path: root/jam-files/boost-build/build/feature.jam
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authorKenneth Heafield <>2012-05-12 14:01:52 -0400
committerKenneth Heafield <>2012-05-12 14:01:52 -0400
commit3faecf9a00512dcbc8712c4bca9adae72fb64410 (patch)
tree9761b50d12f81a675fb7cbc663ceebad15079f78 /jam-files/boost-build/build/feature.jam
parentc806a8fff63043f63773874986301f2822a2b552 (diff)
Give in and copy bjam into cdec source code
Diffstat (limited to 'jam-files/boost-build/build/feature.jam')
1 files changed, 1335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jam-files/boost-build/build/feature.jam b/jam-files/boost-build/build/feature.jam
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f54adef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jam-files/boost-build/build/feature.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,1335 @@
+# Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Dave Abrahams
+# Copyright 2002, 2006 Rene Rivera
+# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Vladimir Prus
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
+import assert : * ;
+import "class" : * ;
+import errors : lol->list ;
+import indirect ;
+import modules ;
+import regex ;
+import sequence ;
+import set ;
+import utility ;
+local rule setup ( )
+ .all-attributes =
+ implicit
+ composite
+ optional
+ symmetric
+ free
+ incidental
+ path
+ dependency
+ propagated
+ link-incompatible
+ subfeature
+ order-sensitive
+ ;
+ .all-features = ;
+ .all-subfeatures = ;
+ .all-top-features = ; # non-subfeatures
+ .all-implicit-values = ;
+setup ;
+# Prepare a fresh space to test in by moving all global variable settings into
+# the given temporary module and erasing them here.
+rule prepare-test ( temp-module )
+ DELETE_MODULE $(temp-module) ;
+ # Transfer globals to temp-module.
+ for local v in [ VARNAMES feature ]
+ {
+ if [ MATCH (\\.) : $(v) ]
+ {
+ modules.poke $(temp-module) : $(v) : $($(v)) ;
+ $(v) = ;
+ }
+ }
+ setup ;
+# Clear out all global variables and recover all variables from the given
+# temporary module.
+rule finish-test ( temp-module )
+ # Clear globals.
+ for local v in [ VARNAMES feature ]
+ {
+ if [ MATCH (\\.) : $(v) ]
+ {
+ $(v) = ;
+ }
+ }
+ for local v in [ VARNAMES $(temp-module) ]
+ {
+ $(v) = [ modules.peek $(temp-module) : $(v) ] ;
+ }
+ DELETE_MODULE $(temp-module) ;
+# Transform features by bracketing any elements which are not already bracketed
+# by "<>".
+local rule grist ( features * )
+ local empty = "" ;
+ return $(empty:G=$(features)) ;
+# Declare a new feature with the given name, values, and attributes.
+rule feature (
+ name # Feature name.
+ : values * # Allowable values - may be extended later using feature.extend.
+ : attributes * # Feature attributes (e.g. implicit, free, propagated...).
+ name = [ grist $(name) ] ;
+ local error ;
+ # Check for any unknown attributes.
+ if ! ( $(attributes) in $(.all-attributes) )
+ {
+ error = unknown attributes:
+ [ set.difference $(attributes) : $(.all-attributes) ] ;
+ }
+ else if $(name) in $(.all-features)
+ {
+ error = feature already defined: ;
+ }
+ else if implicit in $(attributes) && free in $(attributes)
+ {
+ error = free features cannot also be implicit ;
+ }
+ else if free in $(attributes) && propagated in $(attributes)
+ {
+ error = free features cannot be propagated ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ local m = [ MATCH (.*=.*) : $(values) ] ;
+ if $(m[1])
+ {
+ error = "feature value may not contain '='" ;
+ }
+ }
+ if $(error)
+ {
+ errors.error $(error)
+ : "in" feature declaration:
+ : feature [ lol->list $(1) : $(2) : $(3) ] ;
+ }
+ $(name).values ?= ;
+ $(name).attributes = $(attributes) ;
+ $(name).subfeatures ?= ;
+ $(attributes).features += $(name) ;
+ .all-features += $(name) ;
+ if subfeature in $(attributes)
+ {
+ .all-subfeatures += $(name) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ .all-top-features += $(name) ;
+ }
+ extend $(name) : $(values) ;
+# Sets the default value of the given feature, overriding any previous default.
+rule set-default ( feature : value )
+ local f = [ grist $(feature) ] ;
+ local a = $($(f).attributes) ;
+ local bad-attribute = ;
+ if free in $(a)
+ {
+ bad-attribute = free ;
+ }
+ else if optional in $(a)
+ {
+ bad-attribute = optional ;
+ }
+ if $(bad-attribute)
+ {
+ errors.error "$(bad-attribute) property $(f) cannot have a default." ;
+ }
+ if ! $(value) in $($(f).values)
+ {
+ errors.error "The specified default value, '$(value)' is invalid"
+ : "allowed values are: " $($(f).values) ;
+ }
+ $(f).default = $(value) ;
+# Returns the default property values for the given features.
+rule defaults ( features * )
+ local result ;
+ for local f in $(features)
+ {
+ local gf = $(:E=:G=$(f)) ;
+ local a = $($(gf).attributes) ;
+ if ( free in $(a) ) || ( optional in $(a) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += $(gf)$($(gf).default) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
+# Returns true iff all 'names' elements are valid features.
+rule valid ( names + )
+ if $(names) in $(.all-features)
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+# Returns the attibutes of the given feature.
+rule attributes ( feature )
+ return $($(:E=:G=$(feature)).attributes) ;
+# Returns the values of the given feature.
+rule values ( feature )
+ return $($(:E=:G=$(feature)).values) ;
+# Returns true iff 'value-string' is a value-string of an implicit feature.
+rule is-implicit-value ( value-string )
+ local v = [ regex.split $(value-string) - ] ;
+ local failed ;
+ if ! $(v[1]) in $(.all-implicit-values)
+ {
+ failed = true ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ local feature = $($(v[1]).implicit-feature) ;
+ for local subvalue in $(v[2-])
+ {
+ if ! [ find-implied-subfeature $(feature) $(subvalue) : $(v[1]) ]
+ {
+ failed = true ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ! $(failed)
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+# Returns the implicit feature associated with the given implicit value.
+rule implied-feature ( implicit-value )
+ local components = [ regex.split $(implicit-value) "-" ] ;
+ local feature = $($(components[1]).implicit-feature) ;
+ if ! $(feature)
+ {
+ errors.error \"$(implicit-value)\" is not a value of an implicit feature ;
+ feature = "" ; # Keep testing happy; it expects a result.
+ }
+ return $(feature) ;
+local rule find-implied-subfeature ( feature subvalue : value-string ? )
+ # Feature should be of the form <feature-name>.
+ if $(feature) != $(feature:G)
+ {
+ errors.error invalid feature $(feature) ;
+ }
+ return $($(feature)$(value-string:E="")<>$(subvalue).subfeature) ;
+# Given a feature and a value of one of its subfeatures, find the name of the
+# subfeature. If value-string is supplied, looks for implied subfeatures that
+# are specific to that value of feature
+rule implied-subfeature (
+ feature # The main feature name.
+ subvalue # The value of one of its subfeatures.
+ : value-string ? # The value of the main feature.
+ local subfeature = [ find-implied-subfeature $(feature) $(subvalue)
+ : $(value-string) ] ;
+ if ! $(subfeature)
+ {
+ value-string ?= "" ;
+ errors.error \"$(subvalue)\" is not a known subfeature value of
+ $(feature)$(value-string) ;
+ }
+ return $(subfeature) ;
+# Generate an error if the feature is unknown.
+local rule validate-feature ( feature )
+ if ! $(feature) in $(.all-features)
+ {
+ errors.error unknown feature \"$(feature)\" ;
+ }
+# Given a feature and its value or just a value corresponding to an implicit
+# feature, returns a property set consisting of all component subfeatures and
+# their values. For example all the following calls:
+# expand-subfeatures-aux <toolset>gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86
+# expand-subfeatures-aux gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86
+# return:
+# <toolset>gcc <toolset-version>2.95.2 <toolset-os>linux <toolset-cpu>x86
+local rule expand-subfeatures-aux (
+ feature ? # Feature name or empty if value corresponds to an
+ # implicit property.
+ : value # Feature value.
+ : dont-validate ? # If set, no value string validation will be done.
+ if $(feature)
+ {
+ feature = $(feature) ;
+ }
+ if ! $(feature)
+ {
+ feature = [ implied-feature $(value) ] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ validate-feature $(feature) ;
+ }
+ if ! $(dont-validate)
+ {
+ validate-value-string $(feature) $(value) ;
+ }
+ local components = [ regex.split $(value) "-" ] ;
+ # Get the top-level feature's value.
+ local value = $(components[1]:G=) ;
+ local result = $(components[1]:G=$(feature)) ;
+ local subvalues = $(components[2-]) ;
+ while $(subvalues)
+ {
+ local subvalue = $(subvalues[1]) ; # Pop the head off of subvalues.
+ subvalues = $(subvalues[2-]) ;
+ local subfeature = [ find-implied-subfeature $(feature) $(subvalue) :
+ $(value) ] ;
+ # If no subfeature was found reconstitute the value string and use that.
+ if ! $(subfeature)
+ {
+ result = $(components:J=-) ;
+ result = $(result:G=$(feature)) ;
+ subvalues = ; # Stop looping.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ local f = [ MATCH ^<(.*)>$ : $(feature) ] ;
+ result += $(subvalue:G=$(f)-$(subfeature)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
+# Make all elements of properties corresponding to implicit features explicit,
+# and express all subfeature values as separate properties in their own right.
+# For example, all of the following properties
+# gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86
+# <toolset>gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86
+# might expand to
+# <toolset>gcc <toolset-version>2.95.2 <toolset-os>linux <toolset-cpu>x86
+rule expand-subfeatures (
+ properties * # Property set with elements of the form
+ # <feature>value-string or just value-string in the case
+ # of implicit features.
+ : dont-validate ?
+ local result ;
+ for local p in $(properties)
+ {
+ # Don't expand subfeatures in subfeatures
+ if ! [ MATCH "(:)" : $(p:G) ]
+ {
+ result += [ expand-subfeatures-aux $(p:G) : $(p:G=) : $(dont-validate) ] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += $(p) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
+# Helper for extend, below. Handles the feature case.
+local rule extend-feature ( feature : values * )
+ feature = [ grist $(feature) ] ;
+ validate-feature $(feature) ;
+ if implicit in $($(feature).attributes)
+ {
+ for local v in $(values)
+ {
+ if $($(v).implicit-feature)
+ {
+ errors.error $(v) is already associated with the \"$($(v).implicit-feature)\" feature ;
+ }
+ $(v).implicit-feature = $(feature) ;
+ }
+ .all-implicit-values += $(values) ;
+ }
+ if ! $($(feature).values)
+ {
+ # This is the first value specified for this feature so make it be the
+ # default.
+ $(feature).default = $(values[1]) ;
+ }
+ $(feature).values += $(values) ;
+# Checks that value-string is a valid value-string for the given feature.
+rule validate-value-string ( feature value-string )
+ if ! (
+ free in $($(feature).attributes)
+ || ( $(value-string) in $(feature).values )
+ )
+ {
+ local values = $(value-string) ;
+ if $($(feature).subfeatures)
+ {
+ if ! ( $(value-string) in $($(feature).values) )
+ && ! ( $(value-string) in $($(feature).subfeatures) )
+ {
+ values = [ regex.split $(value-string) - ] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ! ( $(values[1]) in $($(feature).values) ) &&
+ # An empty value is allowed for optional features.
+ ( $(values[1]) || ! ( optional in $($(feature).attributes) ) )
+ {
+ errors.error \"$(values[1])\" is not a known value of feature $(feature)
+ : legal values: \"$($(feature).values)\" ;
+ }
+ for local v in $(values[2-])
+ {
+ # This will validate any subfeature values in value-string.
+ implied-subfeature $(feature) $(v) : $(values[1]) ;
+ }
+ }
+# A helper that computes:
+# * name(s) of module-local variable(s) used to record the correspondence
+# between subvalue(s) and a subfeature
+# * value of that variable when such a subfeature/subvalue has been defined and
+# returns a list consisting of the latter followed by the former.
+local rule subvalue-var (
+ feature # Main feature name.
+ value-string ? # If supplied, specifies a specific value of the main
+ # feature for which the subfeature values are valid.
+ : subfeature # Subfeature name.
+ : subvalues * # Subfeature values.
+ feature = [ grist $(feature) ] ;
+ validate-feature $(feature) ;
+ if $(value-string)
+ {
+ validate-value-string $(feature) $(value-string) ;
+ }
+ local subfeature-name = [ get-subfeature-name $(subfeature) $(value-string) ] ;
+ return $(subfeature-name)
+ $(feature)$(value-string:E="")<>$(subvalues).subfeature ;
+# Extends the given subfeature with the subvalues. If the optional value-string
+# is provided, the subvalues are only valid for the given value of the feature.
+# Thus, you could say that <target-platform>mingw is specific to
+# <toolset>gcc-2.95.2 as follows:
+# extend-subfeature toolset gcc-2.95.2 : target-platform : mingw ;
+rule extend-subfeature (
+ feature # The feature whose subfeature is being extended.
+ value-string ? # If supplied, specifies a specific value of the main
+ # feature for which the new subfeature values are valid.
+ : subfeature # Subfeature name.
+ : subvalues * # Additional subfeature values.
+ local subfeature-vars = [ subvalue-var $(feature) $(value-string)
+ : $(subfeature) : $(subvalues) ] ;
+ local f = [ utility.ungrist [ grist $(feature) ] ] ;
+ extend $(f)-$(subfeature-vars[1]) : $(subvalues) ;
+ # Provide a way to get from the given feature or property and subfeature
+ # value to the subfeature name.
+ $(subfeature-vars[2-]) = $(subfeature-vars[1]) ;
+# Returns true iff the subvalues are valid for the feature. When the optional
+# value-string is provided, returns true iff the subvalues are valid for the
+# given value of the feature.
+rule is-subvalue ( feature : value-string ? : subfeature : subvalue )
+ local subfeature-vars = [ subvalue-var $(feature) $(value-string)
+ : $(subfeature) : $(subvalue) ] ;
+ if $($(subfeature-vars[2])) = $(subfeature-vars[1])
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+# Can be called three ways:
+# 1. extend feature : values *
+# 2. extend <feature> subfeature : values *
+# 3. extend <feature>value-string subfeature : values *
+# * Form 1 adds the given values to the given feature.
+# * Forms 2 and 3 add subfeature values to the given feature.
+# * Form 3 adds the subfeature values as specific to the given property
+# value-string.
+rule extend ( feature-or-property subfeature ? : values * )
+ local feature ; # If a property was specified this is its feature.
+ local value-string ; # E.g., the gcc-2.95-2 part of <toolset>gcc-2.95.2.
+ # If a property was specified.
+ if $(feature-or-property:G) && $(feature-or-property:G=)
+ {
+ # Extract the feature and value-string, if any.
+ feature = $(feature-or-property:G) ;
+ value-string = $(feature-or-property:G=) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ feature = [ grist $(feature-or-property) ] ;
+ }
+ # Dispatch to the appropriate handler.
+ if $(subfeature)
+ {
+ extend-subfeature $(feature) $(value-string) : $(subfeature)
+ : $(values) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # If no subfeature was specified, we do not expect to see a
+ # value-string.
+ if $(value-string)
+ {
+ errors.error can only specify a property as the first argument when
+ extending a subfeature
+ : usage:
+ : " extend" feature ":" values...
+ : " | extend" <feature>value-string subfeature ":" values...
+ ;
+ }
+ extend-feature $(feature) : $(values) ;
+ }
+local rule get-subfeature-name ( subfeature value-string ? )
+ local prefix = $(value-string): ;
+ return $(prefix:E="")$(subfeature) ;
+# Declares a subfeature.
+rule subfeature (
+ feature # Root feature that is not a subfeature.
+ value-string ? # A value-string specifying which feature or subfeature
+ # values this subfeature is specific to, if any.
+ : subfeature # The name of the subfeature being declared.
+ : subvalues * # The allowed values of this subfeature.
+ : attributes * # The attributes of the subfeature.
+ feature = [ grist $(feature) ] ;
+ validate-feature $(feature) ;
+ # Add grist to the subfeature name if a value-string was supplied.
+ local subfeature-name = [ get-subfeature-name $(subfeature) $(value-string) ] ;
+ if $(subfeature-name) in $($(feature).subfeatures)
+ {
+ errors.error \"$(subfeature)\" already declared as a subfeature of \"$(feature)\"
+ "specific to "$(value-string) ;
+ }
+ $(feature).subfeatures += $(subfeature-name) ;
+ # First declare the subfeature as a feature in its own right.
+ local f = [ utility.ungrist $(feature) ] ;
+ feature $(f)-$(subfeature-name) : $(subvalues) : $(attributes) subfeature ;
+ # Now make sure the subfeature values are known.
+ extend-subfeature $(feature) $(value-string) : $(subfeature) : $(subvalues) ;
+# Set components of the given composite property.
+rule compose ( composite-property : component-properties * )
+ local feature = $(composite-property:G) ;
+ if ! ( composite in [ attributes $(feature) ] )
+ {
+ errors.error "$(feature)" is not a composite feature ;
+ }
+ $(composite-property).components ?= ;
+ if $($(composite-property).components)
+ {
+ errors.error components of "$(composite-property)" already set:
+ $($(composite-property).components) ;
+ }
+ if $(composite-property) in $(component-properties)
+ {
+ errors.error composite property "$(composite-property)" cannot have itself as a component ;
+ }
+ $(composite-property).components = $(component-properties) ;
+local rule expand-composite ( property )
+ return $(property)
+ [ sequence.transform expand-composite : $($(property).components) ] ;
+# Return all values of the given feature specified by the given property set.
+rule get-values ( feature : properties * )
+ local result ;
+ feature = $(:E=:G=$(feature)) ; # Add <> if necessary.
+ for local p in $(properties)
+ {
+ if $(p:G) = $(feature)
+ {
+ # Use MATCH instead of :G= to get the value, in order to preserve
+ # the value intact instead of having bjam treat it as a decomposable
+ # path.
+ result += [ MATCH ">(.*)" : $(p) ] ;
+ }
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
+rule free-features ( )
+ return $(free.features) ;
+# Expand all composite properties in the set so that all components are
+# explicitly expressed.
+rule expand-composites ( properties * )
+ local explicit-features = $(properties:G) ;
+ local result ;
+ # Now expand composite features.
+ for local p in $(properties)
+ {
+ local expanded = [ expand-composite $(p) ] ;
+ for local x in $(expanded)
+ {
+ if ! $(x) in $(result)
+ {
+ local f = $(x:G) ;
+ if $(f) in $(free.features)
+ {
+ result += $(x) ;
+ }
+ else if ! $(x) in $(properties) # x is the result of expansion
+ {
+ if ! $(f) in $(explicit-features) # not explicitly-specified
+ {
+ if $(f) in $(result:G)
+ {
+ errors.error expansions of composite features result
+ in conflicting values for $(f)
+ : values: [ get-values $(f) : $(result) ] $(x:G=)
+ : one contributing composite property was $(p) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += $(x) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if $(f) in $(result:G)
+ {
+ errors.error explicitly-specified values of non-free feature
+ $(f) conflict :
+ "existing values:" [ get-values $(f) : $(properties) ] :
+ "value from expanding " $(p) ":" $(x:G=) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += $(x) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
+# Return true iff f is an ordinary subfeature of the parent-property's feature,
+# or if f is a subfeature of the parent-property's feature specific to the
+# parent-property's value.
+local rule is-subfeature-of ( parent-property f )
+ if subfeature in $($(f).attributes)
+ {
+ local specific-subfeature = [ MATCH <(.*):(.*)> : $(f) ] ;
+ if $(specific-subfeature)
+ {
+ # The feature has the form <topfeature-topvalue:subfeature>, e.g.
+ # <toolset-msvc:version>.
+ local feature-value = [ split-top-feature $(specific-subfeature[1])
+ ] ;
+ if <$(feature-value[1])>$(feature-value[2]) = $(parent-property)
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # The feature has the form <topfeature-subfeature>, e.g.
+ # <toolset-version>
+ local top-sub = [ split-top-feature [ utility.ungrist $(f) ] ] ;
+ if $(top-sub[2]) && <$(top-sub[1])> = $(parent-property:G)
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# As for is-subfeature-of but for subproperties.
+local rule is-subproperty-of ( parent-property p )
+ return [ is-subfeature-of $(parent-property) $(p:G) ] ;
+# Given a property, return the subset of features consisting of all ordinary
+# subfeatures of the property's feature, and all specific subfeatures of the
+# property's feature which are conditional on the property's value.
+local rule select-subfeatures ( parent-property : features * )
+ return [ sequence.filter is-subfeature-of $(parent-property) : $(features) ] ;
+# As for select-subfeatures but for subproperties.
+local rule select-subproperties ( parent-property : properties * )
+ return [ sequence.filter is-subproperty-of $(parent-property) : $(properties) ] ;
+# Given a property set which may consist of composite and implicit properties
+# and combined subfeature values, returns an expanded, normalized property set
+# with all implicit features expressed explicitly, all subfeature values
+# individually expressed, and all components of composite properties expanded.
+# Non-free features directly expressed in the input properties cause any values
+# of those features due to composite feature expansion to be dropped. If two
+# values of a given non-free feature are directly expressed in the input, an
+# error is issued.
+rule expand ( properties * )
+ local expanded = [ expand-subfeatures $(properties) ] ;
+ return [ expand-composites $(expanded) ] ;
+# Helper rule for minimize. Returns true iff property's feature is present in
+# the contents of the variable named by feature-set-var.
+local rule in-features ( feature-set-var property )
+ if $(property:G) in $($(feature-set-var))
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+# Helper rule for minimize. Returns the list with the same properties, but with
+# all subfeatures moved to the end of the list.
+local rule move-subfeatures-to-the-end ( properties * )
+ local x1 ;
+ local x2 ;
+ for local p in $(properties)
+ {
+ if subfeature in $($(p:G).attributes)
+ {
+ x2 += $(p) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x1 += $(p) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return $(x1) $(x2) ;
+# Given an expanded property set, eliminate all redundancy: properties that are
+# elements of other (composite) properties in the set will be eliminated.
+# Non-symmetric properties equal to default values will be eliminated unless
+# they override a value from some composite property. Implicit properties will
+# be expressed without feature grist, and sub-property values will be expressed
+# as elements joined to the corresponding main property.
+rule minimize ( properties * )
+ # Precondition checking
+ local implicits = [ set.intersection $(p:G=) : $(p:G) ] ;
+ if $(implicits)
+ {
+ errors.error minimize requires an expanded property set, but
+ \"$(implicits[1])\" appears to be the value of an un-expanded
+ implicit feature ;
+ }
+ # Remove properties implied by composite features.
+ local components = $($(properties).components) ;
+ local x = [ set.difference $(properties) : $(components) ] ;
+ # Handle subfeatures and implicit features.
+ x = [ move-subfeatures-to-the-end $(x) ] ;
+ local result ;
+ while $(x)
+ {
+ local p fullp = $(x[1]) ;
+ local f = $(p:G) ;
+ local v = $(p:G=) ;
+ # Eliminate features in implicit properties.
+ if implicit in [ attributes $(f) ]
+ {
+ p = $(v) ;
+ }
+ # Locate all subproperties of $(x[1]) in the property set.
+ local subproperties = [ select-subproperties $(fullp) : $(x) ] ;
+ if $(subproperties)
+ {
+ # Reconstitute the joined property name.
+ local sorted = [ sequence.insertion-sort $(subproperties) ] ;
+ result += $(p)-$(sorted:G="":J=-) ;
+ x = [ set.difference $(x[2-]) : $(subproperties) ] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Eliminate properties whose value is equal to feature's default,
+ # which are not symmetric and which do not contradict values implied
+ # by composite properties.
+ # Since all component properties of composites in the set have been
+ # eliminated, any remaining property whose feature is the same as a
+ # component of a composite in the set must have a non-redundant
+ # value.
+ if $(fullp) != [ defaults $(f) ]
+ || symmetric in [ attributes $(f) ]
+ || $(fullp:G) in $(components:G)
+ {
+ result += $(p) ;
+ }
+ x = $(x[2-]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
+# Combine all subproperties into their parent properties
+# Requires: for every subproperty, there is a parent property. All features are
+# explicitly expressed.
+# This rule probably should not be needed, but build-request.expand-no-defaults
+# is being abused for unintended purposes and it needs help.
+rule compress-subproperties ( properties * )
+ local all-subs ;
+ local matched-subs ;
+ local result ;
+ for local p in $(properties)
+ {
+ if ! $(p:G)
+ {
+ # Expecting fully-gristed properties.
+ assert.variable-not-empty p:G ;
+ }
+ if ! subfeature in $($(p:G).attributes)
+ {
+ local subs = [ sequence.insertion-sort
+ [ sequence.filter is-subproperty-of $(p) : $(properties) ] ] ;
+ matched-subs += $(subs) ;
+ local subvalues = -$(subs:G=:J=-) ;
+ subvalues ?= "" ;
+ result += $(p)$(subvalues) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ all-subs += $(p) ;
+ }
+ }
+ assert.result true : set.equal $(all-subs) : $(matched-subs) ;
+ return $(result) ;
+# Given an ungristed string, finds the longest prefix which is a top-level
+# feature name followed by a dash, and return a pair consisting of the parts
+# before and after that dash. More interesting than a simple split because
+# feature names may contain dashes.
+local rule split-top-feature ( feature-plus )
+ local e = [ regex.split $(feature-plus) - ] ;
+ local f = $(e[1]) ;
+ local v ;
+ while $(e)
+ {
+ if <$(f)> in $(.all-top-features)
+ {
+ v = $(f) $(e[2-]:J=-) ;
+ }
+ e = $(e[2-]) ;
+ f = $(f)-$(e[1]) ;
+ }
+ return $(v) ;
+# Given a set of properties, add default values for features not represented in
+# the set.
+# Note: if there's an ordinary feature F1 and a composite feature F2 which
+# includes some value for F1 and both feature have default values then the
+# default value of F1 will be added (as opposed to the value in F2). This might
+# not be the right idea, e.g. consider:
+# feature variant : debug ... ;
+# <variant>debug : .... <runtime-debugging>on
+# feature <runtime-debugging> : off on ;
+# Here, when adding default for an empty property set, we'll get
+# <variant>debug <runtime_debugging>off
+# and that's kind of strange.
+rule add-defaults ( properties * )
+ for local v in $(properties:G=)
+ {
+ if $(v) in $(properties)
+ {
+ errors.error add-defaults requires explicitly specified features,
+ but \"$(v)\" appears to be the value of an un-expanded implicit
+ feature ;
+ }
+ }
+ # We don't add default for elements with ":" inside. This catches:
+ # 1. Conditional properties --- we don't want <variant>debug:<define>DEBUG
+ # to be takes as specified value for <variant>
+ # 2. Free properties with ":" in values. We don't care, since free
+ # properties don't have defaults.
+ local xproperties = [ MATCH "^([^:]+)$" : $(properties) ] ;
+ local missing-top = [ set.difference $(.all-top-features) : $(xproperties:G) ] ;
+ local more = [ defaults $(missing-top) ] ;
+ properties += $(more) ;
+ xproperties += $(more) ;
+ # Add defaults for subfeatures of features which are present.
+ for local p in $(xproperties)
+ {
+ local s = $($(p:G).subfeatures) ;
+ local f = [ utility.ungrist $(p:G) ] ;
+ local missing-subs = [ set.difference <$(f)-$(s)> : $(properties:G) ] ;
+ properties += [ defaults [ select-subfeatures $(p) : $(missing-subs) ] ] ;
+ }
+ return $(properties) ;
+# Given a property-set of the form
+# v1/v2/...vN-1/<fN>vN/<fN+1>vN+1/...<fM>vM
+# Returns
+# v1 v2 ... vN-1 <fN>vN <fN+1>vN+1 ... <fM>vM
+# Note that vN...vM may contain slashes. This needs to be resilient to the
+# substitution of backslashes for slashes, since Jam, unbidden, sometimes swaps
+# slash direction on NT.
+rule split ( property-set )
+ local pieces = [ regex.split $(property-set) [\\/] ] ;
+ local result ;
+ for local x in $(pieces)
+ {
+ if ( ! $(x:G) ) && $(result[-1]:G)
+ {
+ result = $(result[1--2]) $(result[-1])/$(x) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += $(x) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
+# Tests of module feature.
+rule __test__ ( )
+ # Use a fresh copy of the feature module.
+ prepare-test feature-test-temp ;
+ import assert ;
+ import errors : try catch ;
+ # These are local rules and so must be explicitly reimported into the
+ # testing module.
+ import feature : extend-feature validate-feature select-subfeatures ;
+ feature toolset : gcc : implicit ;
+ feature define : : free ;
+ feature runtime-link : dynamic static : symmetric ;
+ feature optimization : on off ;
+ feature variant : debug release profile : implicit composite symmetric ;
+ feature stdlib : native stlport ;
+ feature magic : : free ;
+ compose <variant>debug : <define>_DEBUG <optimization>off ;
+ compose <variant>release : <define>NDEBUG <optimization>on ;
+ assert.result dynamic static : values <runtime-link> ;
+ assert.result dynamic static : values runtime-link ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ compose <variant>profile : <variant>profile ;
+ }
+ catch composite property <variant>profile cannot have itself as a component ;
+ extend-feature toolset : msvc metrowerks ;
+ subfeature toolset gcc : version : 2.95.2 2.95.3 2.95.4 3.0 3.0.1 3.0.2 ;
+ assert.true is-subvalue toolset : gcc : version : 2.95.3 ;
+ assert.false is-subvalue toolset : gcc : version : 1.1 ;
+ assert.false is-subvalue toolset : msvc : version : 2.95.3 ;
+ assert.false is-subvalue toolset : : version : yabba ;
+ feature yabba ;
+ subfeature yabba : version : dabba ;
+ assert.true is-subvalue yabba : : version : dabba ;
+ subfeature toolset gcc : platform : linux cygwin : optional ;
+ assert.result <toolset-gcc:version>
+ : select-subfeatures <toolset>gcc
+ : <toolset-gcc:version>
+ <toolset-msvc:version>
+ <toolset-version>
+ <stdlib> ;
+ subfeature stdlib : version : 3 4 : optional ;
+ assert.result <stdlib-version>
+ : select-subfeatures <stdlib>native
+ : <toolset-gcc:version>
+ <toolset-msvc:version>
+ <toolset-version>
+ <stdlib-version> ;
+ assert.result <toolset>gcc <toolset-gcc:version>3.0.1
+ : expand-subfeatures <toolset>gcc-3.0.1 ;
+ assert.result <toolset>gcc <toolset-gcc:version>3.0.1 <toolset-gcc:platform>linux
+ : expand-subfeatures <toolset>gcc-3.0.1-linux ;
+ assert.result <toolset>gcc <toolset-gcc:version>3.0.1
+ : expand <toolset>gcc <toolset-gcc:version>3.0.1 ;
+ assert.result <define>foo=x-y
+ : expand-subfeatures <define>foo=x-y ;
+ assert.result <toolset>gcc <toolset-gcc:version>3.0.1
+ : expand-subfeatures gcc-3.0.1 ;
+ assert.result a c e
+ : get-values <x> : <x>a <y>b <x>c <y>d <x>e ;
+ assert.result <toolset>gcc <toolset-gcc:version>3.0.1
+ <variant>debug <define>_DEBUG <optimization>on
+ : expand gcc-3.0.1 debug <optimization>on ;
+ assert.result <variant>debug <define>_DEBUG <optimization>on
+ : expand debug <optimization>on ;
+ assert.result <optimization>on <variant>debug <define>_DEBUG
+ : expand <optimization>on debug ;
+ assert.result <runtime-link>dynamic <optimization>on
+ : defaults <runtime-link> <define> <optimization> ;
+ # Make sure defaults is resilient to missing grist.
+ assert.result <runtime-link>dynamic <optimization>on
+ : defaults runtime-link define optimization ;
+ feature dummy : dummy1 dummy2 ;
+ subfeature dummy : subdummy : x y z : optional ;
+ feature fu : fu1 fu2 : optional ;
+ subfeature fu : subfu : x y z : optional ;
+ subfeature fu : subfu2 : q r s ;
+ assert.result optional : attributes <fu> ;
+ assert.result optional : attributes fu ;
+ assert.result <runtime-link>static <define>foobar <optimization>on
+ <toolset>gcc:<define>FOO <toolset>gcc <variant>debug <stdlib>native
+ <dummy>dummy1 <toolset-gcc:version>2.95.2
+ : add-defaults <runtime-link>static <define>foobar <optimization>on
+ <toolset>gcc:<define>FOO ;
+ assert.result <runtime-link>static <define>foobar <optimization>on
+ <toolset>gcc:<define>FOO <fu>fu1 <toolset>gcc <variant>debug
+ <stdlib>native <dummy>dummy1 <fu-subfu2>q <toolset-gcc:version>2.95.2
+ : add-defaults <runtime-link>static <define>foobar <optimization>on
+ <toolset>gcc:<define>FOO <fu>fu1 ;
+ set-default <runtime-link> : static ;
+ assert.result <runtime-link>static : defaults <runtime-link> ;
+ assert.result gcc-3.0.1 debug <optimization>on
+ : minimize [ expand gcc-3.0.1 debug <optimization>on <stdlib>native ] ;
+ assert.result gcc-3.0.1 debug <runtime-link>dynamic
+ : minimize
+ [ expand gcc-3.0.1 debug <optimization>off <runtime-link>dynamic ] ;
+ assert.result gcc-3.0.1 debug
+ : minimize [ expand gcc-3.0.1 debug <optimization>off ] ;
+ assert.result debug <optimization>on
+ : minimize [ expand debug <optimization>on ] ;
+ assert.result gcc-3.0
+ : minimize <toolset>gcc <toolset-gcc:version>3.0 ;
+ assert.result gcc-3.0
+ : minimize <toolset-gcc:version>3.0 <toolset>gcc ;
+ assert.result <x>y/z <a>b/c <d>e/f
+ : split <x>y/z/<a>b/c/<d>e/f ;
+ assert.result <x>y/z <a>b/c <d>e/f
+ : split <x>y\\z\\<a>b\\c\\<d>e\\f ;
+ assert.result a b c <d>e/f/g <h>i/j/k
+ : split a/b/c/<d>e/f/g/<h>i/j/k ;
+ assert.result a b c <d>e/f/g <h>i/j/k
+ : split a\\b\\c\\<d>e\\f\\g\\<h>i\\j\\k ;
+ # Test error checking.
+ try ;
+ {
+ expand release <optimization>off <optimization>on ;
+ }
+ catch explicitly-specified values of non-free feature <optimization> conflict ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ validate-feature <foobar> ;
+ }
+ catch unknown feature ;
+ validate-value-string <toolset> gcc ;
+ validate-value-string <toolset> gcc-3.0.1 ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ validate-value-string <toolset> digital_mars ;
+ }
+ catch \"digital_mars\" is not a known value of <toolset> ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ feature foobar : : baz ;
+ }
+ catch unknown attributes: baz ;
+ feature feature1 ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ feature feature1 ;
+ }
+ catch feature already defined: ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ feature feature2 : : free implicit ;
+ }
+ catch free features cannot also be implicit ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ feature feature3 : : free propagated ;
+ }
+ catch free features cannot be propagated ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ implied-feature lackluster ;
+ }
+ catch \"lackluster\" is not a value of an implicit feature ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ implied-subfeature <toolset> 3.0.1 ;
+ }
+ catch \"3.0.1\" is not a known subfeature value of <toolset> ;
+ try ;
+ {
+ implied-subfeature <toolset> not-a-version : gcc ;
+ }
+ catch \"not-a-version\" is not a known subfeature value of <toolset>gcc ;
+ # Leave a clean copy of the features module behind.
+ finish-test feature-test-temp ;