longest river in the USA ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP USA)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[River:3] longest-[River:3] river-[River:4] in-[River:5] the-[CountryName:7] USA-[CountryName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an den laengsten fluesse in den usa</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στις usa</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ แม่น้ำ ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ใน อเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>在 美国 哪些 州 与 最长 的 河流 接壤</nl>
+<example id='860'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border the Missouri river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (DT the) (NNP Missouri) (NN river)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[River:3] Missouri-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an den fluss missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με τον ποταμό missouri </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ แม่น้ำ มิสซูรี บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 密苏里 河 接壤</nl>
+<example id='861'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states border the state with the smallest area ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP border) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJS smallest) (NN area)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] border-[State:2] the-[State:4] state-[State:4] with-[State:3] the-[State:3] smallest-[State:3] area-[State:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ smallest_one ( area_1 ( *n:State ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen an den staat mit der kleinsten flaechenausdehnung</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες συνορεύουν με την πολιτεία με τη μικρότερη επιφάνεια</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ ที่ มี พื้นที่ น้อย ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 与 面积 最小 的 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='862'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which state 's capital city is the largest ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cual estado tiene la ciudad capital mas grande ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+dono shuu no shuto wa mottomo ookii desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletin baskenti en buyuktur ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WHNP (WDT Which) (NN state) (POS 's)) (NN capital) (NN city)) (SQ (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (JJS largest))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cual estado tiene la ciudad capital mas grande)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S dono shuu no shuto wa mottomo ookii desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletin baskenti en buyuktur)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] state-[State:1] 's-[State:2] capital-[City:5] city-[City:4] is-[City:3] the-[City:3] largest-[City:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+answer(C,(state(C),loc(B,C), largest(B,(capital(A,B),city(B),state(A)))))
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ largest ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ capital_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat die groesste hauptstadt</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιας πολιτείας η πρωτεύουσα πόλη είναι η μεγαλύτερη</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมืองหลวง ใหญ่ ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 州 的 首府 城市 是 最大 的</nl>
+<example id='863'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states do Colorado river flow through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBP do) (NP (NNP Colorado) (NN river)) (VP (VB flow) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] do-[State:2] Colorado-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] flow-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der colorado fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο colorado ποταμός</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใดบ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 河 流经 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='864'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states does not border Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (RB not) (VP (VB border) (NP (NNP Texas)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:2] states-[State:2] does-[State:1] not-[State:1] border-[State:3] Texas-[StateName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(stateid('texas'))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ exclude ( *n:State , *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ state ( all ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten grenzen nicht an texas an</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες δεν συνορεύουν με το texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ไม่ได้ อยู่ ติด กับ รัฐ เท็กซัส</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 不 与 得克萨斯 州 接壤</nl>
+<example id='865'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states does the Chattahoochee river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Chattahoochee) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Chattahoochee-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' chattahoochee ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welchen staat querrt der chattahoochee fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός chattahoochee </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ แชตตาฮูชี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>查塔胡奇 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='866'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states does the Colorado river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Colorado) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Colorado-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten verlaeuft der colorado fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ โคโลราโด ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>科罗拉多 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='867'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states does the longest river cross ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (VP (VB cross))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] longest-[River:3] river-[River:4] cross-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der laengste fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ ยาว ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最长 的 河流 穿过 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='868'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states does the longest river run through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (JJS longest) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] longest-[River:3] river-[River:4] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welcher staat hat den laensten fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει το μεγαλύτερο ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง ที่ แม่น้ำ สาย ที่ ยาว ที่สุด ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>最长 的 河流 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='869'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states does the Mississippi river run through ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+por cuales estados corre el rio mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi kawa wa donna shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi nehri hangi eyaletlerden gecmektedir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S por cuales estados corre el rio mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi kawa wa donna shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi nehri hangi eyaletlerden gecmektedir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Mississippi-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten verlaeuft der mississippi fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='870'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states does the Mississippi run through ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+por cuales estados corre el mississippi ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mishishippi kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+mississippi hangi eyaletlerden gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Mississippi)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S por cuales estados corre el mississippi)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mishishippi kawa wa dono shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S mississippi hangi eyaletlerden gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[RiverName:4] Mississippi-[RiverName:4] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welchen staat fliesst der mississippi</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πολιτεία διασχίζει ο mississippi </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด บ้าง มี แม่น้ำ มิสซิสซิปปี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密西西比 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='871'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states does the Missouri river pass through ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Missouri) (NN river)) (VP (VB pass) (PP (IN through)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Missouri-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] pass-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο missouri ποταμός</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ มิสซูรี ไหล ผ่าน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密苏里 河 流经 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='872'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states does the Missouri river run through ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+por cuales estados corre el rio missouri ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+mizuuri kawa wa donna shuu wo nagarete imasu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+missouri nehri hangi eyaletlerden gecer ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (DT the) (NNP Missouri) (NN river)) (VP (VB run) (PP (IN through)))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S por cuales estados corre el rio missouri)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S mizuuri kawa wa donna shuu wo nagarete imasu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S missouri nehri hangi eyaletlerden gecer)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] does-[State:2] the-[River:3] Missouri-[RiverName:5] river-[River:3] run-[State:2] through-[State:2])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ riverid ( *n:RiverName ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:RiverName -> ({ ' missouri ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliesst der missouri fluss</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες διασχίζει ο ποταμός missouri</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>แม่น้ำ มิสซูรี ไหล ผ่าน รัฐ ใด บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>密苏里 河 贯穿 哪些 州</nl>
+<example id='873'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states have a major city named Austin ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ major) (NN city)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Austin)))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] a-[City:3] major-[City:3] city-[City:4] named-[City:4] Austin-[CityName:6])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(major(city(cityid('austin', _))))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ major ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben eine wichtige staat mit dem namen austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν μια κύρια πόλη με όνομα austin</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง เอก ชื่อ ออสติน</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 一个 名为 奥斯汀 的 主要 城市</nl>
+<example id='874'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states have a river ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (DT a) (NN river)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] a-[River:3] river-[River:3])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>durch welche staaten fliessen fluesse</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν ποτάμι</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี แม่น้ำ บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 河流</nl>
+<example id='875'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states have cities named Austin ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados tienen ciudades con el nombre austin ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+ausuchin to iu toshi ga aru shuu dono desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletlerde austin sehri vardir ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS cities)) (VP (VBN named) (NP (NNP Austin)))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados tienen ciudades con el nombre austin)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S ausuchin to iu toshi ga aru shuu dono desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletlerde austin sehri vardir)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] cities-[City:3] named-[City:3] Austin-[CityName:5])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _)))))
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>in welchen staaten gibt es eine stadt namens austin</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν πόλεις που ονομάζονται austin </nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี เมือง ชื่อ ว่า ออสติน บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 名为 奥斯汀 的 城市</nl>
+<example id='876'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states have points higher than the highest point in Colorado ?
+<nl lang='es'>
+cuales estados tienen puntos mas alto que el punto mas alto en colorado ?
+<nl lang='ja'>
+kororado no mottomo takai chiten yori motto takai chiten ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka ?
+<nl lang='tr'>
+hangi eyaletler colorado nun en yuksek noktasindan daha yuksek noktaya sahiptirler ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS points)) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR higher)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Colorado))))))))))
+<syn lang='es'>
+(S cuales estados tienen puntos mas alto que el punto mas alto en colorado)
+<syn lang='ja'>
+(S kororado no mottomo takai chiten yori motto takai chiten ga aru shuu wa nan desu ka)
+<syn lang='tr'>
+(S hangi eyaletler colorado nun en yuksek noktasindan daha yuksek noktaya sahiptirler)
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] points-[Place:3] higher-[Place:4] than-[Place:4] the-[Place:5] highest-[Place:5] point-[Place:6] in-[Place:7] Colorado-[StateName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ higher_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' colorado ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben erhebungen welche hoeher sind als der hoechste punkt in colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν σημεία ψηλότερα από το ψηλότερο σημείο στο colorado</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จุด ที่ สูง กว่า จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ โคโลราโด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 有 比 科罗拉多 州 的 最高 点 更高 的 点</nl>
+<example id='877'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states have points that are higher than the highest point in Texas ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NNS points)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VBP are) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR higher)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN point)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Texas))))))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] have-[State:2] points-[Place:3] that-[Place:4] are-[Place:4] higher-[Place:4] than-[Place:4] the-[Place:5] highest-[Place:5] point-[Place:6] in-[Place:7] Texas-[StateName:9])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ loc_1 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:Place -> ({ higher_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:Place -> ({ highest ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Place -> ({ place ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='8'> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id='9'> *n:StateName -> ({ ' texas ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staaten haben punkte die hoeher liegen als der hoechste punkt in texas</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποιες πολιτείες έχουν σημεία ψηλότερα από το ψηλότερο σημείο στο texas</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด มี จุด ที่ สูง กว่า จุด สูง สุด ของ รัฐ เท็กซัส บ้าง</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 含有 比 德克萨斯 州 的 最高 点 高 的 点</nl>
+<example id='878'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which states lie on the largest river in the United States ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNS states)) (SQ (VP (VBP lie) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NN river)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP United) (NNPS States))))))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[State:1] states-[State:1] lie-[State:2] on-[State:2] the-[River:3] largest-[River:3] river-[River:4] in-[River:5] the-[CountryName:7] United-[CountryName:7] States-[CountryName:7])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:State -> ({ traverse_1 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='3'> *n:River -> ({ longest ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='4'> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id='5'> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id='6'> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id='7'> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staates liegen entlang den laengsten fluss in den vereinigten staaten</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>σε ποιες πολιτείες βρίσκεται το μακρύτερο ποτάμι στις ηνωμένες πολιτείες</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>รัฐ ใด อยู่ ขนาบ แม่น้ำ ที่ ใหญ่ ที่สุด ใน สหรัฐอเมริกา</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪些 州 被 美国 最大 的 河流 穿越</nl>
+<example id='879'>
+<nl lang='en'>
+Which US city has the highest population density ?
+<syn lang='en'>
+(SBARQ (WHNP (WDT Which) (NNP US) (NN city)) (SQ (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (JJS highest) (NN population) (NN density)))))
+<augsyn lang='en'>
+(S Which-[City:2] US-[City:2] city-[City:2] has-[City:1] the-[City:1] highest-[City:1] population-[City:1] density-[City:1])
+<mrl lang='geo-funql'>
+<mrl lang='geo-prolog'>
+<node id='0'> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id='1'> *n:City -> ({ largest_one ( density_1 ( *n:City ) ) }) </node>
+<node id='2'> *n:City -> ({ city ( all ) }) </node>
+<nl lang='de'>welche staat in den usa hat die hoechste bevoelkerungsdichte</nl>
+<nl lang='el'>ποια πόλη των us έχει τη μεγαλύτερη πυκνότητα πληθυσμού</nl>
+<nl lang='th'>เมือง ใด มี ความ หนาแน่น ของ ประชากร สูง ที่สุด</nl>
+<nl lang='zh'>哪个 美国 的 城市 具有 最高 的 人口 密度</nl>
+<example id="880">
+<nl lang="en">
+Count the states, the surveys have lower than alabama .
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:State -> ({ low_point_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:Place -> ({ lower_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id="5"> *n:Place -> ({ low_point_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="6"> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id="7"> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<example id="881">
+<nl lang="en">
+Count the states which have heights lower than what alabama has .
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:State -> ({ low_point_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:Place -> ({ lower_2 ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id="5"> *n:Place -> ({ low_point_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="6"> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id="7"> *n:StateName -> ({ ' alabama ' }) </node>
+<example id="882">
+<nl lang="en">
+List the rivers in Arkansas .
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arkansas ' }) </node>
+<example id="883">
+<nl lang="en">
+Call the rivers in Arkansas .
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:StateName -> ({ ' arkansas ' }) </node>
+<example id="884">
+<nl lang="en">
+What are the highest points of the states that are to mississippi ?
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:Place -> ({ high_point_1 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id="5"> *n:StateName -> ({ ' mississippi ' }) </node>
+<example id="885">
+<nl lang="en">
+How many capitals has rhode Iceland ?
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+answer(count(capital(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+answer(A,count(B,(capital(B),const(C,stateid('rhode island')),loc(B,C)),A))
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:City -> ({ capital ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id="5"> *n:StateName -> ({ ' rhode island ' }) </node>
+<example id="886">
+<nl lang="en">
+How many cities that are called austin are there in the us ?
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+answer(count(intersection(city(cityid('austin', _)), loc_2(countryid('usa')))))
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:City -> ({ intersection ( *n:City , *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id="5"> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<node id="6"> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id="7"> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id="8"> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<example id="887">
+<nl lang="en">
+How many cities that are called austin exist in the united states ?
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+answer(count(intersection(city(cityid('austin', _)), loc_2(countryid('usa')))))
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:City -> ({ intersection ( *n:City , *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id="5"> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<node id="6"> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id="7"> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id="8"> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<example id="888">
+<nl lang="en">
+How many cities, the hot austin, there are in the usa ?
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+answer(count(intersection(city(cityid('austin', _)), loc_2(countryid('usa')))))
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:City -> ({ intersection ( *n:City , *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:City -> ({ city ( *n:City ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:City -> ({ cityid ( *n:CityName , _ ) }) </node>
+<node id="5"> *n:CityName -> ({ ' austin ' }) </node>
+<node id="6"> *n:City -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:Country ) }) </node>
+<node id="7"> *n:Country -> ({ countryid ( *n:CountryName ) }) </node>
+<node id="8"> *n:CountryName -> ({ ' usa ' }) </node>
+<example id="889">
+<nl lang="en">
+How many states are in addition to large rivers ?
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Num ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:Num -> ({ count ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:State -> ({ state ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:State -> ({ next_to_2 ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:River -> ({ major ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id="5"> *n:River -> ({ river ( all ) }) </node>
+<example id="890">
+<nl lang="en">
+Call the Great Lakes in Michigan .
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:Place -> ({ major ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:Place -> ({ lake ( *n:Place ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:Place -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id="5"> *n:StateName -> ({ ' michigan ' }) </node>
+<example id="891">
+<nl lang="en">
+What are the influences of montana ?
+<mrl lang="geo-funql">
+<mrl lang="geo-prolog">
+<node id="0"> *n:Query -> ({ answer ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id="1"> *n:River -> ({ river ( *n:River ) }) </node>
+<node id="2"> *n:River -> ({ loc_2 ( *n:State ) }) </node>
+<node id="3"> *n:State -> ({ stateid ( *n:StateName ) }) </node>
+<node id="4"> *n:StateName -> ({ ' montana ' }) </node>
diff --git a/data/geoquery/delete.ids b/data/geoquery/delete.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b1c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/delete.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/ b/data/geoquery/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e00a067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+:- ensure_loaded(geoquery).
+:- ensure_loaded(geobase).
+:- style_check(-singleton).
+:- style_check(-discontiguous).
+:- set_prolog_flag(toplevel_print_options, [quoted(true), portray(true)]).
+eval([I,J,F1,F2|L]) :-
+ execute_funql_query(F1, A1),
+ execute_funql_query(F2, A2),
+ print(I), print(' '), print(J), (A1 == A2 -> print(' y') ; print(' n')), nl,
+ eval(L).
+execute_funql_query(null, null).
+execute_funql_query(Q, U) :- process(Q,P), sort(P, U).
+execute_funql_query(Q, []). % empty result
+process(answer(Q), P) :- process(Q, P).
+process(stateid(A), [stateid(A)]).
+process(cityid(A,B), [cityid(A,B)]).
+process(riverid(A), [riverid(A)]).
+process(countryid(A), [countryid(A)]).
+process(placeid(A), [placeid(A)]).
+process(city(all), A) :- findall(B, city(B), A).
+process(mountain(all), A) :- findall(B, place(B), A).
+process(place(all), A) :- findall(B, place(B), A).
+process(river(all), A) :- findall(B, river(B), A).
+process(lake(all), A) :- findall(B, lake(B), A).
+process(state(all), A) :- findall(B, state(B), A).
+process(capital(all), A) :- findall(B, capital(B), A).
+% filter the list by the predicate
+process(capital(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(capital(L), P).
+process(capital([]), []).
+process(capital([A|AA]), [A|PP]) :- capital(A), !, process(capital(AA), PP).
+process(capital([A|AA]), PP) :- process(capital(AA), PP).
+process2(capital(A), P) :- process2(A,L), process2(capital(L), P).
+process2(capital([]), []).
+process2(capital([A-S|AA]), [PA-S|PP]) :- process(capital(A),PA), process2(capital(AA), PP).
+process(city(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(city(L), P).
+process(city([]), []).
+process(city([A|AA]), [A|PP]) :- city(A), !, process(city(AA), PP).
+process(city([A|AA]), PP) :- process(city(AA), PP).
+process2(city(A), P) :- process2(A,L), process2(city(L), P).
+process2(city([]), []).
+process2(city([A-S|AA]), [PA-S|PP]) :- process(city(A),PA), process2(city(AA), PP).
+process(major(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(major(L), P).
+process(major([]), []).
+process(major([A|AA]), [A|PP]) :- major(A), !, process(major(AA), PP).
+process(major([A|AA]), PP) :- process(major(AA), PP).
+process2(major(A), P) :- process2(A,L), process2(major(L), P).
+process2(major([]), []).
+process2(major([A-S|AA]), [PA-S|PP]) :- process(major(A),PA), process2(major(AA), PP).
+process(place(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(place(L), P).
+process(place([]), []).
+process(place([A|AA]), [A|PP]) :- place(A), !, process(place(AA), PP).
+process(place([A|AA]), PP) :- process(place(AA), PP).
+process2(place(A), P) :- process2(A,L), process2(place(L), P).
+process2(place([]), []).
+process2(place([A-S|AA]), [PA-S|PP]) :- process(place(A),PA), process2(place(AA), PP).
+process(river(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(river(L), P).
+process(river([]), []).
+process(river([A|AA]), [A|PP]) :- river(A), !, process(river(AA), PP).
+process(river([A|AA]), PP) :- process(river(AA), PP).
+process2(river(A), P) :- process2(A,L), process2(river(L), P).
+process2(river([]), []).
+process2(river([A-S|AA]), [PA-S|PP]) :- process(river(A),PA), process2(river(AA), PP).
+process(lake(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(lake(L), P).
+process(lake([]), []).
+process(lake([A|AA]), [A|PP]) :- lake(A), !, process(lake(AA), PP).
+process(lake([A|AA]), PP) :- process(lake(AA), PP).
+process2(lake(A), P) :- process2(A,L), process2(lake(L), P).
+process2(lake([]), []).
+process2(lake([A-S|AA]), [PA-S|PP]) :- process(lake(A),PA), process2(lake(AA), PP).
+process(state(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(state(L), P).
+process(state([]), []).
+process(state([A|AA]), [A|PP]) :- state(A), !, process(state(AA), PP).
+process(state([A|AA]), PP) :- process(state(AA), PP).
+process2(state(A), P) :- process2(A,L), process2(state(L), P).
+process2(state([]), []).
+process2(state([A-S|AA]), [PA-S|PP]) :- process(state(A),PA), process2(state(AA), PP).
+process(mountain(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(mountain(L), P).
+process(mountain([]), []).
+process(mountain([A|AA]), [A|PP]) :- place(A), !, process(mountain(AA), PP).
+process(mountain([A|AA]), PP) :- process(mountain(AA), PP).
+process2(mountain(A), P) :- process2(A,L), process2(mountain(L), P).
+process2(mountain([]), []).
+process2(mountain([A-S|AA]), [PA-S|PP]) :- process(mountain(A),PA), process2(mountain(AA), PP).
+% find the required (one-to-one); process2 generates pairwise list
+process(len(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(len(L), P).
+process(len([]), []).
+process(len([A|AA]), [P|PP]) :- len(A, P), process(len(AA), PP).
+process(len([A|AA]), PP) :- process(len(AA), PP).
+process2(len(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(len(L), P).
+process2(len([]), []).
+process2(len([A|AA]), [P-A|PP]) :- len(A, P), process2(len(AA), PP).
+process2(len([A|AA]), PP) :- process2(len(AA), PP).
+process(size(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(size(L), P).
+process(size([]), []).
+process(size([A|AA]), [P|PP]) :- size(A, P), process(size(AA), PP).
+process(size([A|AA]), PP) :- process(size(AA), PP).
+process2(size(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(size(L), P).
+process2(size([]), []).
+process2(size([A|AA]), [P-A|PP]) :- size(A, P), process2(size(AA), PP).
+process2(size([A|AA]), PP) :- process2(size(AA), PP).
+process(area_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(area_1(L), P).
+process(area_1([]), []).
+process(area_1([A|AA]), [P|PP]) :- area(A, P), process(area_1(AA), PP).
+process(area_1([A|AA]), PP) :- process(area_1(AA), PP).
+process2(area_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(area_1(L), P).
+process2(area_1([]), []).
+process2(area_1([A|AA]), [P-A|PP]) :- area(A, P), process2(area_1(AA), PP).
+process2(area_1([A|AA]), PP) :- process2(area_1(AA), PP).
+process(population_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(population_1(L), P).
+process(population_1([]), []).
+process(population_1([A|AA]), [P|PP]) :- population(A, P), process(population_1(AA), PP).
+process(population_1([A|AA]), PP) :- process(population_1(AA), PP). % if not found
+process2(population_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(population_1(L), P).
+process2(population_1([]), []).
+process2(population_1([A|AA]), [P-A|PP]) :- population(A, P), process2(population_1(AA), PP).
+process2(population_1([A|AA]), PP) :- process2(population_1(AA), PP). % if not found
+process(density_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(density_1(L), P).
+process(density_1([]), []).
+process(density_1([A|AA]), [P|PP]) :- density(A, P), process(density_1(AA), PP).
+process(density_1([A|AA]), PP) :- process(density_1(AA), PP).
+process2(density_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(density_1(L), P).
+process2(density_1([]), []).
+process2(density_1([A|AA]), [P-A|PP]) :- density(A, P), process2(density_1(AA), PP).
+process2(density_1([A|AA]), PP) :- process2(density_1(AA), PP).
+process(elevation_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(elevation_1(L), P).
+process(elevation_1([]), []).
+process(elevation_1([A|AA]), [P|PP]) :- elevation(A, P), process(elevation_1(AA), PP).
+process(elevation_1([A|AA]), PP) :- process(elevation_1(AA), PP).
+process2(elevation_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(elevation_1(L), P).
+process2(elevation_1([]), []).
+process2(elevation_1([A|AA]), [P-A|PP]) :- elevation(A, P), process2(elevation_1(AA), PP).
+process2(elevation_1([A|AA]), PP) :- process2(elevation_1(AA), PP).
+%%%% no need for process2
+process(capital_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(capital_1(L), P).
+process(capital_1([]), []).
+process(capital_1([A|AA]), [P|PP]) :- capital(A, P), process(capital_1(AA), PP).
+process(capital_1([A|AA]), PP) :- process(capital_1(AA), PP).
+% find all the required (one-to-many)
+process(capital_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(capital_2(L), P).
+process(capital_2([]), []).
+process(capital_2([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, capital(B, A), AA),
+ process(capital_2(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process(elevation_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(elevation_2(L), P).
+process(elevation_2([]), []).
+process(elevation_2([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, elevation(B, A), AA),
+ process(elevation_2(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process(high_point_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(high_point_1(L), P).
+process(high_point_1([]), []).
+process(high_point_1([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, high_point(A, B), AA),
+ process(high_point_1(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(high_point_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(high_point_1(L), P).
+process2(high_point_1([]), []).
+process2(high_point_1([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, high_point(A, B), AA),
+ process2(high_point_1(L),P).
+process(higher_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(higher_1(L), P).
+process(higher_1([]), []).
+process(higher_1([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, higher(A, B), AA),
+ process(higher_1(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(higher_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(higher_1(L), P).
+process2(higher_1([]), []).
+process2(higher_1([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, higher(A, B), AA),
+ process2(higher_1(L),P).
+process(lower_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(lower_1(L), P).
+process(lower_1([]), []).
+process(lower_1([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, lower(A, B), AA),
+ process(lower_1(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(lower_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(lower_1(L), P).
+process2(lower_1([]), []).
+process2(lower_1([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, lower(A, B), AA),
+ process2(lower_1(L),P).
+process(loc_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(loc_1(L), P).
+process(loc_1([]), []).
+process(loc_1([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, loc(A, B), AA),
+ process(loc_1(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(loc_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(loc_1(L), P).
+process2(loc_1([]), []).
+process2(loc_1([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, loc(A, B), AA),
+ process2(loc_1(L),P).
+process(low_point_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(low_point_1(L), P).
+process(low_point_1([]), []).
+process(low_point_1([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, low_point(A, B), AA),
+ process(low_point_1(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(low_point_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(low_point_1(L), P).
+process2(low_point_1([]), []).
+process2(low_point_1([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, low_point(A, B), AA),
+ process2(low_point_1(L),P).
+process(next_to_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(next_to_1(L), P).
+process(next_to_1([]), []).
+process(next_to_1([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, next_to(A, B), AA),
+ process(next_to_1(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(next_to_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(next_to_1(L), P).
+process2(next_to_1([]), []).
+process2(next_to_1([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, next_to(A, B), AA),
+ process2(next_to_1(L),P).
+process(traverse_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(traverse_1(L), P).
+process(traverse_1([]), []).
+process(traverse_1([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, traverse(A, B), AA),
+ process(traverse_1(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(traverse_1(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(traverse_1(L), P).
+process2(traverse_1([]), []).
+process2(traverse_1([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, traverse(A, B), AA),
+ process2(traverse_1(L),P).
+process(high_point_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(high_point_2(L), P).
+process(high_point_2([]), []).
+process(high_point_2([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, high_point(B, A), AA),
+ process(high_point_2(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(high_point_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(high_point_2(L), P).
+process2(high_point_2([]), []).
+process2(high_point_2([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, high_point(B, A), AA),
+ process2(high_point_2(L),P).
+process(higher_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(higher_2(L), P).
+process(higher_2([]), []).
+process(higher_2([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, higher(B, A), AA),
+ process(higher_2(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(higher_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(higher_2(L), P).
+process2(higher_2([]), []).
+process2(higher_2([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, higher(B, A), AA),
+ process2(higher_2(L),P).
+process(lower_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(lower_2(L), P).
+process(lower_2([]), []).
+process(lower_2([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, lower(B, A), AA),
+ process(lower_2(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(lower_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(lower_2(L), P).
+process2(lower_2([]), []).
+process2(lower_2([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, lower(B, A), AA),
+ process2(lower_2(L),P).
+process(loc_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(loc_2(L), P).
+process(loc_2([]), []).
+process(loc_2([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, loc(B, A), AA),
+ process(loc_2(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(loc_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(loc_2(L), P).
+process2(loc_2([]), []).
+process2(loc_2([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, loc(B, A), AA),
+ process2(loc_2(L),P).
+process(low_point_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(low_point_2(L), P).
+process(low_point_2([]), []).
+process(low_point_2([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, low_point(B, A), AA),
+ process(low_point_2(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(low_point_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(low_point_2(L), P).
+process2(low_point_2([]), []).
+process2(low_point_2([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, low_point(B, A), AA),
+ process2(low_point_2(L),P).
+process(traverse_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(traverse_2(L), P).
+process(traverse_2([]), []).
+process(traverse_2([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, traverse(B, A), AA),
+ process(traverse_2(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(traverse_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(traverse_2(L), P).
+process2(traverse_2([]), []).
+process2(traverse_2([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, traverse(B, A), AA),
+ process2(traverse_2(L),P).
+process(next_to_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(next_to_2(L), P).
+process(next_to_2([]), []).
+process(next_to_2([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, next_to(B, A), AA),
+ process(next_to_2(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(next_to_2(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(next_to_2(L), P).
+process2(next_to_2([]), []).
+process2(next_to_2([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, next_to(B, A), AA),
+ process2(next_to_2(L),P).
+process(longer(A), P) :- process(A,L), process(longer(L), P).
+process(longer([]), []).
+process(longer([A|L]), P) :- findall(B, longer(B, A), AA),
+ process(longer(L),LL), append(AA,LL,P).
+process2(longer(A), P) :- process(A,L), process2(longer(L), P).
+process2(longer([]), []).
+process2(longer([A|L]), [AA-A|P]) :- findall(B, longer(B, A), AA),
+ process2(longer(L),P).
+% metas
+ % helpful for meta
+pair_size([A|AA], [(Size-A)|LL]) :- size(A,Size), pair_size(AA, LL).
+pair_size([A|AA], LL) :- pair_size(AA, LL).
+pair_size([], []).
+pair_elevation([A|AA], [(Elevation-A)|LL]) :- elevation(A,Elevation), pair_elevation(AA,LL).
+pair_elevation([A|AA], LL) :- pair_elevation(AA,LL).
+pair_elevation([], []).
+pair_len([A|AA], [(Len-A)|LL]) :- len(A,Len), pair_len(AA, LL).
+pair_len([A|AA], LL) :- pair_len(AA, LL).
+pair_len([], []).
+process(largest(A), PP) :- process(A,P), pair_size(P, PS),
+ (PS=[] -> PP=[]; (max_key(PS, M),PP=[M])).
+process(smallest(A), PP) :- process(A,P), pair_size(P, PS),
+ (PS=[] -> PP=[]; (min_key(PS, M),PP=[M])).
+process(highest(A), PP) :- process(A,P), pair_elevation(P, PS),
+ (PS=[] -> PP=[]; (max_key(PS, M),PP=[M])).
+process(lowest(A), PP) :- process(A,P), pair_elevation(P, PS),
+ (PS=[] -> PP=[]; (min_key(PS, M),PP=[M])).
+process(longest(A), PP) :- process(A,P), pair_len(P, PS),
+ (PS=[] -> PP=[]; (max_key(PS, M),PP=[M])).
+process(shortest(A), PP) :- process(A,P), pair_len(P, PS),
+ (PS=[] -> PP=[]; (min_key(PS, M),PP=[M])).
+% ones
+numerify([L-S|R], [N-S|NR]) :- sort(L,LL), length(LL,N), numerify(R,NR).
+process(largest_one(A), P) :- process2(A, S),
+ (S=[]-> P=[]; (max_key(S,M), P=[M])).
+process(highest_one(A), P) :- process2(A, S),
+ (S=[]-> P=[]; (max_key(S,M), P=[M])).
+process(longest_one(A), P) :- process2(A, S),
+ (S=[]-> P=[]; (max_key(S,M), P=[M])).
+process(most(A), P) :- process2(A, S),numerify(S,NS),
+ (S=[]-> P=[]; (max_key(NS,M), P=[M])).
+process(smallest_one(A), P) :- process2(A, S),
+ (S=[]-> P=[]; (min_key(S,M), P=[M])).
+process(lowest_one(A), P) :- process2(A, S),
+ (S=[]-> P=[]; (min_key(S,M), P=[M])).
+process(shortest_one(A), P) :- process2(A, S),
+ (S=[]-> P=[]; (min_key(S,M), P=[M])).
+process(fewest(A), P) :- process2(A, S),numerify(S,NS),
+ (S=[]-> P=[]; (min_key(NS,M), P=[M])).
+process(count(A), [P]) :- process(A, B), sort(B, BB), length(BB, P).
+process(sum(A), [P]) :- process(A, B), sumlist(B, 0, P).
+% what's the meaning of each really? -ywwong
+process(each(Q), P) :- process(Q, P).
+% exclude and intersection
+ % helpful: remove all occurrences of elements of the second list from the first list
+minus(L, [A|AA], P) :- delete(L,A,L2), minus(L2, AA, P).
+ % helpful: intersection of two lists
+intersect([A|L1], L2, [A|L]) :- member(A,L2), intersect(L1, L2, L).
+intersect([B|L1], L2, L) :- intersect(L1, L2, L).
+process(exclude(A, B), P) :- process(A,P1), process(B,P2), minus(P1, P2, P).
+process(intersection(A, B), P) :- process(A,P1), process(B,P2), intersect(P1, P2, P).
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-0-test.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-0-test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dae740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-0-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-0-train.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-0-train.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e8ccb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-0-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-1-test.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-1-test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30dfbfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-1-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-1-train.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-1-train.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd362a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-1-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-2-test.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-2-test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..762f2f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-2-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-2-train.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-2-train.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..233ff4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-2-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-3-test.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-3-test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b81cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-3-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-3-train.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-3-train.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c69d1b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-3-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-4-test.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-4-test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be2f470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-4-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-4-train.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-4-train.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeda646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-4-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-5-test.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-5-test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a815455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-5-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-5-train.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-5-train.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d33600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-5-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-6-test.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-6-test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..463f114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-6-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-6-train.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-6-train.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60afa2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-6-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-7-test.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-7-test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d3c197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-7-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-7-train.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-7-train.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..067ecb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-7-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-8-test.ids b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-8-test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c96ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-8-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b58a981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-8-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce12110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-9-test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8a4828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/folds600/fold-9-train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/ b/data/geoquery/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b11ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+gib die städte in virginia aus
+welches sind die höchsten punkte der an mississippi grenzenden staaten
+nenne die flüsse in arkansas
+nenne alle flüsse in colorado
+welches sind große städte in texas
+könntest du mir sagen welches der höchstgelegene punkt im staat oregon ist
+zähle die staaten , welche erhebungen haben , die niedriger liegen als jene in alabama
+nenne alle staaten der usa
+sag mir welche städte in texas sind
+nenne die städte der usa
+nenne mir die städte in virginia
+nenne mir städte in texas
+nenne mir die seen in kalifornien
+welche stadt ist die größte
+nenne mir den längsten fluss , welcher durch die usa fließt
+nenne mir die anzahl der flüsse in kalifornien
+nenne mir die staaten , welche an utah grenzen
+wie groß ist alaska
+wie groß ist massachusetts
+wie groß ist new mexico
+wie groß ist north dakota
+wie groß ist texas
+wie groß ist die stadt new york
+wie hoch sind die höchsten erhebungen aller staaten
+wie hoch liegt guadalupe peak
+wie hoch ist mount mckinley
+wie hoch liegt der höchste punkt in amerika
+wie hoch ist der höchste punkt in montana
+wie hoch liegt der höchste punkt des größten staates
+wie hoch liegt der höchste punkt in alabama
+wie hoch liegt der höchste punkt von delaware
+wie hoch liegt der höchste punkt floridas
+wie hoch liegt der höchste punkt von louisiana
+wie groß ist alaska
+wie groß ist texas
+wie groß ist die größte stadt in alaska
+wie lang ist der rio grande
+wie lang ist der colorado fluss
+wie lang ist der delaware fluss
+wie lang ist der längste fluss kaliforniens
+wie lang ist der längste fluss der usa
+wie lang ist der mississippi fluss
+wie lang ist der mississippi
+wie lang in meilen ist der mississippi fluss
+wie lang ist der fluss missouri
+wie lang ist der north platte fluss
+wie lang ist der fluss ohio
+wie lang ist der rio grande fluss
+wie lang ist der kürzeste fluss in den usa
+wie viele große städte gibt es in pennsylvania
+wie viele große städte gibt es in rhode island
+wie viele städte sind in louisiana
+wie viele städte sind in montana
+wie viele städte gibt es in den usa
+wie viele städte hat die usa
+wie viele städte gibt es in den usa
+wie viele städte gibt es in den usa
+wie viele städte hat texas
+wie viele städte gibt es in den usa
+wie viele städte mit dem namen austin gibt es in den usa
+wie viele einwohner hat die größte stadt in den usa
+wie viele bewohner hat alabama
+anzahl leute in boulder
+wie viele staatsbürger wohnen in kalifornien
+wie viele flüsse mit dem namen colorado gibt es
+wie viele einwohner hat montgomery
+wie viele große städte gibt es in arizona
+wie viele wichtige städte gibt es in florida
+wie viele wichtige städte gibt es in den staaten , welche an nebraska grenzen
+wie viele größere städte sind in staaten , die an utah angrenzen
+wie viele wichtige städte gibt es in texas
+wie viele größere städte gibt es
+wie viele wichtige städte gibt es in oregon
+wie viele größere flüsse durchqueren ohio
+wie viele einwohner hat nevada
+wie viele leute gibt es in iowa
+wie viele leute gibt es in new york
+anzahl staatsbürger in boulder
+wie viele menschen leben in austin
+wie viele leute leben in austin texas
+wie viele einwohner hat kalifornien
+wie viele leute wohnen in chicago
+wie viele menschen leben in detroit
+wie hoch ist die bevölkerung von hawaii
+wie viele menschen leben in houston
+wie viele menschen leben in kalamazoo
+wie viele leute wohnen in kansas
+wie viele leute leben in minneapolis minnesota
+wie viele leute leben in mississippi
+wie viele leute wohnen in montana
+wie viele leute wohnen in new hampshire
+welches ist die einwohnerzahl von new mexico
+wie viele einwohner hat new york
+wie viele leute leben in rhode island
+wie viele leute wohnen in riverside
+wie viele leute wohnen in san francisco
+wie viele leute wohnen in south dakota
+wie viele leute wohnen in spokane washington
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von texas
+wie viele menschen leben in der größten stadt von dem staat new york
+wie viele leute wohnen in der hauptstadt georgias
+wie viele leute leben in der hauptstadt von texas
+wie viele leute leben in dem kleinsten staat , welcher an wyoming grenzt
+wie lautet die bevölkerung des staates mit der höchsten bevölkerungsdichte
+wie viele menschen leben in den usa
+welches ist die einwohnerzahl von washington
+wie viele einwohner hat washington dc
+wie viele leute leben in austin
+wie viele menschen leben in utah
+welches ist die bevölkerungszahl von utah
+wie viele einwohner leben in texas
+wie viele flüsse heißen colorado
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in colorado
+wie viele flüsse sind in colorado
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in iowa
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in missouri
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in new york
+wie viele flüsse gibt es im staat mit den meisten flüssen
+wie viele flüsse gibt es im staat mit dem höchsten punkt
+wie viele flüsse sind in dem staat mit der größten bevölkerung
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in idaho
+wie viele flüsse laufen durch texas
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in den usa
+wie viele flüsse verlaufen nicht durch den staat mit der hauptstadt albany
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in alaska
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in colorado
+wie viele flüsse in texas sind länger als der red
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in washington
+wie viele flüsse gibt es in texas
+wie viele flüsse fließen durch die staaten , die an colorado grenzen
+wie viele quadratkilometer umfasst die usa
+wie viele staaten gibt es in den usa
+wie viele staaten gibt es in den usa
+wie viele staaten liegen neben wichtigen flüssen
+wie viele staaten gibt es
+wie viele staaten hat die usa
+wie viele staaten gibt es in den usa
+wie viele staaten grenzen an alaska
+wie viele staaten grenzen an zumindest einen anderen staat
+wie viele staaten grenzen an colorado und new mexico
+wie viele staaten grenzen an hawaii
+nenne die anzahl der staaten , welche an iowa grenzen
+wie viele staaten grenzen an den staat , dessen hauptstadt boston ist
+wie viele staaten grenzen an tennessee
+wie viele staaten grenzen an texas
+wie viele staaten grenzen an den größten staat
+wie viele staaten grenzen an den mississippi fluss
+wie viele staaten grenzen an den staat mit den meisten nachbarstaaten
+wie viele staaten grenzen an den staat mit der größten bevölkerung
+wie viele staaten haben keine flüsse
+iowa grenzt an wie viele staaten
+an wie viele staaten grenzt missouri
+an wie viele staaten grenzt tennessee
+durch wie viele staaten fließt der fluss colorado
+durch wie viele staaten fließt der fluss colorado
+durch wie viele staaten fließt der mississippi
+durch wie viele staaten fließt der fluss mississippi
+durch wie viele staaten verläuft der fluss missouri
+wie viele staaten sind in den vereinigten staaten
+in wie vielen staaten gibt es eine stadt mit dem namen rochester
+in wie vielen staaten gibt es eine stadt namens springfield
+wie viele staaten haben einen höher gelegenen punkt als der höchstgelegene punkt des staates mit der größten hauptstadt in den usa
+wie viele staaten haben städte die austin heißen
+wie viele staaten haben städte welche nach springfield benannt sind
+wie viele staaten haben wichtige flüsse
+durch wie viele staaten der usa fließt der kürzeste fluss
+wie viele leute wohnen in texas
+wie hoch ist mount mckinley
+wie hoch ist der höchste punkt in montana
+in welchem staat befindet sich der mount mckinley
+was ist der staat mit der höchsten höhe in den vereinigten staaten
+in welchem staat liegt rochester
+an wie viele staaten grenzt iowa
+liste alle staaten auf
+gib alle seen in den usa aus
+welche flüsse fließen durch colorado
+nenne die 50 hauptstädte in den usa
+was ist der längste fluss in den usa
+nenne die größten seen in michigan
+nenne die wichtigsten flüsse in florida
+nenne die flüsse in arkansas
+nenne die staaten , an die keine anderen staaten grenzen
+wie viele staatsbürger in boulder
+wie viele leute in boulder
+wie viele staaten grenzen an iowa
+welcher staat hat die niedrigste erhebung von den staaten , durch welche der mississippi fluss verläuft
+wie hoch ist die bevölkerung von boulder
+leute in boulder
+wie viele flüsse verlaufen durch new york
+sacramento ist die hauptstadt welchen staates
+in welchem staat liegt san antonio
+zeige mir die wichtigsten städte in colorado
+zeige mir alle größeren seen in den usa
+nenne den staat mit der größten fläche
+staaten , die an iowa grenzen
+nenne mir die städte in texas
+durch welche staaten fließt der längste fluss in texas
+durch welche staaten verläuft der mississippi
+durch welche staaten fließt der mississippi
+welche flüsse gibt es in texas
+welche wichtigen flüsse gibt es in texas
+welches sind die größten flüsse in texas
+wie lauten die hauptstädte der staaten , welche an texas grenzen
+was ist die hauptstadt des staates texas
+wie lauten die hauptstädte der staaten , welche an missouri grenzen
+welches sind die hauptstädte der an texas grenzenden staaten
+was sind die städte in kalifornien
+wie lauten die städte in den staaten , durch welche der mississippi fluss verläuft
+welches sind die städte des staates mit der höchsten erhebung
+wie lauten die höchsten punkte aller staaten
+wie lauten die höchsten punkte der staaten , welche mississippi umgeben
+wie lauten die namen der seen in staaten , welche an texas grenzen
+welches sind die größten städte in an den größten staat angrenzenden staaten
+welches sind die großen städte in alabama
+wie lauten die wichtigsten städte in alaska
+wie lauten die wichtigsten flüsse in dem staat kalifornien
+welches sind große städte in delaware
+welche großen städte gibt es in kansas
+welche sind die größten städte in missouri
+welche sind die größeren städte in new mexico
+welches sind große städte in new york
+welches sind die wesentlichen städte north carolinas
+wie lauten die wichtigsten städte in ohio
+welche sind die größte städte in oklahoma
+wie lauten die wichtigsten städte in rhode island
+welches sind große städte in den staaten , durch die der mississippi fließt
+welche sind die größten städte in texas
+was sind die größten städte in dem größten staat
+welches sind die größten städte im kleinsten staat der usa
+wie lauten die wichtigsten städte in kalifornien
+wie lauten die wichtigsten städte in den vereinigten staaten durch welche der wichtigste fluss in virginia verläuft
+wie lauten die wichtigen städte der usa
+welches sind große städte in vermont
+wie lauten die wichtigsten städte in wyoming
+welches sind die wesentlichen städte in texas
+welches sind die größten städte der usa
+wie lauten die wichtigsten städte der vereinigten staaten
+wie lauten die wichtigsten seen in den usa
+wie lauten die wichtigsten flüsse in ohio
+welches sind die hauptflüsse in den usa
+welches sind die namen großer städte in illinois
+welches sind die nachbarstaaten von michigan
+welches sind die bevölkerungsdichten der us staaten
+welches ist die einwohnerzahl von mississippi
+wie groß sind die bevölkerungen aller wichtigen städte in montana
+wie hoch ist die bevölkerung der staaten , durch welche der mississippi fluss verläuft
+was sind die bevölkerungen der staaten , durch die der mississippi fließt
+was sind die bevölkerungen der staaten , durch die der mississippi fluss fließt
+was sind die bevölkerungen der staaten , durch die der mississippi fluss fließt
+wie groß sind die bevölkerungen der staaten , welche an texas grenzen
+welches sind die einwohnerzahlen der großen städte in texas
+wie groß ist die bevölkerungszahl der staaten , durch die der mississippi fließt
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung der staaten , durch welche der mississippi verläuft
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung der staaten , durch die der mississippi fließt
+wie groß sind die bevölkerungen in den staaten , durch welche der mississippi fluss verläuft
+welches sind die flüsse in alaska
+welches sind die flüsse im staat indiana
+welche flüsse gibt es in texas
+welche sind die flüsse montanas
+welche staaten gibt es
+welche staaten grenzen an den am meisten bevölkerten staat
+welches sind die staaten durch die der potomac fließt
+welche staaten durchquert der längste fluss
+was kannst du mir zur bevölkerung missouris sagen
+was ist die größte hauptstadt nach bevölkerung
+welche hauptstadt ist die größte in den usa
+welche städte befinden sich in pennsylvania
+welche städte in kalifornien
+welche städte in texas haben die größte bevölkerung
+welche stadt in texas hat die größte bevölkerung
+welche stadt hat die größte bevölkerung
+welche stadt hat die kleinste bevölkerung
+welche stadt hat die meisten leute
+welche us stadt hat die höchste bevölkerungsdichte
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von iowa
+welches ist die hauptstadt des staates mit dem tiefstgelegenen punkt
+wie lautet die größte hauptstadt
+welcher staat grenzt an kalifornien
+was ist die flächenausdehnung von alaska
+was ist die fläche aller staaten zusammen
+welche flächenausdehnung hat kalifornien
+wie groß ist die fläche von florida
+welche fläche hat idaho
+wie groß ist die fläche von maine
+wie groß ist die fläche von maryland in quadratkilometer
+was ist die fläche new mexicos
+was ist die flächenausdehnung von ohio
+was ist die fläche seattles
+was ist die fläche von south carolina
+wie groß ist die fläche von texas
+was ist die fläche des größten staates
+was ist die fläche des kleinsten staates
+wie groß ist die fläche des staates mit der hauptstadt albany
+wie groß ist die fläche von dem staat mit der niedrigsten bevölkerungsdichte
+wie groß ist die gesamtfläche der usa
+was ist die fläche des staates texas
+was ist die fläche von wisconsin
+was ist die durchschnittliche bevölkerung für die usa pro staat
+welches ist die durchschnittliche bevölkerungsdichte in pennsylvania
+wie groß ist die durchschnittliche bevölkerung pro quadratkilometer in den vereinigten staaten
+wie lautet die größte amerikanische stadt in einem staat mit einem fluss
+welches ist die größte hauptstadt in den usa
+wie lautet die größte stadt in arizona
+was ist die größte stadt georgias
+wie lautet die größte stadt von kansas
+welches ist die größte stadt in louisiana
+welches ist die größte stadt in nebraska
+welches ist die größte stadt in oregon
+wie lautet die größte stadt in texas
+was ist die größte stadt in dem kleinsten staat
+welches ist die größte stadt der usa
+was ist die größte stadt in den usa
+welches ist die größte stadt der usa
+welches ist die größte stadt in wyoming
+welches ist der größte fluss in illinois
+wie lautet der größte staat
+welches ist der größte staat auf dem us festland
+wie lautet der größte staat in den usa
+wie lautet die hauptstadt des größten staates in den usa
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von kalifornien
+welches ist die hauptstadt von colorado
+was ist die hauptstadt georgias
+welches ist die hauptstadt von hawaii
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von illinois
+was ist die hauptstadt von indiana
+welches ist die hauptstadt von iowa
+wie heißt die hauptstadt von maine
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von maryland
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von massachusetts
+welches ist die hauptstadt von michigan
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von new hampshire
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von new jersey
+welches ist die hauptstadt von new york
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von north dakota
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von ohio
+welches ist die hauptstadt von pennsylvania
+wie lauten die hauptstädte der staaten , welche städte mit dem namen durham haben
+welches ist die hauptstadt von texas
+welches ist die hauptstadt des staates alabama
+wie lautet die hauptstadt von florida staat
+wie lautet die hauptstadt des größten staates
+welches ist die hauptstadt des kleinsten staates
+kannst du mir die hauptstadt von texas nennen
+was ist die hauptstadt des staates , der an die meisten staaten grenzt
+was ist die hauptstadt des staates , der an den staat grenzt , der an texas grenzt
+was ist die hauptstadt des staates mit der größten höhe
+wie lautet die hauptstadt des staates mit der höchsten erhebung
+wie lautet die hauptstadt des staates mit den meisten einwohnern
+wie lautet die hauptstadt des staates mit der größten bevölkerungsdichte
+welches ist die hauptstadt des staates mit dem längsten fluss
+wie lautet die hauptstadt des staates mit der größten bevölkerung
+welches ist die hauptstadt von utah
+welches ist die hauptstadt von vermont
+was ist die hauptstadt von washington
+welche städte in texas haben die höchste einwohnerzahl
+was ist die stadt mit der kleinsten bevölkerung
+wie groß ist die gesamtfläche aller staaten
+wie lautet die gesamte bevölkerung aller 50 staaten
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von texas
+was ist die dichte von new york
+wie hoch liegt death valley
+was ist die höhe des höchsten punktes in den usa
+was ist die höhe von mount mckinley
+wie lautet die höhe des höchsten berges in texas
+was ist die höhe des höchsten punktes in der usa
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in wyoming
+welcher ist der höchste punkt in new mexico
+welches ist die höchste erhöhung in south carolina
+was ist der höchste punkt in texas
+wie lautet die höchste erhebung in den vereinigten staaten
+welches ist der höchste berg in alaska
+welches ist der höchste berg in texas
+welches ist der höchste berg der vereinigten staaten
+welches ist der höchste berg in den usa
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in colorado
+welches ist der höchste punkt von delaware
+welches sind die höchsten punkte der staaten , deren tiefster punkt auf meeresniveau liegt
+welches ist der höchste punkt in florida
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in iowa
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in kansas
+welches ist der höchstgelegene punkt in maine
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in montana
+welches ist der höchstgelegene punkt in nevada gemessen in metern
+was ist die höchste höhe in new mexico
+was ist der höchste punkt in ohio
+welches ist der höchstgelegene punkt in rhode island
+welches ist der höchste punkt der an georgia grenzenden staaten
+welches ist die höchste erhebung in texas
+wie lautet der höchste punkt der usa
+was ist der höchste punkt im kleinsten staat
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in dem staat mit der hauptstadt austin
+welches ist der höchste punkt im staat mit hauptstadt des moines
+wie heißt der höchste punkt in dem staat mit der hauptstadt des moines
+was ist der höchste punkt in dem staat mit den meisten flüssen
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in dem staat mit der kleinsten bevölkerung
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in den staaten , welche an colorado grenzen
+was ist der höchste punkt in den vereinigten staaten
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in den usa
+wie lautet der höchste punkt in den usa
+welches ist der höchstgelegene punkt in virginia
+welches ist der höchstgelegene punkt von wyoming
+welches ist der höchste punkt des bezüglich fläche größten staates
+wie lautet der höchste punkt des staates mit der geringsten bevölkerungsdichte
+wie lautet die höchste erhebung der usa
+was ist die größte hauptstadt
+wie lautet die größte hauptstadt in den usa
+was ist die größte stadt in einem staat , der an texas grenzt
+welche ist die größte stadt in alabama
+wie lautet die größte stadt in kalifornien
+welches ist die größte stadt in michigan
+welches ist die bevölkerungsreichste stadt in minnesota
+wie lautet die größte stadt in missouri
+welches ist die größte stadt in rhode island
+welches ist die größte stadt im kleinsten staat , durch den der mississippi fließt
+was ist die größte stadt in staaten , die an kalifornien grenzen
+welches ist die größte stadt in texas
+welches ist die größte stadt des kleinsten staates in den usa
+wie lautet die größte stadt in wisconsin
+wie lautet die größte stadt in kansas
+welcher ist der größte staat , durch den der rio grande fließt
+nenne mir die länge des längsten flusses in washington staat
+nenne mir den größten staat
+welches ist der größte an arkansas grenzende staat
+welches ist der größte an texas grenzende staat
+welche hauptstadt hat die größte bevölkerung
+wie lautet der größte staat in den usa
+welcher ist der größte staat in den usa
+wie lautet der größte staat , der an kalifornien grenzt
+welcher der an texas grenzenden staaten ist der größte
+was ist der größte staat , der an den staat mit der größten bevölkerung grenzt
+wie lautet der größte staat , welcher an den staat grenzt , welcher die niedrigste erhebung in den usa hat
+wie lautet der größte staat , durch welchen der mississippi fluss verläuft
+welches ist der staat mit der niedrigsten bevölkerungszahl
+wie lang ist der fluss colorado
+was ist die länge des colorado flusses in texas
+wie lang ist der längste fluss der usa
+wie lautet die länge des längsten flusses , der durch texas verläuft
+wie lang ist der mississippi
+wie lang ist der fluss , welcher durch die meisten staaten fließt
+wie lang ist der fluss , welcher durch die größte anzahl von staaten fließt
+was ist die länge des flusses , der durch die größte anzahl staaten fließt
+wie lang ist der fluss , welcher die meisten staaten durchquert
+was ist der längste fluss
+welches ist der längste fluss new yorks
+welches ist der längste fluss der vereinigten staaten
+was ist der längste fluss in kalifornien
+welches ist der längste fluss in florida
+wie lautet der längste fluss in mississippi
+welches ist der längste fluss in new york
+wie lautet der längste fluss in pennsylvania
+was ist der längste fluss in texas
+welches ist der längste fluss im größten staat
+was ist der längste fluss in dem kleinsten staat in den usa
+welches ist der längste fluss im staat mit dem höchstgelegenen punkt
+welches ist der längste fluss im staat mit der größten anzahl großer städte
+wie lautet der längste fluss in den staaten , welche an nebraska grenzen
+welches ist der längste fluss in amerika
+nenne den längsten fluss in den usa
+wie lautet der längste fluss , der nicht durch texas verläuft
+wie lautet der längste fluss , welcher durch einen staat verläuft , der an indiana grenzt
+wie lautet der längste fluss , der durch colorado verläuft
+wie lautet der längste fluss , der durch die staaten verläuft , welche an den staat grenzen , der die meisten nachbarstaaten hat
+welches ist der längste fluss , der durch einen an tennessee grenzenden staat fließt
+welches ist die niedrigste erhöhung in pennsylvania
+welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in arkansas
+welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in kalifornien
+welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in louisiana
+wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in massachusetts
+welches ist der tiefste punkt in mississippi
+wie hoch ist die niedrigste erhebung von nebraska
+was ist der niedrigste punkt in oregon
+wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in texas
+wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in dem staat kalifornien
+welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt von texas
+wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in den vereinigten staaten
+wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in den usa
+welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in wisconsin
+welches ist der tiefste punkt aller staaten , durch die der fluss colorado fließt
+welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt in colorado
+was ist die tiefste stelle des staates mit der größte fläche
+welches ist der tiefstgelegene punkt der usa
+was sind die größeren städte in montana
+welches ist die maximale erhöhung von san francisco
+welches ist der dichteste staat in den usa
+welche ist die meist bevölkerte stadt in den usa
+welches ist der bevölkerungsreichste staat , der an oklahoma grenzt
+wie lautet die stadt mit der größten bevölkerung
+welche texanische stadt hat die größte bevölkerungszahl
+was ist die meist bevölkerte stadt in wyoming
+welcher staat hat die größte bevölkerung
+welcher ist der meist bevölkerte staat in den usa
+welcher staat , durch den der mississippi fließt , hat die größte bevölkerung
+wie lautet der name des staates mit der geringsten erhebung
+wie viele staaten grenzen an kentucky
+was ist die bevölkerungsdichte in dem staat mit hauptstadt austin
+was ist die bevölkerungsdichte von maine
+was ist die bevölkerungsdichte von south dakota
+wie lautet die bevölkerungsdichte von texas
+was ist die bevölkerungsdichte des größten staates
+wie groß ist die bevölkerungsdichte des kleinsten staates
+was ist die bevölkerungsdichte des staates mit der kleinsten größe
+wie hoch ist die bevölkerungsdichte des staates mit der kleinsten bevölkerung
+was ist die bevölkerungsdichte wyomings
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von boston
+wie hoch ist die bevölkerungszahl von alaska
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von arizona
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von atlanta
+wie viele einwohner hat atlanta ga
+was ist die einwohnerzahl von austin
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von austin texas
+was ist die bevölkerung von boston massachusetts
+wie hoch ist die bevölkerung von boulder
+wie viele leute leben in kalifornien
+wie viele einwohner hat dallas
+welches ist die bevölkerungszahl von denver
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von erie in pennsylvania
+wie viele menschen leben in hawaii
+wie hoch ist die bevölkerung von houston
+wie viele einwohner hat idaho
+wie groß ist die bevölkerungszahl von illinois
+was ist die bevölkerung von maine
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von maryland
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von minnesota
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von montana
+wie viele leute wohnen in new mexico
+wie viele leute leben in new york
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von new york city
+wie viele einwohner hat oregon
+was ist die bevölkerung von portland maine
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von rhode island
+wie groß ist die bevölkerungszahl von sacramento
+wie lautet die bevölkerung von san antonio
+wie lautet die bevölkerung von seattle
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von seattle in washington
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung in south dakota
+wie groß ist die einwohnerzahl von springfield missouri
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von springfield in south dakota
+welches ist die bevölkerungszahl von tempe arizona
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung von texas
+was ist die bevölkerung der hauptstadt des größten staates
+was ist die bevölkerung der hauptstadt des größten staates , durch den der mississippi fließt
+welches ist die einwohnerzahl der hauptstadt des kleinsten staates
+was ist die bevölkerungszahl der größten stadt des staates mit der größten flächenausdehnung
+wie groß ist die bevölkerung in dem größten staat
+was ist die bevölkerung des größten staates , der an texas grenzt
+was ist die bevölkerung der größeren städte in wisconsin
+welches ist die einwohnerzahl des kleinsten staates
+wie lautet die bevölkerung des staates , welcher an die meisten staaten grenzt
+wie viele leute wohnen in dem staat mit der größten bevölkerungsdichte
+was ist die bevölkerung des staates mit der größten fläche
+was ist die einwohnerzahl von tucson
+wie viele einwohner hat utah
+wie viele leute wohnen in washington
+wie viele einwohner leben in washington dc
+welcher fluss fließt durch ohio
+welches ist der kürzeste fluss
+was ist der kürzeste fluss in alaska
+was ist der kürzeste fluss in iowa
+wie lautet der kürzeste fluss in nebraska
+wie lautet der kürzeste fluss in texas
+welches ist der kürzeste fluss der vereinigten staaten
+welches ist der kürzeste fluss in den usa
+was ist der kürzeste fluss in den usa
+wie groß ist kalifornien
+wie groß ist florida
+welche fläche hat texas
+was ist die größe der hauptstadt texas
+wie lautet die fläche des größten staates in den usa
+was ist die kleinste stadt in alaska
+welches ist die kleinste stadt in arkansas
+welches ist die kleinste stadt in hawaii
+wie lautet die kleinste stadt in dem größten staat
+welches ist die kleinste stadt der usa
+wie lautet die kleinste stadt in den us
+was ist die kleinste stadt in washington
+wie lautet die kleinste stadt des kleinsten staates in den usa
+wie lautet der kleinste staat , welcher an ohio grenzt
+wie lautet der kleinste staat , welcher an wyoming grenzt
+welcher staat hat die kleinste flächenausdehnung
+welches ist der kleinste staat der usa
+welches ist der kleinste an texas grenzende staat
+welches ist der kleinste staat , der an die meisten staaten grenzt
+welches ist der kleinste staat , durch den der mississippi fließt
+welches ist der kleinste unter den staaten , durch die der längste fluss verläuft
+welcher staat hat die höchste erhebung
+in welchem staat liegt die höchste erhebung in den vereinigten staaten
+welcher staat hat die größte flächenausdehnung
+welcher staat hat die höchste dichte in den usa
+welcher staat hat die größte bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat hat die niedrigste erhebung
+welcher staat hat die kleinste bevölkerung
+welche staaten haben die niedrigste bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher ist der kleinste staat nach fläche
+welches ist der höchste berg in amerika
+welches ist der höchste berg in den usa
+welche fläche hat die usa
+welches ist die gesamtlänge aller flüsse in den usa
+welches ist die summe der bevölkerungszahlen der an texas grenzenden staaten
+wie lang ist der mississippi
+welche großen städte gibt es in pennsylvania
+welche großen flüsse fließen durch illinois
+welche berge gibt es in alaska
+welcher fluss fließt durch kansas
+welches flüsse gibt es in texas
+welcher fluss fließt durch die größte anzahl an staaten
+welcher fluss ist der längste in den vereinigten staaten
+welcher fluss durchfließt illinois
+welcher fluss verläuft durch die meisten staaten
+welcher fluss fließt durch den staat mit den meisten städten
+welcher fluss fließt durch virginia
+welcher fluss durchquert die meisten staaten
+welcher fluss verläuft durch den staat , welcher an die meisten staaten grenzt
+welche flüsse gibt es in nevada
+welche flüsse gibt es in new mexico
+welche flüsse gibt es in oregon
+welche flüsse gibt es in an texas grenzende staaten
+welche flüsse verlaufen durch texas
+welche flüsse gibt es in utah
+welche flüsse gibt es in texas
+welche flüsse fließen nicht durch tennessee
+nenne alle flüsse in colorado
+welche flüsse verlaufen durch missouri
+welche flüsse verlaufen durch staaten , welche an alabama grenzen
+welche flüsse fließen durch staaten , die an den staat mit der größten bevölkerungszahl grenzen
+welche flüsse verlaufen durch den größten staat
+welche flüsse fließen durch den bevölkerungsreichsten staat
+welche flüsse fließen durch arizona
+welche flüsse fließen durch austin texas
+welche flüsse verlaufen durch colorado
+welche flüsse fließen durch louisiana
+welche flüsse verlaufen durch maine
+welche flüsse fließen durch new york
+welche flüsse verlaufen durch den staat mit dem niedrigsten punkt in den usa
+welche flüsse verlaufen durch die staaten , welche an den staat mit der hauptstadt atlanta grenzen
+welche flüsse fließen durch west virginia
+welcher fluss verläuft durch den staat , welcher an die meisten staaten grenzt
+welcher an nevada grenzende staat hat die größte bevölkerungszahl
+welche städte grenzen an michigan
+welcher staat hat die meisten nachbarstaaten
+welche staaten grenzen an new york
+welcher staat grenzt an die wenigsten staaten
+welcher staat grenzt an die wenigsten staaten mit ausnahme von alaska und mit ausnahme von hawaii
+welcher staat grenzt an die meisten staaten
+welcher staat grenzt an den staat mit der kleinsten bevölkerung
+in welchem staat liegt der höchste punkt der usa
+welcher der staaten , durch die der colorado fließt , hat die höchste erhebung
+welcher staat hat die höchste erhebung
+welcher staat hat keine flüsse
+welcher staat hat die hauptstadt salem
+in welchem staat liegt die stadt flint
+in welchem staat befindet sich die bevölkerungsreichste stadt
+welcher staat hat die stadt mit der größten bevölkerung
+welcher staat hat die größte bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat hat die höchste erhebung
+welcher staat hat die größte bevölkerung
+welcher staat hat die größte dichte
+welches ist der staat mit der größten fläche
+welcher staat hat die größte hauptstadt
+welcher staat hat die größte stadt
+welcher staat hat die größte bevölkerung
+wie lautet der staat mit der größten bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat hat die meisten einwohner
+welcher staat hat die niedrigste bevölkerungsdichte
+welches sind die staaten , welche vom längsten fluss durchflossen werden
+welcher staat hat die kleinste durchschnittliche urbane bevölkerungszahl
+welcher staat hat die meisten städte
+welcher staat hat die meisten wichtigen städte
+welcher staat hat die meisten flüsse
+welches ist der bevölkerungsreichste staat
+welcher staat hat die meisten flüsse
+welcher staat wird von den meisten flüssen durchflossen
+durch welche staaten fließt der kürzeste fluss
+welches ist der staat mit der geringsten flächenausdehnung
+welcher staat hat die kleinste hauptstadt
+welcher staat hat die kleinste anzahl urbaner einwohner
+welcher staat hat die kleinste bevölkerungsdichte
+welches ist der bevölkerungsärmste staat
+welcher staat hat die niedrigsten bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat liegt in austin
+von welchem staat ist austin die hauptstadt
+in welchem staat ist boston
+welcher staat hat columbus als hauptstadt
+in welchem staat liegt dallas
+in welchem staat ist des moines
+in welchem staat liegt miami
+in welchem staat ist pittsburgh
+welches ist der größte staat
+welcher staat hat die größte bevölkerung in den städten
+welcher staat hat die meisten flüsse
+welcher staat , der an texas grenzt , hat die größte bevölkerung
+welches ist der größte an texas grenzende staat
+wie lautet der meistbevölkerte staat , durch welchen der mississippi fluss verläuft
+welche staaten sind neben arizona
+welche staaten grenzen an texas
+welche staaten grenzen an mississippi
+welche staaten grenzen an alaska
+welche staaten grenzen an arkansas
+welche staaten grenzen an delaware
+welche staaten grenzen an florida
+welche staaten grenzen an georgia
+welcher staat grenzt an hawaii
+welche staaten grenzen an indiana
+welche staaten grenzen an kentucky
+welche staaten grenzen an michigan
+welche staaten grenzen an missouri
+wie viele staaten grenzen an montana
+welche staaten grenzen an new hampshire
+welche staaten grenzen an new jersey
+welche staaten grenzen an ohio
+welche staaten grenzen an rhode island
+welche staaten grenzen an staaten , die an colorado grenzen
+welche staaten grenzen an staaten , welche an mississippi grenzen
+welche staaten grenzen an staaten , die an staaten grenzen , die an florida grenzen
+welche staaten grenzen an staaten , welche an staaten grenzen , welche an staaten grenzen , die an texas grenzen
+welche staaten grenzen an staaten , welche an den staat mit der größten bevölkerung grenzen
+welche staaten grenzen an staaten , durch die der mississippi fließt
+welche staaten grenzen an staaten , durch welche der ohio fluss verläuft
+welche staaten grenzen an staaten , durch die der mississippi fließt
+welche staaten grenzen an texas
+welche staaten grenzen an texas und haben einen wichtigen fluss
+welche staaten grenzen an den mississippi fluss
+welche staaten grenzen an den bevölkerungsreichsten staat
+welche staaten grenzen an den staat , welcher an die meisten staaten grenzt
+welche staaten grenzen an den staat mit den meisten städten
+welche staaten grenzen an den staat mit den meisten wichtigsten städten
+welcher staat grenzt an den staat mit der kleinsten fläche
+welche staaten grenzen an die staaten mit den meisten städten
+welche staaten grenzen an wisconsin
+welcher staat hat dover als hauptstadt
+durch welche staaten fließt mindestens einer der hauptflüsse
+durch welche staaten fließt der fluss colorado
+durch welche staaten fließt der delaware
+durch welche staaten verläuft der mississippi
+durch welche staaten fließt der mississippi
+durch welche staaten verläuft der missouri fluss
+durch welche staaten fließt der missouri fluss
+durch welche staaten verläuft der ohio fluss
+durch welche staaten fließt der ohio fluss
+welcher staat hat den kürzesten fluss
+welche staaten haben eine hauptstadt , die der höchste punkt des staates ist
+welche staaten haben städte mit dem namen austin
+welche staaten haben städte die austin heißen
+welche staaten haben städte mit dem namen dallas
+welche staaten haben städte mit dem namen plano
+welche staaten haben städte mit dem namen portland
+in welchen staaten gibt es städte mit dem namen rochester
+welche staaten haben städte mit dem namen salt lake city
+welche staaten haben keine angrenzende staaten
+wie viele staaten haben flüsse mit dem namen colorado
+welche staaten haben einen fluss
+welche staaten haben städte mit dem namen springfield
+welche höchstgelegenen punkte eines staates liegen höher als derjenige von colorado
+welche staaten in den vereinigten staaten habe eine stadt springfield
+welche staaten grenzen an maine
+welche staaten grenzen an kentucky
+welches ist die bevölkerungsreichste stadt von texas
+welches ist die größte stadt
+wo gibt es berge
+wo liegt austin
+wo ist baton rouge
+wo liegt dallas
+wo ist fort wayne
+wo ist houston
+wo ist indianapolis
+wo ist massachusetts
+wo befindet sich mount whitney
+wo liegt mount whitney
+wo liegt new hampshire
+wo ist new orleans
+wo liegt portland
+wo liegt san diego
+wo liegt san jose
+wo liegt scotts valley
+wo ist springfield
+wo liegt der chattahoochee fluss
+wo liegt der höchste berg der usa
+wo liegt der höchste punkt in hawaii
+wo liegt der höchste punkt in montana
+wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in maryland
+wo ist der tiefste punkt in den usa
+wo ist der tiefste punkt in iowa
+wo liegt die am meisten bevölkerte gegend von new mexico
+wo liegt die kleinste stadt
+welches sind die hauptstädte der an texas anliegenden staaten
+welche hauptstädte gehören nicht zu den größten städten
+welche stadt in kalifornien hat die größte bevölkerung
+was ist die dichte des staates , durch den der größte fluss der usa fließt
+wie lautet der höchste gipfel der nicht in alaska liegt
+wie lautet der längste fluss der usa
+wie lautet der niedrigste punkt in den staaten , durch die der mississippi verläuft
+welches ist der kürzeste fluss
+wie lautet der kleinste staat
+welcher der staaten , welche an pennsylvania grenzen , hat die größte bevölkerung
+welcher fluss fließt durch die meisten staaten
+welcher fluss fließt durch die meisten staaten
+welcher fluss fließt durch die meisten staaten
+welcher fluss durchquert die meisten staaten
+welcher fluss verläuft durch alaska
+welche flüsse fließen nicht durch texas
+welche flüsse fließen durch die usa
+welche flüsse gibt es in alaska
+welcher fluss verläuft durch staaten , welche an new mexico grenzen
+welcher fluss verläuft durch staaten , welche an den staat mit der hauptstadt austin grenzen
+welche flüsse fließen durch staaten mit den wenigsten städten
+welche flüsse fließen durch den staat mit der größten stadt in den usa
+welche flüsse verlaufen durch den staat mit der niedrigsten erhebung in den usa
+welche staaten grenzen an kentucky
+welcher staat grenzt an florida
+welcher staat grenzt an hawaii
+welcher staat grenzt an die meisten nachbarstaaten
+welcher staat grenzt an die meisten anderen staaten
+welche hauptstadt hat die kleinste bevölkerung
+welcher staat hat die meisten flüsse
+welcher staat hat die größte bevölkerung
+welcher staat hat die größte bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat hat die meisten einwohner
+welcher staat hat die höchste erhöhung
+in welchem staat liegt der höchste gipfel des landes
+welcher staat beinhaltet den höchsten punkt
+welcher staat hat die größte dichte
+welcher staat hat die größte stadt
+welcher staat hat die höchste bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat hat die geringste bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat hat den längsten fluss
+in welchem staat liegt der tiefste punkt
+in welchem staat liegt der tiefste an idaho grenzende punkt
+welcher staat hat die kleinste bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat hat die meisten wichtigsten städte
+durch welchen staat fließen die meisten großen flüsse
+welcher staat hat die meisten wichtigen flüsse
+welcher staat hat die meisten einwohner
+welcher staat hat die höchste bevölkerung
+durch welchen staat fließen die meisten flüsse
+durch welchen staat verlaufen die meisten flüsse
+welcher staat hat den red fluss
+welcher staat hat die kleinste fläche , die an texas grenzt
+welcher staat hat die geringste bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat hat die geringste bevölkerungsdichte
+welcher staat hat die niedrigste bevölkerungsdichte
+in welchem staat ist kalamazoo
+in welchem staat liegt mount mckinley
+in welchem staat liegt denver
+in welchem staat liegt die größte stadt in montana
+welcher staat ist am kleinsten
+welche staaten grenzen an alabama
+welche staaten grenzen an alabama
+welche staaten grenzen an alaska
+welche staaten grenzen an arizona
+welche staaten grenzen an colorado
+welche staaten grenzen an hawaii
+welche staaten grenzen an illinois
+welche staaten grenzen an iowa
+welche staaten grenzen an kentucky
+welcher staat grenzt an michigan
+welche staaten grenzen an new york
+welche staaten grenzen an keinen anderen staaten
+welche staaten grenzen an south dakota
+welche staaten grenzen an einen staat , durch den der mississippi fließt
+welche staaten grenzen an texas
+welche staaten grenzen an den längsten fluss in den usa
+welche staaten grenzen an den fluss missouri
+welche staaten grenzen an den staat mit der kleinsten flächenausdehnung
+welcher staat hat die größte hauptstadt
+durch welche staaten fließt der colorado fluss
+welche staaten grenzen nicht an texas
+durch welchen staat fließt der chattahoochee fluss
+durch welche staaten verläuft der colorado fluss
+durch welche staaten fließt der längste fluss
+welcher staat hat den längsten fluss
+durch welche staaten verläuft der mississippi fluss
+durch welchen staat fließt der mississippi
+durch welche staaten fließt der missouri
+durch welche staaten fließt der missouri fluss
+welche staaten haben eine wichtige stadt mit dem namen austin
+durch welche staaten fließen flüsse
+in welchen staaten gibt es eine stadt namens austin
+welche staaten haben erhebungen , welche höher sind als der höchste punkt in colorado
+welche staaten haben punkte , die höher liegen als der höchste punkt in texas
+welche staaten liegen entlang des längsten flusses in den vereinigten staaten
+welcher staat in den usa hat die höchste bevölkerungsdichte
diff --git a/data/geoquery/geoquery.en b/data/geoquery/geoquery.en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b37cc13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/geoquery.en
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+give me the cities in virginia
+what are the high points of states surrounding mississippi
+name the rivers in arkansas
+name all the rivers in colorado
+can you tell me the capital of texas
+could you tell me what is the highest point in the state of oregon
+count the states which have elevations lower than what alabama has
+give me all the states of usa
+give me the cities in texas
+give me the cities in usa
+give me the cities in virginia
+give me the cities which are in texas
+give me the lakes in california
+give me the largest state
+give me the longest river that passes through the us
+give me the number of rivers in california
+give me the states that border utah
+how big is alaska
+how big is massachusetts
+how big is new mexico
+how big is north dakota
+how big is texas
+how big is the city of new york
+how high are the highest points of all the states
+how high is guadalupe peak
+how high is mount mckinley
+how high is the highest point in america
+how high is the highest point in montana
+how high is the highest point in the largest state
+how high is the highest point of alabama
+how high is the highest point of delaware
+how high is the highest point of florida
+how high is the highest point of louisiana
+how large is alaska
+how large is texas
+how large is the largest city in alaska
+how long is rio grande
+how long is the colorado river
+how long is the delaware river
+how long is the longest river in california
+how long is the longest river in the usa
+how long is the mississippi
+how long is the mississippi river
+how long is the mississippi river in miles
+how long is the missouri river
+how long is the north platte river
+how long is the ohio river
+how long is the rio grande river
+how long is the shortest river in the usa
+how many big cities are in pennsylvania
+how many capitals does rhode island have
+how many cities are in louisiana
+how many cities are in montana
+how many cities are there in the united states
+how many cities are there in the us
+how many cities are there in us
+how many cities are there in usa
+how many cities does texas have
+how many cities does the usa have
+how many cities named austin are there in the usa
+how many citizens does the biggest city have in the usa
+how many citizens in alabama
+how many citizens in boulder
+how many citizens live in california
+how many colorado rivers are there
+how many inhabitants does montgomery have
+how many major cities are in arizona
+how many major cities are in florida
+how many major cities are in states bordering nebraska
+how many major cities are in states bordering utah
+how many major cities are in texas
+how many major cities are there
+how many major cities are there in oregon
+how many major rivers cross ohio
+how many people are in the state of nevada
+how many people are there in iowa
+how many people are there in new york
+how many people in boulder
+how many people live in austin
+how many people live in austin texas
+how many people live in california
+how many people live in chicago
+how many people live in detroit
+how many people live in hawaii
+how many people live in houston
+how many people live in kalamazoo
+how many people live in kansas
+how many people live in minneapolis minnesota
+how many people live in mississippi
+how many people live in montana
+how many people live in new hampshire
+how many people live in new mexico
+how many people live in new york
+how many people live in rhode island
+how many people live in riverside
+how many people live in san francisco
+how many people live in south dakota
+how many people live in spokane washington
+how many people live in texas
+how many people live in the biggest city in new york state
+how many people live in the capital of georgia
+how many people live in the capital of texas
+how many people live in the smallest state bordering wyoming
+how many people live in the state with the largest population density
+how many people live in the united states
+how many people live in washington
+how many people live in washington dc
+how many people lived in austin
+how many people reside in utah
+how many people stay in utah
+how many residents live in texas
+how many rivers are called colorado
+how many rivers are found in colorado
+how many rivers are in colorado
+how many rivers are in iowa
+how many rivers are in missouri
+how many rivers are in new york
+how many rivers are in the state that has the most rivers
+how many rivers are in the state with the highest point
+how many rivers are in the state with the largest population
+how many rivers are there in idaho
+how many rivers are there in texas
+how many rivers are there in us
+how many rivers do not traverse the state with the capital albany
+how many rivers does alaska have
+how many rivers does colorado have
+how many rivers in texas are longer than the red
+how many rivers in washington
+how many rivers run through texas
+how many rivers run through the states bordering colorado
+how many square kilometers in the us
+how many states are in the united states
+how many states are in the usa
+how many states are next to major rivers
+how many states are there
+how many states are there in the usa
+how many states are there in united states
+how many states border alaska
+how many states border at least one other state
+how many states border colorado and border new mexico
+how many states border hawaii
+how many states border iowa
+how many states border on the state whose capital is boston
+how many states border tennessee
+how many states border texas
+how many states border the largest state
+how many states border the mississippi river
+how many states border the state that borders the most states
+how many states border the state with the largest population
+how many states do not have rivers
+how many states does iowa border
+how many states does missouri border
+how many states does tennessee border
+how many states does the colorado river flow through
+how many states does the colorado river run through
+how many states does the mississippi river run through
+how many states does the mississippi run through
+how many states does the missouri river run through
+how many states does usa have
+how many states have a city called rochester
+how many states have a city named springfield
+how many states have a higher point than the highest point of the state with the largest capital city in the us
+how many states have cities named austin
+how many states have cities or towns named springfield
+how many states have major rivers
+how many states in the us does the shortest river run through
+how much population does texas have
+how tall is mount mckinley
+how tall is the highest point in montana
+in what state is mount mckinley
+in which state does the highest point in usa exist
+in which state is rochester
+iowa borders how many states
+list the states
+name all the lakes of us
+name all the rivers in colorado
+name the 50 capitals in the usa
+name the longest river in us
+name the major lakes in michigan
+name the major rivers in florida
+name the rivers in arkansas
+name the states which have no surrounding states
+number of citizens in boulder
+number of people in boulder
+number of states bordering iowa
+of the states washed by the mississippi river which has the lowest point
+people in boulder
+population of boulder
+rivers in new york
+sacramento is the capital of which state
+san antonio is in what state
+show major cities in colorado
+show me all the major lakes in the us
+state the state with the largest area
+states bordering iowa
+tell me what cities are in texas
+through which states does the longest river in texas run
+through which states does the mississippi flow
+through which states does the mississippi run
+what are all the rivers in texas
+what are major rivers in texas
+what are the biggest rivers in texas
+what are the capital cities of the states which border texas
+what is the capital city in texas
+what are the capitals of states that border missouri
+what are the capitals of the states that border texas
+what are the cities in california
+what are the cities in states through which the mississippi runs
+what are the cities of the state with the highest point
+what are the highest points of all the states
+what are the highest points of states surrounding mississippi
+what are the lakes in states bordering texas
+what are the largest cities in the states that border the largest state
+what are the major cities in alabama
+what are the major cities in alaska
+what are the major cities in california
+what are the major cities in delaware
+what are the major cities in kansas
+what are the major cities in missouri
+what are the major cities in new mexico
+what are the major cities in new york
+what are the major cities in north carolina
+what are the major cities in ohio
+what are the major cities in oklahoma
+what are the major cities in rhode island
+what are the major cities in states through which the mississippi runs
+what are the major cities in texas
+what are the major cities in the largest state
+what are the major cities in the smallest state in the us
+what are the major cities in the state of california
+what are the major cities in the states through which the major river in virginia runs
+what are the major cities in the usa
+what are the major cities in vermont
+what are the major cities in wyoming
+what are the major cities of texas
+what are the major cities of the united states
+what are the major cities of the us
+what are the major lakes in united states
+what are the major rivers in ohio
+what are the major rivers in the us
+what are the names of the major cities in illinois
+what are the neighboring states for michigan
+what are the population densities of each us state
+what is the population of mississippi
+what are the populations of all the major cities in montana
+what are the populations of states through which the mississippi river runs
+what are the populations of states through which the mississippi river runs
+what are the populations of states through which the mississippi runs
+what are the populations of states through which the mississippi runs
+what are the populations of states which border texas
+what are the populations of the major cities of texas
+what are the populations of the states through which the mississippi river runs
+what are the populations of the states through which the mississippi river runs
+what are the populations of the states through which the mississippi runs
+what are the populations of the states through which the mississippi runs
+what are the rivers in alaska
+what are the rivers in the state of indiana
+what are the rivers in the state of texas
+what are the rivers of montana
+what are the states
+what are the states that border the state with the greatest population
+what are the states that the potomac runs through
+what are the states through which the longest river runs
+what can you tell me about the population of missouri
+what capital has the largest population
+what capital is the largest in the us
+what cities are located in pennsylvania
+what cities in california
+what cities in texas have the highest number of citizens
+what cities in texas have the highest populations
+what city has the largest population
+what city has the least population
+what city has the most people
+what city in the united states has the highest population density
+what is capital of iowa
+what is capital of the state with the lowest point
+what is largest capital
+what is the adjacent state of california
+what is the area of alaska
+what is the area of all the states combined
+what is the area of california
+what is the area of florida
+what is the area of idaho
+what is the area of maine
+what is the area of maryland in square kilometers
+what is the area of new mexico
+what is the area of ohio
+what is the area of seattle
+what is the area of south carolina
+what is the area of texas
+what is the area of the largest state
+what is the area of the smallest state
+what is the area of the state with the capital albany
+what is the area of the state with the smallest population density
+what is the area of the states
+what is the area of the texas state
+what is the area of wisconsin
+what is the average population of the us by state
+what is the average population per square km in pennsylvania
+what is the average population per square km in the us
+what is the biggest american city in a state with a river
+what is the biggest capital city in the us
+what is the biggest city in arizona
+what is the biggest city in georgia
+what is the biggest city in kansas
+what is the biggest city in louisiana
+what is the biggest city in nebraska
+what is the biggest city in oregon
+what is the biggest city in texas
+what is the biggest city in the smallest state
+what is the biggest city in the us
+what is the biggest city in the usa
+what is the biggest city in usa
+what is the biggest city in wyoming
+what is the biggest river in illinois
+what is the biggest state
+what is the biggest state in continental us
+what is the biggest state in the usa
+what is the capital city of the largest state in the us
+what is the capital of california
+what is the capital of colorado
+what is the capital of georgia
+what is the capital of hawaii
+what is the capital of illinois
+what is the capital of indiana
+what is the capital of iowa
+what is the capital of maine
+what is the capital of maryland
+what is the capital of massachusetts
+what is the capital of michigan
+what is the capital of new hampshire
+what is the capital of new jersey
+what is the capital of new york
+what is the capital of north dakota
+what is the capital of ohio
+what is the capital of pennsylvania
+what is the capital of states that have cities named durham
+what is the capital of texas
+what is the capital of the alabama state
+what is the capital of the florida state
+what is the capital of the largest state
+what is the capital of the smallest state
+what is the capital of the state texas
+what is the capital of the state that borders the most states
+what is the capital of the state that borders the state that borders texas
+what is the capital of the state with the highest elevation
+what is the capital of the state with the highest point
+what is the capital of the state with the largest population
+what is the capital of the state with the largest population density
+what is the capital of the state with the longest river
+what is the capital of the state with the most inhabitants
+what is the capital of utah
+what is the capital of vermont
+what is the capital of washington
+what is the city in texas with the largest population
+what is the city with the smallest population
+what is the combined area of all 50 states
+what is the combined population of all 50 states
+what is the density of texas
+what is the density of the new york
+what is the elevation of death valley
+what is the elevation of the highest point in the usa
+what is the height of mount mckinley
+what is the height of the highest mountain in texas
+what is the height of the highest point in the usa
+what is the high point of wyoming
+what is the highest elevation in new mexico
+what is the highest elevation in south carolina
+what is the highest elevation in texas
+what is the highest elevation in the united states
+what is the highest mountain in alaska
+what is the highest mountain in texas
+what is the highest mountain in the us
+what is the highest mountain in us
+what is the highest point in colorado
+what is the highest point in delaware
+what is the highest point in each state whose lowest point is sea level
+what is the highest point in florida
+what is the highest point in iowa
+what is the highest point in kansas
+what is the highest point in maine
+what is the highest point in montana
+what is the highest point in nevada in meters
+what is the highest point in new mexico
+what is the highest point in ohio
+what is the highest point in rhode island
+what is the highest point in states bordering georgia
+what is the highest point in texas
+what is the highest point in the country
+what is the highest point in the smallest state
+what is the highest point in the state with capital austin
+what is the highest point in the state with capital des moines
+what is the highest point in the state with the capital des moines
+what is the highest point in the state with the most rivers
+what is the highest point in the state with the smallest population
+what is the highest point in the states bordering colorado
+what is the highest point in the united states
+what is the highest point in the us
+what is the highest point in the usa
+what is the highest point in virginia
+what is the highest point in wyoming
+what is the highest point of the state with the largest area
+what is the highest point of the state with the smallest population density
+what is the highest point of the usa
+what is the largest capital
+what is the largest capital city in the usa
+what is the largest city in a state that borders texas
+what is the largest city in alabama
+what is the largest city in california
+what is the largest city in michigan
+what is the largest city in minnesota by population
+what is the largest city in missouri
+what is the largest city in rhode island
+what is the largest city in smallest state through which the mississippi runs
+what is the largest city in states that border california
+what is the largest city in texas
+what is the largest city in the smallest state in the usa
+what is the largest city in wisconsin
+what is the largest city of kansas
+what is the largest of the states that the rio grande runs through
+what is the largest river in washington state
+what is the largest state
+what is the largest state bordering arkansas
+what is the largest state bordering texas
+what is the largest state capital in population
+what is the largest state in the us
+what is the largest state in usa
+what is the largest state that borders california
+what is the largest state that borders texas
+what is the largest state that borders the state with the highest population
+what is the largest state that borders the state with the lowest point in the usa
+what is the largest state traversed by the mississippi river
+what is the least populous state
+what is the length of the colorado river
+what is the length of the colorado river in texas
+what is the length of the longest river in the usa
+what is the length of the longest river that runs through texas
+what is the length of the mississippi river
+what is the length of the river that flows through the most states
+what is the length of the river that runs through the most number of states
+what is the length of the river that runs through the most states
+what is the length of the river that traverses the most states
+what is the longest river
+what is the longest river flowing through new york
+what is the longest river in america
+what is the longest river in california
+what is the longest river in florida
+what is the longest river in mississippi
+what is the longest river in new york
+what is the longest river in pennsylvania
+what is the longest river in texas
+what is the longest river in the largest state
+what is the longest river in the smallest state in the usa
+what is the longest river in the state with the highest point
+what is the longest river in the state with the most major cities
+what is the longest river in the states that border nebraska
+what is the longest river in the united states
+what is the longest river in the us
+what is the longest river that does not run through texas
+what is the longest river that flows through a state that borders indiana
+what is the longest river that flows through colorado
+what is the longest river that passes the states that border the state that borders the most states
+what is the longest river that runs through a state that borders tennessee
+what is the lowest elevation in pennsylvania
+what is the lowest point in arkansas
+what is the lowest point in california
+what is the lowest point in louisiana
+what is the lowest point in massachusetts
+what is the lowest point in mississippi
+what is the lowest point in nebraska in meters
+what is the lowest point in oregon
+what is the lowest point in texas
+what is the lowest point in the state of california
+what is the lowest point in the state of texas
+what is the lowest point in the united states
+what is the lowest point in usa
+what is the lowest point in wisconsin
+what is the lowest point of all states through which the colorado river runs through
+what is the lowest point of colorado
+what is the lowest point of the state with the largest area
+what is the lowest point of the us
+what is the major cities in montana
+what is the maximum elevation of san francisco
+what is the most dense state in the usa
+what is the most populated capital in the usa
+what is the most populated state bordering oklahoma
+what is the most populous city
+what is the most populous city in texas
+what is the most populous city in wyoming
+what is the most populous state
+what is the most populous state in the us
+what is the most populous state through which the mississippi runs
+what is the name of the state with the lowest point
+what is the number of neighboring states for kentucky
+what is the population density in the state with capital austin
+what is the population density of maine
+what is the population density of south dakota
+what is the population density of texas
+what is the population density of the largest state
+what is the population density of the smallest state
+what is the population density of the state with the smallest area
+what is the population density of the state with the smallest population
+what is the population density of wyoming
+what is the population in boston
+what is the population of alaska
+what is the population of arizona
+what is the population of atlanta
+what is the population of atlanta ga
+what is the population of austin
+what is the population of austin texas
+what is the population of boston massachusetts
+what is the population of boulder
+what is the population of california
+what is the population of dallas
+what is the population of denver
+what is the population of erie pennsylvania
+what is the population of hawaii
+what is the population of houston
+what is the population of idaho
+what is the population of illinois
+what is the population of maine
+what is the population of maryland
+what is the population of minnesota
+what is the population of montana
+what is the population of new mexico
+what is the population of new york
+what is the population of new york city
+what is the population of oregon
+what is the population of portland maine
+what is the population of rhode island
+what is the population of sacramento
+what is the population of san antonio
+what is the population of seattle
+what is the population of seattle washington
+what is the population of south dakota
+what is the population of springfield missouri
+what is the population of springfield south dakota
+what is the population of tempe arizona
+what is the population of texas
+what is the population of the capital of the largest state
+what is the population of the capital of the largest state through which the mississippi runs
+what is the population of the capital of the smallest state
+what is the population of the largest city in the state with the largest area
+what is the population of the largest state
+what is the population of the largest state that borders texas
+what is the population of the major cities in wisconsin
+what is the population of the smallest state
+what is the population of the state that borders the most states
+what is the population of the state with the highest population density
+what is the population of the state with the largest area
+what is the population of tucson
+what is the population of utah
+what is the population of washington
+what is the population of washington dc
+what is the river that cross over ohio
+what is the shortest river
+what is the shortest river in alaska
+what is the shortest river in iowa
+what is the shortest river in nebraska
+what is the shortest river in texas
+what is the shortest river in the united states
+what is the shortest river in the us
+what is the shortest river in the usa
+what is the size of california
+what is the size of florida
+what is the size of texas
+what is the size of the capital of texas
+what is the size of the largest state in the usa
+what is the smallest city in alaska
+what is the smallest city in arkansas
+what is the smallest city in hawaii
+what is the smallest city in the largest state
+what is the smallest city in the us
+what is the smallest city in the usa
+what is the smallest city in washington
+what is the smallest city of the smallest state in the us
+what is the smallest state bordering ohio
+what is the smallest state bordering wyoming
+what is the smallest state by area
+what is the smallest state in the usa
+what is the smallest state that borders texas
+what is the smallest state that borders the most states
+what is the smallest state that the mississippi river runs through
+what is the smallest state through which the longest river runs
+what is the state that contains the highest point
+what is the state with the highest elevation in the united states
+what is the state with the largest area
+what is the state with the largest density in usa
+what is the state with the largest population density
+what is the state with the lowest point
+what is the state with the lowest population
+what is the state with the lowest population density
+what is the state with the smallest area
+what is the tallest mountain in america
+what is the tallest mountain in the united states
+what is the total area of the usa
+what is the total length of all rivers in the usa
+what is the total population of the states that border texas
+what length is the mississippi
+what major cities are located in pennsylvania
+what major rivers run through illinois
+what mountains are in alaska
+what river flows through kansas
+what river flows through texas
+what river flows through the most states
+what river is the longest one in the united states
+what river runs through illinois
+what river runs through the most states
+what river runs through the state with the most cities
+what river runs through virginia
+what river traverses the most states
+what river traverses the state which borders the most states
+what rivers are in nevada
+what rivers are in new mexico
+what rivers are in oregon
+what rivers are in states that border texas
+what rivers are in texas
+what rivers are in utah
+what rivers are there in texas
+what rivers do not run through tennessee
+what rivers flow through colorado
+what rivers flow through missouri
+what rivers flow through states that alabama borders
+what rivers flow through states that border the state with the largest population
+what rivers flow through the largest state
+what rivers flow through the state with the largest population
+what rivers run through arizona
+what rivers run through austin texas
+what rivers run through colorado
+what rivers run through louisiana
+what rivers run through maine
+what rivers run through new york
+what rivers run through the state with the lowest point in the usa
+what rivers run through the states that border the state with the capital atlanta
+what rivers run through west virginia
+what rivers traverses the state which borders the most states
+what state bordering nevada has the largest population
+what state borders michigan
+what state borders most other states
+what state borders new york
+what state borders the least states
+what state borders the least states excluding alaska and excluding hawaii
+what state borders the most states
+what state borders the state with the smallest population
+what state contains the highest point in the us
+what state contains the highest point of those the colorado river traverses
+what state has highest elevation
+what state has no rivers
+what state has the capital salem
+what state has the city flint
+what state has the city with the largest population
+what state has the city with the most population
+what state has the greatest population density
+what state has the highest elevation
+what state has the highest population
+what state has the highest population density
+what state has the largest area
+what state has the largest capital
+what state has the largest city
+what state has the largest population
+what state has the largest population density
+what state has the largest urban population
+what state has the least population density
+what state has the longest river
+what state has the lowest population density
+what state has the most cities
+what state has the most major cities
+what state has the most major rivers running through it
+what state has the most people
+what state has the most rivers
+what state has the most rivers running through it
+what state has the shortest river
+what state has the smallest area
+what state has the smallest capital
+what state has the smallest population
+what state has the smallest population density
+what state has the smallest urban population
+what state has the sparsest population density
+what state is austin in
+what state is austin the capital of
+what state is boston in
+what state is columbus the capital of
+what state is dallas in
+what state is des moines located in
+what state is miami in
+what state is pittsburgh in
+what state is the biggest
+what state is the largest in population
+what state is the state with the most rivers
+what state that borders texas has the highest population
+what state that borders texas is the largest
+what state which the mississippi runs through has the largest population
+what states are next to arizona
+what states are next to texas
+what states are next to the mississippi
+what states border alaska
+what states border arkansas
+what states border delaware
+what states border florida
+what states border georgia
+what states border hawaii
+what states border indiana
+what states border kentucky
+what states border michigan
+what states border missouri
+what states border montana
+what states border new hampshire
+what states border new jersey
+what states border ohio
+what states border rhode island
+what states border states that border colorado
+what states border states that border mississippi
+what states border states that border states that border florida
+what states border states that border states that border states that border texas
+what states border states that border the state with the largest population
+what states border states that the mississippi runs through
+what states border states that the ohio runs through
+what states border states which the mississippi runs through
+what states border texas
+what states border texas and have a major river
+what states border the mississippi river
+what states border the most populous state
+what states border the state that borders the most states
+what states border the state with the most cities
+what states border the state with the most major cities
+what states border the state with the smallest area
+what states border the states with the most cities
+what states border wisconsin
+what state 's capital is dover
+what states contain at least one major rivers
+what states does the colorado river run through
+what states does the delaware river run through
+what states does the mississippi river run through
+what states does the mississippi run through
+what states does the missouri river run through
+what states does the missouri run through
+what states does the ohio river go through
+what states does the ohio river run through
+what states does the shortest river run through
+what states have a capital that is the highest point in the state
+what states have a city named austin
+what states have cities named austin
+what states have cities named dallas
+what states have cities named plano
+what states have cities named portland
+what states have cities named rochester
+what states have cities named salt lake city
+what states have no bordering state
+what states have rivers named colorado
+what states have rivers running through them
+what states have towns named springfield
+what state 's high point is higher than that of colorado
+what states in the united states have a city of springfield
+what states neighbor maine
+what states surround kentucky
+what texas city has the largest population
+what 's the largest city
+where are mountains
+where is austin
+where is baton rouge
+where is dallas
+where is fort wayne
+where is houston
+where is indianapolis
+where is massachusetts
+where is mount whitney
+where is mount whitney located
+where is new hampshire
+where is new orleans
+where is portland
+where is san diego
+where is san jose
+where is scotts valley
+where is springfield
+where is the chattahoochee river
+where is the highest mountain of the united states
+where is the highest point in hawaii
+where is the highest point in montana
+where is the lowest point in maryland
+where is the lowest point in the us
+where is the lowest spot in iowa
+where is the most populated area of new mexico
+where is the smallest city
+which capitals are in the states that border texas
+which capitals are not major cities
+which city in california has the largest population
+which is the density of the state that the largest river in the united states runs through
+which is the highest peak not in alaska
+which is the longest river in usa
+which is the lowest point of the states that the mississippi runs through
+which is the shortest river
+which is the smallest state
+which of the states bordering pennsylvania has the largest population
+which river goes through the most states
+which river runs through most states
+which river runs through the most states
+which river traverses most states
+which rivers are in alaska
+which rivers do not run through texas
+which rivers do not run through usa
+which rivers flow through alaska
+which rivers run through states bordering new mexico
+which rivers run through states that border the state with the capital austin
+which rivers run through states with fewest cities
+which rivers run through the state with the largest city in the us
+which rivers run through the state with the lowest elevation in the usa
+which state border kentucky
+which state borders florida
+which state borders hawaii
+which state borders most states
+which state borders the most states
+which state capital has the smallest population
+which state contains most rivers
+which state has the biggest population
+which state has the greatest density
+which state has the greatest population
+which state has the highest elevation
+which state has the highest peak in the country
+which state has the highest point
+which state has the highest population density
+which state has the largest city
+which state has the largest density
+which state has the least population density
+which state has the longest river
+which state has the lowest elevation
+which state has the lowest point that borders idaho
+which state has the lowest population density
+which state has the most major cities
+which state has the most major rivers
+which state has the most major rivers running through it
+which state has the most people
+which state has the most population
+which state has the most rivers
+which state has the most rivers running through it
+which state has the red river
+which state has the smallest area that borders texas
+which state has the smallest average urban population
+which state has the smallest population density
+which state has the sparsest population density
+which state is kalamazoo in
+which state is mount mckinley in
+which state is the city denver located in
+which state is the largest city in montana in
+which state is the smallest
+which states adjoin alabama
+which states border alabama
+which states border alaska
+which states border arizona
+which states border colorado
+which states border hawaii
+which states border illinois
+which states border iowa
+which states border kentucky
+which states border michigan
+which states border new york
+which states border no other states
+which states border south dakota
+which states border states through which the mississippi traverses
+which states border texas
+which states border the longest river in the usa
+which states border the missouri river
+which states border the state with the smallest area
+which state 's capital city is the largest
+which states do colorado river flow through
+which states does not border texas
+which states does the chattahoochee river run through
+which states does the colorado river run through
+which states does the longest river cross
+which states does the longest river run through
+which states does the mississippi river run through
+which states does the mississippi run through
+which states does the missouri river pass through
+which states does the missouri river run through
+which states have a major city named austin
+which states have a river
+which states have cities named austin
+which states have points higher than the highest point in colorado
+which states have points that are higher than the highest point in texas
+which states lie on the largest river in the united states
+which us city has the highest population density
diff --git a/data/geoquery/geoquery.funql b/data/geoquery/geoquery.funql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a2973f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/geoquery.funql
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+answer(size(stateid('new mexico')))
+answer(size(stateid('north dakota')))
+answer(size(city(cityid('new york', _))))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('guadalupe peak')))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('mount mckinley')))
+answer(len(riverid('rio grande')))
+answer(len(river(riverid('north platte'))))
+answer(len(river(riverid('rio grande'))))
+answer(count(capital(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+answer(count(intersection(city(cityid('austin', _)), loc_2(countryid('usa')))))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('montgomery', _)))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new york')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', 'tx')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('chicago', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('detroit', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('houston', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('kalamazoo', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('minneapolis', 'mn')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new hampshire')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new mexico')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new york')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('rhode island')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('riverside', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('san francisco', _)))
+answer(population_1(stateid('south dakota')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('spokane', 'wa')))
+answer(population_1(largest(city(loc_2(state(stateid('new york')))))))
+answer(population_1(cityid('washington', 'dc')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+answer(count(river(loc_2(stateid('new york')))))
+answer(count(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('albany', _))))))))
+answer(count(intersection(river(loc_2(stateid('texas'))), longer(riverid('red')))))
+answer(count(state(intersection(next_to_2(stateid('colorado')), next_to_2(stateid('new mexico'))))))
+answer(count(state(next_to_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('boston', _))))))))
+answer(count(exclude(state(all), loc_1(river(all)))))
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('rochester', _))))))
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _))))))
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _))))))
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _))))))
+answer(count(intersection(state(loc_2(countryid('usa'))), traverse_1(shortest(river(all))))))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('mount mckinley')))
+answer(state(loc_1(placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('rochester', _))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(state(all))))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(river(loc_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('sacramento', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('san antonio', _))))
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('new mexico')))))
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('new york')))))
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('north carolina')))))
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+answer(area_1(stateid('new mexico')))
+answer(area_1(cityid('seattle', _)))
+answer(area_1(stateid('south carolina')))
+answer(area_1(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('albany', _))))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('new hampshire'))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('new jersey'))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('north dakota'))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(state(loc_1(city(cityid('durham', _)))))))
+answer(density_1(stateid('new york')))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('death valley')))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('mount mckinley')))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('new mexico')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('south carolina')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('new mexico')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _))))))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('des moines', _))))))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('des moines', _))))))))
+answer(largest(city(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+answer(largest(state(traverse_1(riverid('rio grande')))))
+answer(len(intersection(riverid('colorado'), river(loc_2(stateid('texas'))))))
+answer(longest(river(traverse_2(stateid('new york')))))
+answer(longest(river(loc_2(stateid('new york')))))
+answer(longest(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(stateid('texas')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(cityid('san francisco', _)))))
+answer(density_1(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _))))))
+answer(density_1(stateid('south dakota')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boston', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('atlanta', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('atlanta', 'ga')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', 'tx')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boston', 'ma')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('dallas', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('denver', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('erie', 'pa')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('houston', _)))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new mexico')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new york')))
+answer(population_1(city(cityid('new york', _))))
+answer(population_1(cityid('portland', 'me')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('rhode island')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('sacramento', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('san antonio', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('seattle', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('seattle', 'wa')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('south dakota')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('springfield', 'mo')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('springfield', 'sd')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('tempe', 'az')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('tucson', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('washington', 'dc')))
+answer(river(loc_2(stateid('new mexico'))))
+answer(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(stateid('tennessee'))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(cityid('austin', 'tx'))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(state(next_to_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('atlanta', _)))))))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(stateid('west virginia'))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(fewest(state(next_to_2(exclude(exclude(state(all), stateid('alaska')), stateid('hawaii'))))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), loc_1(river(all))))
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('salem', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('flint', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('austin', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('boston', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('columbus', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('dallas', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('des moines', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('miami', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('pittsburgh', _))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new hampshire'))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new jersey'))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('rhode island'))))
+answer(intersection(state(next_to_2(stateid('texas'))), loc_1(major(river(all)))))
+answer(state(capital_2(cityid('dover', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('dallas', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('plano', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('portland', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('rochester', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('salt lake city', _)))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(state(all))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _)))))
+answer(intersection(state(loc_2(countryid('usa'))), loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _)))))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('baton rouge', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('dallas', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('fort wayne', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('houston', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('indianapolis', _)))
+answer(loc_1(placeid('mount whitney')))
+answer(loc_1(placeid('mount whitney')))
+answer(loc_1(stateid('new hampshire')))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('new orleans', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('portland', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('san diego', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('san jose', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('scotts valley', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('springfield', _)))
+answer(largest_one(population_1(city(loc_2(stateid('new mexico'))))))
+answer(exclude(capital(all), major(city(all))))
+answer(highest(exclude(mountain(all), loc_2(stateid('alaska')))))
+answer(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(stateid('texas'))))
+answer(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(countryid('usa'))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(state(next_to_2(stateid('new mexico'))))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(state(next_to_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _)))))))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('kalamazoo', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('denver', _)))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(state(all))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('south dakota'))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(stateid('texas'))))
+answer(state(loc_1(major(city(cityid('austin', _))))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _)))))
diff --git a/data/geoquery/ b/data/geoquery/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3697dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+[cityid(alexandria,va),cityid(arlington,va),cityid(chesapeake,va),cityid(hampton,va),cityid(lynchburg,va),cityid('newport news',va),cityid(norfolk,va),cityid(portsmouth,va),cityid(richmond,va),cityid(roanoke,va),cityid('virginia beach',va)]
+[placeid('cheaha mountain'),placeid('clingmans dome'),placeid('driskill mountain'),placeid('magazine mountain')]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(mississippi),riverid(ouachita),riverid(red),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(white)]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(canadian),riverid(colorado),riverid(green),riverid('north platte'),riverid(republican),riverid('rio grande'),riverid('san juan'),riverid('smoky hill'),riverid('south platte')]
+[placeid('mount hood')]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(alaska),stateid(arizona),stateid(arkansas),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(connecticut),stateid(delaware),stateid('district of columbia'),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(hawaii),stateid(idaho),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(maine),stateid(maryland),stateid(massachusetts),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new hampshire'),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new mexico'),stateid('new york'),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(oregon),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('rhode island'),stateid('south carolina'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(vermont),stateid(virginia),stateid(washington),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin),stateid(wyoming)]
+[cityid(abilene,tx),cityid(amarillo,tx),cityid(arlington,tx),cityid(austin,tx),cityid(beaumont,tx),cityid(brownsville,tx),cityid('corpus christi',tx),cityid(dallas,tx),cityid('el paso',tx),cityid('fort worth',tx),cityid(garland,tx),cityid('grand prairie',tx),cityid(houston,tx),cityid(irving,tx),cityid(laredo,tx),cityid(longview,tx),cityid(lubbock,tx),cityid(mcallen,tx),cityid(mesquite,tx),cityid(midland,tx),cityid(odessa,tx),cityid(pasadena,tx),cityid(plano,tx),cityid('port arthur',tx),cityid(richardson,tx),cityid('san angelo',tx),cityid('san antonio',tx),cityid(tyler,tx),cityid(waco,tx),cityid('wichita falls',tx)]
+[cityid(abilene,tx),cityid(abingdon,pa),cityid(akron,oh),cityid(alameda,ca),cityid(albany,ga),cityid(albany,ny),cityid(albuquerque,nm),cityid(alexandria,va),cityid(alhambra,ca),cityid(allentown,pa),cityid(altoona,pa),cityid(amarillo,tx),cityid(anaheim,ca),cityid(anchorage,ak),cityid(anderson,in),cityid('ann arbor',mi),cityid(appleton,wi),cityid(arlington,tx),cityid(arlington,va),cityid('arlington heights',il),cityid(arvada,co),cityid(atlanta,ga),cityid(aurora,co),cityid(aurora,il),cityid(austin,tx),cityid(bakersfield,ca),cityid(baltimore,md),cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid(bayonne,nj),cityid(beaumont,tx),cityid(bellevue,wa),cityid(berkeley,ca),cityid(bethesda,md),cityid(bethlehem,pa),cityid(billings,mt),cityid(birmingham,al),cityid(bloomington,mn),cityid(boise,id),cityid(boston,ma),cityid(boulder,co),cityid(bridgeport,ct),cityid(bristol,ct),cityid('bristol township',pa),cityid(brockton,ma),cityid(brownsville,tx),cityid('buena park',ca),cityid(buffalo,ny),cityid(burbank,ca),cityid(cambridge,ma),cityid(camden,nj),cityid(canton,oh),cityid(carson,ca),cityid(casper,wy),cityid('cedar rapids',ia),cityid(champaign,il),cityid(charleston,sc),cityid(charleston,wv),cityid(charlotte,nc),cityid(chattanooga,tn),cityid(cheektowaga,ny),cityid('cherry hill',nj),cityid(chesapeake,va),cityid(chicago,il),cityid('chula vista',ca),cityid(cicero,il),cityid(cincinnati,oh),cityid('citrus heights',ca),cityid(clearwater,fl),cityid(cleveland,oh),cityid(clifton,nj),cityid(clinton,mi),cityid('colorado springs',co),cityid(columbia,mo),cityid(columbia,sc),cityid(columbus,ga),cityid(columbus,oh),cityid(compton,ca),cityid(concord,ca),cityid('corpus christi',tx),cityid('costa mesa',ca),cityid(cranston,ri),cityid(dallas,tx),cityid('daly city',ca),cityid(danbury,ct),cityid(davenport,ia),cityid(dayton,oh),cityid(dearborn,mi),cityid('dearborn heights',mi),cityid(decatur,il),cityid(denver,co),cityid('des moines',ia),cityid(detroit,mi),cityid(downey,ca),cityid(dubuque,ia),cityid(duluth,mn),cityid(dundalk,md),cityid(durham,nc),cityid('east los angeles',ca),cityid('east orange',nj),cityid(edison,nj),cityid('el cajon',ca),cityid('el monte',ca),cityid('el paso',tx),cityid(elgin,il),cityid(elizabeth,nj),cityid(elyria,oh),cityid(erie,pa),cityid(escondido,ca),cityid(euclid,oh),cityid(eugene,or),cityid(evanston,il),cityid(evansville,in),cityid(ewa,hi),cityid(fairfield,ca),cityid('fall river',ma),cityid(fargo,nd),cityid('farmington hills',mi),cityid(fayetteville,nc),cityid(flint,mi),cityid('fort collins',co),cityid('fort lauderdale',fl),cityid('fort smith',ar),cityid('fort wayne',in),cityid('fort worth',tx),cityid(framingham,ma),cityid(fremont,ca),cityid(fresno,ca),cityid(fullerton,ca),cityid(gainesville,fl),cityid('garden grove',ca),cityid(garland,tx),cityid(gary,in),cityid(glendale,az),cityid(glendale,ca),cityid('grand prairie',tx),cityid('grand rapids',mi),cityid('great falls',mt),cityid('green bay',wi),cityid(greensboro,nc),cityid(greenville,sc),cityid(greenwich,ct),cityid(hamilton,oh),cityid(hammond,in),cityid(hampton,va),cityid(hartford,ct),cityid(hayward,ca),cityid('high point',nc),cityid(hollywood,fl),cityid(honolulu,hi),cityid(houston,tx),cityid(huntington,wv),cityid('huntington beach',ca),cityid(huntsville,al),cityid(independence,mo),cityid(indianapolis,in),cityid(inglewood,ca),cityid(irondequoit,ny),cityid(irvine,ca),cityid(irving,tx),cityid(irvington,nj),cityid(jackson,ms),cityid(jacksonville,fl),cityid('jersey city',nj),cityid(joliet,il),cityid(kalamazoo,mi),cityid('kansas city',ks),cityid('kansas city',mo),cityid(kendall,fl),cityid(kenner,la),cityid(kenosha,wi),cityid(kettering,oh),cityid(knoxville,tn),cityid(koolaupoko,hi),cityid(lafayette,la),cityid('lake charles',la),cityid(lakewood,ca),cityid(lakewood,co),cityid(lakewood,oh),cityid(lansing,mi),cityid(laredo,tx),cityid(largo,fl),cityid('las vegas',nv),cityid(lawrence,ma),cityid(lawton,ok),cityid(levittown,ny),cityid(lexington,ky),cityid(lincoln,ne),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid(livonia,mi),cityid('long beach',ca),cityid(longview,tx),cityid(lorain,oh),cityid('los angeles',ca),cityid(louisville,ky),cityid(lowell,ma),cityid('lower merion',pa),cityid(lubbock,tx),cityid(lynchburg,va),cityid(lynn,ma),cityid(macon,ga),cityid(madison,wi),cityid(manchester,nh),cityid(mcallen,tx),cityid(medford,ma),cityid(memphis,tn),cityid(meriden,ct),cityid(mesa,az),cityid(mesquite,tx),cityid(metairie,la),cityid(miami,fl),cityid('miami beach',fl),cityid(middletown,nj),cityid(midland,tx),cityid(milwaukee,wi),cityid(minneapolis,mn),cityid(mobile,al),cityid(modesto,ca),cityid(monroe,la),cityid(montgomery,al),cityid('mount vernon',ny),cityid('mountain view',ca),cityid(muncie,in),cityid(nashua,nh),cityid(nashville,tn),cityid('new bedford',ma),cityid('new britain',ct),cityid('new haven',ct),cityid('new orleans',la),cityid('new rochelle',ny),cityid('new york',ny),cityid(newark,nj),cityid('newport beach',ca),cityid('newport news',va),cityid(newton,ma),cityid('niagara falls',ny),cityid(norfolk,va),cityid(norman,ok),cityid('north charleston',sc),cityid('north little rock',ar),cityid(norwalk,ca),cityid(norwalk,ct),cityid('oak lawn',il),cityid(oakland,ca),cityid(oceanside,ca),cityid(odessa,tx),cityid(ogden,ut),cityid('oklahoma city',ok),cityid(omaha,ne),cityid(ontario,ca),cityid(orange,ca),cityid(orlando,fl),cityid('overland park',ks),cityid(oxnard,ca),cityid(parma,oh),cityid(pasadena,ca),cityid(pasadena,tx),cityid(paterson,nj),cityid(pawtucket,ri),cityid('penn hills',pa),cityid(pensacola,fl),cityid(peoria,il),cityid(philadelphia,pa),cityid(phoenix,az),cityid(pittsburgh,pa),cityid(plano,tx),cityid(pomona,ca),cityid(pontiac,mi),cityid('port arthur',tx),cityid(portland,me),cityid(portland,or),cityid(portsmouth,va),cityid(providence,ri),cityid(provo,ut),cityid(pueblo,co),cityid(quincy,ma),cityid(racine,wi),cityid(raleigh,nc),cityid(reading,pa),cityid(redford,mi),cityid('redondo beach',ca),cityid(reno,nv),cityid(richardson,tx),cityid(richmond,ca),cityid(richmond,va),cityid(riverside,ca),cityid(roanoke,va),cityid(rochester,mn),cityid(rochester,ny),cityid(rockford,il),cityid('royal oak',mi),cityid(sacramento,ca),cityid(saginaw,mi),cityid(salem,or),cityid(salinas,ca),cityid('salt lake city',ut),cityid('san angelo',tx),cityid('san antonio',tx),cityid('san bernardino',ca),cityid('san diego',ca),cityid('san francisco',ca),cityid('san jose',ca),cityid('san leandro',ca),cityid('san mateo',ca),cityid('santa ana',ca),cityid('santa barbara',ca),cityid('santa clara',ca),cityid('santa monica',ca),cityid('santa rosa',ca),cityid(savannah,ga),cityid(schenectady,ny),cityid('scotts valley',ca),cityid(scottsdale,az),cityid(scranton,pa),cityid(seattle,wa),cityid(shreveport,la),cityid('silver spring',md),cityid('simi valley',ca),cityid('sioux city',ia),cityid('sioux falls',sd),cityid(skokie,il),cityid(somerville,ma),cityid('south bend',in),cityid('south gate',ca),cityid(southfield,mi),cityid(spokane,wa),cityid(springfield,il),cityid(springfield,ma),cityid(springfield,mo),cityid(springfield,oh),cityid('st. clair shores',mi),cityid('st. joseph',mo),cityid('st. louis',mo),cityid('st. paul',mn),cityid('st. petersburg',fl),cityid(stamford,ct),cityid('sterling heights',mi),cityid(stockton,ca),cityid(sunnyvale,ca),cityid(syracuse,ny),cityid(tacoma,wa),cityid(tallahassee,fl),cityid(tampa,fl),cityid(taylor,mi),cityid(tempe,az),cityid('terre haute',in),cityid('thousand oaks',ca),cityid(toledo,oh),cityid(topeka,ks),cityid(torrance,ca),cityid(trenton,nj),cityid(troy,mi),cityid(tucson,az),cityid(tulsa,ok),cityid(tuscaloosa,al),cityid(tyler,tx),cityid('upper darby',pa),cityid(utica,ny),cityid(vallejo,ca),cityid(ventura,ca),cityid('virginia beach',va),cityid(waco,tx),cityid(waltham,ma),cityid(warren,mi),cityid(warwick,ri),cityid(washington,dc),cityid(waterbury,ct),cityid(waterford,mi),cityid(waterloo,ia),cityid(waukegan,il),cityid('west allis',wi),cityid('west covina',ca),cityid('west hartford',ct),cityid('west palm beach',fl),cityid('west valley',ut),cityid(westland,mi),cityid(westminster,ca),cityid(whittier,ca),cityid(wichita,ks),cityid('wichita falls',tx),cityid(wilmington,de),cityid('winston-salem',nc),cityid(woodbridge,nj),cityid(worcester,ma),cityid(wyoming,mi),cityid(yonkers,ny),cityid(youngstown,oh)]
+[cityid(alexandria,va),cityid(arlington,va),cityid(chesapeake,va),cityid(hampton,va),cityid(lynchburg,va),cityid('newport news',va),cityid(norfolk,va),cityid(portsmouth,va),cityid(richmond,va),cityid(roanoke,va),cityid('virginia beach',va)]
+[cityid(abilene,tx),cityid(amarillo,tx),cityid(arlington,tx),cityid(austin,tx),cityid(beaumont,tx),cityid(brownsville,tx),cityid('corpus christi',tx),cityid(dallas,tx),cityid('el paso',tx),cityid('fort worth',tx),cityid(garland,tx),cityid('grand prairie',tx),cityid(houston,tx),cityid(irving,tx),cityid(laredo,tx),cityid(longview,tx),cityid(lubbock,tx),cityid(mcallen,tx),cityid(mesquite,tx),cityid(midland,tx),cityid(odessa,tx),cityid(pasadena,tx),cityid(plano,tx),cityid('port arthur',tx),cityid(richardson,tx),cityid('san angelo',tx),cityid('san antonio',tx),cityid(tyler,tx),cityid(waco,tx),cityid('wichita falls',tx)]
+[stateid(arizona),stateid(colorado),stateid(idaho),stateid(nevada),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(minnesota),stateid('new york')]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(alaska),stateid(arizona),stateid(arkansas),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(connecticut),stateid(delaware),stateid('district of columbia'),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(hawaii),stateid(idaho),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(maine),stateid(maryland),stateid(massachusetts),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new hampshire'),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new mexico'),stateid('new york'),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(oregon),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('rhode island'),stateid('south carolina'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(vermont),stateid(virginia),stateid(washington),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin),stateid(wyoming)]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(canadian),riverid(colorado),riverid(green),riverid('north platte'),riverid(republican),riverid('rio grande'),riverid('san juan'),riverid('smoky hill'),riverid('south platte')]
+[cityid(albany,ny),cityid(atlanta,ga),cityid(austin,tx),cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid(boise,id),cityid(boston,ma),cityid(charleston,wv),cityid(columbia,sc),cityid(columbus,oh),cityid(denver,co),cityid('des moines',ia),cityid(hartford,ct),cityid(honolulu,hi),cityid(indianapolis,in),cityid(jackson,ms),cityid(lansing,mi),cityid(lincoln,ne),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid(madison,wi),cityid(montgomery,al),cityid(nashville,tn),cityid('oklahoma city',ok),cityid(phoenix,az),cityid(providence,ri),cityid(raleigh,nc),cityid(richmond,va),cityid(sacramento,ca),cityid(salem,or),cityid('salt lake city',ut),cityid(springfield,il),cityid('st. paul',mn),cityid(tallahassee,fl),cityid(topeka,ks),cityid(trenton,nj),cityid(washington,dc)]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(mississippi),riverid(ouachita),riverid(red),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(white)]
+[cityid(aurora,co),cityid('colorado springs',co),cityid(denver,co)]
+[stateid(illinois),stateid(minnesota),stateid(missouri),stateid(nebraska),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(wisconsin)]
+[cityid(abilene,tx),cityid(amarillo,tx),cityid(arlington,tx),cityid(austin,tx),cityid(beaumont,tx),cityid(brownsville,tx),cityid('corpus christi',tx),cityid(dallas,tx),cityid('el paso',tx),cityid('fort worth',tx),cityid(garland,tx),cityid('grand prairie',tx),cityid(houston,tx),cityid(irving,tx),cityid(laredo,tx),cityid(longview,tx),cityid(lubbock,tx),cityid(mcallen,tx),cityid(mesquite,tx),cityid(midland,tx),cityid(odessa,tx),cityid(pasadena,tx),cityid(plano,tx),cityid('port arthur',tx),cityid(richardson,tx),cityid('san angelo',tx),cityid('san antonio',tx),cityid(tyler,tx),cityid(waco,tx),cityid('wichita falls',tx)]
+[stateid(colorado),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(texas)]
+[riverid(canadian),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid(washita)]
+[riverid(canadian),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid(washita)]
+[riverid('rio grande')]
+[cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid('oklahoma city',ok)]
+[cityid('des moines',ia),cityid(lincoln,ne),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid(nashville,tn),cityid('oklahoma city',ok),cityid(springfield,il),cityid(topeka,ks)]
+[cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid('oklahoma city',ok)]
+[cityid(alameda,ca),cityid(alhambra,ca),cityid(anaheim,ca),cityid(bakersfield,ca),cityid(berkeley,ca),cityid('buena park',ca),cityid(burbank,ca),cityid(carson,ca),cityid('chula vista',ca),cityid('citrus heights',ca),cityid(compton,ca),cityid(concord,ca),cityid('costa mesa',ca),cityid('daly city',ca),cityid(downey,ca),cityid('east los angeles',ca),cityid('el cajon',ca),cityid('el monte',ca),cityid(escondido,ca),cityid(fairfield,ca),cityid(fremont,ca),cityid(fresno,ca),cityid(fullerton,ca),cityid('garden grove',ca),cityid(glendale,ca),cityid(hayward,ca),cityid('huntington beach',ca),cityid(inglewood,ca),cityid(irvine,ca),cityid(lakewood,ca),cityid('long beach',ca),cityid('los angeles',ca),cityid(modesto,ca),cityid('mountain view',ca),cityid('newport beach',ca),cityid(norwalk,ca),cityid(oakland,ca),cityid(oceanside,ca),cityid(ontario,ca),cityid(orange,ca),cityid(oxnard,ca),cityid(pasadena,ca),cityid(pomona,ca),cityid('redondo beach',ca),cityid(richmond,ca),cityid(riverside,ca),cityid(sacramento,ca),cityid(salinas,ca),cityid('san bernardino',ca),cityid('san diego',ca),cityid('san francisco',ca),cityid('san jose',ca),cityid('san leandro',ca),cityid('san mateo',ca),cityid('santa ana',ca),cityid('santa barbara',ca),cityid('santa clara',ca),cityid('santa monica',ca),cityid('santa rosa',ca),cityid('scotts valley',ca),cityid('simi valley',ca),cityid('south gate',ca),cityid(stockton,ca),cityid(sunnyvale,ca),cityid('thousand oaks',ca),cityid(torrance,ca),cityid(vallejo,ca),cityid(ventura,ca),cityid('west covina',ca),cityid(westminster,ca),cityid(whittier,ca)]
+[cityid(appleton,wi),cityid('arlington heights',il),cityid(aurora,il),cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid(bloomington,mn),cityid('cedar rapids',ia),cityid(champaign,il),cityid(chattanooga,tn),cityid(chicago,il),cityid(cicero,il),cityid(columbia,mo),cityid(davenport,ia),cityid(decatur,il),cityid('des moines',ia),cityid(dubuque,ia),cityid(duluth,mn),cityid(elgin,il),cityid(evanston,il),cityid('fort smith',ar),cityid('green bay',wi),cityid(independence,mo),cityid(jackson,ms),cityid(joliet,il),cityid('kansas city',mo),cityid(kenner,la),cityid(kenosha,wi),cityid(knoxville,tn),cityid(lafayette,la),cityid('lake charles',la),cityid(lexington,ky),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid(louisville,ky),cityid(madison,wi),cityid(memphis,tn),cityid(metairie,la),cityid(milwaukee,wi),cityid(minneapolis,mn),cityid(monroe,la),cityid(nashville,tn),cityid('new orleans',la),cityid('north little rock',ar),cityid('oak lawn',il),cityid(peoria,il),cityid(racine,wi),cityid(rochester,mn),cityid(rockford,il),cityid(shreveport,la),cityid('sioux city',ia),cityid(skokie,il),cityid(springfield,il),cityid(springfield,mo),cityid('st. joseph',mo),cityid('st. louis',mo),cityid('st. paul',mn),cityid(waterloo,ia),cityid(waukegan,il),cityid('west allis',wi)]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('clingmans dome')]
+[cityid(anaheim,ca),cityid(fresno,ca),cityid('huntington beach',ca),cityid('long beach',ca),cityid('los angeles',ca),cityid(oakland,ca),cityid(riverside,ca),cityid(sacramento,ca),cityid('san diego',ca),cityid('san francisco',ca),cityid('san jose',ca),cityid('santa ana',ca)]
+[cityid('kansas city',ks),cityid(wichita,ks)]
+[cityid('kansas city',mo),cityid('st. louis',mo)]
+[cityid(buffalo,ny),cityid('new york',ny),cityid(rochester,ny),cityid(syracuse,ny),cityid(yonkers,ny)]
+[cityid('oklahoma city',ok),cityid(tulsa,ok)]
+[cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid(chattanooga,tn),cityid(chicago,il),cityid('des moines',ia),cityid(jackson,ms),cityid('kansas city',mo),cityid(knoxville,tn),cityid(lexington,ky),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid(louisville,ky),cityid(madison,wi),cityid(memphis,tn),cityid(metairie,la),cityid(milwaukee,wi),cityid(minneapolis,mn),cityid(nashville,tn),cityid('new orleans',la),cityid(shreveport,la),cityid('st. louis',mo),cityid('st. paul',mn)]
+[cityid(arlington,tx),cityid(austin,tx),cityid('corpus christi',tx),cityid(dallas,tx),cityid('el paso',tx),cityid('fort worth',tx),cityid(houston,tx),cityid(lubbock,tx),cityid('san antonio',tx)]
+[cityid(anaheim,ca),cityid(fresno,ca),cityid('huntington beach',ca),cityid('long beach',ca),cityid('los angeles',ca),cityid(oakland,ca),cityid(riverside,ca),cityid(sacramento,ca),cityid('san diego',ca),cityid('san francisco',ca),cityid('san jose',ca),cityid('santa ana',ca)]
+[cityid(akron,oh),cityid(albuquerque,nm),cityid(anaheim,ca),cityid(anchorage,ak),cityid(arlington,tx),cityid(arlington,va),cityid(atlanta,ga),cityid(aurora,co),cityid(austin,tx),cityid(baltimore,md),cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid(birmingham,al),cityid(boston,ma),cityid(buffalo,ny),cityid(charlotte,nc),cityid(chattanooga,tn),cityid(chicago,il),cityid(cincinnati,oh),cityid(cleveland,oh),cityid('colorado springs',co),cityid(columbus,ga),cityid(columbus,oh),cityid('corpus christi',tx),cityid(dallas,tx),cityid(dayton,oh),cityid(denver,co),cityid('des moines',ia),cityid(detroit,mi),cityid('el paso',tx),cityid(ewa,hi),cityid(flint,mi),cityid('fort lauderdale',fl),cityid('fort wayne',in),cityid('fort worth',tx),cityid(fresno,ca),cityid(gary,in),cityid('grand rapids',mi),cityid(greensboro,nc),cityid(honolulu,hi),cityid(houston,tx),cityid('huntington beach',ca),cityid(indianapolis,in),cityid(jackson,ms),cityid(jacksonville,fl),cityid('jersey city',nj),cityid('kansas city',ks),cityid('kansas city',mo),cityid(knoxville,tn),cityid('las vegas',nv),cityid(lexington,ky),cityid(lincoln,ne),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid('long beach',ca),cityid('los angeles',ca),cityid(louisville,ky),cityid(lubbock,tx),cityid(madison,wi),cityid(memphis,tn),cityid(mesa,az),cityid(metairie,la),cityid(miami,fl),cityid(milwaukee,wi),cityid(minneapolis,mn),cityid(mobile,al),cityid(montgomery,al),cityid(nashville,tn),cityid('new orleans',la),cityid('new york',ny),cityid(newark,nj),cityid(norfolk,va),cityid(oakland,ca),cityid('oklahoma city',ok),cityid(omaha,ne),cityid(philadelphia,pa),cityid(phoenix,az),cityid(pittsburgh,pa),cityid(portland,or),cityid(providence,ri),cityid(richmond,va),cityid(riverside,ca),cityid(rochester,ny),cityid(sacramento,ca),cityid('salt lake city',ut),cityid('san antonio',tx),cityid('san diego',ca),cityid('san francisco',ca),cityid('san jose',ca),cityid('santa ana',ca),cityid(seattle,wa),cityid(shreveport,la),cityid(spokane,wa),cityid(springfield,ma),cityid('st. louis',mo),cityid('st. paul',mn),cityid('st. petersburg',fl),cityid(syracuse,ny),cityid(tacoma,wa),cityid(tampa,fl),cityid(toledo,oh),cityid(tucson,az),cityid(tulsa,ok),cityid('virginia beach',va),cityid(warren,mi),cityid(washington,dc),cityid(wichita,ks),cityid(worcester,ma),cityid(yonkers,ny)]
+[cityid(arlington,tx),cityid(austin,tx),cityid('corpus christi',tx),cityid(dallas,tx),cityid('el paso',tx),cityid('fort worth',tx),cityid(houston,tx),cityid(lubbock,tx),cityid('san antonio',tx)]
+[cityid(akron,oh),cityid(albuquerque,nm),cityid(anaheim,ca),cityid(anchorage,ak),cityid(arlington,tx),cityid(arlington,va),cityid(atlanta,ga),cityid(aurora,co),cityid(austin,tx),cityid(baltimore,md),cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid(birmingham,al),cityid(boston,ma),cityid(buffalo,ny),cityid(charlotte,nc),cityid(chattanooga,tn),cityid(chicago,il),cityid(cincinnati,oh),cityid(cleveland,oh),cityid('colorado springs',co),cityid(columbus,ga),cityid(columbus,oh),cityid('corpus christi',tx),cityid(dallas,tx),cityid(dayton,oh),cityid(denver,co),cityid('des moines',ia),cityid(detroit,mi),cityid('el paso',tx),cityid(ewa,hi),cityid(flint,mi),cityid('fort lauderdale',fl),cityid('fort wayne',in),cityid('fort worth',tx),cityid(fresno,ca),cityid(gary,in),cityid('grand rapids',mi),cityid(greensboro,nc),cityid(honolulu,hi),cityid(houston,tx),cityid('huntington beach',ca),cityid(indianapolis,in),cityid(jackson,ms),cityid(jacksonville,fl),cityid('jersey city',nj),cityid('kansas city',ks),cityid('kansas city',mo),cityid(knoxville,tn),cityid('las vegas',nv),cityid(lexington,ky),cityid(lincoln,ne),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid('long beach',ca),cityid('los angeles',ca),cityid(louisville,ky),cityid(lubbock,tx),cityid(madison,wi),cityid(memphis,tn),cityid(mesa,az),cityid(metairie,la),cityid(miami,fl),cityid(milwaukee,wi),cityid(minneapolis,mn),cityid(mobile,al),cityid(montgomery,al),cityid(nashville,tn),cityid('new orleans',la),cityid('new york',ny),cityid(newark,nj),cityid(norfolk,va),cityid(oakland,ca),cityid('oklahoma city',ok),cityid(omaha,ne),cityid(philadelphia,pa),cityid(phoenix,az),cityid(pittsburgh,pa),cityid(portland,or),cityid(providence,ri),cityid(richmond,va),cityid(riverside,ca),cityid(rochester,ny),cityid(sacramento,ca),cityid('salt lake city',ut),cityid('san antonio',tx),cityid('san diego',ca),cityid('san francisco',ca),cityid('san jose',ca),cityid('santa ana',ca),cityid(seattle,wa),cityid(shreveport,la),cityid(spokane,wa),cityid(springfield,ma),cityid('st. louis',mo),cityid('st. paul',mn),cityid('st. petersburg',fl),cityid(syracuse,ny),cityid(tacoma,wa),cityid(tampa,fl),cityid(toledo,oh),cityid(tucson,az),cityid(tulsa,ok),cityid('virginia beach',va),cityid(warren,mi),cityid(washington,dc),cityid(wichita,ks),cityid(worcester,ma),cityid(yonkers,ny)]
+[cityid(akron,oh),cityid(albuquerque,nm),cityid(anaheim,ca),cityid(anchorage,ak),cityid(arlington,tx),cityid(arlington,va),cityid(atlanta,ga),cityid(aurora,co),cityid(austin,tx),cityid(baltimore,md),cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid(birmingham,al),cityid(boston,ma),cityid(buffalo,ny),cityid(charlotte,nc),cityid(chattanooga,tn),cityid(chicago,il),cityid(cincinnati,oh),cityid(cleveland,oh),cityid('colorado springs',co),cityid(columbus,ga),cityid(columbus,oh),cityid('corpus christi',tx),cityid(dallas,tx),cityid(dayton,oh),cityid(denver,co),cityid('des moines',ia),cityid(detroit,mi),cityid('el paso',tx),cityid(ewa,hi),cityid(flint,mi),cityid('fort lauderdale',fl),cityid('fort wayne',in),cityid('fort worth',tx),cityid(fresno,ca),cityid(gary,in),cityid('grand rapids',mi),cityid(greensboro,nc),cityid(honolulu,hi),cityid(houston,tx),cityid('huntington beach',ca),cityid(indianapolis,in),cityid(jackson,ms),cityid(jacksonville,fl),cityid('jersey city',nj),cityid('kansas city',ks),cityid('kansas city',mo),cityid(knoxville,tn),cityid('las vegas',nv),cityid(lexington,ky),cityid(lincoln,ne),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid('long beach',ca),cityid('los angeles',ca),cityid(louisville,ky),cityid(lubbock,tx),cityid(madison,wi),cityid(memphis,tn),cityid(mesa,az),cityid(metairie,la),cityid(miami,fl),cityid(milwaukee,wi),cityid(minneapolis,mn),cityid(mobile,al),cityid(montgomery,al),cityid(nashville,tn),cityid('new orleans',la),cityid('new york',ny),cityid(newark,nj),cityid(norfolk,va),cityid(oakland,ca),cityid('oklahoma city',ok),cityid(omaha,ne),cityid(philadelphia,pa),cityid(phoenix,az),cityid(pittsburgh,pa),cityid(portland,or),cityid(providence,ri),cityid(richmond,va),cityid(riverside,ca),cityid(rochester,ny),cityid(sacramento,ca),cityid('salt lake city',ut),cityid('san antonio',tx),cityid('san diego',ca),cityid('san francisco',ca),cityid('san jose',ca),cityid('santa ana',ca),cityid(seattle,wa),cityid(shreveport,la),cityid(spokane,wa),cityid(springfield,ma),cityid('st. louis',mo),cityid('st. paul',mn),cityid('st. petersburg',fl),cityid(syracuse,ny),cityid(tacoma,wa),cityid(tampa,fl),cityid(toledo,oh),cityid(tucson,az),cityid(tulsa,ok),cityid('virginia beach',va),cityid(warren,mi),cityid(washington,dc),cityid(wichita,ks),cityid(worcester,ma),cityid(yonkers,ny)]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(canadian),riverid(cheyenne),riverid(cimarron),riverid(colorado),riverid(columbia),riverid(cumberland),riverid(dakota),riverid(gila),riverid(green),riverid('little missouri'),riverid(mississippi),riverid(missouri),riverid('north platte'),riverid(ohio),riverid(ouachita),riverid(pearl),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid('smoky hill'),riverid(snake),riverid(tennessee),riverid(wabash),riverid(washita),riverid(white),riverid(yellowstone)]
+[riverid(canadian),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid(washita)]
+[riverid(bighorn),riverid('clark fork'),riverid('little missouri'),riverid(missouri),riverid(powder),riverid(yellowstone)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(alaska),stateid(arizona),stateid(arkansas),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(connecticut),stateid(delaware),stateid('district of columbia'),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(hawaii),stateid(idaho),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(maine),stateid(maryland),stateid(massachusetts),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new hampshire'),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new mexico'),stateid('new york'),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(oregon),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('rhode island'),stateid('south carolina'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(vermont),stateid(virginia),stateid(washington),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid('district of columbia'),stateid(maryland),stateid(virginia),stateid('west virginia')]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
+[cityid(abingdon,pa),cityid(allentown,pa),cityid(altoona,pa),cityid(bethlehem,pa),cityid('bristol township',pa),cityid(erie,pa),cityid('lower merion',pa),cityid('penn hills',pa),cityid(philadelphia,pa),cityid(pittsburgh,pa),cityid(reading,pa),cityid(scranton,pa),cityid('upper darby',pa)]
+[cityid(alameda,ca),cityid(alhambra,ca),cityid(anaheim,ca),cityid(bakersfield,ca),cityid(berkeley,ca),cityid('buena park',ca),cityid(burbank,ca),cityid(carson,ca),cityid('chula vista',ca),cityid('citrus heights',ca),cityid(compton,ca),cityid(concord,ca),cityid('costa mesa',ca),cityid('daly city',ca),cityid(downey,ca),cityid('east los angeles',ca),cityid('el cajon',ca),cityid('el monte',ca),cityid(escondido,ca),cityid(fairfield,ca),cityid(fremont,ca),cityid(fresno,ca),cityid(fullerton,ca),cityid('garden grove',ca),cityid(glendale,ca),cityid(hayward,ca),cityid('huntington beach',ca),cityid(inglewood,ca),cityid(irvine,ca),cityid(lakewood,ca),cityid('long beach',ca),cityid('los angeles',ca),cityid(modesto,ca),cityid('mountain view',ca),cityid('newport beach',ca),cityid(norwalk,ca),cityid(oakland,ca),cityid(oceanside,ca),cityid(ontario,ca),cityid(orange,ca),cityid(oxnard,ca),cityid(pasadena,ca),cityid(pomona,ca),cityid('redondo beach',ca),cityid(richmond,ca),cityid(riverside,ca),cityid(sacramento,ca),cityid(salinas,ca),cityid('san bernardino',ca),cityid('san diego',ca),cityid('san francisco',ca),cityid('san jose',ca),cityid('san leandro',ca),cityid('san mateo',ca),cityid('santa ana',ca),cityid('santa barbara',ca),cityid('santa clara',ca),cityid('santa monica',ca),cityid('santa rosa',ca),cityid('scotts valley',ca),cityid('simi valley',ca),cityid('south gate',ca),cityid(stockton,ca),cityid(sunnyvale,ca),cityid('thousand oaks',ca),cityid(torrance,ca),cityid(vallejo,ca),cityid(ventura,ca),cityid('west covina',ca),cityid(westminster,ca),cityid(whittier,ca)]
+[cityid('new york',ny)]
+[cityid('scotts valley',ca)]
+[cityid('new york',ny)]
+[cityid('des moines',ia)]
+[cityid('new york',ny)]
+[cityid('new orleans',la)]
+[cityid('new york',ny)]
+[cityid('new york',ny)]
+[cityid('new york',ny)]
+[cityid('des moines',ia)]
+[cityid(austin,tx),cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid(denver,co),cityid(jackson,ms),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid(nashville,tn),cityid('oklahoma city',ok),cityid(phoenix,az),cityid('salt lake city',ut),cityid(topeka,ks)]
+[cityid('des moines',ia),cityid(lincoln,ne)]
+[cityid('salt lake city',ut)]
+[cityid('scotts valley',ca)]
+[placeid('gannett peak')]
+[placeid('wheeler peak')]
+[placeid('sassafras mountain')]
+[placeid('guadalupe peak')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('guadalupe peak')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('mount elbert')]
+[placeid('walton county')]
+[placeid('ocheyedan mound')]
+[placeid('mount sunflower')]
+[placeid('mount katahdin')]
+[placeid('granite peak')]
+[placeid('boundary peak')]
+[placeid('wheeler peak')]
+[placeid('campbell hill')]
+[placeid('jerimoth hill')]
+[placeid('mount mitchell')]
+[placeid('guadalupe peak')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('guadalupe peak')]
+[placeid('ocheyedan mound')]
+[placeid('ocheyedan mound')]
+[placeid('granite peak')]
+[placeid('gannett peak')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('mount rogers')]
+[placeid('gannett peak')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('granite peak')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[cityid('new orleans',la)]
+[cityid('los angeles',ca)]
+[cityid('st. louis',mo)]
+[stateid('new mexico')]
+[stateid('new mexico')]
+[riverid('rio grande')]
+[riverid('rio grande')]
+[placeid('delaware river')]
+[placeid('ouachita river')]
+[placeid('death valley')]
+[placeid('new orleans')]
+[placeid('atlantic ocean')]
+[placeid('gulf of mexico')]
+[placeid('southeast corner')]
+[placeid('pacific ocean')]
+[placeid('gulf of mexico')]
+[placeid('death valley')]
+[placeid('gulf of mexico')]
+[placeid('death valley')]
+[placeid('death valley')]
+[placeid('lake michigan')]
+[placeid('death valley')]
+[placeid('arkansas river')]
+[placeid('pacific ocean')]
+[placeid('death valley')]
+[stateid('new jersey')]
+[cityid('new york',ny)]
+[cityid('north little rock',ar)]
+[cityid('scotts valley',ca)]
+[cityid('scotts valley',ca)]
+[stateid('west virginia')]
+[stateid('south dakota')]
+[stateid('district of columbia')]
+[stateid('district of columbia')]
+[stateid('new jersey')]
+[stateid('new jersey')]
+[stateid('district of columbia')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('mount mckinley'),placeid('pacific ocean')]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(cimarron),riverid(neosho),riverid(republican),riverid('smoky hill')]
+[riverid(canadian),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid(washita)]
+[riverid(mississippi),riverid(missouri),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(white)]
+[riverid(canadian),riverid(cimarron),riverid(gila),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid('san juan')]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(canadian),riverid(cimarron),riverid(gila),riverid(mississippi),riverid(neosho),riverid(ouachita),riverid(pearl),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid('san juan'),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(washita),riverid(white)]
+[riverid(canadian),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid(washita)]
+[riverid(colorado),riverid(green),riverid('san juan')]
+[riverid(canadian),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid(washita)]
+[riverid(allegheny),riverid(arkansas),riverid(bighorn),riverid(canadian),riverid(chattahoochee),riverid(cheyenne),riverid(cimarron),riverid('clark fork'),riverid(colorado),riverid(columbia),riverid(connecticut),riverid(dakota),riverid(delaware),riverid(gila),riverid(green),riverid(hudson),riverid('little missouri'),riverid(missouri),riverid(neosho),riverid(niobrara),riverid('north platte'),riverid(ohio),riverid(ouachita),riverid(pearl),riverid(pecos),riverid(potomac),riverid(powder),riverid(red),riverid(republican),riverid('rio grande'),riverid(roanoke),riverid(rock),riverid('san juan'),riverid('smoky hill'),riverid(snake),riverid('south platte'),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(tombigbee),riverid(wabash),riverid(washita),riverid('wateree catawba'),riverid(white),riverid(yellowstone)]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(canadian),riverid(colorado),riverid(green),riverid('north platte'),riverid(republican),riverid('rio grande'),riverid('san juan'),riverid('smoky hill'),riverid('south platte')]
+[riverid(mississippi),riverid(missouri),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(white)]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(canadian),riverid(colorado),riverid(green),riverid('north platte'),riverid(republican),riverid('rio grande'),riverid('san juan'),riverid('smoky hill'),riverid('south platte')]
+[riverid(chattahoochee),riverid(cumberland),riverid(mississippi),riverid(roanoke),riverid(tennessee),riverid(tombigbee),riverid('wateree catawba')]
+[riverid(mississippi),riverid(missouri),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(white)]
+[stateid(connecticut),stateid(massachusetts),stateid('new jersey'),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid(vermont)]
+[stateid(idaho),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(alaska),stateid(hawaii),stateid(maine),stateid('rhode island')]
+[stateid('new york')]
+[stateid('new york')]
+[stateid('new jersey')]
+[stateid('new jersey')]
+[stateid('new york')]
+[stateid('new jersey')]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
+[stateid(delaware),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new york'),stateid(pennsylvania)]
+[stateid('district of columbia')]
+[stateid('west virginia')]
+[stateid('new mexico')]
+[stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(nevada),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(utah)]
+[stateid(arkansas),stateid(louisiana),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(oklahoma)]
+[stateid(maryland),stateid('new jersey'),stateid(pennsylvania)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(florida),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('south carolina'),stateid(tennessee)]
+[stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(missouri),stateid(ohio),stateid(tennessee),stateid(virginia),stateid('west virginia')]
+[stateid(idaho),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(delaware),stateid('new york'),stateid(pennsylvania)]
+[stateid(indiana),stateid(kentucky),stateid(michigan),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('west virginia')]
+[stateid(arizona),stateid(arkansas),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(idaho),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(oklahoma),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(arkansas),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid('north carolina'),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(virginia)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(arkansas),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('south carolina'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(virginia)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(arizona),stateid(arkansas),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid('district of columbia'),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(idaho),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(maryland),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new mexico'),stateid('north carolina'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(oregon),stateid('south carolina'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(virginia),stateid(washington),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(arizona),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(idaho),stateid(nevada),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(oregon),stateid(utah),stateid(washington)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(arkansas),stateid(georgia),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(virginia),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin)]
+[stateid(delaware),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kentucky),stateid(maryland),stateid(michigan),stateid(missouri),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new york'),stateid(ohio),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid(tennessee),stateid(virginia),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(arkansas),stateid(georgia),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(virginia),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin)]
+[stateid(arkansas),stateid(louisiana),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(oklahoma)]
+[stateid(arkansas),stateid(louisiana),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(oklahoma)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(arizona),stateid(arkansas),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(idaho),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new mexico'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(oregon),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(washington),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(delaware),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new york'),stateid(pennsylvania)]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
+[stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(kentucky),stateid(ohio),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('west virginia')]
+[stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(kentucky),stateid(ohio),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('west virginia')]
+[stateid(delaware),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new york'),stateid(pennsylvania)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(arizona),stateid(arkansas),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(connecticut),stateid(delaware),stateid('district of columbia'),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(idaho),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(maryland),stateid(massachusetts),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new hampshire'),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new mexico'),stateid('new york'),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(oregon),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('south carolina'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(vermont),stateid(virginia),stateid(washington),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid('new hampshire')]
+[stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(missouri),stateid(ohio),stateid(tennessee),stateid(virginia),stateid('west virginia')]
+[cityid('new york',ny)]
+[countryid(usa),stateid(alabama),stateid(alaska),stateid(arizona),stateid(arkansas),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(connecticut),stateid(delaware),stateid('district of columbia'),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(hawaii),stateid(idaho),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(maine),stateid(maryland),stateid(massachusetts),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new hampshire'),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new mexico'),stateid('new york'),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(oregon),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('rhode island'),stateid('south carolina'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(vermont),stateid(virginia),stateid(washington),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin),stateid(wyoming)]
+[placeid('mount mckinley')]
+[placeid('mauna kea')]
+[placeid('granite peak')]
+[placeid('atlantic ocean')]
+[placeid('death valley')]
+[placeid('mississippi river')]
+[cityid('baton rouge',la),cityid('little rock',ar),cityid('oklahoma city',ok)]
+[cityid(albany,ny),cityid(annapolis,md),cityid(augusta,me),cityid(bismarck,nd),cityid(boise,id),cityid('carson city',nv),cityid(charleston,wv),cityid(cheyenne,wy),cityid(columbia,sc),cityid(concord,nh),cityid(dover,de),cityid(frankfort,ky),cityid(harrisburg,pa),cityid(hartford,ct),cityid(helena,mt),cityid('jefferson city',mo),cityid(juneau,ak),cityid(lansing,mi),cityid(montpelier,vt),cityid(olympia,wa),cityid(pierre,sd),cityid(raleigh,nc),cityid(salem,or),cityid('santa fe',nm),cityid(springfield,il),cityid(tallahassee,fl),cityid(topeka,ks),cityid(trenton,nj)]
+[cityid('los angeles',ca)]
+[placeid('mount whitney')]
+[placeid('new orleans')]
+[stateid('district of columbia')]
+[stateid('new york')]
+[riverid(allegheny),riverid(arkansas),riverid(bighorn),riverid(chattahoochee),riverid(cheyenne),riverid(cimarron),riverid('clark fork'),riverid(colorado),riverid(columbia),riverid(connecticut),riverid(cumberland),riverid(dakota),riverid(delaware),riverid(gila),riverid(green),riverid(hudson),riverid('little missouri'),riverid(mississippi),riverid(missouri),riverid(neosho),riverid(niobrara),riverid('north platte'),riverid(ohio),riverid(ouachita),riverid(pearl),riverid(potomac),riverid(powder),riverid(republican),riverid(roanoke),riverid(rock),riverid('san juan'),riverid('smoky hill'),riverid(snake),riverid('south platte'),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(tennessee),riverid(tombigbee),riverid(wabash),riverid('wateree catawba'),riverid(white),riverid(yellowstone)]
+[riverid(allegheny),riverid(arkansas),riverid(bighorn),riverid(canadian),riverid(chattahoochee),riverid(cheyenne),riverid(cimarron),riverid('clark fork'),riverid(colorado),riverid(columbia),riverid(connecticut),riverid(cumberland),riverid(dakota),riverid(delaware),riverid(gila),riverid(green),riverid(hudson),riverid('little missouri'),riverid(mississippi),riverid(missouri),riverid(neosho),riverid(niobrara),riverid('north platte'),riverid(ohio),riverid(ouachita),riverid(pearl),riverid(pecos),riverid(potomac),riverid(powder),riverid(red),riverid(republican),riverid('rio grande'),riverid(roanoke),riverid(rock),riverid('san juan'),riverid('smoky hill'),riverid(snake),riverid('south platte'),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(tennessee),riverid(tombigbee),riverid(wabash),riverid(washita),riverid('wateree catawba'),riverid(white),riverid(yellowstone)]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(canadian),riverid(cimarron),riverid(colorado),riverid(gila),riverid(green),riverid(neosho),riverid('north platte'),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid(republican),riverid('rio grande'),riverid('san juan'),riverid('smoky hill'),riverid('south platte'),riverid(washita)]
+[riverid(arkansas),riverid(canadian),riverid(cimarron),riverid(gila),riverid(mississippi),riverid(neosho),riverid(ouachita),riverid(pearl),riverid(pecos),riverid(red),riverid('rio grande'),riverid('san juan'),riverid('st. francis'),riverid(washita),riverid(white)]
+[stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(missouri),stateid(ohio),stateid(tennessee),stateid(virginia),stateid('west virginia')]
+[stateid('new jersey')]
+[stateid('new jersey')]
+[stateid('new york')]
+[stateid('new jersey')]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
+[stateid(arkansas),stateid(louisiana),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(texas)]
+[stateid('district of columbia')]
+[stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(nevada),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(utah)]
+[stateid(arizona),stateid(kansas),stateid(nebraska),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(utah),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(illinois),stateid(minnesota),stateid(missouri),stateid(nebraska),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(wisconsin)]
+[stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(missouri),stateid(ohio),stateid(tennessee),stateid(virginia),stateid('west virginia')]
+[stateid(connecticut),stateid(massachusetts),stateid('new jersey'),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid(vermont)]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(minnesota),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(arkansas),stateid(georgia),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(virginia),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin)]
+[stateid(arkansas),stateid(louisiana),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(oklahoma)]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(alaska),stateid(arizona),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(connecticut),stateid(delaware),stateid('district of columbia'),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(hawaii),stateid(idaho),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(maine),stateid(maryland),stateid(massachusetts),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new hampshire'),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new york'),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oregon),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('rhode island'),stateid('south carolina'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(vermont),stateid(virginia),stateid(washington),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
+[stateid(alabama),stateid(arizona),stateid(arkansas),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(connecticut),stateid(delaware),stateid('district of columbia'),stateid(florida),stateid(georgia),stateid(idaho),stateid(illinois),stateid(indiana),stateid(iowa),stateid(kansas),stateid(kentucky),stateid(louisiana),stateid(maryland),stateid(massachusetts),stateid(michigan),stateid(minnesota),stateid(mississippi),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid(nevada),stateid('new hampshire'),stateid('new jersey'),stateid('new mexico'),stateid('new york'),stateid('north carolina'),stateid('north dakota'),stateid(ohio),stateid(oklahoma),stateid(oregon),stateid(pennsylvania),stateid('south carolina'),stateid('south dakota'),stateid(tennessee),stateid(texas),stateid(utah),stateid(vermont),stateid(virginia),stateid(washington),stateid('west virginia'),stateid(wisconsin),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(alaska),stateid(arizona),stateid(california),stateid(colorado),stateid(hawaii),stateid(idaho),stateid(montana),stateid(nevada),stateid('new mexico'),stateid(oregon),stateid(utah),stateid(washington),stateid(wyoming)]
+[stateid(iowa),stateid(missouri),stateid(montana),stateid(nebraska),stateid('north dakota'),stateid('south dakota')]
diff --git a/data/geoquery/geoquery.prolog b/data/geoquery/geoquery.prolog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a2973f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/geoquery.prolog
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+answer(size(stateid('new mexico')))
+answer(size(stateid('north dakota')))
+answer(size(city(cityid('new york', _))))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('guadalupe peak')))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('mount mckinley')))
+answer(len(riverid('rio grande')))
+answer(len(river(riverid('north platte'))))
+answer(len(river(riverid('rio grande'))))
+answer(count(capital(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+answer(count(intersection(city(cityid('austin', _)), loc_2(countryid('usa')))))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('montgomery', _)))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new york')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', 'tx')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('chicago', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('detroit', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('houston', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('kalamazoo', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('minneapolis', 'mn')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new hampshire')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new mexico')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new york')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('rhode island')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('riverside', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('san francisco', _)))
+answer(population_1(stateid('south dakota')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('spokane', 'wa')))
+answer(population_1(largest(city(loc_2(state(stateid('new york')))))))
+answer(population_1(cityid('washington', 'dc')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+answer(count(river(loc_2(stateid('new york')))))
+answer(count(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('albany', _))))))))
+answer(count(intersection(river(loc_2(stateid('texas'))), longer(riverid('red')))))
+answer(count(state(intersection(next_to_2(stateid('colorado')), next_to_2(stateid('new mexico'))))))
+answer(count(state(next_to_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('boston', _))))))))
+answer(count(exclude(state(all), loc_1(river(all)))))
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('rochester', _))))))
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _))))))
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _))))))
+answer(count(state(loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _))))))
+answer(count(intersection(state(loc_2(countryid('usa'))), traverse_1(shortest(river(all))))))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('mount mckinley')))
+answer(state(loc_1(placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('rochester', _))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(state(all))))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(river(loc_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('sacramento', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('san antonio', _))))
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('new mexico')))))
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('new york')))))
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('north carolina')))))
+answer(major(city(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+answer(area_1(stateid('new mexico')))
+answer(area_1(cityid('seattle', _)))
+answer(area_1(stateid('south carolina')))
+answer(area_1(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('albany', _))))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('new hampshire'))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('new jersey'))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(stateid('north dakota'))))
+answer(capital(loc_2(state(loc_1(city(cityid('durham', _)))))))
+answer(density_1(stateid('new york')))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('death valley')))
+answer(elevation_1(placeid('mount mckinley')))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('new mexico')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('south carolina')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('new mexico')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _))))))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('des moines', _))))))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('des moines', _))))))))
+answer(largest(city(loc_2(stateid('rhode island')))))
+answer(largest(state(traverse_1(riverid('rio grande')))))
+answer(len(intersection(riverid('colorado'), river(loc_2(stateid('texas'))))))
+answer(longest(river(traverse_2(stateid('new york')))))
+answer(longest(river(loc_2(stateid('new york')))))
+answer(longest(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(stateid('texas')))))
+answer(highest(place(loc_2(cityid('san francisco', _)))))
+answer(density_1(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _))))))
+answer(density_1(stateid('south dakota')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boston', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('atlanta', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('atlanta', 'ga')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('austin', 'tx')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boston', 'ma')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('boulder', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('dallas', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('denver', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('erie', 'pa')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('houston', _)))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new mexico')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('new york')))
+answer(population_1(city(cityid('new york', _))))
+answer(population_1(cityid('portland', 'me')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('rhode island')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('sacramento', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('san antonio', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('seattle', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('seattle', 'wa')))
+answer(population_1(stateid('south dakota')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('springfield', 'mo')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('springfield', 'sd')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('tempe', 'az')))
+answer(population_1(cityid('tucson', _)))
+answer(population_1(cityid('washington', 'dc')))
+answer(river(loc_2(stateid('new mexico'))))
+answer(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(stateid('tennessee'))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(cityid('austin', 'tx'))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(state(next_to_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('atlanta', _)))))))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(stateid('west virginia'))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(fewest(state(next_to_2(exclude(exclude(state(all), stateid('alaska')), stateid('hawaii'))))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), loc_1(river(all))))
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('salem', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('flint', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('austin', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('boston', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('columbus', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('dallas', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('des moines', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('miami', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('pittsburgh', _))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new hampshire'))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new jersey'))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('rhode island'))))
+answer(intersection(state(next_to_2(stateid('texas'))), loc_1(major(river(all)))))
+answer(state(capital_2(cityid('dover', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('dallas', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('plano', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('portland', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('rochester', _)))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('salt lake city', _)))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(state(all))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _)))))
+answer(intersection(state(loc_2(countryid('usa'))), loc_1(city(cityid('springfield', _)))))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('austin', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('baton rouge', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('dallas', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('fort wayne', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('houston', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('indianapolis', _)))
+answer(loc_1(placeid('mount whitney')))
+answer(loc_1(placeid('mount whitney')))
+answer(loc_1(stateid('new hampshire')))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('new orleans', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('portland', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('san diego', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('san jose', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('scotts valley', _)))
+answer(loc_1(cityid('springfield', _)))
+answer(largest_one(population_1(city(loc_2(stateid('new mexico'))))))
+answer(exclude(capital(all), major(city(all))))
+answer(highest(exclude(mountain(all), loc_2(stateid('alaska')))))
+answer(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(stateid('texas'))))
+answer(exclude(river(all), traverse_2(countryid('usa'))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(state(next_to_2(stateid('new mexico'))))))
+answer(river(traverse_2(state(next_to_2(state(loc_1(capital(cityid('austin', _)))))))))
+answer(state(loc_1(cityid('kalamazoo', _))))
+answer(state(loc_1(placeid('mount mckinley'))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('denver', _)))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('new york'))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(state(all))))
+answer(state(next_to_2(stateid('south dakota'))))
+answer(exclude(state(all), next_to_2(stateid('texas'))))
+answer(state(loc_1(major(city(cityid('austin', _))))))
+answer(state(loc_1(city(cityid('austin', _)))))
diff --git a/data/geoquery/split880.test.ids b/data/geoquery/split880.test.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebe9c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/split880.test.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
diff --git a/data/geoquery/split880.train.ids b/data/geoquery/split880.train.ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6ec026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geoquery/split880.train.ids
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@