path: root/jam-files/boost-build/tools/doxygen.jam
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authorKenneth Heafield <>2012-05-12 14:01:52 -0400
committerKenneth Heafield <>2012-05-12 14:01:52 -0400
commit3faecf9a00512dcbc8712c4bca9adae72fb64410 (patch)
tree9761b50d12f81a675fb7cbc663ceebad15079f78 /jam-files/boost-build/tools/doxygen.jam
parentc806a8fff63043f63773874986301f2822a2b552 (diff)
Give in and copy bjam into cdec source code
Diffstat (limited to 'jam-files/boost-build/tools/doxygen.jam')
1 files changed, 776 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jam-files/boost-build/tools/doxygen.jam b/jam-files/boost-build/tools/doxygen.jam
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8394848d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jam-files/boost-build/tools/doxygen.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+# Copyright 2003, 2004 Douglas Gregor
+# Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Vladimir Prus
+# Copyright 2006 Rene Rivera
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
+# This module defines rules to handle generation of various outputs from source
+# files documented with doxygen comments. The supported transformations are:
+# * Source -> Doxygen XML -> BoostBook XML
+# * Source -> Doxygen HTML
+# The type of transformation is selected based on the target requested. For
+# BoostBook XML, the default, specifying a target with an ".xml" suffix, or an
+# empty suffix, will produce a <target>.xml and <target>.boostbook. For Doxygen
+# HTML specifying a target with an ".html" suffix will produce a directory
+# <target> with the Doxygen html files, and a <target>.html file redirecting to
+# that directory.
+import "class" : new ;
+import targets ;
+import feature ;
+import property ;
+import generators ;
+import boostbook ;
+import type ;
+import path ;
+import print ;
+import regex ;
+import stage ;
+import project ;
+import xsltproc ;
+import make ;
+import os ;
+import toolset : flags ;
+import alias ;
+import common ;
+import modules ;
+import project ;
+import utility ;
+import errors ;
+# Use to specify extra configuration paramters. These get translated
+# into a doxyfile which configures the building of the docs.
+feature.feature doxygen:param : : free ;
+# Specify the "<xsl:param>boost.doxygen.header.prefix" XSLT option.
+feature.feature prefix : : free ;
+# Specify the "<xsl:param>boost.doxygen.reftitle" XSLT option.
+feature.feature reftitle : : free ;
+# Which processor to use for various translations from Doxygen.
+feature.feature doxygen.processor : xsltproc doxproc : propagated implicit ;
+# To generate, or not, index sections.
+feature.feature doxygen.doxproc.index : no yes : propagated incidental ;
+# The ID for the resulting BoostBook reference section.
+feature.feature : : free ;
+# The title for the resulting BoostBook reference section.
+feature.feature doxygen.doxproc.title : : free ;
+# Location for images when generating XML
+feature.feature doxygen:xml-imagedir : : free ;
+# Indicates whether the entire directory should be deleted
+feature.feature doxygen.rmdir : off on : optional incidental ;
+# Doxygen configuration input file.
+type.register DOXYFILE : doxyfile ;
+# Doxygen XML multi-file output.
+type.register DOXYGEN_XML_MULTIFILE : xml-dir : XML ;
+# Doxygen XML coallesed output.
+type.register DOXYGEN_XML : doxygen : XML ;
+# Doxygen HTML multifile directory.
+type.register DOXYGEN_HTML_MULTIFILE : html-dir : HTML ;
+# Redirection HTML file to HTML multifile directory.
+type.register DOXYGEN_HTML : : HTML ;
+type.register DOXYGEN_XML_IMAGES : doxygen-xml-images ;
+# Initialize the Doxygen module. Parameters are:
+# name: the name of the 'doxygen' executable. If not specified, the name
+# 'doxygen' will be used
+rule init ( name ? )
+ if ! $(.initialized)
+ {
+ .initialized = true ;
+ .doxproc = [ modules.binding $(__name__) ] ;
+ .doxproc = $(.doxproc:D)/ ;
+ generators.register-composing doxygen.headers-to-doxyfile
+ generators.register-standard
+ generators.register-standard doxygen.xml-dir-to-boostbook
+ : DOXYGEN_XML_MULTIFILE : BOOSTBOOK : <doxygen.processor>doxproc ;
+ generators.register-standard doxygen.xml-to-boostbook
+ : DOXYGEN_XML : BOOSTBOOK : <doxygen.processor>xsltproc ;
+ generators.register-standard doxygen.collect
+ generators.register-standard
+ generators.register-standard doxygen.html-redirect
+ generators.register-standard doxygen.copy-latex-pngs
+ IMPORT $(__name__) : doxygen : : doxygen ;
+ }
+ if $(name)
+ {
+ modify-config ;
+ .doxygen = $(name) ;
+ check-doxygen ;
+ }
+ if ! $(.doxygen)
+ {
+ check-doxygen ;
+ }
+rule freeze-config ( )
+ if ! $(.initialized)
+ {
+ errors.user-error "doxygen must be initialized before it can be used." ;
+ }
+ if ! $(.config-frozen)
+ {
+ .config-frozen = true ;
+ if [ .is-cygwin ]
+ {
+ .is-cygwin = true ;
+ }
+ }
+rule modify-config ( )
+ if $(.config-frozen)
+ {
+ errors.user-error "Cannot change doxygen after it has been used." ;
+ }
+rule check-doxygen ( )
+ if --debug-configuration in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
+ {
+ ECHO "notice:" using doxygen ":" $(.doxygen) ;
+ }
+ local extra-paths ;
+ if [ ] = NT
+ {
+ local ProgramFiles = [ modules.peek : ProgramFiles ] ;
+ if $(ProgramFiles)
+ {
+ extra-paths = "$(ProgramFiles:J= )" ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ extra-paths = "C:\\Program Files" ;
+ }
+ }
+ .doxygen = [ common.get-invocation-command doxygen :
+ doxygen : $(.doxygen) : $(extra-paths) ] ;
+rule name ( )
+ freeze-config ;
+ return $(.doxygen) ;
+rule .is-cygwin ( )
+ if [ os.on-windows ]
+ {
+ local file = [ path.make [ modules.binding $(__name__) ] ] ;
+ local dir = [ path.native
+ [ path.join [ path.parent $(file) ] doxygen ] ] ;
+ local command =
+ "cd \"$(dir)\" && \"$(.doxygen)\" windows-paths-check.doxyfile 2>&1" ;
+ result = [ SHELL $(command) ] ;
+ if [ MATCH "(Parsing file /)" : $(result) ]
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+ }
+# Runs Doxygen on the given Doxygen configuration file (the source) to generate
+# the Doxygen files. The output is dumped according to the settings in the
+# Doxygen configuration file, not according to the target! Because of this, we
+# essentially "touch" the target file, in effect making it look like we have
+# really written something useful to it. Anyone that uses this action must deal
+# with this behavior.
+actions doxygen-action
+ $(RM) "$(*.XML)" & "$(NAME:E=doxygen)" "$(>)" && echo "Stamped" > "$(<)"
+# Runs the Python doxproc XML processor.
+actions doxproc
+ python "$(DOXPROC)" "--xmldir=$(>)" "--output=$(<)" "$(OPTIONS)" "--id=$(ID)" "--title=$(TITLE)"
+rule translate-path ( path )
+ freeze-config ;
+ if [ os.on-windows ]
+ {
+ if [ ] = CYGWIN
+ {
+ if $(.is-cygwin)
+ {
+ return $(path) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $(path:W) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if $(.is-cygwin)
+ {
+ match = [ MATCH ^(.):(.*) : $(path) ] ;
+ if $(match)
+ {
+ return /cygdrive/$(match[1])$(match[2]:T) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $(path:T) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $(path) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $(path) ;
+ }
+# Generates a doxygen configuration file (doxyfile) given a set of C++ sources
+# and a property list that may contain <doxygen:param> features.
+rule headers-to-doxyfile ( target : sources * : properties * )
+ local text "# Generated by Boost.Build version 2" ;
+ local output-dir ;
+ # Translate <doxygen:param> into command line flags.
+ for local param in [ feature.get-values <doxygen:param> : $(properties) ]
+ {
+ local namevalue = [ regex.match ([^=]*)=(.*) : $(param) ] ;
+ if $(namevalue[1]) = OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
+ {
+ output-dir = [ translate-path
+ [ utility.unquote $(namevalue[2]) ] ] ;
+ text += "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = \"$(output-dir)\"" ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ text += "$(namevalue[1]) = $(namevalue[2])" ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ! $(output-dir)
+ {
+ output-dir = [ translate-path [ on $(target) return $(LOCATE) ] ] ;
+ text += "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = \"$(output-dir)\"" ;
+ }
+ local headers = ;
+ for local header in $(sources:G=)
+ {
+ header = [ translate-path $(header) ] ;
+ headers += \"$(header)\" ;
+ }
+ # Doxygen generates LaTex by default. So disable it unconditionally, or at
+ # least until someone needs, and hence writes support for, LaTex output.
+ text += "GENERATE_LATEX = NO" ;
+ text += "INPUT = $(headers:J= )" ;
+ print.output $(target) plain ;
+ print.text $(text) : true ;
+# Run Doxygen. See doxygen-action for a description of the strange properties of
+# this rule.
+rule run ( target : source : properties * )
+ freeze-config ;
+ if <doxygen.rmdir>on in $(properties)
+ {
+ local output-dir =
+ [ path.make
+ [ MATCH <doxygen:param>OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=\"?([^\"]*) :
+ $(properties) ] ] ;
+ local html-dir =
+ [ path.make
+ [ MATCH <doxygen:param>HTML_OUTPUT=(.*) :
+ $(properties) ] ] ;
+ if $(output-dir) && $(html-dir) &&
+ [ path.glob $(output-dir) : $(html-dir) ]
+ {
+ HTMLDIR on $(target) =
+ [ path.native [ path.join $(output-dir) $(html-dir) ] ] ;
+ rm-htmldir $(target) ;
+ }
+ }
+ doxygen-action $(target) : $(source) ;
+ NAME on $(target) = $(.doxygen) ;
+ RM on $(target) = [ modules.peek common : RM ] ;
+ *.XML on $(target) =
+ [ path.native
+ [ path.join
+ [ path.make [ on $(target) return $(LOCATE) ] ]
+ $(target:B:S=)
+ *.xml ] ] ;
+if [ ] = NT
+ RMDIR = rmdir /s /q ;
+ RMDIR = rm -rf ;
+actions quietly rm-htmldir
+# The rules below require Boost.Book stylesheets, so we need some code to check
+# that the boostbook module has actualy been initialized.
+rule check-boostbook ( )
+ if ! [ modules.peek boostbook : .initialized ]
+ {
+ ECHO "error: the boostbook module is not initialized" ;
+ ECHO "error: you've attempted to use the 'doxygen' toolset, " ;
+ ECHO "error: which requires Boost.Book," ;
+ ECHO "error: but never initialized Boost.Book." ;
+ EXIT "error: Hint: add 'using boostbook ;' to your user-config.jam" ;
+ }
+# Collect the set of Doxygen XML files into a single XML source file that can be
+# handled by an XSLT processor. The source is completely ignored (see
+# doxygen-action), because this action picks up the Doxygen XML index file
+# xml/index.xml. This is because we can not teach Doxygen to act like a NORMAL
+# program and take a "-o output.xml" argument (grrrr). The target of the
+# collection will be a single Doxygen XML file.
+rule collect ( target : source : properties * )
+ check-boostbook ;
+ local collect-xsl-dir
+ = [ path.native [ path.join [ boostbook.xsl-dir ] doxygen collect ] ] ;
+ local source-path
+ = [ path.make [ on $(source) return $(LOCATE) ] ] ;
+ local collect-path
+ = [ path.root [ path.join $(source-path) $(source:B) ] [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+ local native-path
+ = [ path.native $(collect-path) ] ;
+ local real-source
+ = [ path.native [ path.join $(collect-path) index.xml ] ] ;
+ xsltproc.xslt $(target) : $(real-source) $(collect-xsl-dir:S=.xsl)
+ : <xsl:param>doxygen.xml.path=$(native-path) ;
+# Translate Doxygen XML into BoostBook.
+rule xml-to-boostbook ( target : source : properties * )
+ check-boostbook ;
+ local xsl-dir = [ boostbook.xsl-dir ] ;
+ local d2b-xsl = [ path.native [ path.join [ boostbook.xsl-dir ] doxygen
+ doxygen2boostbook.xsl ] ] ;
+ local xslt-properties = $(properties) ;
+ for local prefix in [ feature.get-values <prefix> : $(properties) ]
+ {
+ xslt-properties += "<xsl:param>boost.doxygen.header.prefix=$(prefix)" ;
+ }
+ for local title in [ feature.get-values <reftitle> : $(properties) ]
+ {
+ xslt-properties += "<xsl:param>boost.doxygen.reftitle=$(title)" ;
+ }
+ xsltproc.xslt $(target) : $(source) $(d2b-xsl) : $(xslt-properties) ;
+flags doxygen.xml-dir-to-boostbook OPTIONS <doxygen.doxproc.index>yes : --enable-index ;
+flags doxygen.xml-dir-to-boostbook ID <> ;
+flags doxygen.xml-dir-to-boostbook TITLE <doxygen.doxproc.title> ;
+rule xml-dir-to-boostbook ( target : source : properties * )
+ DOXPROC on $(target) = $(.doxproc) ;
+ LOCATE on $(source:S=) = [ on $(source) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
+ doxygen.doxproc $(target) : $(source:S=) ;
+# Generate the HTML redirect to HTML dir index.html file.
+rule html-redirect ( target : source : properties * )
+ local uri = "$(target:B)/index.html" ;
+ print.output $(target) plain ;
+ print.text
+"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"
+ \"\">
+<html xmlns=\"\">
+ <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL=$(uri)\" />
+ <title></title>
+ Automatic redirection failed, please go to <a href=
+ \"$(uri)\">$(uri)</a>.
+ : true ;
+rule copy-latex-pngs ( target : source : requirements * )
+ local directory = [ path.native
+ [ feature.get-values <doxygen:xml-imagedir> :
+ $(requirements) ] ] ;
+ local location = [ on $(target) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
+ local pdf-location =
+ [ path.native
+ [ path.join
+ [ path.make $(location) ]
+ [ path.make $(directory) ] ] ] ;
+ local html-location =
+ [ path.native
+ [ path.join
+ .
+ html
+ [ path.make $(directory) ] ] ] ;
+ common.MkDir $(pdf-location) ;
+ common.MkDir $(html-location) ;
+ DEPENDS $(target) : $(pdf-location) $(html-location) ;
+ if [ ] = NT
+ {
+ CP on $(target) = copy /y ;
+ FROM on $(target) = \\*.png ;
+ TOHTML on $(target) = .\\html\\$(directory) ;
+ TOPDF on $(target) = \\$(directory) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CP on $(target) = cp ;
+ FROM on $(target) = /*.png ;
+ TOHTML on $(target) = ./html/$(directory) ;
+ TOPDF on $(target) = $(target:D)/$(directory) ;
+ }
+actions copy-latex-pngs
+ $(CP) $(>:S=)$(FROM) $(TOHTML)
+ $(CP) $(>:S=)$(FROM) $(<:D)$(TOPDF)
+ echo "Stamped" > "$(<)"
+# building latex images for doxygen XML depends
+# on latex, dvips, and ps being in your PATH.
+# This is true for most Unix installs, but
+# not on Win32, where you will need to install
+# MkTex and Ghostscript and add these tools
+# to your path.
+actions check-latex
+ latex -version >$(<)
+actions check-dvips
+ dvips -version >$(<)
+if [ ] = "NT"
+ actions check-gs
+ {
+ gswin32c -version >$(<)
+ }
+ actions check-gs
+ {
+ gs -version >$(<)
+ }
+rule check-tools ( )
+ if ! $(.check-tools-targets)
+ {
+ # Find the root project.
+ local root-project = [ project.current ] ;
+ root-project = [ $(root-project).project-module ] ;
+ while
+ [ project.attribute $(root-project) parent-module ] &&
+ [ project.attribute $(root-project) parent-module ] != user-config
+ {
+ root-project =
+ [ project.attribute $(root-project) parent-module ] ;
+ }
+ .latex.check = [ new file-target latex.check
+ :
+ : [ $(root-project) ]
+ : [ new action : doxygen.check-latex ]
+ :
+ ] ;
+ .dvips.check = [ new file-target dvips.check
+ :
+ : [ $(root-project) ]
+ : [ new action : doxygen.check-dvips ]
+ :
+ ] ;
+ .gs.check = [ new file-target gs.check
+ :
+ : [ $(root-project) ]
+ : [ new action : doxygen.check-gs ]
+ :
+ ] ;
+ .check-tools-targets = $(.latex.check) $(.dvips.check) $(.gs.check) ;
+ }
+ return $(.check-tools-targets) ;
+project.initialize $(__name__) ;
+project doxygen ;
+class doxygen-check-tools-target-class : basic-target
+ import doxygen ;
+ rule construct ( name : sources * : property-set )
+ {
+ return [ property-set.empty ] [ doxygen.check-tools ] ;
+ }
+local project = [ project.current ] ;
+ [ new doxygen-check-tools-target-class check-tools : $(project)
+ : [ targets.main-target-sources : check-tools : no-renaming ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-usage-requirements : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+# User-level rule to generate BoostBook XML from a set of headers via Doxygen.
+rule doxygen ( target : sources * : requirements * : default-build * : usage-requirements * )
+ freeze-config ;
+ local project = [ project.current ] ;
+ if $(target:S) = .html
+ {
+ # Build an HTML directory from the sources.
+ local html-location = [ feature.get-values <location> : $(requirements) ] ;
+ local output-dir ;
+ if [ $(project).get build-dir ]
+ {
+ # Explicitly specified build dir. Add html at the end.
+ output-dir = [ path.join [ $(project).build-dir ] $(html-location:E=html) ] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Trim 'bin' from implicit build dir, for no other reason that backward
+ # compatibility.
+ output-dir = [ path.join [ path.parent [ $(project).build-dir ] ]
+ $(html-location:E=html) ] ;
+ }
+ output-dir = [ path.root $(output-dir) [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+ local output-dir-native = [ path.native $(output-dir) ] ;
+ requirements = [ property.change $(requirements) : <location> ] ;
+ ## The doxygen configuration file.
+ targets.main-target-alternative
+ [ new typed-target $(target:S=.tag) : $(project) : DOXYFILE
+ : [ targets.main-target-sources $(sources) : $(target:S=.tag) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements)
+ <doxygen:param>GENERATE_HTML=YES
+ <doxygen:param>GENERATE_XML=NO
+ <doxygen:param>"OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=\"$(output-dir-native)\""
+ <doxygen:param>HTML_OUTPUT=$(target:B)
+ : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+ $(project).mark-target-as-explicit $(target:S=.tag) ;
+ ## The html directory to generate by running doxygen.
+ targets.main-target-alternative
+ [ new typed-target $(target:S=.dir) : $(project) : DOXYGEN_HTML_MULTIFILE
+ : $(target:S=.tag)
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements)
+ <doxygen:param>"OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=\"$(output-dir-native)\""
+ <doxygen:param>HTML_OUTPUT=$(target:B)
+ : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+ $(project).mark-target-as-explicit $(target:S=.dir) ;
+ ## The redirect html file into the generated html.
+ targets.main-target-alternative
+ [ new typed-target $(target) : $(project) : DOXYGEN_HTML
+ : $(target:S=.dir)
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements)
+ <location>$(output-dir)
+ : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Build a BoostBook XML file from the sources.
+ local location-xml = [ feature.get-values <location> : $(requirements) ] ;
+ requirements = [ property.change $(requirements) : <location> ] ;
+ local target-xml = $(target:B=$(target:B)-xml) ;
+ # Check whether we need to build images
+ local images-location =
+ [ feature.get-values <doxygen:xml-imagedir> : $(requirements) ] ;
+ if $(images-location)
+ {
+ doxygen $(target).doxygen-xml-images.html : $(sources)
+ : $(requirements)
+ <doxygen.rmdir>on
+ <doxygen:param>QUIET=YES
+ <doxygen:param>WARNINGS=NO
+ <doxygen:param>WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED=NO
+ <dependency>/doxygen//check-tools ;
+ $(project).mark-target-as-explicit
+ $(target).doxygen-xml-images.html ;
+ targets.main-target-alternative
+ [ new typed-target $(target).doxygen-xml-images
+ : $(project) : DOXYGEN_XML_IMAGES
+ : $(target).doxygen-xml-images.html
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements)
+ : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build)
+ : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+ $(project).mark-target-as-explicit
+ $(target).doxygen-xml-images ;
+ if ! [ regex.match "^(.*/)$" : $(images-location) ]
+ {
+ images-location = $(images-location)/ ;
+ }
+ requirements +=
+ <dependency>$(target).doxygen-xml-images
+ <xsl:param>boost.doxygen.formuladir=$(images-location) ;
+ }
+ ## The doxygen configuration file.
+ targets.main-target-alternative
+ [ new typed-target $(target-xml:S=.tag) : $(project) : DOXYFILE
+ : [ targets.main-target-sources $(sources) : $(target-xml:S=.tag) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements)
+ <doxygen:param>GENERATE_HTML=NO
+ <doxygen:param>GENERATE_XML=YES
+ <doxygen:param>XML_OUTPUT=$(target-xml)
+ : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+ $(project).mark-target-as-explicit $(target-xml:S=.tag) ;
+ ## The Doxygen XML directory of the processed source files.
+ targets.main-target-alternative
+ [ new typed-target $(target-xml:S=.dir) : $(project) : DOXYGEN_XML_MULTIFILE
+ : $(target-xml:S=.tag)
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements)
+ : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+ $(project).mark-target-as-explicit $(target-xml:S=.dir) ;
+ ## The resulting BoostBook file is generated by the processor tool. The
+ ## tool can be either the xsltproc plus accompanying XSL scripts. Or it
+ ## can be the python script.
+ targets.main-target-alternative
+ [ new typed-target $(target-xml) : $(project) : BOOSTBOOK
+ : $(target-xml:S=.dir)
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements)
+ : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+ $(project).mark-target-as-explicit $(target-xml) ;
+ targets.main-target-alternative
+ [ new install-target-class $(target:S=.xml) : $(project)
+ : $(target-xml)
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements)
+ <location>$(location-xml:E=.)
+ <name>$(target:S=.xml)
+ : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+ $(project).mark-target-as-explicit $(target:S=.xml) ;
+ targets.main-target-alternative
+ [ new alias-target-class $(target) : $(project)
+ :
+ : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements)
+ : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
+ : [ targets.main-target-usage-requirements $(usage-requirements)
+ <dependency>$(target:S=.xml)
+ : $(project) ]
+ ] ;
+ }