# cn.py # Chris Dyer <redpony@umd.edu> # Copyright (c) 2006 University of Maryland. # vim:tabstop=4:autoindent:expandtab import sys import math import sym import log import sgml epsilon = sym.fromstring('*EPS*'); class CNStats(object): def __init__(self): self.read = 0 self.colls = 0 self.words = 0 def collect(self, cn): self.read += 1 self.colls += cn.get_length() for col in cn.columns: self.words += len(col) def __str__(self): return "confusion net statistics:\n succ. read: %d\n columns: %d\n words: %d\n avg. words/column:\t%f\n avg. cols/sent:\t%f\n\n" % (self.read, self.colls, self.words, float(self.words)/float(self.colls), float(self.colls)/float(self.read)) class ConfusionNet(object): def __init__(self, sent): object.__init__(self) if (len(sent.words) == 0): self.columns = () return # empty line, it happens line = sent.words[0] if (line.startswith("(((")): if (len(sent.words) > 1): log.write("Bad sentence: %s\n" % (line)) assert(len(sent.words) == 1) # make sure there are no spaces in your confusion nets! line = "((('<s>',1.0,1),),"+line[1:len(line)-1]+"(('</s>',1.0,1),))" cols = eval(line) res = [] for col in cols: x = [] for alt in col: costs = alt[1] if (type(costs) != type((1,2))): costs=(float(costs),) j=[] for c in costs: j.append(float(c)) cost = tuple(j) spanlen = 1 if (len(alt) == 3): spanlen = alt[2] x.append((sym.fromstring(alt[0],terminal=True), None, spanlen)) res.append(tuple(x)) self.columns = tuple(res) else: # convert a string of input into a CN res = []; res.append(((sym.fromstring('<s>',terminal=True), None, 1), )) for word in sent.words: res.append(((sym.fromstring(word,terminal=True), None, 1), )); # (alt=word, cost=0.0) res.append(((sym.fromstring('</s>',terminal=True), None, 1), )) self.columns = tuple(res) def is_epsilon(self, position): x = self.columns[position[0]][position[1]][0] return x == epsilon def compute_epsilon_run_length(self, cn_path): if (len(cn_path) == 0): return 0 x = len(cn_path) - 1 res = 0 ''' -1 denotes a non-terminal ''' while (x >= 0 and cn_path[x][0] >= 0 and self.is_epsilon(cn_path[x])): res += 1 x -= 1 return res def compute_cn_cost(self, cn_path): c = None for (col, row) in cn_path: if (col >= 0): if c is None: c = self.columns[col][row][1].clone() else: c += self.columns[col][row][1] return c def get_column(self, col): return self.columns[col] def get_length(self): return len(self.columns) def __str__(self): r = "conf net: %d\n" % (len(self.columns),) i = 0 for col in self.columns: r += "%d -- " % i i += 1 for alternative in col: r += "(%s, %s, %s) " % (sym.tostring(alternative[0]), alternative[1], alternative[2]) r += "\n" return r def listdown(_columns, col = 0): # output all the possible sentences out of the self lattice # will be used by the "dumb" adaptation of lattice decoding with suffix array result = [] for entry in _columns[col]: if col+entry[2]+1<=len(_columns) : for suffix in self.listdown(_columns,col+entry[2]): result.append(entry[0]+' '+suffix) #result.append(entry[0]+' '+suffix) else: result.append(entry[0]) #result.append(entry[0]) return result def next(self,_columns,curr_idx, min_dist=1): # can be used only when prev_id is defined result = [] #print "curr_idx=%i\n" % curr_idx if curr_idx+min_dist >= len(_columns): return result for alt_idx in xrange(len(_columns[curr_idx])): alt = _columns[curr_idx][alt_idx] #print "checking %i alternative : " % alt_idx #print "%s %f %i\n" % (alt[0],alt[1],alt[2]) #print alt if alt[2]<min_dist: #print "recursive next(%i, %i, %i)\n" % (curr_idx,alt_idx,min_dist-alt[2]) result.extend(self.next(_columns,curr_idx+alt[2],min_dist-alt[2])) elif curr_idx+alt[2]<len(_columns): #print "adding because the skip %i doesn't go beyong the length\n" % alt[2] result.append(curr_idx+alt[2]) return set(result) #file = open(sys.argv[1], "rb") #sent = sgml.process_sgml_line(file.read()) #print sent #cn = ConfusionNet(sent) #print cn #results = cn.listdown() #for result in results: # print sym.tostring(result) #print cn.next(0); #print cn.next(1); #print cn.next(2); #print cn.next(3); #print cn #cn = ConfusionNet() #k = 0 #while (cn.read(file)): # print cn #print cn.stats