#!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative './grammar.rb' STDOUT.sync = true class Chart def initialize n @m = [] (n+1).times { _ = [] (n+1).times { _ << [] } @m << _ } end def at i, j @m[i][j] end def add rule_or_item, i, j, right, dot=0 item = Item.new(rule_or_item) item.span.left = i item.span.right = right item.dot = dot at(i, j) << item end end class Span attr_accessor :left, :right def initialize left=nil, right=nil @left = left @right = right end end class Item < Rule attr_accessor :lhs, :rhs, :span, :dot def initialize rule_or_item @lhs = rule_or_item.lhs.dup @rhs = rule_or_item.rhs.dup if rule_or_item.class == Item @span = Span.new rule_or_item.span.left, rule_or_item.span.right @dot = rule_or_item.dot else @span = Span.new @dot = 0 end end def to_s "#{lhs} -> #{rhs.map{|i|i.to_s}.insert(@dot,'*').join ' '} [dot@#{@dot}] [arity=#{arity}] (#{@span.left}, #{@span.right})" end end def visit n, depth, skip=0 (depth-skip).times { |i| i += skip 0.upto(n-(i+1)) { |j| yield j, j+i+1 } } end def init active_chart, passive_chart, grammar, input, n # pre-fill passive chart w/ 0-arity rules grammar.rules.select { |r| r.rhs.first.class==T }.each { |r| input.each_index.select { |i| input[i].word==r.rhs.first.word }.each { |j| k = 1 if r.rhs.size > 1 z = r.rhs.index { |i| i.class==NT } if z z -= 1 else z = r.rhs.size-1 end if input[j..j+z].map { |i| i.word } == r.rhs[0..z].map { |i| i.word } k = z+1 else next end end if k == r.rhs.size passive_chart.add(r, j, j+k, j+k, k) else (j+k).upto(n) { |l| active_chart.add r, j, l, j+k, k } end } } # seed active chart s = grammar.rules.reject { |r| r.rhs.first.class!=NT } visit(n, n, 1) { |i,j| s.each { |r| active_chart.add(r, i, j, i) } } end def scan item, passive_chart, input while item.rhs[item.dot].class == T break if item.span.right > input.size-1 if item.rhs[item.dot].word == input[item.span.right].word item.dot += 1 item.span.right += 1 break if item.dot == item.rhs.size else break end end end def parse i, j, n, active_chart, passive_chart, input active_chart.at(i,j).each { |active_item| 1.upto(n) { |span| break if span==(j-i) i.upto(j-span) { |k| passive_chart.at(k, k+span).each { |passive_item| if active_item.rhs[active_item.dot].class==NT && passive_item.lhs.symbol == active_item.rhs[active_item.dot].symbol next if not active_item.span.right==passive_item.span.left new_item = Item.new active_item new_item.span.right = passive_item.span.right new_item.dot += 1 scan new_item, passive_chart, input if new_item.dot == new_item.rhs.size passive_chart.at(i,j) << new_item if new_item.span.left==i&&new_item.span.right==j else # item is dead unless it has an NT to fill active_chart.at(i,j) << new_item if new_item.span.left==i&&new_item.rhs[new_item.dot].class==NT end end } } } true } # self-filling to_add_active = [] to_add_passive = [] passive_chart.at(i,j).each { |passive_item| active_chart.at(i,j).each { |active_item| next if active_item.rhs[active_item.dot].class!=NT if passive_item.lhs.symbol == active_item.rhs[active_item.dot].symbol next if not active_item.span.right==passive_item.span.left new_item = Item.new active_item new_item.span.right = passive_item.span.right new_item.dot += 1 scan new_item, passive_chart, input if new_item.dot == new_item.rhs.size to_add_passive << new_item if new_item.span.left==i&&new_item.span.right==j else to_add_active << new_item end end } } to_add_active.each { |item| active_chart.at(i,j) << item } to_add_passive.each { |item| passive_chart.at(i,j) << item } end def preprocess s s.split.map { |i| T.new i } end def main #input = preprocess 'ich sah ein kleines haus' input = preprocess 'lebensmittel schuld an europäischer inflation' #input = preprocess 'offizielle prognosen sind von nur 3 prozent ausgegangen , meldete bloomberg .' n = input.size puts 'reading grammar' #g = Grammar.new 'example/grammar' g = Grammar.new 'example/grammar.x' #g = Grammar.new 'example/grammar.3.gz' # 4th segment of newstest2008 puts 'adding glue rules' g.add_glue_rules #puts 'adding pass-through rules' #g.add_pass_through_rules input puts 'initializing charts' passive_chart = Chart.new n active_chart = Chart.new n init active_chart, passive_chart, g, input, n puts 'parsing' visit(n, n, 1) { |i,j| STDERR.write " span (#{i}, #{j})\n" parse i, j, n, active_chart, passive_chart, input } puts "---\npassive chart" visit(n, n, 0) { |i,j| puts "#{i},#{j}"; passive_chart.at(i,j).each { |item| puts ' '+item.to_s if item.span.left==i&&item.span.right==j }; puts } end main