path: root/training/
diff options
authorChris Dyer <>2012-11-18 13:35:42 -0500
committerChris Dyer <>2012-11-18 13:35:42 -0500
commit1b8181bf0d6e9137e6b9ccdbe414aec37377a1a9 (patch)
tree33e5f3aa5abff1f41314cf8f6afbd2c2c40e4bfd /training/
parent7c4665949fb93fb3de402e4ce1d19bef67850d05 (diff)
major restructure of the training code
Diffstat (limited to 'training/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
deleted file mode 100644
index 087efec3..00000000
--- a/training/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-#include "candidate_set.h"
-#include <tr1/unordered_set>
-#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
-#include "verbose.h"
-#include "ns.h"
-#include "filelib.h"
-#include "wordid.h"
-#include "tdict.h"
-#include "hg.h"
-#include "kbest.h"
-#include "viterbi.h"
-using namespace std;
-namespace training {
-struct ApproxVectorHasher {
- static const size_t MASK = 0xFFFFFFFFull;
- union UType {
- double f; // leave as double
- size_t i;
- };
- static inline double round(const double x) {
- UType t;
- t.f = x;
- size_t r = t.i & MASK;
- if ((r << 1) > MASK)
- t.i += MASK - r + 1;
- else
- t.i &= (1ull - MASK);
- return t.f;
- }
- size_t operator()(const SparseVector<double>& x) const {
- size_t h = 0x573915839;
- for (SparseVector<double>::const_iterator it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it) {
- UType t;
- t.f = it->second;
- if (t.f) {
- size_t z = (t.i >> 32);
- boost::hash_combine(h, it->first);
- boost::hash_combine(h, z);
- }
- }
- return h;
- }
-struct ApproxVectorEquals {
- bool operator()(const SparseVector<double>& a, const SparseVector<double>& b) const {
- SparseVector<double>::const_iterator bit = b.begin();
- for (SparseVector<double>::const_iterator ait = a.begin(); ait != a.end(); ++ait) {
- if (bit == b.end() ||
- ait->first != bit->first ||
- ApproxVectorHasher::round(ait->second) != ApproxVectorHasher::round(bit->second))
- return false;
- ++bit;
- }
- if (bit != b.end()) return false;
- return true;
- }
-struct CandidateCompare {
- bool operator()(const Candidate& a, const Candidate& b) const {
- ApproxVectorEquals eq;
- return (a.ewords == b.ewords && eq(a.fmap,b.fmap));
- }
-struct CandidateHasher {
- size_t operator()(const Candidate& x) const {
- boost::hash<vector<WordID> > hhasher;
- ApproxVectorHasher vhasher;
- size_t ha = hhasher(x.ewords);
- boost::hash_combine(ha, vhasher(x.fmap));
- return ha;
- }
-static void ParseSparseVector(string& line, size_t cur, SparseVector<double>* out) {
- SparseVector<double>& x = *out;
- size_t last_start = cur;
- size_t last_comma = string::npos;
- while(cur <= line.size()) {
- if (line[cur] == ' ' || cur == line.size()) {
- if (!(cur > last_start && last_comma != string::npos && cur > last_comma)) {
- cerr << "[ERROR] " << line << endl << " position = " << cur << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- const int fid = FD::Convert(line.substr(last_start, last_comma - last_start));
- if (cur < line.size()) line[cur] = 0;
- const double val = strtod(&line[last_comma + 1], NULL);
- x.set_value(fid, val);
- last_comma = string::npos;
- last_start = cur+1;
- } else {
- if (line[cur] == '=')
- last_comma = cur;
- }
- ++cur;
- }
-void CandidateSet::WriteToFile(const string& file) const {
- WriteFile wf(file);
- ostream& out = *;
- out.precision(10);
- string ss;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < cs.size(); ++i) {
- out << TD::GetString(cs[i].ewords) << endl;
- out << cs[i].fmap << endl;
- cs[i].eval_feats.Encode(&ss);
- out << ss << endl;
- }
-void CandidateSet::ReadFromFile(const string& file) {
- if(!SILENT) cerr << "Reading candidates from " << file << endl;
- ReadFile rf(file);
- istream& in = *;
- string cand;
- string feats;
- string ss;
- while(getline(in, cand)) {
- getline(in, feats);
- getline(in, ss);
- assert(in);
- cs.push_back(Candidate());
- TD::ConvertSentence(cand, &cs.back().ewords);
- ParseSparseVector(feats, 0, &cs.back().fmap);
- cs.back().eval_feats = SufficientStats(ss);
- }
- if(!SILENT) cerr << " read " << cs.size() << " candidates\n";
-void CandidateSet::Dedup() {
- if(!SILENT) cerr << "Dedup in=" << cs.size();
- tr1::unordered_set<Candidate, CandidateHasher, CandidateCompare> u;
- while(cs.size() > 0) {
- u.insert(cs.back());
- cs.pop_back();
- }
- tr1::unordered_set<Candidate, CandidateHasher, CandidateCompare>::iterator it = u.begin();
- while (it != u.end()) {
- cs.push_back(*it);
- it = u.erase(it);
- }
- if(!SILENT) cerr << " out=" << cs.size() << endl;
-void CandidateSet::AddKBestCandidates(const Hypergraph& hg, size_t kbest_size, const SegmentEvaluator* scorer) {
- KBest::KBestDerivations<vector<WordID>, ESentenceTraversal> kbest(hg, kbest_size);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < kbest_size; ++i) {
- const KBest::KBestDerivations<vector<WordID>, ESentenceTraversal>::Derivation* d =
- kbest.LazyKthBest(hg.nodes_.size() - 1, i);
- if (!d) break;
- cs.push_back(Candidate(d->yield, d->feature_values));
- if (scorer)
- scorer->Evaluate(d->yield, &cs.back().eval_feats);
- }
- Dedup();