import logging import util import sys class Functionalizer: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def run(self): hyp_file = open('%s/hyp.mrl.nbest' % self.config.experiment_dir) fun_file = open('%s/' % self.config.experiment_dir, 'w') hypsets = [] hypset = [] last_eid = 0 for line in hyp_file: parts = line.split('|||') eid = int(parts[0]) if eid != last_eid: hypsets.append(hypset) hypset = [] last_eid = eid score = parts[2] + ' ||| ' + parts[3].strip() hyp = parts[1].strip() hypset.append((hyp,score)) hypsets.append(hypset) counter = 0 for hypset in hypsets: hypset = list(reversed(hypset)) while hypset: hyp, score = hypset.pop() fun = self.functionalize(hyp) if fun: print >>fun_file, counter, '|||', fun, '|||', score break counter += 1 def run_sentence(self, experiment_dir, temp_dir): hyp_file = open('%s/nbest.tmp' % temp_dir, 'r') hypsets = [] hypset = [] last_eid = 0 for line in hyp_file: parts = line.split('|||') eid = int(parts[0]) if eid != last_eid: hypsets.append(hypset) hypset = [] last_eid = eid score = parts[2] + ' ||| ' + parts[3].strip() hyp = parts[1].strip() hypset.append((hyp,score)) hypsets.append(hypset) hyp_file.close() counter = 0 for hypset in hypsets: hypset = list(reversed(hypset)) while hypset: hyp, score = hypset.pop() fun = self.functionalize(hyp) if fun: return fun break counter += 1 return "" #xc = 0 def functionalize(self, mrl): #if '_@0' in mrl and 'cityid@2' in mrl: # #print '===' # #print mrl # self.xc += 1 # if self.xc > 5: # exit() stack = [] r = [] tokens = list(reversed(mrl.split())) #print tokens while tokens: it = tokens.pop() #print it if util.ARITY_SEP not in it: token = it arity = util.ARITY_STR logging.warn('unrecognized token: %s', it) else: token, arity = it.rsplit(util.ARITY_SEP) if arity == util.ARITY_STR: arity = 0 arity_str = True elif not (arity == util.ARITY_ANY): arity = int(arity) arity_str = False if arity == util.ARITY_ANY or arity > 0: r.append(token) r.append('(') stack.append(arity) else: assert arity == 0 if arity_str: r.append("'%s'" % token.replace('_', ' ')) else: r.append(token) #print r while stack: top = stack.pop() if top == util.ARITY_ANY and tokens: r.append(',') stack.append(util.ARITY_ANY) break elif top != util.ARITY_ANY and top > 1: r.append(',') stack.append(top - 1) break else: r.append(')') if not stack and tokens: return None if stack: return None r = ''.join(r) # nasty hacks to fix misplaced _ if '(_' in r: return None if ',_' in r and not ('cityid' in r): return None if '_),_)' in r: return None return r