path: root/gi/pyp-topics/scripts/
diff options
mode: <>2010-06-22 20:34:00 +0000 <>2010-06-22 20:34:00 +0000
commit2f2ba42a1453f4a3a08f9c1ecfc53c1b1c83d550 (patch)
tree646e81b6325280f64a72771b5eeadf5118e465a9 /gi/pyp-topics/scripts/
parent2f2e36ca3060e7e9853c3d611f6cc5e112a76ddd (diff)
Initial ci of gi dir
git-svn-id: ec762483-ff6d-05da-a07a-a48fb63a330f
Diffstat (limited to 'gi/pyp-topics/scripts/')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gi/pyp-topics/scripts/ b/gi/pyp-topics/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b2723f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gi/pyp-topics/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import sys,collections
+def extract_backoff(context_list, order):
+ assert len(context_list) == (2*order)
+ backoffs = []
+ for i in range(1,order+1):
+ if i == order:
+ backoffs.append(([context_list[i-1]+"|"], ["|"+context_list[i]]))
+ else:
+ right_limit = 2*order-i
+ core = context_list[i:right_limit]
+ left = [context_list[i-1]+"|"*(order-i+1)]
+ right = ["|"*(order-i+1)+context_list[right_limit]]
+ backoffs.append((core, left, right))
+# print context_list, backoffs
+ return backoffs
+def tuple_to_str(t):
+ s=""
+ for i,x in enumerate(t):
+ if i > 0: s += "|"
+ s += str(x)
+ return s
+if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ print "Usage: output_filename order cutoff lowercase"
+ exit(1)
+output_filename = sys.argv[1]
+order = int(sys.argv[2])
+cutoff = 0
+if len(sys.argv) > 3:
+ cutoff = int(sys.argv[3])
+lowercase = False
+if len(sys.argv) > 4:
+ lowercase = bool(sys.argv[4])
+contexts_at_order = [i for i in range(order+1)]
+prefix = ["<s%d>|<s>"%i for i in range(order)]
+suffix = ["</s%d>|</s>"%i for i in range(order)]
+for line in sys.stdin:
+ tokens = list(prefix)
+ tokens.extend(line.split())
+ tokens.extend(suffix)
+ if lowercase:
+ tokens = map(lambda x: x.lower(), tokens)
+ for i in range(order, len(tokens)-order):
+ context_list = []
+ term=""
+ for j in range(i-order, i+order+1):
+ token,tag = tokens[j].rsplit('|',2)
+ if j != i:
+ context_list.append(token)
+ else:
+ if token not in token_dict:
+ token_dict[token] = len(token_dict)
+ token_list.append(token)
+ term = token_dict[token]
+ context = tuple_to_str(tuple(context_list))
+ if context not in contexts_dict:
+ context_index = len(contexts_dict)
+ contexts_dict[context] = context_index
+ contexts_list.append(context)
+ contexts_at_order[0] += 1
+ # handle backoff
+ backoff_contexts = extract_backoff(context_list, order)
+ bo_indexes=[(context_index,)]
+# bo_indexes=[(context,)]
+ for i,bo in enumerate(backoff_contexts):
+ factor_indexes=[]
+ for factor in bo:
+ bo_tuple = tuple_to_str(tuple(factor))
+ if bo_tuple not in contexts_dict:
+ contexts_dict[bo_tuple] = len(contexts_dict)
+ contexts_list.append(bo_tuple)
+ contexts_at_order[i+1] += 1
+# factor_indexes.append(bo_tuple)
+ factor_indexes.append(contexts_dict[bo_tuple])
+ bo_indexes.append(tuple(factor_indexes))
+ for i in range(len(bo_indexes)-1):
+ contexts_backoff[bo_indexes[i][0]] = bo_indexes[i+1]
+ context_index = contexts_dict[context]
+ contexts_freq[context_index] += 1
+ if context_index not in documents_dict[term]:
+ documents_dict[term][context_index] = 1
+ else:
+ documents_dict[term][context_index] += 1
+term_file = open(output_filename+".terms",'w')
+for t in token_list: print >>term_file, t
+contexts_file = open(output_filename+".contexts",'w')
+for c in contexts_list:
+ print >>contexts_file, c
+data_file = open(output_filename+".data",'w')
+for t in range(len(token_list)):
+ line=""
+ num_active=0
+ for c in documents_dict[t]:
+ count = documents_dict[t][c]
+ if contexts_freq[c] >= cutoff:
+ line += (' ' + str(c) + ':' + str(count))
+ num_active += 1
+ if num_active > 0:
+ print >>data_file, "%d%s" % (num_active,line)
+contexts_backoff_file = open(output_filename+".contexts_backoff",'w')
+print >>contexts_backoff_file, len(contexts_list), order,
+#for x in contexts_at_order:
+# print >>contexts_backoff_file, x,
+#print >>contexts_backoff_file
+for x in range(order-1):
+ print >>contexts_backoff_file, 3,
+print >>contexts_backoff_file, 2
+for x in contexts_backoff:
+ print >>contexts_backoff_file, x,
+ for y in contexts_backoff[x]: print >>contexts_backoff_file, y,
+ print >>contexts_backoff_file