path: root/jam-files/boost-build/tools/
diff options
authorPatrick Simianer <>2012-11-05 15:29:46 +0100
committerPatrick Simianer <>2012-11-05 15:29:46 +0100
commit6f29f345dc06c1a1033475eac1d1340781d1d603 (patch)
tree6fa4cdd7aefd7d54c9585c2c6274db61bb8b159a /jam-files/boost-build/tools/
parentb510da2e562c695c90d565eb295c749569c59be8 (diff)
parentc615c37501fa8576584a510a9d2bfe2fdd5bace7 (diff)
merge upstream/master
Diffstat (limited to 'jam-files/boost-build/tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/jam-files/boost-build/tools/ b/jam-files/boost-build/tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b53500c..00000000
--- a/jam-files/boost-build/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-# Status: ported, except for --out-xml
-# Base revision: 64488
-# Copyright 2005 Dave Abrahams
-# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2010 Vladimir Prus
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
-# This module implements regression testing framework. It declares a number of
-# main target rules which perform some action and, if the results are OK,
-# creates an output file.
-# The exact list of rules is:
-# 'compile' -- creates .test file if compilation of sources was
-# successful.
-# 'compile-fail' -- creates .test file if compilation of sources failed.
-# 'run' -- creates .test file is running of executable produced from
-# sources was successful. Also leaves behind .output file
-# with the output from program run.
-# 'run-fail' -- same as above, but .test file is created if running fails.
-# In all cases, presence of .test file is an indication that the test passed.
-# For more convenient reporting, you might want to use C++ Boost regression
-# testing utilities (see
-# For historical reason, a 'unit-test' rule is available which has the same
-# syntax as 'exe' and behaves just like 'run'.
-# Things to do:
-# - Teach compiler_status handle Jamfile.v2.
-# Notes:
-# - <no-warn> is not implemented, since it is Como-specific, and it is not
-# clear how to implement it
-# - std::locale-support is not implemented (it is used in one test).
-import as feature
-import as type
-import as targets
-import as generators
-import as toolset
-import as common
-import b2.util.option as option
-import b2.build_system as build_system
-from b2.manager import get_manager
-from b2.util import stem, bjam_signature
-from b2.util.sequence import unique
-import bjam
-import re
-import os.path
-import sys
-def init():
- pass
-# Feature controling the command used to lanch test programs.
-feature.feature("testing.launcher", [], ["free", "optional"])
-feature.feature("test-info", [], ["free", "incidental"])
-feature.feature("testing.arg", [], ["free", "incidental"])
-feature.feature("testing.input-file", [], ["free", "dependency"])
-feature.feature("preserve-test-targets", ["on", "off"], ["incidental", "propagated"])
-# Register target types.
-type.register("TEST", ["test"])
-type.register("COMPILE", [], "TEST")
-type.register("COMPILE_FAIL", [], "TEST")
-type.register("RUN_OUTPUT", ["run"])
-type.register("RUN", [], "TEST")
-type.register("RUN_FAIL", [], "TEST")
-type.register("LINK", [], "TEST")
-type.register("LINK_FAIL", [], "TEST")
-type.register("UNIT_TEST", ["passed"], "TEST")
-__all_tests = []
-# Declare the rules which create main targets. While the 'type' module already
-# creates rules with the same names for us, we need extra convenience: default
-# name of main target, so write our own versions.
-# Helper rule. Create a test target, using basename of first source if no target
-# name is explicitly passed. Remembers the created target in a global variable.
-def make_test(target_type, sources, requirements, target_name=None):
- if not target_name:
- target_name = stem(os.path.basename(sources[0]))
- # Having periods (".") in the target name is problematic because the typed
- # generator will strip the suffix and use the bare name for the file
- # targets. Even though the location-prefix averts problems most times it
- # does not prevent ambiguity issues when referring to the test targets. For
- # example when using the XML log output. So we rename the target to remove
- # the periods, and provide an alias for users.
- real_name = target_name.replace(".", "~")
- project = get_manager().projects().current()
- # The <location-prefix> forces the build system for generate paths in the
- # form '$build_dir/array1.test/gcc/debug'. This is necessary to allow
- # post-processing tools to work.
- t = get_manager().targets().create_typed_target(
- type.type_from_rule_name(target_type), project, real_name, sources,
- requirements + ["<location-prefix>" + real_name + ".test"], [], [])
- # The alias to the real target, per period replacement above.
- if real_name != target_name:
- get_manager().projects().project_rules().all_names_["alias"](
- target_name, [t])
- # Remember the test (for --dump-tests). A good way would be to collect all
- # given a project. This has some technical problems: e.g. we can not call
- # this dump from a Jamfile since projects referred by 'build-project' are
- # not available until the whole Jamfile has been loaded.
- __all_tests.append(t)
- return t
-# Note: passing more that one cpp file here is known to fail. Passing a cpp file
-# and a library target works.
-@bjam_signature((["sources", "*"], ["requirements", "*"], ["target_name", "?"]))
-def compile(sources, requirements, target_name=None):
- return make_test("compile", sources, requirements, target_name)
-@bjam_signature((["sources", "*"], ["requirements", "*"], ["target_name", "?"]))
-def compile_fail(sources, requirements, target_name=None):
- return make_test("compile-fail", sources, requirements, target_name)
-@bjam_signature((["sources", "*"], ["requirements", "*"], ["target_name", "?"]))
-def link(sources, requirements, target_name=None):
- return make_test("link", sources, requirements, target_name)
-@bjam_signature((["sources", "*"], ["requirements", "*"], ["target_name", "?"]))
-def link_fail(sources, requirements, target_name=None):
- return make_test("link-fail", sources, requirements, target_name)
-def handle_input_files(input_files):
- if len(input_files) > 1:
- # Check that sorting made when creating property-set instance will not
- # change the ordering.
- if sorted(input_files) != input_files:
- get_manager().errors()("Names of input files must be sorted alphabetically\n" +
- "due to internal limitations")
- return ["<testing.input-file>" + f for f in input_files]
-@bjam_signature((["sources", "*"], ["args", "*"], ["input_files", "*"],
- ["requirements", "*"], ["target_name", "?"],
- ["default_build", "*"]))
-def run(sources, args, input_files, requirements, target_name=None, default_build=[]):
- if args:
- requirements.append("<testing.arg>" + " ".join(args))
- requirements.extend(handle_input_files(input_files))
- return make_test("run", sources, requirements, target_name)
-@bjam_signature((["sources", "*"], ["args", "*"], ["input_files", "*"],
- ["requirements", "*"], ["target_name", "?"],
- ["default_build", "*"]))
-def run_fail(sources, args, input_files, requirements, target_name=None, default_build=[]):
- if args:
- requirements.append("<testing.arg>" + " ".join(args))
- requirements.extend(handle_input_files(input_files))
- return make_test("run-fail", sources, requirements, target_name)
-# Register all the rules
-for name in ["compile", "compile-fail", "link", "link-fail", "run", "run-fail"]:
- get_manager().projects().add_rule(name, getattr(sys.modules[__name__], name.replace("-", "_")))
-# Use 'test-suite' as a synonym for 'alias', for backward compatibility.
-from import alias
-get_manager().projects().add_rule("test-suite", alias)
-# For all main targets in 'project-module', which are typed targets with type
-# derived from 'TEST', produce some interesting information.
-def dump_tests():
- for t in __all_tests:
- dump_test(t)
-# Given a project location in normalized form (slashes are forward), compute the
-# name of the Boost library.
-__ln1 = re.compile("/(tools|libs)/(.*)/(test|example)")
-__ln2 = re.compile("/(tools|libs)/(.*)$")
-__ln3 = re.compile("(/status$)")
-def get_library_name(path):
- path = path.replace("\\", "/")
- match1 = __ln1.match(path)
- match2 = __ln2.match(path)
- match3 = __ln3.match(path)
- if match1:
- return
- elif match2:
- return
- elif match3:
- return ""
- elif option.get("dump-tests", False, True):
- # The 'run' rule and others might be used outside boost. In that case,
- # just return the path, since the 'library name' makes no sense.
- return path
-# Was an XML dump requested?
-__out_xml = option.get("out-xml", False, True)
-# Takes a target (instance of 'basic-target') and prints
-# - its type
-# - its name
-# - comments specified via the <test-info> property
-# - relative location of all source from the project root.
-def dump_test(target):
- type = target.type()
- name =
- project = target.project()
- project_root = project.get('project-root')
- library = get_library_name(os.path.abspath(project.get('location')))
- if library:
- name = library + "/" + name
- sources = target.sources()
- source_files = []
- for s in sources:
- if isinstance(s, targets.FileReference):
- location = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(s.location(),
- source_files.append(os.path.relpath(location, os.path.abspath(project_root)))
- target_name = project.get('location') + "//" + + ".test"
- test_info = target.requirements().get('test-info')
- test_info = " ".join('"' + ti + '"' for ti in test_info)
- # If the user requested XML output on the command-line, add the test info to
- # that XML file rather than dumping them to stdout.
- #if $(.out-xml)
- #{
-# local nl = "
-#" ;
-# .contents on $(.out-xml) +=
-# "$(nl) <test type=\"$(type)\" name=\"$(name)\">"
-# "$(nl) <target><![CDATA[$(target-name)]]></target>"
-# "$(nl) <info><![CDATA[$(test-info)]]></info>"
-# "$(nl) <source><![CDATA[$(source-files)]]></source>"
-# "$(nl) </test>"
-# ;
-# }
-# else
- source_files = " ".join('"' + s + '"' for s in source_files)
- if test_info:
- print 'boost-test(%s) "%s" [%s] : %s' % (type, name, test_info, source_files)
- else:
- print 'boost-test(%s) "%s" : %s' % (type, name, source_files)
-# Register generators. Depending on target type, either 'expect-success' or
-# 'expect-failure' rule will be used.
-generators.register_standard("testing.expect-success", ["OBJ"], ["COMPILE"])
-generators.register_standard("testing.expect-failure", ["OBJ"], ["COMPILE_FAIL"])
-generators.register_standard("testing.expect-success", ["RUN_OUTPUT"], ["RUN"])
-generators.register_standard("testing.expect-failure", ["RUN_OUTPUT"], ["RUN_FAIL"])
-generators.register_standard("testing.expect-success", ["EXE"], ["LINK"])
-generators.register_standard("testing.expect-failure", ["EXE"], ["LINK_FAIL"])
-# Generator which runs an EXE and captures output.
-generators.register_standard("testing.capture-output", ["EXE"], ["RUN_OUTPUT"])
-# Generator which creates a target if sources run successfully. Differs from RUN
-# in that run output is not captured. The reason why it exists is that the 'run'
-# rule is much better for automated testing, but is not user-friendly (see
-generators.register_standard("testing.unit-test", ["EXE"], ["UNIT_TEST"])
-# FIXME: if those calls are after, then bjam will crash
-# when toolset.flags calls bjam.caller.
-toolset.flags("testing.capture-output", "ARGS", [], ["<testing.arg>"])
-toolset.flags("testing.capture-output", "INPUT_FILES", [], ["<testing.input-file>"])
-toolset.flags("testing.capture-output", "LAUNCHER", [], ["<testing.launcher>"])
-toolset.flags("testing.unit-test", "LAUNCHER", [], ["<testing.launcher>"])
-toolset.flags("testing.unit-test", "ARGS", [], ["<testing.arg>"])
-type.register("TIME", ["time"])
-generators.register_standard("testing.time", [], ["TIME"])
-# The following code sets up actions for this module. It's pretty convoluted,
-# but the basic points is that we most of actions are defined by Jam code
-# contained in testing-aux.jam, which we load into Jam module named 'testing'
-def run_path_setup(target, sources, ps):
- # For testing, we need to make sure that all dynamic libraries needed by the
- # test are found. So, we collect all paths from dependency libraries (via
- # xdll-path property) and add whatever explicit dll-path user has specified.
- # The resulting paths are added to the environment on each test invocation.
- dll_paths = ps.get('dll-path')
- dll_paths.extend(ps.get('xdll-path'))
- dll_paths.extend("get-target-variable", sources, "RUN_PATH"))
- dll_paths = unique(dll_paths)
- if dll_paths:
-"set-target-variable", target, "PATH_SETUP",
- common.prepend_path_variable_command(
- common.shared_library_path_variable(), dll_paths))
-def capture_output_setup(target, sources, ps):
- run_path_setup(target, sources, ps)
- if ps.get('preserve-test-targets') == ['off']:
-"set-target-variable", target, "REMOVE_TEST_TARGETS", "1")
- capture_output_setup)
-path = os.path.dirname(get_manager().projects().loaded_tool_module_path_[__name__])
-import b2.util.os_j
-get_manager().projects().project_rules()._import_rule("testing", "",
-get_manager().projects().project_rules()._import_rule("testing", "common.rm-command",
-get_manager().projects().project_rules()._import_rule("testing", "common.file-creation-command",
-"load", "testing", os.path.join(path, "testing-aux.jam"))
-for name in ["expect-success", "expect-failure", "time"]:
- get_manager().engine().register_bjam_action("testing." + name)
- run_path_setup)
-if option.get("dump-tests", False, True):
- build_system.add_pre_build_hook(dump_tests)