path: root/jam-files/boost-build/util/doc.jam
diff options
authorAvneesh Saluja <>2013-03-28 18:28:16 -0700
committerAvneesh Saluja <>2013-03-28 18:28:16 -0700
commit3d8d656fa7911524e0e6885647173474524e0784 (patch)
tree81b1ee2fcb67980376d03f0aa48e42e53abff222 /jam-files/boost-build/util/doc.jam
parentbe7f57fdd484e063775d7abf083b9fa4c403b610 (diff)
parent96fedabebafe7a38a6d5928be8fff767e411d705 (diff)
fixed conflicts
Diffstat (limited to 'jam-files/boost-build/util/doc.jam')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 997 deletions
diff --git a/jam-files/boost-build/util/doc.jam b/jam-files/boost-build/util/doc.jam
deleted file mode 100644
index a7515588..00000000
--- a/jam-files/boost-build/util/doc.jam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2002, 2005 Dave Abrahams
-# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2006 Rene Rivera
-# Copyright 2003 Vladimir Prus
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
-# Documentation system, handles --help requests.
-# It defines rules that attach documentation to modules, rules, and variables.
-# Collects and generates documentation for the various parts of the build
-# system. The documentation is collected from comments integrated into the code.
-import modules ;
-import print ;
-import set ;
-import container ;
-import "class" ;
-import sequence ;
-import path ;
-# The type of output to generate.
-# "console" is formated text echoed to the console (the default);
-# "text" is formated text appended to the output file;
-# "html" is HTML output to the file.
-help-output = console ;
-# The file to output documentation to when generating "text" or "html" help.
-# This is without extension as the extension is determined by the type of
-# output.
-help-output-file = help ;
-# Whether to include local rules in help output.
-# ?= ;
-# When showing documentation for a module, whether to also generate
-# automatically the detailed docs for each item in the module.
-.option.detailed ?= ;
-# Generate debug output as the help is generated and modules are parsed.
-.option.debug ?= ;
-# Enable or disable a documentation option.
-local rule set-option (
- option # The option name.
- : value ? # Enabled (non-empty), or disabled (empty)
- .option.$(option) = $(value) ;
-# Set the type of output.
-local rule set-output ( type )
- help-output = $(type) ;
-# Set the output to a file.
-local rule set-output-file ( file )
- help-output-file = $(file) ;
-# Extracts the brief comment from a complete comment. The brief comment is the
-# first sentence.
-local rule brief-comment (
- docs * # The comment documentation.
- local d = $(docs:J=" ") ;
- local p = [ MATCH ".*([.])$" : $(d) ] ;
- if ! $(p) { d = $(d)"." ; }
- d = $(d)" " ;
- local m = [ MATCH "^([^.]+[.])(.*)" : $(d) ] ;
- local brief = $(m[1]) ;
- while $(m[2]) && [ MATCH "^([^ ])" : $(m[2]) ]
- {
- m = [ MATCH "^([^.]+[.])(.*)" : $(m[2]) ] ;
- brief += $(m[1]) ;
- }
- return $(brief:J="") ;
-# Specifies the documentation for the current module.
-local rule set-module-doc (
- module-name ? # The name of the module to document.
- : docs * # The documentation for the module.
- module-name ?= * ;
- $(module-name).brief = [ brief-comment $(docs) ] ;
- $(module-name).docs = $(docs) ;
- if ! $(module-name) in $(documented-modules)
- {
- documented-modules += $(module-name) ;
- }
-# Specifies the documentation for the current module.
-local rule set-module-copyright (
- module-name ? # The name of the module to document.
- : copyright * # The copyright for the module.
- module-name ?= * ;
- $(module-name).copy-brief = [ brief-comment $(copyright) ] ;
- $(module-name).copy-docs = $(docs) ;
- if ! $(module-name) in $(documented-modules)
- {
- documented-modules += $(module-name) ;
- }
-# Specifies the documentation for a rule in the current module. If called in the
-# global module, this documents a global rule.
-local rule set-rule-doc (
- name # The name of the rule.
- module-name ? # The name of the module to document.
- is-local ? # Whether the rule is local to the module.
- : docs * # The documentation for the rule.
- module-name ?= * ;
- $(module-name).$(name).brief = [ brief-comment $(docs) ] ;
- $(module-name).$(name).docs = $(docs) ;
- $(module-name).$(name).is-local = $(is-local) ;
- if ! $(name) in $($(module-name).rules)
- {
- $(module-name).rules += $(name) ;
- }
-# Specify a class, will turn a rule into a class.
-local rule set-class-doc (
- name # The name of the class.
- module-name ? # The name of the module to document.
- : super-name ? # The super class name.
- module-name ?= * ;
- $(module-name).$(name).is-class = true ;
- $(module-name).$(name).super-name = $(super-name) ;
- $(module-name).$(name).class-rules =
- [ MATCH "^($(name)[.].*)" : $($(module-name).rules) ] ;
- $(module-name).$($(module-name).$(name).class-rules).is-class-rule = true ;
- $(module-name).classes += $(name) ;
- $(module-name).class-rules += $($(module-name).$(name).class-rules) ;
- $(module-name).rules =
- [ set.difference $($(module-name).rules) :
- $(name) $($(module-name).$(name).class-rules) ] ;
-# Set the argument call signature of a rule.
-local rule set-rule-arguments-signature (
- name # The name of the rule.
- module-name ? # The name of the module to document.
- : signature * # The arguments signature.
- module-name ?= * ;
- $(module-name).$(name).signature = $(signature) ;
-# Specifies the documentation for an argument of a rule.
-local rule set-argument-doc (
- name # The name of the argument.
- qualifier # Argument syntax qualifier, "*", "+", etc.
- rule-name # The name of the rule.
- module-name ? # THe optional name of the module.
- : docs * # The documentation.
- module-name ?= * ;
- $(module-name).$(rule-name).args.$(name).qualifier = $(qualifier) ;
- $(module-name).$(rule-name).args.$(name).docs = $(docs) ;
- if ! $(name) in $($(module-name).$(rule-name).args)
- {
- $(module-name).$(rule-name).args += $(name) ;
- }
-# Specifies the documentation for a variable in the current module. If called in
-# the global module, the global variable is documented.
-local rule set-variable-doc (
- name # The name of the variable.
- default # The default value.
- initial # The initial value.
- module-name ? # The name of the module to document.
- : docs * # The documentation for the variable.
- module-name ?= * ;
- $(module-name).$(name).brief = [ brief-comment $(docs) ] ;
- $(module-name).$(name).default = $(default) ;
- $(module-name).$(name).initial = $(initial) ;
- $(module-name).$(name).docs = $(docs) ;
- if ! $(name) in $($(module-name).variables)
- {
- $(module-name).variables += $(name) ;
- }
-# Generates a general description of the documentation and help system.
-local rule print-help-top ( )
- print.section "General command line usage" ;
- print.text " bjam [options] [properties] [targets]
- Options, properties and targets can be specified in any order.
- " ;
- print.section "Important Options" ;
- print.list-start ;
- print.list-item "--clean Remove targets instead of building" ;
- print.list-item "-a Rebuild everything" ;
- print.list-item "-n Don't execute the commands, only print them" ;
- print.list-item "-d+2 Show commands as they are executed" ;
- print.list-item "-d0 Supress all informational messages" ;
- print.list-item "-q Stop at first error" ;
- print.list-item "--debug-configuration Diagnose configuration" ;
- print.list-item "--debug-building Report which targets are built with what properties" ;
- print.list-item "--debug-generator Diagnose generator search/execution" ;
- print.list-end ;
- print.section "Further Help"
- The following options can be used to obtain additional documentation.
- ;
- print.list-start ;
- print.list-item "--help-options Print more obscure command line options." ;
- print.list-item "--help-internal Boost.Build implementation details." ;
- print.list-item "--help-doc-options Implementation details doc formatting." ;
- print.list-end ;
-# Generate Jam/Boost.Jam command usage information.
-local rule print-help-usage ( )
- print.section "Boost.Jam Usage"
- "bjam [ options... ] targets..."
- ;
- print.list-start ;
- print.list-item -a;
- Build all targets, even if they are current. ;
- print.list-item -fx;
- Read '"x"' as the Jamfile for building instead of searching for the
- Boost.Build system. ;
- print.list-item -jx;
- Run up to '"x"' commands concurrently. ;
- print.list-item -n;
- Do not execute build commands. Instead print out the commands as they
- would be executed if building. ;
- print.list-item -ox;
- Output the used build commands to file '"x"'. ;
- print.list-item -q;
- Quit as soon as a build failure is encountered. Without this option
- Boost.Jam will continue building as many targets as it can.
- print.list-item -sx=y;
- Sets a Jam variable '"x"' to the value '"y"', overriding any value that
- variable would have from the environment. ;
- print.list-item -tx;
- Rebuild the target '"x"', even if it is up-to-date. ;
- print.list-item -v;
- Display the version of bjam. ;
- print.list-item --x;
- Any option not explicitly handled by Boost.Jam remains available to
- build scripts using the '"ARGV"' variable. ;
- print.list-item -dn;
- Enables output of diagnostic messages. The debug level '"n"' and all
- below it are enabled by this option. ;
- print.list-item -d+n;
- Enables output of diagnostic messages. Only the output for debug level
- '"n"' is enabled. ;
- print.list-end ;
- print.section "Debug Levels"
- Each debug level shows a different set of information. Usually with
- higher levels producing more verbose information. The following levels
- are supported: ;
- print.list-start ;
- print.list-item 0;
- Turn off all diagnostic output. Only errors are reported. ;
- print.list-item 1;
- Show the actions taken for building targets, as they are executed. ;
- print.list-item 2;
- Show "quiet" actions and display all action text, as they are executed. ;
- print.list-item 3;
- Show dependency analysis, and target/source timestamps/paths. ;
- print.list-item 4;
- Show arguments of shell invocations. ;
- print.list-item 5;
- Show rule invocations and variable expansions. ;
- print.list-item 6;
- Show directory/header file/archive scans, and attempts at binding to targets. ;
- print.list-item 7;
- Show variable settings. ;
- print.list-item 8;
- Show variable fetches, variable expansions, and evaluation of '"if"' expressions. ;
- print.list-item 9;
- Show variable manipulation, scanner tokens, and memory usage. ;
- print.list-item 10;
- Show execution times for rules. ;
- print.list-item 11;
- Show parsing progress of Jamfiles. ;
- print.list-item 12;
- Show graph for target dependencies. ;
- print.list-item 13;
- Show changes in target status (fate). ;
- print.list-end ;
-# Generates description of options controlling the help system. This
-# automatically reads the options as all variables in the doc module of the form
-# ".option.*".
-local rule print-help-options (
- module-name # The doc module.
- print.section "Help Options"
- These are all the options available for enabling or disabling to control
- the help system in various ways. Options can be enabled or disabled with
- '"--help-enable-<option>"', and "'--help-disable-<option>'"
- respectively.
- ;
- local options-to-list = [ MATCH ^[.]option[.](.*) : $($(module-name).variables) ] ;
- if $(options-to-list)
- {
- print.list-start ;
- for local option in [ sequence.insertion-sort $(options-to-list) ]
- {
- local def = disabled ;
- if $($(module-name)..option.$(option).default) != "(empty)"
- {
- def = enabled ;
- }
- print.list-item $(option): $($(module-name)..option.$(option).docs)
- Default is $(def). ;
- }
- print.list-end ;
- }
-# Generate brief documentation for all the known items in the section for a
-# module. Possible sections are: "rules", and "variables".
-local rule print-help-module-section (
- module # The module name.
- section # rules or variables.
- : section-head # The title of the section.
- section-description * # The detailed description of the section.
- if $($(module).$(section))
- {
- print.section $(section-head) $(section-description) ;
- print.list-start ;
- for local item in [ sequence.insertion-sort $($(module).$(section)) ]
- {
- local show = ;
- if ! $($(module).$(item).is-local)
- {
- show = yes ;
- }
- if $(
- {
- show = yes ;
- }
- if $(show)
- {
- print.list-item $(item): $($(module).$(item).brief) ;
- }
- }
- print.list-end ;
- }
-# Generate documentation for all possible modules. We attempt to list all known
-# modules together with a brief description of each.
-local rule print-help-all (
- ignored # Usually the module name, but is ignored here.
- print.section "Modules"
- "These are all the known modules. Use --help <module> to get more"
- "detailed information."
- ;
- if $(documented-modules)
- {
- print.list-start ;
- for local module-name in [ sequence.insertion-sort $(documented-modules) ]
- {
- # The brief docs for each module.
- print.list-item $(module-name): $($(module-name).brief) ;
- }
- print.list-end ;
- }
- # The documentation for each module when details are requested.
- if $(documented-modules) && $(.option.detailed)
- {
- for local module-name in [ sequence.insertion-sort $(documented-modules) ]
- {
- # The brief docs for each module.
- print-help-module $(module-name) ;
- }
- }
-# Generate documentation for a module. Basic information about the module is
-# generated.
-local rule print-help-module (
- module-name # The module to generate docs for.
- # Print the docs.
- print.section "Module '$(module-name)'" $($(module-name).docs) ;
- # Print out the documented classes.
- print-help-module-section $(module-name) classes : "Module '$(module-name)' classes"
- Use --help $(module-name).<class-name> to get more information. ;
- # Print out the documented rules.
- print-help-module-section $(module-name) rules : "Module '$(module-name)' rules"
- Use --help $(module-name).<rule-name> to get more information. ;
- # Print out the documented variables.
- print-help-module-section $(module-name) variables : "Module '$(module-name)' variables"
- Use --help $(module-name).<variable-name> to get more information. ;
- # Print out all the same information but indetailed form.
- if $(.option.detailed)
- {
- print-help-classes $(module-name) ;
- print-help-rules $(module-name) ;
- print-help-variables $(module-name) ;
- }
-# Generate documentation for a set of rules in a module.
-local rule print-help-rules (
- module-name # Module of the rules.
- : name * # Optional list of rules to describe.
- name ?= $($(module-name).rules) ;
- if [ set.intersection $(name) : $($(module-name).rules) $($(module-name).class-rules) ]
- {
- # Print out the given rules.
- for local rule-name in [ sequence.insertion-sort $(name) ]
- {
- if $( || ! $($(module-name).$(rule-name).is-local)
- {
- local signature = $($(module-name).$(rule-name).signature:J=" ") ;
- signature ?= "" ;
- print.section "Rule '$(module-name).$(rule-name) ( $(signature) )'"
- $($(module-name).$(rule-name).docs) ;
- if $($(module-name).$(rule-name).args)
- {
- print.list-start ;
- for local arg-name in $($(module-name).$(rule-name).args)
- {
- print.list-item $(arg-name): $($(module-name).$(rule-name).args.$(arg-name).docs) ;
- }
- print.list-end ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-# Generate documentation for a set of classes in a module.
-local rule print-help-classes (
- module-name # Module of the classes.
- : name * # Optional list of classes to describe.
- name ?= $($(module-name).classes) ;
- if [ set.intersection $(name) : $($(module-name).classes) ]
- {
- # Print out the given classes.
- for local class-name in [ sequence.insertion-sort $(name) ]
- {
- if $( || ! $($(module-name).$(class-name).is-local)
- {
- local signature = $($(module-name).$(class-name).signature:J=" ") ;
- signature ?= "" ;
- print.section "Class '$(module-name).$(class-name) ( $(signature) )'"
- $($(module-name).$(class-name).docs)
- "Inherits from '"$($(module-name).$(class-name).super-name)"'." ;
- if $($(module-name).$(class-name).args)
- {
- print.list-start ;
- for local arg-name in $($(module-name).$(class-name).args)
- {
- print.list-item $(arg-name): $($(module-name).$(class-name).args.$(arg-name).docs) ;
- }
- print.list-end ;
- }
- }
- # Print out the documented rules of the class.
- print-help-module-section $(module-name) $(class-name).class-rules : "Class '$(module-name).$(class-name)' rules"
- Use --help $(module-name).<rule-name> to get more information. ;
- # Print out all the rules if details are requested.
- if $(.option.detailed)
- {
- print-help-rules $(module-name) : $($(module-name).$(class-name).class-rules) ;
- }
- }
- }
-# Generate documentation for a set of variables in a module.
-local rule print-help-variables (
- module-name ? # Module of the variables.
- : name * # Optional list of variables to describe.
- name ?= $($(module-name).variables) ;
- if [ set.intersection $(name) : $($(module-name).variables) ]
- {
- # Print out the given variables.
- for local variable-name in [ sequence.insertion-sort $(name) ]
- {
- print.section "Variable '$(module-name).$(variable-name)'" $($(module-name).$(variable-name).docs) ;
- if $($(module-name).$(variable-name).default) ||
- $($(module-name).$(variable-name).initial)
- {
- print.list-start ;
- if $($(module-name).$(variable-name).default)
- {
- print.list-item "default value:" '$($(module-name).$(variable-name).default:J=" ")' ;
- }
- if $($(module-name).$(variable-name).initial)
- {
- print.list-item "initial value:" '$($(module-name).$(variable-name).initial:J=" ")' ;
- }
- print.list-end ;
- }
- }
- }
-# Generate documentation for a project.
-local rule print-help-project (
- unused ?
- : jamfile * # The project Jamfile.
- if $(jamfile<$(jamfile)>.docs)
- {
- # Print the docs.
- print.section "Project-specific help"
- Project has jamfile at $(jamfile) ;
- print.lines $(jamfile<$(jamfile)>.docs) "" ;
- }
-# Generate documentation for a config file.
-local rule print-help-config (
- unused ?
- : type # The type of configuration file user or site.
- config-file # The configuration Jamfile.
- if $(jamfile<$(config-file)>.docs)
- {
- # Print the docs.
- print.section "Configuration help"
- Configuration file at $(config-file) ;
- print.lines $(jamfile<$(config-file)>.docs) "" ;
- }
-ws = " " ;
-# Extract the text from a block of comments.
-local rule extract-comment (
- var # The name of the variable to extract from.
- local comment = ;
- local line = $($(var)[1]) ;
- local l = [ MATCH "^[$(ws)]*(#)(.*)$" : $(line) ] ;
- while $(l[1]) && $($(var))
- {
- if $(l[2]) { comment += [ MATCH "^[$(ws)]?(.*)$" : $(l[2]) ] ; }
- else { comment += "" ; }
- $(var) = $($(var)[2-]) ;
- line = $($(var)[1]) ;
- l = [ MATCH "^[$(ws)]*(#)(.*)$" : $(line) ] ;
- }
- return $(comment) ;
-# Extract s single line of Jam syntax, ignoring any comments.
-local rule extract-syntax (
- var # The name of the variable to extract from.
- local syntax = ;
- local line = $($(var)[1]) ;
- while ! $(syntax) && ! [ MATCH "^[$(ws)]*(#)" : $(line) ] && $($(var))
- {
- local m = [ MATCH "^[$(ws)]*(.*)$" : $(line) ] ;
- if $(m) && ! $(m) = ""
- {
- syntax = $(m) ;
- }
- $(var) = $($(var)[2-]) ;
- line = $($(var)[1]) ;
- }
- return $(syntax) ;
-# Extract the next token, this is either a single Jam construct or a comment as
-# a single token.
-local rule extract-token (
- var # The name of the variable to extract from.
- local parts = ;
- while ! $(parts)
- {
- parts = [ MATCH "^[$(ws)]*([^$(ws)]+)[$(ws)]*(.*)" : $($(var)[1]) ] ;
- if ! $(parts)
- {
- $(var) = $($(var)[2-]) ;
- }
- }
- local token = ;
- if [ MATCH "^(#)" : $(parts[1]) ]
- {
- token = $(parts:J=" ") ;
- $(var) = $($(var)[2-]) ;
- }
- else
- {
- token = $(parts[1]) ;
- $(var) = $(parts[2-]:J=" ") $($(var)[2-]) ;
- }
- return $(token) ;
-# Scan for a rule declaration as the next item in the variable.
-local rule scan-rule (
- syntax ? # The first part of the text which contains the rule declaration.
- : var # The name of the variable to extract from.
- local rule-parts =
- [ MATCH "^[$(ws)]*(rule|local[$(ws)]*rule)[$(ws)]+([^$(ws)]+)[$(ws)]*(.*)" : $(syntax:J=" ") ] ;
- if $(rule-parts[1])
- {
- # Mark as doc for rule.
- local rule-name = $(rule-parts[2]) ;
- if $(scope-name)
- {
- rule-name = $(scope-name).$(rule-name) ;
- }
- local is-local = [ MATCH "^(local).*" : $(rule-parts[1]) ] ;
- if $(comment-block)
- {
- set-rule-doc $(rule-name) $(module-name) $(is-local) : $(comment-block) ;
- }
- # Parse args of rule.
- $(var) = $(rule-parts[3-]) $($(var)) ;
- set-rule-arguments-signature $(rule-name) $(module-name) : [ scan-rule-arguments $(var) ] ;
- # Scan within this rules scope.
- local scope-level = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- local scope-name = $(rule-name) ;
- while $(scope-level)
- {
- local comment-block = [ extract-comment $(var) ] ;
- local syntax-block = [ extract-syntax $(var) ] ;
- if [ scan-rule $(syntax-block) : $(var) ]
- {
- }
- else if [ MATCH "^(\\{)" : $(syntax-block) ]
- {
- scope-level += "{" ;
- }
- else if [ MATCH "^[^\\}]*([\\}])[$(ws)]*$" : $(syntax-block) ]
- {
- scope-level = $(scope-level[2-]) ;
- }
- }
- return true ;
- }
-# Scan the arguments of a rule.
-local rule scan-rule-arguments (
- var # The name of the variable to extract from.
- local arg-syntax = ;
- local token = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- while $(token) != "(" && $(token) != "{"
- {
- token = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- }
- if $(token) != "{"
- {
- token = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- }
- local arg-signature = ;
- while $(token) != ")" && $(token) != "{"
- {
- local arg-name = ;
- local arg-qualifier = " " ;
- local arg-doc = ;
- if $(token) = ":"
- {
- arg-signature += $(token) ;
- token = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- }
- arg-name = $(token) ;
- arg-signature += $(token) ;
- token = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- if [ MATCH "^([\\*\\+\\?])" : $(token) ]
- {
- arg-qualifier = $(token) ;
- arg-signature += $(token) ;
- token = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- }
- if $(token) = ":"
- {
- arg-signature += $(token) ;
- token = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- }
- if [ MATCH "^(#)" : $(token) ]
- {
- $(var) = $(token) $($(var)) ;
- arg-doc = [ extract-comment $(var) ] ;
- token = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- }
- set-argument-doc $(arg-name) $(arg-qualifier) $(rule-name) $(module-name) : $(arg-doc) ;
- }
- while $(token) != "{"
- {
- token = [ extract-token $(var) ] ;
- }
- $(var) = "{" $($(var)) ;
- arg-signature ?= "" ;
- return $(arg-signature) ;
-# Scan for a variable declaration.
-local rule scan-variable (
- syntax ? # The first part of the text which contains the variable declaration.
- : var # The name of the variable to extract from.
- # [1] = name, [2] = value(s)
- local var-parts =
- [ MATCH "^[$(ws)]*([^$(ws)]+)[$(ws)]+([\\?\\=]*)[$(ws)]+([^\\;]*)\\;" : $(syntax) ] ;
- if $(var-parts)
- {
- local value = [ MATCH "^(.*)[ ]$" : $(var-parts[3-]:J=" ") ] ;
- local default-value = "" ;
- local initial-valie = "" ;
- if $(var-parts[2]) = "?="
- {
- default-value = $(value) ;
- default-value ?= "(empty)" ;
- }
- else
- {
- initial-value = $(value) ;
- initial-value ?= "(empty)" ;
- }
- if $(comment-block)
- {
- set-variable-doc $(var-parts[1]) $(default-value) $(initial-value) $(module-name) : $(comment-block) ;
- }
- return true ;
- }
-# Scan a class declaration.
-local rule scan-class (
- syntax ? # The syntax text for the class declaration.
- # [1] = class?, [2] = name, [3] = superclass
- local class-parts =
- [ MATCH "^[$(ws)]*([^$(ws)]+)[$(ws)]+([^$(ws)]+)[$(ws)]+:*[$(ws)]*([^$(ws);]*)" : $(syntax) ] ;
- if $(class-parts[1]) = "class" || $(class-parts[1]) = "class.class"
- {
- set-class-doc $(class-parts[2]) $(module-name) : $(class-parts[3]) ;
- }
-# Scan a module file for documentation comments. This also invokes any actions
-# assigned to the module. The actions are the rules that do the actual output of
-# the documentation. This rule is invoked as the header scan rule for the module
-# file.
-rule scan-module (
- target # The module file.
- : text * # The text in the file, one item per line.
- : action * # Rule to call to output docs for the module.
- if $(.option.debug) { ECHO "HELP:" scanning module target '$(target)' ; }
- local module-name = $(target:B) ;
- local module-documented = ;
- local comment-block = ;
- local syntax-block = ;
- # This is a hack because we can not get the line of a file if it happens to
- # not have a new-line termination.
- text += "}" ;
- while $(text)
- {
- comment-block = [ extract-comment text ] ;
- syntax-block = [ extract-syntax text ] ;
- if $(.option.debug)
- {
- ECHO "HELP:" comment block; '$(comment-block)' ;
- ECHO "HELP:" syntax block; '$(syntax-block)' ;
- }
- if [ scan-rule $(syntax-block) : text ] { }
- else if [ scan-variable $(syntax-block) : text ] { }
- else if [ scan-class $(syntax-block) ] { }
- else if [ MATCH .*([cC]opyright).* : $(comment-block:J=" ") ]
- {
- # mark as the copy for the module.
- set-module-copyright $(module-name) : $(comment-block) ;
- }
- else if $(action[1]) in "print-help-project" "print-help-config"
- && ! $(jamfile<$(target)>.docs)
- {
- # special module docs for the project jamfile.
- jamfile<$(target)>.docs = $(comment-block) ;
- }
- else if ! $(module-documented)
- {
- # document the module.
- set-module-doc $(module-name) : $(comment-block) ;
- module-documented = true ;
- }
- }
- if $(action)
- {
- $(action[1]) $(module-name) : $(action[2-]) ;
- }
-# Import scan-module to global scope, so that it is available during header
-# scanning phase.
-IMPORT $(__name__) : scan-module : : doc.scan-module ;
-# Read in a file using the SHELL builtin and return the individual lines as
-# would be done for header scanning.
-local rule read-file (
- file # The file to read in.
- file = [ path.native [ path.root [ path.make $(file) ] [ path.pwd ] ] ] ;
- if ! $(.file<$(file)>.lines)
- {
- local content ;
- switch [ modules.peek : OS ]
- {
- case NT :
- content = [ SHELL "TYPE \"$(file)\"" ] ;
- case * :
- content = [ SHELL "cat \"$(file)\"" ] ;
- }
- local lines ;
- local nl = "
-" ;
- local << = "([^$(nl)]*)[$(nl)](.*)" ;
- local line+ = [ MATCH "$(<<)" : "$(content)" ] ;
- while $(line+)
- {
- lines += $(line+[1]) ;
- line+ = [ MATCH "$(<<)" : "$(line+[2])" ] ;
- }
- .file<$(file)>.lines = $(lines) ;
- }
- return $(.file<$(file)>.lines) ;
-# Add a scan action to perform to generate the help documentation. The action
-# rule is passed the name of the module as the first argument. The second
-# argument(s) are optional and passed directly as specified here.
-local rule do-scan (
- modules + # The modules to scan and perform the action on.
- : action * # The action rule, plus the secondary arguments to pass to the action rule.
- if $(help-output) = text
- {
- print.output $(help-output-file).txt plain ;
- ALWAYS $(help-output-file).txt ;
- DEPENDS all : $(help-output-file).txt ;
- }
- if $(help-output) = html
- {
- print.output $(help-output-file).html html ;
- ALWAYS $(help-output-file).html ;
- DEPENDS all : $(help-output-file).html ;
- }
- for local module-file in $(modules[1--2])
- {
- scan-module $(module-file) : [ read-file $(module-file) ] ;
- }
- scan-module $(modules[-1]) : [ read-file $(modules[-1]) ] : $(action) ;