path: root/gi/pf/
diff options
authorChris Dyer <>2011-12-29 21:08:30 -0500
committerChris Dyer <>2011-12-29 21:08:30 -0500
commitaac3ef3e3fdf636406fc61a40096cee6381e5461 (patch)
treee014b029915614a23a8b2691a37fa14204a84a89 /gi/pf/
parentc96125ad4860aa823ff2f17aa3ccb565c8f99c0e (diff)
lexical alignment samplers
Diffstat (limited to 'gi/pf/')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index ac3c16a3..a38fe672 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -27,10 +27,67 @@ ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector<WordID>& p) {
return os << ']';
-double log_poisson(unsigned x, const double& lambda) {
- assert(lambda > 0.0);
- return log(lambda) * x - lgamma(x + 1) - lambda;
+struct UnigramModel {
+ explicit UnigramModel(const string& fname, unsigned vocab_size, double p0null = 0.05) :
+ use_uniform_(fname.size() == 0),
+ p0null_(p0null),
+ uniform_((1.0 - p0null) / vocab_size),
+ probs_(TD::NumWords() + 1) {
+ if (fname.size() > 0) LoadUnigrams(fname);
+ probs_[0] = p0null_;
+ }
+// \data\
+// ngram 1=9295
+// \1-grams:
+// -3.191193 "
+ void LoadUnigrams(const string& fname) {
+ cerr << "Loading unigram probabilities from " << fname << " ..." << endl;
+ ReadFile rf(fname);
+ string line;
+ istream& in = *;
+ assert(in);
+ getline(in, line);
+ assert(line.empty());
+ getline(in, line);
+ assert(line == "\\data\\");
+ getline(in, line);
+ size_t pos = line.find("ngram 1=");
+ assert(pos == 0);
+ assert(line.size() > 8);
+ const size_t num_unigrams = atoi(&line[8]);
+ getline(in, line);
+ assert(line.empty());
+ getline(in, line);
+ assert(line == "\\1-grams:");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_unigrams; ++i) {
+ getline(in, line);
+ assert(line.size() > 0);
+ pos = line.find('\t');
+ assert(pos > 0);
+ assert(pos + 1 < line.size());
+ const WordID w = TD::Convert(line.substr(pos + 1));
+ line[pos] = 0;
+ float p = atof(&line[0]);
+ const prob_t pnon_null(1.0 - p0null_.as_float());
+ if (w < probs_.size()) probs_[w].logeq(p * log(10) + log(pnon_null)); else abort();
+ }
+ }
+ const prob_t& operator()(const WordID& w) const {
+ if (!w) return p0null_;
+ if (use_uniform_) return uniform_;
+ return probs_[w];
+ }
+ const bool use_uniform_;
+ const prob_t p0null_;
+ const prob_t uniform_;
+ vector<prob_t> probs_;
struct Model1 {
explicit Model1(const string& fname) :
@@ -89,11 +146,11 @@ void InitCommandLine(int argc, char** argv, po::variables_map* conf) {
("samples,s",po::value<unsigned>()->default_value(1000),"Number of samples")
("particles,p",po::value<unsigned>()->default_value(25),"Number of particles")
("input,i",po::value<string>(),"Read parallel data from")
- ("max_src_phrase",po::value<unsigned>()->default_value(7),"Maximum length of source language phrases")
- ("max_trg_phrase",po::value<unsigned>()->default_value(7),"Maximum length of target language phrases")
("model1,m",po::value<string>(),"Model 1 parameters (used in base distribution)")
("inverse_model1,M",po::value<string>(),"Inverse Model 1 parameters (used in backward estimate)")
("model1_interpolation_weight",po::value<double>()->default_value(0.95),"Mixing proportion of model 1 with uniform target distribution")
+ ("src_unigram,u",po::value<string>()->default_value(""),"Source unigram distribution; empty for uniform")
+ ("trg_unigram,U",po::value<string>()->default_value(""),"Target unigram distribution; empty for uniform")
("random_seed,S",po::value<uint32_t>(), "Random seed");
po::options_description clo("Command line options");
@@ -165,11 +222,11 @@ void ReadParallelCorpus(const string& filename,
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
po::variables_map conf;
InitCommandLine(argc, argv, &conf);
- const size_t kMAX_TRG_PHRASE = conf["max_trg_phrase"].as<unsigned>();
- const size_t kMAX_SRC_PHRASE = conf["max_src_phrase"].as<unsigned>();
const unsigned particles = conf["particles"].as<unsigned>();
const unsigned samples = conf["samples"].as<unsigned>();
+ TD::Convert("<s>");
+ TD::Convert("</s>");
+ TD::Convert("<unk>");
if (!conf.count("model1")) {
cerr << argv[0] << "Please use --model1 to specify model 1 parameters\n";
return 1;
@@ -188,23 +245,28 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
cerr << "F-corpus size: " << corpusf.size() << " sentences\t (" << vocabf.size() << " word types)\n";
cerr << "E-corpus size: " << corpuse.size() << " sentences\t (" << vocabe.size() << " word types)\n";
assert(corpusf.size() == corpuse.size());
+ UnigramModel src_unigram(conf["src_unigram"].as<string>(), vocabf.size());
+ UnigramModel trg_unigram(conf["trg_unigram"].as<string>(), vocabe.size());
+ const prob_t kHALF(0.5);
+ const string kEMPTY = "NULL";
const int kLHS = -TD::Convert("X");
Model1 m1(conf["model1"].as<string>());
Model1 invm1(conf["inverse_model1"].as<string>());
for (int si = 0; si < conf["samples"].as<unsigned>(); ++si) {
cerr << '.' << flush;
for (int ci = 0; ci < corpusf.size(); ++ci) {
- const vector<WordID>& src = corpusf[ci];
const vector<WordID>& trg = corpuse[ci];
- for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i) {
- for (int j = 0; j < trg.size(); ++j) {
- const int eff_max_src = min(src.size() - i, kMAX_SRC_PHRASE);
- for (int k = 0; k < eff_max_src; ++k) {
- const int eff_max_trg = (k == 0 ? 1 : min(trg.size() - j, kMAX_TRG_PHRASE));
- for (int l = 0; l < eff_max_trg; ++l) {
- }
- }
+ const vector<WordID>& src = corpusf[ci];
+ for (int i = 0; i <= trg.size(); ++i) {
+ const WordID e_i = i > 0 ? trg[i-1] : 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j <= src.size(); ++j) {
+ const WordID f_j = j > 0 ? src[j-1] : 0;
+ if (e_i == 0 && f_j == 0) continue;
+ prob_t je = kHALF * src_unigram(f_j) * m1(f_j,e_i) + kHALF * trg_unigram(e_i) * invm1(e_i,f_j);
+ cerr << "p( " << (e_i ? TD::Convert(e_i) : kEMPTY) << " , " << (f_j ? TD::Convert(f_j) : kEMPTY) << " ) = " << log(je) << endl;
+ if (e_i && f_j)
+ cout << "[X] ||| " << TD::Convert(f_j) << " ||| " << TD::Convert(e_i) << " ||| LogProb=" << log(je) << endl;