From db6a6ecfa350cae29739c59df1210d8f76a479c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Simianer
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 07:56:38 +0100
Subject: init
norm_german | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 93 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 norm_german
(limited to 'norm_german')
diff --git a/norm_german b/norm_german
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..57a37bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/norm_german
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'thread'
+require 'trollop'
+STDIN.set_encoding 'utf-8'
+STDOUT.set_encoding 'utf-8'
+def usage
+ STDERR.write "./avg [-r ] < \n"
+ exit 1
+usage if not [0,2,4].include? ARGV.size
+opts = Trollop::options do
+ opt :upper, "uppercase", :type => :bool, :default => false
+ opt :threads, "#threads", :type => :int, :default => 1, :short => '-h'
+ opt :shard_size, "shard size", :type => :int, :default => 1000
+ opt :train, "train", :type => :bool
+ opt :apply, "apply", :type => :bool
+pairs_lower = [ ['ß','ss'], ['ue', 'ü'], ['ae','ä'], ['oe', 'ö'] ]
+pairs_upper = [ ['Ä', 'Ae'], ['Ö', 'Oe'], ['Ü', 'Ue'] ]
+if opts[:upper]
+ PAIRS = pairs_lower
+ PAIRS = pairs_lower+pairs_upper
+def get_key(old, new)
+ PAIRS.each { |i|
+ return old if new.gsub(i[0], i[1])==old
+ return old if new.gsub(i[1], i[0])==old
+ }
+ return nil
+def build_partial(tokens)
+ h = {}
+ tokens.each { |tok|
+ found = false
+ h.keys.each { |i|
+ if get_key i, tok
+ h[i] << tok
+ found = true
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ h[tok] = [tok] if !found
+ }
+ return h
+h = {}
+threads = []
+thread_n = 0
+counter = 0
+token_stock = []
+mutex =
+while tok = STDIN.gets # expects stream of (lowercased) tokens
+ token_stock << [] if !token_stock[thread_n]
+ token_stock[thread_n] << tok.strip!
+ counter += 1
+ if token_stock[thread_n].size%opts[:shard_size]==0
+ STDERR.write "Starting thread ##{thread_n}\n"
+ threads <<[thread_n]) { |tokens|
+ th = build_partial tokens
+ mutex.synchronize do
+ h.merge! th
+ end
+ }
+ threads.last.abort_on_exception = true
+ thread_n += 1
+ else
+ next
+ end
+ if thread_n==opts[:threads]
+ threads.each { |i| i.join }
+ token_stock.each { |i| i.clear }
+ thread_n = 0
+ end
+ STDERR.write "#keys #{h.keys.size}\n"
+token_stock.each { |i|
+ if i.size!=0
+ h.merge! build_partial i
+ end
cgit v1.2.3