path: root/gi/scfg/abc/
diff options
authorlinh.kitty <linh.kitty@ec762483-ff6d-05da-a07a-a48fb63a330f>2010-07-13 20:20:55 +0000
committerlinh.kitty <linh.kitty@ec762483-ff6d-05da-a07a-a48fb63a330f>2010-07-13 20:20:55 +0000
commit298eed4f842bcc01b392a40c4a316110a6347f6c (patch)
tree3b2f4df81bafc58138c7b8f278eae0fc2241eb42 /gi/scfg/abc/
parent19dc80f89a047b09010187f2306c85a16b25f575 (diff)
linh added
git-svn-id: ec762483-ff6d-05da-a07a-a48fb63a330f
Diffstat (limited to 'gi/scfg/abc/')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gi/scfg/abc/ b/gi/scfg/abc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..585255e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/scfg/abc/
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility>
+#include <map>
+#include "rule_lexer.h"
+#include "filelib.h"
+#include "tdict.h"
+#include "agrammar.h"
+#include "../utils/Util.h"
+bool equal(TRulePtr const & rule1, TRulePtr const & rule2){
+ if (rule1->lhs_ != rule2->lhs_) return false;
+ if (rule1->f_.size() != rule2->f_.size()) return false;
+ if (rule1->e_.size() != rule2->e_.size()) return false;
+ for (int i=0; i<rule1->f_.size(); i++)
+ if (rule1-> != rule2-> return false;
+ for (int i=0; i<rule1->e_.size(); i++)
+ if (rule1-> != rule2-> return false;
+ return true;
+//const vector<TRulePtr> Grammar::NO_RULES;
+void aRemoveRule(vector<TRulePtr> & v, const TRulePtr & rule){ // remove rule from v if found
+ for (int i=0; i< v.size(); i++)
+ if (equal(v[i], rule )){
+ cout<<"erase rule from vector:"<<rule->AsString()<<endl;
+ v.erase(v.begin()+i);
+ }
+struct aTextRuleBin : public RuleBin {
+ int GetNumRules() const {
+ return rules_.size();
+ }
+ TRulePtr GetIthRule(int i) const {
+ return rules_[i];
+ }
+ void AddRule(TRulePtr t) {
+ rules_.push_back(t);
+ }
+ void RemoveRule(TRulePtr t){
+ for (int i=0; i<rules_.size(); i++){
+ if (equal(, t)){
+ rules_.erase(rules_.begin() + i);
+ //cout<<"IntextRulebin removerulle\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int Arity() const {
+ return rules_.front()->Arity();
+ }
+ void Dump() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < rules_.size(); ++i)
+ cerr << rules_[i]->AsString() << endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ vector<TRulePtr> rules_;
+struct aTextGrammarNode : public GrammarIter {
+ aTextGrammarNode() : rb_(NULL) {}
+ ~aTextGrammarNode() {
+ delete rb_;
+ }
+ const GrammarIter* Extend(int symbol) const {
+ map<WordID, aTextGrammarNode>::const_iterator i = tree_.find(symbol);
+ if (i == tree_.end()) return NULL;
+ return &i->second;
+ }
+ const RuleBin* GetRules() const {
+ if (rb_) {
+ //rb_->Dump();
+ }
+ return rb_;
+ }
+ map<WordID, aTextGrammarNode> tree_;
+ aTextRuleBin* rb_;
+struct aTGImpl {
+ aTextGrammarNode root_;
+aTextGrammar::aTextGrammar() : max_span_(10), pimpl_(new aTGImpl) {}
+aTextGrammar::aTextGrammar(const string& file) :
+ max_span_(10),
+ pimpl_(new aTGImpl) {
+ ReadFromFile(file);
+const GrammarIter* aTextGrammar::GetRoot() const {
+ return &pimpl_->root_;
+void aTextGrammar::SetGoalNT(const string & goal_str){
+ goalID = TD::Convert(goal_str);
+void getNTRule( const TRulePtr & rule, map<WordID, NTRule> & ntrule_map){
+ NTRule lhs_ntrule(rule, rule->lhs_ * -1);
+ ntrule_map[rule->lhs_ * -1] = lhs_ntrule;
+ for (int i=0; i< (rule->f_).size(); i++)
+ if (ntrule_map.find((rule->f_).at(i) * -1) == ntrule_map.end() && (rule->f_).at(i) <0 ){
+ NTRule rhs_ntrule(rule, rule-> * -1);
+ ntrule_map[(rule->f_).at(i) *-1] = rhs_ntrule;
+ }
+void aTextGrammar::AddRule(const TRulePtr& rule) {
+ if (rule->IsUnary()) {
+ rhs2unaries_[rule->f().front()].push_back(rule);
+ unaries_.push_back(rule);
+ } else {
+ aTextGrammarNode* cur = &pimpl_->root_;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rule->f_.size(); ++i)
+ cur = &cur->tree_[rule->f_[i]];
+ if (cur->rb_ == NULL)
+ cur->rb_ = new aTextRuleBin;
+ cur->rb_->AddRule(rule);
+ }
+ //add the rule to lhs_rules_
+ lhs_rules_[rule->lhs_* -1].push_back(rule);
+ //add the rule to nt_rules_
+ map<WordID, NTRule> ntrule_map;
+ getNTRule (rule, ntrule_map);
+ for (map<WordID,NTRule>::const_iterator it= ntrule_map.begin(); it != ntrule_map.end(); it++){
+ nt_rules_[it->first].push_back(it->second);
+ }
+void aTextGrammar::RemoveRule(const TRulePtr & rule){
+ cout<<"Remove rule: "<<rule->AsString()<<endl;
+ if (rule->IsUnary()) {
+ aRemoveRule(rhs2unaries_[rule->f().front()], rule);
+ aRemoveRule(unaries_, rule);
+ } else {
+ aTextGrammarNode* cur = &pimpl_->root_;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rule->f_.size(); ++i)
+ cur = &cur->tree_[rule->f_[i]];
+// if (cur->rb_ == NULL)
+// cur->rb_ = new aTextRuleBin;
+ cur->rb_->RemoveRule(rule);
+ }
+ //remove rules from lhs_rules_
+ aRemoveRule(lhs_rules_[rule->lhs_ * -1] , rule);
+void aTextGrammar::RemoveNonterminal(WordID wordID){
+ vector<NTRule> rules = nt_rules_[wordID];
+// // remove the nonterminal from ntrules_
+ nt_rules_.erase(wordID);
+ for (int i =0; i<rules.size(); i++)
+ RemoveRule(rules[i].rule_);
+void aTextGrammar::setMaxSplit(int max_split){max_split_ = max_split;}
+void aTextGrammar::AddSplitNonTerminal(WordID nt_old, vector<WordID> & nts){
+ vector<NTRule> rules = nt_rules_[nt_old];
+ // cout<<"\n\n\n start add splitting rules"<<endl;
+ const double epsilon = 0.001;
+ for (int i=0; i<rules.size(); i++){
+ NTRule old_rule =;
+ vector<int> ntPos = old_rule.ntPos_; //in rule old_rule, ntPos is the positions of nonterminal nt_old
+ //we have to substitute each nt in these positions by the list of new nonterminals in the input vector 'nts'
+ //there are cnt =size_of(nts)^ size_of(ntPos) possibilities for the substitutions,
+ //hence the rules' new probabilities have to divide to cnt also
+ // cout<<"splitting NT in rule "<<old_rule.rule_->AsString()<<endl;
+// cout<<"nt position in the rules"<<endl;
+// for (int j=0; j<ntPos.size();j++) cout<<ntPos[j]<<" "; cout<<endl;
+ int cnt_newrules = pow( nts.size(), ntPos.size() );
+ // cout<<"cnt_newrules="<<cnt_newrules<<endl;
+ double log_nts_size = log(nts.size());
+ map<WordID, int> cnt_addepsilon; //cnt_addepsilon and cont_minusepsilon to track the number of rules epsilon is added or minus for each lhs nonterminal, ideally we want these two numbers are equal
+ map<WordID, int> cnt_minusepsilon; //these two number also use to control the random generated add epsilon/minus epsilon of a new rule
+ cnt_addepsilon[old_rule.rule_->lhs_] = 0;
+ cnt_minusepsilon[old_rule.rule_->lhs_] = 0;
+ for (int j =0; j<nts.size(); j++) { cnt_addepsilon[nts[j] ] = 0; cnt_minusepsilon[nts[j] ] = 0;}
+ for (int j=0; j<cnt_newrules; j++){ //each j represents a new rule
+ //convert j to a vector of size ntPos.size(), each entry in the vector >=0 and <nts.size()
+ int mod = nts.size();
+ vector <int> j_vector(ntPos.size(), 0); //initiate the vector to all 0
+ int j_tmp =j;
+ for (int k=0; k<ntPos.size(); k++){
+ j_vector[k] = j_tmp % mod;
+ j_tmp = (j_tmp - j_vector[k]) / mod;
+ }
+ // cout<<"print vector j_vector"<<endl;
+ // for (int k=0; k<ntPos.size();k++) cout<<j_vector[k]<<" "; cout<<endl;
+ //now use the vector to create a new rule
+ TRulePtr newrule(new TRule());
+ newrule -> e_ = (old_rule.rule_)->e_;
+ newrule -> f_ = old_rule.rule_->f_;
+ newrule->lhs_ = old_rule.rule_->lhs_;
+ newrule -> arity_ = old_rule.rule_->arity_;
+ newrule -> scores_ = old_rule.rule_->scores_;
+ // cout<<"end up update score\n";
+ if (ntPos[0] == -1){ //update the lhs
+ newrule->lhs_ = nts[j_vector[0]] * -1;
+ //score has to randomly add/minus a small epsilon to break the balance
+ if (nts.size() >1 && ntPos.size() >1){
+ // cout<<"start to add/minus epsilon"<<endl;
+ if ( cnt_addepsilon[newrule->lhs_] >= cnt_newrules / (2*ntPos.size()) ) //there are enough rules added epsilon, the new rules has to minus epsilon
+ newrule-> scores_ -= epsilon;
+ else if ( cnt_minusepsilon[newrule->lhs_] >= cnt_newrules / (2*ntPos.size()) )
+ newrule-> scores_ += epsilon;
+ else{
+ double random = rand()/RAND_MAX;
+ if (random > .5){
+ newrule-> scores_ += epsilon;
+ cnt_addepsilon[newrule->lhs_]++;
+ }
+ else{
+ newrule-> scores_ -= epsilon;
+ cnt_minusepsilon[newrule->lhs_]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int k=1; k<ntPos.size(); k++){//update f_
+ // cout<<"ntPos[k]="<<ntPos[k]<<endl;
+ newrule->f_[ntPos[k]] = nts[j_vector[k]] * -1; //update the ntPos[k-1]-th nonterminal in f_ to the j_vector[k] NT in nts
+ }
+ newrule -> scores_ += (ntPos.size() -1) * log_nts_size;
+ }
+ else{
+ //score has to randomly add/minus a small epsilon to break the balance
+ if ( ntPos.size() >0 && nts.size()>1){
+ // cout<<"start to add/minus epsilon"<<endl;
+ if ( cnt_addepsilon[newrule->lhs_] >= cnt_newrules / 2 ) //there are enough rules added epsilon, the new rules has to minus epsilon
+ newrule-> scores_ -= epsilon;
+ else if ( cnt_minusepsilon[newrule->lhs_] >= cnt_newrules /2 )
+ newrule-> scores_ += epsilon;
+ else{
+ double random = rand()/RAND_MAX;
+ if (random > .5){
+ newrule-> scores_ += epsilon;
+ cnt_addepsilon[newrule->lhs_]++;
+ }
+ else{
+ newrule-> scores_ -= epsilon;
+ cnt_minusepsilon[newrule->lhs_]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int k=0; k<ntPos.size(); k++){ //update f_
+ // cout<<"ntPos[k]="<<ntPos[k]<<endl;
+ newrule->f_[ntPos[k]] = nts[j_vector[k]] * -1;
+ }
+ newrule -> scores_ += ntPos.size() * log_nts_size;
+ }
+ this->AddRule (newrule);
+ }//add new rules for each grammar rules
+ } //iterate through all grammar rules
+void aTextGrammar::splitNonterminal(WordID wordID){
+ //first added the splits nonterminal into the TD dictionary
+ string old_str = TD::Convert(wordID); //get the nonterminal label of wordID, the new nonterminals will be old_str+t where t=1..max_split
+ vector<WordID> v_splits;//split nonterminal wordID into the list of nonterminals in v_splits
+ for (int i =0; i< this->max_split_; i++){
+ string split_str = old_str + "+" + itos(i);
+ WordID splitID = TD::Convert(split_str);
+ v_splits.push_back(splitID);
+ }
+ // grSplitNonterminals[wordID] = v_splits;
+ //print split nonterminas of wordID
+ // v_splits = grSplitNonterminals[wordID];
+ // cout<<"print split nonterminals\n";
+ // for (int i =0; i<v_splits.size(); i++)
+ // cout<<v_splits[i]<<"\t"<<TD::Convert(v_splits[i])<<endl;
+ AddSplitNonTerminal(wordID, v_splits);
+ RemoveNonterminal(wordID);
+ // grSplitNonterminals.erase (grSplitNonterminals.find(WordID) );
+ if (wordID == goalID){ //add rule X-> X1; X->X2,... if X is the goal NT
+ for (int i =0; i<v_splits.size(); i++){
+ TRulePtr rule (new TRule());
+ rule ->lhs_ = goalID * -1;
+ rule ->f_.push_back(v_splits[i] * -1);
+ rule->e_.push_back(0);
+ rule->scores_.set_value(FD::Convert("MinusLogP"), log(v_splits.size()) );
+ AddRule(rule);
+ }
+ }
+void aTextGrammar::PrintAllRules() const{
+ map<WordID, vector<TRulePtr> >::const_iterator it;
+ for (it= lhs_rules_.begin(); it != lhs_rules_.end(); it++){
+ vector<TRulePtr> v = it-> second;
+ for (int i =0; i< v.size(); i++){
+ cout<<v[i]->AsString()<<"\t"<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+void aTextGrammar::PrintNonterminalRules(WordID nt) const{
+ vector< NTRule > v;
+ map<WordID, vector<NTRule> >::const_iterator mit= nt_rules_.find(nt);
+ if (mit == nt_rules_.end())
+ return;
+ v = mit->second;
+ for (vector<NTRule>::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++)
+ cout<<it->rule_->AsString()<<endl;
+static void AddRuleHelper(const TRulePtr& new_rule, void* extra) {
+ static_cast<aTextGrammar*>(extra)->AddRule(new_rule);
+void aTextGrammar::ReadFromFile(const string& filename) {
+ ReadFile in(filename);
+ RuleLexer::ReadRules(, &AddRuleHelper, this);
+bool aTextGrammar::HasRuleForSpan(int i, int j, int distance) const {
+ return (max_span_ >= distance);