path: root/bold_reranking.rb
diff options
authorPatrick Simianer <>2014-02-05 21:56:55 +0100
committerPatrick Simianer <>2014-02-05 21:56:55 +0100
commit6a637210e65194041206be4fafc02188bfe4e01c (patch)
tree63534b8cf619974f2f054dbc1d6266e976a4f709 /bold_reranking.rb
Diffstat (limited to 'bold_reranking.rb')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bold_reranking.rb b/bold_reranking.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3041ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bold_reranking.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'nlp_ruby'
+require 'bloom-filter'
+class FeatureFactory
+ def initialize cfg
+ @use_target_ngrams = false
+ if cfg['ff_target_ngrams']
+ @use_target_ngrams = true
+ args = cfg['ff_target_ngrams'].split
+ @target_ngrams_n = args[0].to_i
+ @target_ngrams_fix = true if args.size==2&&args[1]=='fix'
+ end
+ @use_phrase_pairs = false
+ if cfg['ff_phrase_pairs']
+ @use_phrase_pairs = true
+ @phrase_table = nil
+ args = cfg['ff_phrase_pairs'].split
+ if args.size==2
+ @phrase_table = BloomFilter.load args.last
+ end
+ end
+ @additional_phrase_pairs = {}
+ @binary = false
+ @binary = true if cfg['binary_feature_values']
+ @filter_features = false
+ if cfg['filter_features']
+ @filter_features = true
+ @stopwords_target =['filter_features']){ |i| i.strip.downcase }
+ end
+ end
+ def produce translation, source
+ f =
+ phrase_pairs(f, translation, source) if @use_phrase_pairs
+ target_ngrams(f, translation.s) if @use_target_ngrams
+ return f
+ end
+ def filter a
+ single_char = only_stop = only_num = 1
+ a.each { |i|
+ single_char = 0 if i.size > 1
+ only_stop = 0 if not @stopwords_target.include? i.downcase
+ only_num = 0 if i.gsub(/[0-9]+/, '').size > 0
+ }
+ return [single_char,only_stop,only_num].max==1
+ end
+ def phrase_pairs f, translation, source
+ target_phrases = translation.get_phrases
+ return if !target_phrases
+ spans = translation.get_spans
+ src_tok ={ |i| i.strip }
+ src_sz = 0.0
+ name = nil
+ spans.each_with_index { |i,j|
+ next if @filter_features && filter(target_phrases[j])
+ i.pop if i.size==2 && i[0]==i[1]
+ if i.size == 2
+ next if !src_tok[i[0]..i[1]]
+ if @phrase_table
+ pp = "#{src_tok[i[0]..i[1]].join ' '} ||| #{target_phrases[j]}"
+ next if !(@phrase_table.include?(pp) || @additional_phrase_pairs.has_key?(pp))
+ end
+ name = "PP:#{src_tok[i[0]..i[1]].join ','}~#{target_phrases[j].split.join ','}"
+ src_sz = src_tok[i[0]..i[1]].size.to_f
+ else
+ if @phrase_table
+ pp ="#{src_tok[i[0]]} ||| #{target_phrases[j]}"
+ next if !(@phrase_table.include?(pp) || @additional_phrase_pairs.has_key?(pp))
+ end
+ if i[0] >= 0
+ name = "PP:#{src_tok[i[0]]}~#{target_phrases[j]}"
+ src_sz = 1.0
+ end
+ end
+ if @binary
+ f[name] = 1.0
+ else
+ f[name] = src_sz
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def add_phrase_pairs pairs
+ pairs.each { |i| @additional_phrase_pairs[i] = true }
+ end
+ def target_ngrams f, s
+ ngrams(s, @target_ngrams_n, @target_ngrams_fix) { |ng|
+ next if @filter_features && filter(ng)
+ name = "NG:"+ng.join("_")
+ if @binary
+ f[name] = 1.0
+ else
+ f[name] += ng.size
+ end
+ }
+ end
+class MosesKbestEntryWithPhraseAlignment < Translation
+ def initialize
+ super
+ @other_score = -1.0/0
+ end
+ def get_phrases
+ @raw.split(/\|-?\d+\||\|\d+-\d+\|/).map{ |i| i.strip }.reject{ |i| i=='' }
+ end
+ def _span span
+ if span == '-1'
+ return [-1]
+ else
+ return span.split('-').map { |i| i.to_i }
+ end
+ end
+ def get_spans
+ @raw.scan(/\|-?\d+\||\|\d+-\d+\|/).map{ |i| i[1..-2] }.map{ |i| _span i }
+ end
+ def other_score model=nil
+ if model
+ @other_score =
+ end
+ return @other_score
+ end
+class ConstrainedSearchOracle < MosesKbestEntryWithPhraseAlignment
+ def from_s s
+ @id = -1
+ @raw = s.strip.split(' : ', 2)[1].gsub(/(\[|\])/, '|')
+ @s = @raw.gsub(/\s*\|\d+-\d+\||\|-?\d+\|\s*/, ' ').gsub(/\s+/, ' ')
+ @score = 1.0/0
+ @other_score = -1.0/0
+ end
+def structured_update model, hypothesis, oracle
+ if hypothesis.s != oracle.s
+ model += oracle.f - hypothesis.f
+ return [model, 1]
+ end
+ return [model, 0]
+def ranking_update w, hypothesis, oracle
+ if oracle.other_score <= hypothesis.other_score \
+ && oracle.s != hypothesis.s
+ model += oracle.f - hypothesis.f
+ return [model, 1]
+ end
+ return [model, 0]
+def write_model fn, w
+ f = fn
+ f.write w.to_s+"\n"
+ f.close
+def read_additional_phrase_pairs fn
+ f = fn
+ add = {}
+ while line = f.gets
+ id, phrase_pair = line.split ' ', 2
+ id = id.to_i-1
+ s, t = splitpipe phrase_pair, 3
+ phrase_pair = "#{s.strip} ||| #{t.strip}"
+ if add.has_key? id
+ add[id] << phrase_pair
+ else
+ add[id] = [phrase_pair]
+ end
+ end
+ return add
+def usage
+ STDERR.write "#{__FILE__} <config file>\n"
+ exit 1
+def main
+ usage if ARGV.size != 1
+ cfg = read_cfg ARGV[0]
+ sources =['sources']).readlines
+ oracles =['oracles']).readlines
+ kbest_lists = read_kbest_lists cfg['kbest_lists'], MosesKbestEntryWithPhraseAlignment
+ iterations = cfg['iterate'].to_i
+ output = cfg['output']
+ output_model = cfg['output_model']
+ silent = true if cfg['silent']
+ verbose = true if cfg['verbose']
+ cheat = true if cfg['cheat']
+ additional_phrase_pairs = nil
+ if cfg['additional_phrase_pairs']
+ additional_phrase_pairs = read_additional_phrase_pairs cfg['additional_phrase_pairs']
+ end
+ ff = cfg
+ if !silent
+ STDERR.write "Running online-reranker with config '#{File.expand_path ARGV[0]}'\n"
+ cfg.each_pair { |k,v| STDERR.write " #{k} = #{v}\n" }
+ STDERR.write "\n"
+ end
+ model =
+ if cfg['init_model']
+ model.from_s['init_model']).read
+ end
+ sz = sources.size
+ start =
+ iterations.times {
+ |t|
+ overall_errors = 0
+ STDERR.write "Iteration #{t+1} of #{iterations}\n"
+ sources.each_with_index { |i,j|
+ STDERR.write " #{j+1}\n" if (j+1)%10==0 && !silent&&!verbose
+ ff.add_phrase_pairs(additional_phrase_pairs[j]) if additional_phrase_pairs
+ kbest = kbest_lists[j]
+ kbest.each { |k|
+ k.f = ff.produce k, sources[j]
+ k.other_score model
+ }
+ hypothesis = kbest[{ |k| k.other_score }.max_index ]
+ if !cheat
+ output.write "#{hypothesis.s}\n"
+ end
+ oracle =
+ oracle.from_s oracles[j]
+ oracle.f = ff.produce oracle, sources[j]
+ oracle.other_score model
+ err = 0
+ case cfg['update']
+ when 'structured'
+ model, err = structured_update model, hypothesis, oracle
+ when 'ranking'
+ model, err = ranking_update model, hypothesis, oracle
+ else
+ STDERR.write "Don't know update method '#{cfg['update']}', exiting.\n"
+ exit 1
+ end
+ overall_errors += err
+ if cheat
+ kbest.each { |k| k.other_score model }
+ hypothesis = kbest[{ |k| k.other_score }.max_index ]
+ output.write "#{hypothesis.s}\n"
+ end
+ if verbose
+ counts = { 'PP'=>0, 'NG'=>0 }
+ model.each_pair { |k,v|
+ counts[k.split(':').first] += 1
+ }
+ STDERR.write "errors=#{overall_errors}; model size=#{model.size} (PP #{counts['PP']}, ng #{counts['NG']})\n" if verbose
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ elapsed = - start
+ STDERR.write"#{elapsed.round 2} s, #{(elapsed/Float(sz)).round 2} s per kbest; model size: #{model.size}\n\n" if !silent
+ write_model(output_model, model) if output_model
+ output.close