path: root/python/src/lattice.pxi
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authorVictor Chahuneau <>2013-08-26 20:12:32 -0400
committerVictor Chahuneau <>2013-08-26 20:12:32 -0400
commit03799a2d330c6dbbe12154d4bcea236210b4f6ed (patch)
tree7adb0bc8dd2987fa32ee1299d8821dd8b7b06706 /python/src/lattice.pxi
parent8b491e57f8a011f4f8496e44bed7eb7a4360bc93 (diff)
Improve the package structure of pycdec
This change should not break anything, but now you can run: python build_ext --inplace and use the cleaner: PYTHONPATH=/path/to/cdec/python python -m ...
Diffstat (limited to 'python/src/lattice.pxi')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/python/src/lattice.pxi b/python/src/lattice.pxi
deleted file mode 100644
index 8000b61e..00000000
--- a/python/src/lattice.pxi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-cimport lattice
-cdef class Lattice:
- cdef lattice.Lattice* lattice
- def __cinit__(self):
- self.lattice = new lattice.Lattice()
- def __init__(self, inp):
- """Lattice(tuple) -> Lattice from node list.
- Lattice(string) -> Lattice from PLF representation."""
- if isinstance(inp, tuple):
- self.lattice.resize(len(inp))
- for i, arcs in enumerate(inp):
- self[i] = arcs
- elif isinstance(inp, basestring):
- lattice.ConvertTextOrPLF(as_str(inp), self.lattice)
- else:
- raise TypeError('cannot create lattice from %s' % type(inp))
- def __dealloc__(self):
- del self.lattice
- def __getitem__(self, int index):
- if not 0 <= index < len(self):
- raise IndexError('lattice index out of range')
- arcs = []
- cdef vector[lattice.LatticeArc] arc_vector = self.lattice[0][index]
- cdef lattice.LatticeArc* arc
- cdef unsigned i
- for i in range(arc_vector.size()):
- arc = &arc_vector[i]
- label = unicode(TDConvert(arc.label).c_str(), 'utf8')
- arcs.append((label, arc.cost, arc.dist2next))
- return tuple(arcs)
- def __setitem__(self, int index, tuple arcs):
- if not 0 <= index < len(self):
- raise IndexError('lattice index out of range')
- cdef lattice.LatticeArc* arc
- for (label, cost, dist2next) in arcs:
- label_str = as_str(label)
- arc = new lattice.LatticeArc(TDConvert(label_str), cost, dist2next)
- self.lattice[0][index].push_back(arc[0])
- del arc
- def __len__(self):
- return self.lattice.size()
- def __str__(self):
- return str(hypergraph.AsPLF(self.lattice[0], True).c_str())
- def __unicode__(self):
- return unicode(str(self), 'utf8')
- def __iter__(self):
- cdef unsigned i
- for i in range(len(self)):
- yield self[i]
- def todot(self):
- """lattice.todot() -> Representation of the lattice in GraphViz dot format."""
- def lines():
- yield 'digraph lattice {'
- yield 'rankdir = LR;'
- yield 'node [shape=circle];'
- for i in range(len(self)):
- for label, weight, delta in self[i]:
- yield '%d -> %d [label="%s"];' % (i, i+delta, label.replace('"', '\\"'))
- yield '%d [shape=doublecircle]' % len(self)
- yield '}'
- return '\n'.join(lines()).encode('utf8')
- def as_hypergraph(self):
- """lattice.as_hypergraph() -> Hypergraph representation of the lattice."""
- cdef Hypergraph result = Hypergraph.__new__(Hypergraph)
- result.hg = new hypergraph.Hypergraph()
- cdef bytes plf = str(self)
- hypergraph.ReadFromPLF(plf, result.hg)
- return result