AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-04-13Moses compatibility for tokenizerMichael Denkowski
2015-04-10Fixed bug in MPL detectionaustinma
2015-04-09fix kenlm's use of compression librariesChris Dyer
2015-04-09added missed filesarmatthews
2015-04-09added WER as a possible tuning metricarmatthews
2015-04-08Merge pull request #72 from redpony/cmakeChris Dyer
flags for zlib etc
2015-04-08flags for zlib etcChris Dyer
2015-04-02Merge pull request #71 from redpony/cmakeChris Dyer
new instr
2015-04-02new instrChris Dyer
2015-04-02Merge pull request #70 from redpony/cmakeChris Dyer
2015-04-02fix PIC flag on old version of cmakeChris Dyer
2015-04-02fix libRT useChris Dyer
2015-03-26fix sign bugChris Dyer
2015-03-26Merge branch 'master' of Dyer
2015-03-26fix bugChris Dyer
2015-03-05Merge branch 'cmake' of into cmakeChris Dyer
2015-03-05fix extra loggingChris Dyer
2015-03-05deal with possible RT lib dependencyChris Dyer
2015-03-04deal with libdlChris Dyer
2015-03-04remove warningChris Dyer
2015-03-04remove perfect hash function stuff, add zip option to extract.ccChris Dyer
2015-03-03migration to cmakeChris Dyer
2015-02-19when ApplyRules resizes nodes_, the reference to `cat` may become invalid ↵Wilker Aziz
and the parser segfaults (observed with grammars full of unary rules)
2015-02-04fixed lattice gold filesarmatthews
2015-02-04allow empty feature dictionariesarmatthews
2015-02-04Updated tests for lattice inputarmatthews
2015-02-04Added dictionary support to PLFarmatthews
2015-02-03support multiple sparse features on lattice edgesCHRISTOPHER DYER
2015-02-03tool to dedupilate corpus with hashingCHRISTOPHER DYER
2015-01-08Stop BOMbs before they decrease qualityKenneth Heafield
2014-12-29deal with eur symbolChris Dyer
2014-12-29finnish case markingsChris Dyer
2014-12-29fooChris Dyer
2014-12-29fooChris Dyer
2014-12-29finnish abbrevsChris Dyer
2014-12-20Generalize to sample any number of dev setsmjdenkowski
2014-12-19Sample dev and test sets with pseudo-documentsmjdenkowski
2014-12-18Merge pull request #64 from kho/softsyn_2Chris Dyer
Proper implementation of soft syntactic constraint features
2014-12-17Merge branch 'const_reorder_2' into softsyn_2Wu, Ke
2014-12-17Merge pull request #65 from kho/const_reorder_2Chris Dyer
Fix a building problem
2014-12-17Fix a building problemWu, Ke
2014-12-17Merge pull request #63 from kho/const_reorder_2Chris Dyer
Soft linguistic reordering constraints from
2014-12-17Merge branch 'const_reorder_2' into softsyn_2Wu, Ke
2014-12-17Merge with upstreamWu, Ke
2014-12-17Combine everything related to maxent to a single fileWu, Ke
2014-12-17Move training routine out of ff_const_reorder_common.hWu, Ke
2014-12-17Merge branch 'ignore_state' into const_reorder_2Wu, Ke
2014-12-17Merge pull request #61 from kho/ignore_stateChris Dyer
Add IgnoredStateSize() to FeatureFunction
2014-12-17Warn about possible misuse of IgnoredStateSize() related functionsWu, Ke
2014-12-11Also read from attribute "src_tree"Wu, Ke