path: root/decoder/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'decoder/')
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/decoder/ b/decoder/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ebd8ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/decoder/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+#include "tromble_loss.h"
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
+#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
+#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "sentence_metadata.h"
+#include "trule.h"
+#include "tdict.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace {
+typedef unsigned char GramCount;
+struct RefCounts {
+ GramCount max;
+ std::vector<GramCount> refs;
+ size_t length;
+typedef boost::unordered_map<std::vector<WordID>, size_t, boost::hash<std::vector<WordID> > > NGramMap;
+// Take all the n-grams in the references and stuff them into ngrams.
+void MakeNGramMapFromReferences(const vector<vector<WordID> > &references,
+ int n,
+ vector<RefCounts> *counts,
+ NGramMap *ngrams) {
+ ngrams->clear();
+ std::pair<vector<WordID>, size_t> insert_me;
+ vector<WordID> &ngram = insert_me.first;
+ ngram.reserve(n);
+ size_t &id = insert_me.second;
+ id = 0;
+ for (int refi = 0; refi < references.size(); ++refi) {
+ const vector<WordID>& ref = references[refi];
+ const int s = ref.size();
+ for (int j=0; j<s; ++j) {
+ const int remaining = s-j;
+ const int k = (n < remaining ? n : remaining);
+ ngram.clear();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
+ ngram.push_back(ref[j + i]);
+ std::pair<NGramMap::iterator, bool> ret(ngrams->insert(insert_me));
+ if (ret.second) {
+ counts->resize(id + 1);
+ RefCounts &ref_counts = counts->back();
+ ref_counts.max = 1;
+ ref_counts.refs.resize(references.size());
+ ref_counts.refs[refi] = 1;
+ ref_counts.length = ngram.size();
+ ++id;
+ } else {
+ RefCounts &ref_counts = (*counts)[ret.first->second];
+ ref_counts.max = std::max(ref_counts.max, ++ref_counts.refs[refi]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+struct MutableState {
+ MutableState(void *from, size_t n) : length(reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(from)), left(reinterpret_cast<WordID *>(length + 1)), right(left + n - 1), counts(reinterpret_cast<GramCount *>(right + n - 1)) {}
+ size_t *length;
+ WordID *left, *right;
+ GramCount *counts;
+ static size_t Size(size_t n, size_t bound_ngram_id) { return sizeof(size_t) + (n - 1) * 2 * sizeof(WordID) + bound_ngram_id * sizeof(GramCount); }
+struct ConstState {
+ ConstState(const void *from, size_t n) : length(reinterpret_cast<const size_t*>(from)), left(reinterpret_cast<const WordID *>(length + 1)), right(left + n - 1), counts(reinterpret_cast<const GramCount *>(right + n - 1)) {}
+ const size_t *length;
+ const WordID *left, *right;
+ const GramCount *counts;
+ static size_t Size(size_t n, size_t bound_ngram_id) { return sizeof(size_t) + (n - 1) * 2 * sizeof(WordID) + bound_ngram_id * sizeof(GramCount); }
+template <class T> struct CompatibleHashRange : public std::unary_function<const boost::iterator_range<T> &, size_t> {
+ size_t operator()(const boost::iterator_range<T> &range) const {
+ return boost::hash_range(range.begin(), range.end());
+ }
+template <class T> struct CompatibleEqualsRange : public std::binary_function<const boost::iterator_range<T> &, const std::vector<WordID> &, size_t> {
+ size_t operator()(const boost::iterator_range<T> &range, const std::vector<WordID> &vec) const {
+ return boost::algorithm::equals(range, vec);
+ }
+ size_t operator()(const std::vector<WordID> &vec, const boost::iterator_range<T> &range) const {
+ return boost::algorithm::equals(range, vec);
+ }
+void AddWord(const boost::circular_buffer<WordID> &segment, size_t min_length, const NGramMap &ref_grams, GramCount *counters) {
+ typedef boost::circular_buffer<WordID>::const_iterator BufferIt;
+ typedef boost::iterator_range<BufferIt> SegmentRange;
+ if (segment.size() < min_length) return;
+#if 0
+ CompatibleHashRange<BufferIt> hasher;
+ CompatibleEqualsRange<BufferIt> equals;
+ for (BufferIt seg_start(segment.end() - min_length); ; --seg_start) {
+ NGramMap::const_iterator found = ref_grams.find(SegmentRange(seg_start, segment.end()));
+ if (found == ref_grams.end()) break;
+ ++counters[found->second];
+ if (seg_start == segment.begin()) break;
+ }
+} // namespace
+class TrombleLossComputerImpl {
+ public:
+ explicit TrombleLossComputerImpl(const std::string &params) : star_(TD::Convert("<{STAR}>")) {
+ typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > Tokenizer;
+ // Argument parsing
+ std::string ref_file_name;
+ Tokenizer tok(params, boost::char_separator<char>(" "));
+ Tokenizer::iterator i = tok.begin();
+ if (i == tok.end()) {
+ std::cerr << "TrombleLossComputer needs a reference file name." << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ ref_file_name = *i++;
+ if (i == tok.end()) {
+ std::cerr << "TrombleLossComputer needs to know how many references." << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ num_refs_ = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(*i++);
+ for (; i != tok.end(); ++i) {
+ thetas_.push_back(boost::lexical_cast<double>(*i));
+ }
+ if (thetas_.empty()) {
+ std::cerr << "TrombleLossComputer is pointless with no weight on n-grams." << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Read references file.
+ std::ifstream ref_file(ref_file_name.c_str());
+ if (!ref_file) {
+ std::cerr << "Could not open TrombleLossComputer file " << ref_file_name << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ std::string ref;
+ vector<vector<WordID> > references(num_refs_);
+ bound_ngram_id_ = 0;
+ for (unsigned int sentence = 0; ref_file; ++sentence) {
+ for (unsigned int refidx = 0; refidx < num_refs_; ++refidx) {
+ if (!getline(ref_file, ref)) {
+ if (refidx == 0) break;
+ std::cerr << "Short read of " << refidx << " references for sentence " << sentence << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ TD::ConvertSentence(ref, &references[refidx]);
+ }
+ ref_ids_.resize(sentence + 1);
+ ref_counts_.resize(sentence + 1);
+ MakeNGramMapFromReferences(references, thetas_.size(), &ref_counts_.back(), &ref_ids_.back());
+ bound_ngram_id_ = std::max(bound_ngram_id_, ref_ids_.back().size());
+ }
+ }
+ size_t StateSize() const {
+ // n-1 boundary words plus counts for n-grams currently rendered as bytes even though most would fit in bits.
+ // Also, this is cached by higher up classes so no need to cache here.
+ return MutableState::Size(thetas_.size(), bound_ngram_id_);
+ }
+ double Traversal(
+ const SentenceMetadata &smeta,
+ const TRule &rule,
+ const vector<const void*> &ant_contexts,
+ void *out_context) const {
+ // TODO: get refs from sentence metadata.
+ // This will require resizable features.
+ if (smeta.GetSentenceID() >= ref_ids_.size()) {
+ std::cerr << "Sentence ID " << smeta.GetSentenceID() << " doesn't have references; there are only " << ref_ids_.size() << " references." << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ const NGramMap &ngrams = ref_ids_[smeta.GetSentenceID()];
+ MutableState out_state(out_context, thetas_.size());
+ memset(out_state.counts, 0, bound_ngram_id_ * sizeof(GramCount));
+ boost::circular_buffer<WordID> history(thetas_.size());
+ std::vector<const void*>::const_iterator ant_context = ant_contexts.begin();
+ *out_state.length = 0;
+ size_t pushed = 0;
+ const size_t keep = thetas_.size() - 1;
+ for (vector<WordID>::const_iterator rhs = rule.e().begin(); rhs != rule.e().end(); ++rhs) {
+ if (*rhs < 1) {
+ assert(ant_context != ant_contexts.end());
+ // Constituent
+ ConstState rhs_state(*ant_context, thetas_.size());
+ *out_state.length += *rhs_state.length;
+ {
+ GramCount *accum = out_state.counts;
+ for (const GramCount *c = rhs_state.counts; c != rhs_state.counts + ngrams.size(); ++c, ++accum) {
+ *accum += *c;
+ }
+ }
+ const WordID *w = rhs_state.left;
+ bool long_constit = true;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i <= keep; ++i, ++w) {
+ if (*w == star_) {
+ long_constit = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ history.push_back(*w);
+ if (++pushed == keep) {
+ std::copy(history.begin(), history.end(), out_state.left);
+ }
+ // Now i is the length of the history coming from this constituent. So it needs at least i+1 words to have a cross-child add.
+ AddWord(history, i + 1, ngrams, out_state.counts);
+ }
+ // If the consituent is shorter than thetas_.size(), then the
+ // constituent's left is the entire constituent, so history is already
+ // correct. Otherwise, the entire right hand side is the entire
+ // history.
+ if (long_constit) {
+ history.assign(thetas_.size(), rhs_state.right, rhs_state.right + keep);
+ }
+ ++ant_context;
+ } else {
+ // Word
+ ++*out_state.length;
+ history.push_back(*rhs);
+ if (++pushed == keep) {
+ std::copy(history.begin(), history.end(), out_state.left);
+ }
+ AddWord(history, 1, ngrams, out_state.counts);
+ }
+ }
+ // Fill in left and right constituents.
+ if (pushed < keep) {
+ std::copy(history.begin(), history.end(), out_state.left);
+ for (WordID *i = out_state.left + pushed; i != out_state.left + keep; ++i) {
+ *i = star_;
+ }
+ std::copy(out_state.left, out_state.left + keep, out_state.right);
+ } else if(pushed == keep) {
+ std::copy(history.begin(), history.end(), out_state.right);
+ } else if ((pushed > keep) && !history.empty()) {
+ std::copy(history.begin() + 1, history.end(), out_state.right);
+ }
+ std::vector<RefCounts>::const_iterator ref_info = ref_counts_[smeta.GetSentenceID()].begin();
+ // Clip the counts and count matches.
+ // Indexed by reference then by length.
+ std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > matches(num_refs_, std::vector<unsigned int>(thetas_.size()));
+ for (GramCount *c = out_state.counts; c != out_state.counts + ngrams.size(); ++c, ++ref_info) {
+ *c = std::min(*c, ref_info->max);
+ if (*c) {
+ for (unsigned int refidx = 0; refidx < num_refs_; ++refidx) {
+ assert(ref_info->length >= 1);
+ assert(ref_info->length - 1 < thetas_.size());
+ matches[refidx][ref_info->length - 1] += std::min(*c, ref_info->refs[refidx]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ double best_score = 0.0;
+ for (unsigned int refidx = 0; refidx < num_refs_; ++refidx) {
+ double score = 0.0;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < std::min(*out_state.length, thetas_.size()); ++j) {
+ score += thetas_[j] * static_cast<double>(matches[refidx][j]) / static_cast<double>(*out_state.length - j);
+ }
+ best_score = std::max(best_score, score);
+ }
+ return best_score;
+ }
+ private:
+ unsigned int num_refs_;
+ // Indexed by sentence id.
+ std::vector<NGramMap> ref_ids_;
+ // Then by id from ref_ids_.
+ std::vector<std::vector<RefCounts> > ref_counts_;
+ // thetas_[0] is the weight for 1-grams
+ std::vector<double> thetas_;
+ // All ngram ids in ref_ids_ are < this value.
+ size_t bound_ngram_id_;
+ const WordID star_;
+TrombleLossComputer::TrombleLossComputer(const std::string &params) :
+ boost::base_from_member<PImpl>(new TrombleLossComputerImpl(params)),
+ FeatureFunction(boost::base_from_member<PImpl>::member->StateSize()),
+ fid_(FD::Convert("TrombleLossComputer")) {}
+TrombleLossComputer::~TrombleLossComputer() {}
+void TrombleLossComputer::TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& smeta,
+ const Hypergraph::Edge& edge,
+ const vector<const void*>& ant_contexts,
+ SparseVector<double>* features,
+ SparseVector<double>* estimated_features,
+ void* out_context) const {
+ (void) estimated_features;
+ const double loss = boost::base_from_member<PImpl>::member->Traversal(smeta, *edge.rule_, ant_contexts, out_context);
+ features->set_value(fid_, loss);