#include #include #include #include #include #include "filelib.h" #include "tdict.h" #include "prob.h" #include "hg.h" #include "hg_io.h" #include "viterbi.h" #include "kbest.h" namespace po = boost::program_options; using namespace std; void InitCommandLine(int argc, char** argv, po::variables_map* conf) { po::options_description opts("Configuration options"); opts.add_options() ("input,i", po::value(), "REQ. Lattice input file (PLF), - for STDIN") ("prior_scale,p", po::value()->default_value(1.0), "Scale path probabilities by this amount < 1 flattens, > 1 sharpens") ("weight,w", po::value >(), "Weight(s) for arc features") ("output,o", po::value()->default_value("plf"), "Output format (text, plf)") ("command,c", po::value()->default_value("push"), "Operation to perform: push, graphviz, 1best, 2best ...") ("help,h", "Print this help message and exit"); po::options_description clo("Command line options"); po::options_description dcmdline_options; dcmdline_options.add(opts); po::store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, dcmdline_options), *conf); po::notify(*conf); if (conf->count("help") || conf->count("input") == 0) { cerr << dcmdline_options << endl; exit(1); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { po::variables_map conf; InitCommandLine(argc, argv, &conf); string infile = conf["input"].as(); ReadFile rf(infile); istream* in = rf.stream(); assert(*in); SparseVector wts; vector wv; if (conf.count("weight") > 0) wv = conf["weight"].as >(); if (wv.empty()) wv.push_back(1.0); for (int i = 0; i < wv.size(); ++i) { const string fname = "Feature_" + boost::lexical_cast(i); cerr << "[INFO] Arc weight " << (i+1) << " = " << wv[i] << endl; wts.set_value(FD::Convert(fname), wv[i]); } const string cmd = conf["command"].as(); const bool push_weights = cmd == "push"; const bool output_plf = cmd == "plf"; const bool graphviz = cmd == "graphviz"; const bool kbest = cmd.rfind("best") == (cmd.size() - 4) && cmd.size() > 4; int k = 1; if (kbest) { k = boost::lexical_cast(cmd.substr(0, cmd.size() - 4)); cerr << "KBEST = " << k << endl; } const double scale = conf["prior_scale"].as(); int lc = 0; while(*in) { ++lc; string plf; getline(*in, plf); if (plf.empty()) continue; Hypergraph hg; HypergraphIO::ReadFromPLF(plf, &hg); hg.Reweight(wts); if (graphviz) hg.PrintGraphviz(); if (push_weights) hg.PushWeightsToSource(scale); if (output_plf) { cout << HypergraphIO::AsPLF(hg) << endl; } else { KBest::KBestDerivations, ESentenceTraversal> kbest(hg, k); for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { const KBest::KBestDerivations, ESentenceTraversal>::Derivation* d = kbest.LazyKthBest(hg.nodes_.size() - 1, i); if (!d) break; cout << lc << " ||| " << TD::GetString(d->yield) << " ||| " << d->score << endl; } } } return 0; }