This is a simple (and parallelizable) tuning method for cdec which is able to train the weights of very many (sparse) features. It was used here: "Joint Feature Selection in Distributed Stochastic Learning for Large-Scale Discriminative Training in SMT" (Simianer, Riezler, Dyer; ACL 2012) Building -------- Builds when building cdec, see ../BUILDING . To build only parts needed for dtrain do ``` autoreconf -ifv ./configure cd training/dtrain/; make ``` Ideas ----- * get approx_bleu to work? * implement minibatches (Minibatch and Parallelization for Online Large Margin Structured Learning) * learning rate 1/T? * use an oracle? mira-like (model vs. BLEU), feature repr. of reference!? * implement lc_bleu properly * merge kbest lists of previous epochs (as MERT does) * ``walk entire regularization path'' * rerank after each update? Running ------- See directories under test/ . Legal ----- Copyright (c) 2012-2013 by Patrick Simianer See the file LICENSE.txt in the root folder for the licensing terms that this software is released under.