diff options
authorWu, Ke <>2014-10-07 17:12:32 -0400
committerWu, Ke <>2014-10-07 17:12:32 -0400
commitf762dbbf10a8204d0d0b82e9acb29feacd3b3bb4 (patch)
parentd88186af251ecae60974b20395ce75807bfdda35 (diff)
Import synutils
17 files changed, 4436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/synutils/ b/utils/synutils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f87f1f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+bin_PROGRAMS = const_reorder_model_trainer
+const_reorder_model_trainer_SOURCES =
+const_reorder_model_trainer_LDADD = libfeature.a maxent-3.0/libtsuruoka_maxent.a -lgfortran
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libfeature.a
+libfeature_a_SOURCES = \
+ alignment.h \
+ srl_sentence.h \
+ tree.h \
+ utility.h \
+ argument_reorder_model.h \
+ tsuruoka_maxent.h
+AM_CPPFLAGS = -W -Wall -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/utils -I$(top_srcdir)/synutils/maxent-3.0
diff --git a/utils/synutils/alignment.h b/utils/synutils/alignment.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8fe1993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/alignment.h
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * alignment.h
+ *
+ * Created on: May 23, 2013
+ * Author: lijunhui
+ */
+#ifndef ALIGNMENT_H_
+#define ALIGNMENT_H_
+#include <string>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "stringlib.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * Note:
+ * m_vec_s_align.size() may not be equal to the length of source side sentence
+ * due to the last words may not be aligned
+ *
+ */
+struct SAlignment {
+ typedef vector<int> SingleAlign;
+ SAlignment(const char* pszAlign) {
+ fnInitializeAlignment(pszAlign);
+ }
+ ~SAlignment() {
+ }
+ bool fnIsAligned(int i, bool s) const {
+ const vector<SingleAlign>* palign;
+ if (s == true)
+ palign = &m_vec_s_align;
+ else
+ palign = &m_vec_t_align;
+ if ((*palign)[i].size() == 0)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * return true if [b, e] is aligned phrases on source side (if s==true) or on the target side (if s==false);
+ * return false, otherwise.
+ */
+ bool fnIsAlignedPhrase(int b, int e, bool s, int *pob, int *poe) const {
+ int ob, oe; //[b, e] on the other side
+ if (s == true)
+ fnGetLeftRightMost(b, e, m_vec_s_align, ob, oe);
+ else
+ fnGetLeftRightMost(b, e, m_vec_t_align, ob, oe);
+ if (ob == -1) {
+ if (pob != NULL) (*pob) = -1;
+ if (poe != NULL) (*poe) = -1;
+ return false; //no aligned word among [b, e]
+ }
+ if (pob != NULL) (*pob) = ob;
+ if (poe != NULL) (*poe) = oe;
+ int bb, be; //[b, e] back given [ob, oe] on the other side
+ if (s == true)
+ fnGetLeftRightMost(ob, oe, m_vec_t_align, bb, be);
+ else
+ fnGetLeftRightMost(ob, oe, m_vec_s_align, bb, be);
+ if (bb < b || be > e)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool fnIsAlignedTightPhrase(int b, int e, bool s, int *pob, int *poe) const {
+ const vector<SingleAlign>* palign;
+ if (s == true)
+ palign = &m_vec_s_align;
+ else
+ palign = &m_vec_t_align;
+ if ((*palign).size() <= e || (*palign)[b].size() == 0 || (*palign)[e].size() == 0)
+ return false;
+ return fnIsAlignedPhrase(b, e, s, pob, poe);
+ }
+ void fnGetLeftRightMost(int b, int e, bool s, int& ob, int& oe) const {
+ if (s == true)
+ fnGetLeftRightMost(b, e, m_vec_s_align, ob, oe);
+ else
+ fnGetLeftRightMost(b, e, m_vec_t_align, ob, oe);
+ }
+ /*
+ * look the translation of source[b, e] is continuous or not
+ * 1) return "Unaligned": if the source[b, e] is translated silently;
+ * 2) return "Con't": if none of target words in target[.., ..] is exclusively aligned to any word outside source[b, e]
+ * 3) return "Discon't": otherwise;
+ */
+ string fnIsContinuous(int b, int e) const {
+ int ob, oe;
+ fnGetLeftRightMost(b, e, true, ob, oe);
+ if (ob == -1) return "Unaligned";
+ for (int i = ob; i <= oe; i++) {
+ if (!fnIsAligned(i, false)) continue;
+ const SingleAlign& a = m_vec_t_align[i];
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < a.size(); j++)
+ if (a[j] >= b && a[j] <= e) break;
+ if (j == a.size()) return "Discon't";
+ }
+ return "Con't";
+ }
+ const SingleAlign* fnGetSingleWordAlign(int i, bool s) const {
+ if (s == true) {
+ if (i >= m_vec_s_align.size())
+ return NULL;
+ return &(m_vec_s_align[i]);
+ } else {
+ if (i >= m_vec_t_align.size())
+ return NULL;
+ return &(m_vec_t_align[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ void fnGetLeftRightMost(int b, int e, const vector<SingleAlign>& align, int& ob, int& oe) const {
+ ob = oe = -1;
+ for (int i = b; i <= e && i < align.size(); i++) {
+ if (align[i].size() > 0) {
+ if (align[i][0] < ob || ob == -1)
+ ob = align[i][0];
+ if (oe < align[i][align[i].size() - 1])
+ oe = align[i][align[i].size() - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void fnInitializeAlignment(const char* pszAlign) {
+ m_vec_s_align.clear();
+ m_vec_t_align.clear();
+ vector<string> terms = SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszAlign));
+ int si, ti;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) {
+ sscanf(terms[i].c_str(), "%d-%d", &si, &ti);
+ while (m_vec_s_align.size() <= si) {
+ SingleAlign sa;
+ m_vec_s_align.push_back(sa);
+ }
+ while (m_vec_t_align.size() <= ti) {
+ SingleAlign sa;
+ m_vec_t_align.push_back(sa);
+ }
+ m_vec_s_align[si].push_back(ti);
+ m_vec_t_align[ti].push_back(si);
+ }
+ //sort
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vec_s_align.size(); i++) {
+ std::sort(m_vec_s_align[i].begin(), m_vec_s_align[i].end());
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vec_t_align.size(); i++) {
+ std::sort(m_vec_t_align[i].begin(), m_vec_t_align[i].end());
+ }
+ }
+ vector<SingleAlign> m_vec_s_align; //source side words' alignment
+ vector<SingleAlign> m_vec_t_align; //target side words' alignment
+struct SAlignmentReader {
+ SAlignmentReader(const char *pszFname) {
+ m_fpIn = fopen(pszFname, "r");
+ assert(m_fpIn != NULL);
+ }
+ ~SAlignmentReader() {
+ if (m_fpIn != NULL)
+ fclose(m_fpIn);
+ }
+ SAlignment* fnReadNextAlignment() {
+ if (feof(m_fpIn) == true)
+ return NULL;
+ char *pszLine = new char[100001];
+ pszLine[0] = '\0';
+ fgets(pszLine, 10001, m_fpIn);
+ int iLen = strlen(pszLine);
+ if (iLen == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ while (iLen > 0 && pszLine[iLen - 1] > 0 && pszLine[iLen -1] < 33) {
+ pszLine[ iLen - 1 ] = '\0';
+ iLen--;
+ }
+ SAlignment *pAlign = new SAlignment(pszLine);
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ return pAlign;
+ }
+ FILE *m_fpIn;
+#endif /* ALIGNMENT_H_ */
diff --git a/utils/synutils/ b/utils/synutils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e30ee971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Created on: Dec 15, 2013
+ * Author: lijunhui
+ */
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "argument_reorder_model.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+#include "tsuruoka_maxent.h"
+inline void fnPreparingTrainingdata(const char* pszFName, int iCutoff, const char* pszNewFName) {
+ SFReader *pFReader = new STxtFileReader(pszFName);
+ char *pszLine = new char[ 100001 ];
+ int iLen;
+ Map hashPredicate;
+ while (pFReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, &iLen)) {
+ if (iLen == 0)
+ continue;
+ vector<string> vecTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecTerms);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecTerms.size() - 1; i++) {
+ Iterator iter = hashPredicate.find(vecTerms[i]);
+ if (iter == hashPredicate.end()) {
+ hashPredicate[vecTerms[i]] = 1;
+ } else {
+ iter->second++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete pFReader;
+ pFReader = new STxtFileReader(pszFName);
+ FILE *fpOut = fopen(pszNewFName, "w");
+ while (pFReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, &iLen)) {
+ if (iLen == 0)
+ continue;
+ vector<string> vecTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecTerms);
+ ostringstream ostr;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecTerms.size() - 1; i++) {
+ Iterator iter = hashPredicate.find(vecTerms[i]);
+ assert(iter != hashPredicate.end());
+ if (iter->second >= iCutoff) {
+ ostr << vecTerms[i] << " ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (ostr.str().length() > 0) {
+ ostr << vecTerms[vecTerms.size() - 1];
+ fprintf(fpOut, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fpOut);
+ delete pFReader;
+ delete [] pszLine;
+struct SArgumentReorderTrainer{
+ SArgumentReorderTrainer(const char* pszSRLFname, //source-side srl tree file name
+ const char* pszAlignFname, //alignment filename
+ const char* pszSourceFname, //source file name
+ const char* pszTargetFname, //target file name
+ const char* pszTopPredicateFname, //target file name
+ const char* pszInstanceFname, //training instance file name
+ const char* pszModelFname, //classifier model file name
+ int iCutoff) {
+ fnGenerateInstanceFiles(pszSRLFname, pszAlignFname, pszSourceFname, pszTargetFname, pszTopPredicateFname, pszInstanceFname);
+ string strInstanceFname, strModelFname;
+ strInstanceFname = string(pszInstanceFname) + string(".left");
+ strModelFname = string(pszModelFname) + string(".left");
+ fnTraining(strInstanceFname.c_str(), strModelFname.c_str(), iCutoff);
+ strInstanceFname = string(pszInstanceFname) + string(".right");
+ strModelFname = string(pszModelFname) + string(".right");
+ fnTraining(strInstanceFname.c_str(), strModelFname.c_str(), iCutoff);
+ }
+ ~SArgumentReorderTrainer() {
+ }
+ void fnTraining(const char* pszInstanceFname, const char* pszModelFname, int iCutoff) {
+ char *pszNewInstanceFName = new char[strlen(pszInstanceFname) + 50];
+ if (iCutoff > 0) {
+ sprintf(pszNewInstanceFName, "%s.tmp", pszInstanceFname);
+ fnPreparingTrainingdata(pszInstanceFname, iCutoff, pszNewInstanceFName);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(pszNewInstanceFName, pszInstanceFname);
+ }
+ Tsuruoka_Maxent *pMaxent = new Tsuruoka_Maxent(NULL);
+ pMaxent->fnTrain(pszNewInstanceFName, "l1", pszModelFname, 300);
+ delete pMaxent;
+ if (strcmp(pszNewInstanceFName, pszInstanceFname) != 0) {
+ sprintf(pszNewInstanceFName, "rm %s.tmp", pszInstanceFname);
+ system(pszNewInstanceFName);
+ }
+ delete [] pszNewInstanceFName;
+ }
+ void fnGenerateInstanceFiles(const char* pszSRLFname, //source-side flattened parse tree file name
+ const char* pszAlignFname, //alignment filename
+ const char* pszSourceFname, //source file name
+ const char* pszTargetFname, //target file name
+ const char* pszTopPredicateFname, //top predicate file name (we only consider predicates with 100+ occurrences
+ const char* pszInstanceFname //training instance file name
+ ) {
+ SAlignmentReader *pAlignReader = new SAlignmentReader(pszAlignFname);
+ SSrlSentenceReader *pSRLReader = new SSrlSentenceReader(pszSRLFname);
+ STxtFileReader *pTxtSReader = new STxtFileReader(pszSourceFname);
+ STxtFileReader *pTxtTReader = new STxtFileReader(pszTargetFname);
+ Map *pMapPredicate;
+ if (pszTopPredicateFname != NULL)
+ pMapPredicate = fnLoadTopPredicates(pszTopPredicateFname);
+ else
+ pMapPredicate = NULL;
+ char *pszLine = new char[50001];
+ FILE *fpLeftOut, *fpRightOut;
+ sprintf(pszLine, "%s.left", pszInstanceFname);
+ fpLeftOut = fopen(pszLine, "w");
+ sprintf(pszLine, "%s.right", pszInstanceFname);
+ fpRightOut = fopen(pszLine, "w");
+ //read sentence by sentence
+ SAlignment *pAlign;
+ SSrlSentence *pSRL;
+ SParsedTree *pTree;
+ int iSentNum = 0;
+ while ((pAlign = pAlignReader->fnReadNextAlignment()) != NULL) {
+ pSRL = pSRLReader->fnReadNextSrlSentence();
+ assert(pSRL != NULL);
+ pTree = pSRL->m_pTree;
+ assert(pTxtSReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL));
+ vector<string> vecSTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecSTerms);
+ assert(pTxtTReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL));
+ vector<string> vecTTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecTTerms);
+ //vecTPOSTerms.size() == 0, given the case when an english sentence fails parsing
+ if (pTree != NULL) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pSRL->m_vecPred.size(); i++) {
+ SPredicate *pPred = pSRL->m_vecPred[i];
+ if (strcmp(pTree->m_vecTerminals[pPred->m_iPosition]->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm, "VA") == 0) continue;
+ string strPred = string(pTree->m_vecTerminals[pPred->m_iPosition]->m_pszTerm);
+ if (pMapPredicate != NULL) {
+ Map::iterator iter_map = pMapPredicate->find(strPred);
+ if (pMapPredicate != NULL && iter_map == pMapPredicate->end())
+ continue;
+ }
+ SPredicateItem *pPredItem = new SPredicateItem(pTree, pPred);
+ vector<string> vecStrBlock;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < pPredItem->vec_items_.size(); j++) {
+ SSRLItem *pItem1 = pPredItem->vec_items_[j];
+ vecStrBlock.push_back(SArgumentReorderModel::fnGetBlockOutcome(pItem1->tree_item_->m_iBegin, pItem1->tree_item_->m_iEnd, pAlign));
+ }
+ vector<string> vecStrLeftReorderType;
+ vector<string> vecStrRightReorderType;
+ SArgumentReorderModel::fnGetReorderType(pPredItem, pAlign, vecStrLeftReorderType, vecStrRightReorderType);
+ for (int j = 1; j < pPredItem->vec_items_.size(); j++) {
+ string strLeftOutcome, strRightOutcome;
+ strLeftOutcome = vecStrLeftReorderType[j - 1];
+ strRightOutcome = vecStrRightReorderType[j - 1];
+ ostringstream ostr;
+ SArgumentReorderModel::fnGenerateFeature(pTree, pPred, pPredItem, j, vecStrBlock[j - 1], vecStrBlock[j], ostr);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strOutcome.c_str());
+ //fprintf(fpOut, "sentid=%d %s %s\n", iSentNum, ostr.str().c_str(), strOutcome.c_str());
+ fprintf(fpLeftOut, "%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strLeftOutcome.c_str());
+ fprintf(fpRightOut, "%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strRightOutcome.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete pSRL;
+ delete pAlign;
+ iSentNum++;
+ if (iSentNum % 100000 == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "#%d\n", iSentNum);
+ }
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ fclose(fpLeftOut);
+ fclose(fpRightOut);
+ delete pAlignReader;
+ delete pSRLReader;
+ delete pTxtSReader;
+ delete pTxtTReader;
+ }
+ Map* fnLoadTopPredicates(const char* pszTopPredicateFname) {
+ if (pszTopPredicateFname == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ Map* pMapPredicate = new Map();
+ STxtFileReader *pReader = new STxtFileReader(pszTopPredicateFname);
+ char *pszLine = new char[50001];
+ int iNumCount = 0;
+ while (pReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL)) {
+ if (pszLine[0] == '#')
+ continue;
+ char *p = strchr(pszLine, ' ');
+ assert(p != NULL);
+ p[0] = '\0';
+ p++;
+ int iCount = atoi(p);
+ if (iCount < 100)
+ break;
+ (*pMapPredicate)[string(pszLine)] = iNumCount++;
+ }
+ delete pReader;
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ return pMapPredicate;
+ }
+namespace po = boost::program_options;
+inline void print_options(std::ostream &out,po::options_description const& opts) {
+ typedef std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<po::option_description> > Ds;
+ Ds const& ds=opts.options();
+ out << '"';
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<ds.size();++i) {
+ if (i) out<<' ';
+ out<<"--"<<ds[i]->long_name();
+ }
+ out << '"\n';
+inline string str(char const* name,po::variables_map const& conf) {
+ return conf[name].as<string>();
+//--srl_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-align/ --align_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-align/ --source_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-align/ --target_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-align/gale-align.nw.en --instance_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-align/gale-align.nw.argreorder.instance --model_prefix /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-align/gale-align.nw.argreorder.model --feature_cutoff 2
+//--srl_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-ctb/ --align_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-ctb/gale-ctb.align --source_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-ctb/ --target_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-ctb/gale-ctb.en0 --instance_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-ctb/gale-ctb.argreorder.instance --model_prefix /scratch0/mt_exp/gale-ctb/gale-ctb.argreorder.model --feature_cutoff 2
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ po::options_description opts("Configuration options");
+ opts.add_options()
+ ("srl_file",po::value<string>(),"srl file path (input)")
+ ("align_file",po::value<string>(),"Alignment file path (input)")
+ ("source_file",po::value<string>(),"Source text file path (input)")
+ ("target_file",po::value<string>(),"Target text file path (input)")
+ ("instance_file",po::value<string>(),"Instance file path (output)")
+ ("model_prefix",po::value<string>(),"Model file path prefix (output): three files will be generated")
+ ("feature_cutoff",po::value<int>()->default_value(100),"Feature cutoff threshold")
+ ("help", "produce help message");
+ po::variables_map vm;
+ if (argc) {
+ po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts), vm);
+ po::notify(vm);
+ }
+ if (vm.count("help")) {
+ print_options(cout, opts);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!vm.count("srl_file")
+ || !vm.count("align_file")
+ || !vm.count("source_file")
+ || !vm.count("target_file")
+ || !vm.count("instance_file")
+ || !vm.count("model_prefix")
+ ) {
+ print_options(cout, opts);
+ if (!vm.count("parse_file")) cout << "--parse_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("align_file")) cout << "--align_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("source_file")) cout << "--source_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("target_file")) cout << "--target_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("instance_file")) cout << "--instance_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("model_prefix")) cout << "--model_prefix NOT FOUND\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ SArgumentReorderTrainer *pTrainer = new SArgumentReorderTrainer(str("srl_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("align_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("source_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("target_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("instance_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("model_prefix", vm).c_str(),
+ vm["feature_cutoff"].as<int>());
+ delete pTrainer;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/utils/synutils/argument_reorder_model.h b/utils/synutils/argument_reorder_model.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b553b34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/argument_reorder_model.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * argument_reorder_model.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Dec 15, 2013
+ * Author: lijunhui
+ */
+#include "alignment.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "srl_sentence.h"
+//an argument item or a predicate item (the verb itself)
+struct SSRLItem{
+ SSRLItem(const STreeItem *tree_item, string role):
+ tree_item_(tree_item),
+ role_(role) {
+ }
+ ~SSRLItem() {
+ }
+ const STreeItem *tree_item_;
+ const string role_;
+struct SPredicateItem{
+ SPredicateItem(const SParsedTree *tree, const SPredicate *pred):
+ pred_(pred) {
+ vec_items_.reserve(pred->m_vecArgt.size() + 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < pred->m_vecArgt.size(); i++) {
+ vec_items_.push_back(new SSRLItem(pred->m_vecArgt[i]->m_pTreeItem, string(pred->m_vecArgt[i]->m_pszRole)));
+ }
+ vec_items_.push_back(new SSRLItem(tree->m_vecTerminals[pred->m_iPosition]->m_ptParent, string("Pred")));
+ sort(vec_items_.begin(), vec_items_.end(), SortFunction);
+ begin_ = vec_items_[0]->tree_item_->m_iBegin;
+ end_ = vec_items_[vec_items_.size() - 1]->tree_item_->m_iEnd;
+ }
+ ~SPredicateItem() {
+ vec_items_.clear();
+ }
+ static bool SortFunction (SSRLItem *i, SSRLItem* j) { return (i->tree_item_->m_iBegin < j->tree_item_->m_iBegin); }
+ vector<SSRLItem*> vec_items_;
+ int begin_;
+ int end_;
+ const SPredicate *pred_;
+struct SArgumentReorderModel {
+ static string fnGetBlockOutcome(int iBegin, int iEnd, SAlignment *pAlign) {
+ return pAlign->fnIsContinuous(iBegin, iEnd);
+ }
+ static void fnGetReorderType(SPredicateItem *pPredItem, SAlignment *pAlign, vector<string>& vecStrLeftReorder, vector<string>& vecStrRightReorder) {
+ vector<int> vecLeft, vecRight;
+ for (int i = 0; i < pPredItem->vec_items_.size(); i++) {
+ const STreeItem *pCon1 = pPredItem->vec_items_[i]->tree_item_;
+ int iLeft1, iRight1;
+ pAlign->fnGetLeftRightMost(pCon1->m_iBegin, pCon1->m_iEnd, true, iLeft1, iRight1);
+ vecLeft.push_back(iLeft1);
+ vecRight.push_back(iRight1);
+ }
+ vector<int> vecLeftPosition;
+ fnGetRelativePosition(vecLeft, vecLeftPosition);
+ vector<int> vecRightPosition;
+ fnGetRelativePosition(vecRight, vecRightPosition);
+ vecStrLeftReorder.clear();
+ vecStrRightReorder.clear();
+ for (int i = 1; i < vecLeftPosition.size(); i++) {
+ string strOutcome;
+ fnGetOutcome(vecLeftPosition[i - 1], vecLeftPosition[i], strOutcome);
+ vecStrLeftReorder.push_back(strOutcome);
+ fnGetOutcome(vecRightPosition[i - 1], vecRightPosition[i], strOutcome);
+ vecStrRightReorder.push_back(strOutcome);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * features:
+ * f1: (left_label, right_label, parent_label)
+ * f2: (left_label, right_label, parent_label, other_right_sibling_label)
+ * f3: (left_label, right_label, parent_label, other_left_sibling_label)
+ * f4: (left_label, right_label, left_head_pos)
+ * f5: (left_label, right_label, left_head_word)
+ * f6: (left_label, right_label, right_head_pos)
+ * f7: (left_label, right_label, right_head_word)
+ * f8: (left_label, right_label, left_chunk_status)
+ * f9: (left_label, right_label, right_chunk_status)
+ * f10: (left_label, parent_label)
+ * f11: (right_label, parent_label)
+ *
+ * f1: (left_role, right_role, predicate_term)
+ * f2: (left_role, right_role, predicate_term, other_right_role)
+ * f3: (left_role, right_role, predicate_term, other_left_role)
+ * f4: (left_role, right_role, left_head_pos)
+ * f5: (left_role, right_role, left_head_word)
+ * f6: (left_role, right_role, left_syntactic_label)
+ * f7: (left_role, right_role, right_head_pos)
+ * f8: (left_role, right_role, right_head_word)
+ * f8: (left_role, right_role, right_syntactic_label)
+ * f8: (left_role, right_role, left_chunk_status)
+ * f9: (left_role, right_role, right_chunk_status)
+ * f10: (left_role, right_role, left_chunk_status)
+ * f11: (left_role, right_role, right_chunk_status)
+ * f12: (left_label, parent_label)
+ * f13: (right_label, parent_label)
+ */
+ static void fnGenerateFeature(const SParsedTree *pTree, const SPredicate *pPred, const SPredicateItem *pPredItem, int iPos, const string& strBlock1, const string& strBlock2, ostringstream& ostr) {
+ SSRLItem *pSRLItem1 = pPredItem->vec_items_[iPos - 1];
+ SSRLItem *pSRLItem2 = pPredItem->vec_items_[iPos];
+ const STreeItem *pCon1 = pSRLItem1->tree_item_;
+ const STreeItem *pCon2 = pSRLItem2->tree_item_;
+ string left_role = pSRLItem1->role_;
+ string right_role = pSRLItem2->role_;
+ string predicate_term = pTree->m_vecTerminals[pPred->m_iPosition]->m_pszTerm;
+ vector<string> vec_other_right_sibling;
+ for (int i = iPos + 1; i < pPredItem->vec_items_.size(); i++)
+ vec_other_right_sibling.push_back(string(pPredItem->vec_items_[i]->role_));
+ if (vec_other_right_sibling.size() == 0)
+ vec_other_right_sibling.push_back(string("NULL"));
+ vector<string> vec_other_left_sibling;
+ for (int i = 0; i < iPos - 1; i++)
+ vec_other_right_sibling.push_back(string(pPredItem->vec_items_[i]->role_));
+ if (vec_other_left_sibling.size() == 0)
+ vec_other_left_sibling.push_back(string("NULL"));
+ //generate features
+ //f1
+ ostr << "f1=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << predicate_term;
+ ostr << "f1=" << left_role << "_" << right_role;
+ //f2
+ for (int i = 0; i < vec_other_right_sibling.size(); i++) {
+ ostr << " f2=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << predicate_term << "_" << vec_other_right_sibling[i];
+ ostr << " f2=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << vec_other_right_sibling[i];
+ }
+ //f3
+ for (int i = 0; i < vec_other_left_sibling.size(); i++) {
+ ostr << " f3=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << predicate_term << "_" << vec_other_left_sibling[i];
+ ostr << " f3=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << vec_other_left_sibling[i];
+ }
+ //f4
+ ostr << " f4=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon1->m_iHeadWord]->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm;
+ //f5
+ ostr << " f5=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon1->m_iHeadWord]->m_pszTerm;
+ //f6
+ ostr << " f6=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << pCon2->m_pszTerm;
+ //f7
+ ostr << " f7=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon2->m_iHeadWord]->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm;
+ //f8
+ ostr << " f8=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon2->m_iHeadWord]->m_pszTerm;
+ //f9
+ ostr << " f9=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << pCon2->m_pszTerm;
+ //f10
+ ostr << " f10=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << strBlock1;
+ //f11
+ ostr << " f11=" << left_role << "_" << right_role << "_" << strBlock2;
+ //f12
+ ostr << " f12=" << left_role << "_" << predicate_term;
+ ostr << " f12=" << left_role;
+ //f13
+ ostr << " f13=" << right_role << "_" << predicate_term;
+ ostr << " f13=" << right_role;
+ }
+ static void fnGetOutcome(int i1, int i2, string& strOutcome) {
+ assert(i1 != i2);
+ if (i1 < i2) {
+ if (i2 > i1 + 1) strOutcome = string("DM");
+ else strOutcome = string("M");
+ } else {
+ if (i1 > i2 + 1) strOutcome = string("DS");
+ else strOutcome = string("S");
+ }
+ }
+ static void fnGetRelativePosition(const vector<int>& vecLeft, vector<int>& vecPosition) {
+ vecPosition.clear();
+ vector<float> vec;
+ for (int i = 0; i < vecLeft.size(); i++) {
+ if (vecLeft[i] == -1) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ vec.push_back(-1);
+ else
+ vec.push_back(vecLeft[i-1] + 0.1);
+ } else
+ vec.push_back(vecLeft[i]);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < vecLeft.size(); i++) {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < vecLeft.size(); j++) {
+ if ( j == i) continue;
+ if (vec[j] < vec[i]) {
+ count++;
+ } else if (vec[j] == vec[i] && j < i) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ vecPosition.push_back(count);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/utils/synutils/ b/utils/synutils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..485c9667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Created on: Jul 10, 2013
+ * Author: junhuili
+ */
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include "alignment.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+#include "tsuruoka_maxent.h"
+#include <tr1/unordered_map>
+using namespace std;
+typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, int> Map;
+typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, int>::iterator Iterator;
+namespace po = boost::program_options;
+inline void fnPreparingTrainingdata(const char* pszFName, int iCutoff, const char* pszNewFName) {
+ SFReader *pFReader = new STxtFileReader(pszFName);
+ char *pszLine = new char[ 100001 ];
+ int iLen;
+ Map hashPredicate;
+ while (pFReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, &iLen)) {
+ if (iLen == 0)
+ continue;
+ vector<string> vecTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecTerms);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecTerms.size() - 1; i++) {
+ Iterator iter = hashPredicate.find(vecTerms[i]);
+ if (iter == hashPredicate.end()) {
+ hashPredicate[vecTerms[i]] = 1;
+ } else {
+ iter->second++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete pFReader;
+ pFReader = new STxtFileReader(pszFName);
+ FILE *fpOut = fopen(pszNewFName, "w");
+ while (pFReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, &iLen)) {
+ if (iLen == 0)
+ continue;
+ vector<string> vecTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecTerms);
+ ostringstream ostr;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecTerms.size() - 1; i++) {
+ Iterator iter = hashPredicate.find(vecTerms[i]);
+ assert(iter != hashPredicate.end());
+ if (iter->second >= iCutoff) {
+ ostr << vecTerms[i] << " ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (ostr.str().length() > 0) {
+ ostr << vecTerms[vecTerms.size() - 1];
+ fprintf(fpOut, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fpOut);
+ delete pFReader;
+ delete [] pszLine;
+struct SConstReorderTrainer{
+ SConstReorderTrainer(const char* pszSynFname, //source-side flattened parse tree file name
+ const char* pszAlignFname, //alignment filename
+ const char* pszSourceFname, //source file name
+ const char* pszTargetFname, //target file name
+ const char* pszInstanceFname, //training instance file name
+ const char* pszModelPrefix, //classifier model file name prefix
+ int iClassifierType, //classifier type
+ int iCutoff, //feature count threshold
+ const char* pszOption //other classifier parameters (for svmlight)
+ ) {
+ fnGenerateInstanceFile(pszSynFname, pszAlignFname, pszSourceFname, pszTargetFname, pszInstanceFname);
+ string strInstanceLeftFname = string(pszInstanceFname) + string(".left");
+ string strInstanceRightFname = string(pszInstanceFname) + string(".right");
+ string strModelLeftFname = string(pszModelPrefix) + string(".left");
+ string strModelRightFname = string(pszModelPrefix) + string(".right");
+ fprintf(stdout, "...Training the left ordering model\n");
+ fnTraining(strInstanceLeftFname.c_str(), strModelLeftFname.c_str(), iCutoff);
+ fprintf(stdout, "...Training the right ordering model\n");
+ fnTraining(strInstanceRightFname.c_str(), strModelRightFname.c_str(), iCutoff);
+ }
+ ~SConstReorderTrainer() {
+ }
+ void fnTraining(const char* pszInstanceFname, const char* pszModelFname, int iCutoff) {
+ char *pszNewInstanceFName = new char[strlen(pszInstanceFname) + 50];
+ if (iCutoff > 0) {
+ sprintf(pszNewInstanceFName, "%s.tmp", pszInstanceFname);
+ fnPreparingTrainingdata(pszInstanceFname, iCutoff, pszNewInstanceFName);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(pszNewInstanceFName, pszInstanceFname);
+ }
+ /*Zhangle_Maxent *pZhangleMaxent = new Zhangle_Maxent(NULL);
+ pZhangleMaxent->fnTrain(pszInstanceFname, "lbfgs", pszModelFname, 100, 2.0);
+ delete pZhangleMaxent;*/
+ Tsuruoka_Maxent *pMaxent = new Tsuruoka_Maxent(NULL);
+ pMaxent->fnTrain(pszNewInstanceFName, "l1", pszModelFname, 300);
+ delete pMaxent;
+ if (strcmp(pszNewInstanceFName, pszInstanceFname) != 0) {
+ sprintf(pszNewInstanceFName, "rm %s.tmp", pszInstanceFname);
+ system(pszNewInstanceFName);
+ }
+ delete [] pszNewInstanceFName;
+ }
+ inline bool fnIsVerbPOS(const char* pszTerm) {
+ if (strcmp(pszTerm, "VV") == 0
+ || strcmp(pszTerm, "VA") == 0
+ || strcmp(pszTerm, "VC") == 0
+ || strcmp(pszTerm, "VE") == 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline void fnGetOutcome(int iL1, int iR1, int iL2, int iR2, const SAlignment *pAlign, string& strOutcome) {
+ if (iL1 == -1 && iL2 == -1)
+ strOutcome = "BU"; //1. both are untranslated
+ else if (iL1 == -1)
+ strOutcome = "1U"; //2. XP1 is untranslated
+ else if (iL2 == -1)
+ strOutcome = "2U"; //3. XP2 is untranslated
+ else if (iL1 == iL2 && iR2 == iR2)
+ strOutcome = "SS"; //4. Have same scope
+ else if (iL1 <= iL2 && iR1 >= iR2)
+ strOutcome = "1C2"; //5. XP1's translation covers XP2's
+ else if (iL1 >= iL2 && iR1 <= iR2)
+ strOutcome = "2C1"; //6. XP2's translation covers XP1's
+ else if (iR1 < iL2) {
+ int i = iR1 + 1;
+ /*while (i < iL2) {
+ if (pAlign->fnIsAligned(i, false))
+ break;
+ i++;
+ }*/
+ if (i == iL2)
+ strOutcome = "M"; //7. Monotone
+ else
+ strOutcome = "DM"; //8. Discontinuous monotone
+ } else if (iL1 < iL2 && iL2 <= iR1 && iR1 < iR2)
+ strOutcome = "OM"; //9. Overlap monotone
+ else if (iR2 < iL1) {
+ int i = iR2 + 1;
+ /*while (i < iL1) {
+ if (pAlign->fnIsAligned(i, false))
+ break;
+ i++;
+ }*/
+ if (i == iL1)
+ strOutcome = "S"; //10. Swap
+ else
+ strOutcome = "DS"; //11. Discontinuous swap
+ } else if (iL2 < iL1 && iL1 <= iR2 && iR2 < iR1)
+ strOutcome = "OS"; //12. Overlap swap
+ else
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ inline void fnGetOutcome(int i1, int i2, string& strOutcome) {
+ assert(i1 != i2);
+ if (i1 < i2) {
+ if (i2 > i1 + 1) strOutcome = string("DM");
+ else strOutcome = string("M");
+ } else {
+ if (i1 > i2 + 1) strOutcome = string("DS");
+ else strOutcome = string("S");
+ }
+ }
+ inline void fnGetRelativePosition(const vector<int>& vecLeft, vector<int>& vecPosition) {
+ vecPosition.clear();
+ vector<float> vec;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecLeft.size(); i++) {
+ if (vecLeft[i] == -1) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ vec.push_back(-1);
+ else
+ vec.push_back(vecLeft[i-1] + 0.1);
+ } else
+ vec.push_back(vecLeft[i]);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecLeft.size(); i++) {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < vecLeft.size(); j++) {
+ if ( j == i) continue;
+ if (vec[j] < vec[i]) {
+ count++;
+ } else if (vec[j] == vec[i] && j < i) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ vecPosition.push_back(count);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * features:
+ * f1: (left_label, right_label, parent_label)
+ * f2: (left_label, right_label, parent_label, other_right_sibling_label)
+ * f3: (left_label, right_label, parent_label, other_left_sibling_label)
+ * f4: (left_label, right_label, left_head_pos)
+ * f5: (left_label, right_label, left_head_word)
+ * f6: (left_label, right_label, right_head_pos)
+ * f7: (left_label, right_label, right_head_word)
+ * f8: (left_label, right_label, left_chunk_status)
+ * f9: (left_label, right_label, right_chunk_status)
+ * f10: (left_label, parent_label)
+ * f11: (right_label, parent_label)
+ */
+ void fnGenerateInstance(const SParsedTree *pTree, const STreeItem *pParent, int iPos, const vector<string>& vecChunkStatus, const vector<int>& vecPosition, const vector<string>& vecSTerms, const vector<string>& vecTTerms, string& strOutcome, ostringstream& ostr) {
+ STreeItem *pCon1, *pCon2;
+ pCon1 = pParent->m_vecChildren[iPos - 1];
+ pCon2 = pParent->m_vecChildren[iPos];
+ fnGetOutcome(vecPosition[iPos-1], vecPosition[iPos], strOutcome);
+ string left_label = string(pCon1->m_pszTerm);
+ string right_label = string(pCon2->m_pszTerm);
+ string parent_label = string(pParent->m_pszTerm);
+ vector<string> vec_other_right_sibling;
+ for (int i = iPos + 1; i < pParent->m_vecChildren.size(); i++)
+ vec_other_right_sibling.push_back(string(pParent->m_vecChildren[i]->m_pszTerm));
+ if (vec_other_right_sibling.size() == 0)
+ vec_other_right_sibling.push_back(string("NULL"));
+ vector<string> vec_other_left_sibling;
+ for (int i = 0; i < iPos - 1; i++)
+ vec_other_left_sibling.push_back(string(pParent->m_vecChildren[i]->m_pszTerm));
+ if (vec_other_left_sibling.size() == 0)
+ vec_other_left_sibling.push_back(string("NULL"));
+ //generate features
+ //f1
+ ostr << "f1=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << parent_label;
+ //f2
+ for (int i = 0; i < vec_other_right_sibling.size(); i++)
+ ostr << " f2=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << parent_label << "_" << vec_other_right_sibling[i];
+ //f3
+ for (int i = 0; i < vec_other_left_sibling.size(); i++)
+ ostr << " f3=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << parent_label << "_" << vec_other_left_sibling[i];
+ //f4
+ ostr << " f4=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon1->m_iHeadWord]->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm;
+ //f5
+ ostr << " f5=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << vecSTerms[pCon1->m_iHeadWord];
+ //f6
+ ostr << " f6=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon2->m_iHeadWord]->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm;
+ //f7
+ ostr << " f7=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << vecSTerms[pCon2->m_iHeadWord];
+ //f8
+ ostr << " f8=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << vecChunkStatus[iPos - 1];
+ //f9
+ ostr << " f9=" << left_label << "_" << right_label << "_" << vecChunkStatus[iPos];
+ //f10
+ ostr << " f10=" << left_label << "_" << parent_label;
+ //f11
+ ostr << " f11=" << right_label << "_" << parent_label;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Source side (11 features):
+ * f1: the categories of XP1 and XP2 (f1_1, f1_2)
+ * f2: the head words of XP1 and XP2 (f2_1, f2_2)
+ * f3: the first and last word of XP1 (f3_f, f3_l)
+ * f4: the first and last word of XP2 (f4_f, f4_l)
+ * f5: is XP1 or XP2 the head node (f5_1, f5_2)
+ * f6: the category of the common parent
+ * Target side (6 features):
+ * f7: the first and the last word of XP1's translation (f7_f, f7_l)
+ * f8: the first and the last word of XP2's translation (f8_f, f8_l)
+ * f9: the translation of XP1's and XP2's head word (f9_1, f9_2)
+ */
+ void fnGenerateInstance(const SParsedTree *pTree, const STreeItem *pParent, const STreeItem *pCon1, const STreeItem *pCon2, const SAlignment *pAlign, const vector<string>& vecSTerms, const vector<string>& vecTTerms, string& strOutcome, ostringstream& ostr) {
+ int iLeft1, iRight1, iLeft2, iRight2;
+ pAlign->fnGetLeftRightMost(pCon1->m_iBegin, pCon1->m_iEnd, true, iLeft1, iRight1);
+ pAlign->fnGetLeftRightMost(pCon2->m_iBegin, pCon2->m_iEnd, true, iLeft2, iRight2);
+ fnGetOutcome(iLeft1, iRight1, iLeft2, iRight2, pAlign, strOutcome);
+ //generate features
+ //f1
+ ostr << "f1_1=" << pCon1->m_pszTerm << " f1_2=" << pCon2->m_pszTerm;
+ //f2
+ ostr << " f2_1=" << vecSTerms[pCon1->m_iHeadWord] << " f2_2" << vecSTerms[pCon2->m_iHeadWord];
+ //f3
+ ostr << " f3_f=" << vecSTerms[pCon1->m_iBegin] << " f3_l=" << vecSTerms[pCon1->m_iEnd];
+ //f4
+ ostr << " f4_f=" << vecSTerms[pCon2->m_iBegin] << " f4_l=" << vecSTerms[pCon2->m_iEnd];
+ //f5
+ if (pParent->m_iHeadChild == pCon1->m_iBrotherIndex)
+ ostr << " f5_1=1";
+ else
+ ostr << " f5_1=0";
+ if (pParent->m_iHeadChild == pCon2->m_iBrotherIndex)
+ ostr << " f5_2=1";
+ else
+ ostr << " f5_2=0";
+ //f6
+ ostr << " f6=" << pParent->m_pszTerm;
+ /*//f7
+ if (iLeft1 != -1) {
+ ostr << " f7_f=" << vecTTerms[iLeft1] << " f7_l=" << vecTTerms[iRight1];
+ }
+ if (iLeft2 != -1) {
+ ostr << " f8_f=" << vecTTerms[iLeft2] << " f8_l=" << vecTTerms[iRight2];
+ }
+ const vector<int>* pvecTarget = pAlign->fnGetSingleWordAlign(pCon1->m_iHeadWord, true);
+ string str = "";
+ for (size_t i = 0; pvecTarget != NULL && i < pvecTarget->size(); i++) {
+ str += vecTTerms[(*pvecTarget)[i]] + "_";
+ }
+ if (str.length() > 0) {
+ ostr << " f9_1=" << str.substr(0, str.size()-1);
+ }
+ pvecTarget = pAlign->fnGetSingleWordAlign(pCon2->m_iHeadWord, true);
+ str = "";
+ for (size_t i = 0; pvecTarget != NULL && i < pvecTarget->size(); i++) {
+ str += vecTTerms[(*pvecTarget)[i]] + "_";
+ }
+ if (str.length() > 0) {
+ ostr << " f9_2=" << str.substr(0, str.size()-1);
+ } */
+ }
+ void fnGetFocusedParentNodes(const SParsedTree* pTree, vector<STreeItem*>& vecFocused){
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pTree->m_vecTerminals.size(); i++) {
+ STreeItem *pParent = pTree->m_vecTerminals[i]->m_ptParent;
+ while (pParent != NULL) {
+ //if (pParent->m_vecChildren.size() > 1 && pParent->m_iEnd - pParent->m_iBegin > 5) {
+ if (pParent->m_vecChildren.size() > 1) {
+ //do constituent reordering for all children of pParent
+ vecFocused.push_back(pParent);
+ }
+ if (pParent->m_iBrotherIndex != 0) break;
+ pParent = pParent->m_ptParent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void fnGenerateInstanceFile(const char* pszSynFname, //source-side flattened parse tree file name
+ const char* pszAlignFname, //alignment filename
+ const char* pszSourceFname, //source file name
+ const char* pszTargetFname, //target file name
+ const char* pszInstanceFname //training instance file name
+ ) {
+ SAlignmentReader *pAlignReader = new SAlignmentReader(pszAlignFname);
+ SParseReader *pParseReader = new SParseReader(pszSynFname, false);
+ STxtFileReader *pTxtSReader = new STxtFileReader(pszSourceFname);
+ STxtFileReader *pTxtTReader = new STxtFileReader(pszTargetFname);
+ string strInstanceLeftFname = string(pszInstanceFname) + string(".left");
+ string strInstanceRightFname = string(pszInstanceFname) + string(".right");
+ FILE *fpLeftOut = fopen(strInstanceLeftFname.c_str(), "w");
+ assert(fpLeftOut != NULL);
+ FILE *fpRightOut = fopen(strInstanceRightFname.c_str(), "w");
+ assert(fpRightOut != NULL);
+ //read sentence by sentence
+ SAlignment *pAlign;
+ SParsedTree *pTree;
+ char *pszLine = new char[50001];
+ int iSentNum = 0;
+ while ((pAlign = pAlignReader->fnReadNextAlignment()) != NULL) {
+ pTree = pParseReader->fnReadNextParseTree();
+ assert(pTxtSReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL));
+ vector<string> vecSTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecSTerms);
+ assert(pTxtTReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL));
+ vector<string> vecTTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecTTerms);
+ if (pTree != NULL) {
+ vector<STreeItem*> vecFocused;
+ fnGetFocusedParentNodes(pTree, vecFocused);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecFocused.size(); i++) {
+ STreeItem *pParent = vecFocused[i];
+ vector<int> vecLeft, vecRight;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < pParent->m_vecChildren.size(); j++) {
+ STreeItem *pCon1 = pParent->m_vecChildren[j];
+ int iLeft1, iRight1;
+ pAlign->fnGetLeftRightMost(pCon1->m_iBegin, pCon1->m_iEnd, true, iLeft1, iRight1);
+ vecLeft.push_back(iLeft1);
+ vecRight.push_back(iRight1);
+ }
+ vector<int> vecLeftPosition;
+ fnGetRelativePosition(vecLeft, vecLeftPosition);
+ vector<int> vecRightPosition;
+ fnGetRelativePosition(vecRight, vecRightPosition);
+ vector<string> vecChunkStatus;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < pParent->m_vecChildren.size(); j++) {
+ string strOutcome = pAlign->fnIsContinuous(pParent->m_vecChildren[j]->m_iBegin, pParent->m_vecChildren[j]->m_iEnd);
+ vecChunkStatus.push_back(strOutcome);
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 1; j < pParent->m_vecChildren.size(); j++) {
+ //children[j-1] vs. children[j] reordering
+ string strLeftOutcome;
+ ostringstream ostr;
+ fnGenerateInstance(pTree, pParent, j, vecChunkStatus, vecLeftPosition, vecSTerms, vecTTerms, strLeftOutcome, ostr);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strLeftOutcome.c_str());
+ fprintf(fpLeftOut, "%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strLeftOutcome.c_str());
+ string strRightOutcome;
+ fnGetOutcome(vecRightPosition[j-1], vecRightPosition[j], strRightOutcome);
+ fprintf(fpRightOut, "%s LeftOrder=%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strLeftOutcome.c_str(), strRightOutcome.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ delete pTree;
+ }
+ delete pAlign;
+ iSentNum++;
+ if (iSentNum % 100000 == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "#%d\n", iSentNum);
+ }
+ fclose(fpLeftOut);
+ fclose(fpRightOut);
+ delete pAlignReader;
+ delete pParseReader;
+ delete pTxtSReader;
+ delete pTxtTReader;
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ }
+ void fnGenerateInstanceFile2(const char* pszSynFname, //source-side flattened parse tree file name
+ const char* pszAlignFname, //alignment filename
+ const char* pszSourceFname, //source file name
+ const char* pszTargetFname, //target file name
+ const char* pszInstanceFname //training instance file name
+ ) {
+ SAlignmentReader *pAlignReader = new SAlignmentReader(pszAlignFname);
+ SParseReader *pParseReader = new SParseReader(pszSynFname, false);
+ STxtFileReader *pTxtSReader = new STxtFileReader(pszSourceFname);
+ STxtFileReader *pTxtTReader = new STxtFileReader(pszTargetFname);
+ FILE *fpOut = fopen(pszInstanceFname, "w");
+ assert(fpOut != NULL);
+ //read sentence by sentence
+ SAlignment *pAlign;
+ SParsedTree *pTree;
+ char *pszLine = new char[50001];
+ int iSentNum = 0;
+ while ((pAlign = pAlignReader->fnReadNextAlignment()) != NULL) {
+ pTree = pParseReader->fnReadNextParseTree();
+ assert(pTxtSReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL));
+ vector<string> vecSTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecSTerms);
+ assert(pTxtTReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL));
+ vector<string> vecTTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecTTerms);
+ if (pTree != NULL) {
+ vector<STreeItem*> vecFocused;
+ fnGetFocusedParentNodes(pTree, vecFocused);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecFocused.size() && pTree->m_vecTerminals.size() > 10; i++) {
+ STreeItem *pParent = vecFocused[i];
+ for (size_t j = 1; j < pParent->m_vecChildren.size(); j++) {
+ //children[j-1] vs. children[j] reordering
+ string strOutcome;
+ ostringstream ostr;
+ fnGenerateInstance(pTree, pParent, pParent->m_vecChildren[j-1], pParent->m_vecChildren[j], pAlign, vecSTerms, vecTTerms, strOutcome, ostr);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strOutcome.c_str());
+ fprintf(fpOut, "%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strOutcome.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ delete pTree;
+ }
+ delete pAlign;
+ iSentNum++;
+ if (iSentNum % 100000 == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "#%d\n", iSentNum);
+ }
+ fclose(fpOut);
+ delete pAlignReader;
+ delete pParseReader;
+ delete pTxtSReader;
+ delete pTxtTReader;
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ }
+struct SConstContTrainer{
+ SConstContTrainer(const char* pszFlattenedSynFname, //source-side flattened parse tree file name
+ const char* pszAlignFname, //alignment filename
+ const char* pszSourceFname, //source file name
+ const char* pszTargetFname, //target file name
+ const char* pszInstanceFname, //training instance file name
+ const char* pszModelPrefix, //classifier model file name prefix
+ int iClassifierType, //classifier type
+ int iCutoff, //feature count threshold
+ const char* pszOption //other classifier parameters (for svmlight)
+ ) {
+ fnGenerateInstanceFile(pszFlattenedSynFname, pszAlignFname, pszSourceFname, pszTargetFname, pszInstanceFname);
+ //fnTraining(pszInstanceFname, pszModelPrefix, iClassifierType, iCutoff, pszOption);
+ fnTraining(pszInstanceFname, pszModelPrefix, iCutoff);
+ }
+ ~SConstContTrainer() {
+ }
+ void fnTraining(const char* pszInstanceFname, const char* pszModelFname, int iCutoff) {
+ char *pszNewInstanceFName = new char[strlen(pszInstanceFname) + 50];
+ if (iCutoff > 0) {
+ sprintf(pszNewInstanceFName, "%s.tmp", pszInstanceFname);
+ fnPreparingTrainingdata(pszInstanceFname, iCutoff, pszNewInstanceFName);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(pszNewInstanceFName, pszInstanceFname);
+ }
+ /*Zhangle_Maxent *pZhangleMaxent = new Zhangle_Maxent(NULL);
+ pZhangleMaxent->fnTrain(pszInstanceFname, "lbfgs", pszModelFname, 100, 2.0);
+ delete pZhangleMaxent;*/
+ Tsuruoka_Maxent *pMaxent = new Tsuruoka_Maxent(NULL);
+ pMaxent->fnTrain(pszInstanceFname, "l1", pszModelFname, 300);
+ delete pMaxent;
+ if (strcmp(pszNewInstanceFName, pszInstanceFname) != 0) {
+ sprintf(pszNewInstanceFName, "rm %s.tmp", pszInstanceFname);
+ system(pszNewInstanceFName);
+ }
+ delete [] pszNewInstanceFName;
+ }
+ void fnGetFocusedParentNodes(const SParsedTree* pTree, vector<STreeItem*>& vecFocused){
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pTree->m_vecTerminals.size(); i++) {
+ STreeItem *pParent = pTree->m_vecTerminals[i]->m_ptParent;
+ while (pParent != NULL) {
+ //if (pParent->m_vecChildren.size() > 1 && pParent->m_iEnd - pParent->m_iBegin > 5) {
+ if (pParent->m_vecChildren.size() > 1) {
+ //do constituent reordering for all children of pParent
+ vecFocused.push_back(pParent);
+ }
+ if (pParent->m_iBrotherIndex != 0) break;
+ pParent = pParent->m_ptParent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline void fnGetOutcome(int iL1, int iR1, const SAlignment *pAlign, string& strOutcome) {
+ strOutcome = pAlign->fnIsContinuous(iL1, iR1);
+ }
+ inline string fnGetLengthType(int iLen) {
+ if (iLen == 1)
+ return string("1");
+ if (iLen == 2)
+ return string("2");
+ if (iLen == 3)
+ return string("3");
+ if (iLen < 6)
+ return string("4");
+ if (iLen < 11)
+ return string("6");
+ return string("11");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Source side (11 features):
+ * f1: the syntactic category
+ * f2: the syntactic category of its parent
+ * f3: the head word's pos
+ * f4: =1 if it's the head of its parent node
+ * or
+ * the head of its parent node
+ * f5: length type
+ */
+ void fnGenerateInstance(const SParsedTree *pTree, const STreeItem *pCon1, const SAlignment *pAlign, const vector<string>& vecSTerms, const vector<string>& vecTTerms, string& strOutcome, ostringstream& ostr) {
+ fnGetOutcome(pCon1->m_iBegin, pCon1->m_iEnd, pAlign, strOutcome);
+ //generate features
+ //f1
+ ostr << "f1=" << pCon1->m_pszTerm;
+ //f2
+ ostr << " f2=" << pCon1->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm;
+ //f3
+ ostr << " f3=" << pTree->m_vecTerminals[pCon1->m_iHeadWord]->m_ptParent->m_pszTerm;
+ //f4
+ if (pCon1->m_iBrotherIndex == pCon1->m_ptParent->m_iHeadChild) {
+ ostr << " f4=1";
+ } else {
+ ostr << " f4=" << pCon1->m_ptParent->m_vecChildren[pCon1->m_ptParent->m_iHeadChild]->m_pszTerm;
+ }
+ //f5
+ ostr << " f5=" << fnGetLengthType(pCon1->m_iEnd - pCon1->m_iBegin + 1);
+ }
+ void fnGenerateInstanceFile(const char* pszFlattenedSynFname, //source-side flattened parse tree file name
+ const char* pszAlignFname, //alignment filename
+ const char* pszSourceFname, //source file name
+ const char* pszTargetFname, //target file name
+ const char* pszInstanceFname //training instance file name
+ ) {
+ SAlignmentReader *pAlignReader = new SAlignmentReader(pszAlignFname);
+ SParseReader *pParseReader = new SParseReader(pszFlattenedSynFname, true);
+ STxtFileReader *pTxtSReader = new STxtFileReader(pszSourceFname);
+ STxtFileReader *pTxtTReader = new STxtFileReader(pszTargetFname);
+ FILE *fpOut = fopen(pszInstanceFname, "w");
+ assert(fpOut != NULL);
+ //read sentence by sentence
+ SAlignment *pAlign;
+ SParsedTree *pTree;
+ char *pszLine = new char[50001];
+ int iSentNum = 0;
+ while ((pAlign = pAlignReader->fnReadNextAlignment()) != NULL) {
+ pTree = pParseReader->fnReadNextParseTree();
+ assert(pTree != NULL);
+ assert(pTxtSReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL));
+ vector<string> vecSTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecSTerms);
+ assert(pTxtTReader->fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL));
+ vector<string> vecTTerms;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecTTerms);
+ vector<STreeItem*> vecFocused;
+ fnGetFocusedParentNodes(pTree, vecFocused);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecFocused.size() && pTree->m_vecTerminals.size() > 10; i++) {
+ STreeItem *pParent = vecFocused[i];
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < pParent->m_vecChildren.size(); j++) {
+ //children[j-1] vs. children[j] reordering
+ string strOutcome;
+ ostringstream ostr;
+ fnGenerateInstance(pTree, pParent->m_vecChildren[j], pAlign, vecSTerms, vecTTerms, strOutcome, ostr);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strOutcome.c_str());
+ fprintf(fpOut, "%s %s\n", ostr.str().c_str(), strOutcome.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ delete pAlign;
+ delete pTree;
+ iSentNum++;
+ if (iSentNum % 100000 == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "#%d\n", iSentNum);
+ }
+ fclose(fpOut);
+ delete pAlignReader;
+ delete pParseReader;
+ delete pTxtSReader;
+ delete pTxtTReader;
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ }
+inline void print_options(std::ostream &out,po::options_description const& opts) {
+ typedef std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<po::option_description> > Ds;
+ Ds const& ds=opts.options();
+ out << '"';
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<ds.size();++i) {
+ if (i) out<<' ';
+ out<<"--"<<ds[i]->long_name();
+ }
+ out << '\n';
+inline string str(char const* name,po::variables_map const& conf) {
+ return conf[name].as<string>();
+//--parse_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gq-ctb/data/ --align_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gq-ctb/data/aligned.grow-diag-final-and --source_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gq-ctb/data/ --target_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gq-ctb/data/train.en --instance_file /scratch0/mt_exp/gq-ctb/data/srl-instance --model_prefix /scratch0/mt_exp/gq-ctb/data/srl-instance --feature_cutoff 10 --classifier_type 1
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ po::options_description opts("Configuration options");
+ opts.add_options()
+ ("parse_file",po::value<string>(),"parse file path (input)")
+ ("align_file",po::value<string>(),"Alignment file path (input)")
+ ("source_file",po::value<string>(),"Source text file path (input)")
+ ("target_file",po::value<string>(),"Target text file path (input)")
+ ("instance_file",po::value<string>(),"Instance file path (output)")
+ ("model_prefix",po::value<string>(),"Model file path prefix (output): three files will be generated")
+ ("classifier_type",po::value<int>()->default_value(1),"Classifier type: 1 for openNLP maxent; 2 for Zhangle maxent; and 3 for SVMLight")
+ ("feature_cutoff",po::value<int>()->default_value(100),"Feature cutoff threshold")
+ ("svm_option",po::value<string>(),"Parameters for SVMLight classifier")
+ ("help", "produce help message");
+ po::variables_map vm;
+ if (argc) {
+ po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts), vm);
+ po::notify(vm);
+ }
+ if (vm.count("help")) {
+ print_options(cout, opts);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!vm.count("parse_file")
+ || !vm.count("align_file")
+ || !vm.count("source_file")
+ || !vm.count("target_file")
+ || !vm.count("instance_file")
+ || !vm.count("model_prefix")
+ ) {
+ print_options(cout, opts);
+ if (!vm.count("parse_file")) cout << "--parse_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("align_file")) cout << "--align_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("source_file")) cout << "--source_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("target_file")) cout << "--target_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("instance_file")) cout << "--instance_file NOT FOUND\n";
+ if (!vm.count("model_prefix")) cout << "--model_prefix NOT FOUND\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ const char *pOption;
+ if (vm.count("svm_option"))
+ pOption = str("svm_option", vm).c_str();
+ else
+ pOption = NULL;
+ SConstReorderTrainer *pTrainer = new SConstReorderTrainer(str("parse_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("align_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("source_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("target_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("instance_file", vm).c_str(),
+ str("model_prefix", vm).c_str(),
+ vm["classifier_type"].as<int>(),
+ vm["feature_cutoff"].as<int>(),
+ pOption);
+ delete pTrainer;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/ b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64bb038c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libtsuruoka_maxent.a
+libtsuruoka_maxent_a_SOURCES = \
+ lbfgs.cpp \
+ maxent.cpp \
+ owlqn.cpp \
+ sgd.cpp
diff --git a/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/lbfgs.cpp b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/lbfgs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9eb04bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/lbfgs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "mathvec.h"
+#include "lbfgs.h"
+#include "maxent.h"
+using namespace std;
+const static int M = LBFGS_M;
+const static double LINE_SEARCH_ALPHA = 0.1;
+const static double LINE_SEARCH_BETA = 0.5;
+// stopping criteria
+int LBFGS_MAX_ITER = 300;
+const static double MIN_GRAD_NORM = 0.0001;
+ const Vec & x0, const Vec & grad0, const double f0,
+ const Vec & dx, Vec & x, Vec & grad1)
+ double t = 1.0 / LINE_SEARCH_BETA;
+ double f;
+ do {
+ x = x0 + t * dx;
+ f = FunctionGradient(x.STLVec(), grad1.STLVec());
+ // cout << "*";
+ } while (f > f0 + LINE_SEARCH_ALPHA * t * dot_product(dx, grad0));
+ return f;
+// Jorge Nocedal, "Updating Quasi-Newton Matrices With Limited Storage",
+// Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 35, No. 151, pp. 773-782, 1980.
+approximate_Hg(const int iter, const Vec & grad,
+ const Vec s[], const Vec y[], const double z[])
+ int offset, bound;
+ if (iter <= M) { offset = 0; bound = iter; }
+ else { offset = iter - M; bound = M; }
+ Vec q = grad;
+ double alpha[M], beta[M];
+ for (int i = bound - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const int j = (i + offset) % M;
+ alpha[i] = z[j] * dot_product(s[j], q);
+ q += -alpha[i] * y[j];
+ }
+ if (iter > 0) {
+ const int j = (iter - 1) % M;
+ const double gamma = ((1.0 / z[j]) / dot_product(y[j], y[j]));
+ // static double gamma;
+ // if (gamma == 0) gamma = ((1.0 / z[j]) / dot_product(y[j], y[j]));
+ q *= gamma;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i <= bound - 1; i++) {
+ const int j = (i + offset) % M;
+ beta[i] = z[j] * dot_product(y[j], q);
+ q += s[j] * (alpha[i] - beta[i]);
+ }
+ return q;
+ME_Model::perform_LBFGS(const vector<double> & x0)
+ const size_t dim = x0.size();
+ Vec x = x0;
+ Vec grad(dim), dx(dim);
+ double f = FunctionGradient(x.STLVec(), grad.STLVec());
+ Vec s[M], y[M];
+ double z[M]; // rho
+ for (int iter = 0; iter < LBFGS_MAX_ITER; iter++) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%3d obj(err) = %f (%6.4f)", iter+1, -f, _train_error);
+ if (_nheldout > 0) {
+ const double heldout_logl = heldout_likelihood();
+ fprintf(stderr, " heldout_logl(err) = %f (%6.4f)", heldout_logl, _heldout_error);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ if (sqrt(dot_product(grad, grad)) < MIN_GRAD_NORM) break;
+ dx = -1 * approximate_Hg(iter, grad, s, y, z);
+ Vec x1(dim), grad1(dim);
+ f = backtracking_line_search(x, grad, f, dx, x1, grad1);
+ s[iter % M] = x1 - x;
+ y[iter % M] = grad1 - grad;
+ z[iter % M] = 1.0 / dot_product(y[iter % M], s[iter % M]);
+ x = x1;
+ grad = grad1;
+ }
+ return x.STLVec();
diff --git a/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/lbfgs.h b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/lbfgs.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..113919a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/lbfgs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#ifndef _LBFGS_H_
+#define _LBFGS_H_
+//template<class FuncGrad>
+//perform_LBFGS(FuncGrad func_grad, const std::vector<double> & x0);
+perform_LBFGS(double (*func_grad)(const std::vector<double> &, std::vector<double> &),
+ const std::vector<double> & x0);
+perform_OWLQN(double (*func_grad)(const std::vector<double> &, std::vector<double> &),
+ const std::vector<double> & x0,
+ const double C);
+//const int LBFGS_M = 7;
+const int LBFGS_M = 10;
diff --git a/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/mathvec.h b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/mathvec.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ec82797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/mathvec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#ifndef _MATH_VECTOR_H_
+#define _MATH_VECTOR_H_
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cassert>
+class Vec
+ std::vector<double> _v;
+ Vec(const size_t n = 0, const double val = 0) { _v.resize(n, val); }
+ Vec(const std::vector<double> & v) : _v(v) {}
+ const std::vector<double> & STLVec() const { return _v; }
+ std::vector<double> & STLVec() { return _v; }
+ size_t Size() const { return _v.size(); }
+ double & operator[](int i) { return _v[i]; }
+ const double & operator[](int i) const { return _v[i]; }
+ Vec & operator+=(const Vec & b) {
+ assert(b.Size() == _v.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _v.size(); i++) {
+ _v[i] += b[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vec & operator*=(const double c) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _v.size(); i++) {
+ _v[i] *= c;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void Project(const Vec & y) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _v.size(); i++) {
+ // if (sign(_v[i]) != sign(y[i])) _v[i] = 0;
+ if (_v[i] * y[i] <=0) _v[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+inline double dot_product(const Vec & a, const Vec & b)
+ double sum = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++) {
+ sum += a[i] * b[i];
+ }
+ return sum;
+inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & s, const Vec & a)
+ s << "(";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++) {
+ if (i != 0) s << ", ";
+ s << a[i];
+ }
+ s << ")";
+ return s;
+inline const Vec operator+(const Vec & a, const Vec & b)
+ Vec v(a.Size());
+ assert(a.Size() == b.Size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++) {
+ v[i] = a[i] + b[i];
+ }
+ return v;
+inline const Vec operator-(const Vec & a, const Vec & b)
+ Vec v(a.Size());
+ assert(a.Size() == b.Size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++) {
+ v[i] = a[i] - b[i];
+ }
+ return v;
+inline const Vec operator*(const Vec & a, const double c)
+ Vec v(a.Size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++) {
+ v[i] = a[i] * c;
+ }
+ return v;
+inline const Vec operator*(const double c, const Vec & a)
+ return a * c;
diff --git a/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/maxent.cpp b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/maxent.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..feb0efdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/maxent.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+ * $Id: maxent.cpp,v 2007/05/15 08:30:35 kyoshida Exp $
+ */
+#include "maxent.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include "lbfgs.h"
+using namespace std;
+ME_Model::FunctionGradient(const vector<double> & x, vector<double> & grad)
+ assert((int)_fb.Size() == x.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
+ _vl[i] = x[i];
+ }
+ double score = update_model_expectation();
+ if (_l2reg == 0) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
+ grad[i] = -(_vee[i] - _vme[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const double c = _l2reg * 2;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
+ grad[i] = -(_vee[i] - _vme[i] - c * _vl[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return -score;
+ME_Model::perform_GIS(int C)
+ cerr << "C = " << C << endl;
+ C = 1;
+ cerr << "performing AGIS" << endl;
+ vector<double> pre_v;
+ double pre_logl = -999999;
+ for (int iter = 0; iter < 200; iter++) {
+ double logl = update_model_expectation();
+ fprintf(stderr, "iter = %2d C = %d f = %10.7f train_err = %7.5f", iter, C, logl, _train_error);
+ if (_heldout.size() > 0) {
+ double hlogl = heldout_likelihood();
+ fprintf(stderr, " heldout_logl(err) = %f (%6.4f)", hlogl, _heldout_error);
+ }
+ cerr << endl;
+ if (logl < pre_logl) {
+ C += 1;
+ _vl = pre_v;
+ iter--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (C > 1 && iter % 10 == 0) C--;
+ pre_logl = logl;
+ pre_v = _vl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) {
+ double coef = _vee[i] / _vme[i];
+ _vl[i] += log(coef) / C;
+ }
+ }
+ cerr << endl;
+ return 0;
+ const int dim = _fb.Size();
+ vector<double> x0(dim);
+ for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { x0[i] = _vl[i]; }
+ vector<double> x;
+ if (_l1reg > 0) {
+ cerr << "performing OWLQN" << endl;
+ x = perform_OWLQN(x0, _l1reg);
+ } else {
+ cerr << "performing LBFGS" << endl;
+ x = perform_LBFGS(x0);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { _vl[i] = x[i]; }
+ return 0;
+ME_Model::conditional_probability(const Sample & s,
+ std::vector<double> & membp) const
+ //int num_classes = membp.size();
+ double sum = 0;
+ int max_label = -1;
+ // double maxp = 0;
+ vector<double> powv(_num_classes, 0.0);
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator j = s.positive_features.begin(); j != s.positive_features.end(); j++){
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator k = _feature2mef[*j].begin(); k != _feature2mef[*j].end(); k++) {
+ powv[_fb.Feature(*k).label()] += _vl[*k];
+ }
+ }
+ for (vector<pair<int, double> >::const_iterator j = s.rvfeatures.begin(); j != s.rvfeatures.end(); j++) {
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator k = _feature2mef[j->first].begin(); k != _feature2mef[j->first].end(); k++) {
+ powv[_fb.Feature(*k).label()] += _vl[*k] * j->second;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator pmax = max_element(powv.begin(), powv.end());
+ double offset = max(0.0, *pmax - 700); // to avoid overflow
+ for (int label = 0; label < _num_classes; label++) {
+ double pow = powv[label] - offset;
+ double prod = exp(pow);
+ // cout << pow << " " << prod << ", ";
+ // if (_ref_modelp != NULL) prod *= _train_refpd[n][label];
+ if (_ref_modelp != NULL) prod *= s.ref_pd[label];
+ assert(prod != 0);
+ membp[label] = prod;
+ sum += prod;
+ }
+ for (int label = 0; label < _num_classes; label++) {
+ membp[label] /= sum;
+ if (membp[label] > membp[max_label]) max_label = label;
+ }
+ assert(max_label >= 0);
+ return max_label;
+ME_Model::make_feature_bag(const int cutoff)
+ int max_num_features = 0;
+ // count the occurrences of features
+#ifdef USE_HASH_MAP
+ typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<unsigned int, int> map_type;
+ typedef std::map<unsigned int, int> map_type;
+ map_type count;
+ if (cutoff > 0) {
+ for (std::vector<Sample>::const_iterator i = _vs.begin(); i != _vs.end(); i++) {
+ for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = i->positive_features.begin(); j != i->positive_features.end(); j++) {
+ count[ME_Feature(i->label, *j).body()]++;
+ }
+ for (std::vector<pair<int, double> >::const_iterator j = i->rvfeatures.begin(); j != i->rvfeatures.end(); j++) {
+ count[ME_Feature(i->label, j->first).body()]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int n = 0;
+ for (std::vector<Sample>::const_iterator i = _vs.begin(); i != _vs.end(); i++, n++) {
+ max_num_features = max(max_num_features, (int)(i->positive_features.size()));
+ for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = i->positive_features.begin(); j != i->positive_features.end(); j++) {
+ const ME_Feature feature(i->label, *j);
+ // if (cutoff > 0 && count[feature.body()] < cutoff) continue;
+ if (cutoff > 0 && count[feature.body()] <= cutoff) continue;
+ _fb.Put(feature);
+ // cout << i->label << "\t" << *j << "\t" << id << endl;
+ // feature2sample[id].push_back(n);
+ }
+ for (std::vector<pair<int, double> >::const_iterator j = i->rvfeatures.begin(); j != i->rvfeatures.end(); j++) {
+ const ME_Feature feature(i->label, j->first);
+ // if (cutoff > 0 && count[feature.body()] < cutoff) continue;
+ if (cutoff > 0 && count[feature.body()] <= cutoff) continue;
+ _fb.Put(feature);
+ }
+ }
+ count.clear();
+ // cerr << "num_classes = " << _num_classes << endl;
+ // cerr << "max_num_features = " << max_num_features << endl;
+ init_feature2mef();
+ return max_num_features;
+ double logl = 0;
+ int ncorrect = 0;
+ for (std::vector<Sample>::const_iterator i = _heldout.begin(); i != _heldout.end(); i++) {
+ vector<double> membp(_num_classes);
+ int l = classify(*i, membp);
+ logl += log(membp[i->label]);
+ if (l == i->label) ncorrect++;
+ }
+ _heldout_error = 1 - (double)ncorrect / _heldout.size();
+ return logl /= _heldout.size();
+ double logl = 0;
+ int ncorrect = 0;
+ _vme.resize(_fb.Size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) _vme[i] = 0;
+ int n = 0;
+ for (vector<Sample>::const_iterator i = _vs.begin(); i != _vs.end(); i++, n++) {
+ vector<double> membp(_num_classes);
+ int max_label = conditional_probability(*i, membp);
+ logl += log(membp[i->label]);
+ // cout << membp[*i] << " " << logl << " ";
+ if (max_label == i->label) ncorrect++;
+ // model_expectation
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator j = i->positive_features.begin(); j != i->positive_features.end(); j++){
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator k = _feature2mef[*j].begin(); k != _feature2mef[*j].end(); k++) {
+ _vme[*k] += membp[_fb.Feature(*k).label()];
+ }
+ }
+ for (vector<pair<int, double> >::const_iterator j = i->rvfeatures.begin(); j != i->rvfeatures.end(); j++) {
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator k = _feature2mef[j->first].begin(); k != _feature2mef[j->first].end(); k++) {
+ _vme[*k] += membp[_fb.Feature(*k).label()] * j->second;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) {
+ _vme[i] /= _vs.size();
+ }
+ _train_error = 1 - (double)ncorrect / _vs.size();
+ logl /= _vs.size();
+ if (_l2reg > 0) {
+ const double c = _l2reg;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) {
+ logl -= _vl[i] * _vl[i] * c;
+ }
+ }
+ //logl /= _vs.size();
+ // fprintf(stderr, "iter =%3d logl = %10.7f train_acc = %7.5f\n", iter, logl, (double)ncorrect/train.size());
+ // fprintf(stderr, "logl = %10.7f train_acc = %7.5f\n", logl, (double)ncorrect/_train.size());
+ return logl;
+ME_Model::train(const vector<ME_Sample> & vms)
+ _vs.clear();
+ for (vector<ME_Sample>::const_iterator i = vms.begin(); i != vms.end(); i++) {
+ add_training_sample(*i);
+ }
+ return train();
+ME_Model::add_training_sample(const ME_Sample & mes)
+ Sample s;
+ s.label = _label_bag.Put(mes.label);
+ if (s.label > ME_Feature::MAX_LABEL_TYPES) {
+ cerr << "error: too many types of labels." << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator j = mes.features.begin(); j != mes.features.end(); j++) {
+ s.positive_features.push_back(_featurename_bag.Put(*j));
+ }
+ for (vector<pair<string, double> >::const_iterator j = mes.rvfeatures.begin(); j != mes.rvfeatures.end(); j++) {
+ s.rvfeatures.push_back(pair<int, double>(_featurename_bag.Put(j->first), j->second));
+ }
+ if (_ref_modelp != NULL) {
+ ME_Sample tmp = mes;;
+ s.ref_pd = _ref_modelp->classify(tmp);
+ }
+ // cout << s.label << "\t";
+ // for (vector<int>::const_iterator j = s.positive_features.begin(); j != s.positive_features.end(); j++){
+ // cout << *j << " ";
+ // }
+ // cout << endl;
+ _vs.push_back(s);
+ if (_l1reg > 0 && _l2reg > 0) {
+ cerr << "error: L1 and L2 regularizers cannot be used simultaneously." << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (_vs.size() == 0) {
+ cerr << "error: no training data." << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (_nheldout >= (int)_vs.size()) {
+ cerr << "error: too much heldout data. no training data is available." << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // if (_nheldout > 0) random_shuffle(_vs.begin(), _vs.end());
+ int max_label = 0;
+ for (std::vector<Sample>::const_iterator i = _vs.begin(); i != _vs.end(); i++) {
+ max_label = max(max_label, i->label);
+ }
+ _num_classes = max_label + 1;
+ if (_num_classes != _label_bag.Size()) {
+ cerr << "warning: _num_class != _label_bag.Size()" << endl;
+ }
+ if (_ref_modelp != NULL) {
+ cerr << "setting reference distribution...";
+ for (int i = 0; i < _ref_modelp->num_classes(); i++) {
+ _label_bag.Put(_ref_modelp->get_class_label(i));
+ }
+ _num_classes = _label_bag.Size();
+ for (vector<Sample>::iterator i = _vs.begin(); i != _vs.end(); i++) {
+ set_ref_dist(*i);
+ }
+ cerr << "done" << endl;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < _nheldout; i++) {
+ _heldout.push_back(_vs.back());
+ _vs.pop_back();
+ }
+ sort(_vs.begin(), _vs.end());
+ int cutoff = 0;
+ if (cutoff > 0) cerr << "cutoff threshold = " << cutoff << endl;
+ if (_l1reg > 0) cerr << "L1 regularizer = " << _l1reg << endl;
+ if (_l2reg > 0) cerr << "L2 regularizer = " << _l2reg << endl;
+ // normalize
+ _l1reg /= _vs.size();
+ _l2reg /= _vs.size();
+ cerr << "preparing for estimation...";
+ make_feature_bag(cutoff);
+ // _vs.clear();
+ cerr << "done" << endl;
+ cerr << "number of samples = " << _vs.size() << endl;
+ cerr << "number of features = " << _fb.Size() << endl;
+ cerr << "calculating empirical expectation...";
+ _vee.resize(_fb.Size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) {
+ _vee[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (int n = 0; n < (int)_vs.size(); n++) {
+ const Sample * i = &_vs[n];
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator j = i->positive_features.begin(); j != i->positive_features.end(); j++){
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator k = _feature2mef[*j].begin(); k != _feature2mef[*j].end(); k++) {
+ if (_fb.Feature(*k).label() == i->label) _vee[*k] += 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (vector<pair<int, double> >::const_iterator j = i->rvfeatures.begin(); j != i->rvfeatures.end(); j++) {
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator k = _feature2mef[j->first].begin(); k != _feature2mef[j->first].end(); k++) {
+ if (_fb.Feature(*k).label() == i->label) _vee[*k] += j->second;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) {
+ _vee[i] /= _vs.size();
+ }
+ cerr << "done" << endl;
+ _vl.resize(_fb.Size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) _vl[i] = 0.0;
+ if (_optimization_method == SGD) {
+ perform_SGD();
+ } else {
+ perform_QUASI_NEWTON();
+ }
+ int num_active = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) {
+ if (_vl[i] != 0) num_active++;
+ }
+ cerr << "number of active features = " << num_active << endl;
+ return 0;
+ME_Model::get_features(list< pair< pair<string, string>, double> > & fl)
+ fl.clear();
+ // for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) {
+ // ME_Feature f = _fb.Feature(i);
+ // fl.push_back( make_pair(make_pair(_label_bag.Str(f.label()), _featurename_bag.Str(f.feature())), _vl[i]));
+ // }
+ for (MiniStringBag::map_type::const_iterator i = _featurename_bag.begin();
+ i != _featurename_bag.end(); i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < _label_bag.Size(); j++) {
+ string label = _label_bag.Str(j);
+ string history = i->first;
+ int id = _fb.Id(ME_Feature(j, i->second));
+ if (id < 0) continue;
+ fl.push_back( make_pair(make_pair(label, history), _vl[id]) );
+ }
+ }
+ _vl.clear();
+ _label_bag.Clear();
+ _featurename_bag.Clear();
+ _fb.Clear();
+ _feature2mef.clear();
+ _vee.clear();
+ _vme.clear();
+ _vs.clear();
+ _heldout.clear();
+ME_Model::load_from_file(const string & filename)
+ FILE * fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
+ if (!fp) {
+ cerr << "error: cannot open " << filename << "!" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ _vl.clear();
+ _label_bag.Clear();
+ _featurename_bag.Clear();
+ _fb.Clear();
+ char buf[1024];
+ while(fgets(buf, 1024, fp)) {
+ string line(buf);
+ string::size_type t1 = line.find_first_of('\t');
+ string::size_type t2 = line.find_last_of('\t');
+ string classname = line.substr(0, t1);
+ string featurename = line.substr(t1 + 1, t2 - (t1 + 1) );
+ float lambda;
+ string w = line.substr(t2+1);
+ sscanf(w.c_str(), "%f", &lambda);
+ int label = _label_bag.Put(classname);
+ int feature = _featurename_bag.Put(featurename);
+ _fb.Put(ME_Feature(label, feature));
+ _vl.push_back(lambda);
+ }
+ _num_classes = _label_bag.Size();
+ init_feature2mef();
+ fclose(fp);
+ return true;
+ _feature2mef.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < _featurename_bag.Size(); i++) {
+ vector<int> vi;
+ for (int k = 0; k < _num_classes; k++) {
+ int id = _fb.Id(ME_Feature(k, i));
+ if (id >= 0) vi.push_back(id);
+ }
+ _feature2mef.push_back(vi);
+ }
+ME_Model::load_from_array(const ME_Model_Data data[])
+ _vl.clear();
+ for (int i = 0;; i++) {
+ if (string(data[i].label) == "///") break;
+ int label = _label_bag.Put(data[i].label);
+ int feature = _featurename_bag.Put(data[i].feature);
+ _fb.Put(ME_Feature(label, feature));
+ _vl.push_back(data[i].weight);
+ }
+ _num_classes = _label_bag.Size();
+ init_feature2mef();
+ return true;
+ME_Model::save_to_file(const string & filename, const double th) const
+ FILE * fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
+ if (!fp) {
+ cerr << "error: cannot open " << filename << "!" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // for (int i = 0; i < _fb.Size(); i++) {
+ // if (_vl[i] == 0) continue; // ignore zero-weight features
+ // ME_Feature f = _fb.Feature(i);
+ // fprintf(fp, "%s\t%s\t%f\n", _label_bag.Str(f.label()).c_str(), _featurename_bag.Str(f.feature()).c_str(), _vl[i]);
+ // }
+ for (MiniStringBag::map_type::const_iterator i = _featurename_bag.begin();
+ i != _featurename_bag.end(); i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < _label_bag.Size(); j++) {
+ string label = _label_bag.Str(j);
+ string history = i->first;
+ int id = _fb.Id(ME_Feature(j, i->second));
+ if (id < 0) continue;
+ if (_vl[id] == 0) continue; // ignore zero-weight features
+ if (fabs(_vl[id]) < th) continue; // cut off low-weight features
+ fprintf(fp, "%s\t%s\t%f\n", label.c_str(), history.c_str(), _vl[id]);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ return true;
+ME_Model::set_ref_dist(Sample & s) const
+ vector<double> v0 = s.ref_pd;
+ vector<double> v(_num_classes);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
+ v[i] = 0;
+ string label = get_class_label(i);
+ int id_ref = _ref_modelp->get_class_id(label);
+ if (id_ref != -1) {
+ v[i] = v0[id_ref];
+ }
+ if (v[i] == 0) v[i] = 0.001; // to avoid -inf logl
+ }
+ s.ref_pd = v;
+ME_Model::classify(const Sample & nbs, vector<double> & membp) const
+ // vector<double> membp(_num_classes);
+ assert(_num_classes == (int)membp.size());
+ conditional_probability(nbs, membp);
+ int max_label = 0;
+ double max = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)membp.size(); i++) {
+ // cout << membp[i] << " ";
+ if (membp[i] > max) { max_label = i; max = membp[i]; }
+ }
+ // cout << endl;
+ return max_label;
+ME_Model::classify(ME_Sample & mes) const
+ Sample s;
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator j = mes.features.begin(); j != mes.features.end(); j++) {
+ int id = _featurename_bag.Id(*j);
+ if (id >= 0)
+ s.positive_features.push_back(id);
+ }
+ for (vector<pair<string, double> >::const_iterator j = mes.rvfeatures.begin(); j != mes.rvfeatures.end(); j++) {
+ int id = _featurename_bag.Id(j->first);
+ if (id >= 0) {
+ s.rvfeatures.push_back(pair<int, double>(id, j->second));
+ }
+ }
+ if (_ref_modelp != NULL) {
+ s.ref_pd = _ref_modelp->classify(mes);
+ set_ref_dist(s);
+ }
+ vector<double> vp(_num_classes);
+ int label = classify(s, vp);
+ mes.label = get_class_label(label);
+ return vp;
+ * $Log: maxent.cpp,v $
+ * Revision 2007/05/15 08:30:35 kyoshida
+ * stepp tagger, by Okanohara and Tsuruoka
+ *
+ * Revision 1.28 2006/08/21 17:30:38 tsuruoka
+ *
+ * Revision 1.27 2006/07/25 13:19:53 tsuruoka
+ * sort _vs[]
+ *
+ * Revision 1.26 2006/07/18 11:13:15 tsuruoka
+ * modify comments
+ *
+ * Revision 1.25 2006/07/18 10:02:15 tsuruoka
+ * remove sample2feature[]
+ * speed up conditional_probability()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.24 2006/07/18 05:10:51 tsuruoka
+ * add ref_dist
+ *
+ * Revision 1.23 2005/12/24 07:05:32 tsuruoka
+ * modify conditional_probability() to avoid overflow
+ *
+ * Revision 1.22 2005/12/24 07:01:25 tsuruoka
+ * add cutoff for real-valued features
+ *
+ * Revision 1.21 2005/12/23 10:33:02 tsuruoka
+ * support real-valued features
+ *
+ * Revision 1.20 2005/12/23 09:15:29 tsuruoka
+ * modify _train to reduce memory consumption
+ *
+ * Revision 1.19 2005/10/28 13:10:14 tsuruoka
+ * fix for overflow (thanks to Ming Li)
+ *
+ * Revision 1.18 2005/10/28 13:03:07 tsuruoka
+ * add progress_bar
+ *
+ * Revision 1.17 2005/09/12 13:51:16 tsuruoka
+ * Sample: list -> vector
+ *
+ * Revision 1.16 2005/09/12 13:27:10 tsuruoka
+ * add add_training_sample()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.15 2005/04/27 11:22:27 tsuruoka
+ * bugfix
+ * ME_Sample: list -> vector
+ *
+ * Revision 1.14 2005/04/27 10:00:42 tsuruoka
+ * remove tmpfb
+ *
+ * Revision 1.13 2005/04/26 14:25:53 tsuruoka
+ * add MiniStringBag, USE_HASH_MAP
+ *
+ * Revision 1.12 2005/02/11 10:20:08 tsuruoka
+ * modify cutoff
+ *
+ * Revision 1.11 2004/10/04 05:50:25 tsuruoka
+ * add Clear()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.10 2004/08/26 16:52:26 tsuruoka
+ * fix load_from_file()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.9 2004/08/09 12:27:21 tsuruoka
+ * change messages
+ *
+ * Revision 1.8 2004/08/04 13:55:18 tsuruoka
+ * modify _sample2feature
+ *
+ * Revision 1.7 2004/07/28 13:42:58 tsuruoka
+ * add AGIS
+ *
+ * Revision 1.6 2004/07/28 05:54:13 tsuruoka
+ * get_class_name() -> get_class_label()
+ * ME_Feature: bugfix
+ *
+ * Revision 1.5 2004/07/27 16:58:47 tsuruoka
+ * modify the interface of classify()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.4 2004/07/26 17:23:46 tsuruoka
+ * _sample2feature: list -> vector
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3 2004/07/26 15:49:23 tsuruoka
+ * modify ME_Feature
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2 2004/07/26 13:52:18 tsuruoka
+ * modify cutoff
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1 2004/07/26 13:10:55 tsuruoka
+ * add files
+ *
+ * Revision 1.20 2004/07/22 08:34:45 tsuruoka
+ * modify _sample2feature[]
+ *
+ * Revision 1.19 2004/07/21 16:33:01 tsuruoka
+ * remove some comments
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/maxent.h b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/maxent.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4391ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/maxent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ * $Id: maxent.h,v 2007/05/15 08:30:35 kyoshida Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef __MAXENT_H_
+#define __MAXENT_H_
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "mathvec.h"
+#define USE_HASH_MAP // if you encounter errors with hash, try commenting out this line. (the program will be a bit slower, though)
+#ifdef USE_HASH_MAP
+#include <ext/hash_map>
+// data format for each sample for training/testing
+struct ME_Sample
+ ME_Sample() : label("") {};
+ ME_Sample(const std::string & l) : label(l) {};
+ void set_label(const std::string & l) { label = l; }
+ // to add a binary feature
+ void add_feature(const std::string & f) {
+ features.push_back(f);
+ }
+ // to add a real-valued feature
+ void add_feature(const std::string & s, const double d) {
+ rvfeatures.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>(s, d));
+ }
+ std::string label;
+ std::vector<std::string> features;
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double> > rvfeatures;
+ // obsolete
+ void add_feature(const std::pair<std::string, double> & f) {
+ rvfeatures.push_back(f); // real-valued features
+ }
+// for those who want to use load_from_array()
+typedef struct ME_Model_Data
+ char * label;
+ char * feature;
+ double weight;
+} ME_Model_Data;
+class ME_Model
+ void add_training_sample(const ME_Sample & s);
+ int train();
+ std::vector<double> classify(ME_Sample & s) const;
+ bool load_from_file(const std::string & filename);
+ bool save_to_file(const std::string & filename, const double th = 0) const;
+ int num_classes() const { return _num_classes; }
+ std::string get_class_label(int i) const { return _label_bag.Str(i); }
+ int get_class_id(const std::string & s) const { return _label_bag.Id(s); }
+ void get_features(std::list< std::pair< std::pair<std::string, std::string>, double> > & fl);
+ void set_heldout(const int h, const int n = 0) { _nheldout = h; _early_stopping_n = n; };
+ void use_l1_regularizer(const double v) { _l1reg = v; }
+ void use_l2_regularizer(const double v) { _l2reg = v; }
+ void use_SGD(int iter = 30, double eta0 = 1, double alpha = 0.85) {
+ _optimization_method = SGD;
+ SGD_ITER = iter; SGD_ETA0 = eta0; SGD_ALPHA = alpha;
+ }
+ bool load_from_array(const ME_Model_Data data[]);
+ void set_reference_model(const ME_Model & ref_model) { _ref_modelp = &ref_model; };
+ void clear();
+ ME_Model() {
+ _l1reg = _l2reg = 0;
+ _nheldout = 0;
+ _early_stopping_n = 0;
+ _ref_modelp = NULL;
+ _optimization_method = LBFGS;
+ }
+ // obsolete. just for downward compatibility
+ int train(const std::vector<ME_Sample> & train);
+ enum OPTIMIZATION_METHOD { LBFGS, OWLQN, SGD } _optimization_method;
+ // OWLQN and SGD are available only for L1-regularization
+ int SGD_ITER;
+ double SGD_ETA0;
+ double SGD_ALPHA;
+ double _l1reg, _l2reg;
+ struct Sample {
+ int label;
+ std::vector<int> positive_features;
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, double> > rvfeatures;
+ std::vector<double> ref_pd; // reference probability distribution
+ bool operator<(const Sample & x) const {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < positive_features.size(); i++) {
+ if (i >= x.positive_features.size()) return false;
+ int v0 = positive_features[i];
+ int v1 = x.positive_features[i];
+ if (v0 < v1) return true;
+ if (v0 > v1) return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ struct ME_Feature
+ {
+ enum { MAX_LABEL_TYPES = 255 };
+ // ME_Feature(const int l, const int f) : _body((l << 24) + f) {
+ // assert(l >= 0 && l < 256);
+ // assert(f >= 0 && f <= 0xffffff);
+ // };
+ // int label() const { return _body >> 24; }
+ // int feature() const { return _body & 0xffffff; }
+ ME_Feature(const int l, const int f) : _body((f << 8) + l) {
+ assert(l >= 0 && l <= MAX_LABEL_TYPES);
+ assert(f >= 0 && f <= 0xffffff);
+ };
+ int label() const { return _body & 0xff; }
+ int feature() const { return _body >> 8; }
+ unsigned int body() const { return _body; }
+ private:
+ unsigned int _body;
+ };
+ struct ME_FeatureBag
+ {
+#ifdef USE_HASH_MAP
+ typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<unsigned int, int> map_type;
+ typedef std::map<unsigned int, int> map_type;
+ map_type mef2id;
+ std::vector<ME_Feature> id2mef;
+ int Put(const ME_Feature & i) {
+ map_type::const_iterator j = mef2id.find(i.body());
+ if (j == mef2id.end()) {
+ int id = id2mef.size();
+ id2mef.push_back(i);
+ mef2id[i.body()] = id;
+ return id;
+ }
+ return j->second;
+ }
+ int Id(const ME_Feature & i) const {
+ map_type::const_iterator j = mef2id.find(i.body());
+ if (j == mef2id.end()) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return j->second;
+ }
+ ME_Feature Feature(int id) const {
+ assert(id >= 0 && id < (int)id2mef.size());
+ return id2mef[id];
+ }
+ int Size() const {
+ return id2mef.size();
+ }
+ void Clear() {
+ mef2id.clear();
+ id2mef.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ struct hashfun_str
+ {
+ size_t operator()(const std::string& s) const {
+ assert(sizeof(int) == 4 && sizeof(char) == 1);
+ const int* p = reinterpret_cast<const int*>(s.c_str());
+ size_t v = 0;
+ int n = s.size() / 4;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++, p++) {
+ // v ^= *p;
+ v ^= *p << (4 * (i % 2)); // note) 0 <= char < 128
+ }
+ int m = s.size() % 4;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ v ^= s[4 * n + i] << (i * 8);
+ }
+ return v;
+ }
+ };
+ struct MiniStringBag
+ {
+#ifdef USE_HASH_MAP
+ typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<std::string, int, hashfun_str> map_type;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, int> map_type;
+ int _size;
+ map_type str2id;
+ MiniStringBag() : _size(0) {}
+ int Put(const std::string & i) {
+ map_type::const_iterator j = str2id.find(i);
+ if (j == str2id.end()) {
+ int id = _size;
+ _size++;
+ str2id[i] = id;
+ return id;
+ }
+ return j->second;
+ }
+ int Id(const std::string & i) const {
+ map_type::const_iterator j = str2id.find(i);
+ if (j == str2id.end()) return -1;
+ return j->second;
+ }
+ int Size() const { return _size; }
+ void Clear() { str2id.clear(); _size = 0; }
+ map_type::const_iterator begin() const { return str2id.begin(); }
+ map_type::const_iterator end() const { return str2id.end(); }
+ };
+ struct StringBag : public MiniStringBag
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> id2str;
+ int Put(const std::string & i) {
+ map_type::const_iterator j = str2id.find(i);
+ if (j == str2id.end()) {
+ int id = id2str.size();
+ id2str.push_back(i);
+ str2id[i] = id;
+ return id;
+ }
+ return j->second;
+ }
+ std::string Str(const int id) const {
+ assert(id >= 0 && id < (int)id2str.size());
+ return id2str[id];
+ }
+ int Size() const { return id2str.size(); }
+ void Clear() {
+ str2id.clear();
+ id2str.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ std::vector<Sample> _vs; // vector of training_samples
+ StringBag _label_bag;
+ MiniStringBag _featurename_bag;
+ std::vector<double> _vl; // vector of lambda
+ ME_FeatureBag _fb;
+ int _num_classes;
+ std::vector<double> _vee; // empirical expectation
+ std::vector<double> _vme; // empirical expectation
+ std::vector< std::vector< int > > _feature2mef;
+ std::vector< Sample > _heldout;
+ double _train_error; // current error rate on the training data
+ double _heldout_error; // current error rate on the heldout data
+ int _nheldout;
+ int _early_stopping_n;
+ std::vector<double> _vhlogl;
+ const ME_Model * _ref_modelp;
+ double heldout_likelihood();
+ int conditional_probability(const Sample & nbs, std::vector<double> & membp) const;
+ int make_feature_bag(const int cutoff);
+ int classify(const Sample & nbs, std::vector<double> & membp) const;
+ double update_model_expectation();
+ int perform_QUASI_NEWTON();
+ int perform_SGD();
+ int perform_GIS(int C);
+ std::vector<double> perform_LBFGS(const std::vector<double> & x0);
+ std::vector<double> perform_OWLQN(const std::vector<double> & x0, const double C);
+ double backtracking_line_search(const Vec & x0, const Vec & grad0, const double f0, const Vec & dx, Vec & x, Vec & grad1);
+ double regularized_func_grad(const double C, const Vec & x, Vec & grad);
+ double constrained_line_search(double C, const Vec & x0, const Vec & grad0, const double f0, const Vec & dx, Vec & x, Vec & grad1);
+ void set_ref_dist(Sample & s) const;
+ void init_feature2mef();
+ double FunctionGradient(const std::vector<double> & x, std::vector<double> & grad);
+ static double FunctionGradientWrapper(const std::vector<double> & x, std::vector<double> & grad);
+ * $Log: maxent.h,v $
+ * Revision 2007/05/15 08:30:35 kyoshida
+ * stepp tagger, by Okanohara and Tsuruoka
+ *
+ * Revision 1.24 2006/08/21 17:30:38 tsuruoka
+ *
+ * Revision 1.23 2006/07/25 13:19:53 tsuruoka
+ * sort _vs[]
+ *
+ * Revision 1.22 2006/07/18 11:13:15 tsuruoka
+ * modify comments
+ *
+ * Revision 1.21 2006/07/18 10:02:15 tsuruoka
+ * remove sample2feature[]
+ * speed up conditional_probability()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.20 2006/07/18 05:10:51 tsuruoka
+ * add ref_dist
+ *
+ * Revision 1.19 2005/12/23 10:33:02 tsuruoka
+ * support real-valued features
+ *
+ * Revision 1.18 2005/12/23 09:15:29 tsuruoka
+ * modify _train to reduce memory consumption
+ *
+ * Revision 1.17 2005/10/28 13:02:34 tsuruoka
+ * set_heldout(): add default value
+ * Feature()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.16 2005/09/12 13:51:16 tsuruoka
+ * Sample: list -> vector
+ *
+ * Revision 1.15 2005/09/12 13:27:10 tsuruoka
+ * add add_training_sample()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.14 2005/04/27 11:22:27 tsuruoka
+ * bugfix
+ * ME_Sample: list -> vector
+ *
+ * Revision 1.13 2005/04/27 10:20:19 tsuruoka
+ * MiniStringBag -> StringBag
+ *
+ * Revision 1.12 2005/04/27 10:00:42 tsuruoka
+ * remove tmpfb
+ *
+ * Revision 1.11 2005/04/26 14:25:53 tsuruoka
+ * add MiniStringBag, USE_HASH_MAP
+ *
+ * Revision 1.10 2004/10/04 05:50:25 tsuruoka
+ * add Clear()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.9 2004/08/09 12:27:21 tsuruoka
+ * change messages
+ *
+ * Revision 1.8 2004/08/04 13:55:19 tsuruoka
+ * modify _sample2feature
+ *
+ * Revision 1.7 2004/07/29 05:51:13 tsuruoka
+ * remove modeldata.h
+ *
+ * Revision 1.6 2004/07/28 13:42:58 tsuruoka
+ * add AGIS
+ *
+ * Revision 1.5 2004/07/28 05:54:14 tsuruoka
+ * get_class_name() -> get_class_label()
+ * ME_Feature: bugfix
+ *
+ * Revision 1.4 2004/07/27 16:58:47 tsuruoka
+ * modify the interface of classify()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3 2004/07/26 17:23:46 tsuruoka
+ * _sample2feature: list -> vector
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2 2004/07/26 15:49:23 tsuruoka
+ * modify ME_Feature
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1 2004/07/26 13:10:55 tsuruoka
+ * add files
+ *
+ * Revision 1.18 2004/07/22 08:34:45 tsuruoka
+ * modify _sample2feature[]
+ *
+ * Revision 1.17 2004/07/21 16:33:01 tsuruoka
+ * remove some comments
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/owlqn.cpp b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/owlqn.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b2cea7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/owlqn.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "mathvec.h"
+#include "lbfgs.h"
+#include "maxent.h"
+using namespace std;
+const static int M = LBFGS_M;
+const static double LINE_SEARCH_ALPHA = 0.1;
+const static double LINE_SEARCH_BETA = 0.5;
+// stopping criteria
+int OWLQN_MAX_ITER = 300;
+const static double MIN_GRAD_NORM = 0.0001;
+Vec approximate_Hg(const int iter, const Vec & grad,
+ const Vec s[], const Vec y[], const double z[]);
+inline int sign(double x)
+ if (x > 0) return 1;
+ if (x < 0) return -1;
+ return 0;
+static Vec
+pseudo_gradient(const Vec & x, const Vec & grad0, const double C)
+ Vec grad = grad0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < x.Size(); i++) {
+ if (x[i] != 0) {
+ grad[i] += C * sign(x[i]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const double gm = grad0[i] - C;
+ if (gm > 0) {
+ grad[i] = gm;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const double gp = grad0[i] + C;
+ if (gp < 0) {
+ grad[i] = gp;
+ continue;
+ }
+ grad[i] = 0;
+ }
+ return grad;
+ME_Model::regularized_func_grad(const double C, const Vec & x, Vec & grad)
+ double f = FunctionGradient(x.STLVec(), grad.STLVec());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < x.Size(); i++) {
+ f += C * fabs(x[i]);
+ }
+ return f;
+ME_Model::constrained_line_search(double C,
+ const Vec & x0, const Vec & grad0, const double f0,
+ const Vec & dx, Vec & x, Vec & grad1)
+ // compute the orthant to explore
+ Vec orthant = x0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < orthant.Size(); i++) {
+ if (orthant[i] == 0) orthant[i] = -grad0[i];
+ }
+ double t = 1.0 / LINE_SEARCH_BETA;
+ double f;
+ do {
+ x = x0 + t * dx;
+ x.Project(orthant);
+ // for (size_t i = 0; i < x.Size(); i++) {
+ // if (x0[i] != 0 && sign(x[i]) != sign(x0[i])) x[i] = 0;
+ // }
+ f = regularized_func_grad(C, x, grad1);
+ // cout << "*";
+ } while (f > f0 + LINE_SEARCH_ALPHA * dot_product(x - x0, grad0));
+ return f;
+ME_Model::perform_OWLQN(const vector<double> & x0, const double C)
+ const size_t dim = x0.size();
+ Vec x = x0;
+ Vec grad(dim), dx(dim);
+ double f = regularized_func_grad(C, x, grad);
+ Vec s[M], y[M];
+ double z[M]; // rho
+ for (int iter = 0; iter < OWLQN_MAX_ITER; iter++) {
+ Vec pg = pseudo_gradient(x, grad, C);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%3d obj(err) = %f (%6.4f)", iter+1, -f, _train_error);
+ if (_nheldout > 0) {
+ const double heldout_logl = heldout_likelihood();
+ fprintf(stderr, " heldout_logl(err) = %f (%6.4f)", heldout_logl, _heldout_error);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ if (sqrt(dot_product(pg, pg)) < MIN_GRAD_NORM) break;
+ dx = -1 * approximate_Hg(iter, pg, s, y, z);
+ if (dot_product(dx, pg) >= 0)
+ dx.Project(-1 * pg);
+ Vec x1(dim), grad1(dim);
+ f = constrained_line_search(C, x, pg, f, dx, x1, grad1);
+ s[iter % M] = x1 - x;
+ y[iter % M] = grad1 - grad;
+ z[iter % M] = 1.0 / dot_product(y[iter % M], s[iter % M]);
+ x = x1;
+ grad = grad1;
+ }
+ return x.STLVec();
diff --git a/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/sgd.cpp b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/sgd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d28c23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/maxent-3.0/sgd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#include "maxent.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <stdio.h>
+using namespace std;
+//const double SGD_ETA0 = 1;
+//const double SGD_ITER = 30;
+//const double SGD_ALPHA = 0.85;
+//#define FOLOS_NAIVE
+//#define FOLOS_LAZY
+#define SGD_CP
+inline void
+apply_l1_penalty(const int i, const double u,
+ vector<double> & _vl, vector<double> & q)
+ double & w = _vl[i];
+ const double z = w;
+ double & qi = q[i];
+ if (w > 0) {
+ w = max(0.0, w - (u + qi));
+ } else if (w < 0) {
+ w = min(0.0, w + (u - qi));
+ }
+ qi += w - z;
+static double
+l1norm(const vector<double>& v)
+ double sum = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) sum += abs(v[i]);
+ return sum;
+inline void
+update_folos_lazy(const int iter_sample,
+ const int k, vector<double> & _vl, const vector<double> & sum_eta,
+ vector<int> & last_updated)
+ const double penalty = sum_eta[iter_sample] - sum_eta[last_updated[k]];
+ double & x = _vl[k];
+ if (x > 0) x = max(0.0, x - penalty);
+ else x = min(0.0, x + penalty);
+ last_updated[k] = iter_sample;
+ if (_l2reg > 0) {
+ cerr << "error: L2 regularization is currently not supported in SGD mode." << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ cerr << "performing SGD" << endl;
+ const double l1param = _l1reg;
+ const int d = _fb.Size();
+ vector<int> ri(_vs.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ri.size(); i++) ri[i] = i;
+ vector<double> grad(d);
+ int iter_sample = 0;
+ const double eta0 = SGD_ETA0;
+ // cerr << "l1param = " << l1param << endl;
+ cerr << "eta0 = " << eta0 << " alpha = " << SGD_ALPHA << endl;
+ double u = 0;
+ vector<double> q(d, 0);
+ vector<int> last_updated(d, 0);
+ vector<double> sum_eta;
+ sum_eta.push_back(0);
+ for (int iter = 0; iter < SGD_ITER; iter++) {
+ random_shuffle(ri.begin(), ri.end());
+ double logl = 0;
+ int ncorrect = 0, ntotal = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _vs.size(); i++, ntotal++, iter_sample++) {
+ const Sample & s = _vs[ri[i]];
+#ifdef FOLOS_LAZY
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator j = s.positive_features.begin(); j != s.positive_features.end(); j++){
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator k = _feature2mef[*j].begin(); k != _feature2mef[*j].end(); k++) {
+ update_folos_lazy(iter_sample, *k, _vl, sum_eta, last_updated);
+ }
+ }
+ vector<double> membp(_num_classes);
+ const int max_label = conditional_probability(s, membp);
+ const double eta = eta0 * pow(SGD_ALPHA, (double)iter_sample / _vs.size()); // exponential decay
+ // const double eta = eta0 / (1.0 + (double)iter_sample / _vs.size());
+ // if (iter_sample % _vs.size() == 0) cerr << "eta = " << eta << endl;
+ u += eta * l1param;
+ sum_eta.push_back(sum_eta.back() + eta * l1param);
+ logl += log(membp[s.label]);
+ if (max_label == s.label) ncorrect++;
+ // binary features
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator j = s.positive_features.begin(); j != s.positive_features.end(); j++){
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator k = _feature2mef[*j].begin(); k != _feature2mef[*j].end(); k++) {
+ const double me = membp[_fb.Feature(*k).label()];
+ const double ee = (_fb.Feature(*k).label() == s.label ? 1.0 : 0);
+ const double grad = (me - ee);
+ _vl[*k] -= eta * grad;
+#ifdef SGD_CP
+ apply_l1_penalty(*k, u, _vl, q);
+ }
+ }
+ // real-valued features
+ for (vector<pair<int, double> >::const_iterator j = s.rvfeatures.begin(); j != s.rvfeatures.end(); j++) {
+ for (vector<int>::const_iterator k = _feature2mef[j->first].begin(); k != _feature2mef[j->first].end(); k++) {
+ const double me = membp[_fb.Feature(*k).label()];
+ const double ee = (_fb.Feature(*k).label() == s.label ? 1.0 : 0);
+ const double grad = (me - ee) * j->second;
+ _vl[*k] -= eta * grad;
+#ifdef SGD_CP
+ apply_l1_penalty(*k, u, _vl, q);
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < d; j++) {
+ double & x = _vl[j];
+ if (x > 0) x = max(0.0, x - eta * l1param);
+ else x = min(0.0, x + eta * l1param);
+ }
+ }
+ logl /= _vs.size();
+ // fprintf(stderr, "%4d logl = %8.3f acc = %6.4f ", iter, logl, (double)ncorrect / ntotal);
+#ifdef FOLOS_LAZY
+ if (l1param > 0) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < d; j++)
+ update_folos_lazy(iter_sample, j, _vl, sum_eta, last_updated);
+ }
+ double f = logl;
+ if (l1param > 0) {
+ const double l1 = l1norm(_vl); // this is not accurate when lazy update is used
+ // cerr << "f0 = " << update_model_expectation() - l1param * l1 << " ";
+ f -= l1param * l1;
+ int nonzero = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) if (_vl[j] != 0) nonzero++;
+ // cerr << " f = " << f << " l1 = " << l1 << " nonzero_features = " << nonzero << endl;
+ }
+ // fprintf(stderr, "%4d obj = %7.3f acc = %6.4f", iter+1, f, (double)ncorrect/ntotal);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "%4d obj = %f", iter+1, f);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%3d obj(err) = %f (%6.4f)", iter+1, f, 1 - (double)ncorrect/ntotal);
+ if (_nheldout > 0) {
+ double heldout_logl = heldout_likelihood();
+ // fprintf(stderr, " heldout_logl = %f acc = %6.4f\n", heldout_logl, 1 - _heldout_error);
+ fprintf(stderr, " heldout_logl(err) = %f (%6.4f)", heldout_logl, _heldout_error);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/utils/synutils/srl_sentence.h b/utils/synutils/srl_sentence.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f00267a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/srl_sentence.h
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ * srl_sentence.h
+ *
+ * Created on: May 26, 2013
+ * Author: junhuili
+ */
+#ifndef SRL_SENTENCE_H_
+#define SRL_SENTENCE_H_
+#include "tree.h"
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
+struct SArgument{
+ SArgument(const char* pszRole, int iBegin, int iEnd, float fProb) {
+ m_pszRole = new char[strlen(pszRole) + 1];
+ strcpy(m_pszRole, pszRole);
+ m_iBegin = iBegin;
+ m_iEnd = iEnd;
+ m_fProb = fProb;
+ m_pTreeItem = NULL;
+ }
+ ~SArgument() {
+ delete [] m_pszRole;
+ }
+ void fnSetTreeItem(STreeItem *pTreeItem) {
+ m_pTreeItem = pTreeItem;
+ if (m_pTreeItem != NULL && m_pTreeItem->m_iBegin != -1) {
+ assert(m_pTreeItem->m_iBegin == m_iBegin);
+ assert(m_pTreeItem->m_iEnd == m_iEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ char *m_pszRole; //argument rule, e.g., ARG0, ARGM-TMP
+ int m_iBegin;
+ int m_iEnd; //the span of the argument, [m_iBegin, m_iEnd]
+ float m_fProb; //the probability of this role,
+ STreeItem *m_pTreeItem;
+struct SPredicate{
+ SPredicate(const char* pszLemma, int iPosition) {
+ if (pszLemma != NULL) {
+ m_pszLemma = new char[strlen(pszLemma) + 1];
+ strcpy(m_pszLemma, pszLemma);
+ } else
+ m_pszLemma = NULL;
+ m_iPosition = iPosition;
+ }
+ ~SPredicate() {
+ if (m_pszLemma != NULL)
+ delete [] m_pszLemma;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vecArgt.size(); i++)
+ delete m_vecArgt[i];
+ }
+ int fnAppend(const char* pszRole, int iBegin, int iEnd) {
+ SArgument *pArgt = new SArgument(pszRole, iBegin, iEnd, 1.0);
+ return fnAppend(pArgt);
+ }
+ int fnAppend(SArgument *pArgt) {
+ m_vecArgt.push_back(pArgt);
+ int iPosition = m_vecArgt.size() - 1;
+ return iPosition;
+ }
+ char *m_pszLemma; //lemma of the predicate, for Chinese, it's always as same as the predicate itself
+ int m_iPosition; //the position in sentence
+ vector<SArgument*> m_vecArgt; //arguments associated to the predicate
+struct SSrlSentence{
+ SSrlSentence() {
+ m_pTree = NULL;
+ }
+ ~SSrlSentence() {
+ if (m_pTree != NULL)
+ delete m_pTree;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vecPred.size(); i++)
+ delete m_vecPred[i];
+ }
+ int fnAppend(const char* pszLemma, int iPosition) {
+ SPredicate *pPred = new SPredicate(pszLemma, iPosition);
+ return fnAppend(pPred);
+ }
+ int fnAppend(SPredicate* pPred) {
+ m_vecPred.push_back(pPred);
+ int iPosition = m_vecPred.size() - 1;
+ return iPosition;
+ }
+ int GetPredicateNum() {
+ return m_vecPred.size();
+ }
+ SParsedTree *m_pTree;
+ vector<SPredicate*> m_vecPred;
+struct SSrlSentenceReader {
+ SSrlSentenceReader(const char* pszSrlFname) {
+ m_fpIn = fopen(pszSrlFname, "r");
+ assert(m_fpIn != NULL);
+ }
+ ~SSrlSentenceReader() {
+ if (m_fpIn != NULL)
+ fclose(m_fpIn);
+ }
+ inline void fnReplaceAll(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
+ size_t start_pos = 0;
+ while((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
+ str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
+ start_pos += to.length(); // In case 'to' contains 'from', like replacing 'x' with 'yx'
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO: here only considers flat predicate-argument structure
+ // i.e., no overlap among them
+ SSrlSentence* fnReadNextSrlSentence() {
+ vector<vector<string> > vecContent;
+ if (fnReadNextContent(vecContent) == false)
+ return NULL;
+ SSrlSentence *pSrlSentence = new SSrlSentence();
+ int iSize = vecContent.size();
+ //put together syntactic text
+ std::ostringstream ostr;
+ for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++) {
+ string strSynSeg = vecContent[i][5]; //the 5th column is the syntactic segment
+ size_t iPosition = strSynSeg.find_first_of('*');
+ assert(iPosition != string::npos);
+ ostringstream ostrTmp;
+ ostrTmp << "(" << vecContent[i][2] << " " << vecContent[i][0] << ")"; //the 2th column is POS-tag, and the 0th column is word
+ strSynSeg.replace(iPosition, 1, ostrTmp.str());
+ fnReplaceAll(strSynSeg, "(", " (");
+ ostr << strSynSeg;
+ }
+ string strSyn = ostr.str();
+ pSrlSentence->m_pTree = SParsedTree::fnConvertFromString(strSyn.c_str());
+ pSrlSentence->m_pTree->fnSetHeadWord();
+ pSrlSentence->m_pTree->fnSetSpanInfo();
+ //read predicate-argument structure
+ int iNumPred = vecContent[0].size() - 8;
+ for (int i = 0; i < iNumPred; i++) {
+ vector<string> vecRole;
+ vector<int> vecBegin;
+ vector<int> vecEnd;
+ int iPred = -1;
+ for (int j = 0; j < iSize; j++) {
+ const char* p = vecContent[j][i + 8].c_str();
+ const char* q;
+ if (p[0] == '(') {
+ //starting position of an argument(or predicate)
+ vecBegin.push_back(j);
+ q = strchr(p, '*');
+ assert(q != NULL);
+ vecRole.push_back(vecContent[j][i + 8].substr(1, q - p - 1));
+ if (vecRole.back().compare("V") == 0) {
+ assert(iPred == -1);
+ iPred = vecRole.size() - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == ')') {
+ //end position of an argument(or predicate)
+ vecEnd.push_back(j);
+ assert(vecBegin.size() == vecEnd.size());
+ }
+ }
+ assert(iPred != -1);
+ SPredicate *pPred = new SPredicate(pSrlSentence->m_pTree->m_vecTerminals[vecBegin[iPred]]->m_pszTerm, vecBegin[iPred]);
+ pSrlSentence->fnAppend(pPred);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < vecBegin.size(); j++) {
+ if (j == iPred)
+ continue;
+ pPred->fnAppend(vecRole[j].c_str(), vecBegin[j], vecEnd[j]);
+ pPred->m_vecArgt.back()->fnSetTreeItem(pSrlSentence->m_pTree->fnFindNodeForSpan(vecBegin[j], vecEnd[j], false));
+ }
+ }
+ return pSrlSentence;
+ }
+ bool fnReadNextContent(vector<vector<string> >& vecContent) {
+ vecContent.clear();
+ if (feof(m_fpIn) == true)
+ return false;
+ char *pszLine;
+ pszLine = new char[100001];
+ pszLine[0] = '\0';
+ int iLen;
+ while (!feof(m_fpIn)) {
+ fgets(pszLine, 10001, m_fpIn);
+ iLen = strlen(pszLine);
+ while (iLen > 0 && pszLine[iLen - 1] > 0 && pszLine[iLen -1] < 33) {
+ pszLine[ iLen - 1 ] = '\0';
+ iLen--;
+ }
+ if (iLen == 0)
+ break; //end of this sentence
+ vector<string> terms = SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine));
+ assert(terms.size() > 7);
+ vecContent.push_back(terms);
+ }
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ return true;
+ }
+ FILE *m_fpIn;
+#endif /* SRL_SENTENCE_H_ */
diff --git a/utils/synutils/tree.h b/utils/synutils/tree.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..658a470d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/tree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+ * tree.h
+ *
+ * Created on: May 23, 2013
+ * Author: lijunhui
+ */
+#ifndef TREE_H_
+#define TREE_H_
+#include <string>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+using namespace std;
+struct STreeItem{
+ STreeItem(const char* pszTerm) {
+ m_pszTerm = new char[ strlen( pszTerm ) + 1 ];
+ strcpy( m_pszTerm, pszTerm );
+ m_ptParent = NULL;
+ m_iBegin = -1;
+ m_iEnd = -1;
+ m_iHeadChild = -1;
+ m_iHeadWord = -1;
+ m_iBrotherIndex = -1;
+ }
+ ~STreeItem( ) {
+ delete [] m_pszTerm;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vecChildren.size(); i++)
+ delete m_vecChildren[i];
+ }
+ int fnAppend(STreeItem *ptChild) {
+ m_vecChildren.push_back(ptChild);
+ ptChild->m_iBrotherIndex = m_vecChildren.size() - 1;
+ ptChild->m_ptParent = this;
+ return m_vecChildren.size() - 1;
+ }
+ int fnGetChildrenNum() {
+ return m_vecChildren.size();
+ }
+ bool fnIsPreTerminal( void ) {
+ int I;
+ if ( this == NULL || m_vecChildren.size() == 0 )
+ return false;
+ for ( I = 0; I < m_vecChildren.size(); I++ )
+ if (m_vecChildren[I]->m_vecChildren.size() > 0 )
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ char *m_pszTerm;
+ vector<STreeItem*> m_vecChildren;//children items
+ STreeItem *m_ptParent;//the parent item
+ int m_iBegin;
+ int m_iEnd; //the node span words[m_iBegin, m_iEnd]
+ int m_iHeadChild; //the index of its head child
+ int m_iHeadWord; //the index of its head word
+ int m_iBrotherIndex;//the index in his brothers
+struct SGetHeadWord{
+ typedef vector<string> CVectorStr;
+ SGetHeadWord() {
+ }
+ ~SGetHeadWord() {
+ }
+ int fnGetHeadWord( char *pszCFGLeft, CVectorStr vectRight ) {
+ //0 indicating from right to left while 1 indicating from left to right
+ char szaHeadLists[ 201 ] = "0";
+ /* //head rules for Egnlish
+ if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "ADJP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0NNS 0QP 0NN 0$ 0ADVP 0JJ 0VBN 0VBG 0ADJP 0JJR 0NP 0JJS 0DT 0FW 0RBR 0RBS 0SBAR 0RB 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "ADVP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1RB 1RBR 1RBS 1FW 1ADVP 1TO 1CD 1JJR 1JJ 1IN 1NP 1JJS 1NN 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "CONJP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1CC 1RB 1IN 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "FRAG" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "INTJ" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "LST" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1LS 1: 1CLN 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "NAC" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0NN 0NNS 0NNP 0NNPS 0NP 0NAC 0EX 0$ 0CD 0QP 0PRP 0VBG 0JJ 0JJS 0JJR 0ADJP 0FW 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "PP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1IN 1TO 1VBG 1VBN 1RP 1FW 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "PRN" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "PRT" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1RP 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "QP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0$ 0IN 0NNS 0NN 0JJ 0RB 0DT 0CD 0NCD 0QP 0JJR 0JJS 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "RRC" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1VP 1NP 1ADVP 1ADJP 1PP 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "S" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0TO 0IN 0VP 0S 0SBAR 0ADJP 0UCP 0NP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "SBAR" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0WHNP 0WHPP 0WHADVP 0WHADJP 0IN 0DT 0S 0SQ 0SINV 0SBAR 0FRAG 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "SBARQ" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0SQ 0S 0SINV 0SBARQ 0FRAG 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "SINV" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VBZ 0VBD 0VBP 0VB 0MD 0VP 0S 0SINV 0ADJP 0NP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "SQ" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VBZ 0VBD 0VBP 0VB 0MD 0VP 0SQ 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "UCP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "VP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0TO 0VBD 0VBN 0MD 0VBZ 0VB 0VBG 0VBP 0VP 0ADJP 0NN 0NNS 0NP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHADJP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0CC 0WRB 0JJ 0ADJP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHADVP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1CC 1WRB 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHNP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0WDT 0WP 0WP$ 0WHADJP 0WHPP 0WHNP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHPP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1IN 1TO FW 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "NP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0NN NNP NNS NNPS NX POS JJR 0NP 0$ ADJP PRN 0CD 0JJ JJS RB QP 0" );
+ */
+ if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "ADJP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0ADJP JJ 0AD NN CS 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "ADVP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0ADVP AD 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "CLP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0CLP M 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "CP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0DEC SP 1ADVP CS 0CP IP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "DNP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0DNP DEG 0DEC 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "DVP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0DVP DEV 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "DP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1DP DT 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "FRAG" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VV NR NN 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "INTJ" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0INTJ IJ 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "LST" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1LST CD OD 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "IP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0IP VP 0VV 0" );
+ //strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VP 0VV 1IP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "LCP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0LCP LC 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "NP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0NP NN NT NR QP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "PP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1PP P 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "PRN" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0 NP IP VP NT NR NN 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "QP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0QP CLP CD OD 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "VP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1VP VA VC VE VV BA LB VCD VSB VRD VNV VCP 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "VCD" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VCD VV VA VC VE 0" );
+ if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "VRD" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VRD VV VA VC VE 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "VSB" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VSB VV VA VC VE 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "VCP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VCP VV VA VC VE 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "VNV" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VNV VV VA VC VE 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "VPT" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VNV VV VA VC VE 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "UCP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHNP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0WHNP NP NN NT NR QP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHPP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1WHPP PP P 1" );
+ /* //head rules for GENIA corpus
+ if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "ADJP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0NNS 0QP 0NN 0$ 0ADVP 0JJ 0VBN 0VBG 0ADJP 0JJR 0NP 0JJS 0DT 0FW 0RBR 0RBS 0SBAR 0RB 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "ADVP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1RB 1RBR 1RBS 1FW 1ADVP 1TO 1CD 1JJR 1JJ 1IN 1NP 1JJS 1NN 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "CONJP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1CC 1RB 1IN 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "FRAG" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "INTJ" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "LST" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1LS 1: 1CLN 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "NAC" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0NN 0NNS 0NNP 0NNPS 0NP 0NAC 0EX 0$ 0CD 0QP 0PRP 0VBG 0JJ 0JJS 0JJR 0ADJP 0FW 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "PP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1IN 1TO 1VBG 1VBN 1RP 1FW 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "PRN" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "PRT" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1RP 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "QP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0$ 0IN 0NNS 0NN 0JJ 0RB 0DT 0CD 0NCD 0QP 0JJR 0JJS 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "RRC" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1VP 1NP 1ADVP 1ADJP 1PP 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "S" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0TO 0IN 0VP 0S 0SBAR 0ADJP 0UCP 0NP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "SBAR" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0WHNP 0WHPP 0WHADVP 0WHADJP 0IN 0DT 0S 0SQ 0SINV 0SBAR 0FRAG 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "SBARQ" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0SQ 0S 0SINV 0SBARQ 0FRAG 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "SINV" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VBZ 0VBD 0VBP 0VB 0MD 0VP 0S 0SINV 0ADJP 0NP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "SQ" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0VBZ 0VBD 0VBP 0VB 0MD 0VP 0SQ 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "UCP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "VP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0TO 0VBD 0VBN 0MD 0VBZ 0VB 0VBG 0VBP 0VP 0ADJP 0NN 0NNS 0NP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHADJP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0CC 0WRB 0JJ 0ADJP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHADVP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1CC 1WRB 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHNP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0WDT 0WP 0WP$ 0WHADJP 0WHPP 0WHNP 0" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "WHPP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "1IN 1TO FW 1" );
+ else if( strcmp( pszCFGLeft, "NP" ) == 0 )
+ strcpy( szaHeadLists, "0NN NNP NNS NNPS NX POS JJR 0NP 0$ ADJP PRN 0CD 0JJ JJS RB QP 0" );
+ */
+ return fnMyOwnHeadWordRule( szaHeadLists, vectRight );
+ }
+ int fnMyOwnHeadWordRule( char *pszaHeadLists, CVectorStr vectRight ) {
+ char szHeadList[ 201 ], *p;
+ char szTerm[ 101 ];
+ int J;
+ p = pszaHeadLists;
+ int iCountRight;
+ iCountRight = vectRight.size( );
+ szHeadList[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ while( 1 ){
+ szTerm[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ sscanf( p, "%s", szTerm );
+ if( strlen( szHeadList ) == 0 ){
+ if( strcmp( szTerm, "0" ) == 0 ){
+ return iCountRight - 1;
+ }
+ if( strcmp( szTerm, "1" ) == 0 ){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sprintf( szHeadList, "%c %s ", szTerm[ 0 ], szTerm + 1 );
+ p = strstr( p, szTerm );
+ p += strlen( szTerm );
+ }
+ else{
+ if( ( szTerm[ 0 ] == '0' )
+ ||( szTerm[ 0 ] == '1' ) ){
+ if( szHeadList[ 0 ] == '0' ){
+ for( J = iCountRight - 1; J >= 0; J -- ){
+ sprintf( szTerm, " %s ", J ).c_str( ) );
+ if( strstr( szHeadList, szTerm ) != NULL )
+ return J;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ for( J = 0; J < iCountRight; J ++ ){
+ sprintf( szTerm, " %s ", J ).c_str( ) );
+ if( strstr( szHeadList, szTerm ) != NULL )
+ return J;
+ }
+ }
+ szHeadList[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ }
+ else{
+ strcat( szHeadList, szTerm );
+ strcat( szHeadList, " " );
+ p = strstr( p, szTerm );
+ p += strlen( szTerm );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+struct SParsedTree{
+ SParsedTree( ) {
+ m_ptRoot = NULL;
+ }
+ ~SParsedTree( ) {
+ if (m_ptRoot != NULL)
+ delete m_ptRoot;
+ }
+ static SParsedTree* fnConvertFromString(const char* pszStr) {
+ if (strcmp(pszStr, "(())") == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ SParsedTree* pTree = new SParsedTree();
+ vector<string> vecSyn;
+ fnReadSyntactic(pszStr, vecSyn);
+ int iLeft = 1, iRight = 1; //# left/right parenthesis
+ STreeItem *pcurrent;
+ pTree->m_ptRoot = new STreeItem(vecSyn[1].c_str());
+ pcurrent = pTree->m_ptRoot;
+ for (size_t i = 2; i < vecSyn.size() - 1; i++) {
+ if ( strcmp(vecSyn[i].c_str(), "(") == 0 )
+ iLeft++;
+ else if (strcmp(vecSyn[i].c_str(), ")") == 0 ) {
+ iRight++;
+ if (pcurrent == NULL) {
+ //error
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in ConvertFromString\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pszStr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pcurrent = pcurrent->m_ptParent;
+ } else {
+ STreeItem *ptNewItem = new STreeItem(vecSyn[i].c_str());
+ pcurrent->fnAppend( ptNewItem );
+ pcurrent = ptNewItem;
+ if (strcmp(vecSyn[i - 1].c_str(), "(" ) != 0
+ && strcmp(vecSyn[i - 1].c_str(), ")" ) != 0 ) {
+ pTree->m_vecTerminals.push_back(ptNewItem);
+ pcurrent = pcurrent->m_ptParent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( iLeft != iRight ) {
+ //error
+ fprintf(stderr, "the left and right parentheses are not matched!");
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in ConvertFromString\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pszStr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return pTree;
+ }
+ int fnGetNumWord() {
+ return m_vecTerminals.size();
+ }
+ void fnSetSpanInfo() {
+ int iNextNum = 0;
+ fnSuffixTraverseSetSpanInfo(m_ptRoot, iNextNum);
+ }
+ void fnSetHeadWord() {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vecTerminals.size(); i++)
+ m_vecTerminals[i]->m_iHeadWord = i;
+ SGetHeadWord *pGetHeadWord = new SGetHeadWord();
+ fnSuffixTraverseSetHeadWord(m_ptRoot, pGetHeadWord);
+ delete pGetHeadWord;
+ }
+ STreeItem *fnFindNodeForSpan(int iLeft, int iRight, bool bLowest) {
+ STreeItem *pTreeItem = m_vecTerminals[iLeft];
+ while (pTreeItem->m_iEnd < iRight) {
+ pTreeItem = pTreeItem->m_ptParent;
+ if (pTreeItem == NULL) break;
+ }
+ if (pTreeItem == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (pTreeItem->m_iEnd > iRight)
+ return NULL;
+ assert(pTreeItem->m_iEnd == iRight);
+ if (bLowest)
+ return pTreeItem;
+ while (pTreeItem->m_ptParent != NULL && pTreeItem->m_ptParent->fnGetChildrenNum() == 1)
+ pTreeItem = pTreeItem->m_ptParent;
+ return pTreeItem;
+ }
+ void fnSuffixTraverseSetSpanInfo(STreeItem *ptItem, int& iNextNum) {
+ int I;
+ int iNumChildren = ptItem->fnGetChildrenNum();
+ for ( I = 0; I < iNumChildren; I++ )
+ fnSuffixTraverseSetSpanInfo(ptItem->m_vecChildren[ I ], iNextNum);
+ if ( I == 0 )
+ {
+ ptItem->m_iBegin = iNextNum;
+ ptItem->m_iEnd = iNextNum++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptItem->m_iBegin = ptItem->m_vecChildren[0]->m_iBegin;
+ ptItem->m_iEnd = ptItem->m_vecChildren[I - 1]->m_iEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ void fnSuffixTraverseSetHeadWord(STreeItem *ptItem, SGetHeadWord *pGetHeadWord) {
+ int I, iHeadchild;
+ if ( ptItem->m_vecChildren.size() == 0 )
+ return;
+ for ( I = 0; I < ptItem->m_vecChildren.size(); I++ )
+ fnSuffixTraverseSetHeadWord(ptItem->m_vecChildren[I], pGetHeadWord);
+ vector<string> vecRight;
+ if ( ptItem->m_vecChildren.size() == 1 )
+ iHeadchild = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ for ( I = 0; I < ptItem->m_vecChildren.size(); I++ )
+ vecRight.push_back( string( ptItem->m_vecChildren[ I ]->m_pszTerm ) );
+ iHeadchild = pGetHeadWord->fnGetHeadWord( ptItem->m_pszTerm, vecRight );
+ }
+ ptItem->m_iHeadChild = iHeadchild;
+ ptItem->m_iHeadWord = ptItem->m_vecChildren[iHeadchild]->m_iHeadWord;
+ }
+ static void fnReadSyntactic(const char *pszSyn, vector<string>& vec) {
+ char *p;
+ int I;
+ int iLeftNum, iRightNum;
+ char *pszTmp, *pszTerm;
+ pszTmp = new char[strlen(pszSyn)];
+ pszTerm = new char[strlen(pszSyn)];
+ pszTmp[0] = pszTerm[0] = '\0';
+ vec.clear();
+ char *pszLine;
+ pszLine = new char[strlen(pszSyn) + 1];
+ strcpy( pszLine, pszSyn );
+ char *pszLine2;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ while(( strlen( pszLine ) > 0 )
+ &&( pszLine[ strlen( pszLine ) - 1 ] > 0 )
+ &&( pszLine[ strlen( pszLine ) - 1 ] <= ' ' ) )
+ pszLine[ strlen( pszLine ) - 1 ] = '\0';
+ if( strlen( pszLine ) == 0 )
+ break;
+ //printf( "%s\n", pszLine );
+ pszLine2 = pszLine;
+ while( pszLine2[ 0 ] <= ' ' )
+ pszLine2 ++;
+ if( pszLine2[ 0 ] == '<' )
+ continue;
+ sscanf( pszLine2 + 1, "%s", pszTmp );
+ if ( pszLine2[ 0 ] == '(' ) {
+ iLeftNum = 0;
+ iRightNum = 0;
+ }
+ p = pszLine2;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ pszTerm[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ sscanf( p, "%s", pszTerm );
+ if( strlen( pszTerm ) == 0 )
+ break;
+ p = strstr( p, pszTerm );
+ p += strlen( pszTerm );
+ if( ( pszTerm[ 0 ] == '(' )
+ ||( pszTerm[ strlen( pszTerm ) - 1 ] == ')' ) ) {
+ if( pszTerm[ 0 ] == '(' ) {
+ vec.push_back(string("("));
+ iLeftNum++;
+ I = 1;
+ while ( pszTerm[ I ] == '(' && pszTerm[ I ]!= '\0' ) {
+ vec.push_back(string("("));
+ iLeftNum++;
+ I++;
+ }
+ if( strlen( pszTerm ) > 1 )
+ vec.push_back(string(pszTerm + I));
+ } else {
+ char *pTmp;
+ pTmp = pszTerm + strlen( pszTerm ) - 1;
+ while( ( pTmp[ 0 ] == ')' ) && ( pTmp >= pszTerm ) )
+ pTmp --;
+ pTmp[ 1 ] = '\0';
+ if( strlen( pszTerm ) > 0 )
+ vec.push_back(string(pszTerm));
+ pTmp += 2;
+ for( I = 0; I <= (int)strlen( pTmp ); I ++ ) {
+ vec.push_back(string(")"));
+ iRightNum++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ char *q;
+ q = strchr( pszTerm, ')' );
+ if ( q != NULL ) {
+ q[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ if ( pszTerm[ 0 ] != '\0' )
+ vec.push_back(string(pszTerm));
+ vec.push_back(string(")"));
+ iRightNum++;
+ q++;
+ while ( q[ 0 ] == ')' ) {
+ vec.push_back(string(")"));
+ q++;
+ iRightNum ++;
+ }
+ while( q[ 0 ] == '(' ) {
+ vec.push_back(string("("));
+ q++;
+ iLeftNum++;
+ }
+ if ( q[ 0 ] != '\0' )
+ vec.push_back(string(q));
+ }
+ else
+ vec.push_back(string(pszTerm));
+ }
+ }
+ if (iLeftNum != iRightNum) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pszSyn);
+ assert(iLeftNum == iRightNum);
+ }
+ /*if ( iLeftNum != iRightNum ) {
+ printf( "ERROR: left( and right ) is not matched, %d ( and %d )\n", iLeftNum, iRightNum );
+ return;
+ }*/
+ if( vec.size() >= 2
+ && strcmp( vec[1].c_str(), "(" ) == 0 ) {
+ //( (IP..) )
+ std::vector<string>::iterator it;
+ it = vec.begin();
+ it++;
+ vec.insert(it, string("ROOT"));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ delete [] pszTmp;
+ delete [] pszTerm;
+ }
+ STreeItem *m_ptRoot;
+ vector<STreeItem*> m_vecTerminals; //the leaf nodes
+struct SParseReader {
+ SParseReader(const char* pszParse_Fname, bool bFlattened = false) :
+ m_bFlattened(bFlattened){
+ m_fpIn = fopen( pszParse_Fname, "r" );
+ assert(m_fpIn != NULL);
+ }
+ ~SParseReader() {
+ if (m_fpIn != NULL)
+ fclose(m_fpIn);
+ }
+ SParsedTree* fnReadNextParseTree( ) {
+ SParsedTree *pTree = NULL;
+ char *pszLine = new char[100001];
+ int iLen;
+ while (fnReadNextSentence(pszLine, &iLen) == true ) {
+ if (iLen == 0)
+ continue;
+ pTree = SParsedTree::fnConvertFromString(pszLine);
+ if (pTree == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (m_bFlattened)
+ fnPostProcessingFlattenedParse(pTree);
+ else {
+ pTree->fnSetSpanInfo();
+ pTree->fnSetHeadWord();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ return pTree;
+ }
+ SParsedTree* fnReadNextParseTreeWithProb(double *pProb) {
+ SParsedTree *pTree = NULL;
+ char *pszLine = new char[100001];
+ int iLen;
+ while (fnReadNextSentence(pszLine, &iLen) == true ) {
+ if (iLen == 0)
+ continue;
+ char *p = strchr(pszLine, ' ');
+ assert(p != NULL);
+ p[0] = '\0';
+ p++;
+ if (pProb)
+ (*pProb) = atof(pszLine);
+ pTree = SParsedTree::fnConvertFromString(p);
+ if (m_bFlattened)
+ fnPostProcessingFlattenedParse(pTree);
+ else {
+ pTree->fnSetSpanInfo();
+ pTree->fnSetHeadWord();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ return pTree;
+ }
+ /*
+ * since to the parse tree is a flattened tree, use the head mark to identify head info.
+ * the head node will be marked as "*XP*"
+ */
+ void fnSetParseTreeHeadInfo(SParsedTree *pTree) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pTree->m_vecTerminals.size(); i++)
+ pTree->m_vecTerminals[i]->m_iHeadWord = i;
+ fnSuffixTraverseSetHeadWord(pTree->m_ptRoot);
+ }
+ void fnSuffixTraverseSetHeadWord(STreeItem *pTreeItem) {
+ if (pTreeItem->m_vecChildren.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pTreeItem->m_vecChildren.size(); i++ )
+ fnSuffixTraverseSetHeadWord(pTreeItem->m_vecChildren[i]);
+ vector<string> vecRight;
+ int iHeadchild;
+ if (pTreeItem->fnIsPreTerminal()) {
+ iHeadchild = 0;
+ } else {
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < pTreeItem->m_vecChildren.size(); i++) {
+ char *p = pTreeItem->m_vecChildren[i]->m_pszTerm;
+ if (p[0] == '*' && p[strlen(p) - 1] == '*') {
+ iHeadchild = i;
+ p[strlen(p) - 1] = '\0';
+ string str = p + 1;
+ strcpy(p, str.c_str()); //erase the "*..*"
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(i < pTreeItem->m_vecChildren.size());
+ }
+ pTreeItem->m_iHeadChild = iHeadchild;
+ pTreeItem->m_iHeadWord = pTreeItem->m_vecChildren[iHeadchild]->m_iHeadWord;
+ }
+ void fnPostProcessingFlattenedParse(SParsedTree *pTree) {
+ pTree->fnSetSpanInfo();
+ fnSetParseTreeHeadInfo(pTree);
+ }
+ bool fnReadNextSentence(char *pszLine, int* piLength) {
+ if (feof(m_fpIn) == true)
+ return false;
+ int iLen;
+ pszLine[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ fgets(pszLine, 10001, m_fpIn);
+ iLen = strlen(pszLine);
+ while (iLen > 0 && pszLine[iLen - 1] > 0 && pszLine[iLen -1] < 33) {
+ pszLine[ iLen - 1 ] = '\0';
+ iLen--;
+ }
+ if ( piLength != NULL )
+ (*piLength) = iLen;
+ return true;
+ }
+ FILE *m_fpIn;
+ const bool m_bFlattened;
+#endif /* TREE_H_ */
diff --git a/utils/synutils/tsuruoka_maxent.h b/utils/synutils/tsuruoka_maxent.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..790876ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/tsuruoka_maxent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * tsuruoka_maxent.h
+ *
+ */
+#include "utility.h"
+#include "stringlib.h"
+#include "maxent-3.0/maxent.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <tr1/unordered_map>
+using namespace std;
+typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, int> Map;
+typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, int>::iterator Iterator;
+struct Tsuruoka_Maxent{
+ Tsuruoka_Maxent(const char* pszModelFName) {
+ if (pszModelFName != NULL) {
+ m_pModel = new ME_Model();
+ m_pModel->load_from_file(pszModelFName);
+ } else
+ m_pModel = NULL;
+ }
+ ~Tsuruoka_Maxent() {
+ if (m_pModel != NULL)
+ delete m_pModel;
+ }
+ void fnTrain(const char* pszInstanceFName, const char* pszAlgorithm, const char* pszModelFName, int iNumIteration) {
+ assert(strcmp(pszAlgorithm, "l1") == 0
+ || strcmp(pszAlgorithm, "l2") == 0
+ || strcmp(pszAlgorithm, "sgd") == 0
+ || strcmp(pszAlgorithm, "SGD") == 0);
+ FILE *fpIn = fopen(pszInstanceFName, "r");
+ ME_Model *pModel = new ME_Model();
+ char *pszLine = new char[100001];
+ int iNumInstances = 0;
+ int iLen;
+ while (!feof(fpIn)) {
+ pszLine[0] = '\0';
+ fgets(pszLine, 20000, fpIn);
+ if (strlen(pszLine) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ iLen = strlen(pszLine);
+ while (iLen > 0 && pszLine[iLen - 1] > 0 && pszLine[iLen -1] < 33) {
+ pszLine[ iLen - 1 ] = '\0';
+ iLen--;
+ }
+ iNumInstances++;
+ ME_Sample *pmes = new ME_Sample();
+ char *p = strrchr(pszLine, ' ');
+ assert(p != NULL);
+ p[0] = '\0';
+ p++;
+ vector<string> vecContext;
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszLine), &vecContext);
+ pmes->label = string(p);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecContext.size(); i++)
+ pmes->add_feature(vecContext[i]);
+ pModel->add_training_sample((*pmes));
+ if (iNumInstances % 100000 == 0)
+ fprintf(stdout, "......Reading #Instances: %1d\n", iNumInstances);
+ delete pmes;
+ }
+ fprintf(stdout, "......Reading #Instances: %1d\n", iNumInstances);
+ fclose(fpIn);
+ if (strcmp(pszAlgorithm, "l1") == 0)
+ pModel->use_l1_regularizer(1.0);
+ else if (strcmp(pszAlgorithm, "l2") == 0)
+ pModel->use_l2_regularizer(1.0);
+ else
+ pModel->use_SGD();
+ pModel->train();
+ pModel->save_to_file(pszModelFName);
+ delete pModel;
+ fprintf(stdout, "......Finished Training\n");
+ fprintf(stdout, "......Model saved as %s\n", pszModelFName);
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ }
+ double fnEval(const char* pszContext, const char* pszOutcome) const {
+ vector<string> vecContext;
+ ME_Sample *pmes = new ME_Sample();
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszContext), &vecContext);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecContext.size(); i++)
+ pmes->add_feature(vecContext[i]);
+ vector<double> vecProb = m_pModel->classify(*pmes);
+ delete pmes;
+ int iLableID = m_pModel->get_class_id(pszOutcome);
+ return vecProb[iLableID];
+ }
+ void fnEval(const char* pszContext, vector<pair<string, double> >& vecOutput) const {
+ vector<string> vecContext;
+ ME_Sample *pmes = new ME_Sample();
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszContext), &vecContext);
+ vecOutput.clear();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecContext.size(); i++)
+ pmes->add_feature(vecContext[i]);
+ vector<double> vecProb = m_pModel->classify(*pmes);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecProb.size(); i++) {
+ string label = m_pModel->get_class_label(i);
+ vecOutput.push_back(make_pair(label, vecProb[i]));
+ }
+ delete pmes;
+ }
+ void fnEval(const char* pszContext, vector<double>& vecOutput) const{
+ vector<string> vecContext;
+ ME_Sample *pmes = new ME_Sample();
+ SplitOnWhitespace(string(pszContext), &vecContext);
+ vecOutput.clear();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecContext.size(); i++)
+ pmes->add_feature(vecContext[i]);
+ vector<double> vecProb = m_pModel->classify(*pmes);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vecProb.size(); i++) {
+ string label = m_pModel->get_class_label(i);
+ vecOutput.push_back(vecProb[i]);
+ }
+ delete pmes;
+ }
+ int fnGetClassId(const string& strLabel) const {
+ return m_pModel->get_class_id(strLabel);
+ }
+ ME_Model *m_pModel;
+#endif /* TSURUOKA_MAXENT_H_ */
diff --git a/utils/synutils/utility.h b/utils/synutils/utility.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3f52ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/synutils/utility.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ * utility.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Jun 24, 2013
+ * Author: lijunhui
+ */
+#ifndef UTILITY_H_
+#define UTILITY_H_
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unordered_map>
+using namespace std;
+typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, int> MapString2Int;
+typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, float> MapString2Float;
+typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, float>::iterator MapString2FloatIterator;
+using namespace std;
+struct SFReader {
+ SFReader( ){ }
+ virtual ~SFReader( ){ }
+ virtual bool fnReadNextLine( char *pszLine, int* piLength ) = 0;
+ virtual bool fnReadNextLine(string& strLine) = 0;
+struct STxtFileReader: public SFReader {
+ STxtFileReader(const char* pszFname) {
+ m_fpIn = fopen(pszFname, "r");
+ assert(m_fpIn != NULL);
+ }
+ ~STxtFileReader() {
+ if (m_fpIn != NULL)
+ fclose(m_fpIn);
+ }
+ bool fnReadNextLine(char *pszLine, int* piLength) {
+ if (feof(m_fpIn) == true)
+ return false;
+ int iLen;
+ pszLine[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ fgets(pszLine, 10001, m_fpIn);
+ iLen = strlen(pszLine);
+ if (iLen == 0) return false;
+ while (iLen > 0 && pszLine[iLen - 1] > 0 && pszLine[iLen -1] < 33) {
+ pszLine[ iLen - 1 ] = '\0';
+ iLen--;
+ }
+ if ( piLength != NULL )
+ (*piLength) = iLen;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool fnReadNextLine(string& strLine) {
+ char *pszLine = new char[10001];
+ bool bOut = fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL);
+ if (bOut) strLine = string(pszLine);
+ else strLine = string("");
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ return bOut;
+ }
+ FILE *m_fpIn;
+struct SGZFileReader: public SFReader {
+ SGZFileReader(const char* pszFname) {
+ m_fpIn = gzopen( pszFname, "r" );
+ assert(m_fpIn != NULL);
+ }
+ ~SGZFileReader() {
+ if (m_fpIn != NULL)
+ gzclose(m_fpIn);
+ }
+ bool fnReadNextLine(char *pszLine, int* piLength) {
+ if ( m_fpIn == NULL )
+ exit( 0 );
+ if ( gzeof( m_fpIn ) == true )
+ return false;
+ int iLen;
+ pszLine[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ gzgets( m_fpIn, pszLine, 10001 );
+ iLen = strlen( pszLine );
+ while ( iLen > 0 && pszLine[ iLen - 1 ] > 0 && pszLine[ iLen -1 ] < 33 )
+ {
+ pszLine[ iLen - 1 ] = '\0';
+ iLen--;
+ }
+ if ( piLength != NULL )
+ (*piLength) = iLen;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool fnReadNextLine(string& strLine) {
+ char *pszLine = new char[10001];
+ bool bOut = fnReadNextLine(pszLine, NULL);
+ if (bOut) strLine = string(pszLine);
+ else strLine = string("");
+ delete [] pszLine;
+ return bOut;
+ }
+ gzFile m_fpIn;
+#endif /* UTILITY_H_ */