path: root/training/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'training/')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0e290492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use utf8;
+use strict;
+my ($effile, $model1) = @ARGV;
+die "Usage: $0 corpus.model1\n" unless $effile && -f $effile && $model1 && -f $model1;
+open EF, "<$effile" or die;
+open M1, "<$model1" or die;
+my %model1;
+while(<M1>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($f, $e, $lp) = split /\s+/;
+ $model1{$f}->{$e} = $lp;
+my $ADD_MODEL1 = 0; # found that model1 hurts performance
+my $IS_FRENCH_F = 0; # indicates that the f language is french
+my $IS_ARABIC_F = 1; # indicates that the f language is arabic
+my $ADD_PREFIX_ID = 0;
+my $ADD_LEN = 1;
+my $ADD_LD = 0;
+my $ADD_DICE = 1;
+my $ADD_111 = 1;
+my $ADD_ID = 1;
+my $ADD_PUNC = 1;
+my $ADD_NUM_MM = 1;
+my $ADD_NULL = 1;
+my $BEAM_RATIO = 50;
+my %fdict;
+my %fcounts;
+my %ecounts;
+while(<EF>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($f, $e) = split /\s*\|\|\|\s*/;
+ my @es = split /\s+/, $e;
+ my @fs = split /\s+/, $f;
+ for my $ew (@es){ $ecounts{$ew}++; }
+ push @fs, '<eps>' if $ADD_NULL;
+ for my $fw (@fs){ $fcounts{$fw}++; }
+ for my $fw (@fs){
+ for my $ew (@es){
+ $fdict{$fw}->{$ew}++;
+ }
+ }
+print STDERR "Dice 0\n" if $ADD_DICE;
+print STDERR "OneOneOne 0\nId_OneOneOne 0\n" if $ADD_111;
+print STDERR "Identical 0\n" if $ADD_ID;
+print STDERR "PuncMiss 0\n" if $ADD_PUNC;
+print STDERR "IsNull 0\n" if $ADD_NULL;
+print STDERR "Model1 0\n" if $ADD_MODEL1;
+print STDERR "DLen 0\n" if $ADD_LEN;
+print STDERR "NumMM 0\n" if $ADD_NUM_MM;
+print STDERR "Level 0\n" if $ADD_LD;
+print STDERR "PfxIdentical 0\n" if ($ADD_PREFIX_ID);
+my $fc = 1000000;
+for my $f (sort keys %fdict) {
+ my $re = $fdict{$f};
+ my $max;
+ for my $e (sort {$re->{$b} <=> $re->{$a}} keys %$re) {
+ my $efcount = $re->{$e};
+ unless (defined $max) { $max = $efcount; }
+ my $m1 = $model1{$f}->{$e};
+ unless (defined $m1) { next; }
+ $fc++;
+ my $dice = 2 * $efcount / ($ecounts{$e} + $fcounts{$f});
+ my $feats = "F$fc=1";
+ my $oe = $e;
+ my $len_e = length($oe);
+ my $of = $f; # normalized form
+ if ($IS_FRENCH_F) {
+ # see
+ $of =~ s/â/as/g;
+ $of =~ s/ê/es/g;
+ $of =~ s/î/is/g;
+ $of =~ s/ô/os/g;
+ $of =~ s/û/us/g;
+ } elsif ($IS_ARABIC_F) {
+ if (length($of) > 1 && !($of =~ /\d/)) {
+ $of =~ s/\$/sh/g;
+ }
+ }
+ my $len_f = length($of);
+ $feats .= " Model1=$m1" if ($ADD_MODEL1);
+ $feats .= " Dice=$dice" if $ADD_DICE;
+ my $is_null = undef;
+ if ($ADD_NULL && $f eq '<eps>') {
+ $feats .= " IsNull=1";
+ $is_null = 1;
+ }
+ if ($ADD_LEN) {
+ if (!$is_null) {
+ my $dlen = abs($len_e - $len_f);
+ $feats .= " DLen=$dlen";
+ }
+ }
+ my $f_num = ($of =~ /^-?\d[0-9\.\,]+%?$/); # this matches *two digit* and more numbers
+ my $e_num = ($oe =~ /^-?\d[0-9\.\,]+%?$/);
+ my $both_non_numeric = (!$e_num && !$f_num);
+ if ($ADD_NUM_MM && (($f_num && !$e_num) || ($e_num && !$f_num))) {
+ $feats .= " NumMM=1";
+ }
+ if ($ADD_PREFIX_ID) {
+ if ($len_e > 3 && $len_f > 3 && $both_non_numeric) {
+ my $pe = substr $oe, 0, 3;
+ my $pf = substr $of, 0, 3;
+ if ($pe eq $pf) { $feats .= " PfxIdentical=1"; }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ADD_LD) {
+ my $ld = 0;
+ if ($is_null) { $ld = length($e); } else {
+ $ld = levenshtein($e, $f);
+ }
+ $feats .= " Leven=$ld";
+ }
+ my $ident = ($e eq $f);
+ if ($ident && $ADD_ID) { $feats .= " Identical=1"; }
+ if ($ADD_111 && ($efcount == 1 && $ecounts{$e} == 1 && $fcounts{$f} == 1)) {
+ if ($ident && $ADD_ID) {
+ $feats .= " Id_OneOneOne=1";
+ }
+ $feats .= " OneOneOne=1";
+ }
+ if ($ADD_PUNC) {
+ if (($f =~ /^[0-9!\$%,\-\/"':;=+?.()«»]+$/ && $e =~ /[a-z]+/) ||
+ ($e =~ /^[0-9!\$%,\-\/"':;=+?.()«»]+$/ && $f =~ /[a-z]+/)) {
+ $feats .= " PuncMiss=1";
+ }
+ }
+ my $r = (0.5 - rand)/5;
+ print STDERR "F$fc $r\n";
+ print "$f ||| $e ||| $feats\n";
+ }
+sub levenshtein
+ # $s1 and $s2 are the two strings
+ # $len1 and $len2 are their respective lengths
+ #
+ my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
+ my ($len1, $len2) = (length $s1, length $s2);
+ # If one of the strings is empty, the distance is the length
+ # of the other string
+ #
+ return $len2 if ($len1 == 0);
+ return $len1 if ($len2 == 0);
+ my %mat;
+ # Init the distance matrix
+ #
+ # The first row to 0..$len1
+ # The first column to 0..$len2
+ # The rest to 0
+ #
+ # The first row and column are initialized so to denote distance
+ # from the empty string
+ #
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $len1; ++$i)
+ {
+ for (my $j = 0; $j <= $len2; ++$j)
+ {
+ $mat{$i}{$j} = 0;
+ $mat{0}{$j} = $j;
+ }
+ $mat{$i}{0} = $i;
+ }
+ # Some char-by-char processing is ahead, so prepare
+ # array of chars from the strings
+ #
+ my @ar1 = split(//, $s1);
+ my @ar2 = split(//, $s2);
+ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $len1; ++$i)
+ {
+ for (my $j = 1; $j <= $len2; ++$j)
+ {
+ # Set the cost to 1 iff the ith char of $s1
+ # equals the jth of $s2
+ #
+ # Denotes a substitution cost. When the char are equal
+ # there is no need to substitute, so the cost is 0
+ #
+ my $cost = ($ar1[$i-1] eq $ar2[$j-1]) ? 0 : 1;
+ # Cell $mat{$i}{$j} equals the minimum of:
+ #
+ # - The cell immediately above plus 1
+ # - The cell immediately to the left plus 1
+ # - The cell diagonally above and to the left plus the cost
+ #
+ # We can either insert a new char, delete a char or
+ # substitute an existing char (with an associated cost)
+ #
+ $mat{$i}{$j} = min([$mat{$i-1}{$j} + 1,
+ $mat{$i}{$j-1} + 1,
+ $mat{$i-1}{$j-1} + $cost]);
+ }
+ }
+ # Finally, the Levenshtein distance equals the rightmost bottom cell
+ # of the matrix
+ #
+ # Note that $mat{$x}{$y} denotes the distance between the substrings
+ # 1..$x and 1..$y
+ #
+ return $mat{$len1}{$len2};
+# minimal element of a list
+sub min
+ my @list = @{$_[0]};
+ my $min = $list[0];
+ foreach my $i (@list)
+ {
+ $min = $i if ($i < $min);
+ }
+ return $min;