require 'zipf' require 'optimist' def read_stopwords_file fn stopwords = {} f = fn while line = f.gets stopwords[line.strip] = true end return stopwords end def read_vocab_file fn if fn.split(".")[-1] == "dbm" require 'dbm' return fn else vocab = {} f = fn while line = f.gets count, word = line.split vocab[word] = count.to_i end return vocab end end # Returns true if string s is only composed of punctuation or brackets def is_punct s return s.match(/^[[[:punct:]]\<\>\[\]\{\}\(\)]+$/) end # Returns true if string is all digits def is_num s return s.match(/^[[:digit:]]+$/) end # 'Tokenizer' based on spaces def get_tokens s return tokenize s end # Returns array of unique tokens and token counts for the string s def get_types s, stopwords, vocab=nil, rare_threshold=1.0/0 tokens = get_tokens s types = { |tok| !stopwords.include?(tok) and not is_punct(tok) and not is_num(tok) }.uniq if vocab types = { |t| !vocab.fetch(t, nil) || vocab[t].to_i <= rare_threshold } end return types end