#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path getcwd /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR; } use Getopt::Long; my $training_dir = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../training"; die "Can't find training dir: $training_dir" unless -d $training_dir; my $mkcls = '/Users/redpony/software/giza/giza-pp/mkcls-v2/mkcls'; my $num_classes = 50; my $nodes = 40; my $pmem = "2500mb"; my $DECODER = "cdec"; GetOptions("cdec=s" => \$DECODER, "jobs=i" => \$nodes, "pmem=s" => \$pmem, "mkcls=s" => \$mkcls, ) or usage(); usage() unless (scalar @ARGV == 3); die "Cannot find mkcls (specify with --mkcls=/path/to/mkcls) at $mkcls\n" unless -f $mkcls; die "Cannot execute mkcls at $mkcls\n" unless -x $mkcls; my $in_file = shift @ARGV; my $m4 = shift @ARGV; my $im4 = shift @ARGV; die "Can't find model4: $m4" unless -f $m4; die "Can't find inverse model4: $im4" unless -f $im4; die "Expected format corpus.l1-l2 where l1 & l2 are two-letter abbreviations\nfor the source and target language respectively\n" unless ($in_file =~ /^.+\.([a-z][a-z])-([a-z][a-z])$/); my $f_lang = $1; my $e_lang = $2; print STDERR "Source language: $f_lang\n"; print STDERR "Target language: $e_lang\n"; print STDERR " Model 4 align: $m4\n"; print STDERR "InModel 4 align: $im4\n"; print STDERR " Using mkcls in: $mkcls\n\n"; die "Don't have an orthographic normalizer for $f_lang\n" unless -f "$SCRIPT_DIR/ortho-norm/$f_lang.pl"; die "Don't have an orthographic normalizer for $e_lang\n" unless -f "$SCRIPT_DIR/ortho-norm/$e_lang.pl"; my @stages = qw(nopos relpos markov); my @directions = qw(f-e e-f); my $corpus = 'c'; my $cwd = getcwd(); my $align_dir = "$cwd/talign"; mkdir $align_dir; mkdir "$align_dir/grammars"; open IN, "<$in_file" or die "Can't read $in_file: $!"; open E, ">$align_dir/grammars/corpus.e" or die "Can't write: $!"; open F, ">$align_dir/grammars/corpus.f" or die "Can't write: $!"; while() { chomp; my ($f, $e) = split / \|\|\| /; die "Bad format, excepted ||| separated line" unless defined $f && defined $e; print F "$f\n"; print E "$e\n"; } close F; close E; close IN; `cp $SCRIPT_DIR/makefiles/makefile.grammars $align_dir/grammars/Makefile`; die unless $? == 0; my @targets = qw(grammars); for my $direction (@directions) { my $prev_stage = undef; for my $stage (@stages) { push @targets, "$stage-$direction"; make_stage($stage, $direction, $prev_stage); $prev_stage = $stage; } } open TOPLEVEL, ">$align_dir/Makefile" or die "Can't write $align_dir/Makefile: $!"; print TOPLEVEL <$stage_dir/cdec.$stage.ini" or die; print CDEC <