path: root/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/phrase/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/phrase/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/phrase/ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/phrase/
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--- a/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/phrase/
+++ /dev/null
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-package phrase;
-import gnu.trove.TIntArrayList;
-import io.FileUtil;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
-import java.util.concurrent.Future;
-import org.apache.commons.math.special.Gamma;
-import phrase.Corpus.Edge;
-public class VB {
- public static int MAX_ITER=400;
- /**@brief
- * hyper param for beta
- * where beta is multinomial
- * for generating words from a topic
- */
- public double lambda=0.1;
- /**@brief
- * hyper param for theta
- * where theta is dirichlet for z
- */
- public double alpha=0.0001;
- /**@brief
- * variational param for beta
- */
- private double rho[][][];
- private double digamma_rho[][][];
- private double rho_sum[][];
- /**@brief
- * variational param for z
- */
- //private double phi[][];
- /**@brief
- * variational param for theta
- */
- private double gamma[];
- private static double VAL_DIFF_RATIO=0.005;
- private int n_positions;
- private int n_words;
- private int K;
- private ExecutorService pool;
- private Corpus c;
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- // String in="../pdata/canned.con";
- String in="../pdata/btec.con";
- String out="../pdata/vb.out";
- int numCluster=25;
- Corpus corpus = null;
- File infile = new File(in);
- try {
- System.out.println("Reading concordance from " + infile);
- corpus = Corpus.readFromFile(FileUtil.reader(infile));
- corpus.printStats(System.out);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- System.err.println("Failed to open input file: " + infile);
- e.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- }
- VB vb=new VB(numCluster, corpus);
- int iter=20;
- for(int i=0;i<iter;i++){
- double obj=vb.EM();
- System.out.println("Iter "+i+": "+obj);
- }
- File outfile = new File (out);
- try {
- PrintStream ps = FileUtil.printstream(outfile);
- vb.displayPosterior(ps);
- // ps.println();
- // c2f.displayModelParam(ps);
- ps.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- System.err.println("Failed to open output file: " + outfile);
- e.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- }
- }
- public VB(int numCluster, Corpus corpus){
- c=corpus;
- K=numCluster;
- n_positions=c.getNumContextPositions();
- n_words=c.getNumWords();
- rho=new double[K][n_positions][n_words];
- //to init rho
- //loop through data and count up words
- double[] phi_tmp=new double[K];
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- for(int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- Arrays.fill(rho[i][pos], lambda);
- }
- }
- for(int d=0;d<c.getNumPhrases();d++){
- List<Edge>doc=c.getEdgesForPhrase(d);
- for(int n=0;n<doc.size();n++){
- TIntArrayList context=doc.get(n).getContext();
- arr.F.randomise(phi_tmp);
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- for(int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- rho[i][pos][context.get(pos)]+=phi_tmp[i];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private double inference(int phraseID, double[][] phi, double[] gamma)
- {
- List<Edge > doc=c.getEdgesForPhrase(phraseID);
- for(int i=0;i<phi.length;i++){
- for(int j=0;j<phi[i].length;j++){
- phi[i][j]=1.0/K;
- }
- }
- Arrays.fill(gamma,alpha+1.0/K);
- double digamma_gamma[]=new double[K];
- double gamma_sum=digamma(arr.F.l1norm(gamma));
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- digamma_gamma[i]=digamma(gamma[i]);
- }
- double gammaSum[]=new double [K];
- double prev_val=0;
- double obj=0;
- for(int iter=0;iter<MAX_ITER;iter++){
- prev_val=obj;
- obj=0;
- Arrays.fill(gammaSum,0.0);
- for(int n=0;n<doc.size();n++){
- TIntArrayList context=doc.get(n).getContext();
- double phisum=0;
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- double sum=0;
- for(int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- int word=context.get(pos);
- sum+=digamma_rho[i][pos][word]-rho_sum[i][pos];
- }
- sum+= digamma_gamma[i]-gamma_sum;
- phi[n][i]=sum;
- if (i > 0){
- phisum = log_sum(phisum, phi[n][i]);
- }
- else{
- phisum = phi[n][i];
- }
- }//end of a word
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- phi[n][i]=Math.exp(phi[n][i]-phisum);
- gammaSum[i]+=phi[n][i];
- }
- }//end of doc
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- gamma[i]=alpha+gammaSum[i];
- }
- gamma_sum=digamma(arr.F.l1norm(gamma));
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- digamma_gamma[i]=digamma(gamma[i]);
- }
- //compute objective for reporting
- obj=0;
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- obj+=(alpha-1)*(digamma_gamma[i]-gamma_sum);
- }
- for(int n=0;n<doc.size();n++){
- TIntArrayList context=doc.get(n).getContext();
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- //entropy of phi + expected log likelihood of z
- obj+=phi[n][i]*(digamma_gamma[i]-gamma_sum);
- if(phi[n][i]>1e-10){
- obj+=phi[n][i]*Math.log(phi[n][i]);
- }
- double beta_sum=0;
- for(int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- int word=context.get(pos);
- beta_sum+=(digamma(rho[i][pos][word])-rho_sum[i][pos]);
- }
- obj+=phi[n][i]*beta_sum;
- }
- }
- obj-=log_gamma(arr.F.l1norm(gamma));
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- obj+=Gamma.logGamma(gamma[i]);
- obj-=(gamma[i]-1)*(digamma_gamma[i]-gamma_sum);
- }
-// System.out.println(phraseID+": "+obj);
- if(iter>0 && (obj-prev_val)/Math.abs(obj)<VAL_DIFF_RATIO){
- break;
- }
- }//end of inference loop
- return obj;
- }//end of inference
- /**
- * @return objective of this iteration
- */
- public double EM(){
- double emObj=0;
- if(digamma_rho==null){
- digamma_rho=new double[K][n_positions][n_words];
- }
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- for (int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- for(int j=0;j<n_words;j++){
- digamma_rho[i][pos][j]= digamma(rho[i][pos][j]);
- }
- }
- }
- if(rho_sum==null){
- rho_sum=new double [K][n_positions];
- }
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- for(int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- rho_sum[i][pos]=digamma(arr.F.l1norm(rho[i][pos]));
- }
- }
- //E
- double exp_rho[][][]=new double[K][n_positions][n_words];
- if (pool == null)
- {
- for (int d=0;d<c.getNumPhrases();d++)
- {
- List<Edge > doc=c.getEdgesForPhrase(d);
- double[][] phi = new double[doc.size()][K];
- double[] gamma = new double[K];
- emObj += inference(d, phi, gamma);
- for(int n=0;n<doc.size();n++){
- TIntArrayList context=doc.get(n).getContext();
- for(int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- int word=context.get(pos);
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- exp_rho[i][pos][word]+=phi[n][i];
- }
- }
- }
- //if(d!=0 && d%100==0) System.out.print(".");
- //if(d!=0 && d%1000==0) System.out.println(d);
- }
- }
- else // multi-threaded version of above loop
- {
- class PartialEStep implements Callable<PartialEStep>
- {
- double[][] phi;
- double[] gamma;
- double obj;
- int d;
- PartialEStep(int d) { this.d = d; }
- public PartialEStep call()
- {
- phi = new double[c.getEdgesForPhrase(d).size()][K];
- gamma = new double[K];
- obj = inference(d, phi, gamma);
- return this;
- }
- }
- List<Future<PartialEStep>> jobs = new ArrayList<Future<PartialEStep>>();
- for (int d=0;d<c.getNumPhrases();d++)
- jobs.add(pool.submit(new PartialEStep(d)));
- for (Future<PartialEStep> job: jobs)
- {
- try {
- PartialEStep e = job.get();
- emObj += e.obj;
- List<Edge> doc = c.getEdgesForPhrase(e.d);
- for(int n=0;n<doc.size();n++){
- TIntArrayList context=doc.get(n).getContext();
- for(int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- int word=context.get(pos);
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- exp_rho[i][pos][word]+=e.phi[n][i];
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (ExecutionException e) {
- System.err.println("ERROR: E-step thread execution failed.");
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- System.err.println("ERROR: Failed to join E-step thread.");
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- }
- // System.out.println("EM Objective:"+emObj);
- //M
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- for(int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- for(int j=0;j<n_words;j++){
- rho[i][pos][j]=lambda+exp_rho[i][pos][j];
- }
- }
- }
- //E[\log p(\beta|\lambda)] - E[\log q(\beta)]
- for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
- double rhoSum=0;
- for(int pos=0;pos<n_positions;pos++){
- for(int j=0;j<n_words;j++){
- rhoSum+=rho[i][pos][j];
- }
- double digamma_rhoSum=Gamma.digamma(rhoSum);
- emObj-=Gamma.logGamma(rhoSum);
- for(int j=0;j<n_words;j++){
- emObj+=(lambda-rho[i][pos][j])*(Gamma.digamma(rho[i][pos][j])-digamma_rhoSum);
- emObj+=Gamma.logGamma(rho[i][pos][j]);
- }
- }
- }
- return emObj;
- }//end of EM
- public void displayPosterior(PrintStream ps)
- {
- for(int d=0;d<c.getNumPhrases();d++){
- List<Edge > doc=c.getEdgesForPhrase(d);
- double[][] phi = new double[doc.size()][K];
- for(int i=0;i<phi.length;i++)
- for(int j=0;j<phi[i].length;j++)
- phi[i][j]=1.0/K;
- double[] gamma = new double[K];
- inference(d, phi, gamma);
- for(int n=0;n<doc.size();n++){
- Edge edge=doc.get(n);
- int tag=arr.F.argmax(phi[n]);
- ps.print(edge.getPhraseString());
- ps.print("\t");
- ps.print(edge.getContextString(true));
- ps.println(" ||| C=" + tag);
- }
- }
- }
- double log_sum(double log_a, double log_b)
- {
- double v;
- if (log_a < log_b)
- v = log_b+Math.log(1 + Math.exp(log_a-log_b));
- else
- v = log_a+Math.log(1 + Math.exp(log_b-log_a));
- return(v);
- }
- double digamma(double x)
- {
- double p;
- x=x+6;
- p=1/(x*x);
- p=(((0.004166666666667*p-0.003968253986254)*p+
- 0.008333333333333)*p-0.083333333333333)*p;
- p=p+Math.log(x)-0.5/x-1/(x-1)-1/(x-2)-1/(x-3)-1/(x-4)-1/(x-5)-1/(x-6);
- return p;
- }
- double log_gamma(double x)
- {
- double z=1/(x*x);
- x=x+6;
- z=(((-0.000595238095238*z+0.000793650793651)
- *z-0.002777777777778)*z+0.083333333333333)/x;
- z=(x-0.5)*Math.log(x)-x+0.918938533204673+z-Math.log(x-1)-
- Math.log(x-2)-Math.log(x-3)-Math.log(x-4)-Math.log(x-5)-Math.log(x-6);
- return z;
- }
- public void useThreadPool(ExecutorService threadPool)
- {
- pool = threadPool;
- }
-}//End of class