%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Creator: MATLAB, The Mathworks, Inc. Version (R2008b). Operating System: Linux 2.6.18-128.1.6.el5.inf.1PAE #1 SMP Wed Apr 15 10:23:41 BST 2009 i686. %%Title: /afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/user/s/sgwater/research/papers/2009/acl09-short/code/plot0.eps %%CreationDate: 07/23/2009 17:36:19 %%DocumentNeededFonts: Helvetica %%DocumentProcessColors: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Pages: 1 %%BoundingBox: -44 170 641 672 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog % MathWorks dictionary /MathWorks 160 dict begin % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bind def /xdef {exch def} bdef /xstore {exch store} bdef % operator abbreviations /c /clip ldef /cc /concat ldef /cp /closepath ldef /gr /grestore ldef /gs /gsave ldef /mt /moveto ldef /np /newpath ldef /cm /currentmatrix ldef /sm /setmatrix ldef /rm /rmoveto ldef /rl /rlineto ldef /s {show newpath} bdef /sc {setcmykcolor} bdef /sr /setrgbcolor ldef /sg /setgray ldef /w /setlinewidth ldef /j /setlinejoin ldef /cap /setlinecap ldef /rc {rectclip} bdef /rf {rectfill} bdef % page state 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0 1 5 -2 roll arc closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef /FAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn tMatrix setmatrix stroke} bdef /PAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate 0 0 moveto scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef /vradius 0 def /hradius 0 def /lry 0 def /lrx 0 def /uly 0 def /ulx 0 def /rad 0 def /MRR {/vradius xdef /hradius xdef /lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx hradius add uly vradius add translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 180 270 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx hradius sub uly vradius add translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 270 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx hradius sub lry vradius sub translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 0 90 arc tMatrix setmatrix ulx hradius add lry vradius sub translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 90 180 arc tMatrix setmatrix closepath} bdef /FRR {MRR stroke } bdef /PRR {MRR fill } bdef /MlrRR {/lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef /rad lry uly sub 2 div def newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx rad add uly rad add translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 90 270 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx rad sub lry rad sub translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 270 90 arc tMatrix setmatrix closepath} bdef /FlrRR {MlrRR stroke } bdef /PlrRR {MlrRR fill } bdef /MtbRR {/lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef /rad lrx ulx sub 2 div def newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx rad add uly rad add translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 180 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx rad sub lry rad sub translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 0 180 arc tMatrix setmatrix closepath} bdef /FtbRR {MtbRR stroke } bdef /PtbRR {MtbRR fill } bdef /stri 6 array def /dtri 6 array def /smat 6 array def /dmat 6 array def /tmat1 6 array def /tmat2 6 array def /dif 3 array def /asub {/ind2 exch def /ind1 exch def dup dup ind1 get exch ind2 get sub exch } bdef /tri_to_matrix { 2 0 asub 3 1 asub 4 0 asub 5 1 asub dup 0 get exch 1 get 7 -1 roll astore } bdef /compute_transform { dmat dtri tri_to_matrix tmat1 invertmatrix smat stri tri_to_matrix tmat2 concatmatrix } bdef /ds {stri astore pop} bdef /dt {dtri astore pop} bdef /db {2 copy /cols xdef /rows xdef mul dup 3 mul string currentfile 3 index 0 eq {/ASCIIHexDecode filter} {/ASCII85Decode filter 3 index 2 eq {/RunLengthDecode filter} if } ifelse exch readstring pop dup 0 3 index getinterval /rbmap xdef dup 2 index dup getinterval /gbmap xdef 1 index dup 2 mul exch getinterval /bbmap xdef pop pop}bdef /it {gs np dtri aload pop moveto lineto lineto cp c cols rows 8 compute_transform rbmap gbmap bbmap true 3 colorimage gr}bdef /il {newpath moveto lineto stroke}bdef currentdict end def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup MathWorks begin 0 cap end %%EndSetup %%Page: 1 1 %%BeginPageSetup %%PageBoundingBox: -44 170 641 672 MathWorks begin bpage %%EndPageSetup %%BeginObject: obj1 bplot /dpi2point 12 def portraitMode -0528 8064 csm 0 0 8231 6023 rc 88 dict begin %Colortable dictionary /c0 { 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 sr} bdef /c1 { 1.000000 1.000000 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