var R = {}; // the Recurrent library (function(global) { "use strict"; // Utility fun function assert(condition, message) { // from if (!condition) { message = message || "Assertion failed"; if (typeof Error !== "undefined") { throw new Error(message); } throw message; // Fallback } } // Random numbers utils var return_v = false; var v_val = 0.0; var gaussRandom = function() { if(return_v) { return_v = false; return v_val; } var u = 2*Math.random()-1; var v = 2*Math.random()-1; var r = u*u + v*v; if(r == 0 || r > 1) return gaussRandom(); var c = Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(r)/r); v_val = v*c; // cache this return_v = true; return u*c; } var randf = function(a, b) { return Math.random()*(b-a)+a; } var randi = function(a, b) { return Math.floor(Math.random()*(b-a)+a); } var randn = function(mu, std){ return mu+gaussRandom()*std; } // helper function returns array of zeros of length n // and uses typed arrays if available var zeros = function(n) { if(typeof(n)==='undefined' || isNaN(n)) { return []; } if(typeof ArrayBuffer === 'undefined') { // lacking browser support var arr = new Array(n); for(var i=0;i= 0 && ix < this.w.length); return this.w[ix]; }, set: function(row, col, v) { // slow but careful accessor function var ix = (this.d * row) + col; assert(ix >= 0 && ix < this.w.length); this.w[ix] = v; }, toJSON: function() { var json = {}; json['n'] = this.n; json['d'] = this.d; json['w'] = this.w; return json; }, fromJSON: function(json) { this.n = json.n; this.d = json.d; this.w = zeros(this.n * this.d); this.dw = zeros(this.n * this.d); for(var i=0,n=this.n * this.d;i=0;i--) { var debug = false; if (this.backprop[i]["mark"] == "encoder") { debug=true; break; } this.backprop[i](debug); // tick! } }, backward1: function() { for(var i=this.backprop.length-1;i>=0;i--) { var debug = false; if (this.backprop[i]["mark"]) debug=true; if (this.backprop[i]["mark"] != "encoder") continue; this.backprop[i](debug); // tick! } }, rowPluck: function(m, ix) { // pluck a row of m with index ix and return it as col vector assert(ix >= 0 && ix < m.n); var d = m.d; var out = new Mat(d, 1); for(var i=0,n=d;i 0 ? out.dw[i] : 0.0; } } this.backprop.push(backward); } return out; }, mul: function(m1, m2) { // multiply matrices m1 * m2 assert(m1.d === m2.n, 'matmul dimensions misaligned'); var n = m1.n; var d = m2.d; var out = new Mat(n,d); for(var i=0;i maxval) maxval = m.w[i]; } var s = 0.0; for(var i=0,n=m.w.length;i clipval) { mdwi = clipval; num_clipped++; } if(mdwi < -clipval) { mdwi = -clipval; num_clipped++; } num_tot++; // update (and regularize) var q = m.w[i]; m.w[i] += - step_size * mdwi / Math.sqrt(s.w[i] + this.smooth_eps) - regc * m.w[i]; m.dw[i] = 0; // reset gradients for next iteration } } } solver_stats['ratio_clipped'] = num_clipped*1.0/num_tot; return solver_stats; } } var initLSTM = function(input_size, hidden_sizes, output_size) { // hidden size should be a list var model = {}; for(var d=0;d