path: root/dtrain/
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authorPatrick Simianer <>2011-11-21 12:21:08 +0100
committerPatrick Simianer <>2011-11-21 12:21:08 +0100
commit574e2336348e5d3960b3232209d01845b40e6ea8 (patch)
tree958921d46db445acf3506a8f5620429682a4362a /dtrain/
parent868d01c156914faaf85335c86374cc8f47a61b96 (diff)
added pro stuff,clean up
Diffstat (limited to 'dtrain/')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/dtrain/ b/dtrain/
index 46f783b0..c50f3cad 100644
--- a/dtrain/
+++ b/dtrain/
@@ -23,67 +23,60 @@ Ideas
* *MULTIPARTITE* ranking (1 vs rest, cluster model/score)
* *REMEMBER* sampled translations (merge kbest lists)
-* *SELECT* iteration with highest real BLEU on devtest?
-* *GENERATED* data? (perfect translation always in kbest)
+* *SELECT* iteration with highest _real_ BLEU on devtest?
+* *SYNTHETIC* data? (perfect translation always in kbest)
* *CACHE* ngrams for scoring
-* hadoop *PIPES* imlementation
+* hadoop *PIPES* implementation
* *ITERATION* variants (shuffle resulting weights, re-iterate)
-* *MORE THAN ONE* reference for BLEU?
-* *RANDOM RESTARTS* or directions
+* *MORE THAN ONE* reference for BLEU, paraphrases?
+* *RANDOM RESTARTS* or random directions
* use separate *TEST SET* for each shard
* *REDUCE* training set (50k?)
* *SYNTAX* features (CD)
* distribute *DEV* set to all nodes, avg
-* *PARAPHRASES* for better approx BLEU?
-Uncertain, known bugs, problems
* cdec kbest vs 1best (no -k param), rescoring (ref?)? => ok(?)
-* no sparse vector in decoder => ok/fixed
-* PhraseModel features, mapping?
+* no sparse vector in decoder => fixed/'ok'
+* PhraseModel features 0..99, mapping?
* flex scanner jams on bad input, we could skip that
-* input/grammar caching (strings -> WordIDs)
-* look at forest sampling...
-* devtest loo or not? why loo grammars larger? (sort psgs | uniq -> grammar)
+* input/grammar caching (vector<string> -> vector<WordID>)
+* why loo grammars larger? are they? (sort psgs | uniq -> grammar)
* lower beam size to be faster?
* why is <unk> -100 in lm so good?
* noise helps for discriminative training?
* what does srilm do with -unk but nothing mapped to unk (<unk> unigram)?
=> this:
-* mira translation sampling? => done
-* does AER correlate with BLEU?
-random notes
-* learning rate tuned with perceptron
-* aer correlation with bleu?
-* dtrain (perc) used for some tests because no optimizer instability
+* does AER correlate with BLEU? paper?
+* learning rate tuned with perceptron?
+* dtrain (perceptron) used for some tests because no optimizer instability
* repeat as often as max needed by any learner!
-* don't compare lms with diff vocab (stupid backoff paper)
-* what does mira/pro optimize?
-* early stopping
-* 10-20k rules per sent normal
-* shard size 500 -> 2k
-* giza vs. berkeleyaligner: giza less noise?
+* don't compare lms (perplex.) with diff vocab (see stupid backoff paper)
+* what does mira/pro optimize exactly?
+* early stopping (epsilon, no change in kbest list)
+* 10-20k rules per sent are normal
+* giza vs. berkeleyaligner: giza more/less noise?
* compound splitting -> more rules?
-* loo => ref can't be reached? (jackknifing)
+* loo (jackknifing) => ref can't be reached?
* prune singletons -> less noise? (do I do this?)
-* random sample: take 100 at random
+* random sample: take fixed X at random
+* scale of features/weights?
* baseline features (take whatever cdec implements for VEST)
* rule identifiers (feature name = rule as string)
* rule discounts (taken from frequency i or frequency interval [i,j] of rule in extraction from parallel training data) bins
+ => from PRO
* target ngrams (from nonterminals in rule rhs), with gaps?
* source-target unigrams (from word alignments used in rule extraction, if they are?)
* lhs, rhs, rule length features
* all other features depend on syntax annotation.
* word alignment
-FIXME, todo
* merge dtrain part-X files, for better blocks (how to do this with 4.5tb ep)
* mapred count shard sents
@@ -114,7 +107,6 @@ FIXME, todo
* sample pairs like in pro
* mira forest sampling
@@ -274,3 +266,72 @@ loo vs non-loo? => generalization
train on dev, test on devtest
train on devtest, test on dev
as above ^^^
+ ---
+as PRO
+ - UPDATES: perceptron
+ - LEARNING RATE: 0.0005
+ - GAMMA: -
+ - SCORER: stupid_bleu@4
+ - K: 100, 1500?(top X pairs)
+ - SAMPLE: kbest uniq, kbest no
+ - SELECT: best
+ - FEATURES: baseline, RuleShape+SpanFeatures
+ ---
+ - Note: no weight interpolation
+ no early stopping based on kbest lists (epsilon?TODO)
+dtrain tune reg
+ - updates: SVM
+ - pair sampling important!
+ - learning_rate= 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.0005 0.0001 0.00005 0.00001 0.000005 0.000001 0.0000005 0.0000001 0.0000000001
+ - gamma=
+ - scorer: stupid_bleu 3
+ - test weights: last
+ -
+ -
+ - test: devtest
+weights visualization (blocks, color coded)
+zig zag!?
+repeat all basic exps with training set
+corr best = really best?
+coltrane: 9
+gillespie: 9
+staley: 2
+io: 6
+ioh: 4
+ slots
+when does overfitting begin?