path: root/jam-files/boost-build/build/
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Diffstat (limited to 'jam-files/boost-build/build/')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jam-files/boost-build/build/ b/jam-files/boost-build/build/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddb7ba09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jam-files/boost-build/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Status: ported.
+# Base revision: 45462.
+# Copyright (C) Vladimir Prus 2002. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
+# distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in
+# all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+# warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+import re
+import os
+import os.path
+from b2.util.utility import replace_grist, os_name
+from b2.exceptions import *
+from import feature, property, scanner
+from b2.util import bjam_signature
+__re_hyphen = re.compile ('-')
+def __register_features ():
+ """ Register features need by this module.
+ """
+ # The feature is optional so that it is never implicitly added.
+ # It's used only for internal purposes, and in all cases we
+ # want to explicitly use it.
+ feature.feature ('target-type', [], ['composite', 'optional'])
+ feature.feature ('main-target-type', [], ['optional', 'incidental'])
+ feature.feature ('base-target-type', [], ['composite', 'optional', 'free'])
+def reset ():
+ """ Clear the module state. This is mainly for testing purposes.
+ Note that this must be called _after_ resetting the module 'feature'.
+ """
+ global __prefixes_suffixes, __suffixes_to_types, __types, __rule_names_to_types, __target_suffixes_cache
+ __register_features ()
+ # Stores suffixes for generated targets.
+ __prefixes_suffixes = [property.PropertyMap(), property.PropertyMap()]
+ # Maps suffixes to types
+ __suffixes_to_types = {}
+ # A map with all the registered types, indexed by the type name
+ # Each entry is a dictionary with following values:
+ # 'base': the name of base type or None if type has no base
+ # 'derived': a list of names of type which derive from this one
+ # 'scanner': the scanner class registered for this type, if any
+ __types = {}
+ # Caches suffixes for targets with certain properties.
+ __target_suffixes_cache = {}
+reset ()
+@bjam_signature((["type"], ["suffixes", "*"], ["base_type", "?"]))
+def register (type, suffixes = [], base_type = None):
+ """ Registers a target type, possibly derived from a 'base-type'.
+ If 'suffixes' are provided, they list all the suffixes that mean a file is of 'type'.
+ Also, the first element gives the suffix to be used when constructing and object of
+ 'type'.
+ type: a string
+ suffixes: None or a sequence of strings
+ base_type: None or a string
+ """
+ # Type names cannot contain hyphens, because when used as
+ # feature-values they will be interpreted as composite features
+ # which need to be decomposed.
+ if (type):
+ raise BaseException ('type name "%s" contains a hyphen' % type)
+ if __types.has_key (type):
+ raise BaseException ('Type "%s" is already registered.' % type)
+ entry = {}
+ entry ['base'] = base_type
+ entry ['derived'] = []
+ entry ['scanner'] = None
+ __types [type] = entry
+ if base_type:
+ __types [base_type]['derived'].append (type)
+ if len (suffixes) > 0:
+ # Generated targets of 'type' will use the first of 'suffixes'
+ # (this may be overriden)
+ set_generated_target_suffix (type, [], suffixes [0])
+ # Specify mapping from suffixes to type
+ register_suffixes (suffixes, type)
+ feature.extend('target-type', [type])
+ feature.extend('main-target-type', [type])
+ feature.extend('base-target-type', [type])
+ if base_type:
+ feature.compose ('<target-type>' + type, replace_grist (base_type, '<base-target-type>'))
+ feature.compose ('<base-target-type>' + type, '<base-target-type>' + base_type)
+ import as generators
+ # Adding a new derived type affects generator selection so we need to
+ # make the generator selection module update any of its cached
+ # information related to a new derived type being defined.
+ generators.update_cached_information_with_a_new_type(type)
+ # FIXME: resolving recursive dependency.
+ from b2.manager import get_manager
+ get_manager().projects().project_rules().add_rule_for_type(type)
+# FIXME: quick hack.
+def type_from_rule_name(rule_name):
+ return rule_name.upper().replace("-", "_")
+def register_suffixes (suffixes, type):
+ """ Specifies that targets with suffix from 'suffixes' have the type 'type'.
+ If a different type is already specified for any of syffixes, issues an error.
+ """
+ for s in suffixes:
+ if __suffixes_to_types.has_key (s):
+ old_type = __suffixes_to_types [s]
+ if old_type != type:
+ raise BaseException ('Attempting to specify type for suffix "%s"\nOld type: "%s", New type "%s"' % (s, old_type, type))
+ else:
+ __suffixes_to_types [s] = type
+def registered (type):
+ """ Returns true iff type has been registered.
+ """
+ return __types.has_key (type)
+def validate (type):
+ """ Issues an error if 'type' is unknown.
+ """
+ if not registered (type):
+ raise BaseException ("Unknown target type '%s'" % type)
+def set_scanner (type, scanner):
+ """ Sets a scanner class that will be used for this 'type'.
+ """
+ validate (type)
+ __types [type]['scanner'] = scanner
+def get_scanner (type, prop_set):
+ """ Returns a scanner instance appropriate to 'type' and 'property_set'.
+ """
+ if registered (type):
+ scanner_type = __types [type]['scanner']
+ if scanner_type:
+ return scanner.get (scanner_type, prop_set.raw ())
+ pass
+ return None
+def base(type):
+ """Returns a base type for the given type or nothing in case the given type is
+ not derived."""
+ return __types[type]['base']
+def all_bases (type):
+ """ Returns type and all of its bases, in the order of their distance from type.
+ """
+ result = []
+ while type:
+ result.append (type)
+ type = __types [type]['base']
+ return result
+def all_derived (type):
+ """ Returns type and all classes that derive from it, in the order of their distance from type.
+ """
+ result = [type]
+ for d in __types [type]['derived']:
+ result.extend (all_derived (d))
+ return result
+def is_derived (type, base):
+ """ Returns true if 'type' is 'base' or has 'base' as its direct or indirect base.
+ """
+ # TODO: this isn't very efficient, especially for bases close to type
+ if base in all_bases (type):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def is_subtype (type, base):
+ """ Same as is_derived. Should be removed.
+ """
+ # TODO: remove this method
+ return is_derived (type, base)
+@bjam_signature((["type"], ["properties", "*"], ["suffix"]))
+def set_generated_target_suffix (type, properties, suffix):
+ """ Sets a target suffix that should be used when generating target
+ of 'type' with the specified properties. Can be called with
+ empty properties if no suffix for 'type' was specified yet.
+ This does not automatically specify that files 'suffix' have
+ 'type' --- two different types can use the same suffix for
+ generating, but only one type should be auto-detected for
+ a file with that suffix. User should explicitly specify which
+ one.
+ The 'suffix' parameter can be empty string ("") to indicate that
+ no suffix should be used.
+ """
+ set_generated_target_ps(1, type, properties, suffix)
+def change_generated_target_suffix (type, properties, suffix):
+ """ Change the suffix previously registered for this type/properties
+ combination. If suffix is not yet specified, sets it.
+ """
+ change_generated_target_ps(1, type, properties, suffix)
+def generated_target_suffix(type, properties):
+ return generated_target_ps(1, type, properties)
+# Sets a target prefix that should be used when generating targets of 'type'
+# with the specified properties. Can be called with empty properties if no
+# prefix for 'type' has been specified yet.
+# The 'prefix' parameter can be empty string ("") to indicate that no prefix
+# should be used.
+# Usage example: library names use the "lib" prefix on unix.
+@bjam_signature((["type"], ["properties", "*"], ["suffix"]))
+def set_generated_target_prefix(type, properties, prefix):
+ set_generated_target_ps(0, type, properties, prefix)
+# Change the prefix previously registered for this type/properties combination.
+# If prefix is not yet specified, sets it.
+def change_generated_target_prefix(type, properties, prefix):
+ change_generated_target_ps(0, type, properties, prefix)
+def generated_target_prefix(type, properties):
+ return generated_target_ps(0, type, properties)
+def set_generated_target_ps(is_suffix, type, properties, val):
+ properties.append ('<target-type>' + type)
+ __prefixes_suffixes[is_suffix].insert (properties, val)
+def change_generated_target_ps(is_suffix, type, properties, val):
+ properties.append ('<target-type>' + type)
+ prev = __prefixes_suffixes[is_suffix].find_replace(properties, val)
+ if not prev:
+ set_generated_target_ps(is_suffix, type, properties, val)
+# Returns either prefix or suffix (as indicated by 'is_suffix') that should be used
+# when generating a target of 'type' with the specified properties.
+# If no prefix/suffix is specified for 'type', returns prefix/suffix for
+# base type, if any.
+def generated_target_ps_real(is_suffix, type, properties):
+ result = ''
+ found = False
+ while type and not found:
+ result = __prefixes_suffixes[is_suffix].find (['<target-type>' + type] + properties)
+ # Note that if the string is empty (""), but not null, we consider
+ # suffix found. Setting prefix or suffix to empty string is fine.
+ if result is not None:
+ found = True
+ type = __types [type]['base']
+ if not result:
+ result = ''
+ return result
+def generated_target_ps(is_suffix, type, prop_set):
+ """ Returns suffix that should be used when generating target of 'type',
+ with the specified properties. If not suffix were specified for
+ 'type', returns suffix for base type, if any.
+ """
+ key = (is_suffix, type, prop_set)
+ v = __target_suffixes_cache.get(key, None)
+ if not v:
+ v = generated_target_ps_real(is_suffix, type, prop_set.raw())
+ __target_suffixes_cache [key] = v
+ return v
+def type(filename):
+ """ Returns file type given it's name. If there are several dots in filename,
+ tries each suffix. E.g. for name of "" suffixes "2", "1", and
+ "so" will be tried.
+ """
+ while 1:
+ filename, suffix = os.path.splitext (filename)
+ if not suffix: return None
+ suffix = suffix[1:]
+ if __suffixes_to_types.has_key(suffix):
+ return __suffixes_to_types[suffix]
+# NOTE: moved from tools/types/register
+def register_type (type, suffixes, base_type = None, os = []):
+ """ Register the given type on the specified OSes, or on remaining OSes
+ if os is not specified. This rule is injected into each of the type
+ modules for the sake of convenience.
+ """
+ if registered (type):
+ return
+ if not os or os_name () in os:
+ register (type, suffixes, base_type)