path: root/decoder/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'decoder/')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/decoder/ b/decoder/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2908005f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/decoder/
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+#include "apply_models.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <tr1/unordered_map>
+#include <tr1/unordered_set>
+#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
+#include "hg.h"
+#include "ff.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace std::tr1;
+struct Candidate;
+typedef SmallVector JVector;
+typedef vector<Candidate*> CandidateHeap;
+typedef vector<Candidate*> CandidateList;
+// default vector size (* sizeof string is memory used)
+static const size_t kRESERVE_NUM_NODES = 500000ul;
+// life cycle: candidates are created, placed on the heap
+// and retrieved by their estimated cost, when they're
+// retrieved, they're incorporated into the +LM hypergraph
+// where they also know the head node index they are
+// attached to. After they are added to the +LM hypergraph
+// vit_prob_ and est_prob_ fields may be updated as better
+// derivations are found (this happens since the successor's
+// of derivation d may have a better score- they are
+// explored lazily). However, the updates don't happen
+// when a candidate is in the heap so maintaining the heap
+// property is not an issue.
+struct Candidate {
+ int node_index_; // -1 until incorporated
+ // into the +LM forest
+ const Hypergraph::Edge* in_edge_; // in -LM forest
+ Hypergraph::Edge out_edge_;
+ string state_;
+ const JVector j_;
+ prob_t vit_prob_; // these are fixed until the cand
+ // is popped, then they may be updated
+ prob_t est_prob_;
+ Candidate(const Hypergraph::Edge& e,
+ const JVector& j,
+ const Hypergraph& out_hg,
+ const vector<CandidateList>& D,
+ const vector<string>& node_states,
+ const SentenceMetadata& smeta,
+ const ModelSet& models,
+ bool is_goal) :
+ node_index_(-1),
+ in_edge_(&e),
+ j_(j) {
+ InitializeCandidate(out_hg, smeta, D, node_states, models, is_goal);
+ }
+ // used to query uniqueness
+ Candidate(const Hypergraph::Edge& e,
+ const JVector& j) : in_edge_(&e), j_(j) {}
+ bool IsIncorporatedIntoHypergraph() const {
+ return node_index_ >= 0;
+ }
+ void InitializeCandidate(const Hypergraph& out_hg,
+ const SentenceMetadata& smeta,
+ const vector<vector<Candidate*> >& D,
+ const vector<string>& node_states,
+ const ModelSet& models,
+ const bool is_goal) {
+ const Hypergraph::Edge& in_edge = *in_edge_;
+ out_edge_.rule_ = in_edge.rule_;
+ out_edge_.feature_values_ = in_edge.feature_values_;
+ out_edge_.i_ = in_edge.i_;
+ out_edge_.j_ = in_edge.j_;
+ out_edge_.prev_i_ = in_edge.prev_i_;
+ out_edge_.prev_j_ = in_edge.prev_j_;
+ Hypergraph::TailNodeVector& tail = out_edge_.tail_nodes_;
+ tail.resize(j_.size());
+ prob_t p = prob_t::One();
+ // cerr << "\nEstimating application of " << in_edge.rule_->AsString() << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < tail.size(); ++i) {
+ const Candidate& ant = *D[in_edge.tail_nodes_[i]][j_[i]];
+ assert(ant.IsIncorporatedIntoHypergraph());
+ tail[i] = ant.node_index_;
+ p *= ant.vit_prob_;
+ }
+ prob_t edge_estimate = prob_t::One();
+ if (is_goal) {
+ assert(tail.size() == 1);
+ const string& ant_state = node_states[tail.front()];
+ models.AddFinalFeatures(ant_state, &out_edge_);
+ } else {
+ models.AddFeaturesToEdge(smeta, out_hg, node_states, &out_edge_, &state_, &edge_estimate);
+ }
+ vit_prob_ = out_edge_.edge_prob_ * p;
+ est_prob_ = vit_prob_ * edge_estimate;
+ }
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Candidate& cand) {
+ os << "CAND[";
+ if (!cand.IsIncorporatedIntoHypergraph()) { os << "PENDING "; }
+ else { os << "+LM_node=" << cand.node_index_; }
+ os << " edge=" << cand.in_edge_->id_;
+ os << " j=<";
+ for (int i = 0; i < cand.j_.size(); ++i)
+ os << (i==0 ? "" : " ") << cand.j_[i];
+ os << "> vit=" << log(cand.vit_prob_);
+ os << " est=" << log(cand.est_prob_);
+ return os << ']';
+struct HeapCandCompare {
+ bool operator()(const Candidate* l, const Candidate* r) const {
+ return l->est_prob_ < r->est_prob_;
+ }
+struct EstProbSorter {
+ bool operator()(const Candidate* l, const Candidate* r) const {
+ return l->est_prob_ > r->est_prob_;
+ }
+// the same candidate <edge, j> can be added multiple times if
+// j is multidimensional (if you're going NW in Manhattan, you
+// can first go north, then west, or you can go west then north)
+// this is a hash function on the relevant variables from
+// Candidate to enforce this.
+struct CandidateUniquenessHash {
+ size_t operator()(const Candidate* c) const {
+ size_t x = 5381;
+ x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ c->in_edge_->id_;
+ for (int i = 0; i < c->j_.size(); ++i)
+ x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ c->j_[i];
+ return x;
+ }
+struct CandidateUniquenessEquals {
+ bool operator()(const Candidate* a, const Candidate* b) const {
+ return (a->in_edge_ == b->in_edge_) && (a->j_ == b->j_);
+ }
+typedef unordered_set<const Candidate*, CandidateUniquenessHash, CandidateUniquenessEquals> UniqueCandidateSet;
+typedef unordered_map<string, Candidate*, boost::hash<string> > State2Node;
+class CubePruningRescorer {
+ CubePruningRescorer(const ModelSet& m,
+ const SentenceMetadata& sm,
+ const Hypergraph& i,
+ int pop_limit,
+ Hypergraph* o) :
+ models(m),
+ smeta(sm),
+ in(i),
+ out(*o),
+ D(in.nodes_.size()),
+ pop_limit_(pop_limit) {
+ cerr << " Applying feature functions (cube pruning, pop_limit = " << pop_limit_ << ')' << endl;
+ node_states_.reserve(kRESERVE_NUM_NODES);
+ }
+ void Apply() {
+ int num_nodes = in.nodes_.size();
+ int goal_id = num_nodes - 1;
+ int pregoal = goal_id - 1;
+ int every = 1;
+ if (num_nodes > 100) every = 10;
+ assert(in.nodes_[pregoal].out_edges_.size() == 1);
+ cerr << " ";
+ for (int i = 0; i < in.nodes_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i % every == 0) cerr << '.';
+ KBest(i, i == goal_id);
+ }
+ cerr << endl;
+ cerr << " Best path: " << log(D[goal_id].front()->vit_prob_)
+ << "\t" << log(D[goal_id].front()->est_prob_) << endl;
+ out.PruneUnreachable(D[goal_id].front()->node_index_);
+ FreeAll();
+ }
+ private:
+ void FreeAll() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < D.size(); ++i) {
+ CandidateList& D_i = D[i];
+ for (int j = 0; j < D_i.size(); ++j)
+ delete D_i[j];
+ }
+ D.clear();
+ }
+ void IncorporateIntoPlusLMForest(Candidate* item, State2Node* s2n, CandidateList* freelist) {
+ Hypergraph::Edge* new_edge = out.AddEdge(item->out_edge_.rule_, item->out_edge_.tail_nodes_);
+ new_edge->feature_values_ = item->out_edge_.feature_values_;
+ new_edge->edge_prob_ = item->out_edge_.edge_prob_;
+ new_edge->i_ = item->out_edge_.i_;
+ new_edge->j_ = item->out_edge_.j_;
+ new_edge->prev_i_ = item->out_edge_.prev_i_;
+ new_edge->prev_j_ = item->out_edge_.prev_j_;
+ Candidate*& o_item = (*s2n)[item->state_];
+ if (!o_item) o_item = item;
+ int& node_id = o_item->node_index_;
+ if (node_id < 0) {
+ Hypergraph::Node* new_node = out.AddNode(in.nodes_[item->in_edge_->head_node_].cat_);
+ node_states_.push_back(item->state_);
+ node_id = new_node->id_;
+ }
+ Hypergraph::Node* node = &out.nodes_[node_id];
+ out.ConnectEdgeToHeadNode(new_edge, node);
+ // update candidate if we have a better derivation
+ // note: the difference between the vit score and the estimated
+ // score is the same for all items with a common residual DP
+ // state
+ if (item->vit_prob_ > o_item->vit_prob_) {
+ assert(o_item->state_ == item->state_); // sanity check!
+ o_item->est_prob_ = item->est_prob_;
+ o_item->vit_prob_ = item->vit_prob_;
+ }
+ if (item != o_item) freelist->push_back(item);
+ }
+ void KBest(const int vert_index, const bool is_goal) {
+ // cerr << "KBest(" << vert_index << ")\n";
+ CandidateList& D_v = D[vert_index];
+ assert(D_v.empty());
+ const Hypergraph::Node& v = in.nodes_[vert_index];
+ // cerr << " has " << v.in_edges_.size() << " in-coming edges\n";
+ const vector<int>& in_edges = v.in_edges_;
+ CandidateHeap cand;
+ CandidateList freelist;
+ cand.reserve(in_edges.size());
+ UniqueCandidateSet unique_cands;
+ for (int i = 0; i < in_edges.size(); ++i) {
+ const Hypergraph::Edge& edge = in.edges_[in_edges[i]];
+ const JVector j(edge.tail_nodes_.size(), 0);
+ cand.push_back(new Candidate(edge, j, out, D, node_states_, smeta, models, is_goal));
+ assert(unique_cands.insert(cand.back()).second); // these should all be unique!
+ }
+// cerr << " making heap of " << cand.size() << " candidates\n";
+ make_heap(cand.begin(), cand.end(), HeapCandCompare());
+ State2Node state2node; // "buf" in Figure 2
+ int pops = 0;
+ while(!cand.empty() && pops < pop_limit_) {
+ pop_heap(cand.begin(), cand.end(), HeapCandCompare());
+ Candidate* item = cand.back();
+ cand.pop_back();
+ // cerr << "POPPED: " << *item << endl;
+ PushSucc(*item, is_goal, &cand, &unique_cands);
+ IncorporateIntoPlusLMForest(item, &state2node, &freelist);
+ ++pops;
+ }
+ D_v.resize(state2node.size());
+ int c = 0;
+ for (State2Node::iterator i = state2node.begin(); i != state2node.end(); ++i)
+ D_v[c++] = i->second;
+ sort(D_v.begin(), D_v.end(), EstProbSorter());
+ // cerr << " expanded to " << D_v.size() << " nodes\n";
+ for (int i = 0; i < cand.size(); ++i)
+ delete cand[i];
+ // freelist is necessary since even after an item merged, it still stays in
+ // the unique set so it can't be deleted til now
+ for (int i = 0; i < freelist.size(); ++i)
+ delete freelist[i];
+ }
+ void PushSucc(const Candidate& item, const bool is_goal, CandidateHeap* pcand, UniqueCandidateSet* cs) {
+ CandidateHeap& cand = *pcand;
+ for (int i = 0; i < item.j_.size(); ++i) {
+ JVector j = item.j_;
+ ++j[i];
+ if (j[i] < D[item.in_edge_->tail_nodes_[i]].size()) {
+ Candidate query_unique(*item.in_edge_, j);
+ if (cs->count(&query_unique) == 0) {
+ Candidate* new_cand = new Candidate(*item.in_edge_, j, out, D, node_states_, smeta, models, is_goal);
+ cand.push_back(new_cand);
+ push_heap(cand.begin(), cand.end(), HeapCandCompare());
+ assert(cs->insert(new_cand).second); // insert into uniqueness set, sanity check
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const ModelSet& models;
+ const SentenceMetadata& smeta;
+ const Hypergraph& in;
+ Hypergraph& out;
+ vector<CandidateList> D; // maps nodes in in-HG to the
+ // equivalent nodes (many due to state
+ // splits) in the out-HG.
+ vector<string> node_states_; // for each node in the out-HG what is
+ // its q function value?
+ const int pop_limit_;
+struct NoPruningRescorer {
+ NoPruningRescorer(const ModelSet& m, const SentenceMetadata &sm, const Hypergraph& i, Hypergraph* o) :
+ models(m),
+ smeta(sm),
+ in(i),
+ out(*o),
+ nodemap(i.nodes_.size()) {
+ cerr << " Rescoring forest (full intersection)\n";
+ node_states_.reserve(kRESERVE_NUM_NODES);
+ }
+ typedef unordered_map<string, int, boost::hash<string> > State2NodeIndex;
+ void ExpandEdge(const Hypergraph::Edge& in_edge, bool is_goal, State2NodeIndex* state2node) {
+ const int arity = in_edge.Arity();
+ Hypergraph::TailNodeVector ends(arity);
+ for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i)
+ ends[i] = nodemap[in_edge.tail_nodes_[i]].size();
+ Hypergraph::TailNodeVector tail_iter(arity, 0);
+ bool done = false;
+ while (!done) {
+ Hypergraph::TailNodeVector tail(arity);
+ for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i)
+ tail[i] = nodemap[in_edge.tail_nodes_[i]][tail_iter[i]];
+ Hypergraph::Edge* new_edge = out.AddEdge(in_edge.rule_, tail);
+ new_edge->feature_values_ = in_edge.feature_values_;
+ new_edge->i_ = in_edge.i_;
+ new_edge->j_ = in_edge.j_;
+ new_edge->prev_i_ = in_edge.prev_i_;
+ new_edge->prev_j_ = in_edge.prev_j_;
+ string head_state;
+ if (is_goal) {
+ assert(tail.size() == 1);
+ const string& ant_state = node_states_[tail.front()];
+ models.AddFinalFeatures(ant_state, new_edge);
+ } else {
+ prob_t edge_estimate; // this is a full intersection, so we disregard this
+ models.AddFeaturesToEdge(smeta, out, node_states_, new_edge, &head_state, &edge_estimate);
+ }
+ int& head_plus1 = (*state2node)[head_state];
+ if (!head_plus1) {
+ head_plus1 = out.AddNode(in_edge.rule_->GetLHS())->id_ + 1;
+ node_states_.push_back(head_state);
+ nodemap[in_edge.head_node_].push_back(head_plus1 - 1);
+ }
+ const int head_index = head_plus1 - 1;
+ out.ConnectEdgeToHeadNode(new_edge->id_, head_index);
+ int ii = 0;
+ for (; ii < arity; ++ii) {
+ ++tail_iter[ii];
+ if (tail_iter[ii] < ends[ii]) break;
+ tail_iter[ii] = 0;
+ }
+ done = (ii == arity);
+ }
+ }
+ void ProcessOneNode(const int node_num, const bool is_goal) {
+ State2NodeIndex state2node;
+ const Hypergraph::Node& node = in.nodes_[node_num];
+ for (int i = 0; i < node.in_edges_.size(); ++i) {
+ const Hypergraph::Edge& edge = in.edges_[node.in_edges_[i]];
+ ExpandEdge(edge, is_goal, &state2node);
+ }
+ }
+ void Apply() {
+ int num_nodes = in.nodes_.size();
+ int goal_id = num_nodes - 1;
+ int pregoal = goal_id - 1;
+ int every = 1;
+ if (num_nodes > 100) every = 10;
+ assert(in.nodes_[pregoal].out_edges_.size() == 1);
+ cerr << " ";
+ for (int i = 0; i < in.nodes_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i % every == 0) cerr << '.';
+ ProcessOneNode(i, i == goal_id);
+ }
+ cerr << endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ const ModelSet& models;
+ const SentenceMetadata& smeta;
+ const Hypergraph& in;
+ Hypergraph& out;
+ vector<vector<int> > nodemap;
+ vector<string> node_states_; // for each node in the out-HG what is
+ // its q function value?
+// each node in the graph has one of these, it keeps track of
+void ApplyModelSet(const Hypergraph& in,
+ const SentenceMetadata& smeta,
+ const ModelSet& models,
+ const IntersectionConfiguration& config,
+ Hypergraph* out) {
+ // TODO special handling when all models are stateless
+ if (config.algorithm == 1) {
+ int pl = config.pop_limit;
+ if (pl > 100 && in.nodes_.size() > 80000) {
+ cerr << " Note: reducing pop_limit to " << pl << " for very large forest\n";
+ pl = 30;
+ }
+ CubePruningRescorer ma(models, smeta, in, pl, out);
+ ma.Apply();
+ } else if (config.algorithm == 0) {
+ NoPruningRescorer ma(models, smeta, in, out);
+ ma.Apply();
+ } else {
+ cerr << "Don't understand intersection algorithm " << config.algorithm << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ out->is_linear_chain_ = in.is_linear_chain_; // TODO remove when this is computed
+ // automatically