%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Creator: MATLAB, The Mathworks, Inc. Version (R2008b). Operating System: Linux 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5.inf.1PAE #1 SMP Mon Oct 20 10:33:44 BST 2008 i686. %%Title: /afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/user/s/sgwater/research/papers/2009/acl09-short/code/approximations.eps %%CreationDate: 04/25/2009 11:31:18 %%DocumentNeededFonts: Helvetica %%DocumentProcessColors: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Pages: 1 %%BoundingBox: 89 164 503 676 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog % MathWorks dictionary /MathWorks 160 dict begin % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bind def /xdef {exch def} bdef /xstore {exch store} bdef % operator abbreviations /c /clip ldef /cc /concat ldef /cp /closepath ldef /gr /grestore ldef /gs /gsave ldef /mt /moveto ldef /np /newpath ldef /cm /currentmatrix ldef /sm /setmatrix ldef /rm /rmoveto ldef /rl /rlineto ldef /s {show newpath} bdef /sc {setcmykcolor} bdef /sr /setrgbcolor ldef /sg /setgray ldef /w /setlinewidth ldef /j /setlinejoin ldef /cap /setlinecap ldef /rc {rectclip} bdef /rf {rectfill} bdef % page 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moveto scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef /FAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn tMatrix setmatrix stroke} bdef /PAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate 0 0 moveto scale 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef /vradius 0 def /hradius 0 def /lry 0 def /lrx 0 def /uly 0 def /ulx 0 def /rad 0 def /MRR {/vradius xdef /hradius xdef /lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx hradius add uly vradius add translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 180 270 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx hradius sub uly vradius add translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 270 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx hradius sub lry vradius sub translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 0 90 arc tMatrix setmatrix ulx hradius add lry vradius sub translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 90 180 arc tMatrix setmatrix closepath} bdef /FRR {MRR stroke } bdef /PRR {MRR fill } bdef /MlrRR {/lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx 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1.000000 sr} bdef /c2 { 0.900000 0.000000 0.000000 sr} bdef /c3 { 0.000000 0.820000 0.000000 sr} bdef /c4 { 0.000000 0.000000 0.800000 sr} bdef /c5 { 0.910000 0.820000 0.320000 sr} bdef /c6 { 1.000000 0.260000 0.820000 sr} bdef /c7 { 0.000000 0.820000 0.820000 sr} bdef c0 1 j 1 sg 0 0 4977 6136 rf 6 w 0 5000 3856 0 0 -5000 647 5460 4 MP PP -3856 0 0 5000 3856 0 0 -5000 647 5460 5 MP stroke 4 w DO SO 6 w 0 sg 647 5460 mt 4503 5460 L 647 460 mt 4503 460 L 647 5460 mt 647 460 L 4503 5460 mt 4503 460 L 647 5460 mt 4503 5460 L 647 5460 mt 647 460 L 754 5460 mt 754 5410 L 754 460 mt 754 510 L %%IncludeResource: font Helvetica /Helvetica /ISOLatin1Encoding 168 FMSR 708 5650 mt (1) s 1076 5460 mt 1076 5410 L 1076 460 mt 1076 510 L 1053 5650 mt ( ) s 1265 5460 mt 1265 5410 L 1265 460 mt 1265 510 L 1242 5650 mt ( ) s 1398 5460 mt 1398 5410 L 1398 460 mt 1398 510 L 1375 5650 mt ( ) s 1502 5460 mt 1502 5410 L 1502 460 mt 1502 510 L 1479 5650 mt ( ) s 1587 5460 mt 1587 5410 L 1587 460 mt 1587 510 L 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mt 4453 4240 L 566 4302 mt ( ) s 647 4147 mt 697 4147 L 4503 4147 mt 4453 4147 L 566 4209 mt ( ) s 647 4066 mt 697 4066 L 4503 4066 mt 4453 4066 L 566 4128 mt ( ) s 647 3995 mt 697 3995 L 4503 3995 mt 4453 3995 L 566 4057 mt ( ) s 647 3932 mt 697 3932 L 4503 3932 mt 4453 3932 L 519 3994 mt (1) s 647 3514 mt 697 3514 L 4503 3514 mt 4453 3514 L 566 3576 mt ( ) s 647 3269 mt 697 3269 L 4503 3269 mt 4453 3269 L 566 3331 mt ( ) s 647 3096 mt 697 3096 L 4503 3096 mt 4453 3096 L 566 3158 mt ( ) s 647 2961 mt 697 2961 L 4503 2961 mt 4453 2961 L 566 3023 mt ( ) s 647 2851 mt 697 2851 L 4503 2851 mt 4453 2851 L 566 2913 mt ( ) s 647 2758 mt 697 2758 L 4503 2758 mt 4453 2758 L 566 2820 mt ( ) s 647 2677 mt 697 2677 L 4503 2677 mt 4453 2677 L 566 2739 mt ( ) s 647 2606 mt 697 2606 L 4503 2606 mt 4453 2606 L 566 2668 mt ( ) s 647 2543 mt 697 2543 L 4503 2543 mt 4453 2543 L 426 2605 mt (10) s 647 2125 mt 697 2125 L 4503 2125 mt 4453 2125 L 566 2187 mt ( ) s 647 1880 mt 697 1880 L 4503 1880 mt 4453 1880 L 566 1942 mt ( ) s 647 1707 mt 697 1707 L 4503 1707 mt 4453 1707 L 566 1769 mt ( ) s 647 1572 mt 697 1572 L 4503 1572 mt 4453 1572 L 566 1634 mt ( ) s 647 1462 mt 697 1462 L 4503 1462 mt 4453 1462 L 566 1524 mt ( ) s 647 1369 mt 697 1369 L 4503 1369 mt 4453 1369 L 566 1431 mt ( ) s 647 1289 mt 697 1289 L 4503 1289 mt 4453 1289 L 566 1351 mt ( ) s 647 1217 mt 697 1217 L 4503 1217 mt 4453 1217 L 566 1279 mt ( ) s 647 1154 mt 697 1154 L 4503 1154 mt 4453 1154 L 332 1216 mt (100) s 647 736 mt 697 736 L 4503 736 mt 4453 736 L 566 798 mt ( ) s 647 491 mt 697 491 L 4503 491 mt 4453 491 L 566 553 mt ( ) s 647 5460 mt 4503 5460 L 647 460 mt 4503 460 L 647 5460 mt 647 460 L 4503 5460 mt 4503 460 L gs 647 460 3857 5001 rc 18 w 0.7 sg 265 -2 266 -1 265 -1 265 -1 265 -1 266 -1 265 -1 265 -1 266 -2 265 -1 265 -1 265 -1 266 -3 886 3932 14 MP stroke 6 w gr 0.7 sg 0 sg 850 3932 mt 922 3932 L 886 3896 mt 886 3968 L 1116 3929 mt 1188 3929 L 1152 3893 mt 1152 3965 L 1381 3928 mt 1453 3928 L 1417 3892 mt 1417 3964 L 1646 3927 mt 1718 3927 L 1682 3891 mt 1682 3963 L 1911 3926 mt 1983 3926 L 1947 3890 mt 1947 3962 L 2177 3924 mt 2249 3924 L 2213 3888 mt 2213 3960 L 2442 3923 mt 2514 3923 L 2478 3887 mt 2478 3959 L 2707 3922 mt 2779 3922 L 2743 3886 mt 2743 3958 L 2973 3922 mt 3045 3922 L 3009 3886 mt 3009 3958 L 3238 3919 mt 3310 3919 L 3274 3883 mt 3274 3955 L 3503 3919 mt 3575 3919 L 3539 3883 mt 3539 3955 L 3768 3919 mt 3840 3919 L 3804 3883 mt 3804 3955 L 4034 3917 mt 4106 3917 L 4070 3881 mt 4070 3953 L 4299 3918 mt 4371 3918 L 4335 3882 mt 4335 3954 L 861 3907 mt 911 3957 L 911 3907 mt 861 3957 L 1127 3904 mt 1177 3954 L 1177 3904 mt 1127 3954 L 1392 3903 mt 1442 3953 L 1442 3903 mt 1392 3953 L 1657 3902 mt 1707 3952 L 1707 3902 mt 1657 3952 L 1922 3901 mt 1972 3951 L 1972 3901 mt 1922 3951 L 2188 3899 mt 2238 3949 L 2238 3899 mt 2188 3949 L 2453 3898 mt 2503 3948 L 2503 3898 mt 2453 3948 L 2718 3897 mt 2768 3947 L 2768 3897 mt 2718 3947 L 2984 3897 mt 3034 3947 L 3034 3897 mt 2984 3947 L 3249 3894 mt 3299 3944 L 3299 3894 mt 3249 3944 L 3514 3894 mt 3564 3944 L 3564 3894 mt 3514 3944 L 3779 3894 mt 3829 3944 L 3829 3894 mt 3779 3944 L 4045 3892 mt 4095 3942 L 4095 3892 mt 4045 3942 L 4310 3893 mt 4360 3943 L 4360 3893 mt 4310 3943 L gs 647 460 3857 5001 rc gr 36 36 886 3932 FO 36 36 1152 3929 FO 36 36 1417 3928 FO 36 36 1682 3927 FO 36 36 1947 3926 FO 36 36 2213 3924 FO 36 36 2478 3923 FO 36 36 2743 3922 FO 36 36 3009 3921 FO 36 36 3274 3919 FO 36 36 3539 3919 FO 36 36 3804 3918 FO 36 36 4070 3916 FO 36 36 4335 3920 FO gs 647 460 3857 5001 rc 18 w 0.7 sg 265 -9 266 -9 265 -9 265 -10 265 -9 266 -10 265 -10 265 -10 266 -11 265 -11 265 -10 265 -14 266 -23 886 3932 14 MP stroke DA 265 -32 266 -32 265 -36 265 -37 265 -40 266 -43 265 -47 265 -50 266 -56 265 -61 265 -57 265 -84 266 -129 886 5241 14 MP stroke SO 6 w gr 0.7 sg 0 sg 850 3932 mt 922 3932 L 886 3896 mt 886 3968 L 1116 3909 mt 1188 3909 L 1152 3873 mt 1152 3945 L 1381 3895 mt 1453 3895 L 1417 3859 mt 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2376 mt 2984 2426 L 3249 2294 mt 3299 2344 L 3299 2294 mt 3249 2344 L 3514 2222 mt 3564 2272 L 3564 2222 mt 3514 2272 L 3779 2156 mt 3829 2206 L 3829 2156 mt 3779 2206 L 4045 2099 mt 4095 2149 L 4095 2099 mt 4045 2149 L 4310 2044 mt 4360 2094 L 4360 2044 mt 4310 2094 L gs 647 460 3857 5001 rc gr 36 36 886 3932 FO 36 36 1152 3713 FO 36 36 1417 3510 FO 36 36 1682 3318 FO 36 36 1947 3048 FO 36 36 2213 2733 FO 36 36 2478 2401 FO 36 36 2743 2061 FO 36 36 3009 1720 FO 36 36 3274 1380 FO 36 36 3539 1045 FO 36 36 3804 746 FO gs 647 460 3857 5001 rc gr 240 4103 mt -90 rotate (Mean number of lexical entries) s 90 rotate 1812 5794 mt (Word frequency \(n) s %%IncludeResource: font Helvetica /Helvetica /ISOLatin1Encoding 132 FMSR 3188 5878 mt (w) s %%IncludeResource: font Helvetica /Helvetica /ISOLatin1Encoding 168 FMSR 3283 5794 mt (\)) s %%IncludeResource: font Helvetica /Helvetica /ISOLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR 630 5503 mt ( ) s 4487 502 mt ( ) s 1 sg 0 846 2267 0 0 -846 707 1366 4 MP PP -2267 0 0 846 2267 0 0 -846 707 1366 5 MP stroke 4 w DO SO 6 w 0 sg 707 1366 mt 2974 1366 L 707 520 mt 2974 520 L 707 1366 mt 707 520 L 2974 1366 mt 2974 520 L 707 1366 mt 2974 1366 L 707 1366 mt 707 520 L 707 1366 mt 2974 1366 L 707 520 mt 2974 520 L 707 1366 mt 707 520 L 2974 1366 mt 2974 520 L %%IncludeResource: font Helvetica /Helvetica /ISOLatin1Encoding 168 FMSR 1183 698 mt (Expectation) s gs 707 520 2268 847 rc 18 w 0.7 sg 365 0 780 637 2 MP stroke gr 18 w 0.7 sg 0 sg 1183 902 mt (Antoniak approx.) s gs 707 520 2268 847 rc DA 0.7 sg 365 0 780 841 2 MP stroke SO gr 0.7 sg 0 sg 1183 1105 mt (Empirical, fixed base) s gs 707 520 2268 847 rc 6 w gs 889 971 147 147 rc 926 1044 mt 998 1044 L 962 1008 mt 962 1080 L 937 1019 mt 987 1069 L 987 1019 mt 937 1069 L gr gr 6 w 1183 1309 mt (Empirical, inferred base) s gs 707 520 2268 847 rc gs 889 1175 147 147 rc 36 36 962 1248 FO gr gr end %%Color Dict eplot %%EndObject epage end showpage %%Trailer %%EOF