#!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative './grammar.rb' # interescts a WFSA (WFST) with a WSCFG to produce a hypergraph class Chart attr_accessor :m def initialize input @m = [] (input.size+1).times { _ = [] (input.size+1).times { _ << [] } @m << _ } end def at span return @m[span.left][span.right] end def at i,j return @m[i][j] end end class Item < Rule attr_accessor :lhs, :rhs, :span, :dot def initialize rule, dot=-1 @lhs = rule.lhs.dup @rhs = rule.rhs.dup @span = Span.new rule.span.left, rule.span.right @dot = dot if rule.class==Item @dot = rule.dot end end def to_s "#{lhs} -> #{rhs.map{|i|i.to_s}.insert(@dot,'*').join ' '} (dot:#{@dot}) (a:#{arity}) (#{@span.left}, #{@span.right})" end end #def shift #end #def reduce #end #def init #axioms,goals etc #end #def parse #end g = Grammar.new 'grammar' input = "ich sah ein kleines haus".split.map { |i| Terminal.new i } #start = NonTerminal.new 'S' passive_chart = Chart.new input active_chart = Chart.new input # 1st row: arity0 rules unary_rules = g.rules.reject { |r| r.arity>0 } input.each_with_index { |t,j| unary_rules.each { |r| if r.rhs.first.w == t.w passive_chart.at(j,j+1) << Item.new(r) passive_chart.at(j,j+1).last.span.left = j passive_chart.at(j,j+1).last.span.right = j+1 passive_chart.at(j,j+1).last.dot = 1 end } } # pre-fill active chart with non 0arity rules starting with a (single(!)) T g.rules.reject{|r| r.rhs[0].class==NonTerminal||r.arity==0}.each {|r| input.each_with_index { |i,j| if i.w==r.rhs.first.w (j+2).upto(input.size) { |k| # no empty NT! active_chart.at(j,k) << Item.new(r) active_chart.at(j,k).last.span.left = j active_chart.at(j,k).last.span.right = k #j+1 # k active_chart.at(j,k).last.dot = 1 } end } } # pre-fill active chart s = g.rules.reject { |r| r.rhs.first.class!=NonTerminal}#.reject{|r| r.lhs.sym == 'S'} (input.size).times { |k| 0.upto(input.size-(k+2)) { |i| s.each { |r| active_chart.at(i,i+k+2) << Item.new(r) active_chart.at(i,i+k+2).last.span.left = i active_chart.at(i,i+k+2).last.span.right = i+k+2 active_chart.at(i,i+k+2).last.dot = 0 } } } # parse puts "parse" def visit i, j, sz, active_chart, passive_chart, g, input puts "| #{i},#{j}" # SCAN active_chart.at(i,j).each { |item| if item.rhs[item.dot].class == Terminal if item.rhs[item.dot].w == input[item.span.left+item.dot].w item.dot += 1 if item.dot == item.rhs.size passive_chart.at(i,j) << Item.new(item) #passive_chart.at(i,j).last.span.right = item.span.left+item.dot end end end } 1.upto(sz) { |span| break if span==(j-i) i.upto(j-span) { |k| puts " #{k},#{k+span} (##{span})" # COMPLETE active_chart.at(i,j).each { |active_item| passive_chart.at(k, k+span).each { |passive_item| if active_item.rhs[active_item.dot].class==NonTerminal && passive_item.lhs.sym == active_item.rhs[active_item.dot].sym active_item.span.right = passive_item.span.right if passive_item.span.right > active_item.span.right active_item.dot += 1 if active_item.dot == active_item.rhs.size passive_chart.at(i,j) << Item.new(active_item) end end } } } # SCAN active_chart.at(i,j).each { |item| if item.rhs[item.dot].class == Terminal if item.rhs[item.dot].w == input[item.span.left+item.dot].w item.dot += 1 if item.dot == item.rhs.size passive_chart.at(i,j) << Item.new(item) end end end } } end (input.size).times { |k| 0.upto(input.size-(k+2)) { |i| visit i, i+k+2, input.size, active_chart, passive_chart, g, input } } puts "---" active_chart.at(0,5).each { |item| puts item.to_s }