path: root/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods
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Diffstat (limited to 'gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods')
13 files changed, 991 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 00000000..0a4a5445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.stats.OptimizerStats;
+import optimization.linesearch.DifferentiableLineSearchObjective;
+import optimization.linesearch.LineSearchMethod;
+import optimization.stopCriteria.StopingCriteria;
+import optimization.util.MathUtils;
+ *
+ * @author javg
+ *
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractGradientBaseMethod implements Optimizer{
+ protected int maxNumberOfIterations=10000;
+ protected int currentProjectionIteration;
+ protected double currValue;
+ protected double previousValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;;
+ protected double step;
+ protected double[] gradient;
+ public double[] direction;
+ //Original values
+ protected double originalGradientL2Norm;
+ protected LineSearchMethod lineSearch;
+ DifferentiableLineSearchObjective lso;
+ public void reset(){
+ direction = null;
+ gradient = null;
+ previousValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ currentProjectionIteration = 0;
+ originalGradientL2Norm = 0;
+ step = 0;
+ currValue = 0;
+ }
+ public void initializeStructures(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ lso = new DifferentiableLineSearchObjective(o);
+ }
+ public void updateStructuresBeforeStep(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ }
+ public void updateStructuresAfterStep(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ }
+ public boolean optimize(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ //Initialize structures
+ stats.collectInitStats(this, o);
+ direction = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+ initializeStructures(o, stats, stop);
+ for (currentProjectionIteration = 1; currentProjectionIteration < maxNumberOfIterations; currentProjectionIteration++){
+// System.out.println("starting iterations: parameters:" );
+// o.printParameters();
+ previousValue = currValue;
+ currValue = o.getValue();
+ gradient = o.getGradient();
+ if(stop.stopOptimization(o)){
+ stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+ return true;
+ }
+ getDirection();
+ if(MathUtils.dotProduct(gradient, direction) > 0){
+ System.out.println("Not a descent direction");
+ System.out.println(" current stats " + stats.prettyPrint(1));
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ updateStructuresBeforeStep(o, stats, stop);
+ lso.reset(direction);
+ step = lineSearch.getStepSize(lso);
+// System.out.println("Leave with step: " + step);
+ if(step==-1){
+ System.out.println("Failed to find step");
+ stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+ return false;
+ }
+ updateStructuresAfterStep( o, stats, stop);
+// previousValue = currValue;
+// currValue = o.getValue();
+// gradient = o.getGradient();
+ stats.collectIterationStats(this, o);
+ }
+ stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+ return false;
+ }
+ public int getCurrentIteration() {
+ return currentProjectionIteration;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method specific
+ */
+ public abstract double[] getDirection();
+ public double getCurrentStep() {
+ return step;
+ }
+ public void setMaxIterations(int max) {
+ maxNumberOfIterations = max;
+ }
+ public double getCurrentValue() {
+ return currValue;
+ }
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index 00000000..28295729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.stats.OptimizerStats;
+import optimization.linesearch.DifferentiableLineSearchObjective;
+import optimization.linesearch.LineSearchMethod;
+import optimization.stopCriteria.StopingCriteria;
+import optimization.util.MathUtils;
+public class ConjugateGradient extends AbstractGradientBaseMethod{
+ double[] previousGradient;
+ double[] previousDirection;
+ public ConjugateGradient(LineSearchMethod lineSearch) {
+ this.lineSearch = lineSearch;
+ }
+ public void reset(){
+ super.reset();
+ java.util.Arrays.fill(previousDirection, 0);
+ java.util.Arrays.fill(previousGradient, 0);
+ }
+ public void initializeStructures(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ super.initializeStructures(o, stats, stop);
+ previousGradient = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+ previousDirection = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+ }
+ public void updateStructuresBeforeStep(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ System.arraycopy(gradient, 0, previousGradient, 0, gradient.length);
+ System.arraycopy(direction, 0, previousDirection, 0, direction.length);
+ }
+// public boolean optimize(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+// DifferentiableLineSearchObjective lso = new DifferentiableLineSearchObjective(o);
+// stats.collectInitStats(this, o);
+// direction = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+// initializeStructures(o, stats, stop);
+// for (currentProjectionIteration = 0; currentProjectionIteration < maxNumberOfIterations; currentProjectionIteration++){
+// previousValue = currValue;
+// currValue = o.getValue();
+// gradient =o.getGradient();
+// if(stop.stopOptimization(gradient)){
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// return true;
+// }
+// getDirection();
+// updateStructures(o, stats, stop);
+// lso.reset(direction);
+// step = lineSearch.getStepSize(lso);
+// if(step==-1){
+// System.out.println("Failed to find a step size");
+// System.out.println("Failed to find step");
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// return false;
+// }
+// stats.collectIterationStats(this, o);
+// }
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// return false;
+// }
+ public double[] getDirection(){
+ direction = MathUtils.negation(gradient);
+ if(currentProjectionIteration != 1){
+ //Using Polak-Ribiere method (book equation 5.45)
+ double b = MathUtils.dotProduct(gradient, MathUtils.arrayMinus(gradient, previousGradient))
+ /MathUtils.dotProduct(previousGradient, previousGradient);
+ if(b<0){
+ System.out.println("Defaulting to gradient descent");
+ b = Math.max(b, 0);
+ }
+ MathUtils.plusEquals(direction, previousDirection, b);
+ //Debug code
+ if(MathUtils.dotProduct(direction, gradient) > 0){
+ System.out.println("Not an descent direction reseting to gradien");
+ direction = MathUtils.negation(gradient);
+ }
+ }
+ return direction;
+ }
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index 00000000..6dc4ef6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import optimization.util.MathUtils;
+public class DebugHelpers {
+ public static void getLineSearchGraph(Objective o, double[] direction,
+ double[] parameters, double originalObj,
+ double originalDot, double c1, double c2){
+ ArrayList<Double> stepS = new ArrayList<Double>();
+ ArrayList<Double> obj = new ArrayList<Double>();
+ ArrayList<Double> norm = new ArrayList<Double>();
+ double[] gradient = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+ double[] newParameters = parameters.clone();
+ MathUtils.plusEquals(newParameters,direction,0);
+ o.setParameters(newParameters);
+ double minValue = o.getValue();
+ int valuesBiggerThanMax = 0;
+ for(double step = 0; step < 2; step +=0.01 ){
+ newParameters = parameters.clone();
+ MathUtils.plusEquals(newParameters,direction,step);
+ o.setParameters(newParameters);
+ double newValue = o.getValue();
+ gradient = o.getGradient();
+ double newgradDirectionDot = MathUtils.dotProduct(gradient,direction);
+ stepS.add(step);
+ obj.add(newValue);
+ norm.add(newgradDirectionDot);
+ if(newValue <= minValue){
+ minValue = newValue;
+ }else{
+ valuesBiggerThanMax++;
+ }
+ if(valuesBiggerThanMax > 10){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println("step\torigObj\tobj\tsuffdec\tnorm\tcurvature1");
+ for(int i = 0; i < stepS.size(); i++){
+ double cnorm= norm.get(i);
+ System.out.println(stepS.get(i)+"\t"+originalObj +"\t"+obj.get(i) + "\t" +
+ (originalObj + originalDot*((Double)stepS.get(i))*c1) +"\t"+Math.abs(cnorm) +"\t"+c2*Math.abs(originalDot));
+ }
+ }
+ public static double[] getNumericalGradient(Objective o, double[] parameters, double epsilon){
+ int nrParameters = o.getNumParameters();
+ double[] gradient = new double[nrParameters];
+ double[] newParameters;
+ double originalValue = o.getValue();
+ for(int parameter = 0; parameter < nrParameters; parameter++){
+ newParameters = parameters.clone();
+ newParameters[parameter]+=epsilon;
+ o.setParameters(newParameters);
+ double newValue = o.getValue();
+ gradient[parameter]=(newValue-originalValue)/epsilon;
+ }
+ return gradient;
+ }
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index 00000000..9a53cef4
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+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+import optimization.linesearch.LineSearchMethod;
+public class GradientDescent extends AbstractGradientBaseMethod{
+ public GradientDescent(LineSearchMethod lineSearch) {
+ this.lineSearch = lineSearch;
+ }
+ public double[] getDirection(){
+ for(int i = 0; i< gradient.length; i++){
+ direction[i] = -gradient[i];
+ }
+ return direction;
+ }
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index 00000000..dedbc942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.stats.OptimizerStats;
+import optimization.linesearch.DifferentiableLineSearchObjective;
+import optimization.linesearch.LineSearchMethod;
+import optimization.stopCriteria.StopingCriteria;
+import optimization.util.MathUtils;
+public class LBFGS extends AbstractGradientBaseMethod{
+ //How many previous values are being saved
+ int history;
+ double[][] skList;
+ double[][] ykList;
+ double initialHessianParameters;
+ double[] previousGradient;
+ double[] previousParameters;
+ //auxiliar structures
+ double q[];
+ double[] roi;
+ double[] alphai;
+ public LBFGS(LineSearchMethod ls, int history) {
+ lineSearch = ls;
+ this.history = history;
+ skList = new double[history][];
+ ykList = new double[history][];
+ }
+ public void reset(){
+ super.reset();
+ initialHessianParameters = 0;
+ previousParameters = null;
+ previousGradient = null;
+ skList = new double[history][];
+ ykList = new double[history][];
+ q = null;
+ roi = null;
+ alphai = null;
+ }
+ public double[] LBFGSTwoLoopRecursion(double hessianConst){
+ //Only create array once
+ if(q == null){
+ q = new double[gradient.length];
+ }
+ System.arraycopy(gradient, 0, q, 0, gradient.length);
+ //Only create array once
+ if(roi == null){
+ roi = new double[history];
+ }
+ //Only create array once
+ if(alphai == null){
+ alphai = new double[history];
+ }
+ for(int i = history-1; i >=0 && skList[i]!= null && ykList[i]!=null; i-- ){
+ // System.out.println("New to Old proj " + currentProjectionIteration + " history "+history + " index " + i);
+ double[] si = skList[i];
+ double[] yi = ykList[i];
+ roi[i]= 1.0/MathUtils.dotProduct(yi,si);
+ alphai[i] = MathUtils.dotProduct(si, q)*roi[i];
+ MathUtils.plusEquals(q, yi, -alphai[i]);
+ }
+ //Initial Hessian is just a constant
+ MathUtils.scalarMultiplication(q, hessianConst);
+ for(int i = 0; i <history && skList[i]!= null && ykList[i]!=null; i++ ){
+ // System.out.println("Old to New proj " + currentProjectionIteration + " history "+history + " index " + i);
+ double beta = MathUtils.dotProduct(ykList[i], q)*roi[i];
+ MathUtils.plusEquals(q, skList[i], (alphai[i]-beta));
+ }
+ return q;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public double[] getDirection() {
+ calculateInitialHessianParameter();
+// System.out.println("Initial hessian " + initialHessianParameters);
+ return direction = MathUtils.negation(LBFGSTwoLoopRecursion(initialHessianParameters));
+ }
+ public void calculateInitialHessianParameter(){
+ if(currentProjectionIteration == 1){
+ //Use gradient
+ initialHessianParameters = 1;
+ }else if(currentProjectionIteration <= history){
+ double[] sk = skList[currentProjectionIteration-2];
+ double[] yk = ykList[currentProjectionIteration-2];
+ initialHessianParameters = MathUtils.dotProduct(sk, yk)/MathUtils.dotProduct(yk, yk);
+ }else{
+ //get the last one
+ double[] sk = skList[history-1];
+ double[] yk = ykList[history-1];
+ initialHessianParameters = MathUtils.dotProduct(sk, yk)/MathUtils.dotProduct(yk, yk);
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO if structures exit just reset them to zero
+ public void initializeStructures(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ super.initializeStructures(o, stats, stop);
+ previousParameters = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+ previousGradient = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+ }
+ public void updateStructuresBeforeStep(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ super.initializeStructures(o, stats, stop);
+ System.arraycopy(o.getParameters(), 0, previousParameters, 0, previousParameters.length);
+ System.arraycopy(gradient, 0, previousGradient, 0, gradient.length);
+ }
+ public void updateStructuresAfterStep( Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ double[] diffX = MathUtils.arrayMinus(o.getParameters(), previousParameters);
+ double[] diffGrad = MathUtils.arrayMinus(gradient, previousGradient);
+ //Save new values and discard new ones
+ if(currentProjectionIteration > history){
+ for(int i = 0; i < history-1;i++){
+ skList[i]=skList[i+1];
+ ykList[i]=ykList[i+1];
+ }
+ skList[history-1]=diffX;
+ ykList[history-1]=diffGrad;
+ }else{
+ skList[currentProjectionIteration-1]=diffX;
+ ykList[currentProjectionIteration-1]=diffGrad;
+ }
+ }
+// public boolean optimize(Objective o, OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop) {
+// DifferentiableLineSearchObjective lso = new DifferentiableLineSearchObjective(o);
+// gradient = o.getGradient();
+// direction = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+// previousGradient = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+// previousParameters = new double[o.getNumParameters()];
+// stats.collectInitStats(this, o);
+// previousValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+// currValue= o.getValue();
+// //Used for stopping criteria
+// double[] originalGradient = o.getGradient();
+// originalGradientL2Norm = MathUtils.L2Norm(originalGradient);
+// if(stop.stopOptimization(originalGradient)){
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// return true;
+// }
+// for (currentProjectionIteration = 1; currentProjectionIteration < maxNumberOfIterations; currentProjectionIteration++){
+// currValue = o.getValue();
+// gradient = o.getGradient();
+// currParameters = o.getParameters();
+// if(currentProjectionIteration == 1){
+// //Use gradient
+// initialHessianParameters = 1;
+// }else if(currentProjectionIteration <= history){
+// double[] sk = skList[currentProjectionIteration-2];
+// double[] yk = ykList[currentProjectionIteration-2];
+// initialHessianParameters = MathUtils.dotProduct(sk, yk)/MathUtils.dotProduct(yk, yk);
+// }else{
+// //get the last one
+// double[] sk = skList[history-1];
+// double[] yk = ykList[history-1];
+// initialHessianParameters = MathUtils.dotProduct(sk, yk)/MathUtils.dotProduct(yk, yk);
+// }
+// getDirection();
+// //MatrixOutput.printDoubleArray(direction, "direction");
+// double dot = MathUtils.dotProduct(direction, gradient);
+// if(dot > 0){
+// throw new RuntimeException("Not a descent direction");
+// } if (Double.isNaN(dot)){
+// throw new RuntimeException("dot is not a number!!");
+// }
+// System.arraycopy(currParameters, 0, previousParameters, 0, currParameters.length);
+// System.arraycopy(gradient, 0, previousGradient, 0, gradient.length);
+// lso.reset(direction);
+// step = lineSearch.getStepSize(lso);
+// if(step==-1){
+// System.out.println("Failed to find a step size");
+//// lso.printLineSearchSteps();
+//// System.out.println(stats.prettyPrint(1));
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// return false;
+// }
+// stats.collectIterationStats(this, o);
+// //We are not updating the alpha since it is done in line search already
+// currParameters = o.getParameters();
+// gradient = o.getGradient();
+// if(stop.stopOptimization(gradient)){
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// return true;
+// }
+// double[] diffX = MathUtils.arrayMinus(currParameters, previousParameters);
+// double[] diffGrad = MathUtils.arrayMinus(gradient, previousGradient);
+// //Save new values and discard new ones
+// if(currentProjectionIteration > history){
+// for(int i = 0; i < history-1;i++){
+// skList[i]=skList[i+1];
+// ykList[i]=ykList[i+1];
+// }
+// skList[history-1]=diffX;
+// ykList[history-1]=diffGrad;
+// }else{
+// skList[currentProjectionIteration-1]=diffX;
+// ykList[currentProjectionIteration-1]=diffGrad;
+// }
+// previousValue = currValue;
+// }
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// return false;
+// }
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index 00000000..0e2e27ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+ * Defines an optimization objective:
+ *
+ *
+ * @author javg
+ *
+ */
+public abstract class Objective {
+ protected int functionCalls = 0;
+ protected int gradientCalls = 0;
+ protected int updateCalls = 0;
+ protected double[] parameters;
+ //Contains a cache with the gradient
+ public double[] gradient;
+ int debugLevel = 0;
+ public void setDebugLevel(int level){
+ debugLevel = level;
+ }
+ public int getNumParameters() {
+ return parameters.length;
+ }
+ public double getParameter(int index) {
+ return parameters[index];
+ }
+ public double[] getParameters() {
+ return parameters;
+ }
+ public abstract double[] getGradient( );
+ public void setParameter(int index, double value) {
+ parameters[index]=value;
+ }
+ public void setParameters(double[] params) {
+ if(parameters == null){
+ parameters = new double[params.length];
+ }
+ updateCalls++;
+ System.arraycopy(params, 0, parameters, 0, params.length);
+ }
+ public int getNumberFunctionCalls() {
+ return functionCalls;
+ }
+ public int getNumberGradientCalls() {
+ return gradientCalls;
+ }
+ public String finalInfoString() {
+ return "FE: " + functionCalls + " GE " + gradientCalls + " Params updates" +
+ updateCalls;
+ }
+ public void printParameters() {
+ System.out.println(toString());
+ }
+ public abstract String toString();
+ public abstract double getValue ();
+ /**
+ * Sets the initial objective parameters
+ * For unconstrained models this just sets the objective params = argument no copying
+ * For a constrained objective project the parameters and then set
+ * @param params
+ */
+ public void setInitialParameters(double[] params){
+ parameters = params;
+ }
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index 00000000..96fce5b0
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.stats.OptimizerStats;
+import optimization.stopCriteria.StopingCriteria;
+public interface Optimizer {
+ public boolean optimize(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stoping);
+ public double[] getDirection();
+ public double getCurrentStep();
+ public double getCurrentValue();
+ public int getCurrentIteration();
+ public void reset();
+ public void setMaxIterations(int max);
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index 00000000..afb29d04
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+ *
+ * @author javg
+ *
+ */
+public abstract class ProjectedAbstractGradientBaseMethod extends AbstractGradientBaseMethod implements ProjectedOptimizer{
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index 00000000..0186e945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.stats.OptimizerStats;
+import optimization.linesearch.DifferentiableLineSearchObjective;
+import optimization.linesearch.LineSearchMethod;
+import optimization.linesearch.ProjectedDifferentiableLineSearchObjective;
+import optimization.stopCriteria.StopingCriteria;
+import optimization.util.MathUtils;
+ * This class implements the projected gradiend
+ * as described in Bertsekas "Non Linear Programming"
+ * section 2.3.
+ *
+ * The update is given by:
+ * x_k+1 = x_k + alpha^k(xbar_k-x_k)
+ * Where xbar is:
+ * xbar = [x_k -s_k grad(f(x_k))]+
+ * where []+ is the projection into the feasibility set
+ *
+ * alpha is the step size
+ * s_k - is a positive scalar which can be view as a step size as well, by
+ * setting alpha to 1, then x_k+1 = [x_k -s_k grad(f(x_k))]+
+ * This is called taking a step size along the projection arc (Bertsekas) which
+ * we will use by default.
+ *
+ * Note that the only place where we actually take a step size is on pick a step size
+ * so this is going to be just like a normal gradient descent but use a different
+ * armijo line search where we project after taking a step.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author javg
+ *
+ */
+public class ProjectedGradientDescent extends ProjectedAbstractGradientBaseMethod{
+ public ProjectedGradientDescent(LineSearchMethod lineSearch) {
+ this.lineSearch = lineSearch;
+ }
+ //Use projected differential objective instead
+ public void initializeStructures(Objective o, OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop) {
+ lso = new ProjectedDifferentiableLineSearchObjective(o);
+ };
+ ProjectedObjective obj;
+ public boolean optimize(ProjectedObjective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+ obj = o;
+ return super.optimize(o, stats, stop);
+ }
+ public double[] getDirection(){
+ for(int i = 0; i< gradient.length; i++){
+ direction[i] = -gradient[i];
+ }
+ return direction;
+ }
+//Use projected gradient norm
+//public boolean stopCriteria(double[] gradient){
+// if(originalDirenctionL2Norm == 0){
+// System.out.println("Leaving original direction norm is zero");
+// return true;
+// }
+// if(MathUtils.L2Norm(direction)/originalDirenctionL2Norm < gradientConvergenceValue){
+// System.out.println("Leaving projected gradient Norm smaller than epsilon");
+// return true;
+// }
+// if((previousValue - currValue)/Math.abs(previousValue) < valueConvergenceValue) {
+// System.out.println("Leaving value change below treshold " + previousValue + " - " + currValue);
+// System.out.println(previousValue/currValue + " - " + currValue/currValue
+// + " = " + (previousValue - currValue)/Math.abs(previousValue));
+// return true;
+// }
+// return false;
+//public boolean optimize(ProjectedObjective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+// stats.collectInitStats(this, o);
+// obj = o;
+// step = 0;
+// currValue = o.getValue();
+// previousValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+// gradient = o.getGradient();
+// originalGradientL2Norm = MathUtils.L2Norm(gradient);
+// parameterChange = new double[gradient.length];
+// getDirection();
+// ProjectedDifferentiableLineSearchObjective lso = new ProjectedDifferentiableLineSearchObjective(o,direction);
+// originalDirenctionL2Norm = MathUtils.L2Norm(direction);
+// //MatrixOutput.printDoubleArray(currParameters, "parameters");
+// for (currentProjectionIteration = 0; currentProjectionIteration < maxNumberOfIterations; currentProjectionIteration++){
+// // System.out.println("Iter " + currentProjectionIteration);
+// //o.printParameters();
+// if(stop.stopOptimization(gradient)){
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// lastStepUsed = step;
+// return true;
+// }
+// lso.reset(direction);
+// step = lineSearch.getStepSize(lso);
+// if(step==-1){
+// System.out.println("Failed to find step");
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// return false;
+// }
+// //Update the direction for stopping criteria
+// previousValue = currValue;
+// currValue = o.getValue();
+// gradient = o.getGradient();
+// direction = getDirection();
+// if(MathUtils.dotProduct(gradient, direction) > 0){
+// System.out.println("Not a descent direction");
+// System.out.println(" current stats " + stats.prettyPrint(1));
+// System.exit(-1);
+// }
+// stats.collectIterationStats(this, o);
+// }
+// lastStepUsed = step;
+// stats.collectFinalStats(this, o);
+// return false;
+// }
+//public boolean optimize(Objective o,OptimizerStats stats, StopingCriteria stop){
+// System.out.println("Objective is not a projected objective");
+// throw new RuntimeException();
diff --git a/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3d21393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+import optimization.util.MathUtils;
+ * Computes a projected objective
+ * When we tell it to set some parameters it automatically projects the parameters back into the simplex:
+ *
+ *
+ * When we tell it to get the gradient in automatically returns the projected gradient:
+ * @author javg
+ *
+ */
+public abstract class ProjectedObjective extends Objective{
+ public abstract double[] projectPoint (double[] point);
+ public double[] auxParameters;
+ public void setInitialParameters(double[] params){
+ setParameters(projectPoint(params));
+ }
diff --git a/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81d8403e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods;
+public interface ProjectedOptimizer extends Optimizer{
diff --git a/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/stats/ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/stats/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6340ef73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods.stats;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.Objective;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.Optimizer;
+import optimization.util.MathUtils;
+import optimization.util.StaticTools;
+public class OptimizerStats {
+ double start = 0;
+ double totalTime = 0;
+ String objectiveFinalStats;
+ ArrayList<Double> gradientNorms = new ArrayList<Double>();
+ ArrayList<Double> steps = new ArrayList<Double>();
+ ArrayList<Double> value = new ArrayList<Double>();
+ ArrayList<Integer> iterations = new ArrayList<Integer>();
+ double prevValue =0;
+ public void reset(){
+ start = 0;
+ totalTime = 0;
+ objectiveFinalStats="";
+ gradientNorms.clear();
+ steps.clear();
+ value.clear();
+ iterations.clear();
+ prevValue =0;
+ }
+ public void startTime() {
+ start = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ }
+ public void stopTime() {
+ totalTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
+ }
+ public String prettyPrint(int level){
+ StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
+ res.append("Total time " + totalTime/1000 + " seconds \n" + "Iterations " + iterations.size() + "\n");
+ res.append(objectiveFinalStats+"\n");
+ if(level > 0){
+ if(iterations.size() > 0){
+ res.append("\tIteration"+iterations.get(0)+"\tstep: "+StaticTools.prettyPrint(steps.get(0), "0.00E00", 6)+ "\tgradientNorm "+
+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(gradientNorms.get(0), "0.00000E00", 10)+ "\tvalue "+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(value.get(0), "0.000000E00",11)+"\n");
+ }
+ for(int i = 1; i < iterations.size(); i++){
+ res.append("\tIteration:\t"+iterations.get(i)+"\tstep:"+StaticTools.prettyPrint(steps.get(i), "0.00E00", 6)+ "\tgradientNorm "+
+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(gradientNorms.get(i), "0.00000E00", 10)+
+ "\tvalue:\t"+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(value.get(i), "0.000000E00",11)+
+ "\tvalueDiff:\t"+ StaticTools.prettyPrint((value.get(i-1)-value.get(i)), "0.000000E00",11)+
+ "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return res.toString();
+ }
+ public void collectInitStats(Optimizer optimizer, Objective objective){
+ startTime();
+ iterations.add(-1);
+ gradientNorms.add(MathUtils.L2Norm(objective.getGradient()));
+ steps.add(0.0);
+ value.add(objective.getValue());
+ }
+ public void collectIterationStats(Optimizer optimizer, Objective objective){
+ iterations.add(optimizer.getCurrentIteration());
+ gradientNorms.add(MathUtils.L2Norm(objective.getGradient()));
+ steps.add(optimizer.getCurrentStep());
+ value.add(optimizer.getCurrentValue());
+ }
+ public void collectFinalStats(Optimizer optimizer, Objective objective){
+ stopTime();
+ objectiveFinalStats = objective.finalInfoString();
+ }
diff --git a/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/stats/ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/stats/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d65a1267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/posterior-regularisation/prjava/src/optimization/gradientBasedMethods/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package optimization.gradientBasedMethods.stats;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.Objective;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.Optimizer;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.ProjectedObjective;
+import optimization.gradientBasedMethods.ProjectedOptimizer;
+import optimization.util.MathUtils;
+import optimization.util.StaticTools;
+public class ProjectedOptimizerStats extends OptimizerStats{
+ public void reset(){
+ super.reset();
+ projectedGradientNorms.clear();
+ }
+ ArrayList<Double> projectedGradientNorms = new ArrayList<Double>();
+ public String prettyPrint(int level){
+ StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
+ res.append("Total time " + totalTime/1000 + " seconds \n" + "Iterations " + iterations.size() + "\n");
+ res.append(objectiveFinalStats+"\n");
+ if(level > 0){
+ if(iterations.size() > 0){
+ res.append("\tIteration"+iterations.get(0)+"\tstep: "+
+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(steps.get(0), "0.00E00", 6)+ "\tgradientNorm "+
+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(gradientNorms.get(0), "0.00000E00", 10)
+ + "\tdirection"+
+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(projectedGradientNorms.get(0), "0.00000E00", 10)+
+ "\tvalue "+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(value.get(0), "0.000000E00",11)+"\n");
+ }
+ for(int i = 1; i < iterations.size(); i++){
+ res.append("\tIteration"+iterations.get(i)+"\tstep: "+StaticTools.prettyPrint(steps.get(i), "0.00E00", 6)+ "\tgradientNorm "+
+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(gradientNorms.get(i), "0.00000E00", 10)+
+ "\t direction "+
+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(projectedGradientNorms.get(i), "0.00000E00", 10)+
+ "\tvalue "+ StaticTools.prettyPrint(value.get(i), "0.000000E00",11)+
+ "\tvalueDiff "+ StaticTools.prettyPrint((value.get(i-1)-value.get(i)), "0.000000E00",11)+
+ "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return res.toString();
+ }
+ public void collectInitStats(Optimizer optimizer, Objective objective){
+ startTime();
+ }
+ public void collectIterationStats(Optimizer optimizer, Objective objective){
+ iterations.add(optimizer.getCurrentIteration());
+ gradientNorms.add(MathUtils.L2Norm(objective.getGradient()));
+ projectedGradientNorms.add(MathUtils.L2Norm(optimizer.getDirection()));
+ steps.add(optimizer.getCurrentStep());
+ value.add(optimizer.getCurrentValue());
+ }
+ public void collectFinalStats(Optimizer optimizer, Objective objective){
+ stopTime();
+ objectiveFinalStats = objective.finalInfoString();
+ }