diff options
3 files changed, 1 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/Jamroot b/Jamroot
index 3015c1f3..c2e250d0 100644
--- a/Jamroot
+++ b/Jamroot
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ if [ test_header boost/serialization/map.hpp ] && [ test_library boost_serializa
project : requirements $(requirements) <toolset>darwin:<link>static ;
project : default-build <warnings>on <variant>release ;
-install-bin-libs dpmert//programs utils//programs mteval//programs klm/lm//programs training//liblbfgs decoder//cdec creg//creg phrasinator//programs mira//kbest_mira ;
+install-bin-libs dpmert//programs utils//programs mteval//programs klm/lm//programs training//liblbfgs decoder//cdec phrasinator//programs mira//kbest_mira ;
build-projects mteval decoder dpmert klm/lm training/liblbfgs ;
diff --git a/README.scons b/README.scons
deleted file mode 100644
index eb56a666..00000000
--- a/README.scons
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Building cdec with the scons build system:
-While we don't build all components of cdec under scons (yet),
-scons makes things much simpler and reliable. Currently,
-building cdec with scons is experimental.
-1) Obtain a Python V2.4 or later (you probably already have this)
-2) Download and install Scons v2.0+ from
- $ wget
- $ tar -xvzf scons-2.0.1.tar.gz
- $ cd scons-2.0.1
- $ python build
- $ sudo install #(if you have root)
- $ install --home=~/prefix #(to install to a user-space prefix instead)
-3) Run scons. Some examples:
- $ scons #(just build the decoder)
- $ scons -j16 #(build using 16 cores)
- $ scons -h #(get help)
- $ scons --with-boost=~/prefix #(use ~/prefix as the boost directory)
diff --git a/SConstruct b/SConstruct
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d740b7..00000000
--- a/SConstruct
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# EXPERIMENTAL and HACKY version of cdec build in scons
-# TODO: Persist these so that you don't have to specify flags every time
-AddOption('--prefix', dest='prefix', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR',
- help='installation prefix')
-AddOption('--with-boost', dest='boost', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR',
- help='boost installation directory (if in a non-standard location)')
-AddOption('--with-glc', dest='glc', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR',
- help='path to Global Lexical Coherence package (optional)')
-AddOption('--with-mpi', dest='mpi', action='store_true',
- help='build tools that use Message Passing Interface? (optional)')
-AddOption('--efence', dest='efence', action='store_true',
- help='use electric fence for debugging memory corruptions')
-platform = ARGUMENTS.get('OS', Platform())
-include = Split('decoder utils klm mteval training .')
-env = Environment(PREFIX=GetOption('prefix'),
- PLATFORM = platform,
-# BINDIR = bin,
-# INCDIR = include,
-# LIBDIR = lib,
- CPPPATH = include,
- LIBPATH = [],
- LIBS = Split('boost_program_options boost_serialization boost_thread z'),
- CCFLAGS=Split('-g -O3 -DHAVE_SCONS'))
-# Do some autoconf-like sanity checks (
-conf = Configure(env)
-print('Checking if the environment is sane...')
-if not conf.CheckCXX():
- print('!! Your compiler and/or environment is not correctly configured.')
- Exit(1)
-if not conf.CheckFunc('printf'):
- print('!! Your compiler and/or environment is not correctly configured.')
- Exit(1)
-#env = conf.Finish()
-boost = GetOption('boost')
-if boost:
- print 'Using Boost at {0}'.format(boost)
- env.Append(CCFLAGS='-DHAVE_BOOST',
- CPPPATH=boost+'/include',
- LIBPATH=boost+'/lib')
-if not conf.CheckLib('boost_program_options'):
- print "Boost library 'boost_program_options' not found"
- Exit(1)
-#if not conf.CheckHeader('boost/math/special_functions/digamma.hpp'):
-# print "Boost header 'digamma.hpp' not found"
-# Exit(1)
-mpi = GetOption('mpi')
-if mpi:
- if not conf.CheckHeader('mpi.h'):
- print "MPI header 'mpi.h' not found"
- Exit(1)
-if GetOption('efence'):
- env.Append(LIBS=Split('efence Segfault'))
-print('Environment is sane.')
-srcs = []
-# TODO: Get rid of config.h
-glc = GetOption('glc')
-if glc:
- print 'Using Global Lexical Coherence package at {0}'.format(glc)
- env.Append(CCFLAGS='-DHAVE_GLC',
- CPPPATH=[glc, glc+'/cdec'])
- srcs.append(glc+'/')
- srcs.append(glc+'/')
- srcs.append(glc+'/')
- srcs.append(glc+'/')
- srcs.append(glc+'/cdec/')
-for pattern in ['decoder/*.cc', 'decoder/*.c', 'klm/*/*.cc', 'utils/*.cc', 'mteval/*.cc', 'vest/*.cc']:
- srcs.extend([ file for file in Glob(pattern)
- if not 'test' in str(file)
- and '' not in str(file)
- and '' not in str(file)
- and '' not in str(file)
- and '' not in str(file)
- and '' not in str(file)
- and '' not in str(file)
- and 'mr_' not in str(file)
- and 'utils/' != str(file)
- ])
-print 'Found {0} source files'.format(len(srcs))
-def comb(cc, srcs):
- x = [cc]
- x.extend(srcs)
- return x
-env.Program(target='decoder/cdec', source=comb('decoder/', srcs))
-# TODO: The various decoder tests
-# TODO: extools
-env.Program(target='klm/lm/build_binary', source=comb('klm/lm/', srcs))
-# TODO: klm ngram_query and tests
-env.Program(target='mteval/fast_score', source=comb('mteval/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='mteval/mbr_kbest', source=comb('mteval/', srcs))
-#env.Program(target='mteval/scorer_test', source=comb('mteval/', srcs))
-# TODO: phrasinator
-# TODO: Various training binaries
-env.Program(target='training/model1', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='training/augment_grammar', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='training/grammar_convert', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-#env.Program(target='training/optimize_test', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='training/collapse_weights', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-#env.Program(target='training/lbfgs_test', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-#env.Program(target='training/mr_optimize_reduce', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='training/mr_em_map_adapter', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='training/mr_reduce_to_weights', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='training/mr_em_adapted_reduce', source=comb('training/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='vest/sentserver', source=['vest/sentserver.c'], LINKFLAGS='-all-static')
-env.Program(target='vest/sentclient', source=['vest/sentclient.c'], LINKFLAGS='-all-static')
-env.Program(target='vest/mr_vest_generate_mapper_input', source=comb('vest/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='vest/mr_vest_map', source=comb('vest/', srcs))
-env.Program(target='vest/mr_vest_reduce', source=comb('vest/', srcs))
-#env.Program(target='vest/lo_test', source=comb('vest/', srcs))
-# TODO: util tests
-if mpi:
- env.Program(target='training/mpi_online_optimize', source=comb('training/', srcs))
- env.Program(target='training/mpi_batch_optimize', source=comb('training/', srcs))
- env.Program(target='training/compute_cllh', source=comb('training/', srcs))
- env.Program(target='training/cllh_filter_grammar', source=comb('training/', srcs))