path: root/minrisk/
diff options
authorAvneesh Saluja <>2013-03-28 18:28:16 -0700
committerAvneesh Saluja <>2013-03-28 18:28:16 -0700
commit3d8d656fa7911524e0e6885647173474524e0784 (patch)
tree81b1ee2fcb67980376d03f0aa48e42e53abff222 /minrisk/
parentbe7f57fdd484e063775d7abf083b9fa4c403b610 (diff)
parent96fedabebafe7a38a6d5928be8fff767e411d705 (diff)
fixed conflicts
Diffstat (limited to 'minrisk/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 540 deletions
diff --git a/minrisk/ b/minrisk/
deleted file mode 100755
index d05b9595..00000000
--- a/minrisk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use Cwd qw(getcwd);
-my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR, "$SCRIPT_DIR/../environment"; }
-# Skip local config (used for distributing jobs) if we're running in local-only mode
-use LocalConfig;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use IPC::Open2;
-use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
-my $QSUB_CMD = qsub_args(mert_memory());
-my $default_jobs = env_default_jobs();
-my $VEST_DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR/../dpmert";
-require "$VEST_DIR/";
-# Default settings
-my $srcFile;
-my $refFiles;
-my $bin_dir = $SCRIPT_DIR;
-die "Bin directory $bin_dir missing/inaccessible" unless -d $bin_dir;
-my $FAST_SCORE="$bin_dir/../mteval/fast_score";
-die "Can't execute $FAST_SCORE" unless -x $FAST_SCORE;
-my $MAPINPUT = "$bin_dir/";
-my $MAPPER = "$bin_dir/minrisk_optimize";
-my $parallelize = "$VEST_DIR/";
-my $libcall = "$VEST_DIR/";
-my $sentserver = "$VEST_DIR/sentserver";
-my $sentclient = "$VEST_DIR/sentclient";
-my $LocalConfig = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../environment/";
-die "Can't find $MAPPER" unless -x $MAPPER;
-my $cdec = "$bin_dir/../decoder/cdec";
-die "Can't find decoder in $cdec" unless -x $cdec;
-die "Can't find $parallelize" unless -x $parallelize;
-die "Can't find $libcall" unless -e $libcall;
-my $decoder = $cdec;
-my $lines_per_mapper = 30;
-my $iteration = 1;
-my $best_weights;
-my $psi = 1;
-my $default_max_iter = 30;
-my $max_iterations = $default_max_iter;
-my $jobs = $default_jobs; # number of decode nodes
-my $pmem = "4g";
-my $disable_clean = 0;
-my %seen_weights;
-my $help = 0;
-my $epsilon = 0.0001;
-my $dryrun = 0;
-my $last_score = -10000000;
-my $metric = "ibm_bleu";
-my $dir;
-my $iniFile;
-my $weights;
-my $use_make = 1; # use make to parallelize
-my $useqsub = 0;
-my $initial_weights;
-my $pass_suffix = '';
-my $cpbin=1;
-# regularization strength
-my $tune_regularizer = 0;
-my $reg = 500;
-my $reg_previous = 5000;
-my $dont_accum = 0;
-# Process command-line options
-if (GetOptions(
- "jobs=i" => \$jobs,
- "dont-clean" => \$disable_clean,
- "dont-accumulate" => \$dont_accum,
- "pass-suffix=s" => \$pass_suffix,
- "qsub" => \$useqsub,
- "dry-run" => \$dryrun,
- "epsilon=s" => \$epsilon,
- "help" => \$help,
- "weights=s" => \$initial_weights,
- "reg=f" => \$reg,
- "use-make=i" => \$use_make,
- "max-iterations=i" => \$max_iterations,
- "pmem=s" => \$pmem,
- "cpbin!" => \$cpbin,
- "ref-files=s" => \$refFiles,
- "metric=s" => \$metric,
- "source-file=s" => \$srcFile,
- "workdir=s" => \$dir,
-) == 0 || @ARGV!=1 || $help) {
- print_help();
- exit;
-die "--tune-regularizer is no longer supported with --reg-previous and --reg. Please tune manually.\n" if $tune_regularizer;
-if ($useqsub) {
- $use_make = 0;
- die " does not have qsub configuration for this host. Cannot run with --qsub!\n" unless has_qsub();
-my @missing_args = ();
-if (!defined $srcFile) { push @missing_args, "--source-file"; }
-if (!defined $refFiles) { push @missing_args, "--ref-files"; }
-if (!defined $initial_weights) { push @missing_args, "--weights"; }
-die "Please specify missing arguments: " . join (', ', @missing_args) . "\n" if (@missing_args);
-if ($metric =~ /^(combi|ter)$/i) {
- $lines_per_mapper = 5;
-($iniFile) = @ARGV;
-sub write_config;
-sub enseg;
-sub print_help;
-my $nodelist;
-my $host =check_output("hostname"); chomp $host;
-my $bleu;
-my $interval_count = 0;
-my $logfile;
-my $projected_score;
-# used in sorting scores
-my $DIR_FLAG = '-r';
-if ($metric =~ /^ter$|^aer$/i) {
- $DIR_FLAG = '';
-my $refs_comma_sep = get_comma_sep_refs('r',$refFiles);
-unless ($dir){
- $dir = "minrisk";
-unless ($dir =~ /^\//){ # convert relative path to absolute path
- my $basedir = check_output("pwd");
- chomp $basedir;
- $dir = "$basedir/$dir";
-# Initializations and helper functions
-my @childpids = ();
-my @cleanupcmds = ();
-sub cleanup {
- print STDERR "Cleanup...\n";
- for my $pid (@childpids){ unchecked_call("kill $pid"); }
- for my $cmd (@cleanupcmds){ unchecked_call("$cmd"); }
- exit 1;
-# Always call cleanup, no matter how we exit
-*CORE::GLOBAL::exit =
- sub{ cleanup(); };
-$SIG{INT} = "cleanup";
-$SIG{TERM} = "cleanup";
-$SIG{HUP} = "cleanup";
-my $decoderBase = check_output("basename $decoder"); chomp $decoderBase;
-my $newIniFile = "$dir/$decoderBase.ini";
-my $inputFileName = "$dir/input";
-my $user = $ENV{"USER"};
-# process ini file
--e $iniFile || die "Error: could not open $iniFile for reading\n";
-open(INI, $iniFile);
-use File::Basename qw(basename);
-#pass bindir, refs to vars holding bin
-sub modbin {
- local $_;
- my $bindir=shift;
- check_call("mkdir -p $bindir");
- -d $bindir || die "couldn't make bindir $bindir";
- for (@_) {
- my $src=$$_;
- $$_="$bindir/".basename($src);
- check_call("cp -p $src $$_");
- }
-sub dirsize {
- opendir ISEMPTY,$_[0];
- return scalar(readdir(ISEMPTY))-1;
-my @allweights;
-if ($dryrun){
- write_config(*STDERR);
- exit 0;
-} else {
- if (-e $dir && dirsize($dir)>1 && -e "$dir/hgs" ){ # allow preexisting logfile, binaries, but not outputs
- die "ERROR: working dir $dir already exists\n\n";
- } else {
- -e $dir || mkdir $dir;
- mkdir "$dir/hgs";
- modbin("$dir/bin",\$LocalConfig,\$cdec,\$SCORER,\$MAPINPUT,\$MAPPER,\$parallelize,\$sentserver,\$sentclient,\$libcall) if $cpbin;
- mkdir "$dir/scripts";
- my $cmdfile="$dir/";
- open CMD,'>',$cmdfile;
- print CMD "cd ",&getcwd,"\n";
-# print CMD &escaped_cmdline,"\n"; #buggy - last arg is quoted.
- my $cline=&cmdline."\n";
- print CMD $cline;
- close CMD;
- print STDERR $cline;
- chmod(0755,$cmdfile);
- check_call("cp $initial_weights $dir/weights.0");
- die "Can't find weights.0" unless (-e "$dir/weights.0");
- }
- write_config(*STDERR);
-# Generate initial files and values
-check_call("cp $iniFile $newIniFile");
-$iniFile = $newIniFile;
-my $newsrc = "$dir/dev.input";
-enseg($srcFile, $newsrc);
-$srcFile = $newsrc;
-my $devSize = 0;
-open F, "<$srcFile" or die "Can't read $srcFile: $!";
-while(<F>) { $devSize++; }
-close F;
-unless($best_weights){ $best_weights = $weights; }
-unless($projected_score){ $projected_score = 0.0; }
-$seen_weights{$weights} = 1;
-my $kbest = "$dir/kbest";
-if ($dont_accum) {
- $kbest = '';
-} else {
- check_call("mkdir -p $kbest");
- $kbest = "--kbest_repository $kbest";
-my $random_seed = int(time / 1000);
-my $lastWeightsFile;
-my $lastPScore = 0;
-# main optimization loop
-while (1){
- print STDERR "\n\nITERATION $iteration\n==========\n";
- if ($iteration > $max_iterations){
- print STDERR "\nREACHED STOPPING CRITERION: Maximum iterations\n";
- last;
- }
- # iteration-specific files
- my $runFile="$dir/run.raw.$iteration";
- my $onebestFile="$dir/1best.$iteration";
- my $logdir="$dir/logs.$iteration";
- my $decoderLog="$logdir/decoder.sentserver.log.$iteration";
- my $scorerLog="$logdir/scorer.log.$iteration";
- check_call("mkdir -p $logdir");
- #decode
- print STDERR unchecked_output("date");
- my $im1 = $iteration - 1;
- my $weightsFile="$dir/weights.$im1";
- push @allweights, "-w $dir/weights.$im1";
- `rm -f $dir/hgs/*.gz`;
- my $decoder_cmd = "$decoder -c $iniFile --weights$pass_suffix $weightsFile -O $dir/hgs";
- my $pcmd;
- if ($use_make) {
- $pcmd = "cat $srcFile | $parallelize --use-fork -p $pmem -e $logdir -j $jobs --";
- } else {
- $pcmd = "cat $srcFile | $parallelize -p $pmem -e $logdir -j $jobs --";
- }
- my $cmd = "$pcmd $decoder_cmd 2> $decoderLog 1> $runFile";
- print STDERR "COMMAND:\n$cmd\n";
- check_bash_call($cmd);
- my $num_hgs;
- my $num_topbest;
- my $retries = 0;
- while($retries < 5) {
- $num_hgs = check_output("ls $dir/hgs/*.gz | wc -l");
- $num_topbest = check_output("wc -l < $runFile");
- print STDERR "NUMBER OF HGs: $num_hgs\n";
- print STDERR "NUMBER OF TOP-BEST HYPs: $num_topbest\n";
- if($devSize == $num_hgs && $devSize == $num_topbest) {
- last;
- } else {
- print STDERR "Incorrect number of hypergraphs or topbest. Waiting for distributed filesystem and retrying...\n";
- sleep(3);
- }
- $retries++;
- }
- die "Dev set contains $devSize sentences, but we don't have topbest and hypergraphs for all these! Decoder failure? Check $decoderLog\n" if ($devSize != $num_hgs || $devSize != $num_topbest);
- my $dec_score = check_output("cat $runFile | $SCORER $refs_comma_sep -m $metric");
- chomp $dec_score;
- print STDERR "DECODER SCORE: $dec_score\n";
- # save space
- check_call("gzip -f $runFile");
- check_call("gzip -f $decoderLog");
- # run optimizer
- print STDERR unchecked_output("date");
- my $mergeLog="$logdir/prune-merge.log.$iteration";
- my $score = 0;
- my $icc = 0;
- my $inweights="$dir/weights.$im1";
- my $outweights="$dir/weights.$iteration";
- $cmd="$MAPINPUT $dir/hgs > $dir/agenda.$im1";
- print STDERR "COMMAND:\n$cmd\n";
- check_call($cmd);
- $cmd="$MAPPER $refs_comma_sep -m $metric -i $dir/agenda.$im1 $kbest -w $inweights > $outweights";
- check_call($cmd);
- $lastWeightsFile = $outweights;
- $iteration++;
- `rm hgs/*.gz`;
- print STDERR "\n==========\n";
-print STDERR "\nFINAL WEIGHTS: $lastWeightsFile\n(Use -w <this file> with the decoder)\n\n";
-print STDOUT "$lastWeightsFile\n";
-exit 0;
-sub get_lines {
- my $fn = shift @_;
- open FL, "<$fn" or die "Couldn't read $fn: $!";
- my $lc = 0;
- while(<FL>) { $lc++; }
- return $lc;
-sub get_comma_sep_refs {
- my ($r,$p) = @_;
- my $o = check_output("echo $p");
- chomp $o;
- my @files = split /\s+/, $o;
- return "-$r " . join(" -$r ", @files);
-sub read_weights_file {
- my ($file) = @_;
- open F, "<$file" or die "Couldn't read $file: $!";
- my @r = ();
- my $pm = -1;
- while(<F>) {
- next if /^#/;
- next if /^\s*$/;
- chomp;
- if (/^(.+)\s+(.+)$/) {
- my $m = $1;
- my $w = $2;
- die "Weights out of order: $m <= $pm" unless $m > $pm;
- push @r, $w;
- } else {
- warn "Unexpected feature name in weight file: $_";
- }
- }
- close F;
- return join ' ', @r;
-# subs
-sub write_config {
- my $fh = shift;
- my $cleanup = "yes";
- if ($disable_clean) {$cleanup = "no";}
- print $fh "\n";
- print $fh "DECODER: $decoder\n";
- print $fh "INI FILE: $iniFile\n";
- print $fh "WORKING DIR: $dir\n";
- print $fh "SOURCE (DEV): $srcFile\n";
- print $fh "REFS (DEV): $refFiles\n";
- print $fh "EVAL METRIC: $metric\n";
- print $fh "MAX ITERATIONS: $max_iterations\n";
- print $fh "JOBS: $jobs\n";
- print $fh "HEAD NODE: $host\n";
- print $fh "PMEM (DECODING): $pmem\n";
- print $fh "CLEANUP: $cleanup\n";
-sub update_weights_file {
- my ($neww, $rfn, $rpts) = @_;
- my @feats = @$rfn;
- my @pts = @$rpts;
- my $num_feats = scalar @feats;
- my $num_pts = scalar @pts;
- die "$num_feats (num_feats) != $num_pts (num_pts)" unless $num_feats == $num_pts;
- open G, ">$neww" or die;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_feats; $i++) {
- my $f = $feats[$i];
- my $lambda = $pts[$i];
- print G "$f $lambda\n";
- }
- close G;
-sub enseg {
- my $src = shift;
- my $newsrc = shift;
- open(SRC, $src);
- open(NEWSRC, ">$newsrc");
- my $i=0;
- while (my $line=<SRC>){
- chomp $line;
- if ($line =~ /^\s*<seg/i) {
- if($line =~ /id="[0-9]+"/) {
- print NEWSRC "$line\n";
- } else {
- die "When using segments with pre-generated <seg> tags, you must include a zero-based id attribute";
- }
- } else {
- print NEWSRC "<seg id=\"$i\">$line</seg>\n";
- }
- $i++;
- }
- close SRC;
- close NEWSRC;
- die "Empty dev set!" if ($i == 0);
-sub print_help {
- my $executable = check_output("basename $0"); chomp $executable;
- print << "Help";
-Usage: $executable [options] <ini file>
- $executable [options] <ini file>
- Runs a complete PRO optimization using the ini file specified.
- --ref-files <files>
- Dev set ref files. This option takes only a single string argument.
- To use multiple files (including file globbing), this argument should
- be quoted.
- --source-file <file>
- Dev set source file.
- --weights <file>
- Initial weights file (use empty file to start from 0)
-General options:
- --help
- Print this message and exit.
- --dont-accumulate
- Don't accumulate k-best lists from multiple iterations.
- --max-iterations <M>
- Maximum number of iterations to run. If not specified, defaults
- to $default_max_iter.
- --metric <method>
- Metric to optimize.
- Example values: IBM_BLEU, NIST_BLEU, Koehn_BLEU, TER, Combi
- --pass-suffix <S>
- If the decoder is doing multi-pass decoding, the pass suffix "2",
- "3", etc., is used to control what iteration of weights is set.
- --workdir <dir>
- Directory for intermediate and output files. If not specified, the
- name is derived from the ini filename. Assuming that the ini
- filename begins with the decoder name and ends with ini, the default
- name of the working directory is inferred from the middle part of
- the filename. E.g. an ini file named would have
- a default working directory name foo.
-Regularization options:
- --reg <F>
- l2 regularization strength [default=500]. The greater this value,
- the closer to zero the weights will be.
-Job control options:
- --jobs <I>
- Number of decoder processes to run in parallel. [default=$default_jobs]
- --qsub
- Use qsub to run jobs in parallel (qsub must be configured in
- environment/
- --pmem <N>
- Amount of physical memory requested for parallel decoding jobs
- (used with qsub requests only)
-sub convert {
- my ($str) = @_;
- my @ps = split /;/, $str;
- my %dict = ();
- for my $p (@ps) {
- my ($k, $v) = split /=/, $p;
- $dict{$k} = $v;
- }
- return %dict;
-sub cmdline {
- return join ' ',($0,@ORIG_ARGV);
-#buggy: last arg gets quoted sometimes?
-my $is_shell_special=qr{[ \t\n\\><|&;"'`~*?{}$!()]};
-my $shell_escape_in_quote=qr{[\\"\$`!]};
-sub escape_shell {
- my ($arg)=@_;
- return undef unless defined $arg;
- if ($arg =~ /$is_shell_special/) {
- $arg =~ s/($shell_escape_in_quote)/\\$1/g;
- return "\"$arg\"";
- }
- return $arg;
-sub escaped_shell_args {
- return map {local $_=$_;chomp;escape_shell($_)} @_;
-sub escaped_shell_args_str {
- return join ' ',&escaped_shell_args(@_);
-sub escaped_cmdline {
- return "$0 ".&escaped_shell_args_str(@ORIG_ARGV);