cdec v1.0 (c) 2009 by Chris Dyer Configuration file: cdec.ini Reading SCFG grammar from australia.scfg.gz 33737 rules read. Reading weights from weights Loaded 7 feature weights Reading input from input.txt INPUT: 澳洲 是 与 北韩 有 邦交 的 少数 国家 之一 。 ||| ... id = 0 Goal category: [S] ........... -LM forest (nodes/edges): 77/244232 -LM forest (paths): 3.79555e+28 -LM Viterbi: australia is have diplomatic relations with north korea one of the few countries . -LM Viterbi: -12.7893 Goal category: [CAT_76] .................. Constr. forest (nodes/edges): 185/827 Constr. forest (paths): 279358 Constr. VitTree: (CAT_76 (CAT_75 (CAT_1 (CAT_0 australia)) (CAT_74 is (CAT_31 one of (CAT_20 a few countries)) that (CAT_36 have diplomatic relations (CAT_15 with north korea)) .))) Translation: 2.69099 secs (1 calls)