diff options
authorPatrick Simianer <>2016-02-15 16:32:02 +0100
committerPatrick Simianer <>2016-02-15 16:32:02 +0100
commit23a3f33e0b525c999cdc1c4068a725141bc1825b (patch)
parent0c7416c98a9f21eb3a10a59a8553228ecb8338af (diff)
fixed a bug, removed dead code, code formatting
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/derivation-editor.js b/derivation-editor.js
index 29f95c1..a6ca9d9 100644
--- a/derivation-editor.js
+++ b/derivation-editor.js
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
- * global vars and configuration
+ * Global vars and configuration
var DE_paper,
- // objects
- DE_shapes_by_id = {},
+ // Objects
DE_shapes = [],
DE_target_shapes = [],
+ DE_shapes_by_id = {},
DE_texts = [],
DE_connections = {},
DE_id = 0,
DE_next_grid = 0,
- // ui
+ // UI
DE_ui_margin = 64,
DE_ui_padding = DE_ui_margin/3,
DE_ui_xbegin = 10,
@@ -22,7 +24,6 @@ var DE_paper,
DE_ui_ytarget = DE_ui_ysource+DE_ui_line_margin;
DE_ui_font_size = 14,
DE_ui_font_width = -1,
DE_ui_stroke_width = 1,
DE_ui_stroke_width_hi = 3,
DE_ui_align_stroke = "#aaa",
@@ -30,43 +31,34 @@ var DE_paper,
DE_ui_text_att = { "text-anchor": "start", "font-size": DE_ui_font_size,
"font-family": "Times New Roman" },
- // dragging
- DE_cur_drag = null,
- DE_dragging = false,
- DE_new_pos = -1,
- DE_old_pos = -1;
- // connecting
+ // Keyboard interface
+ DE_kbd_focused_phrase = null,
+ DE_kbd_move_mode = false,
+ DE_kbd_select_mode = false,
+ // Connecting
DE_connect_mode = false,
DE_connect_mode_shape = null,
DE_new_conns = [],
- // editing
+ // Editing
DE_cur_ed = null,
DE_cur_ed_shape = null,
DE_edit_mode = false,
- // removing
+ // Removing
DE_rm_mult = [],
DE_undo_stack = [],
- // keyboard interface
- DE_kbd_focused_phrase = null,
- DE_kbd_move_mode = false,
- DE_kbd_select_mode = false,
- // done
+ // Data
DE_target_done = [],
DE_source_done = [],
- // data
DE_data_source = null,
DE_data_source_raw = null,
DE_data_target = null,
- DE_data_align = null,
- // lock
- DE_locked = false;
+ DE_data_align = null;
- *
- * style
- *
- */
+// Style
var ch_style = function (item, shape_att, text_att, anim=false, anim_dur=50)
if (!anim) {
@@ -83,19 +75,21 @@ var ch_style = function (item, shape_att, text_att, anim=false, anim_dur=50)
var DE_ui_style_normal = function (item, type=null)
+ if (item == DE_connect_mode_shape) {
+ DE_ui_style_mark(item, type);
+ return;
+ }
if (!item) return;
- if (!type)
- type = item["type_"];
- var to_delete = false;
- var color = "#fff";
- var stroke_color = "#aaa";
- var text_color = "#aaa";
+ if (!type) type = item["type_"];
+ var color = "#fff";
+ var stroke_color = "#aaa";
+ var text_color = "#aaa";
if (DE_rm_mult.indexOf(item)>-1)
color = stroke_color = "#f00";
if (DE_target_done.indexOf(item)>-1) {
- color = "#aaa";
- text_color = "#000";
- stroke_color= "#000";
+ color = "#aaa";
+ text_color = "#000";
+ stroke_color = "#000";
var shape_att;
var text_att;
@@ -132,20 +126,22 @@ var DE_ui_style_normal = function (item, type=null)
var DE_ui_style_highlight = function (item, type=null)
- if (!type)
- type = item["type_"];
- var to_delete = false;
- var color = "#fff";
- var stroke_color = "#000";
- var stroke_width = 3;
- var text_color = "#000";
+ if (item == DE_connect_mode_shape) {
+ DE_ui_style_mark(item, type);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!type) type = item["type_"];
+ var color = "#fff";
+ var stroke_color = "#000";
+ var stroke_width = 3;
+ var text_color = "#000";
if (DE_rm_mult.indexOf(item)>-1)
color = stroke_color = "#f00";
if (DE_target_done.indexOf(item)>-1) {
- color = "#aaa";
- text_color = "#000";
- stroke_color = "#000";
- stroke_width = 3;
+ color = "#aaa";
+ text_color = "#000";
+ stroke_color = "#000";
+ stroke_width = 3;
var shape_att;
var text_att;
@@ -217,11 +213,10 @@ var DE_ui_style_mark = function (item, type=null)
ch_style(item, shape_att, text_att);
- *
- * connections/links
- *
- */
+// Connections
Raphael.fn.connection = function (obj1, obj2, line, bg)
if (obj1.line && obj1.from && {
@@ -260,7 +255,7 @@ Raphael.fn.connection = function (obj1, obj2, line, bg)
var DE_conn_str = function (obj1, obj2)
- return obj1["id_"]+"-"+obj2["id_"];
+ return obj1["id_"] + "-" + obj2["id_"];
var DE_make_conn = function(obj1, obj2)
@@ -269,8 +264,8 @@ var DE_make_conn = function(obj1, obj2)
if (DE_connect_mode) {
- "stroke":DE_ui_align_stroke_hi,
- "stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width_hi
+ "stroke" : DE_ui_align_stroke_hi,
+ "stroke-width" : DE_ui_stroke_width_hi
@@ -292,12 +287,14 @@ var DE_rm_conn = function (id1, id2)
if (b)
for (c in DE_connections) {
a = c.split("-");
if (id1 == parseInt(a[0]) && parseInt(a[1])==DE_kbd_focused_phrase["id_"])
- DE_shapes_by_id[id1].attr({"stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width});
+ DE_shapes_by_id[id1].attr({"stroke-width" : DE_ui_stroke_width});
var DE_make_conns_from_a = function (align)
@@ -310,170 +307,18 @@ var DE_make_conns_from_a = function (align)
- *
- * drag'n drop
- *
- */
-var DE_dragger = function ()
- if (DE_edit_mode)
- return;
- DE_cur_drag = this;
- DE_dragging = true;
- // drag shape, not text
- if (this.type == "text")
- DE_cur_drag = this.pair;
- DE_cur_drag.toFront();
- // remember grid pos
- DE_old_pos = DE_cur_drag["grid_"];
- DE_new_pos = DE_cur_drag["grid_"];
- // remember original coords
- this.ox = this.attr("x");
- this.oy = this.attr("y");
- this.pair.ox = this.pair.attr("x");
- this.pair.oy = this.pair.attr("y");
- if (this.type != "text")
- this.animate(DE_ui_fill_opacity_hi, 250);
- if (this.pair.type != "text")
- this.pair.animate(DE_ui_fill_opacity_hi, 250);
-var DE_move = function (dx, dy)
- if (DE_edit_mode) return;
- var att = { x: this.ox + dx, y: this.oy };
- this.attr(att);
- att = { x: this.pair.ox + dx, y: this.pair.oy };
- this.pair.attr(att);
- for (key in DE_connections) {
- DE_paper.connection(DE_connections[key]);
- }
- DE_paper.safari();
-var DE_up = function () {
- DE_dragging = false;
- if (this.type != "text")
- this.animate({"fill-opacity": 0}, 250);
- if (this.pair.type != "text")
- this.pair.animate({"fill-opacity": 0}, 250);
- DE_snap_to_grid(true);
- *
- * snap-to-grid
- *
- */
-var DE_colldetect = function (dir)
- DE_target_shapes.sort(function(a, b) {
- return a["grid_"]-b["grid_"];
- });
- for (var i=0; i<DE_target_shapes.length; i++) {
- var a = DE_target_shapes[i];
- var a_left = a.attr("x");
- var a_right = a.attr("x")+a.attr("width");
- if (a["id_"]==DE_cur_drag["id_"])
- continue;
- for (var j=0; j<DE_target_shapes.length; j++) {
- var b = DE_target_shapes[j];
- if (a["id_"]==b["id_"])
- continue;
- if (b["id_"]==DE_cur_drag["id_"])
- continue;
- var b_left = b.attr("x");
- var b_right = b.attr("x")+b.attr("width");
- if (!(a_left >= b_right || a_right <= b_left)) { // collision!
- if (a["grid_"] > b["grid_"]) { // a should be right of b
- a.attr({"x": a.attr("x")+(a_right-b_left)});
- a.pair.attr({"x": a.pair.attr("x")+(a_right-b_left)});
- } else { // a should be left of b
- b.attr({"x": a.attr("x")+(a_right-b_left)});
- b.pair.attr({"x": a.pair.attr("x")+(a_right-b_left)});
- }
- }
- }
- }
-var DE_collide = function (obj)
- if (DE_edit_mode) return;
- if (obj["type_"]=="source") return;
- // not a shape
- if (!obj["id_"] || obj.type!="rect")
- return;
- if (DE_cur_drag["grid_tmp_"] > obj["grid_tmp_"]) { // right -> left
- /*if (DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width < obj.getBBox().width &&
- DE_cur_drag.getBBox().x > (obj.getBBox().x+obj.getBBox().width/1000)) { // ignored tolerance, when
- return; // dragging onto shapes
- }*/
- att = { x: obj.attr("x")+DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding) };
- obj.attr(att);
- att = { x: obj.pair.attr("x")+DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding) };
- obj.pair.attr(att);
- DE_colldetect("rl");
- } else { // left -> right
- /*if (DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width < obj.getBBox().width &&
- DE_cur_drag.getBBox().x < (obj.getBBox().x+obj.getBBox().width/1000)) {
- return;
- }*/
- att = { x: obj.attr("x")-(DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) };
- obj.attr(att);
- att = { x: obj.pair.attr("x")-(DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) };
- obj.pair.attr(att);
- DE_colldetect("lr");
- }
- // grid pos
- DE_new_pos = obj["grid_tmp_"];
- var tmp_pos = DE_cur_drag["grid_tmp_"];
- DE_cur_drag["grid_tmp_"] = obj["grid_tmp_"];
- obj["grid_tmp_"] = tmp_pos;
-var DE_snap_to_grid = function (anim=false, ignore_cur_drag=false)
+// Snap-to-grid
+var DE_snap_to_grid = function ()
- // just x coord, y is fixed in drag
+ // just x coord, y is fixed
var d = DE_ui_xbegin;
// just target objs
DE_target_shapes.sort(function(a, b) {
return a["grid_"]-b["grid_"];
- // switch
- if (DE_cur_drag) { // fix glitch when calling from DE_add_object() and up()
- DE_cur_drag["grid_"] = DE_new_pos;
- cur_id = DE_cur_drag["id_"];
- if (DE_new_pos > DE_old_pos) { // left -> right
- for (var i=0; i < DE_target_shapes.length; i++) {
- pos = DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"];
- id_ = DE_target_shapes[i]["id_"];
- if (id_ == cur_id)
- continue;
- if (pos >= DE_old_pos && pos <= DE_new_pos) {
- DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"] -= 1;
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- }
- } else if (DE_new_pos < DE_old_pos) { // right -> left
- for (var i=0; i < DE_target_shapes.length; i++) {
- pos = DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"];
- id_ = DE_target_shapes[i]["id_"];
- if (id_ == cur_id)
- continue;
- if (pos >= DE_new_pos && pos <= DE_old_pos) {
- DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"] += 1;
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- } // ^ fix glitch
// sort by grid pos
DE_target_shapes.sort(function(a, b) {
return a["grid_"]-b["grid_"];
@@ -481,62 +326,28 @@ var DE_snap_to_grid = function (anim=false, ignore_cur_drag=false)
// fix box layout
for (var i = 0; i < DE_target_shapes.length; i++) {
var obj = DE_target_shapes[i];
- if (DE_cur_drag && ignore_cur_drag && obj["id_"]==DE_cur_drag["id_"])
- continue;
if (!obj || !obj.attrs) { // removed
att = { x:d };
- if (anim) {
- obj.attr(att);
- } else {
- obj.attr(att);
- }
+ obj.attr(att);
att = { x: obj.getBBox().x+DE_ui_padding };
- if (anim) {
- //obj.pair.animate(att,50);
- obj.pair.attr(att);
- } else {
- obj.pair.attr(att);
- }
+ obj.pair.attr(att);
d += obj.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding);
- // fix tmp grid
- obj["grid_tmp_"] = obj["grid_"];
for (key in DE_connections) {
- // now mouseout() can remove highligting
- if (!ignore_cur_drag)
- DE_cur_drag = null;
-var DE_debug_DE_snap_to_grid = function () {
- var s = "";
- for (var i=0; i<DE_target_shapes.length; i++) {
- s+= DE_target_shapes[i]["id_"] + "@" + DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"]+" " ;
- }
- document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML = s;
- document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML += " new:"+DE_new_pos + " old:"+DE_old_pos;
- document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML += " DE_next_grid:"+DE_next_grid;
- *
- * mouseover-out / click events
- *
- */
-DE_item_mouseover = function (item)
+// Mouseover -out / click events
+var DE_item_mouseover = function (item)
- if (DE_locked) return;
- if (DE_dragging) return;
if (DE_edit_mode) return;
- // fix z-index
- //this.pair.toBack();
- //this.toFront();
// reset others
var not_reset = [];
for (c in DE_connections) {
@@ -570,9 +381,14 @@ DE_item_mouseover = function (item)
for (c in DE_connections) {
if (parseInt(c.split("-")[idx]) == item["id_"]) {
- DE_connections[c].line.attr({"stroke": DE_ui_align_stroke_hi, "stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width_hi});
- if (DE_shapes_by_id[parseInt(c.split("-")[other_idx])] != DE_connect_mode_shape)
- DE_ui_style_highlight(DE_shapes_by_id[parseInt(c.split("-")[other_idx])]);
+ DE_connections[c].line.attr({
+ "stroke" : DE_ui_align_stroke_hi,
+ "stroke-width" : DE_ui_stroke_width_hi});
+ if (DE_shapes_by_id[parseInt(c.split("-")[other_idx])]
+ != DE_connect_mode_shape)
+ DE_ui_style_highlight(
+ DE_shapes_by_id[parseInt(c.split("-")[other_idx])]
+ );
@@ -580,17 +396,12 @@ DE_item_mouseover = function (item)
-DE_item_mouseout = function (item)
+var DE_item_mouseout = function (item)
- if (DE_cur_drag) return;
- if (DE_edit_mode) return; // FIXME
+ if (DE_edit_mode) return;
if (item == DE_connect_mode_shape) return;
if (item == DE_kbd_focused_phrase) return;
- // fix z-index
- //this.pair.toFront();
- //this.toBack();
var idx, other_idx;
if (item["type_"] == "target") {
idx = 1;
@@ -599,6 +410,7 @@ DE_item_mouseout = function (item)
idx = 0;
other_idx = 1;
var aligned_with_focused = false;
for (c in DE_connections) {
var align_done = false;
@@ -614,15 +426,20 @@ DE_item_mouseout = function (item)
- cc = c; // FIXME WTF
+ var cc = c; // FIXME WTF
if (!x) {
- if (!(DE_connect_mode_shape && obj["id_"]==DE_connect_mode_shape["id_"]))
+ if (!(DE_connect_mode_shape
+ && obj["id_"]==DE_connect_mode_shape["id_"]))
if (align_done) {
- DE_connections[cc].line.attr({"stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width, "stroke":DE_ui_align_stroke_hi});
+ DE_connections[cc].line.attr({
+ "stroke-width" : DE_ui_stroke_width,
+ "stroke" : DE_ui_align_stroke_hi});
} else {
- DE_connections[cc].line.attr({"stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width, "stroke":DE_ui_align_stroke});
+ DE_connections[cc].line.attr({
+ "stroke-width" : DE_ui_stroke_width,
+ "stroke" : DE_ui_align_stroke});
} else {
aligned_with_focused = true;
@@ -631,25 +448,25 @@ DE_item_mouseout = function (item)
if (!aligned_with_focused)
- for (var i=0; i<DE_new_conns.length; i++) {
+ for (var i=0; i<DE_new_conns.length; i++)
- }
DE_new_conns = [];
var DE_item_click_target = function (e, item)
- if (DE_locked) return;
if (DE_target_done.indexOf(item)>-1) return;
if (DE_connect_mode) {
if (DE_connections[DE_conn_str(DE_connect_mode_shape,item)]) {
- DE_undo_stack.push(["rm_conn", DE_connect_mode_shape["id_"], item["id_"]]);
+ DE_undo_stack.push(["rm_conn", DE_connect_mode_shape["id_"],
+ item["id_"]]);
DE_rm_conn(DE_connect_mode_shape["id_"], item["id_"]);
} else {
- DE_undo_stack.push(["add_conn", DE_connect_mode_shape["id_"], item["id_"]]);
+ DE_undo_stack.push(["add_conn", DE_connect_mode_shape["id_"],
+ item["id_"]]);
DE_make_conn(DE_connect_mode_shape, item);
DE_connect_mode = false;
@@ -669,50 +486,11 @@ var DE_item_click_target = function (e, item)
if (b)
DE_connect_mode_shape = null;
- } else { // delete
- if (e.altKey) {
- return;
- if (DE_target_done.indexOf(item)>-1) return;
- var index = DE_rm_mult.indexOf(item);
- if (index != -1) {
- DE_rm_mult.splice(index, 1);
- for (c in DE_connections) {
- var i = parseInt(c.split("-")[1]);
- if (i == item["id_"])
- DE_connections[c].line.attr({"stroke":"#000"});
- }
- DE_ui_style_highlight(item);
- } else {
- item.attr({"stroke":"red", "fill":"red"});
- for (c in DE_connections) {
- var i = parseInt(c.split("-")[1]);
- if (i == item["id_"])
- DE_connections[c].line.attr({"stroke":"#f00"});
- }
- DE_rm_mult.push(item);
- }
- } else if(e.shiftKey && false) { // add
- var x = DE_shapes_by_id[item["id_"]].attr("x")+DE_shapes_by_id[item["id_"]].attr("width")
- +2*DE_ui_padding;
- var new_obj = DE_make_obj(x, "", "target");
- var new_grid = item["grid_"]+1;
- new_obj["grid_"] = new_grid;
- new_obj.pair["grid_"] = new_grid;
- for (var i=0; i<DE_target_shapes.length; i++) {
- var sh = DE_target_shapes[i];
- if (sh!=new_obj && sh["grid_"] >=new_grid) {
- sh["grid_"] += 1;
- sh.pair["grid_"] += 1;
- }
- }
- DE_snap_to_grid(true);
- }
var DE_item_click_source = function (e, item)
- if (DE_locked) return;
if (DE_connect_mode) {
if (item != DE_connect_mode_shape)
@@ -729,11 +507,10 @@ var DE_item_click_source = function (e, item)
- *
- * add/remove objects
- *
- */
+// Add/remove objects
var DE_make_obj = function (x, text, type, grid_pos=null, id=null)
var y;
@@ -743,7 +520,8 @@ var DE_make_obj = function (x, text, type, grid_pos=null, id=null)
y = DE_ui_ytarget;
// make text obj
- DE_texts.push(DE_paper.text(x, y+(DE_ui_box_height/2), text).attr(DE_ui_text_att));
+ DE_texts.push(DE_paper.text(x, y+(DE_ui_box_height/2), text)
+ .attr(DE_ui_text_att));
// make shape obj
var x_shape = DE_texts[DE_texts.length-1].getBBox().x-DE_ui_padding,
x_width = DE_texts[DE_texts.length-1].getBBox().width+(2*DE_ui_padding);
@@ -765,16 +543,9 @@ var DE_make_obj = function (x, text, type, grid_pos=null, id=null)
sh["id_"] = DE_id;
DE_shapes_by_id[sh["id_"]] = sh;
if (type == "target") {
- // :'(
- //sh.drag(DE_move, DE_dragger, DE_up).onDragOver(function(obj) { DE_collide(obj); })
- //sh.attr({ cursor: "move" });
- //tx.drag(DE_move, DE_dragger, DE_up);
sh["grid_"] = grid_pos;
- sh["grid_tmp_"] = grid_pos;
- if (!sh["grid_"]) {
+ if (!sh["grid_"])
sh["grid_"] = DE_next_grid;
- sh["grid_tmp_"] = DE_next_grid;
- } {
DE_item_click_target(e, this);
@@ -810,7 +581,6 @@ var DE_make_obj = function (x, text, type, grid_pos=null, id=null)
tx.mouseout(function() {
- //DE_item_mouseout(this.pair);
@@ -844,12 +614,10 @@ var DE_add_object = function()
- DE_cur_drag = null;
if (DE_target_shapes.length==1)
- DE_snap_to_grid(true);
+ DE_snap_to_grid();
var DE_make_objs = function (a, type)
@@ -908,26 +676,22 @@ var rm_obj = function(obj)
DE_next_grid = g;
if (!DE_next_grid) // empty
DE_next_grid = 0;
- DE_cur_drag = null;
- DE_snap_to_grid(true);
+ DE_snap_to_grid();
var DE_enter_edit_mode = function (sh, kbd=false)
- if (DE_locked) return;
if (DE_edit_mode) return;
if (kbd && !DE_kbd_focused_phrase) return;
if (DE_target_done.indexOf(sh)>-1) return;
if (DE_rm_mult.indexOf(sh)>-1) return;
DE_edit_mode = true;
- //sh.pair.toFront();
- //sh.toBack();
DE_cur_ed = sh.pair;
DE_cur_ed_shape = sh;
var input = DE_cur_ed.inlineTextEditing.startEditing();
- var text_before = trim($(DE_cur_ed.node.innerHTML).text())
+ var text_before = $.trim($(DE_cur_ed.node.innerHTML).text())
var id = sh["id_"];
input.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
if (e.keyCode==27
@@ -937,49 +701,37 @@ var DE_enter_edit_mode = function (sh, kbd=false)
|| e.keyCode==40) { // esc, arrows, backspace
} else if (e.keyCode == 8) { // backspace
- DE_cur_ed_shape.animate({width:DE_cur_ed_shape.getBBox().width-DE_ui_font_width},50);
- setTimeout(function(){DE_snap_to_grid(true);},125);
+ DE_cur_ed_shape.animate({
+ width:DE_cur_ed_shape.getBBox().width-DE_ui_font_width},50);
+ setTimeout(function(){DE_snap_to_grid();},125);
} else if (e.keyCode == 13) { // return
- //DE_cur_ed_shape.toFront();
- //DE_cur_ed.toBack();
- DE_cur_ed_shape.animate({width:DE_cur_ed.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-DE_ui_padding)},50);
- setTimeout(function(){DE_snap_to_grid(true);},50);
+ DE_cur_ed_shape.animate({
+ width:DE_cur_ed.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-DE_ui_padding)},50);
+ setTimeout(function(){DE_snap_to_grid();},50);
DE_edit_mode = false;
- var text_now = trim($(DE_cur_ed.node.innerHTML).text())
+ var text_now = $.trim($(DE_cur_ed.node.innerHTML).text())
if (text_before != text_now) {
DE_undo_stack.push(["edit", id, text_before]);
} else { // input
- DE_cur_ed_shape.animate({width:(this.value.length*DE_ui_font_width)+2*DE_ui_font_width+2*DE_ui_padding},25);
+ DE_cur_ed_shape.animate({
+ width:(this.value.length*DE_ui_font_width)
+ +2*DE_ui_font_width+2*DE_ui_padding},25);
- DE_snap_to_grid(true);
+ DE_snap_to_grid();
DE_paper.setSize(DE_paper.width+DE_ui_font_width, DE_paper.height);
- /*input.addEventListener("blur", function(e) {
- DE_cur_ed.inlineTextEditing.stopEditing();
- //DE_cur_ed_shape.toFront();
- //DE_cur_ed.toBack();
- DE_cur_ed_shape.animate({width:DE_cur_ed.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-DE_ui_padding)},125);
- //setTimeout(function(){DE_snap_to_grid(true);},125);
- DE_edit_mode = false;
- var text_now = trim($(DE_cur_ed.node.innerHTML).text())
- if (text_before != text_now) {
- DE_undo_stack.push(["edit", id, text_before]);
- }
- }, true);*/
- *
- * extract data from ui
- *
- */
+// Extract data from ui
var DE_get_raw_svg_data = function()
if (DE_paper)
@@ -992,17 +744,22 @@ var DE_extract_data = function ()
el = document.getElementById("data");
d = {};
- d["source"] = [];
+ d["source"] = [];
d["source_raw"] = [];
- d["target"] = [];
- d["align"] = [];
+ d["target"] = [];
+ d["align"] = [];
// target
var ids = [];
DE_target_shapes.sort(function(a, b) {
return a["grid_"]-b["grid_"];
for (var i=0; i<DE_target_shapes.length; i++) {
- d["target"].push(encodeURIComponent(DE_target_shapes[i].pair.attr("text")));
+ var s = encodeURIComponent(DE_target_shapes[i].pair.attr("text"))
+ if ($.trim(s)== "") {
+ alert("Please remove any empty target phrases before submission.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ d["target"].push(s);
// alignment
@@ -1034,11 +791,10 @@ var DE_extract_data = function ()
return s;
- *
- * reset/init
- *
- */
+// Initialize/reset
var DE_reset = function()
if (!data) return;
@@ -1056,14 +812,13 @@ var DE_reset = function()
- DE_shapes_by_id = {};
DE_shapes = [];
DE_target_shapes = [];
+ DE_shapes_by_id = {};
DE_texts = [];
DE_connections = {};
DE_id = 0;
DE_next_grid = 0;
- DE_cur_drag = null;
DE_edit_mode = false;
DE_cur_ed = null;
DE_cur_ed_shape = null;
@@ -1073,7 +828,6 @@ var DE_reset = function()
DE_kbd_move_mode = false;
DE_kbd_select_mode = false;
DE_target_done = [];
- DE_locked = false;
DE_undo_stack = [];
@@ -1122,16 +876,15 @@ var DE_init = function ()
// initial connections from alignment
- // kbd interace
+ // keyboard interace
- * keyboard interface
- *
- */
+// Keyboard interface
document.onkeypress = function (e) {
- if (DE_locked) return;
if (DE_edit_mode) return;
e = e || window.event;
@@ -1166,8 +919,9 @@ document.onkeypress = function (e) {
if (char_str == "A") { // add
if (DE_target_shapes.length > 0) {
- var x = DE_kbd_focused_phrase.attr("x")+DE_kbd_focused_phrase.attr("width")
- +2*DE_ui_padding;
+ var x = DE_kbd_focused_phrase.attr("x")
+ +DE_kbd_focused_phrase.attr("width")
+ +2*DE_ui_padding;
var new_obj = DE_make_obj(x, "", "target");
var new_grid = DE_kbd_focused_phrase["grid_"]+1;
new_obj["grid_"] = new_grid;
@@ -1183,7 +937,7 @@ document.onkeypress = function (e) {
var new_obj = DE_make_obj(0, "", "target");
- DE_snap_to_grid(true);
+ DE_snap_to_grid();
} else if (char_str == "U") {
} else if (char_str == "M") { // move mode
@@ -1223,7 +977,8 @@ document.onkeypress = function (e) {
} else {
var d = DE_kbd_focused_phrase;
if (DE_target_done.indexOf(d) > -1) return;
- DE_kbd_focused_phrase = DE_kbd_get_next_to("right", DE_kbd_focused_phrase);
+ DE_kbd_focused_phrase = DE_kbd_get_next_to("right",
+ DE_kbd_focused_phrase);
if (!DE_kbd_focused_phrase) {
DE_kbd_focused_phrase = DE_kbd_get_next_to("left", d);
@@ -1235,8 +990,11 @@ document.onkeypress = function (e) {
if (d) {
- DE_undo_stack.push(["rm", d["grid_"], d["id_"], $(d.pair.node.innerHTML).text(),
- connected_source_phrases]);
+ DE_undo_stack.push([
+ "rm", d["grid_"], d["id_"],
+ $(d.pair.node.innerHTML).text(),
+ connected_source_phrases
+ ]);
@@ -1278,7 +1036,8 @@ var DE_kbd_get_next_to = function(dir, shape)
for (var i=0; i<DE_target_shapes.length; i++)
var at = grid_pos.indexOf(shape["grid_"]);
- if ((at==0 && dir=="left") || (at==DE_target_shapes.length-1 && dir=="right"))
+ if ((at==0 && dir=="left")
+ || (at==DE_target_shapes.length-1 && dir=="right"))
var obj = null;
@@ -1309,9 +1068,13 @@ var DE_kbd_focus_shape = function(obj, obj2=null)
if (DE_target_done.indexOf(DE_shapes_by_id[parseInt(c.split("-")[1])])>-1)
align_done = true;
if (align_done) {
- DE_connections[c].line.attr({"stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width, "stroke":DE_ui_align_stroke_hi});
+ DE_connections[c].line.attr({
+ "stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width, "stroke":DE_ui_align_stroke_hi
+ });
} else {
- DE_connections[c].line.attr({"stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width, "stroke":DE_ui_align_stroke});
+ DE_connections[c].line.attr({
+ "stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width, "stroke":DE_ui_align_stroke
+ });
for (sh in DE_shapes_by_id)
@@ -1323,8 +1086,11 @@ var DE_kbd_focus_shape = function(obj, obj2=null)
for (c in DE_connections) {
if (parseInt(c.split("-")[1]) == DE_kbd_focused_phrase["id_"]) {
- DE_connections[c].line.attr({"stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width_hi,"stroke":DE_ui_align_stroke_hi});
- DE_ui_style_highlight(DE_shapes_by_id[parseInt(c.split("-")[0])], "source");
+ DE_connections[c].line.attr({
+ "stroke-width" : DE_ui_stroke_width_hi,
+ "stroke" : DE_ui_align_stroke_hi});
+ DE_ui_style_highlight(DE_shapes_by_id[parseInt(c.split("-")[0])],
+ "source");
if (obj2)
@@ -1344,7 +1110,8 @@ var DE_kbd_swap = function(dir="right", shape)
for (var i=0; i<DE_target_shapes.length; i++)
var at = grid_pos.indexOf(shape["grid_"]);
- if ((at == 0 && dir=="left") || (at == DE_target_shapes.length-1 && dir=="right"))
+ if ((at == 0 && dir=="left")
+ || (at == DE_target_shapes.length-1 && dir=="right"))
var obj = null;
@@ -1356,24 +1123,46 @@ var DE_kbd_swap = function(dir="right", shape)
// right -> left
if (dir == "left") {
- att = { x: obj.attr("x")+shape.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding) };
+ att = {
+ x: obj.attr("x")+shape.getBBox().width
+ +(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)
+ };
- att = { x: obj.pair.attr("x")+shape.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding) };
+ att = { x: obj.pair.attr("x")+shape.getBBox().width
+ +(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)
+ };
- att = { x: shape.attr("x")-(obj.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) };
+ att = {
+ x: shape.attr("x")-(obj.getBBox().width
+ +(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding))
+ };
- att = { x: shape.pair.attr("x")-(obj.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) };
+ att = {
+ x: shape.pair.attr("x")-(obj.getBBox().width
+ +(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding))
+ };
} else { // right
- att = { x: obj.attr("x")-(shape.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) };
+ att = {
+ x: obj.attr("x")-(shape.getBBox().width
+ +(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding))
+ };
- att = { x: obj.pair.attr("x")-(shape.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) };
+ att = {
+ x: obj.pair.attr("x")-(shape.getBBox().width
+ +(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding))
+ };
- att = { x: shape.attr("x")+(obj.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) };
+ att = {
+ x: shape.attr("x")+(obj.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding))
+ };
- att = { x: shape.pair.attr("x")+(obj.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) };
+ att = {
+ x: shape.pair.attr("x")
+ +(obj.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding))
+ };
@@ -1393,11 +1182,10 @@ var DE_kbd_start_interface = function ()
DE_kbd_select_mode = true;
- *
- * undo/redo
- *
- */
+// Undo/redo
var DE_undo = function ()
var x = DE_undo_stack.pop();
@@ -1410,7 +1198,9 @@ var DE_undo = function ()
} else if (x[0] == "rm_conn") {
DE_make_conn(DE_shapes_by_id[x[1]], DE_shapes_by_id[x[2]]);
if (DE_shapes_by_id[x[2]] == DE_kbd_focused_phrase) {
- DE_connections[x[1]+"-"+x[2]].line.attr({"stroke":"#000","stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width_hi});
+ DE_connections[x[1]+"-"+x[2]].line.attr({
+ "stroke" : "#000",
+ "stroke-width" : DE_ui_stroke_width_hi});
} else if (x[0] == "add_conn") {