path: root/thinkwatt
diff options
authorPatrick Simianer <>2014-08-10 11:19:38 +0100
committerPatrick Simianer <>2014-08-10 11:19:38 +0100
commit5869505d64c04c536bdcd71a197ade918c36bf1c (patch)
tree6af5232a9f2e058f15230a370a960f89871a2b74 /thinkwatt
Diffstat (limited to 'thinkwatt')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thinkwatt b/thinkwatt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fbdeb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thinkwatt
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# thinkwatt:
+# record power consumption, calculate average and create a gnuplot graph
+# TO-DO:
+# * add more options (e.g. for specifying a different gnuplot title or png output)
+# * allow time input in minutes and hours
+# utilities {{{
+message() {
+ cat << EOF
+usage: thinkwatt -r (seconds) (-q) (-o file)
+ thinkwatt [ -p | -a ] (-q) file
+ -r, --record record power consumption and optionally create a graph from the gathered data
+ -p, --plot create a plot image from a specified data file
+ -a, --average calculate the average power consumption from a specified data file
+ -q, --quiet makes thinkwatt less chatty
+ -o, --output the output file. can be prepended by a path.
+ -h, --help show this help text
+ thinkwatt -r (will record to a temp file until cancelled)
+ thinkwatt -r 300 -o /foo/bar/consumption.dat (will record for 5 minutes to the specified file)
+ thinkwatt -p /foo/bar/consumption.dat (will create a graph from the specified file)
+ exit 1
+errorout() { echo "error: $*" >&2; exit 1; }
+check_ac() {
+ local acfile=/sys/class/power_supply/AC/online
+ [[ $(cat "$acfile") = 0 ]] || errorout 'please unplug the ac adapater first'
+check_datafile() {
+ [[ -f "$@" ]] || errorout "$@ does not exist"
+ local valid_file=$(file "$@" | grep -s "^$@: ASCII text$")
+ [[ "$valid_file" ]] || errorout "$@ is not a valid data file"
+ local valid_data=$(cat "$@" | grep -s '^[0-9]*[,.]\?.*[0-9]$')
+ [[ "$valid_data" ]] || errorout "$@ does not contain valid data"
+countdown() {
+ if [[ "$seconds" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]];then
+ # count down
+ secs="$seconds"
+ while [ "$secs" -gt 0 ];do
+ [[ "$die" == yes ]] && return 0
+ sleep 1 &
+ cat "$powerfile" >> "$tmpfile1"
+ printf "\rrecording (%02d/$seconds)" $((secs))
+ secs=$(( $secs - 1 ))
+ wait
+ done
+ else
+ # count up
+ secs=1
+ while true;do
+ [[ "$die" == yes ]] && return 0
+ sleep 1 &
+ cat "$powerfile" >> "$tmpfile1"
+ printf "\rrecording ($secs)"
+ secs=$(( $secs + 1 ))
+ wait
+ done
+ fi
+ echo
+# if we abort the recording process with ctrl+c this will give the option to plot the already recorded data
+trap ctrl_c INT
+function ctrl_c() {
+ echo
+ read -p "plot already recorded data before exiting? y/n "
+ [[ "$REPLY" = "y" ]] && die=yes || exit 0
+# }}}
+# default output dir and png file {{{
+# use $TDIR to have thinkwatt save files in a different directory.
+# thinkwatt will save two files:
+# 1) a .plt file (containing plot instructions) in case you want to reuse/modify it
+# 2) a .png file (the plot graphic)
+# }}}
+# record {{{
+record() {
+ local seconds="$1"
+ #[[ "$seconds" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || errorout 'please specify the time in seconds"
+ [[ -d "$output" ]] && errorout "$output is a directory"
+ [[ -d "$TDIR" ]] || mkdir -p "$TDIR" 2>/dev/null || errorout "could not create $TDIR"
+ if [[ -f "$output" ]];then
+ read -p "overwrite $output? y/n "
+ [[ "$REPLY" = "y" ]] || exit 0
+ elif [[ -e "$output" ]];then
+ errorout "$output exists and can/should not be written to"
+ fi
+ local tmpfile1=/tmp/$$.dat
+ local tmpfile="$TDIR"/$$.dat
+ if [[ "$output" ]];then
+ local dir=$(dirname "$output")
+ local file=$(basename "$output")
+ [[ -d "$dir" ]] || mkdir -p "$dir"
+ [[ -w "$dir" ]] || errorout "you don't have permissions to write to $dir"
+ outputfile="$output"
+ [[ "$dir" ]] && TDIR="$dir"
+ PNGFILE="$TDIR"/$(basename "$file" .dat).png
+ #PLOTFILE="$TDIR"/$(basename "$output" .dat).plt
+ else
+ [[ -w "$(pwd)" ]] || errorout "you don't have permissions to write to $(pwd)"
+ local file=$(basename "$tmpfile")
+ outputfile="$tmpfile"
+ local istemp=true
+ fi
+ SMAPI=$(lsmod | grep -s tp_smapi)
+ if [[ "$SMAPI" ]];then
+ local powerfile=/sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/power_now
+ else
+ echo "for more accurate results use tp_smapi"
+ local powerfile=/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/power_now
+ fi
+ touch "$tmpfile1" || errorout "could not create $tmpfile1"
+ trap "rm $tmpfile1" EXIT
+ # do the actual recording included in countdown()
+ countdown
+ # file formatting
+ if [[ "$SMAPI" ]];then
+ # we strip the leading "-" from the data file
+ sed -i 's/-//g' "$tmpfile1"
+ else
+ # strip the trailing last 3 characters
+ sed -i 's/.\{3\}$//' "$tmpfile1"
+ fi
+ # and divide by 1000 to convert from mW to W
+ cat "$tmpfile1" | awk '{print $1/1000}' > "$tmpfile"
+ [[ "$output" ]] && mv "$tmpfile" "$output"
+ [[ "$quiet" ]] || echo average was $(average "$outputfile") W
+ plot "$outputfile"
+# }}}
+# calculate average {{{
+average() {
+ [[ "$@" ]] || errorout 'please specify a file to read from.'
+ [[ -f "$@" ]] || errorout 'file not found.'
+ check_datafile "$@"
+ awk 'BEGIN{s=0;}{s+=($1);}END{print s/NR;}' "$@"
+# }}}
+# make the plot file {{{
+makeplotfile() {
+ cat << EOF
+# gnuplot file
+# created by thinkwatt
+# $DATE
+set title "$TITLE"
+set xlabel "$XLABEL"
+set ylabel "$YLABEL"
+set terminal $TERMINAL
+set output "$PNGFILE"
+ [[ "$YRANGE" ]] && echo "set yrange $YRANGE"
+ [[ "$XRANGE" ]] && echo "set yrange $YRANGE"
+ [[ "$GRID" == yes ]] && echo "set grid"
+ [[ "$YTICS" ]] && echo "set ytics $YTICS"
+ [[ "$MYTICS" ]] && echo "set mytics $MYTICS"
+ [[ "$XTICS" ]] && echo "set xtics $XTICS"
+ [[ "$MXTICS" ]] && echo "set mxtics $MXTICS"
+ [[ "$GRIDSET" ]] && echo "set grid $GRIDSET"
+ echo
+ if [[ "$TITLE1" ]];then
+ echo "plot \"$datafile\" using (\$1) with lines title \"$TITLE1\" lt 2, \\"
+ else
+ echo "plot \"$datafile\" using (\$1) with lines lt 2, \\"
+ fi
+ if [[ "$TITLE2" ]];then
+ if [[ "$avg" ]];then
+ echo "\"$datafile\" using (\$1) smooth bezier title \"$TITLE2\" lt 1, \\"
+ else
+ echo "\"$datafile\" using (\$1) smooth bezier title \"$TITLE2\" lt 1"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [[ "$avg" ]];then
+ echo "\"$datafile\" using (\$1) smooth bezier lt 1, \\"
+ else
+ echo "\"$datafile\" using (\$1) smooth bezier lt 1"
+ fi
+ fi
+ [[ "$avg" ]] && echo "$avg title \"$file (average, $avg W)\""
+# }}}
+# do the plotting
+plot() {
+ # check if we have gnuplot and $TDIR is present
+ have_gnuplot=$(find $(sed 's/:/ /g' <<<$PATH) 2>/dev/null | grep -is gnuplot)
+ [[ "$have_gnuplot" ]] || errorout 'please install gnuplot first'
+ [[ -d "$TDIR" ]] || mkdir -p "$TDIR" || errorout "could not create $TDIR"
+ # is input file a valid data file?
+ local datafile="$@"
+ check_datafile "$datafile"
+ [[ "$datafile" ]] || errorout 'please specify a file to read from.'
+ [[ -f "$datafile" ]] || errorout 'filplotfilee not found.'
+ # define some of the variables for the plot file
+ DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d,\ %T)
+ TITLE="power consumption of my laptop, created by thinkwatt on $DATE"
+ XLABEL="sec (seconds)"
+ YLABEL="W (Watt)"
+ TERMINAL="png"
+ GRID=yes
+ #TITLE1="your custom title for line1"
+ #TITLE2="your custom title for line2"
+ #TITLE3="your custom title for line3"
+ # some more options for gnuplot, enable and modify them here if you like
+ #YTICS=1
+ #XTICS=(better leave this alone)
+ GRIDSET="mytics"
+ #YRANGE="[4000:16000]"
+ #XRANGE="[0:2000]"
+ # moar
+ local avg=$(average "$datafile" | cut -c1-4)
+ local dir=$(dirname "$datafile")
+ local file=$(basename "$datafile")
+ [[ -z "$TITLE1" ]] && local TITLE1="$file (actual)"
+ [[ -z "$TITLE2" ]] && local TITLE2="$file (trend)"
+ [[ "$PNGFILE" ]] || PNGFILE=$(basename "$datafile" .dat).png
+ # now we can plot
+ makeplotfile > "$PLOTFILE" || errorout "could not write the plotfile (permission issue?)"
+ gnuplot "$PLOTFILE" || errorout "could now write graph (permission issue?)"
+ [[ "$quiet" ]] || echo "graph saved as $PNGFILE"
+# parse options {{{
+parse_options() {
+ [[ -z "$1" ]] && message
+ while [[ -n "$1" ]];do
+ case "$1" in
+ -h|--help) message ;;
+ -q|--quiet) quiet=true ;;
+ -o|--output) output="$2" ;;
+ -r|--record) mode='record' ;;
+ -p|--plot) mode='plot' ;;
+ -a|--average) mode='average' ;;
+ *) args+=( "$1" ) ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+# }}}
+# main {{{
+main() {
+ case "$mode" in
+ record) record "${args[@]}" ;;
+ average) average "${args[@]}" ;;
+ plot) plot "${args[@]}" ;;
+ *) errorout 'invalid mode. use -r, -p or -a.' ;;
+ esac
+# }}}
+parse_options "$@"