path: root/training/dpmert/
diff options
authorMichael Denkowski <>2012-12-22 16:01:23 -0500
committerMichael Denkowski <>2012-12-22 16:01:23 -0500
commit597d89c11db53e91bc011eab70fd613bbe6453e8 (patch)
tree83c87c07d1ff6d3ee4e3b1626f7eddd49c61095b /training/dpmert/
parent65e958ff2678a41c22be7171456a63f002ef370b (diff)
parent201af2acd394415a05072fbd53d42584875aa4b4 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git://
Diffstat (limited to 'training/dpmert/')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/training/dpmert/ b/training/dpmert/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31512a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/dpmert/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
+#include "sparse_vector.h"
+#include "error_surface.h"
+#include "line_optimizer.h"
+#include "b64tools.h"
+#include "stringlib.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace po = boost::program_options;
+void InitCommandLine(int argc, char** argv, po::variables_map* conf) {
+ po::options_description opts("Configuration options");
+ opts.add_options()
+ ("evaluation_metric,m",po::value<string>(), "Evaluation metric (IBM_BLEU, etc.)")
+ ("help,h", "Help");
+ po::options_description dcmdline_options;
+ dcmdline_options.add(opts);
+ po::store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, dcmdline_options), *conf);
+ bool flag = conf->count("evaluation_metric") == 0;
+ if (flag || conf->count("help")) {
+ cerr << dcmdline_options << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ po::variables_map conf;
+ InitCommandLine(argc, argv, &conf);
+ const string evaluation_metric = conf["evaluation_metric"].as<string>();
+ EvaluationMetric* metric = EvaluationMetric::Instance(evaluation_metric);
+ LineOptimizer::ScoreType opt_type = LineOptimizer::MAXIMIZE_SCORE;
+ if (metric->IsErrorMetric())
+ opt_type = LineOptimizer::MINIMIZE_SCORE;
+ vector<ErrorSurface> esv;
+ string last_key, line, key, val;
+ while(getline(cin, line)) {
+ size_t ks = line.find("\t");
+ assert(string::npos != ks);
+ assert(ks > 2);
+ key = line.substr(2, ks - 2);
+ val = line.substr(ks + 1);
+ if (key != last_key) {
+ if (!last_key.empty()) {
+ float score;
+ double x = LineOptimizer::LineOptimize(metric, esv, opt_type, &score);
+ cout << last_key << "|" << x << "|" << score << endl;
+ }
+ last_key.swap(key);
+ esv.clear();
+ }
+ if (val.size() % 4 != 0) {
+ cerr << "B64 encoding error 1! Skipping.\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ string encoded(val.size() / 4 * 3, '\0');
+ if (!B64::b64decode(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&val[0]), val.size(), &encoded[0], encoded.size())) {
+ cerr << "B64 encoding error 2! Skipping.\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ esv.push_back(ErrorSurface());
+ esv.back().Deserialize(encoded);
+ }
+ if (!esv.empty()) {
+ float score;
+ double x = LineOptimizer::LineOptimize(metric, esv, opt_type, &score);
+ cout << last_key << "|" << x << "|" << score << endl;
+ }
+ return 0;