# This .ini file extracts grammars to a file using # the pattern matching infrastructure. # # Does not do any decoding. # # Variables can be set using sa-system.pl # # Usage: decoder.py -c [-x ] # # If the -x option is used, grammar will be written to the # specified file, otherwise it is written to $PWD/grammar.out # # NOTE: all information about rules is cached, so use generous # memory limits (rules themselves are not cached.) import os import manager import clex import context_model import rulefactory import calignment import sys out_grammar_file = "grammar.out" if opts.extra: out_grammar_file = opts.extra # *** these variables written by sa-system.pl. Do not modify *** lm_file = "/tmp/sa-redpony/de-en/lm/lm/lm.gz" f_sa_file = "/tmp/sa-redpony/de-en/bitext/soseos.vc/f.sa.bin" e_file = "/tmp/sa-redpony/de-en/bitext/soseos.vc/e.bin" a_file = "/tmp/sa-redpony/de-en/bitext/soseos.vc/a/gdfa/a.bin" lex_file = "/tmp/sa-redpony/de-en/bitext/soseos.vc/a/gdfa/lex.bin" max_len = 5 max_nt = 2 max_size=10 min_gap=1 rank1 = 100 rank2 = 10 precompute_file = "/tmp/sa-redpony/de-en/bitext/soseos.vc/precomp." # check for path errors if not os.path.exists(f_sa_file): raise Exception("Cannot find compiled source language suffix array file %s" % f_sa_file) if not os.path.exists(e_file): raise Exception("Cannot find compiled target language array file %s" % e_file) if not os.path.exists(a_file): raise Exception("Cannot find compiled alignment file %s" % a_file) if not os.path.exists(lex_file): raise Exception("Cannot find compiled lexical weights file %s" % lex_file) if not os.path.exists(precompute_file): log.writeln("Could not find precomputed collocations %s, decoding will be slower" % precompute_file) precompute_file = None ### Output options mark_phrases = False # show derivation as SGML markup in output mert_mark_phrases = False # do the same when generating n-best lists (don't use this with minimum error rate training!) # Verbosity. 0 = silent, 1 = normal, 2-5 = verbose log.level = 1 log.file = sys.stderr # pattern-matching stuff class PhonyGrammar: # saves us the cost of keeping the rules around def add(self, thing): pass local_grammar = PhonyGrammar() xcat="X" cm = manager.ContextManager( f_sa_file, e_file, sampler=rulefactory.Sampler(300), # lower=faster, higher=better; improvements level off above 200-300 range, -1 = don't sample, use all data (VERY SLOW!) rulefactory=rulefactory.HieroCachingRuleFactory( alignment=calignment.Alignment( # compiled alignment object (REQUIRED) a_file, from_binary=True ), category="["+xcat+"]", # name of generic nonterminal used by Hiero grammar=local_grammar, # do not change for extraction max_chunks=None, # maximum number of contiguous chunks of terminal symbols in RHS of a rule. If None, defaults to max_nonterminals+1 max_initial_size=15, # maximum span of a grammar rule in TEST DATA max_length=max_len, # maximum number of symbols (both T and NT) allowed in a rule max_nonterminals=max_nt, # maximum number of nonterminals allowed in a rule (set >2 at your own risk) max_target_chunks=None, # maximum number of contiguous chunks of terminal symbols in target-side RHS of a rule. If None, defaults to max_nonterminals+1 max_target_length=None, # maximum number of target side symbols (both T and NT) allowed in a rule. If None, defaults to max_initial_size min_gap_size=1, # minimum span of a nonterminal in the RHS of a rule in TEST DATA precompute_file=precompute_file, # filename of file containing precomputed collocations precompute_secondary_rank=rank2, # maximum frequency rank of patterns used to compute triples (don't set higher than 20). precompute_rank=rank1, # maximum frequency rank of patterns used to compute collocations (no need to set higher than maybe 200-300) require_aligned_terminal=True, # require extracted rules to have at least one aligned word require_aligned_chunks=False, # require each contiguous chunk of extracted rules to have at least one aligned word per_sentence_grammar=True, # generate a complete grammar for each input sentence rule_file=out_grammar_file, # grammar is written to this file (sentence id is added to file name for per sentence grammars) train_max_initial_size=max_size, # maximum span of a grammar rule extracted from TRAINING DATA train_min_gap_size=min_gap, # minimum span of an RHS nonterminal in a rule extracted from TRAINING DATA tight_phrases=True, # True if phrases should be tight, False otherwise (False seems to give better results but is slower) ), from_binary=True ) # lexical weighting tables tt = clex.CLex(lex_file, from_binary=True) # Only include features that depend on rule identity here add_model(context_model.EgivenFCoherent(cm), 0.125) add_model(context_model.SampleCountF(cm), 0.125) add_model(context_model.CountEF(cm), 0.125) add_model(context_model.MaxLexFgivenE(cm, tt), 0.125) add_model(context_model.MaxLexEgivenF(cm, tt), 0.125) add_model(context_model.IsSingletonF(cm), 0.125) add_model(context_model.IsSingletonFE(cm), 0.125) # grammars, search parameters and all that other stuff are irrelevant