path: root/jam-files/boost-build/kernel/modules.jam
diff options
authorChris Dyer <>2012-10-11 14:06:32 -0400
committerChris Dyer <>2012-10-11 14:06:32 -0400
commit07ea7b64b6f85e5798a8068453ed9fd2b97396db (patch)
tree644496a1690d84d82a396bbc1e39160788beb2cd /jam-files/boost-build/kernel/modules.jam
parent37b9e45e5cb29d708f7249dbe0b0fb27685282a0 (diff)
parenta36fcc5d55c1de84ae68c1091ebff2b1c32dc3b7 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'jam-files/boost-build/kernel/modules.jam')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 354 deletions
diff --git a/jam-files/boost-build/kernel/modules.jam b/jam-files/boost-build/kernel/modules.jam
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f75354f..00000000
--- a/jam-files/boost-build/kernel/modules.jam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2003 Dave Abrahams
-# Copyright 2003, 2005 Vladimir Prus
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
-# Essentially an include guard; ensures that no module is loaded multiple times.
-.loaded ?= ;
-# A list of modules currently being loaded for error reporting of circular
-# dependencies.
-.loading ?= ;
-# A list of modules needing to be tested using their __test__ rule.
-.untested ?= ;
-# A list of modules which have been tested using their __test__ rule.
-.tested ?= ;
-# Runs internal Boost Build unit tests for the specified module. The module's
-# __test__ rule is executed in its own module to eliminate any inadvertent
-# effects of testing module dependencies (such as assert) on the module itself.
-local rule run-module-test ( m )
- local tested-modules = [ modules.peek modules : .tested ] ;
- if ( ! $(m) in $(tested-modules) ) # Avoid recursive test invocations.
- && ( ( --debug in $(argv) ) || ( --debug-module=$(m) in $(argv) ) )
- {
- modules.poke modules : .tested : $(tested-modules) $(m) ;
- if ! ( __test__ in [ RULENAMES $(m) ] )
- {
- local argv = [ peek : ARGV ] ;
- if ! ( --quiet in $(argv) ) && ( --debug-tests in $(argv) )
- {
- ECHO warning: no __test__ rule defined in module $(m) ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ! ( --quiet in $(argv) )
- {
- ECHO testing module $(m)... ;
- }
- local test-module = __test-$(m)__ ;
- IMPORT $(m) : [ RULENAMES $(m) ] : $(test-module) : [ RULENAMES $(m) ] ;
- IMPORT $(m) : __test__ : $(test-module) : __test__ : LOCALIZE ;
- module $(test-module)
- {
- __test__ ;
- }
- }
- }
-# Return the binding of the given module.
-rule binding ( module )
- return $($(module).__binding__) ;
-# Sets the module-local value of a variable. This is the most reliable way to
-# set a module-local variable in a different module; it eliminates issues of
-# name shadowing due to dynamic scoping.
-rule poke ( module-name ? : variables + : value * )
- module $(<)
- {
- $(>) = $(3) ;
- }
-# Returns the module-local value of a variable. This is the most reliable way to
-# examine a module-local variable in a different module; it eliminates issues of
-# name shadowing due to dynamic scoping.
-rule peek ( module-name ? : variables + )
- module $(<)
- {
- return $($(>)) ;
- }
-# Call the given rule locally in the given module. Use this for rules accepting
-# rule names as arguments, so that the passed rule may be invoked in the context
-# of the rule's caller (for example, if the rule accesses module globals or is a
-# local rule). Note that rules called this way may accept at most 8 parameters.
-rule call-in ( module-name ? : rule-name args * : * )
- module $(module-name)
- {
- return [ $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] ;
- }
-# Given a possibly qualified rule name and arguments, remove any initial module
-# qualification from the rule and invoke it in that module. If there is no
-# module qualification, the rule is invoked in the global module. Note that
-# rules called this way may accept at most 8 parameters.
-rule call-locally ( qualified-rule-name args * : * )
- local module-rule = [ MATCH (.*)\\.(.*) : $(qualified-rule-name) ] ;
- local rule-name = $(module-rule[2]) ;
- rule-name ?= $(qualified-rule-name) ;
- # We pass only 8 parameters here since Boost Jam allows at most 9 rule
- # parameter positions and the call-in rule already uses up the initial
- # position for the module name.
- return [ call-in $(module-rule[1]) : $(rule-name) $(args) : $(2) : $(3) :
- $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) ] ;
-# Load the indicated module if it is not already loaded.
-rule load (
- module-name # Name of module to load. Rules will be defined in this
- # module.
- : filename ? # (partial) path to file; Defaults to $(module-name).jam.
- : search * # Directories in which to search for filename. Defaults to
- # Avoid loading modules twice.
- if ! ( $(module-name) in $(.loaded) )
- {
- filename ?= $(module-name).jam ;
- # Mark the module loaded so we do not try to load it recursively.
- .loaded += $(module-name) ;
- # Suppress tests if any module loads are already in progress.
- local suppress-test = $(.loading[1]) ;
- # Push this module on the loading stack.
- .loading += $(module-name) ;
- # Remember that it is untested.
- .untested += $(module-name) ;
- # Insert the new module's __name__ and __file__ globals.
- poke $(module-name) : __name__ : $(module-name) ;
- poke $(module-name) : __file__ : $(filename) ;
- module $(module-name)
- {
- # Add some grist so that the module will have a unique target name.
- local module-target = $(__file__:G=module@) ;
- local search = $(3) ;
- search ?= [ modules.peek : BOOST_BUILD_PATH ] ;
- SEARCH on $(module-target) = $(search) ;
- BINDRULE on $(module-target) = modules.record-binding ;
- include $(module-target) ;
- # Allow the module to see its own names with full qualification.
- local rules = [ RULENAMES $(__name__) ] ;
- IMPORT $(__name__) : $(rules) : $(__name__) : $(__name__).$(rules) ;
- }
- if $(module-name) != modules && ! [ binding $(module-name) ]
- {
- import errors ;
- errors.error "Could not find module" $(module-name) in $(search) ;
- }
- # Pop the loading stack. Must happen before testing or we will run into
- # a circular loading dependency.
- .loading = $(.loading[1--2]) ;
- # Run any pending tests if this is an outer load.
- if ! $(suppress-test)
- {
- local argv = [ peek : ARGV ] ;
- for local m in $(.untested)
- {
- run-module-test $(m) ;
- }
- .untested = ;
- }
- }
- else if $(module-name) in $(.loading)
- {
- import errors ;
- errors.error loading \"$(module-name)\"
- : circular module loading dependency:
- : $(.loading)" ->" $(module-name) ;
- }
-# This helper is used by load (above) to record the binding (path) of each
-# loaded module.
-rule record-binding ( module-target : binding )
- $(.loading[-1]).__binding__ = $(binding) ;
-# Transform each path in the list, with all backslashes converted to forward
-# slashes and all detectable redundancy removed. Something like this is probably
-# needed in path.jam, but I am not sure of that, I do not understand it, and I
-# am not ready to move all of path.jam into the kernel.
-local rule normalize-raw-paths ( paths * )
- local result ;
- for p in $(paths:T)
- {
- result += [ NORMALIZE_PATH $(p) ] ;
- }
- return $(result) ;
-.cwd = [ PWD ] ;
-# Load the indicated module and import rule names into the current module. Any
-# members of rules-opt will be available without qualification in the caller's
-# module. Any members of rename-opt will be taken as the names of the rules in
-# the caller's module, in place of the names they have in the imported module.
-# If rules-opt = '*', all rules from the indicated module are imported into the
-# caller's module. If rename-opt is supplied, it must have the same number of
-# elements as rules-opt.
-rule import ( module-names + : rules-opt * : rename-opt * )
- if ( $(rules-opt) = * || ! $(rules-opt) ) && $(rename-opt)
- {
- import errors ;
- errors.error "Rule aliasing is only available for explicit imports." ;
- }
- if $(module-names[2]) && ( $(rules-opt) || $(rename-opt) )
- {
- import errors ;
- errors.error "When loading multiple modules, no specific rules or"
- "renaming is allowed" ;
- }
- local caller = [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
- # Import each specified module
- for local m in $(module-names)
- {
- if ! $(m) in $(.loaded)
- {
- # If the importing module isn't already in the BOOST_BUILD_PATH,
- # prepend it to the path. We don't want to invert the search order
- # of modules that are already there.
- local caller-location ;
- if $(caller)
- {
- caller-location = [ binding $(caller) ] ;
- caller-location = $(caller-location:D) ;
- caller-location = [ normalize-raw-paths $(caller-location:R=$(.cwd)) ] ;
- }
- local search = [ peek : BOOST_BUILD_PATH ] ;
- search = [ normalize-raw-paths $(search:R=$(.cwd)) ] ;
- if $(caller-location) && ! $(caller-location) in $(search)
- {
- search = $(caller-location) $(search) ;
- }
- load $(m) : : $(search) ;
- }
- IMPORT_MODULE $(m) : $(caller) ;
- if $(rules-opt)
- {
- local source-names ;
- if $(rules-opt) = *
- {
- local all-rules = [ RULENAMES $(m) ] ;
- source-names = $(all-rules) ;
- }
- else
- {
- source-names = $(rules-opt) ;
- }
- local target-names = $(rename-opt) ;
- target-names ?= $(source-names) ;
- IMPORT $(m) : $(source-names) : $(caller) : $(target-names) ;
- }
- }
-# Define exported copies in $(target-module) of all rules exported from
-# $(source-module). Also make them available in the global module with
-# qualification, so that it is just as though the rules were defined originally
-# in $(target-module).
-rule clone-rules ( source-module target-module )
- local rules = [ RULENAMES $(source-module) ] ;
- IMPORT $(source-module) : $(rules) : $(target-module) : $(rules) : LOCALIZE ;
- EXPORT $(target-module) : $(rules) ;
- IMPORT $(target-module) : $(rules) : : $(target-module).$(rules) ;
-# These rules need to be available in all modules to implement module loading
-# itself and other fundamental operations.
-local globalize = peek poke record-binding ;
-IMPORT modules : $(globalize) : : modules.$(globalize) ;
-rule __test__ ( )
- import assert ;
- import modules : normalize-raw-paths ;
- module modules.__test__
- {
- foo = bar ;
- }
- assert.result bar : peek modules.__test__ : foo ;
- poke modules.__test__ : foo : bar baz ;
- assert.result bar baz : peek modules.__test__ : foo ;
- assert.result c:/foo/bar : normalize-raw-paths c:/x/../foo/./xx/yy/../../bar ;
- assert.result . : normalize-raw-paths . ;
- assert.result .. : normalize-raw-paths .. ;
- assert.result ../.. : normalize-raw-paths ../.. ;
- assert.result .. : normalize-raw-paths ./.. ;
- assert.result / / : normalize-raw-paths / \\ ;
- assert.result a : normalize-raw-paths a ;
- assert.result a : normalize-raw-paths a/ ;
- assert.result /a : normalize-raw-paths /a/ ;
- assert.result / : normalize-raw-paths /a/.. ;