/* * global vars and configuration * */ var DE_paper, // objects DE_shapes_by_id = {}, DE_shapes = [], DE_target_shapes = [], DE_texts = [], DE_connections = {}, DE_id = 0, DE_next_grid = 0, // ui DE_ui_margin = 32, DE_ui_padding = DE_ui_margin/3, DE_ui_xbegin = 64, DE_ui_ybegin = 5, DE_ui_box_height = 32, DE_ui_line_margin = 64, DE_ui_ysource = DE_ui_ybegin, DE_ui_ytarget = DE_ui_ysource+DE_ui_line_margin; DE_ui_font_size = 14, DE_ui_font_width = -1, DE_ui_stroke_width = 1, DE_ui_stroke_width_hi = 3, DE_ui_align_stroke = "#ccc", DE_ui_align_stroke_hi = "#aaa", DE_ui_text_att = { "fill": "#000", "stroke": "none", "text-anchor": "start", "font-size": DE_ui_font_size, "font-family": "Times New Roman" }, DE_ui_shape_att = { "fill": "#eee", "stroke": "#000", "fill-opacity": 0, "stroke-width": DE_ui_stroke_width } // dragging DE_cur_drag = null, DE_new_pos = -1, DE_old_pos = -1; // connecting DE_connect_mode = false, DE_connect_mode_shape = null, DE_new_conns = [], // editing DE_cur_ed = null, DE_cur_ed_shape = null, DE_edit_mode = false, // removing DE_rm_shape = null, // data DE_data_source = null, DE_data_target = null, DE_data_align = null; /****************************************************************************** * * connections/links * */ Raphael.fn.connection = function (obj1, obj2, line, bg) { if (obj1.line && obj1.from && obj1.to) { line = obj1; obj1 = line.from; obj2 = line.to; } if (!obj1.getBBox() || !obj2.getBBox()) return; var bb1 = obj1.getBBox(), bb2 = obj2.getBBox(), x1 = bb1.x+bb1.width/2, y1 = bb1.y+bb1.height, x2 = bb2.x+bb2.width/2, y2 = bb2.y, path = ["M", x1, y1, "L", x2, y2]; if (line && line.line) { line.bg && line.bg.attr({path: path}); line.line.attr({path: path}); } else { return { bg: bg && bg.split && this.path(path).attr({stroke: bg.split("|")[0], fill: "none", "stroke-width": bg.split("|")[1] || 3}), line: this.path(path).attr({stroke: DE_ui_align_stroke, fill: "none"}), from: obj1, to: obj2 }; } } var DE_conn_str = function (obj1, obj2) { return obj1["id_"]+"-"+obj2["id_"]; } var DE_make_conn = function(obj1, obj2) { DE_connections[DE_conn_str(obj1,obj2)] = DE_paper.connection(obj1, obj2); if (DE_connect_mode) { DE_new_conns.push(DE_connections[DE_conn_str(obj1,obj2)]); DE_connections[DE_conn_str(obj1,obj2)].line.attr({"stroke":DE_ui_align_stroke_hi,"stroke-width":DE_ui_stroke_width_hi}); } } var DE_rm_conn = function (id1, id2) { var b = false; for (var i=0; i del_grid) { DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"] -= 1; } if (g > max) max = g; } DE_next_grid = g; if (!DE_next_grid) // empty DE_next_grid = 0; DE_cur_drag = null; snap_to_grid(true); return; } if (this.type != "text") this.animate({"fill-opacity": 0}, 500); if (this.pair.type != "text") this.pair.animate({"fill-opacity": 0}, 500); snap_to_grid(true); } /****************************************************************************** * * snap-to-grid * */ var DE_collide = function (obj) { // not a shape if (!obj["id_"] || obj.type!="rect") return; // remove if (obj["rm_shape_"]) { DE_cur_drag["delete_me_"] = true; return; } if (DE_cur_drag["grid_tmp_"] > obj["grid_tmp_"]) { // right -> left if (DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width < obj.getBBox().width && DE_cur_drag.getBBox().x > (obj.getBBox().x+obj.getBBox().width/1000)) { // ignored tolerance, when return; // dragging onto shapes } att = { x: obj.attr("x")+DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding) }; obj.attr(att); att = { x: obj.pair.attr("x")+DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding) }; obj.pair.attr(att); } else { // left -> right if (DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width < obj.getBBox().width && DE_cur_drag.getBBox().x < (obj.getBBox().x+obj.getBBox().width/1000)) { return; } att = { x: obj.attr("x")-(DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) }; obj.attr(att); att = { x: obj.pair.attr("x")-(DE_cur_drag.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding)) }; obj.pair.attr(att); } // grid pos DE_new_pos = obj["grid_tmp_"]; var tmp_pos = DE_cur_drag["grid_tmp_"]; DE_cur_drag["grid_tmp_"] = obj["grid_tmp_"]; obj["grid_tmp_"] = tmp_pos; } var snap_to_grid = function (anim=false) { // just x coord, y is fixed in drag var d = DE_ui_xbegin; // just target objs DE_target_shapes.sort(function(a, b) { return a["grid_"]-b["grid_"]; }); // switch if (DE_cur_drag) { // fix glitch when calling from DE_add_object() and up() DE_cur_drag["grid_"] = DE_new_pos; cur_id = DE_cur_drag["id_"]; if (DE_new_pos > DE_old_pos) { // left -> right for (var i=0; i < DE_target_shapes.length; i++) { pos = DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"]; id_ = DE_target_shapes[i]["id_"]; if (id_ == cur_id) continue; if (pos >= DE_old_pos && pos <= DE_new_pos) { DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"] -= 1; } else { continue; } } } else if (DE_new_pos < DE_old_pos) { // right -> left for (var i=0; i < DE_target_shapes.length; i++) { pos = DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"]; id_ = DE_target_shapes[i]["id_"]; if (id_ == cur_id) continue; if (pos >= DE_new_pos && pos <= DE_old_pos) { DE_target_shapes[i]["grid_"] += 1; } else { continue; } } } } // ^ fix glitch // sort by grid pos DE_target_shapes.sort(function(a, b) { return a["grid_"]-b["grid_"]; }); // fix box layout for (var i = 0; i < DE_target_shapes.length; i++) { var obj = DE_target_shapes[i]; if (!obj || !obj.attrs) { // removed return; } att = { x:d }; if (anim) { obj.attr(att); } else { obj.attr(att); } att = { x: obj.getBBox().x+DE_ui_padding }; if (anim) { obj.pair.animate(att,125); } else { obj.pair.attr(att); } d += obj.getBBox().width+(DE_ui_margin-2*DE_ui_padding); // fix tmp grid obj["grid_tmp_"] = obj["grid_"]; } for (key in DE_connections) { DE_paper.connection(DE_connections[key]); } // now mouseout() can remove highligting DE_cur_drag = null; } var DE_debug_snap_to_grid = function () { var s = ""; for (var i=0; i max) { max_idx = i; max = DE_shapes[i]["grid_"]; } } if (!DE_shapes[max_idx]) { DE_make_obj(DE_ui_xbegin+DE_ui_padding, "X", "target"); } else { DE_make_obj(DE_shapes[max_idx].getBBox().x2+(DE_ui_margin-DE_ui_padding), "X", "target"); } DE_paper.setSize(DE_paper.width+DE_target_shapes[DE_target_shapes.length-1].getBBox().width+DE_ui_margin, DE_paper.height); DE_cur_drag = null; snap_to_grid(true); } var DE_make_objs = function (a, type) { for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) { var x = 0; if (i == 0) { x = DE_ui_xbegin+DE_ui_padding; } else { x = DE_ui_margin+DE_texts[DE_texts.length-1].getBBox().x2; } DE_make_obj(x, a[i], type); } }; /****************************************************************************** * * extract data from ui * */ var DE_extract_data = function () { el = document.getElementById("data"); d = {}; d["source"] = []; d["target"] = []; d["align"] = []; // target var ids = []; DE_target_shapes.sort(function(a, b) { return a["grid_"]-b["grid_"]; }); for (var i=0; i