path: root/gi/morf-segmentation
diff options
authorAvneesh Saluja <>2013-03-28 18:28:16 -0700
committerAvneesh Saluja <>2013-03-28 18:28:16 -0700
commit3d8d656fa7911524e0e6885647173474524e0784 (patch)
tree81b1ee2fcb67980376d03f0aa48e42e53abff222 /gi/morf-segmentation
parentbe7f57fdd484e063775d7abf083b9fa4c403b610 (diff)
parent96fedabebafe7a38a6d5928be8fff767e411d705 (diff)
fixed conflicts
Diffstat (limited to 'gi/morf-segmentation')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 756 deletions
diff --git a/gi/morf-segmentation/ b/gi/morf-segmentation/
deleted file mode 100755
index a78575da..00000000
--- a/gi/morf-segmentation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#Filters the phrase&cluster document set to retain only documents that correspond to words or morphs, i.e. not crossing word boundaries.
-#Usage: [mark]
-# STDIN: data in the doc.txt format (i.e. phrase\t blahblah ), most likely from cdec extractor
-# STDOUT: the matching subset, same format
-use utf8;
-my $letter=qr/\p{L}\p{M}*/; # see
-my $morph=qr/$letter+/;
-my $m = "##"; # marker used to indicate morphemes
-if ((scalar @ARGV) >= 1) {
- $m = $ARGV[0];
- shift;
-print STDERR "Using $m to filter for morphemes\n";
-my $expr = qr/^($morph\Q$m\E)? ?(\Q$m\E$morph\Q$m\E)* ?(\Q$m\E$morph)?\t/; #\Q and \E bounded sections are escaped
-while(<>) {
- /$expr/ && print;
diff --git a/gi/morf-segmentation/invalid_vocab.patterns b/gi/morf-segmentation/invalid_vocab.patterns
deleted file mode 100644
index 473ce1b1..00000000
--- a/gi/morf-segmentation/invalid_vocab.patterns
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-[] !"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\^_`{|}~]
diff --git a/gi/morf-segmentation/ b/gi/morf-segmentation/
deleted file mode 100755
index 04e9044a..00000000
--- a/gi/morf-segmentation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-#linestripper file file maxlen [numlines]
-if len(sys.argv) < 3:
- print "linestripper file1 file2 maxlen [numlines]"
- print " outputs subset of file1 to stdout, ..of file2 to stderr"
- sys.exit(1)
-f1 = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
-f2 = open(sys.argv[2],'r')
-numlines = 0
-if len(sys.argv) > 4:
- numlines = int(sys.argv[4])
-for line1 in f1:
- line2 = f2.readline()
- w1 = len(line1.strip().split())
- w2 = len(line2.strip().split())
- if w1 <= maxlen and w2 <= maxlen:
- count = count + 1
- sys.stdout.write(line1)
- sys.stderr.write(line2)
- if numlines > 0 and count >= numlines:
- break
diff --git a/gi/morf-segmentation/ b/gi/morf-segmentation/
deleted file mode 100755
index 46eb5b46..00000000
--- a/gi/morf-segmentation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use File::Copy;
-# Preprocessing pipeline to take care of word segmentation
-# Learns a segmentation model for each/either side of the parallel corpus using all train/dev/test data
-# Applies the segmentation where necessary.
-# Learns word alignments on the preprocessed training data.
-# Outputs script files used later to score output.
-my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path cwd /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR; }
-use Getopt::Long "GetOptions";
-my $GZIP = 'gzip';
-my $ZCAT = 'gunzip -c';
-my $SED = 'sed -e';
-my $ALIGNER = "/export/ws10smt/software/berkeleyaligner/berkeleyaligner.jar";
-#java -d64 -Xmx10g -jar $ALIGNER ++word-align.conf >> aligner.log
-my $OUTPUT = './morfwork';
-my $PPL_SRC = 50;
-my $PPL_TRG = 50;
-my $MARKER = "#";
-my $MAX_WORDS = 40;
-my $SENTENCES;# = 100000;
-my $SPLIT_TYPE = ""; #possible values: s, t, st, or (empty string)
-usage() unless &GetOptions('max_words=i' => \$MAX_WORDS,
- 'output=s' => \$OUTPUT,
- 'ppl_src=i' => \$PPL_SRC,
- 'ppl_trg=i' => \$PPL_TRG,
- 'sentences=i' => \$SENTENCES,
- 'marker=s' => \$MARKER,
- 'split=s' => \$SPLIT_TYPE,
- 'get_name_only' => \$NAME_SHORTCUT,
- );
-usage() unless scalar @ARGV >= 2;
-my %CORPUS; # for (src,trg) it has (orig, name, filtered, final)
-$CORPUS{'src'}{'orig'} = $ARGV[0];
-open F, "<$CORPUS{'src'}{'orig'}" or die "Can't read $CORPUS{'src'}{'orig'}: $!"; close F;
-$CORPUS{'src'}{'name'} = get_basename($CORPUS{'src'}{'orig'});
-$CORPUS{'trg'}{'orig'} = $ARGV[1];
-open F, "<$CORPUS{'trg'}{'orig'}" or die "Can't read $CORPUS{'trg'}{'orig'}: $!"; close F;
-$CORPUS{'trg'}{'name'} = get_basename($CORPUS{'trg'}{'orig'});
-my %DEV; # for (src,trg) has (orig, final.split final.unsplit
-if (@ARGV >= 4) {
- $DEV{'src'}{'orig'} = $ARGV[2];
- open F, "<$DEV{'src'}{'orig'}" or die "Can't read $DEV{'src'}{'orig'}: $!"; close F;
- $DEV{'src'}{'name'} = get_basename($DEV{'src'}{'orig'});
- $DEV{'trg'}{'orig'} = $ARGV[3];
- open F, "<$DEV{'trg'}{'orig'}" or die "Can't read $DEV{'trg'}{'orig'}: $!"; close F;
- $DEV{'trg'}{'name'} = get_basename($DEV{'trg'}{'orig'});
-my %TEST; # for (src,trg) has (orig, name)
-if (@ARGV >= 6) {
- $TEST{'src'}{'orig'} = $ARGV[4];
- open F, "<$TEST{'src'}{'orig'}" or die "Can't read $TEST{'src'}{'orig'}: $!"; close F;
- $TEST{'src'}{'name'} = get_basename($TEST{'src'}{'orig'});
- $TEST{'trg'}{'orig'} = $ARGV[5];
- open F, "<$TEST{'trg'}{'orig'}" or die "Can't read $TEST{'trg'}{'orig'}: $!"; close F;
- $TEST{'trg'}{'name'} = get_basename($TEST{'trg'}{'orig'});
-my $SPLIT_SRC; #use these to check whether that part is being split
-my $CORPUS_DIR = $OUTPUT . '/' . corpus_dir(); #subsampled corpus
-my $MODEL_SRC_DIR = $OUTPUT . '/' . model_dir("src"); #splitting..
-my $MODEL_TRG_DIR = $OUTPUT . '/' . model_dir("trg"); # .. models
-my $PROCESSED_DIR = $OUTPUT . '/' . processed_dir(); #segmented copora+alignments
-my $ALIGNMENT_DIR = $PROCESSED_DIR . '/alignments';
-$CORPUS{'src'}{'filtered'} = $CORPUS_DIR . "/$CORPUS{'src'}{'name'}";
-$CORPUS{'trg'}{'filtered'} = $CORPUS_DIR . "/$CORPUS{'trg'}{'name'}";
-print STDERR "Output: $OUTPUT\n";
-print STDERR "Corpus: $CORPUS_DIR\n";
-print STDERR "Model-src: $MODEL_SRC_DIR\n";
-print STDERR "Model-trg: $MODEL_TRG_DIR\n";
-print STDERR "Finaldir: $PROCESSED_DIR\n";
-safemkdir($OUTPUT) or die "Couldn't create output directory $OUTPUT: $!";
-safemkdir($CORPUS_DIR) or die "Couldn't create output directory $CORPUS_DIR: $!";
-if ($SPLIT_SRC) {
- safemkdir($MODEL_SRC_DIR) or die "Couldn't create output directory $MODEL_SRC_DIR: $!";
- learn_segmentation("src");
- apply_segmentation_side("src", $MODEL_SRC_DIR);
-#assume that unsplit hypotheses will be scored against an aritificially split target test set; thus obtain a target splitting model
-#TODO: add a flag to override this behaviour
-safemkdir($MODEL_TRG_DIR) or die "Couldn't create output directory $MODEL_TRG_DIR: $!";
-$TEST{'trg'}{'finalunsplit'} = "$PROCESSED_DIR/$TEST{'trg'}{'name'}";
-copy($TEST{'trg'}{'orig'}, $TEST{'trg'}{'finalunsplit'}) or die "Could not copy unsegmented test set";
-if ($SPLIT_TRG) {
- apply_segmentation_side("trg", $MODEL_TRG_DIR);
- } else {
- $TEST{'trg'}{'finalsplit'} = "$PROCESSED_DIR/$TEST{'trg'}{'name'}.split";
- apply_segmentation_any($MODEL_TRG_DIR, $TEST{'trg'}{'finalunsplit'}, $TEST{'trg'}{'finalsplit'});
-#copy corpora if they haven't been put in place by splitting operations
-if ($CORPUS{'src'}{'orig'} && $DEV{'src'}{'orig'} && $TEST{'src'}{'orig'}) {
- print STDERR "Putting the config file entry in $PROCESSED_DIR/exp.config\n";
-#format is:
- # nlfr100k_unsplit /export/ws10smt/jan/nlfr/morfwork/s100k.w40.sp_0 fr-3.lm.gz
- my $line = split_name() . " $PROCESSED_DIR LMFILE.lm.gz";
- $line = $line . " $DEV{'src'}{'name'} $DEV{'trg'}{'name'}";
- $line = $line . " " . get_basename($TEST{'src'}{$SPLIT_SRC ? "finalsplit" : "finalunsplit"}) . "";
- safesystem("echo '$line' > $PROCESSED_DIR/exp.config");
-print STDERR "All done. You now need to train a language model (if target split), put it in the right dir and update the config file.\n\n";
-############################## BILINGUAL ###################################
-sub filter_corpus {
- if ( -f $CORPUS{'src'}{'filtered'} && -f $CORPUS{'trg'}{'filtered'}) {
- print STDERR "$CORPUS{'src'}{'filtered'} and $CORPUS{'trg'}{'filtered'} exist, reusing...\n";
- return;
- }
- my $args = "$CORPUS{'src'}{'orig'} $CORPUS{'trg'}{'orig'} $MAX_WORDS";
- if ($SENTENCES) { $args = $args . " $SENTENCES"; }
- safesystem("$LINESTRIPPER $args 1> $CORPUS{'src'}{'filtered'} 2> $CORPUS{'trg'}{'filtered'}") or die "Failed to filter training corpus for length.";
-sub learn_segmentation
- my $WHICH = shift;
- my $corpus; my $dev; my $test; my $moddir; my $ppl;
- $corpus = $CORPUS{$WHICH}{'filtered'};
- $dev = $DEV{$WHICH}{'orig'};
- $test = $TEST{$WHICH}{'orig'};
- if ($WHICH eq "src") {
- $moddir = $MODEL_SRC_DIR;
- $ppl = $PPL_SRC;
- } else {
- $moddir = $MODEL_TRG_DIR;
- $ppl = $PPL_TRG;
- }
- my $cmd = "cat $corpus";
- if ($dev) { $cmd = "$cmd $dev"; }
- if ($test) { $cmd = "$cmd $test"; }
- my $tmpfile = "$CORPUS_DIR/all.tmp.gz";
- safesystem("$cmd | $GZIP > $tmpfile") or die "Failed to concatenate data for model learning..";
- assert_marker($tmpfile);
- learn_segmentation_side($tmpfile, $moddir, $ppl, $WHICH);
- safesystem("rm $tmpfile");
-sub do_align {
- print STDERR "\n!!!WORD ALIGNMENT!!!\n";
- system("date");
- my $ALIGNMENTS = "$ALIGNMENT_DIR/training.align";
- if ( -f $ALIGNMENTS ) {
- print STDERR "$ALIGNMENTS exists, reusing...\n";
- return;
- }
- my $conf_file = "$ALIGNMENT_DIR/word-align.conf";
- #decorate training files with identifiers to stop the aligner from training on dev and test when rerun in future.
- safesystem("cd $PROCESSED_DIR && ln -s $CORPUS{'src'}{'name'} corpus.src") or die "Failed to symlink: $!";
- safesystem("cd $PROCESSED_DIR && ln -s $CORPUS{'trg'}{'name'} corpus.trg") or die "Failed to symlink: $!";
- write_wconf($conf_file, $PROCESSED_DIR);
- system("java -d64 -Xmx24g -jar $ALIGNER ++$conf_file > $ALIGNMENT_DIR/aligner.log");
- if (! -f $ALIGNMENTS) { die "Failed to run word alignment.";}
- my $cmd = "paste $PROCESSED_DIR/corpus.src $PROCESSED_DIR/corpus.trg $ALIGNMENTS";
- $cmd = $cmd . " | sed 's/\\t/ \|\|\| /g' > $PROCESSED_DIR/";
- safesystem($cmd) or die "Failed to paste into aligned corpus file.";
-############################# MONOLINGUAL #################################
-#copy the necessary data files that weren't place by segmentation
-sub place_missing_data_side {
- my $side = shift;
- ifne_copy($CORPUS{$side}{'filtered'}, "$PROCESSED_DIR/$CORPUS{$side}{'name'}") ;
- if ($DEV{$side}{'orig'} && ! -f "$PROCESSED_DIR/$DEV{$side}{'name'}") {
- $DEV{$side}{'final'} = "$PROCESSED_DIR/$DEV{$side}{'name'}";
- copy($DEV{$side}{'orig'}, $DEV{$side}{'final'}) or die "Copy failed: $!";
- }
- if ($TEST{$side}{'orig'} && ! -f "$PROCESSED_DIR/$TEST{$side}{'name'}" && ! $TEST{$side}{'finalunsplit'}) {
- $TEST{$side}{'finalunsplit'} = "$PROCESSED_DIR/$TEST{$side}{'name'}";
- copy($TEST{$side}{'orig'}, $TEST{$side}{'finalunsplit'}) or die "Copy failed: $!";
- }
-sub apply_segmentation_side {
- my ($side, $moddir) = @_;
- print STDERR "\n!!!APPLYING SEGMENTATION MODEL ($side)!!!\n";
- apply_segmentation_any($moddir, $CORPUS{$side}{'filtered'}, "$PROCESSED_DIR/$CORPUS{$side}{'name'}");
- if ($DEV{$side}{'orig'}) {
- $DEV{$side}{'final'} = "$PROCESSED_DIR/$DEV{$side}{'name'}";
- apply_segmentation_any($moddir, $DEV{$side}{'orig'}, "$DEV{$side}{'final'}");
- }
- if ($TEST{$side}{'orig'}) {
- $TEST{$side}{'finalsplit'} = "$PROCESSED_DIR/$TEST{$side}{'name'}.split";
- apply_segmentation_any($moddir, $TEST{$side}{'orig'}, $TEST{$side}{'finalsplit'} );
- }
-sub learn_segmentation_side {
- system("date");
- my $SEG_FILE = $SEGOUT_DIR . "/segmentation.ready";
- if ( -f $SEG_FILE) {
- print STDERR "$SEG_FILE exists, reusing...\n";
- return;
- }
- safesystem($cmd) or die "Failed to learn segmentation model";
-sub apply_segmentation_any {
- my($moddir, $datfile, $outfile) = @_;
- if ( -f $outfile) {
- print STDERR "$outfile exists, reusing...\n";
- return;
- }
- my $args = "$moddir/inputvocab.gz $moddir/segmentation.ready \"$MARKER\"";
- safesystem("cat $datfile | $MORF_SEGMENT $args &> $outfile") or die "Could not segment $datfile";
-##################### PATH FUNCTIONS ##########################
-sub beautify_numlines {
- return ($SENTENCES ? $SENTENCES : "_all");
-sub corpus_dir {
- return "s" . beautify_numlines() . ".w" . $MAX_WORDS;
-sub model_dir {
- my $lang = shift;
- if ($lang eq "src") {
- return corpus_dir() . ".PPL" . $PPL_SRC . ".src";
- } elsif ($lang eq "trg") {
- return corpus_dir() . ".PPL" . $PPL_TRG . ".trg";
- } else {
- return "PPLundef";
- }
-sub processed_dir {
- return corpus_dir() . "." . split_name();
-########################## HELPER FUNCTIONS ############################
-sub ifne_copy {
- my ($src, $dest) = @_;
- if (! -f $dest) {
- copy($src, $dest) or die "Copy failed: $!";
- }
-sub split_name {
- #parses SPLIT_TYPE, which can have the following values
- # t|s|ts|st (last 2 are equiv)
- # or is undefined when no splitting is done
- my $name = "";
- if ($SPLIT_TYPE) {
- $SPLIT_SRC = lc($SPLIT_TYPE) =~ /s/;
- $SPLIT_TRG = lc($SPLIT_TYPE) =~ /t/;
- $name = $name . ($SPLIT_SRC ? $PPL_SRC : "0");
- $name = $name . "_" . ($SPLIT_TRG ? $PPL_TRG : "0");
- } else {
- #no splitting
- $name = "0";
- }
- return "sp_" . $name;
-sub usage {
- print <<EOT;
-Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] corpus.src corpus.trg [dev.src dev.trg [test.src test.trg]]
-Learns a segmentation model and splits up corpora as necessary. Word alignments are trained on a specified subset of the training corpus.
- exit 1;
-sub safemkdir {
- my $dir = shift;
- if (-d $dir) { return 1; }
- return mkdir($dir);
-sub assert_exec {
- my @files = @_;
- for my $file (@files) {
- die "Can't find $file - did you run make?\n" unless -e $file;
- die "Can't execute $file" unless -e $file;
- }
-sub safesystem {
- print STDERR "Executing: @_\n";
- system(@_);
- if ($? == -1) {
- print STDERR "ERROR: Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- elsif ($? & 127) {
- printf STDERR "ERROR: Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
- ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
- exit(1);
- }
- else {
- my $exitcode = $? >> 8;
- print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode;
- return ! $exitcode;
- }
-sub get_basename
- my $x = shift;
- $x = `basename $x`;
- $x =~ s/\n//;
- return $x;
-sub assert_marker {
- my $file = shift;
- my $result = `zcat $file| grep '$MARKER' | wc -l` or die "Cannot read $file: $!";
- print $result;
- if (scalar($result) != 0) { die "Data contains marker '$MARKER'; use something else.";}
-########################### Dynamic config files ##############################
-sub write_wconf {
- my ($filename, $train_dir) = @_;
- open WCONF, ">$filename" or die "Can't write $filename: $!";
- print WCONF <<EOT;
-## ----------------------
-## This is an example training script for the Berkeley
-## word aligner. In this configuration it uses two HMM
-## alignment models trained jointly and then decoded
-## using the competitive thresholding heuristic.
-# Training: Defines the training regimen
-forwardModels MODEL1 HMM
-reverseModels MODEL1 HMM
-iters 5 5
-# Execution: Controls output and program flow
-saveParams true
-numThreads 1
-msPerLine 10000
-# Language/Data
-foreignSuffix src
-englishSuffix trg
-# Choose the training sources, which can either be directories or files that list files/directories
-trainSources $train_dir/
-#trainSources $train_dir/sources
-sentences MAX
-# 1-best output
- close WCONF;
-sub write_eval_sh
- my ($filename) = @_;
- open EVALFILE, ">$filename" or die "Can't write $filename: $!";
- print EVALFILE <<EOT;
- if ($SPLIT_TRG) {
- print EVALFILE <<EOT;
-echo "-----------------"
-\$EVAL_MAIN "\$1" $TEST{'trg'}{'finalsplit'}
-echo "----------------------------"
-cat "\$1" | sed -e "s/\$marker \$marker//g" -e "s/\$marker//g" > "\$1.recombined"
-\$EVAL_MAIN "\$1.recombined" $TEST{'trg'}{'finalunsplit'}
- } else {
- print EVALFILE <<EOT;
-echo "--------------------------"
-#split the output translation
-cat "\$1" | $MORF_SEGMENT $MODEL_TRG_DIR/inputvocab.gz $MODEL_TRG_DIR/segmentation.ready "\$MARKER" > "\$1.split"
-\$EVAL_MAIN "\$1.split" $TEST{'trg'}{'finalsplit'}
-echo "--------------------------"
-\$EVAL_MAIN "\$1" $TEST{'trg'}{'finalunsplit'}
- }
- close EVALFILE;
diff --git a/gi/morf-segmentation/ b/gi/morf-segmentation/
deleted file mode 100755
index 85b9d4fb..00000000
--- a/gi/morf-segmentation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import gzip
-#usage: inputvocab.gz segmentation.ready
-# stdin: the data to segment
-# stdout: the segmented data
-if len(sys.argv) < 3:
- print "usage: inputvocab.gz segmentation.ready [marker]"
- print " stdin: the data to segment"
- print " stdout: the segmented data"
- sys.exit()
-#read index:
-if len(sys.argv) > 3:
- marker=sys.argv[3]
-[1], 'rb') #inputvocab.gz
-seg_vocab=open(sys.argv[2], 'r') #segm.ready..
-for seg in seg_vocab:
- #seg = ver# #wonder\n
- #wordline = 1 verwonder\n
- word = word_vocab.readline().strip().split(' ')
- assert(len(word) == 2)
- word = word[1]
- seg=seg.strip()
- if seg != word:
- split_index[word] = seg
-for line in sys.stdin:
- words = line.strip().split()
- newsent = []
- for word in words:
- splitword = split_index.get(word, word)
- newsent.append(splitword)
- print ' '.join(newsent)
diff --git a/gi/morf-segmentation/ b/gi/morf-segmentation/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9004922f..00000000
--- a/gi/morf-segmentation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
- echo "Trains a morfessor model and places the result in writedir"
- echo
- echo "Usage: `basename $0` corpus_input_file writedir [PPL] [marker] [lines]"
- echo -e "\tcorpus_input_file contains a sentence per line."
- exit 1
-SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname `readlink -f $0`)
-if [[ ! -f $VOCABEXT ]]; then
- echo "$VOCABEXT doesn't exist!"
- exit 1
-if [[ ! -f $MORFMAKEFILE_TRAIN ]]; then
- echo "$MORFMAKEFILE_TRAIN doesn't exist!"
- exit 1
-if [[ ! -f $CORPUS ]]; then
- echo "$CORPUS doesn't exist!"
- exit 1
-if [[ $# -gt 2 ]]; then
- PPL=$3
-if [[ $# -gt 3 ]]; then
- MARKER="$4"
-if [[ $# -gt 4 ]]; then
- LINES=$5
-mkdir -p $WRITETODIR
-#extract vocabulary to train on
-echo "Extracting vocabulary..."
-if [[ -f $WRITETODIR/inputvocab.gz ]]; then
- echo " ....$WRITETODIR/inputvocab.gz exists, reusing."
- if [[ $LINES -gt 0 ]]; then
- $VOCABEXT $CORPUS $LINES | gzip > $WRITETODIR/inputvocab.gz
- else
- $VOCABEXT $CORPUS | gzip > $WRITETODIR/inputvocab.gz
- fi
-#train it
-echo "Training morf model..."
-if [[ -f $WRITETODIR/ ]]; then
- echo " ....$WRITETODIR/ exists, reusing.."
- OLDPWD=`pwd`
- #put the training Makefile in place, with appropriate modifications
- sed -e "s/^GZIPPEDINPUTDATA = .*$/GZIPPEDINPUTDATA = inputvocab.gz/" \
- -e "s/^PPLTHRESH = .*$/PPLTHRESH = $PPL/" \
- -e "s;^BINDIR = .*$;BINDIR = $MORFBINDIR;" \
- date
- make > ./trainmorf.log 2>&1
- cd $OLDPWD
- echo "Post processing..."
- #remove comments, counts and morph types
- #mark morphs
- if [[ ! -f $WRITETODIR/ ]]; then
- echo "Failed to learn segmentation model: $WRITETODIR/ not written"
- exit 1
- fi
- zcat $WRITETODIR/ | \
- awk '$1 !~ /^#/ {print}' | \
- cut -d ' ' --complement -f 1 | \
- sed -e "s/\/...//g" -e "s/ + /$MARKER $MARKER/g" \
- > $WRITETODIR/segmentation.ready
- if [[ ! -f $WRITETODIR/segmentation.ready ]]; then
- echo "Failed to learn segmentation model: $WRITETODIR/ not written"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Done training."
- date
-echo "Segmentation model is $WRITETODIR/segmentation.ready."
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deleted file mode 100755
index 00ae7109..00000000
--- a/gi/morf-segmentation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-d=$(dirname `readlink -f $0`)
-if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- echo "Extracts unique words and their frequencies from a subset of a corpus."
- echo
- echo "Usage: `basename $0` input_file [number_of_lines] > output_file"
- echo -e "\tinput_file contains a sentence per line."
- echo
- echo "Script also removes words from the vocabulary if they contain a digit or a special character. Output is printed to stdout in a format suitable for use with Morfessor."
- echo
- exit
-if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then
- reallen=$2
-if [[ ! -f $pattern_file ]]; then
- echo "Pattern file missing"
- exit 1
-#this awk strips entries from the vocabulary if they contain invalid characters
-#invalid characters are digits and punctuation marks, and words beginning or ending with a dash
-#uniq -c extracts the unique words and counts the occurrences
-if [[ $reallen -eq 0 ]]; then
- #when a zero is passed, use the whole file
- zcat -f $srcname | sed 's/ /\n/g' | egrep -v -f $pattern_file | sort | uniq -c | sed 's/^ *//'
- zcat -f $srcname | head -n $reallen | sed 's/ /\n/g' | egrep -v -f $pattern_file | sort | uniq -c | sed 's/^ *//'