path: root/training
diff options
authorGuest_account Guest_account prguest11 <prguest11@taipan.cs>2011-09-17 01:39:07 +0100
committerGuest_account Guest_account prguest11 <prguest11@taipan.cs>2011-09-17 01:39:07 +0100
commit1afbff874473c79619ce74cdf90f3c312185e4e1 (patch)
tree997d2cc819e07c83c545bc0d17a3d3ffeacee47a /training
parentb01f2499efa155a227f13e34f1aed9f54c39ab91 (diff)
add dep
Diffstat (limited to 'training')
-rw-r--r--training/ (renamed from training/
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 605 deletions
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
deleted file mode 100755
index 267ab642..00000000
--- a/training/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR; }
-use Getopt::Long;
-my $parallel = 0;
-my $CWD=`pwd`; chomp $CWD;
-my $BIN_DIR = "$CWD/..";
-my $REDUCER = "$BIN_DIR/training/mr_em_adapted_reduce";
-my $REDUCE2WEIGHTS = "$BIN_DIR/training/mr_reduce_to_weights";
-my $ADAPTER = "$BIN_DIR/training/mr_em_map_adapter";
-my $DECODER = "$BIN_DIR/decoder/cdec";
-my $COMBINER_CACHE_SIZE = 10000000;
-my $PARALLEL = "/chomes/redpony/svn-trunk/sa-utils/";
-die "Can't find $REDUCER" unless -f $REDUCER;
-die "Can't execute $REDUCER" unless -x $REDUCER;
-die "Can't find $REDUCE2WEIGHTS" unless -f $REDUCE2WEIGHTS;
-die "Can't execute $REDUCE2WEIGHTS" unless -x $REDUCE2WEIGHTS;
-die "Can't find $ADAPTER" unless -f $ADAPTER;
-die "Can't execute $ADAPTER" unless -x $ADAPTER;
-die "Can't find $DECODER" unless -f $DECODER;
-die "Can't execute $DECODER" unless -x $DECODER;
-my $restart = '';
-if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '--restart') { shift @ARGV; $restart = 1; }
-die "Usage: $0 [--restart] training.corpus cdec.ini\n" unless (scalar @ARGV == 2);
-my $training_corpus = shift @ARGV;
-my $config = shift @ARGV;
-my $pmem="2500mb";
-my $nodes = 40;
-my $max_iteration = 1000;
-my $CFLAG = "-C 1";
-if ($parallel) {
- die "Can't find $PARALLEL" unless -f $PARALLEL;
- die "Can't execute $PARALLEL" unless -x $PARALLEL;
-} else { $CFLAG = "-C 500"; }
-my $initial_weights = '';
-print STDERR <<EOT;
- Config file: $config
- Training corpus: $training_corpus
- Initial weights: $initial_weights
- Decoder memory: $pmem
- Nodes requested: $nodes
- Max iterations: $max_iteration
- restart: $restart
-my $nodelist="1";
-for (my $i=1; $i<$nodes; $i++) { $nodelist .= " 1"; }
-my $iter = 1;
-my $dir = "$CWD/emtrain";
-if ($restart) {
- die "$dir doesn't exist, but --restart specified!\n" unless -d $dir;
- my $o = `ls -t $dir/weights.*`;
- my ($a, @x) = split /\n/, $o;
- if ($a =~ /weights.(\d+)\.gz$/) {
- $iter = $1;
- } else {
- die "Unexpected file: $a!\n";
- }
- print STDERR "Restarting at iteration $iter\n";
-} else {
- die "$dir already exists!\n" if -e $dir;
- mkdir $dir or die "Can't create $dir: $!";
- if ($initial_weights) {
- unless ($initial_weights =~ /\.gz$/) {
- `cp $initial_weights $dir/weights.1`;
- `gzip -9 $dir/weights.1`;
- } else {
- `cp $initial_weights $dir/weights.1.gz`;
- }
- }
-while ($iter < $max_iteration) {
- my $cur_time = `date`; chomp $cur_time;
- print STDERR "\nStarting iteration $iter...\n";
- print STDERR " time: $cur_time\n";
- my $start = time;
- my $next_iter = $iter + 1;
- my $WSTR = "-w $dir/weights.$iter.gz";
- if ($iter == 1) { $WSTR = ''; }
- my $dec_cmd="$DECODER --feature_expectations -c $config $WSTR $CFLAG < $training_corpus 2> $dir/deco.log.$iter";
- my $pcmd = "$PARALLEL -e $dir/err -p $pmem --nodelist \"$nodelist\" -- ";
- my $cmd = "";
- if ($parallel) { $cmd = $pcmd; }
- $cmd .= "$dec_cmd";
- $cmd .= "| $ADAPTER | sort -k1 | $REDUCER | $REDUCE2WEIGHTS -o $dir/weights.$next_iter.gz";
- print STDERR "EXECUTING: $cmd\n";
- my $result = `$cmd`;
- if ($? != 0) {
- die "Error running iteration $iter: $!";
- }
- chomp $result;
- my $end = time;
- my $diff = ($end - $start);
- print STDERR " ITERATION $iter TOOK $diff SECONDS\n";
- $iter = $next_iter;
- if ($result =~ /1$/) {
- print STDERR "Training converged.\n";
- last;
- }
-print "FINAL WEIGHTS: $dir/weights.$iter\n";
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
deleted file mode 100755
index 03122df9..00000000
--- a/training/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path getcwd /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR; }
-use Getopt::Long;
-my $MAX_ITER_ATTEMPTS = 5; # number of times to retry a failed function evaluation
-my $CWD=getcwd();
-my $OPTIMIZER = "$SCRIPT_DIR/mr_optimize_reduce";
-my $DECODER = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../decoder/cdec";
-# This is a hack to run this on a weird cluster,
-# eventually, I'll provide Hadoop scripts.
-my $PARALLEL = "/chomes/redpony/svn-trunk/sa-utils/";
-die "Can't find $OPTIMIZER" unless -f $OPTIMIZER;
-die "Can't execute $OPTIMIZER" unless -x $OPTIMIZER;
-my $restart = '';
-if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '--restart') { shift @ARGV; $restart = 1; }
-my $pmem="2500mb";
-my $nodes = 1;
-my $max_iteration = 1000;
-my $PRIOR_FLAG = "";
-my $parallel = 1;
-my $CFLAG = "-C 1";
-my $LOCAL;
-my $PRIOR;
-my $OALG = "lbfgs";
-my $sigsq = 1;
-my $means_file;
-my $mem_buffers = 20;
-GetOptions("cdec=s" => \$DECODER,
- "distributed" => \$DISTRIBUTED,
- "sigma_squared=f" => \$sigsq,
- "lbfgs_memory_buffers=i" => \$mem_buffers,
- "max_iteration=i" => \$max_iteration,
- "means=s" => \$means_file,
- "optimizer=s" => \$OALG,
- "gaussian_prior" => \$PRIOR,
- "restart_if_necessary" => \$RESTART_IF_NECESSARY,
- "jobs=i" => \$nodes,
- "pmem=s" => \$pmem
- ) or usage();
-usage() unless scalar @ARGV==3;
-my $config_file = shift @ARGV;
-my $training_corpus = shift @ARGV;
-my $initial_weights = shift @ARGV;
-unless ($DISTRIBUTED) { $LOCAL = 1; }
-die "Can't find $config_file" unless -f $config_file;
-die "Can't find $DECODER" unless -f $DECODER;
-die "Can't execute $DECODER" unless -x $DECODER;
-if ($LOCAL) { print STDERR "Will run LOCALLY.\n"; $parallel = 0; }
-if ($PRIOR) {
- $PRIOR_FLAG="-p --sigma_squared $sigsq";
- if ($means_file) { $PRIOR_FLAG .= " -u $means_file"; }
-if ($parallel) {
- die "Can't find $PARALLEL" unless -f $PARALLEL;
- die "Can't execute $PARALLEL" unless -x $PARALLEL;
-unless ($parallel) { $CFLAG = "-C 500"; }
-unless ($config_file =~ /^\//) { $config_file = $CWD . '/' . $config_file; }
-my $clines = num_lines($training_corpus);
-my $dir = "$CWD/ptrain";
-if ($RESTART_IF_NECESSARY && -d $dir) {
- $restart = 1;
-print STDERR <<EOT;
- Config file: $config_file
- Training corpus: $training_corpus
- Corpus size: $clines
- Initial weights: $initial_weights
- Decoder memory: $pmem
- Max iterations: $max_iteration
- Optimizer: $OALG
- Jobs requested: $nodes
- prior?: $PRIOR_FLAG
- restart?: $restart
-if ($OALG) { $OALG="-m $OALG"; }
-my $nodelist="1";
-for (my $i=1; $i<$nodes; $i++) { $nodelist .= " 1"; }
-my $iter = 1;
-if ($restart) {
- die "$dir doesn't exist, but --restart specified!\n" unless -d $dir;
- my $o = `ls -t $dir/weights.*`;
- my ($a, @x) = split /\n/, $o;
- if ($a =~ /weights.(\d+)\.gz$/) {
- $iter = $1;
- } else {
- die "Unexpected file: $a!\n";
- }
- print STDERR "Restarting at iteration $iter\n";
-} else {
- die "$dir already exists!\n" if -e $dir;
- mkdir $dir or die "Can't create $dir: $!";
- unless ($initial_weights =~ /\.gz$/) {
- `cp $initial_weights $dir/weights.1`;
- `gzip -9 $dir/weights.1`;
- } else {
- `cp $initial_weights $dir/weights.1.gz`;
- }
- open T, "<$training_corpus" or die "Can't read $training_corpus: $!";
- open TO, ">$dir/";
- my $lc = 0;
- while(<T>) {
- chomp;
- s/^\s+//;
- s/\s+$//;
- die "Expected A ||| B in input file" unless / \|\|\| /;
- print TO "<seg id=\"$lc\">$_</seg>\n";
- $lc++;
- }
- close T;
- close TO;
-$training_corpus = "$dir/";
-my $iter_attempts = 1;
-while ($iter < $max_iteration) {
- my $cur_time = `date`; chomp $cur_time;
- print STDERR "\nStarting iteration $iter...\n";
- print STDERR " time: $cur_time\n";
- my $start = time;
- my $next_iter = $iter + 1;
- my $dec_cmd="$DECODER -G $CFLAG -c $config_file -w $dir/weights.$iter.gz < $training_corpus 2> $dir/deco.log.$iter";
- my $opt_cmd = "$OPTIMIZER $PRIOR_FLAG -M $mem_buffers $OALG -s $dir/opt.state -i $dir/weights.$iter.gz -o $dir/weights.$next_iter.gz";
- my $pcmd = "$PARALLEL -e $dir/err -p $pmem --nodelist \"$nodelist\" -- ";
- my $cmd = "";
- if ($parallel) { $cmd = $pcmd; }
- $cmd .= "$dec_cmd | $opt_cmd";
- print STDERR "EXECUTING: $cmd\n";
- my $result = `$cmd`;
- my $exit_code = $? >> 8;
- if ($exit_code == 99) {
- $iter_attempts++;
- if ($iter_attempts > $MAX_ITER_ATTEMPTS) {
- die "Received restart request $iter_attempts times from optimizer, giving up\n";
- }
- print STDERR "Function evaluation failed, retrying (attempt $iter_attempts)\n";
- next;
- }
- if ($? != 0) {
- die "Error running iteration $iter: $!";
- }
- chomp $result;
- my $end = time;
- my $diff = ($end - $start);
- print STDERR " ITERATION $iter TOOK $diff SECONDS\n";
- $iter = $next_iter;
- if ($result =~ /1$/) {
- print STDERR "Training converged.\n";
- last;
- }
- $iter_attempts = 1;
-print "FINAL WEIGHTS: $dir/weights.$iter\n";
-`mv $dir/weights.$iter.gz $dir/`;
-sub usage {
- die <<EOT;
-Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] cdec.ini training.corpus weights.init
- Options:
- --distributed Parallelize function evaluation
- --jobs N Number of jobs to use
- --cdec PATH Path to cdec binary
- --optimize OPT lbfgs, rprop, sgd
- --gaussian_prior add Gaussian prior
- --means FILE if you want means other than 0
- --sigma_squared S variance on prior
- --pmem MEM Memory required for decoder
- --lbfgs_memory_buffers Number of buffers to use
- with LBFGS optimizer
-sub num_lines {
- my $file = shift;
- my $fh;
- if ($file=~ /\.gz$/) {
- open $fh, "zcat $file|" or die "Couldn't fork zcat $file: $!";
- } else {
- open $fh, "<$file" or die "Couldn't read $file: $!";
- }
- my $lines = 0;
- while(<$fh>) { $lines++; }
- close $fh;
- return $lines;
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8cdf7718..00000000
--- a/training/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use utf8;
-use strict;
-my ($effile, $model1) = @ARGV;
-die "Usage: $0 corpus.model1\n" unless $effile && -f $effile && $model1 && -f $model1;
-open EF, "<$effile" or die;
-open M1, "<$model1" or die;
-my %model1;
-while(<M1>) {
- chomp;
- my ($f, $e, $lp) = split /\s+/;
- $model1{$f}->{$e} = $lp;
-my $ADD_MODEL1 = 0; # found that model1 hurts performance
-my $IS_FRENCH_F = 1; # indicates that the f language is french
-my $IS_ARABIC_F = 0; # indicates that the f language is arabic
-my $IS_URDU_F = 0; # indicates that the f language is arabic
-my $ADD_PREFIX_ID = 0;
-my $ADD_LEN = 1;
-my $ADD_SIM = 1;
-my $ADD_DICE = 1;
-my $ADD_111 = 1;
-my $ADD_ID = 1;
-my $ADD_PUNC = 1;
-my $ADD_NUM_MM = 1;
-my $ADD_NULL = 1;
-my $ADD_STEM_ID = 1;
-my $BEAM_RATIO = 50;
-my %fdict;
-my %fcounts;
-my %ecounts;
-my %sdict;
-while(<EF>) {
- chomp;
- my ($f, $e) = split /\s*\|\|\|\s*/;
- my @es = split /\s+/, $e;
- my @fs = split /\s+/, $f;
- for my $ew (@es){ $ecounts{$ew}++; }
- push @fs, '<eps>' if $ADD_NULL;
- for my $fw (@fs){ $fcounts{$fw}++; }
- for my $fw (@fs){
- for my $ew (@es){
- $fdict{$fw}->{$ew}++;
- }
- }
-print STDERR "Dice 0\n" if $ADD_DICE;
-print STDERR "OneOneOne 0\nId_OneOneOne 0\n" if $ADD_111;
-print STDERR "Identical 0\n" if $ADD_ID;
-print STDERR "PuncMiss 0\n" if $ADD_PUNC;
-print STDERR "IsNull 0\n" if $ADD_NULL;
-print STDERR "Model1 0\n" if $ADD_MODEL1;
-print STDERR "DLen 0\n" if $ADD_LEN;
-print STDERR "NumMM 0\nNumMatch 0\n" if $ADD_NUM_MM;
-print STDERR "OrthoSim 0\n" if $ADD_SIM;
-print STDERR "PfxIdentical 0\n" if ($ADD_PREFIX_ID);
-my $fc = 1000000;
-my $sids = 1000000;
-for my $f (sort keys %fdict) {
- my $re = $fdict{$f};
- my $max;
- for my $e (sort {$re->{$b} <=> $re->{$a}} keys %$re) {
- my $efcount = $re->{$e};
- unless (defined $max) { $max = $efcount; }
- my $m1 = $model1{$f}->{$e};
- unless (defined $m1) { next; }
- $fc++;
- my $dice = 2 * $efcount / ($ecounts{$e} + $fcounts{$f});
- my $feats = "F$fc=1";
- my $oe = $e;
- my $of = $f; # normalized form
- if ($IS_FRENCH_F) {
- # see
- $of =~ s/â/as/g;
- $of =~ s/ê/es/g;
- $of =~ s/î/is/g;
- $of =~ s/ô/os/g;
- $of =~ s/û/us/g;
- } elsif ($IS_ARABIC_F) {
- if (length($of) > 1 && !($of =~ /\d/)) {
- $of =~ s/\$/sh/g;
- }
- } elsif ($IS_URDU_F) {
- if (length($of) > 1 && !($of =~ /\d/)) {
- $of =~ s/\$/sh/g;
- }
- $oe =~ s/^-e-//;
- $oe =~ s/^al-/al/;
- $of =~ s/([a-z])\~/$1$1/g;
- $of =~ s/E/'/g;
- $of =~ s/^Aw/o/g;
- $of =~ s/\|/a/g;
- $of =~ s/@/h/g;
- $of =~ s/c/ch/g;
- $of =~ s/x/kh/g;
- $of =~ s/\*/dh/g;
- $of =~ s/w/o/g;
- $of =~ s/Z/dh/g;
- $of =~ s/y/i/g;
- $of =~ s/Y/a/g;
- $of = lc $of;
- }
- my $len_e = length($oe);
- my $len_f = length($of);
- $feats .= " Model1=$m1" if ($ADD_MODEL1);
- $feats .= " Dice=$dice" if $ADD_DICE;
- my $is_null = undef;
- if ($ADD_NULL && $f eq '<eps>') {
- $feats .= " IsNull=1";
- $is_null = 1;
- }
- if ($ADD_LEN) {
- if (!$is_null) {
- my $dlen = abs($len_e - $len_f);
- $feats .= " DLen=$dlen";
- }
- }
- my $f_num = ($of =~ /^-?\d[0-9\.\,]+%?$/ && (length($of) > 3));
- my $e_num = ($oe =~ /^-?\d[0-9\.\,]+%?$/ && (length($oe) > 3));
- my $both_non_numeric = (!$e_num && !$f_num);
- if ($ADD_NUM_MM && (($f_num && !$e_num) || ($e_num && !$f_num))) {
- $feats .= " NumMM=1";
- }
- if ($ADD_NUM_MM && ($f_num && $e_num) && ($oe eq $of)) {
- $feats .= " NumMatch=1";
- }
- if ($ADD_STEM_ID) {
- my $el = 4;
- my $fl = 4;
- if ($oe =~ /^al|re|co/) { $el++; }
- if ($of =~ /^al|re|co/) { $fl++; }
- if ($oe =~ /^trans|inter/) { $el+=2; }
- if ($of =~ /^trans|inter/) { $fl+=2; }
- if ($fl > length($of)) { $fl = length($of); }
- if ($el > length($oe)) { $el = length($oe); }
- my $sf = substr $of, 0, $fl;
- my $se = substr $oe, 0, $el;
- my $id = $sdict{$sf}->{$se};
- if (!$id) {
- $sids++;
- $sdict{$sf}->{$se} = $sids;
- $id = $sids;
- print STDERR "S$sids 0\n"
- }
- $feats .= " S$id=1";
- }
- if ($ADD_PREFIX_ID) {
- if ($len_e > 3 && $len_f > 3 && $both_non_numeric) {
- my $pe = substr $oe, 0, 3;
- my $pf = substr $of, 0, 3;
- if ($pe eq $pf) { $feats .= " PfxIdentical=1"; }
- }
- }
- if ($ADD_SIM) {
- my $ld = 0;
- my $eff = $len_e;
- if ($eff < $len_f) { $eff = $len_f; }
- if (!$is_null) {
- $ld = ($eff - levenshtein($oe, $of)) / sqrt($eff);
- }
- $feats .= " OrthoSim=$ld";
- }
- my $ident = ($e eq $f);
- if ($ident && $ADD_ID) { $feats .= " Identical=1"; }
- if ($ADD_111 && ($efcount == 1 && $ecounts{$e} == 1 && $fcounts{$f} == 1)) {
- if ($ident && $ADD_ID) {
- $feats .= " Id_OneOneOne=1";
- }
- $feats .= " OneOneOne=1";
- }
- if ($ADD_PUNC) {
- if (($f =~ /^[0-9!\$%,\-\/"':;=+?.()«»]+$/ && $e =~ /[a-z]+/) ||
- ($e =~ /^[0-9!\$%,\-\/"':;=+?.()«»]+$/ && $f =~ /[a-z]+/)) {
- $feats .= " PuncMiss=1";
- }
- }
- my $r = (0.5 - rand)/5;
- print STDERR "F$fc $r\n";
- print "$f ||| $e ||| $feats\n";
- }
-sub levenshtein
- # $s1 and $s2 are the two strings
- # $len1 and $len2 are their respective lengths
- #
- my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
- my ($len1, $len2) = (length $s1, length $s2);
- # If one of the strings is empty, the distance is the length
- # of the other string
- #
- return $len2 if ($len1 == 0);
- return $len1 if ($len2 == 0);
- my %mat;
- # Init the distance matrix
- #
- # The first row to 0..$len1
- # The first column to 0..$len2
- # The rest to 0
- #
- # The first row and column are initialized so to denote distance
- # from the empty string
- #
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $len1; ++$i)
- {
- for (my $j = 0; $j <= $len2; ++$j)
- {
- $mat{$i}{$j} = 0;
- $mat{0}{$j} = $j;
- }
- $mat{$i}{0} = $i;
- }
- # Some char-by-char processing is ahead, so prepare
- # array of chars from the strings
- #
- my @ar1 = split(//, $s1);
- my @ar2 = split(//, $s2);
- for (my $i = 1; $i <= $len1; ++$i)
- {
- for (my $j = 1; $j <= $len2; ++$j)
- {
- # Set the cost to 1 iff the ith char of $s1
- # equals the jth of $s2
- #
- # Denotes a substitution cost. When the char are equal
- # there is no need to substitute, so the cost is 0
- #
- my $cost = ($ar1[$i-1] eq $ar2[$j-1]) ? 0 : 1;
- # Cell $mat{$i}{$j} equals the minimum of:
- #
- # - The cell immediately above plus 1
- # - The cell immediately to the left plus 1
- # - The cell diagonally above and to the left plus the cost
- #
- # We can either insert a new char, delete a char or
- # substitute an existing char (with an associated cost)
- #
- $mat{$i}{$j} = min([$mat{$i-1}{$j} + 1,
- $mat{$i}{$j-1} + 1,
- $mat{$i-1}{$j-1} + $cost]);
- }
- }
- # Finally, the Levenshtein distance equals the rightmost bottom cell
- # of the matrix
- #
- # Note that $mat{$x}{$y} denotes the distance between the substrings
- # 1..$x and 1..$y
- #
- return $mat{$len1}{$len2};
-# minimal element of a list
-sub min
- my @list = @{$_[0]};
- my $min = $list[0];
- foreach my $i (@list)
- {
- $min = $i if ($i < $min);
- }
- return $min;
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
index b496d196..b496d196 100644
--- a/training/
+++ b/training/