path: root/extractor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extractor/')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extractor/ b/extractor/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39a7648d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extractor/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#include "intersector.h"
+#include "data_array.h"
+#include "matching_comparator.h"
+#include "phrase.h"
+#include "phrase_location.h"
+#include "precomputation.h"
+#include "suffix_array.h"
+#include "veb.h"
+#include "vocabulary.h"
+Intersector::Intersector(shared_ptr<Vocabulary> vocabulary,
+ shared_ptr<Precomputation> precomputation,
+ shared_ptr<SuffixArray> suffix_array,
+ shared_ptr<MatchingComparator> comparator,
+ bool use_baeza_yates) :
+ vocabulary(vocabulary),
+ suffix_array(suffix_array),
+ use_baeza_yates(use_baeza_yates) {
+ shared_ptr<DataArray> data_array = suffix_array->GetData();
+ linear_merger = make_shared<LinearMerger>(vocabulary, data_array, comparator);
+ binary_search_merger = make_shared<BinarySearchMerger>(
+ vocabulary, linear_merger, data_array, comparator);
+ ConvertIndexes(precomputation, data_array);
+Intersector::Intersector(shared_ptr<Vocabulary> vocabulary,
+ shared_ptr<Precomputation> precomputation,
+ shared_ptr<SuffixArray> suffix_array,
+ shared_ptr<LinearMerger> linear_merger,
+ shared_ptr<BinarySearchMerger> binary_search_merger,
+ bool use_baeza_yates) :
+ vocabulary(vocabulary),
+ suffix_array(suffix_array),
+ linear_merger(linear_merger),
+ binary_search_merger(binary_search_merger),
+ use_baeza_yates(use_baeza_yates) {
+ ConvertIndexes(precomputation, suffix_array->GetData());
+Intersector::Intersector() {}
+Intersector::~Intersector() {}
+void Intersector::ConvertIndexes(shared_ptr<Precomputation> precomputation,
+ shared_ptr<DataArray> data_array) {
+ const Index& precomputed_index = precomputation->GetInvertedIndex();
+ for (pair<vector<int>, vector<int> > entry: precomputed_index) {
+ vector<int> phrase = ConvertPhrase(entry.first, data_array);
+ inverted_index[phrase] = entry.second;
+ phrase.push_back(vocabulary->GetNonterminalIndex(1));
+ inverted_index[phrase] = entry.second;
+ phrase.pop_back();
+ phrase.insert(phrase.begin(), vocabulary->GetNonterminalIndex(1));
+ inverted_index[phrase] = entry.second;
+ }
+ const Index& precomputed_collocations = precomputation->GetCollocations();
+ for (pair<vector<int>, vector<int> > entry: precomputed_collocations) {
+ vector<int> phrase = ConvertPhrase(entry.first, data_array);
+ collocations[phrase] = entry.second;
+ }
+vector<int> Intersector::ConvertPhrase(const vector<int>& old_phrase,
+ shared_ptr<DataArray> data_array) {
+ vector<int> new_phrase;
+ new_phrase.reserve(old_phrase.size());
+ int arity = 0;
+ for (int word_id: old_phrase) {
+ if (word_id == Precomputation::NON_TERMINAL) {
+ ++arity;
+ new_phrase.push_back(vocabulary->GetNonterminalIndex(arity));
+ } else {
+ new_phrase.push_back(
+ vocabulary->GetTerminalIndex(data_array->GetWord(word_id)));
+ }
+ }
+ return new_phrase;
+PhraseLocation Intersector::Intersect(
+ const Phrase& prefix, PhraseLocation& prefix_location,
+ const Phrase& suffix, PhraseLocation& suffix_location,
+ const Phrase& phrase) {
+ vector<int> symbols = phrase.Get();
+ // We should never attempt to do an intersect query for a pattern starting or
+ // ending with a non terminal. The RuleFactory should handle these cases,
+ // initializing the matchings list with the one for the pattern without the
+ // starting or ending terminal.
+ assert(vocabulary->IsTerminal(symbols.front())
+ && vocabulary->IsTerminal(symbols.back()));
+ if (collocations.count(symbols)) {
+ return PhraseLocation(collocations[symbols], phrase.Arity() + 1);
+ }
+ vector<int> locations;
+ ExtendPhraseLocation(prefix, prefix_location);
+ ExtendPhraseLocation(suffix, suffix_location);
+ shared_ptr<vector<int> > prefix_matchings = prefix_location.matchings;
+ shared_ptr<vector<int> > suffix_matchings = suffix_location.matchings;
+ int prefix_subpatterns = prefix_location.num_subpatterns;
+ int suffix_subpatterns = suffix_location.num_subpatterns;
+ if (use_baeza_yates) {
+ binary_search_merger->Merge(locations, phrase, suffix,
+ prefix_matchings->begin(), prefix_matchings->end(),
+ suffix_matchings->begin(), suffix_matchings->end(),
+ prefix_subpatterns, suffix_subpatterns);
+ } else {
+ linear_merger->Merge(locations, phrase, suffix, prefix_matchings->begin(),
+ prefix_matchings->end(), suffix_matchings->begin(),
+ suffix_matchings->end(), prefix_subpatterns, suffix_subpatterns);
+ }
+ return PhraseLocation(locations, phrase.Arity() + 1);
+void Intersector::ExtendPhraseLocation(
+ const Phrase& phrase, PhraseLocation& phrase_location) {
+ int low = phrase_location.sa_low, high = phrase_location.sa_high;
+ if (phrase_location.matchings != NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ phrase_location.num_subpatterns = 1;
+ phrase_location.sa_low = phrase_location.sa_high = 0;
+ vector<int> symbols = phrase.Get();
+ if (inverted_index.count(symbols)) {
+ phrase_location.matchings =
+ make_shared<vector<int> >(inverted_index[symbols]);
+ return;
+ }
+ vector<int> matchings;
+ matchings.reserve(high - low + 1);
+ shared_ptr<VEB> veb = VEB::Create(suffix_array->GetSize());
+ for (int i = low; i < high; ++i) {
+ veb->Insert(suffix_array->GetSuffix(i));
+ }
+ int value = veb->GetMinimum();
+ while (value != -1) {
+ matchings.push_back(value);
+ value = veb->GetSuccessor(value);
+ }
+ phrase_location.matchings = make_shared<vector<int> >(matchings);