path: root/jam-files/boost-build/build/
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1 files changed, 905 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jam-files/boost-build/build/ b/jam-files/boost-build/build/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..315a18e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jam-files/boost-build/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,905 @@
+# Status: ported, except for unit tests.
+# Base revision: 64488
+# Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Dave Abrahams
+# Copyright 2002, 2006 Rene Rivera
+# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Vladimir Prus
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
+import re
+from b2.util import utility, bjam_signature
+import b2.util.set
+from b2.util.utility import add_grist, get_grist, ungrist, replace_grist, to_seq
+from b2.exceptions import *
+__re_split_subfeatures = re.compile ('<(.*):(.*)>')
+__re_no_hyphen = re.compile ('^([^:]+)$')
+__re_slash_or_backslash = re.compile (r'[\\/]')
+class Feature(object):
+ # Map from string attribute names to integers bit flags.
+ # This will be initialized after declaration of the class.
+ _attribute_name_to_integer = {}
+ def __init__(self, name, values, attributes):
+ self._name = name
+ self._values = values
+ self._default = None
+ self._attributes = 0
+ for a in attributes:
+ self._attributes = self._attributes | Feature._attribute_name_to_integer[a]
+ self._attributes_string_list = attributes
+ self._subfeatures = []
+ self._parent = None
+ def name(self):
+ return self._name
+ def values(self):
+ return self._values
+ def add_values(self, values):
+ self._values.extend(values)
+ def attributes(self):
+ return self._attributes
+ def set_default(self, value):
+ self._default = value
+ def default(self):
+ return self._default
+ # FIXME: remove when we fully move to using classes for features/properties
+ def attributes_string_list(self):
+ return self._attributes_string_list
+ def subfeatures(self):
+ return self._subfeatures
+ def add_subfeature(self, name):
+ self._subfeatures.append(name)
+ def parent(self):
+ """For subfeatures, return pair of (parent_feature, value).
+ Value may be None if this subfeature is not specific to any
+ value of the parent feature.
+ """
+ return self._parent
+ def set_parent(self, feature, value):
+ self._parent = (feature, value)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self._name
+def reset ():
+ """ Clear the module state. This is mainly for testing purposes.
+ """
+ global __all_attributes, __all_features, __implicit_features, __composite_properties
+ global __features_with_attributes, __subfeature_from_value, __all_top_features, __free_features
+ global __all_subfeatures
+ # The list with all attribute names.
+ __all_attributes = [ 'implicit',
+ 'composite',
+ 'optional',
+ 'symmetric',
+ 'free',
+ 'incidental',
+ 'path',
+ 'dependency',
+ 'propagated',
+ 'link-incompatible',
+ 'subfeature',
+ 'order-sensitive'
+ ]
+ i = 1
+ for a in __all_attributes:
+ setattr(Feature, a.upper(), i)
+ Feature._attribute_name_to_integer[a] = i
+ def probe(self, flag=i):
+ return getattr(self, "_attributes") & flag
+ setattr(Feature, a.replace("-", "_"), probe)
+ i = i << 1
+ # A map containing all features. The key is the feature name.
+ # The value is an instance of Feature class.
+ __all_features = {}
+ # All non-subfeatures.
+ __all_top_features = []
+ # Maps valus to the corresponding implicit feature
+ __implicit_features = {}
+ # A map containing all composite properties. The key is a Property instance,
+ # and the value is a list of Property instances
+ __composite_properties = {}
+ __features_with_attributes = {}
+ for attribute in __all_attributes:
+ __features_with_attributes [attribute] = []
+ # Maps a value to the corresponding subfeature name.
+ __subfeature_from_value = {}
+ # All free features
+ __free_features = []
+ __all_subfeatures = []
+reset ()
+def enumerate ():
+ """ Returns an iterator to the features map.
+ """
+ return __all_features.iteritems ()
+def get(name):
+ """Return the Feature instance for the specified name.
+ Throws if no feature by such name exists
+ """
+ return __all_features[name]
+# FIXME: prepare-test/finish-test?
+@bjam_signature((["name"], ["values", "*"], ["attributes", "*"]))
+def feature (name, values, attributes = []):
+ """ Declares a new feature with the given name, values, and attributes.
+ name: the feature name
+ values: a sequence of the allowable values - may be extended later with feature.extend
+ attributes: a sequence of the feature's attributes (e.g. implicit, free, propagated, ...)
+ """
+ __validate_feature_attributes (name, attributes)
+ feature = Feature(name, [], attributes)
+ __all_features[name] = feature
+ # Temporary measure while we have not fully moved from 'gristed strings'
+ __all_features["<" + name + ">"] = feature
+ for attribute in attributes:
+ __features_with_attributes [attribute].append (name)
+ name = add_grist(name)
+ if 'subfeature' in attributes:
+ __all_subfeatures.append(name)
+ else:
+ __all_top_features.append(feature)
+ extend (name, values)
+ # FIXME: why his is needed.
+ if 'free' in attributes:
+ __free_features.append (name)
+ return feature
+@bjam_signature((["feature"], ["value"]))
+def set_default (feature, value):
+ """ Sets the default value of the given feature, overriding any previous default.
+ feature: the name of the feature
+ value: the default value to assign
+ """
+ f = __all_features[feature]
+ attributes = f.attributes()
+ bad_attribute = None
+ if attributes & Feature.FREE:
+ bad_attribute = "free"
+ elif attributes & Feature.OPTIONAL:
+ bad_attribute = "optional"
+ if bad_attribute:
+ raise InvalidValue ("%s property %s cannot have a default" % (bad_attribute,
+ if not value in f.values():
+ raise InvalidValue ("The specified default value, '%s' is invalid.\n" % value + "allowed values are: %s" % values)
+ f.set_default(value)
+def defaults(features):
+ """ Returns the default property values for the given features.
+ """
+ # FIXME: should merge feature and property modules.
+ import property
+ result = []
+ for f in features:
+ if not and not f.optional() and f.default():
+ result.append(property.Property(f, f.default()))
+ return result
+def valid (names):
+ """ Returns true iff all elements of names are valid features.
+ """
+ def valid_one (name): return __all_features.has_key (name)
+ if isinstance (names, str):
+ return valid_one (names)
+ else:
+ return [ valid_one (name) for name in names ]
+def attributes (feature):
+ """ Returns the attributes of the given feature.
+ """
+ return __all_features[feature].attributes_string_list()
+def values (feature):
+ """ Return the values of the given feature.
+ """
+ validate_feature (feature)
+ return __all_features[feature].values()
+def is_implicit_value (value_string):
+ """ Returns true iff 'value_string' is a value_string
+ of an implicit feature.
+ """
+ if __implicit_features.has_key(value_string):
+ return __implicit_features[value_string]
+ v = value_string.split('-')
+ if not __implicit_features.has_key(v[0]):
+ return False
+ feature = __implicit_features[v[0]]
+ for subvalue in (v[1:]):
+ if not __find_implied_subfeature(feature, subvalue, v[0]):
+ return False
+ return True
+def implied_feature (implicit_value):
+ """ Returns the implicit feature associated with the given implicit value.
+ """
+ components = implicit_value.split('-')
+ if not __implicit_features.has_key(components[0]):
+ raise InvalidValue ("'%s' is not a value of an implicit feature" % implicit_value)
+ return __implicit_features[components[0]]
+def __find_implied_subfeature (feature, subvalue, value_string):
+ #if value_string == None: value_string = ''
+ if not __subfeature_from_value.has_key(feature) \
+ or not __subfeature_from_value[feature].has_key(value_string) \
+ or not __subfeature_from_value[feature][value_string].has_key (subvalue):
+ return None
+ return __subfeature_from_value[feature][value_string][subvalue]
+# Given a feature and a value of one of its subfeatures, find the name
+# of the subfeature. If value-string is supplied, looks for implied
+# subfeatures that are specific to that value of feature
+# feature # The main feature name
+# subvalue # The value of one of its subfeatures
+# value-string # The value of the main feature
+def implied_subfeature (feature, subvalue, value_string):
+ result = __find_implied_subfeature (feature, subvalue, value_string)
+ if not result:
+ raise InvalidValue ("'%s' is not a known subfeature value of '%s%s'" % (subvalue, feature, value_string))
+ return result
+def validate_feature (name):
+ """ Checks if all name is a valid feature. Otherwise, raises an exception.
+ """
+ if not __all_features.has_key(name):
+ raise InvalidFeature ("'%s' is not a valid feature name" % name)
+ else:
+ return __all_features[name]
+def valid (names):
+ """ Returns true iff all elements of names are valid features.
+ """
+ def valid_one (name): return __all_features.has_key (name)
+ if isinstance (names, str):
+ return valid_one (names)
+ else:
+ return [ valid_one (name) for name in names ]
+# Uses Property
+def __expand_subfeatures_aux (property, dont_validate = False):
+ """ Helper for expand_subfeatures.
+ Given a feature and value, or just a value corresponding to an
+ implicit feature, returns a property set consisting of all component
+ subfeatures and their values. For example:
+ expand_subfeatures <toolset>gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86
+ -> <toolset>gcc <toolset-version>2.95.2 <toolset-os>linux <toolset-cpu>x86
+ equivalent to:
+ expand_subfeatures gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86
+ feature: The name of the feature, or empty if value corresponds to an implicit property
+ value: The value of the feature.
+ dont_validate: If True, no validation of value string will be done.
+ """
+ f = property.feature()
+ v = property.value()
+ if not dont_validate:
+ validate_value_string(f, v)
+ components = v.split ("-")
+ v = components[0]
+ import property
+ result = [property.Property(f, components[0])]
+ subvalues = components[1:]
+ while len(subvalues) > 0:
+ subvalue = subvalues [0] # pop the head off of subvalues
+ subvalues = subvalues [1:]
+ subfeature = __find_implied_subfeature (f, subvalue, v)
+ # If no subfeature was found, reconstitute the value string and use that
+ if not subfeature:
+ return [property.Property(f, '-'.join(components))]
+ result.append(property.Property(subfeature, subvalue))
+ return result
+def expand_subfeatures(properties, dont_validate = False):
+ """
+ Make all elements of properties corresponding to implicit features
+ explicit, and express all subfeature values as separate properties
+ in their own right. For example, the property
+ gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86
+ might expand to
+ <toolset>gcc <toolset-version>2.95.2 <toolset-os>linux <toolset-cpu>x86
+ properties: A sequence with elements of the form
+ <feature>value-string or just value-string in the
+ case of implicit features.
+ : dont_validate: If True, no validation of value string will be done.
+ """
+ result = []
+ for p in properties:
+ # Don't expand subfeatures in subfeatures
+ if p.feature().subfeature():
+ result.append (p)
+ else:
+ result.extend(__expand_subfeatures_aux (p, dont_validate))
+ return result
+# rule extend was defined as below:
+ # Can be called three ways:
+ #
+ # 1. extend feature : values *
+ # 2. extend <feature> subfeature : values *
+ # 3. extend <feature>value-string subfeature : values *
+ #
+ # * Form 1 adds the given values to the given feature
+ # * Forms 2 and 3 add subfeature values to the given feature
+ # * Form 3 adds the subfeature values as specific to the given
+ # property value-string.
+ #
+ #rule extend ( feature-or-property subfeature ? : values * )
+# Now, the specific rule must be called, depending on the desired operation:
+# extend_feature
+# extend_subfeature
+def extend (name, values):
+ """ Adds the given values to the given feature.
+ """
+ name = add_grist (name)
+ __validate_feature (name)
+ feature = __all_features [name]
+ if feature.implicit():
+ for v in values:
+ if __implicit_features.has_key(v):
+ raise BaseException ("'%s' is already associated with the feature '%s'" % (v, __implicit_features [v]))
+ __implicit_features[v] = feature
+ if len (feature.values()) == 0 and len (values) > 0:
+ # This is the first value specified for this feature,
+ # take it as default value
+ feature.set_default(values[0])
+ feature.add_values(values)
+def validate_value_string (f, value_string):
+ """ Checks that value-string is a valid value-string for the given feature.
+ """
+ if or value_string in f.values():
+ return
+ values = [value_string]
+ if f.subfeatures():
+ if not value_string in f.values() and \
+ not value_string in f.subfeatures():
+ values = value_string.split('-')
+ # An empty value is allowed for optional features
+ if not values[0] in f.values() and \
+ (values[0] or not f.optional()):
+ raise InvalidValue ("'%s' is not a known value of feature '%s'\nlegal values: '%s'" % (values [0], feature, f.values()))
+ for v in values [1:]:
+ # this will validate any subfeature values in value-string
+ implied_subfeature(f, v, values[0])
+""" Extends the given subfeature with the subvalues. If the optional
+ value-string is provided, the subvalues are only valid for the given
+ value of the feature. Thus, you could say that
+ <target-platform>mingw is specifc to <toolset>gcc-2.95.2 as follows:
+ extend-subfeature toolset gcc-2.95.2 : target-platform : mingw ;
+ feature: The feature whose subfeature is being extended.
+ value-string: If supplied, specifies a specific value of the
+ main feature for which the new subfeature values
+ are valid.
+ subfeature: The name of the subfeature.
+ subvalues: The additional values of the subfeature being defined.
+def extend_subfeature (feature_name, value_string, subfeature_name, subvalues):
+ feature = validate_feature(feature_name)
+ if value_string:
+ validate_value_string(feature, value_string)
+ subfeature_name = feature_name + '-' + __get_subfeature_name (subfeature_name, value_string)
+ extend(subfeature_name, subvalues) ;
+ subfeature = __all_features[subfeature_name]
+ if value_string == None: value_string = ''
+ if not __subfeature_from_value.has_key(feature):
+ __subfeature_from_value [feature] = {}
+ if not __subfeature_from_value[feature].has_key(value_string):
+ __subfeature_from_value [feature][value_string] = {}
+ for subvalue in subvalues:
+ __subfeature_from_value [feature][value_string][subvalue] = subfeature
+@bjam_signature((["feature_name", "value_string", "?"], ["subfeature"],
+ ["subvalues", "*"], ["attributes", "*"]))
+def subfeature (feature_name, value_string, subfeature, subvalues, attributes = []):
+ """ Declares a subfeature.
+ feature_name: Root feature that is not a subfeature.
+ value_string: An optional value-string specifying which feature or
+ subfeature values this subfeature is specific to,
+ if any.
+ subfeature: The name of the subfeature being declared.
+ subvalues: The allowed values of this subfeature.
+ attributes: The attributes of the subfeature.
+ """
+ parent_feature = validate_feature (feature_name)
+ # Add grist to the subfeature name if a value-string was supplied
+ subfeature_name = __get_subfeature_name (subfeature, value_string)
+ if subfeature_name in __all_features[feature_name].subfeatures():
+ message = "'%s' already declared as a subfeature of '%s'" % (subfeature, feature_name)
+ message += " specific to '%s'" % value_string
+ raise BaseException (message)
+ # First declare the subfeature as a feature in its own right
+ f = feature (feature_name + '-' + subfeature_name, subvalues, attributes + ['subfeature'])
+ f.set_parent(parent_feature, value_string)
+ parent_feature.add_subfeature(f)
+ # Now make sure the subfeature values are known.
+ extend_subfeature (feature_name, value_string, subfeature, subvalues)
+@bjam_signature((["composite_property_s"], ["component_properties_s", "*"]))
+def compose (composite_property_s, component_properties_s):
+ """ Sets the components of the given composite property.
+ All paremeters are <feature>value strings
+ """
+ import property
+ component_properties_s = to_seq (component_properties_s)
+ composite_property = property.create_from_string(composite_property_s)
+ f = composite_property.feature()
+ if len(component_properties_s) > 0 and isinstance(component_properties_s[0], property.Property):
+ component_properties = component_properties_s
+ else:
+ component_properties = [property.create_from_string(p) for p in component_properties_s]
+ if not f.composite():
+ raise BaseException ("'%s' is not a composite feature" % f)
+ if __composite_properties.has_key(property):
+ raise BaseException ('components of "%s" already set: %s' % (composite_property, str (__composite_properties[composite_property])))
+ if composite_property in component_properties:
+ raise BaseException ('composite property "%s" cannot have itself as a component' % composite_property)
+ __composite_properties[composite_property] = component_properties
+def expand_composite(property):
+ result = [ property ]
+ if __composite_properties.has_key(property):
+ for p in __composite_properties[property]:
+ result.extend(expand_composite(p))
+ return result
+def get_values (feature, properties):
+ """ Returns all values of the given feature specified by the given property set.
+ """
+ result = []
+ for p in properties:
+ if get_grist (p) == feature:
+ result.append (replace_grist (p, ''))
+ return result
+def free_features ():
+ """ Returns all free features.
+ """
+ return __free_features
+def expand_composites (properties):
+ """ Expand all composite properties in the set so that all components
+ are explicitly expressed.
+ """
+ explicit_features = set(p.feature() for p in properties)
+ result = []
+ # now expand composite features
+ for p in properties:
+ expanded = expand_composite(p)
+ for x in expanded:
+ if not x in result:
+ f = x.feature()
+ if
+ result.append (x)
+ elif not x in properties: # x is the result of expansion
+ if not f in explicit_features: # not explicitly-specified
+ if any(r.feature() == f for r in result):
+ raise FeatureConflict(
+ "expansions of composite features result in "
+ "conflicting values for '%s'\nvalues: '%s'\none contributing composite property was '%s'" %
+ (, [r.value() for r in result if r.feature() == f] + [x.value()], p))
+ else:
+ result.append (x)
+ elif any(r.feature() == f for r in result):
+ raise FeatureConflict ("explicitly-specified values of non-free feature '%s' conflict\n"
+ "existing values: '%s'\nvalue from expanding '%s': '%s'" % (f,
+ [r.value() for r in result if r.feature() == f], p, x.value()))
+ else:
+ result.append (x)
+ return result
+# Uses Property
+def is_subfeature_of (parent_property, f):
+ """ Return true iff f is an ordinary subfeature of the parent_property's
+ feature, or if f is a subfeature of the parent_property's feature
+ specific to the parent_property's value.
+ """
+ if not f.subfeature():
+ return False
+ p = f.parent()
+ if not p:
+ return False
+ parent_feature = p[0]
+ parent_value = p[1]
+ if parent_feature != parent_property.feature():
+ return False
+ if parent_value and parent_value != parent_property.value():
+ return False
+ return True
+def __is_subproperty_of (parent_property, p):
+ """ As is_subfeature_of, for subproperties.
+ """
+ return is_subfeature_of (parent_property, p.feature())
+# Returns true iff the subvalue is valid for the feature. When the
+# optional value-string is provided, returns true iff the subvalues
+# are valid for the given value of the feature.
+def is_subvalue(feature, value_string, subfeature, subvalue):
+ if not value_string:
+ value_string = ''
+ if not __subfeature_from_value.has_key(feature):
+ return False
+ if not __subfeature_from_value[feature].has_key(value_string):
+ return False
+ if not __subfeature_from_value[feature][value_string].has_key(subvalue):
+ return False
+ if __subfeature_from_value[feature][value_string][subvalue]\
+ != subfeature:
+ return False
+ return True
+def implied_subfeature (feature, subvalue, value_string):
+ result = __find_implied_subfeature (feature, subvalue, value_string)
+ if not result:
+ raise InvalidValue ("'%s' is not a known subfeature value of '%s%s'" % (subvalue, feature, value_string))
+ return result
+# Uses Property
+def expand (properties):
+ """ Given a property set which may consist of composite and implicit
+ properties and combined subfeature values, returns an expanded,
+ normalized property set with all implicit features expressed
+ explicitly, all subfeature values individually expressed, and all
+ components of composite properties expanded. Non-free features
+ directly expressed in the input properties cause any values of
+ those features due to composite feature expansion to be dropped. If
+ two values of a given non-free feature are directly expressed in the
+ input, an error is issued.
+ """
+ expanded = expand_subfeatures(properties)
+ return expand_composites (expanded)
+# Accepts list of Property objects
+def add_defaults (properties):
+ """ Given a set of properties, add default values for features not
+ represented in the set.
+ Note: if there's there's ordinary feature F1 and composite feature
+ F2, which includes some value for F1, and both feature have default values,
+ then the default value of F1 will be added, not the value in F2. This might
+ not be right idea: consider
+ feature variant : debug ... ;
+ <variant>debug : .... <runtime-debugging>on
+ feature <runtime-debugging> : off on ;
+ Here, when adding default for an empty property set, we'll get
+ <variant>debug <runtime_debugging>off
+ and that's kind of strange.
+ """
+ result = [x for x in properties]
+ handled_features = set()
+ for p in properties:
+ # We don't add default for conditional properties. We don't want
+ # <variant>debug:<define>DEBUG to be takes as specified value for <variant>
+ if not p.condition():
+ handled_features.add(p.feature())
+ missing_top = [f for f in __all_top_features if not f in handled_features]
+ more = defaults(missing_top)
+ result.extend(more)
+ for p in more:
+ handled_features.add(p.feature())
+ # Add defaults for subfeatures of features which are present
+ for p in result[:]:
+ s = p.feature().subfeatures()
+ more = defaults([s for s in p.feature().subfeatures() if not s in handled_features])
+ for p in more:
+ handled_features.add(p.feature())
+ result.extend(more)
+ return result
+def minimize (properties):
+ """ Given an expanded property set, eliminate all redundancy: properties
+ which are elements of other (composite) properties in the set will
+ be eliminated. Non-symmetric properties equal to default values will be
+ eliminated, unless the override a value from some composite property.
+ Implicit properties will be expressed without feature
+ grist, and sub-property values will be expressed as elements joined
+ to the corresponding main property.
+ """
+ # remove properties implied by composite features
+ components = []
+ for property in properties:
+ if __composite_properties.has_key (property):
+ components.extend(__composite_properties[property])
+ properties = b2.util.set.difference (properties, components)
+ # handle subfeatures and implicit features
+ # move subfeatures to the end of the list
+ properties = [p for p in properties if not p.feature().subfeature()] +\
+ [p for p in properties if p.feature().subfeature()]
+ result = []
+ while properties:
+ p = properties[0]
+ f = p.feature()
+ # locate all subproperties of $(x[1]) in the property set
+ subproperties = __select_subproperties (p, properties)
+ if subproperties:
+ # reconstitute the joined property name
+ subproperties.sort ()
+ joined =, p.value() + '-' + '-'.join ([sp.value() for sp in subproperties]))
+ result.append(joined)
+ properties = b2.util.set.difference(properties[1:], subproperties)
+ else:
+ # eliminate properties whose value is equal to feature's
+ # default and which are not symmetric and which do not
+ # contradict values implied by composite properties.
+ # since all component properties of composites in the set
+ # have been eliminated, any remaining property whose
+ # feature is the same as a component of a composite in the
+ # set must have a non-redundant value.
+ if p.value() != f.default() or f.symmetric():
+ result.append (p)
+ #\
+ #or get_grist (fullp) in get_grist (components):
+ # FIXME: restore above
+ properties = properties[1:]
+ return result
+def split (properties):
+ """ Given a property-set of the form
+ v1/v2/...vN-1/<fN>vN/<fN+1>vN+1/...<fM>vM
+ Returns
+ v1 v2 ... vN-1 <fN>vN <fN+1>vN+1 ... <fM>vM
+ Note that vN...vM may contain slashes. This is resilient to the
+ substitution of backslashes for slashes, since Jam, unbidden,
+ sometimes swaps slash direction on NT.
+ """
+ def split_one (properties):
+ pieces = re.split (__re_slash_or_backslash, properties)
+ result = []
+ for x in pieces:
+ if not get_grist (x) and len (result) > 0 and get_grist (result [-1]):
+ result = result [0:-1] + [ result [-1] + '/' + x ]
+ else:
+ result.append (x)
+ return result
+ if isinstance (properties, str):
+ return split_one (properties)
+ result = []
+ for p in properties:
+ result += split_one (p)
+ return result
+def compress_subproperties (properties):
+ """ Combine all subproperties into their parent properties
+ Requires: for every subproperty, there is a parent property. All
+ features are explicitly expressed.
+ This rule probably shouldn't be needed, but
+ build-request.expand-no-defaults is being abused for unintended
+ purposes and it needs help
+ """
+ result = []
+ matched_subs = set()
+ all_subs = set()
+ for p in properties:
+ f = p.feature()
+ if not f.subfeature():
+ subs = __select_subproperties (p, properties)
+ if subs:
+ matched_subs.update(subs)
+ subvalues = '-'.join (sub.value() for sub in subs)
+ result.append(
+ p.feature(), p.value() + '-' + subvalues,
+ p.condition()))
+ else:
+ result.append(p)
+ else:
+ all_subs.add(p)
+ # TODO: this variables are used just for debugging. What's the overhead?
+ assert all_subs == matched_subs
+ return result
+# Private methods
+def __select_subproperties (parent_property, properties):
+ return [ x for x in properties if __is_subproperty_of (parent_property, x) ]
+def __get_subfeature_name (subfeature, value_string):
+ if value_string == None:
+ prefix = ''
+ else:
+ prefix = value_string + ':'
+ return prefix + subfeature
+def __validate_feature_attributes (name, attributes):
+ for attribute in attributes:
+ if not attribute in __all_attributes:
+ raise InvalidAttribute ("unknown attributes: '%s' in feature declaration: '%s'" % (str (b2.util.set.difference (attributes, __all_attributes)), name))
+ if name in __all_features:
+ raise AlreadyDefined ("feature '%s' already defined" % name)
+ elif 'implicit' in attributes and 'free' in attributes:
+ raise InvalidAttribute ("free features cannot also be implicit (in declaration of feature '%s')" % name)
+ elif 'free' in attributes and 'propagated' in attributes:
+ raise InvalidAttribute ("free features cannot also be propagated (in declaration of feature '%s')" % name)
+def __validate_feature (feature):
+ """ Generates an error if the feature is unknown.
+ """
+ if not __all_features.has_key (feature):
+ raise BaseException ('unknown feature "%s"' % feature)
+def __select_subfeatures (parent_property, features):
+ """ Given a property, return the subset of features consisting of all
+ ordinary subfeatures of the property's feature, and all specific
+ subfeatures of the property's feature which are conditional on the
+ property's value.
+ """
+ return [f for f in features if is_subfeature_of (parent_property, f)]
+# FIXME: copy over tests.